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E myeloma protein, PS, was reduced in different concentrations of dithiothreitol (DTT) for 1 hr followed by alkylation with 14C-iodoacetamide. The affinity of the reduced-alkylated molecules for target cells was evaluated by their ability 1) to sensitize primate skin in a reversed P-K reaction, 2) to sensitize human basophils in a reversed-type histamine release and 3) to block passive sensitization with reaginic antibody. Antibody-epsilon0 antibody was employed for reversed type reactions to avoid participation of cell-bound normal IgE in the reactions. The sensitizing activity of IgE did not change following reduction in 1 mM DTT, which split inter-heavy-light chain disulfide bond. The activity of IgE significantly diminished after reduction in 2 mM DTT followed by alkylation. This treatment resulted in the cleavage of two intra-epsilon-chain disulfide bonds, which are present between the hinge and the Fd portion of the molecules. The reduced-alkylated protein was capable of sensitizing primate skin and human basophils, however, a much higher concentration of the reduced-alkylated protein than the native protein was required for passive sensitization. The optimal sensitization period for the reversed P-K reaction was 3 hr with the reduced-alkylated protein. The protein had the ability to block passive sensitization with reaginic antibody. The reduced-alkylated protein and the native protein were labeled with 125I, and binding of these proteins with human basophils was examined by autoradiography. The results showed that affinity of the reduced-alkylated protein for basophils was less than that of native protein. Since the disulfide bonds split by 2 mM DTT were not included in the Fc portion of the molecules, the Fc fragment was obtained from the reduced-alkylated protein and was tested for affinity for basophils. It was found that the Fc fragment had higher affinity than the reduced-alkylated protein. Recovery of the affinity by papain digestion strongly suggested that cleavage of disulfide bonds in the Fab portion of the molecules induced conformational changes in the Fc portion which is involved in binding to the target cells. Reduction of IgE with 10 mM DTT followed by alkylation resulted in cleavage of 5 disulfide bonds, which is accompanied by a loss of both sensitizing and blocking activities. The fifth disulfide bond which was cleaved by 10 mM DTT, but not by 2 mM DTT, appears to be an inter-heavy chain disulfide bond in the Fc portion of the epsilon-chains. Neither epsilon1 nor epsilon2 determinants in the Fc portion of epsilon-chains were degraded by this treatment.  相似文献   

We examined disulfide bonds in mosquito larvicidal crystals produced by Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis. Intact crystals contained 2.01 X 10(-8) mol of free sulfhydryls and 3.24 X 10(-8) mol of disulfides per mg of protein. Reduced samples of alkali-solubilized crystals resolved into several proteins, the most prominent having apparent molecular sizes of 28, 70, 135, and 140 kilodaltons (kDa). Nonreduced samples contained two new proteins of 52 and 26 kDa. When reduced, both the 52- and 26-kDa proteins were converted to 28-kDa proteins. Furthermore, both bands reacted with antiserum prepared against reduced 28-kDa protein. Approximately 50% of the crystal proteins could be solubilized without disulfide cleavage. These proteins were 70 kDa or smaller. Solubilization of the 135- and 140-kDa proteins required disulfide cleavage. Incubation of crystals at pH 12.0 for 2 h cleaved 40% of the disulfide bonds and solubilized 83% of the crystal protein. Alkali-stable disulfides were present in both the soluble and insoluble portions. The insoluble pellet contained 12 to 14 disulfides per 100 kDa of protein and was devoid of sulfhydryl groups. Alkali-solubilized proteins contained both intrachain and interchain disulfide bonds. Despite their structural significance, it is unlikely that disulfide bonds are involved in the formation or release of the larvicidal toxin.  相似文献   

Crotamine, a basic neurotoxic protein, was isolated from the venom of the Southern Brazilian rattlesnake (Crotalus durissus terrificus) by gel filtration. The isolated protein showed a single band on PAGE at pH 4.5 and 7% (w/v) gel concentration, but two or more bands at 14% gel concentration, even in the presence of 4 M urea. After reduction and carboxymethylation, however, a single band was again detected. SDS-PAGE as well as ultracentrifugal analysis of the native (NC) and of the reduced and carboxymethylated (RCC) crotamine revealed a molecular weight of 4,500-5,000 for RCC and 9,000-10,000 for NC. Both components of a two-band crotamine preparation were isolated by preparative PAGE and characterized. Their particular electrophoretic mobility was retained. Their amino acid composition. N-terminal residue, and apparent toxicity were the same as those of the original sample. It was concluded that crotamine is able to form a dimer of 9,760 Da with two identical polypeptide chains crosslinked by interchain disulfide bonds and a shape not very far from spherical, which covalently binds extra subunits of 4,880 Da each.  相似文献   

Formation of disulfide bonds in proteins and peptides   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
For many proteins and peptides, disulfide bridges are prerequisite for their proper biological function. Many commercialized proteins are crosslinked by disulfide bridges that increase their resistance to destructive effects of extreme environment used in industrial processes or protect protein-based therapeutics from rapid proteolytic degradation. Manufacturing of these products must take into account oxidative refolding--a formation of native disulfide bonds by specific pairs of cysteines located throughout a sequence of linear protein. This review describes basic and practical aspects of oxidative folding that should be considered while designing and optimizing manufacturing of proteins using chemical synthesis, semi-synthesis and a recombinant expression.  相似文献   

The position of disulfide bonds in cobrotoxin   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

The role of the two disulfide bonds (Cys4-Cys60 and Cys18-Cys29) in the activity and stability of goose-type (G-type) lysozyme was investigated using ostrich egg-white lysozyme as a model. Each of the two disulfide bonds was deleted separately or simultaneously by substituting both Cys residues with either Ser or Ala. No remarkable differences in secondary structure or catalytic activity were observed between the wild-type and mutant proteins. However, thermal and guanidine hydrochloride unfolding experiments revealed that the stabilities of mutants lacking one or both of the disulfide bonds were significantly decreased relative to those of the wild-type. The destabilization energies of mutant proteins agreed well with those predicted from entropic effects in the denatured state. The effects of deleting each disulfide bond on protein stability were found to be approximately additive, indicating that the individual disulfide bonds contribute to the stability of G-type lysozyme in an independent manner. Under reducing conditions, the thermal stability of the wild-type was decreased to a level nearly equivalent to that of a Cys-free mutant (C4S/C18S/C29S/C60S) in which all Cys residues were replaced by Ser. Moreover, the optimum temperature of the catalytic activity for the Cys-free mutant was downshifted by about 20 degrees C as compared with that of the wild-type. These results indicate that the formation of the two disulfide bonds is not essential for the correct folding into the catalytically active conformation, but is crucial for the structural stability of G-type lysozyme.  相似文献   

Translocator proteins (TSPO) are the products of a family of genes that is evolutionarily conserved from bacteria to humans and expressed in most mammalian tissues and cells. Human TSPO (18 kDa) is expressed at high levels in steroid synthesizing endocrine tissues where it localizes to mitochondria and functions in the first step of steroid formation, the transport of cholesterol into the mitochondria. TSPO expression is elevated in cancerous tissues and during tissue injury, which has lead to the hypothesis that TSPO has roles in apoptosis and the maintenance of mitochondrial integrity. We recently identified a new paralog of Tspo in both the human and mouse. This paralog arose from an ancient gene duplication event before the divergence of the classes aves and mammals, and appears to have specialized tissue-, cell-, and organelle-specific functions. Evidence from the study of TSPO homologs in mammals, bacteria, and plants supports the conclusion that the TSPO family of proteins regulates specialized functions related to oxygen-mediated metabolism. In this review, we provide a comprehensive overview of the divergent function and evolutionary origin of Tspo genes in Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya domains.  相似文献   

Profile of the disulfide bonds in acetylcholinesterase   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
The inter- and intrasubunit disulfide bridges for the 11 S form of acetylcholinesterase isolated from Torpedo californica have been identified. Localized within the basal lamina of the synapse, the dimensionally asymmetric forms of acetylcholinesterase contain either two (13 S) or three (17 S) sets of catalytic subunits linked to collagenous and noncollagenous structural subunits. Limited proteolysis of these molecules yields a tetramer of catalytic subunits that sediments at 11 S. Each catalytic subunit contains 8 cysteine residues which were identified following tryptic digestion of the reduced, 14C-carboxymethylated protein. The tryptic peptides were purified by gel filtration followed by reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and then sequenced. The disulfide bonding profile was determined by treating the native, nonreduced 11 S form of acetylcholinesterase with a fluorescent, sulfhydryl-specific reagent, monobromobimane, prior to tryptic digestion. Peptides again were resolved by gel filtration and reverse-phase HPLC. One fluorescent cysteine-containing peptide was identified, indicating that a single sulfhydryl residue, Cys231, was present in its reduced form. Three pairs of disulfide-bonded peptides were identified. These were localized in the polypeptide chain based on the cDNA-deduced sequence of the protein and were identified as Cys67-Cys94, Cys254-Cys265, and Cys402-Cys521. Hence, three loops are found in the secondary structure. Cys572, located in the carboxyl-terminal tryptic peptide, was disulfide-bonded to an identical peptide and most likely forms an intersubunit cross-link. Since the 6 cysteine residues in acetylcholinesterase that are involved in intrachain disulfide bonds are conserved in the sequence of the homologous protein thyroglobulin, it is likely that both proteins share a common folding pattern in their respective tertiary structures. Cys231 and the carboxyl-terminal cysteine residue Cys572 are not conserved in thyroglobulin.  相似文献   

PEGylation has turned proteins into important new biopharmaceuticals. The fundamental problems with the existing approaches to PEGylation are inefficient conjugation and the formation of heterogeneous mixtures. This is because poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) is usually conjugated to nucleophilic amine residues. Our PEGylation protocol solves these problems by exploiting the chemical reactivity of both of the sulfur atoms in the disulfide bond of many biologically relevant proteins. An accessible disulfide bond is mildly reduced to liberate the two cysteine sulfur atoms without disturbing the protein's tertiary structure. Site-specific PEGylation is achieved with a bis-thiol alkylating PEG reagent that sequentially undergoes conjugation to form a three-carbon bridge. The two sulfur atoms are re-linked with PEG selectively conjugated to the bridge. PEGylation of a protein can be completed in 24 h and purification of the PEG-protein conjugate in another 3 h. We have successfully applied this approach to PEGylation of cytokines, enzymes, antibody fragments and peptides, without destroying their tertiary structure or abolishing their biological activity.  相似文献   

The interchain disulfide bonds of a human pathological immunoglobulin   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
L A Steiner  R R Porter 《Biochemistry》1967,6(12):3957-3970

Hydrophobins function in fungal development by self-assembly at hydrophobic-hydrophilic interfaces such as the interface between the fungal cell wall and the air or a hydrophobic solid. These proteins contain eight conserved cysteine residues that form four disulfide bonds. To study the effect of the disulfide bridges on the self-assembly, the disulfides of the SC3 hydrophobin were reduced with 1,4-dithiothreitol. The free thiols were then blocked with either iodoacetic acid (IAA) or iodoacetamide (IAM), introducing eight or zero negative charges, respectively. Circular dichroism and infrared spectroscopy showed that after opening of the disulfide bridges SC3 is initially unfolded. IAA-SC3 did not self-assemble at the air-water interface upon shaking an aqueous solution. Remarkably, after drying down IAA-SC3 or after exposing it to Teflon, it refolded into a structure similar to that observed for native SC3 at these interfaces. Iodoacetamide-SC3 on the other hand, which does not contain extra charges, spontaneously refolded in water in the amyloid-like beta-sheet conformation, characteristic for SC3 assembled at the water-air interface. From this we conclude that the disulfide bridges of SC3 are not directly involved in self-assembly but keep hydrophobin monomers soluble in the fungal cell or its aqueous environment, preventing premature self-assembly.  相似文献   

The NADPH-dependent enzymic reduction of disulfide bonds in human choriogonadotropin and its two subunits, alpha and beta, was examined with thioredoxin and thioredoxin reductase from Escherichia coli. With 12 muM thioredoxin and 0.1 muM thioredoxin reductase at pH 7 all disulfide bonds in the alpha subunit could be reduced in 15 min. The reduction of disulfide bonds was recorded by a simple spectrophotometric assay at 340 nm, which allowed quantitation of the reduction rate and the number of disulfide bonds reduced. Partial reduction of the alpha subunit with thioredoxin followed by S-carboxymethylation with iodol[2-3H]acetic acid and analysis of tryptic peptides indicated that all S-S bonds in the alpha subunit were surface oriented and equally reactive. The usefulness of thioredoxin reduction of disulfide bonds as a chemical probe of protein structure was shown by the much slower reaction of disulfide bonds in the intact hormone as compared to its two biologically inactive subunits.  相似文献   

The formation of the disulfide bonds in the variable domains VH and VL of the antibody McPC603 was found to be essential for the stability of all antigen binding fragments investigated. Exposure of the Fv fragment to reducing conditions in vitro resulted in irreversible denaturation of both VH and VL. In vitro refolding of the reduced Fv fragment was only possible when the disulfide bonds were allowed to form under oxidizing conditions. The analysis of a series of mutants of the Fv fragment, the Fab fragment and the single-chain Fv fragment, all secreted into the periplasm of Escherichia coli, in which each of the cysteine residues of the variable domains was replaced by a series of other amino acids, showed that functional antigen binding fragments required the presence of both the disulfide bond in VH and the one in VL. These results were also used to devise an alternative expression system based on the production of insoluble fusion proteins consisting of truncated beta-galactosidase and antibody domains, enzymatic cleavage, and refolding and assembly in vitro. This strategy should be useful for providing access to unstable antibody domains and fragments.  相似文献   

为建立一种基于阴离子交换介质辅助的含多对二硫键的抗凝溶栓双功能水蛭素12肽-瑞替普酶融合蛋白质 (HV12p-rPA) 的复性方法,采用Q Sepharose XL作为层析复性介质,通过正交实验考察蛋白质上样量、流速、脲梯度、洗脱液中精氨酸浓度、脲浓度、pH、还原型及氧化型谷胱甘肽等因素对复性过程的影响,探索最佳层析复性条件。结果表明:脲梯度、上样量及精氨酸浓度是影响复性的3个主要因素。脲梯度是复性成功的关键,上样量增大时复性蛋白质比活降低,精氨酸辅助HV12p-rPA复性的最佳浓度为1 mol/L。创建了脲、pH双梯度下的阴离子交换层析辅助HV12p-rPA的复性方法,复性后蛋白质的溶栓比活达到46 520 IU/mg,抗凝比活达到9 980 ATU/mg,与稀释复性方法相比,该方法能使复性蛋白质的溶栓比活提高14~15倍,抗凝比活提高7~8倍。  相似文献   

The amino-terminal domain of class B G protein-coupled receptors contains six conserved cysteine residues involved in structurally and functionally critical disulfide bonds. The mapping of these bonds has been unclear, with one pattern based on biochemical and NMR structural characterizations of refolded, nonglycosylated amino-terminal fragments, and another pattern derived from functional characterizations of intact receptors having paired cysteine mutations. In the present study, we determined the disulfide bonding pattern of the prototypic class B secretin receptor by applying the same paired cysteine mutagenesis approach and confirming the predicted bonding pattern with proteolytic cleavage of intact functional receptor. As expected, systematic mutation to serine of the six conserved cysteine residues within this region of the secretin receptor singly and in pairs resulted in loss of function of most constructs. Notable exceptions were single mutations of the 4th and 6th cysteine residues and paired mutations involving the 1st and 3rd, 2nd and 5th, and 4th and 6th conserved cysteines, with secretin eliciting statistically significant cAMP responses above basal levels of activation for each of these constructs. Immunofluorescence microscopy confirmed similar levels of plasma membrane expression for each of the mutated receptors. Furthermore, cyanogen bromide cleaved a series of wild type and mutant secretin receptors, yielding patterns that agreed with our paired cysteine mutagenesis results. In conclusion, these data suggest the same pattern of disulfide bonding as that predicted previously by NMR and thus support a consistent pattern of amino-terminal disulfide bonds in class B G protein-coupled receptors.  相似文献   

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