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A procedure was developed for introducing the coliphage Mu d1 (Apr lac) into Salmonella typhimurium in order to construct gene fusions that place the structural genes of the lac operon under the control of the promoter-regulatory region of other genes. To introduce Mu d1 from Escherichia coli K-12 into S. typhimurium, which is normally not a host for Mu, we first constructed an E. coli double lysogen carrying the defective Mu d1 phage and a Mu-P1 hybrid helper phage (MuhP1) that confers the P1 host range. A lysate prepared from this strain was used to infect a P1-sensitive (i.e., galE), restriction-deficient, modification-proficient strain of S. typhimurium, and a double lysogen carrying Mu d1 and MuhP1 was isolated. Induction of the latter strain produced lysates capable of infecting and generating gene fusions in P1-sensitive strains of S. typhimurium. In this paper we describe the construction of pyr::lac fusions by this technique.  相似文献   

Summary Phage Mud1 cts (Apr lac), or Mud1, insertion mutations may be accompanied by adjacent deletion formation which can complicate use of lac fusions generated with this phage for gene regulatory studies. As for phage Mu insertion mutations, phage Mud1 insertions fail to revert at significant frequency (whether or not accompanied by an adjacent deletion). We describe isolation of revertible (X mutant) derivatives of phage Mud1 in Salmonella typhimurium. The X mutant derivatives allow use of reversion as a simple test to determine whether a Mud1 insertion has occurred precisely without an adjacent deletion that may have fused the lac genes to a promoter outside of the gene of interest. In addition, a simple method for stabilizing Mud1 generated lac fusions against subsequent transposition is described.  相似文献   

Using the technique of Mu d1(Ap lac)-directed lacZ operon fusions, several oxygen-regulated genetic loci were identified in Salmonella typhimurium. Thirteen anaerobically inducible and six aerobically inducible operon fusions were identified. Based on control by the oxrA and oxrB regulatory loci, the anti-lacZ fusions were grouped into three classes: class I loci were regulated by both oxr loci, class II genes were regulated by oxrA only, and class III loci were not affected by either regulatory locus. Several of the anti-lacZ fusions required growth in complex medium before they exhibited the inducible phenotype. While the expression of some of these loci was repressed when organisms were grown in nitrate, others were stimulated by nitrate. Fusions into the hyd and phs loci were identified among the isolated anti-lacZ fusions. Six oxygen-inducible (oxi) operon fusions were also identified. Two of the oxi loci mapped near oxygen-regulatory loci: oxiC near oxrA and oxiE near oxyR. However, neither fusion appeared to occur within the regulatory locus. The data presented serve to further define the aerobic and anaerobic stimulons of S. typhimurium but indicate additional regulatory circuits above those already defined.  相似文献   

We describe defective Mu phage Mu dX (Mu d1 Bx::Tn9 [lac Apr Cmr]) which is useful for insertion mutagenesis and for construction of lac operon fusions in vivo. Mu dX retains the insertion properties of Mu d1 but produces temperature-resistant lysogens and transposes at a reduced frequency. A method is described to convert existing Mu d1 insertions to Mu dX.  相似文献   

A bacteriocin produced by Bacteroides fragilis 1356 was purified from culture medium and characterized. The spectrum of the inhibitory activity of this bacteriocin was species specific. The bacteriocin was recovered from the initial stages of purification as a complex, greater than 2 X 10(7) daltons in mass, containing protein, lipid, and carbohydrate. The dissociation of this complex by 6.0 M guanidine hydrochloride permitted further purification of the bacteriocin by removal of lipid and carbohydrate. Analysis by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis indicated that the purified bacteriocin was homogeneous, with a relative molecular weight of 5,000. The activity of the purified bacteriocin was not affected by RNase, DNase, phospholipase A, pancreatic lipase, or dextranase, but was destroyed by trypsin, proteinase K, heat (80 degrees C, 30 min), or a pH below 5 or above 8. Amino acid analysis indicated a predominance of acidic and polar amino acids.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage Mu d1 (lac Aprr) was used to obtain strains of Escherichia coli K-12 in which the lac genes are expressed from the promoter of pheA, the structural gene for the enzyme chorismate mutase P-prephenate-dehydratase. A derivative of bacteriophage lambda which carries the pheA-lac fusion was prepared; the method used is generally applicable for the construction, from Mu dl lysogens, of specialized transducing lambda phage carrying the promoter-lac fusions. A restriction enzyme cleavage map of lambda ppheA-lac for the enzymes HindIII and PstI is presented.  相似文献   

Summary A general method was developed for the isolation of Salmonella thyphimurium LT2 Mu d1–8 (Apr lac) operon fusions in a gene displacing a Tn10 insertion. Random Mu d1–8 fusion pools were prepared to grow phage P22 lysates which transduced chlC::Tn10 to AprTets on fusaric acidampicillin plates. Among these AprTets potential chlC::Mu d1–8 fusions, a simple spot test identified the fusions that were closely linked to the Tn10 insertion in chlC. Out of 68 AprTets isolates 7 chlC::Mu d1–8 fusions with a nitrate-induced Lac+ phenotype were obtained. When oxrA::Tn10 was transduced into these chlC::Mu d1–8 fusions, they became Lac- even in the presence of nitrate, confirming that they were chlC::Mu d1–8 fusions.  相似文献   

The bacteriophage Mu d1(Apr lac cts62 ) obtained from an Escherichia coli double lysogen carrying the defective Mu d1 phage and a Mu-P1 hybrid phage was utilized as a vector for phage mutagenesis in Erwinia carotovora subsp. carotovora. Among ampicillin-resistant transductants. 1.4% were auxotrophs. The synthesis of beta-galactosidase was derepressed upon starvation for histidine in two different his-lac fusion strains.  相似文献   

Summary Mud1 insertion mutants of Escherichia coli were obtained in which the lac structural genes were fused to the promoter of torA, a gene encoding the trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) reductase. Expression of the fusion is induced by TMAO and repressed by oxygen. However, in contrast to the nar operon which codes for the nitrate reductase structural genes, the tor::Mud1 fusion was found to be independent of the positive control exerted by the nirR gene product and not repressed by the molybdenum cofactor. The torA gene which is strongly linked to pyrF (28.3 U) is different from any tor gene already described in E. coli or in Salmonella typhimurium.  相似文献   

The mini Mu element Mu dII1681, which contains the lac operon genes and a kanamycin resistance gene, was inserted in the chromosome of plant growth-beneficial Pseudomonas aeruginosa 7NSK2 to construct a marked strain (MPB1). In MPB1, beta-galactosidase is permanently expressed under the culture conditions used. The MPB1 strain could be recovered with an efficiency of about 100% from a sandy loam soil on 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-beta-D-galactopyranoside medium containing sebacic acid and kanamycin. The limit of detection is about 10 CFU/g of soil. A detailed comparison was made between the wild-type strain 7NSK2 and the Mu dII1681-containing MPB1 strain. The results showed that no genes essential for growth, siderophore production, survival in sterile and nonsterile conditions, plant growth stimulation, or root colonization had been damaged in the MPB1 strain, which means that MPB1 can reliably be used for ecological studies in soil. MPB1 survived well at 4 or 28 degrees C but died off relatively rapidly in air-dried soil or at subzero temperatures. In these conditions, however, the MPB1 strain did not completely disappear from the soil but survived at a very low level of about 100 CFU/g of soil for more than 3 months. This observation stresses the need for very sensitive counting methods for ecological studies and for the evaluation of released microorganisms. Maize was inoculated with MPB1 via seed inoculation or soil inoculation. Upon seed inoculation, only the upper root parts were effectively colonized, while soil inoculation resulted in a complete colonization of the root system.  相似文献   

cis-Diamminodichloroplatinum(II) (cis-PDD) and diaquoethylenediamineplatinum(II) induce histidine revertants in Salmonella typhimurium strains TA98 (frame-shift mutation) and TA100 (base-pair substitution mutation). A linear dose--response relationship is found with cis-PDD acting on TA98 and TA100. Salmonella typhimurium strains TA1535, TA1537 and TA1538 are not sensitive to the mutagenic action of cis-PDD. All 5 strains are sensitive to the toxic effect of cis-PDD. Platinum(II) complexes induce mutations (frame-shift or base-pair substitution) only in strains carrying the R-factor plasmid.  相似文献   

This report describes a set of Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium strains that permits the reversible transfer of lac fusions between a plasmid and either bacterial chromosome. The system relies on homologous recombination in an E. coli recD host for transfer from plasmid to chromosome. This E. coli strain carries the S. typhimurium put operon inserted into trp, and the resulting fusions are of the form trp::put::[Kanr-X-lac], where X is the promoter or gene fragment under study. The put homology flanks the lac fusion segment, so that fusions can be transduced into S. typhimurium, replacing the resident put operon. Subsequent transduction into an S. typhimurium strain with a large chromosomal deletion covering put allows selection for recombinants that inherit the fusion on a plasmid. A transposable version of the put operon was constructed and used to direct lac fusions to novel locations, including the F plasmid and the ara locus. Transductional crosses between strains with fusions bearing different segments of the hemA-prfA operon were used to determine the contribution of the hemA promoter region to expression of the prfA gene and other genes downstream of hemA in S. typhimurium.  相似文献   

A number of approaches have been used to show that a recently isolated selenate-respiring bacterium, Thauera selenatis, is able to synthesize both a selenate reductase (SR) and a nitrate reductase (NR). (i) The pH optimum of the SR was found to be 6.0; that of the NR was 7.0. (ii) The presence of nitrate did not inhibit selenate reduction in selenate-grown cells. (iii) In cell extracts, the highest SR or NR activity was observed in cells grown with the respective electron acceptor. (iv) Mutants that were unable to grow with nitrate as the terminal electron acceptor and lacked NR activity were isolated; these mutants grew normally with selenate and synthesized SR. (v) The SR was found in the periplasmic space of the cell, whereas the NR was present in the cytoplasmic membrane. A hypothetical electron transport system involving the SR is described.  相似文献   

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