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The aim of this study was to assess H-reflex plasticity and activation pattern of the plantar flexors during a sustained contraction where voluntary EMG activity was controlled via an EMG biofeedback. Twelve healthy males (28.0 ± 4.8 yr) performed a sustained isometric plantar flexion while instructed to maintain summed EMG root mean square (RMS) of gastrocnemius lateralis (GL) and gastrocnemius medialis (GM) muscles fixed at a target corresponding to 80% maximal voluntary contraction torque via an EMG biofeedback. Transcutaneous electrical stimulation of the posterior tibial nerve was evoked during the contraction to obtain the maximal H-reflex amplitude to maximal M-wave amplitude ratio (Hsup/Msup ratio) from GL, GM and soleus (SOL) muscles. Neuromuscular function was also assessed before and immediately after exercise. Results showed a decrease in SOL activation during sustained flexion (from 65.5 ± 6.4% to 42.3 ± 3.8% maximal EMG, p < 0.001), whereas summed EMG RMS of GL and GM remained constant (59.7 ± 4.8% of maximal EMG on average). No significant change in the Hsup/Msup ratio was found for SOL, GL and GM muscles. Furthermore, it appears that the decrease in maximal voluntary contraction torque (?20.4 ± 2.9%, p < 0.001) was related to both neural and contractile impairment. Overall, these findings indicate that the balance between excitation and inhibition affecting the motoneuron pool remains constant during a sustained contraction where myoelectrical activity is controlled via an EMG biofeedback or let free to vary.  相似文献   

This study investigated how position in the range of motion influences the power spectral density function during static shoulder forward flexion. 23 healthy females (20-30 years) volunteered as subjects. They performed maximum static shoulder forward flexions in three positions: 45, 65 and 90 degrees of shoulder flexion. An isokinetic dynamometer was used and the subjects were seated in a specially constructed chair to enable adequate fixation. The elbow was extended and the hand pronated. Electromyographic (EMG) signals (using surface electrodes) were obtained from the descending part of the right trapezius, the anterior portion of the right deltoid, the right infraspinatus and the common belly of the right biceps brachii. The four EMG-signals and the torque and shoulder angle were analyzed by computer. For each 256 ms, mean power frequency, root mean square value and mean torque were calculated. At each of the three positions four 256 ms periods were analyzed and the data are presented as their means. In the trapezius and the biceps brachii the mean power frequency did not change between the three positions. Deltoid and infraspinatus had significantly higher mean power frequencies at 90 degrees than at 45 degrees of flexion. Different factors behind the change in mean power frequency are discussed. The need to standardize the range of motion when studying dynamic fatiguing contractions is emphasised.  相似文献   

During human locomotion lower extremity muscle-tendon units undergo cyclic length changes that were previously assumed to be representative of muscle fascicle length changes. Measurements in cats and humans have since revealed that muscle fascicle length changes can be uncoupled from those of the muscle-tendon unit. Ultrasonography is frequently used to estimate fascicle length changes during human locomotion. Fascicle length analysis requires time consuming manual methods that are prone to human error and experimenter bias. To bypass these limitations, we have developed an automatic fascicle tracking method based on the Lucas-Kanade optical flow algorithm with an affine optic flow extension. The aims of this study were to compare gastrocnemius fascicle length changes during locomotion using the automated and manual approaches and to determine the repeatability of the automated approach. Ultrasound was used to examine gastrocnemius fascicle lengths in eight participants walking at 4, 5, 6, and 7 km/h and jogging at 7 km/h on a treadmill. Ground reaction forces and three dimensional kinematics were recorded simultaneously. The level of agreement between methods and the repeatability of the automated method were quantified using the coefficient of multiple correlation (CMC). Regardless of speed, the level of agreement between methods was high, with overall CMC values of 0.90 ± 0.09 (95% CI: 0.86-0.95). Repeatability of the algorithm was also high, with an overall CMC of 0.88 ± 0.08 (95% CI: 0.79-0.96). The automated fascicle tracking method presented here is a robust, reliable, and time-efficient alternative to the manual analysis of muscle fascicle length during gait.  相似文献   

Although muscle–tendon slack length is a crucial parameter used in muscle models, this is one of the most difficult measures to estimate in vivo. The aim of this study was to determine the onset of the rise in tension (i.e., slack length) during passive stretching in both Achilles tendon and gastrocnemius medialis. Muscle and tendon shear elastic modulus was measured by elastography (supersonic shear imaging) during passive plantarflexion (0° and 90° of knee angle, 0° representing knee fully extended, in a random order) in 9 participants. The within-session repeatability of the determined slack length was good at 90° of knee flexion (SEM=3.3° and 2.2° for Achilles tendon and gastrocnemius medialis, respectively) and very good at 0° of knee flexion (SEM=1.9° and 1.9° for Achilles tendon and gastrocnemius medialis, respectively). The slack length of gastrocnemius medialis was obtained at a significantly lower plantarflexed angle than for Achilles tendon at both 0° (P<0.0001; mean difference=19.4±3.8°) and 90° of knee flexion (P<0.0001; mean difference=25.5±7.6°). In conclusion, this study showed that the joint angle at which the tendon falls slack can be experimentally determined using supersonic shear imaging. The slack length of gastrocnemius medialis and Achilles tendon occurred at different joint angles. Although reporting this result is crucial to a better understanding of muscle–tendon interactions, further experimental investigations are required to explain this result.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to clarify the effects of knee joint angle on the behavior of the medial gastrocnemius muscle (MG) fascicles during eccentric plantar flexions. Eight male subjects performed maximal eccentric plantar flexions at two knee positions [fully extended (K0) and 90° flexed (K90)]. The eccentric actions were preceded by static plantar flexion at a 30° plantar flexed position and then the ankle joint was forcibly dorsiflexed to 15° of dorsiflexion with an isokinetic dynamometer at 30°/s and 150°/s. Tendon force was calculated by dividing the plantar flexion torque by the estimated moment arm of the Achilles tendon. The MG fascicle length was determined with ultrasonography. The tendon forces during eccentric plantar flexions were influenced by the knee joint angle, but not by the angular velocity. The MG fascicle lengths were elongated as the ankle was dorsiflexed in K0, but in K90 they were almost constant despite the identical range of ankle joint motion. These results suggested that MG fascicle behavior during eccentric actions was markedly affected by the knee joint angle. The difference in the fascicle behavior between K0 and K90 could be attributed to the non-linear force–length relations and/or to the slackness of tendinous tissues.  相似文献   

This paper uses a EMG-driven Hill-type muscle model to estimate individual muscle forces of the triceps surae in isometric plantar flexion contractions. A uniform group of 20 young physical-active adult males was instructed to follow a specific contraction protocol with low (20%MVC) and medium-high (60%MVC) contractions, separated by relaxing intervals. The torque calculated by summing the individual muscle forces multiplied by the respective moment arms was compared to the torque measured by a dynamometer. Musculoskeletal parameters from the literature were used. Then, three different “correction factors” or bias have been applied on some of the muscle model parameters. These factors were based on anthropometric and dynamometric measurements: moment arm scaled by bimalleolar diameter, tendon slack length by leg length and optimal force by the maximum torque. Model torque agreement with dynamometer was recalculated with the parameter scales. It was observed that the relative torque estimation error decreased slightly but significantly when all factors were applied simultaneously (12.92±4.94% without scaling to 10.12±1.73%), which resulted mainly from the correction of the maximal muscle force parameter.  相似文献   

Aging is related to multiple changes in muscle physiology and function. Previous findings concerning the effects of aging on motor unit discharge rate (DR) and fluctuations in DR and force are somewhat contradictory. Eight YOUNG and nine OLD physically active males performed isometric ramp (RECR) and isotonic (ISO) plantar flexions at 10 and 20% of surface EMG at MVC. Motor unit (MU) action potentials were recorded with intramuscular fine-wire electrodes and decomposed with custom build software “Daisy”. DR was lower in OLD in RECR-10% (17.9%, p < 0.001), RECR-20% (15.8%, p < 0.05), ISO-10% (17.7%, p < 0.01) and ISO-20% (14%, n.s.). In YOUNG force fluctuations were smaller at ISO-10% (72.1%, p < 0.001) and ISO-20% (55.2%, p < 0.05) which were accompanied with a slight increase in DR variation (n.s.). The observed lower DR in OLD is in line with earlier findings in small distal muscles. Also the larger force fluctuation in OLD was in line with previous studies with smaller hand muscles. These findings suggest that the age-related changes in MU control do exist also in large leg extensors that play an important role in human locomotion and balance control.  相似文献   

To elucidate the influence of muscle length on surface EMG wave form, comparisons were made of surface EMGs of the biceps and triceps brachii muscles during isometric contractions at different muscle lengths. Muscle lengths were altered by setting the elbow joint angle at several intervals between the limits of extension and flexion. The intensity of the isometric contractions was 25% of maximum voluntary contraction at the individual joint angles. Slowing was obvious in the EMG wave forms of biceps as muscle length increased. The so-called 'Piper rhythm' appeared when the muscle was more than moderately lengthened. The slowing trend with muscle lengthening, though less marked, was also seen in triceps. Zero-cross analysis revealed quasi-linear relationships between muscle length and slowing. Frequency analysis confirmed the development of 'Piper rhythm'. An attempt was made to interpret the slowing associated with muscle lengthening in terms of the propagation of myoelectric signals in muscle fibers. given the effect of muscle length on EMG wave forms, a careful control of joint angle may be required in assessing local making fatigue when using EMG spectral indices.  相似文献   

Ultrasound imaging has recently been used to distinguish the length changes of muscle fascicles from those of the whole muscle tendon complex during real life movements. The complicated three-dimensional architecture of pennate muscles can however cause heterogeneity in the length changes along the length of a muscle. Here we use ultrasonography to examine muscle fascicle length and pennation angle changes at proximal, distal and midbelly sites of the human gastrocnemius medialis (GM) muscle during walking (4.5 km/h) and running (7.5 km/h) on a treadmill. The results of this study have shown that muscle fascicles perform the same actions along the length of the human GM muscle during locomotion. However the distal fascicles tend to shorten more and act at greater pennation angles than the more proximal fascicles. Muscle fascicles acted relatively isometrically during the stance phase during walking, however during running the fascicles shortened throughout the stance phase, which corresponded to an increase in the strain of the series elastic elements (SEEs) (consisting of the Achilles tendon and aponeurosis). Measurement of the fascicle length changes at the midbelly level provided a good approximation of the average fascicle length changes across the length of the muscle. The compliance of the SEE allows the muscle fascicles to shorten at a much slower speed, more concomitant with their optimal speed for maximal power output and efficiency, with high velocity shortening during take off in both walking and running achieved by recoil of the SEE.  相似文献   

Muscles generate force to resist gravitational and inertial forces and/or to undertake work, e.g. on the centre of mass. A trade-off in muscle architecture exists in muscles that do both; the fibres should be as short as possible to minimise activation cost but long enough to maintain an appropriate shortening velocity. Energetic cost is also influenced by tendon compliance which modulates the timecourse of muscle mechanical work. Here we use a Hill-type muscle model of the human medial gastrocnemius to determine the muscle fascicle length and Achilles tendon compliance that maximise efficiency during the stance phase of walking (1.2 m/s) and running (3.2 and 3.9 m/s). A broad range of muscle fascicle lengths (ranging from 45 to 70 mm) and tendon stiffness values (150-500 N/mm) can achieve close to optimal efficiency at each speed of locomotion; however, efficient walking requires shorter muscle fascicles and a more compliant tendon than running. The values that maximise efficiency are within the range measured in normal populations. A non-linear toe-region region of the tendon force-length properties may further influence the optimal values, requiring a stiffer tendon with slightly longer muscle fascicles; however, it does not alter the main results. We conclude that muscle fibre length and tendon compliance combinations may be tuned to maximise efficiency under a given gait condition. Efficiency is maximised when the required volume of muscle is minimised, which may also help reduce limb inertia and basal metabolic costs.  相似文献   

The present study determined in vivo deformation of the entire Achilles tendon in the longitudinal and transverse directions during isometric plantar flexions. Twelve young women and men performed isometric plantar flexions at 0% (rest), 30%, and 60% of the maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) while a series of oblique longitudinal and cross-sectional magnetic resonance (MR) images of the Achilles tendon were taken. At the distal end of the soleus muscle belly, the Achilles tendon was divided into the aponeurotic (ATapo) and the tendinous (ATten) components. The length of each component was measured in the MR images. The widths of the Achilles tendon were determined at 10 regions along ATapo and at four regions along ATten. Longitudinal and transverse strains were calculated as changes in relative length and width compared with those at rest. The ATapo deformed in both longitudinal and transverse directions at 30%MVC and 60%MVC. There was no difference between the strains of the ATapo at 30%MVC and 60%MVC either in the longitudinal (1.1 and 1.6%) or transverse (5.0~11.4 and 5.0~13.9%) direction. The ATten was elongated longitudinally (3.3%) to a greater amount than ATapo, while narrowing transversely in the most distal region (-4.6%). The current results show that the magnitude and the direction of contraction-induced deformation of Achilles tendon are different for the proximal and distal components. This may be related to the different functions of Achilles tendon, i.e., force transmission or elastic energy storage during muscle contractions.  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of hip flexion angle on the stiffness of the adductor longus (AL) muscle during isometric hip flexion. Seventeen men were recruited. Ten participants performed submaximal voluntary contraction at 0%, 25%, 50%, and 75% of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) during isometric hip flexion after performing MVC at 0°, 40°, and 80° of hip flexion. Seven participants performed submaximal voluntary tasks during isometric hip extension in addition to hip flexion task. The shear modulus of the AL muscle was used as the index of muscle stiffness, and was measured using ultrasound shear-wave elastography during the tasks at each contraction intensity for each hip flexion angle. During hip flexion, the shear modulus of the AL muscle was higher at 0° than at 40° and 80° of hip flexion at each contraction intensity (p < 0.016). Conversely, a significant effect was not found among hip flexion angle during hip extension at 75% of MVC (p = 0.867). These results suggest that mechanical stress of the AL muscle may be higher at 0° of hip flexion during isometric hip flexion.  相似文献   

Mechanical assistance on joint movement is generally beneficial; however, its effects on cooperative performance and muscle activity needs to be further explored. This study examined how motor performance and muscle activity are altered when mechanical assistance is provided during isometric force control of ramp-down and hold phases. Thirteen right-handed participants (age: 24.7 ± 1.8 years) performed trajectory tracking tasks. Participants were asked to maintain the reference magnitude of 47 N (REF) during isometric elbow flexion. The force was released to a step-down magnitude of either 75% REF or 50% REF and maintained, with and without mechanical assistance. The ramp-down durations of force release were set to 0.5, 2.5, or 5.0 s. Throughout the experiment, we measured the following: (1) the force output using load cells to compute force variability and overshoot ratio; (2) peak perturbation on the elbow movement using an accelerometer; (3) the surface electromyography (sEMG) from biceps brachii and triceps brachii muscles; and (4) EMG oscillation from the biceps brachii muscle in the bandwidth of 15–45 Hz. Our results indicated that mechanical assistance, which involved greater peak perturbation, demonstrated lower force variability than non-assistance (p < 0.01), while EMG oscillation in the biceps brachii muscle from 15 to 45 Hz was increased (p < 0.05). These findings imply that if assistive force is provided during isometric force control, the central nervous system actively tries to stabilize motor performance by controlling specific motor unit activity in the agonist muscle.  相似文献   

The human triceps surae muscle-tendon complex is a unique structure with three separate muscle compartments that merge via their aponeuroses into the Achilles tendon. The mechanical function and properties of these structures during muscular contraction are not well understood. The purpose of the study was to investigate the extent to which differential displacement occurs between the aponeuroses of the medial gastrocnemius (MG) and soleus (Sol) muscles during plantar flexion. Eight subjects (mean +/- SD; age 30 +/- 7 yr, body mass 76.8 +/- 5.5 kg, height 1.83 +/- 0.06 m) performed maximal isometric ramp contractions with the plantar flexor muscles. The experiment was performed in two positions: position 1, in which the knee joint was maximally extended, and position 2, in which the knee joint was maximally flexed (125 degrees ). Plantarflexion moment was assessed with a strain gauge load cell, and the corresponding displacement of the MG and Sol aponeuroses was measured by ultrasonography. Differential shear displacement of the aponeurosis was quantified by subtracting displacement of Sol from that of MG. Maximal plantar flexion moment was 36% greater in position 1 than in position 2 (132 +/- 20 vs. 97 +/- 11 N.m). In position 1, the displacement of the MG aponeurosis at maximal force exceeded that of the Sol (12.6 +/- 1.7 vs. 8.9 +/- 1.5 mm), whereas in position 2 displacement of the Sol was greater than displacement of the MG (9.6 +/- 1.0 vs. 7.9 +/- 1.2 mm). The amount and "direction" of shear between the aponeuroses differed significantly between the two positions across the entire range of contraction, indicating that the Achilles tendon may be exposed to intratendinous shear and stress gradients during human locomotion.  相似文献   

This prospective study evaluated differences in vastus medialis (VM) and gluteus medius (GM) EMG amplitude:composite hip abductor (gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, tensor fascia lata) EMG amplitude ratios among subjects with low or high relative femoral anteversion. Data were collected during the performance of a non-weight bearing, non-sagittal plane maximal volitional effort isometric combined hip abduction-external rotation maneuver. Eighteen nonimpaired athletically active females participated in this surface EMG study. Medial hip rotation (relative femoral anteversion estimate) was measured with a handheld goniometer. Subjects were grouped by medial hip rotation displacement (group 1 < or = 42 degrees =36.1+/-7 degrees and group 2 > 42 degrees =52.7+/-7 degrees ) for statistical analysis (Mann Whitney U-tests, p < 0.05). Group 2 had decreased VM (42+/-23% vs. 69+/-30%, U=19, p=0.034) and GM (62+/-25% vs. 96+/-39%, U=19, p=0.034) normalized mean peak EMG amplitude:composite mean peak hip abductor EMG amplitude ratios compared to group 1. Decreased normalized VM (-27%) and GM (-34%) EMG amplitudes among subjects with increased relative femoral anteversion suggest reduced dynamic frontal and transverse plane femoral control from these muscles, possibly contributing to the increased incidence of non-contact knee injury observed among athletic females.  相似文献   

The gastrocnemius medialis (GM) muscle plays an important role in stair negotiation. The aim of the study was to investigate the influence of cadence on GM muscle fascicle behaviour during stair ascent and descent. Ten male subjects (young adults) walked up and down a four-step staircase (with forceplates embedded in the steps) at three velocities (63, 88 and 116 steps/min). GM muscle fascicle length was measured using ultrasonography. In addition, kinematic and kinetic data of the lower legs, and GM electromyography (EMG) were measured. For both ascent and descent, the amount of fascicular shortening, shortening velocity, knee moment, ground reaction force and EMG activity increased monotonically with gait velocity. The ankle moment increased up to 88 steps/min where it reached a plateau. The lack of increase in ankle moment coinciding with further shortening of the fascicles can be explained by an increased shortening of the GM musculotendon complex (MTC), as calculated from the knee and ankle angle changes, between 88 and 116 steps/min only. For descent, the relative instant of maximum shortening, which occurred during touch down, was delayed at higher gait velocities, even to the extent that this event shifted from the double support to the single support phase.  相似文献   

The ankle flexor and extensor muscles are essential for pedal movements associated with car driving. Neuromuscular activation of lower leg muscles is influenced by the posture during a given task, such as the flexed knee joint angle during car driving. This study aimed to investigate the influence of flexion of the knee joint on recruitment threshold-dependent motor unit activity in lower leg muscles during isometric contraction. Twenty healthy participants performed plantar flexor and dorsiflexor isometric ramp contractions at 30 % of the maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) with extended (0°) and flexed (130°) knee joint angles. High-density surface electromyograms were recorded from medial gastrocnemius (MG), soleus (SOL), and tibialis anterior (TA) muscles and decomposed to extract individual motor units. The torque-dependent change (Δpps /Δ%MVC) of the motor unit activity of MG (recruited at 15 %MVC) and SOL (recruited at 5 %MVC) muscles was higher with a flexed compared with an extended knee joint (p < 0.05). The torque-dependent change of TA MU did not different between the knee joint angles. The motor units within certain limited recruitment thresholds recruited to exert plantar flexion torque can be excited to compensate for the loss of MG muscle torque output with a flexed knee joint.  相似文献   

One of the purposes of footwear is to assist locomotion, but some footwear types seem to restrict natural foot motion, which may affect the contribution of ankle plantar flexor muscles to propulsion. This study examined the effects of different footwear conditions on the activity of ankle plantar flexors during walking. Ten healthy habitually shod individuals walked overground in shoes, barefoot and in flip-flops while fine-wire electromyography (EMG) activity was recorded from flexor hallucis longus (FHL), soleus (SOL), and medial and lateral gastrocnemius (MG and LG) muscles. EMG signals were peak-normalised and analysed in the stance phase using Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM). We found highly individual EMG patterns. Although walking with shoes required higher muscle activity for propulsion than walking barefoot or with flip-flops in most participants, this did not result in statistically significant differences in EMG amplitude between footwear conditions in any muscle (p > 0.05). Time to peak activity showed the lowest coefficient of variation in shod walking (3.5, 7.0, 8.0 and 3.4 for FHL, SOL, MG and LG, respectively). Future studies should clarify the sources and consequences of individual EMG responses to different footwear.  相似文献   

Cyclic trunk flexion/extension is known to be a risk factor for low back pain or disorders. Changes in the in vivo low back musculature associated with cyclic flexion/extension have not been adequately examined. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of cyclic flexion/extension on muscle activity of the low back extensors by quantifying changes in activation timing and mean amplitude of electromyography (EMG). Trunk flexion angle and EMG were recorded during 30 cyclic flexion/extension movements over a 5 min period, and during isometric extension performed before and after the 5 min period. Mean EMG in isometric extension increased (30% increase in average) significantly after cyclic flexion/extension, confirming a transfer of extension moment from viscoelastic passive tissues to the extensor muscles in isometric extension. However, in the extension phase of cyclic flexion/extension, a significant delay in the re-activation and a decrease in the mean amplitude of EMG were observed. The results of this study, together with findings in previous research, suggest that the biomechanical effects and potential risk associated with cyclic flexion/extension may be sensitive to the task demands. Further research is needed to investigate how different moment generating components function together to compensate for the loss of tissue stiffness under varying task conditions.  相似文献   

This article describes an easy to use test equipment for measuring the isometric force in the ankle joints in dorsiflexion and plantar flexion. The combination of the test equipment for measuring the voluntary maximal isometric muscle force in the ankle joint, the surface electromyograms and the motion analysis of the measured leg allow an objective comparison of the strength of the muscular force between the left and right leg. It might be also used as a control setup during rehabilitation after surgical treatment or injuries.  相似文献   

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