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Fourteen polymorphic microsatellites isolated in the lesser horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus hipposideros, are described. A subset of eight loci successfully coamplified in a multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and allowed to confirm that expected heterozygosity was relatively high for the eight loci (0.56–0.83). This set of eight microsatellites indeed permits to build genetic tags that distinguish all individuals in colonies consisting of up to more than 1000 individuals.  相似文献   

广东五种菊头蝠的核型分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
本用蝙蝠的新鲜肺组织和尾椎进行组织培养,然后在光学显微镜下计数30个染色体分散良好的中期分裂相细胞,并进行摄影、剪贴和测量。分析了广东地区5种菊头蝠的核型,即小菊头蝠的核型为2n=62,FN=60;角菊头蝠的核型为2n=62,FN=60;中菊头蝠的核型为2n=62,FN=60;大耳菊头蝠的核型为2n=62,FN=60;中华(栗黄)菊头蝠的核型为2n=36,FN=60。大耳菊头蝠的核型为首次报道。角菊头蝠和中菊头蝠的核型与前人报道的结果基本相同。中华(栗黄)菊头蝠的核型(2n=36)与张维道报道的鲁氏菊头蝠相同,而与印度和斯里兰卡产R.rouxii的核型2n=56迥异。最后对东亚地区菊头蝠多样性进行了探讨。  相似文献   

The intermediate horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus affinis) is a widespread species in Southeast Asia. We developed 19 novel microsatellite loci from an enriched genomic library of the bat, and tested their polymorphism using a single population from Guangdong province, southern China. The number of alleles ranged from 3 to 15 per locus with the expected and observed heterozygosity ranging from 0.397 to 0.920 and 0.280–0.926, respectively. Three markers significantly deviated from the Hardy-Weinberg expectations after Bonferroni correction and no linkage disequilibrium was detected in any of loci. These microsatellite loci will be useful in studying the phylogeography of this species.  相似文献   

During a survey of bat species diversity from July 2008 to February 2009 in Songtao county of Guizhou Province, one specimen of Rhinolophus was collected from Guizhou. It was identified as a Formosan lesser horseshoe bat, based on the following features: small body size, forearm length of 36. 3mm, the greatest length of skull was 15.16 mm, the cells of lancet were shorter and appeared triangular and showed an acute angle, and forward bending, the lancet was shorter and approximately triangular and had a narrow top, the anterior median swellings of the skull were higher and more vertical, the rear of the sagittal crest was thin, the upper molars were shorter and the length of C~1 - M~3 was 5. 36 mm, the width of M~3 M~3 was 5.24 mm. Rhinolophus monoceros, which is new record in Guizhou and the first found on the Chinese mainland, supports Simmons' prediction that Rhinolophus monoceros may occur in the south of China.  相似文献   

Wu Y  Thong VD 《Zoological science》2011,28(3):235-241
A new species of the genus Rhinolophus is described from Yunnan Province, southwestern China. The new taxon belongs to the Rhinolophus "philippinensis-group" and is distinguished by differences in the nose-leaf structures, craniodental characteristics, and bacular features.  相似文献   

We have isolated 14 polymorphic greater horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus ferrumequinum microsatellite loci. The number of alleles varied from two to 12 in 58 individuals. These loci will be used to assign paternity in order to characterize patterns of breeding and reproductive success in a wild R. ferrumequinum population. Loci were also tested in 17 other bat species. Twelve loci cross‐amplified in other species and three loci were polymorphic in all eight Rhinolophus species tested.  相似文献   

依据部分线粒体16S rRNA基因序列,我们对贵州九种菊头蝠进行了分子系统进化关系研究.结果表明:马铁菊头蝠与其他菊头蝠亲缘关系较远,它可能是最原始的种类.中华菊头蝠和贵州菊头蝠聚在同一分支,表明它们之间亲缘关系非常接近,高鞍菊头蝠和贵州菊头蝠的DNA差异百分比最小(1.13%),因此认为这两个种亲缘关系也非常接近.  相似文献   

A new species of the Rhinolophus philippinensis group (Chiroptera: Rhinolophidae) is described from Guangdong, Guangxi, and Jiangxi Provinces in China. Rhinolophus huananus n. sp. is characterized by the horseshoe, as well as by external and cranial characteristics that separate it at the species level from the other members of the philippinensis group. One of the small species of the philippinensis group, R. huananus is intermediate in size between smaller R. siamensis and larger R. macrotis.  相似文献   

The taxonomic status of Rhinolophus macrotis sensu lato (s.l.) in Vietnam and adjacent territories remains problematic. To address this issue, we performed an integrated study of morphological, acoustic, and genetic characters of R. macrotis s.l. specimens and compared these with sympatric species within the philippinensis group (R. marshalli, R. paradoxolophus, and R. rex). Our results reveal that in addition to a cryptic species of R. macrotis previously found in Jiangxi and Jingmen, China, R. macrotis s.l. in continental Asia includes three further species, namely R. cf. siamensis, R. cf. macrotis, and R. cf. macrotis “Phia Oac.” These four taxa are distinguished from genuine R. macrotis in Nepal and R. siamensis in Thailand by their morphological and/or genetic features. Further taxonomic evaluation of the subspecies of R. macrotis s.l. is needed to determine their affinities with recently recognized cryptic species and to possibly describe new taxa. Our results also show that interspecific divergences in mitochondrial DNA sequences (Cytb and COI genes) among taxa within the philippinensis group (particularly between R. cf. siamensis/R. cf. macrotis and R. rex/R. paradoxolophus) are significantly lower than those of other morphological groups in the genus. These phylogenetic patterns might be explained by recent allopatric speciation or ancient introgression events among ancestors of the taxa during the Pleistocene. However, further investigations including genetic analyses of nuclear genes are needed to test the latter hypothesis.  相似文献   

幼年菲菊头蝠形态和声音发育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2006年5月31日—7月20日于桂林市郊积水洞对菲菊头蝠(Rhinolophus pusillus)幼蝠形态和叫声发育进行了研究。方差分析结果显示,幼蝠在出生后近3周内体重和前臂长增长迅速,随后增长速率变缓,且体重和前臂长增长与年龄均显著相关(年龄与体重:P=0.025;年龄与前臂长:P=0.042)。幼蝠叫声时程波动大,且均长于成年个体叫声时程,时程与年龄呈显著相关性。幼蝠在出生后3周内的叫声特征为频谱结构多样、频率波动大、谐波较多,在第3周后叫声多为FM-CF-FM叫声;幼蝠叫声第1谐波频率与年龄增长显著相关,而第二谐波频率与年龄相关性较弱;幼蝠在35天后主频率已经接近成年蝙蝠叫声频率;且前臂长与幼蝠叫声频率呈显著线性关系。  相似文献   

Yoon KB  Kim JY  Cho JY  Park YC 《Mitochondrial DNA》2011,22(4):102-104
The total length of the mitogenome of Rhinolophus ferrumequinum korai is 16,839?bp with a total base composition of 31.8% A, 25.4% T, 28.7% C, and 14.0% G. The mitogenome consists of 13 protein-coding genes, 2 rRNA (12S and 16S RNA) genes, 22 tRNA genes, and 1 control region.  相似文献   

Based on 203 specimens belonging to the Rhinolophus "pusillus group" (Mammalia: Chiroptera: Rhinolophidae), univariate and multivariate morphometric analyses using 19 characters were performed to assess the confused species taxonomy. The results indicated that R. pusillus (including calidus, parcus, and szechuanus) in the continental region and Hainan Island of China and "R. cornutus" in Japan are morphologically divergent species. Rhinolophus cornutus should be further split into R. cornutus (including orii, pumilus, and miyakonis) in the main islands of Japan, the Amami and Okinawa Group of the central Ryukyu Archipelago, and Miyako Group of the southern Ryukyus; and R. perditus and R. imaizumii from the Yaeyama Group in the southern Ryukyus. Rhinolophus monoceros from Taiwan is morphologically more similar to species in Japan than to R. pusillus. In addition to R. pusillus, another form that is morphologically similar to species in Japan was recognized from Langzhong in Sichuan Province; this may represent an undescribed species, and further examination is necessary to determine its taxonomic status. Specimens from Guang'an in Sichuan Province, China, are also different from the others, and are characterized by the smallest skull size. Although further studies are required, these specimens were tentatively identified as R. subbadius.  相似文献   

椰心叶甲啮小蜂的繁殖生物学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对椰心叶甲啮小蜂羽化、求偶、交配、产卵、繁殖现象进行了观察研究。结果表明,补充营养对雌蜂的寿命和繁殖力均有影响。没有补充营养的情况下,雌蜂的平均寿命为2.48 d,一生可产21.43粒卵;每天补充10%蜜糖水,且雌蜂与寄主(椰心叶甲初蛹)比例为1:3时,雌蜂平均寿命为13.43 d,一生可产53.6粒卵;每天补充10%蜜糖水,且雌蜂与寄主(椰心叶甲初蛹)比例为1:1时,雌蜂平均寿命为14.78 d,一生可产42.5粒卵。椰心叶甲啮小蜂对水椰八角铁甲蛹的寄生率为82.25%,平均每寄主出蜂量为12.24头。  相似文献   

雀稗属细胞学和繁殖生物学研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文研究了雀稗属植物的种群分布、花期、细胞学和繁殖方式,揭示了雀稗属细胞学和繁殖生物学等方面的多样性特征。  相似文献   

Reproduction is highly demanding in terms of energy expenditure, and the costs and benefits associated with postponing or investing in a reproductive effort are crucial determinants of an individual's fitness. Understanding the reproductive potential of a species under varying ecological conditions offers important insights into the dynamics of its social system. This study provides the first detailed analysis of the reproductive potential of wild- and captive-born golden-headed lion tamarins (Leontopithecus chrysomelas) under captive conditions, based on studbook data compiled during 1984-2000. Litters produced by wild-born females breeding in captivity are similar in size to litters observed in the wild, but smaller than litters of captive-born females. The more stringent ecological conditions experienced by wild-born females during maturation may result in a lifelong effect on litter size. However, interbirth intervals are shorter for wild-born than captive-born females. The relatively smaller burden of infant care that results from having smaller litters may allow wild-born females to sustain the next pregnancy sooner. Reproduction in the Brazilian captive population is highly seasonal for both wild-born females and females born in captivity in Brazil. Changes in photoperiod over a year provide a proximate explanation for changes in the proportion of conceptions and births per month. Outside Brazil, breeding occurs year-round, and no clear birth peak is apparent. Information from field reports that could be used to relate this finding to ecological factors, such as resource availability, is unavailable.  相似文献   

We conducted the first detailed investigation of the floral architecture and reproductive biology of two species from the genus Dorstenia, which are poorly known relatives of Ficus (Moraceae). Our aims were to extend and refine knowledge of the understudied genus Dorstenia and to explore possible insights into the evolution of the fig syconium. We characterised four key stages of floral development using light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and histological staining. Reproductive biology was found to be complex and species‐specific. Both study species are monoecious and produce an inflorescence of minute male and female flowers. Protogyny, associated with a spatial separation of male and female flowers and asynchronous stamen development, was species‐specific, as was seed set. Our results reveal novel insights into the complex reproductive biology of an under‐studied genus in the family Moraceae. We propose that exploring the reproductive biology of Dorstenia and other poorly known Ficus relatives will provide insights into the evolution of the fig syconium – the unique reproductive structure of this economically and ecologically important genus.  相似文献   

南方山荷叶中甸居群繁殖生物学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对分布于云南中甸地区南方山荷叶进行的繁殖生物学研究结果表明 :南方山荷叶有性生殖良好 ,性成熟个体的花在开花前一年 7月末 8月初开始分化并以休眠芽的形式度过冬天及早春 ;花在次年春天开放并在植株露出地面 1 0 d之后进行传粉 ;每个体有花 3~ 2 8朵 ,每花有胚珠 1~ 1 7枚 ,每个体有胚珠 40~ 2 0 2枚 ;在自然条件下南方山荷叶传粉方式为异花授粉 (但自交可育 ) ,其传粉昆虫为叶蜂类和甲虫类 ;天然居群具有较高的结实率 ( 58.3%~1 0 0 .0 % ) ,每个体有果实 3~ 2 6枚 ,每果实有种子 0~ 1 1粒 ,平均结籽率为 60 .41 % ,每个体平均种子产量 47.0 5。南方山荷叶常可通过根状茎进行营养繁殖形成无性系植株。人工繁殖时既可用种子繁殖 ,亦可用切割根状茎来进行营养繁殖。  相似文献   

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