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High pressure and temperature have been used efficiently to shed light on prion protein structure and folding. These physical parameters induce different conformational states of the prion protein, suggesting that prion structural changes occur within a complex energy landscape. Pressure has been used to prevent and even reverse prion protein aggregation. Alternatively, depending on experimental conditions, pressure also promotes prion protein aggregation leading to the formation of amorphous aggregates and amyloid fibrils. The latter ones show all characteristics of the pathogenic scrapie form. Furthermore, the pressure effects on prion protein structure appear to be strongly dependent on the integrity of the disulfide bond. In this paper, we discuss the mechanism and the origin of these opposing effects of pressure, taking the truncated form of hamster prion protein (SHaPrP(90-231)) as a model.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae non-Mendelian factor [URE3] propagates by a prion-like mechanism, involving aggregation of the chromosomally encoded protein Ure2. The N-terminal prion domain (PrD) of Ure2 is required for prion activity in vivo and amyloid formation in vitro. However, the molecular mechanism of the prion-like activity remains obscure. Here we measure the kinetics of folding of Ure2 and two N-terminal variants that lack all or part of the PrD. The kinetic folding behaviour of the three proteins is identical, indicating that the PrD does not change the stability, rates of folding or folding pathway of Ure2. Both unfolding and refolding kinetics are multiphasic. An intermediate is populated during unfolding at high denaturant concentrations resulting in the appearance of an unfolding burst phase and "roll-over" in the denaturant dependence of the unfolding rate constants. During refolding the appearance of a burst phase indicates formation of an intermediate during the dead-time of stopped-flow mixing. A further fast phase shows second-order kinetics, indicating formation of a dimeric intermediate. Regain of native-like fluorescence displays a distinct lag due to population of this on-pathway dimeric intermediate. Double-jump experiments indicate that isomerisation of Pro166, which is cis in the native state, occurs late in refolding after regain of native-like fluorescence. During protein refolding there is kinetic partitioning between productive folding via the dimeric intermediate and a non-productive side reaction via an aggregation prone monomeric intermediate. In the light of this and other studies, schemes for folding, aggregation and prion formation are proposed.  相似文献   

Folding studies of two hydrostatic pressure sensitive proteins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
High hydrostatic pressure combined with various spectroscopies is a powerful technique to study protein folding. An ideal model system for protein folding studies should have the following characteristics. (1) The protein should be sensitive to pressure, so that the protein can be unfolded under mild pressure. (2) The folding process of the protein should be easily modulated by several chemical or physical factors. (3) The folding process should be easily monitored by some spectroscopic parameters. Here, we summarized the pressure induced folding studies of two proteins isolated from spinach photosystem II, namely the 23-kDa and the 33-kDa protein. They have all the characteristics mention above and might be an ideal model protein system for pressure studies.  相似文献   

V Schultes  R Jaenicke 《FEBS letters》1991,290(1-2):235-238
D-Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase from the hyperthermophilic eubacterium, Thermotoga maritima, is extremely thermostable showing a thermal transition beyong 105°C. At low temperature, ‘cold denaturation’ becomes detectable only in the presence of destabilizing agents. Reconstitution after preceding denaturation depends on temperature. At 0°C, no significant recovery of activity is detectable, whereas between 30 and 100°C reactivation reaches up to 85%. Shifting the temperature from low values to the range of optimum reconstitution releases the trapped intermediate in a fast reaction. Evidence from ultra-centrifugal analysis and far-UV circular dichroism proves the intermediate to be partially assembled to the tetramer, with most of its native secondary structure restored in a fast reaction. Fluorescence emission exhibits at least biphasic kinetics with the rate-limiting step(s) reflecting local adjustments of aromatic residues involved in tertiary contacts in the native state of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Sheep is a unique example among mammalian species to present a strong correlation between genotype and prion disease susceptibility phenotype. Indeed a well-defined set of PrP polymorphisms at positions 136, 154 and 171 (sheep numbering) govern scrapie susceptibility, ranging from very high susceptibility for V136-R154-Q171 variant (VRQ) to resistance for A136-R154-R171 variant (ARR).To get better insight into the molecular mechanisms of scrapie susceptibility/resistance, the unfolding pathways of the different full-length recombinant sheep prion protein variants were analysed by differential scanning calorimetry in a wide range of pH. In the pH range 4.5-6.0, thermal unfolding occurs through a reversible one-step process while at pH <4.5 and >6.0 unfolding intermediates are formed, which are stable in the temperature range 65-80 degrees C. While these general behaviours are shared by all variants, VRQ and ARQ (susceptibility variants) show higher thermal stability than AHQ and ARR (resistance variants) and the formation of their unfolding intermediates requires higher activation energy than in the case of AHQ and ARR. Furthermore, secondary structures of the unfolding intermediates differentiate variants: ARR unfolding intermediate exhibits random coil structure, contrasting with the beta-sheet structure of VRQ and ARQ unfolding intermediates. The rate of the unfolding intermediate formation allows us to classify genetic variants along increasing scrapie susceptibility at pH 4.0, VRQ and ARQ rates being the highest. Rather poor correlation is observed at pH 7.2. Upon cooling, these intermediates refold into stable species, which are rich in beta-type secondary structures and, as revealed by thioflavin T fluorescence and electron microscopy, share amyloid characteristics. These results highlight the prion protein plasticity genetically modulated in sheep, and might provide a molecular basis for sheep predisposition to scrapie taking into account both thermodynamic stability and transconformation rate of prion protein.  相似文献   

The relevance of various residue positions for the stability and the folding characteristics of the prion protein in its normal cellular form are investigated by using molecular dynamics simulations of models exploiting the topology of the native state. These models allow for reproducing the experimentally validated two-state behavior of the normal prion isoform. Highly significant correlations are found between the most topologically relevant sites in our analysis and the single point mutations known to be associated with the arousal of the genetic forms of prion disease. Insight into the conformational change is provided by comparing the folding process of cellular prion and doppel that share a similar native state topology: the folding pathways of the former can be grouped in two main classes according to which tertiary structure contacts are formed first enroute to the native state. For the latter a single class of pathways leads to the native state again through a two-state process. Our results are consistent and supportive of the recent experimental findings that doppel lacks the scrapie isoform and that such remarkably different behavior involves residues in the region containing the two beta-strands and the intervening helix.  相似文献   

Dual nature of the infectious prion protein revealed by high pressure   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Crude brain homogenates of terminally diseased hamsters infected with the 263K strain of scrapie (PrP(Sc)) and purified prion fibrils were heated or pressurized at 800 megapascals and 60 degrees C for 2 h in different buffers and in water. Prion proteins (PrP) were analyzed for their proteinase K resistance in immunoblots and for their infectivity in hamster bioassays. A notable decrease in the proteinase K resistance of unpurified prion proteins, probably because of pressure-induced changes in the protein conformation of native PrP(Sc) or the N-truncated PrP-(27-30), could be demonstrated when pressurized at initially neutral conditions in several buffers and in water but not in a slightly acidic pH. A subsequent 6-7 log(10) reduction of infectious units/g in phosphate-buffered saline buffer, pH 7.4, was found. The proteinase K-resistant core was also not detectable after purification of prions extracted from pressurized samples, confirming pressure effects at the level of the secondary structure of prion proteins. However, opposite results were found after pressurizing purified prions, arguing for the existence of pressure-sensitive beta-structures (PrP(Sc)(DeltaPsen)) and extremely pressure-resistant beta-structures (PrP(Sc)(DeltaPres)). Remarkably, after the first centrifugation step at 540,000 x g during isolation, prions remained proteinase K-resistant when pressurized in all tested buffers and in water. It is known that purified fibrils retain infectivity, but the isolated protein (full and N-truncated) behaved differently from native PrP(Sc) under pressure, suggesting a kind of semicrystalline polymer structure.  相似文献   

LDH and GOT can be used with assurance as indicators of pressure-temperature effects in most regions of interest, specifically below 20,000 psi. LDH was susceptible to pressure deactivation at pressure levels below those tolerated by chymotrypsin, trypsin and alpha-amylase of Bacillus subtilis (17, 18, 20). Samples of LDH and GOT cooled to −20 °C were deactivated to the greatest extent by the application of pressure. The presence of glycerine and DMSO appeared to increase the sensitivity of GOT and LDH to pressure deactivation. When pressure was applied before cooling all pressures above 15,000 psi resulted in some deactivation of LDH and all pressures above 20,000 psi resulted in some deactivation of GOT.  相似文献   

Mayaro virus is an enveloped virus that belongs to the Alphavirus genus. To gain insight into the mechanism involved in Mayaro virus membrane fusion, we used hydrostatic pressure and low pH to isolate a fusion-active state of Mayaro glycoproteins. In response to pressure, E1 glycoprotein undergoes structural changes resulting in the formation of a stable conformation. This state was characterized and correlated to that induced by low pH as measured by intrinsic fluorescence, 4,4′-dianilino-1,1′-binaphthyl-5,5′-disulfonic acid, dipotassium salt fluorescence, fluorescence resonance energy transfer, electron microscopy, and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. In parallel, we used a neutralization assay to show that Mayaro virus in the fusogenic state retained most of the original immunogenic properties and could elicit high titers of neutralizing antibodies.  相似文献   

Phillips RS  Holtermann G 《Biochemistry》2005,44(43):14289-14297
Escherichia coli tryptophan indole-lyase (Trpase) is a bacterial pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (PLP)-dependent enzyme which catalyzes the reversible beta-elimination of l-Trp to give indole and ammonium pyruvate. H463F mutant E. coli Trpase (H463F Trpase) has very low activity with l-Trp, but it has near wild-type activity with other in vitro substrates, such as S-ethyl-l-cysteine and S-(o-nitrophenyl)-l-cysteine [Phillips, R. S., Johnson, N., and Kamath, A. V. (2002) Formation in vitro of Hybrid Dimers of H463F and Y74F Mutant Escherichia coli Tryptophan Indole-lyase Rescues Activity with l-Tryptophan, Biochemistry 41, 4012-4019]. The interaction of H463F Trpase with l-Trp and l-Met, a competitive inhibitor, has been investigated by rapid-scanning stopped-flow, high-pressure, and pressure jump spectrophotometry. Both l-Trp and l-Met bind to H463F Trpase to form equilibrating mixtures of external aldimine and quinonoid intermediates, absorbing at approximately 420 and approximately 505 nm, respectively. The apparent rate constant for quinonoid intermediate formation exhibits a hyperbolic dependence on l-Trp and l-Met concentration. The rate constant for quinonoid intermediate formation from l-Trp is approximately 10-fold lower for H463F Trpase than for wild-type Trpase, but the rate constant for reaction of l-Met is similar for H463F Trpase and wild-type Trpase. The temperature dependence of the rate constants for quinonoid intermediate formation reveals that both l-Trp and l-Met have similar values of DeltaH(++), but l-Met has a more negative value of DeltaS(++). Hydrostatic pressure perturbs the spectra of the H463F l-Trp and l-Met complexes, by shifting the position of the equilibria between different quinonoid and external aldimine complexes. Pressure-jump experiments show relaxations at 500 nm after rapid pressure changes of 100-400 bar with both l-Trp and l-Met. The apparent rate constants for relaxation of l-Trp, but not l-Met, show a significant increase with pressure. From these data, the value of DeltaV(++) for quinonoid intermediate formation from the external aldimine of l-Trp can be estimated to be -26.5 mL/mol, a larger than expected negative value for a proton transfer. These results suggest that there may be a contribution to the deprotonation reaction either from quantum mechanical tunneling or from a mechanical coupling of protein motion and proton transfer associated with the reaction of l-Trp, but not with l-Met.  相似文献   

We have investigated the intracellular traffic of PrP(c), a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored protein implicated in spongiform encephalopathies. A fluorescent functional green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged version of PrP(c) is found at the cell surface and in intracellular compartments in SN56 cells. Confocal microscopy and organelle-specific markers suggest that the protein is found in both the Golgi and the recycling endosomal compartment. Perturbation of endocytosis with a dynamin I-K44A dominant-negative mutant altered the steady-state distribution of the GFP-PrP(c), leading to the accumulation of fluorescence in unfissioned endocytic intermediates. These pre-endocytic intermediates did not seem to accumulate GFP-GPI, a minimum GPI-anchored protein, suggesting that PrP(c) trafficking does not depend solely on the GPI anchor. We found that internalized GFP-PrP(c) accumulates in Rab5-positive endosomes and that a Rab5 mutant alters the steady-state distribution of GFP-PrP(c) but not that of GFP-GPI between the plasma membrane and early endosomes. Therefore, we conclude that PrP(c) internalizes via a dynamin-dependent endocytic pathway and that the protein is targeted to the recycling endosomal compartment via Rab5-positive early endosomes. These observations indicate that traffic of GFP-PrP(c) is not determined predominantly by the GPI anchor and that, different from other GPI-anchored proteins, PrP(c) is delivered to classic endosomes after internalization.  相似文献   

SNARE (soluble NSF attachment protein receptor) proteins assemble into a stable complex essential for vesicle-membrane fusion. To further understand SNARE function we have used solution nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy to characterize three assembly states of a yeast SNARE complex: first, the 'closed' conformation of Sso1; second, the binary complex of Sso1 and Sec9; and third, the ternary complex of Sso1, Sec9 and Snc1. Sec9 and Snc1 are unstructured in isolation. Sso1 likely consists of a four helix bundle formed by part of the C-terminal Hcore domain and the N-terminal H(A)H(B)H(C) domain, and this bundle is flanked on both sides by large flexible regions. Sso1 switches to an 'open' state when its Hcore domain binds Sec9. Conformational switching of the Hcore domain, via H(A)H(B)H(C), may provide a key regulatory mechanism in SNARE assembly. Formation of binary and ternary complexes induces additional alpha-helical structure in previously unstructured regions. Our data suggest a directed assembly process beginning distal to the membrane surfaces and proceeding toward them, bringing membranes into close proximity and possibly leading to membrane fusion.  相似文献   

Gu W  Wang T  Zhu J  Shi Y  Liu H 《Biophysical chemistry》2003,104(1):79-94
Four 10-ns molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of the human prion protein domain (HuPrP 125-228) in explicit water solution have been performed. Each of the simulations mimicked a different environment of the protein: the neutral pH environment was simulated with all histidine residues neutral and bearing a ND proton and with other titratable side chains charged, the weakly acidic environment was simulated with all titratable side chains charged, the strongly acidic environment was simulated with all titratable side chains protonated. The protein in neutral pH environment was simulated at both ambient (298 K) and higher (350 K) temperatures. The native fold is stable in the neutral pH/ambient temperature simulation. Through out all other simulations, a quite stable core consisted of 10-20 residues around the disulfide bond retain their initial conformations. However, the secondary structures of the protein show changes of various degrees compared to the native fold, parts of the helices unfolded and the beta-sheets extended. Our simulations indicated that the heat-induced unfolding and acid-induced unfolding of HuPrP might follow different pathways: the initial stage of the acid-induced unfolding may include not only changes in secondary structures, but also changes in the tertiary structures. Under the strongly acidic condition, obvious tertiary structure changes take place after 10-ns simulation, the secondary structure elements and the loops becoming more parallel to each other, resulting in a compact state, which was stabilized by a large number of new, non-native side chain-side chain contacts. Such tertiary structure changes were not observed in the higher temperature simulation, and intuitively, they may favor the further extension of the beta-sheets and eventually the agglomeration of multiple protein molecules. The driving forces for this tertiary structure changes are discussed. Two additional 10-ns MD simulations, one with Asp202 protonated and the other with Glu196 protonated compared to the neutral pH simulation, were carried out. The results showed that the stability of the native fold is very subtle and can be strongly disturbed by eliminating a single negative charge at one of such key sites. Correlations of our results with previous experimental and theoretical studies are discussed.  相似文献   

Kamen DE  Woody RW 《Biochemistry》2002,41(14):4713-4723
Pectate lyase C (pelC) is a member of the class of proteins that possess a parallel beta-helix folding motif. A study of the kinetic folding mechanism is presented in this report. Kinetic circular dichroism (CD) and fluorescence have been used to observe changes in the structure of pelC as a function of time upon folding and unfolding. Three folding phases are observed with far-UV CD and four phases are observed with near-UV CD. The two slowest phases have relaxation times on the order of 21 and 46 s in aqueous buffer. Double-jump refolding assays and the measured activation enthalpies (16.0 and 21.2 kcal/mol for the respective slow phases) suggest that these two phases are the result of the slow cis-trans isomerization of prolyl-peptide bonds. We have determined that the earliest observed folding phase involves the formation of most, if not all, of the secondary structure with a relaxation time of 0.25 s. We also observed a phase by near-UV CD on the order of 0.25 s. This suggests that along with the appearance of secondary structure, some tertiary contacts are made. There is one kinetic phase observed in the near-UV CD and fluorescence that has no corresponding far-UV CD phase. This occurs with a relaxation time of 1.1 s. The temperature dependence of the natural log of the folding rate constant suggests that folding occurs via a sequential mechanism in which an on-pathway intermediate in rapid equilibrium with the unfolded protein is present. Semiempirical CD calculations support the idea that the beta-helix region of pelC forms in the fast kinetic phase, yielding near-native secondary and tertiary structures in that region. This is followed by the slower formation of the loop regions connecting individual strands of the beta-helix.  相似文献   

Suspensions of Bacillus cereus T, B. subtilis, and B. pumilus spores in water or potassium phosphate buffer were germinated by hydrostatic pressures of between 325 and 975 atm. Kinetics of germination at temperatures within the range of 25 to 44 degrees C were determined, and thermodynamic parameters were calculated. The optimum temperature for germination was dependent on pressure, species, suspending medium, and storage time after heat activation. Germination rates increased significantly with small increments of pressure, as indicated by high negative deltaV values of -230 +/- 5 cm3/mol for buffered B. subtilis (500 to 700 atm) and B. pumilus (500 atm) spores and -254 +/- 18 cm3/mol for aqueous B. subtilis (400 to 550 atm) spores at 40 degrees C and -612 +/- 41 cm3/mol for B. cereus (500 to 700 atm) spores at 25 degrees C. The ranges of thermodynamic constants calculated at 40 degrees C for buffered B. pumilus and B. subtilis spores at 500 and 600 atm and for aqueous B. subtilis spores at 500 atm were: Ea = 181,000 to 267,000 J/mol; deltaH = 178,000 to 264,000 J/mol; deltaG = 94,000 to 98,300 J/mol; deltaS = 264 to 544 J/mol per degree K. These values are consistent with the concept that the transformation of a dormant to a germinating spore induced by hydrostatic pressure involves either hydration or a reduction in the visocosity of the spore core and a conformational change of an enzyme.  相似文献   

The recombinant mouse prion protein (MoPrP) can be folded either to a monomeric alpha-helical or oligomeric beta-sheet-rich isoform. By using circular dichroism spectroscopy and size-exclusion chromatography, we show that the beta-rich isoform of MoPrP is thermodynamically more stable than the native alpha-helical isoform. The conformational transition from the alpha-helical to beta-rich isoform is separated by a large energetic barrier that is associated with unfolding and with a higher order kinetic process related to oligomerization. Under partially denaturing acidic conditions, MoPrP avoids the kinetic trap posed by the alpha-helical isoform and folds directly to the thermodynamically more stable beta-rich isoform. Our data demonstrate that the folding of the prion protein to its native alpha-helical monomeric conformation is under kinetic control.  相似文献   

In chondrocytes, a low-amplitude intermittent hydrostatic pressure induces production of extracellular matrix molecules, while high hydrostatic pressure inhibits it. High pressure increases cellular heat shock protein 70 level in a number of cell types on account of increased stabilisation of the heat shock protein 70 mRNA. In our experiments, only bovine primary chondrocytes, but not an immortalized chondrocytic cell line, could resist the induction of the stress response in the presence of continuous 30 MPa hydrostatic pressure. We have recently shown that protein synthesis is required for the stabilization. According to two-dimensional gel electrophoresis the synthesis of heat shock protein 90 was also increased in a chondrocytic cell line and in HeLa cells, and mass spectrometric analysis suggested that the induction was rather due to increase in heat shock protein 90beta than in heat shock protein 90alpha. The stress response was rather intense in HeLa cells, therefore, we investigated the effect of continuous 30 MPa hydrostatic pressure on the expression of the two heat shock protein 90 genes in HeLa cells using Northern and Western blot analyses. Heat shock protein 90beta mRNA level increased within 6 hours of exposure to 30 MPa hydrostatic pressure, while hsp90alpha level remained stable. At protein level there was a clear increase in the heat shock protein 90beta/heat shock protein 90alpha ratio, too. These results show a specific regulation of stress proteins in cells exposed to high hydrostatic pressure.  相似文献   

The stability and equilibrium unfolding of a model three-helix bundle protein, alpha(3)-1, by guanidine hydrochloride (GdnHCl), hydrostatic pressure, and temperature have been investigated. The combined use of these denaturing agents allowed detection of two partially folded states of alpha(3)-1, as monitored by circular dichroism, intrinsic fluorescence emission, and fluorescence of the hydrophobic probe bis-ANS (4,4'-dianilino-1,1'-binaphthyl-5,5'-disulfonic acid). The overall free-energy change for complete unfolding of alpha(3)-1, determined from GdnHCl unfolding data, is +4.6 kcal/mol. The native state is stabilized by -1.4 kcal/mol relative to a partially folded pressure-denatured intermediate (I(1)). Cold denaturation at high pressure gives rise to a second partially (un)folded conformation (I(2)), suggesting a significant contribution of hydrophobic interactions to the stability of alpha(3)-1. The free energy of stabilization of the native-like state relative to I(2) is evaluated to be -2.5 kcal/mol. Bis-ANS binding to the pressure- and cold-denatured states indicates the existence of significant residual hydrophobic structure in the partially (un)folded states of alpha(3)-1. The demonstration of folding intermediates of alpha(3)-1 lends experimental support to a number of recent protein folding simulation studies of other three-helix bundle proteins that predicted the existence of such intermediates. The results are discussed in terms of the significance of de novo designed proteins for protein folding studies.  相似文献   

The kinetics of folding of mPrP(121-231), the structured 111-residue domain of the murine cellular prion protein PrP(C), were investigated by stopped-flow fluorescence using the variant F175W, which has the same overall structure and stability as wild-type mPrP(121-231) but shows a strong fluorescence change upon unfolding. At 22 degrees C and pH 7.0, folding of mPrP(121-231)-F175W is too fast to be observable by stopped-flow techniques. Folding at 4 degrees C occurs with a deduced half-life of approximately 170 micros without detectable intermediates, possibly the fastest protein-folding reaction known so far. Thus, propagation of the abnormal, oligomeric prion protein PrP(Sc), which is supposed to be the causative agent of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies, is unlikely to follow a mechanism where kinetic folding intermediates of PrP(C) are a source of PrP(Sc) subunits.  相似文献   

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