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Summary Five new species of pharyngodonid (Oxyuroidea) nematodes are described from the posterior gut of Agama yemenensis (Agamidae) in Saudi Arabia: Tachygonetria paradentata n.sp., a member of the T. dentata complex, most closely resembles T. quentini Petter, 1966 from Testudo tentoria verreauxi from South Africa in the form and disposition of cephalic sense organs; it is distinguished by having caudal alae, an anterior anal lip in the male formed by two sharply-elbowed lobes and by the fact that the terminal spine on the caudal appendage of the male is much shorter than that in T. quentini. Alaeuris asirensis n.sp. is most similar to a species described as Thelandros sexlabiata Ortlepp, 1933 from Testudo tentoria verreauxi from South Africa: the last pair of caudal papillae in the male is subterminal, and there are six lips and a slight prevulvar swelling in the female. Males of the two species are easily distinguished by the presence of caudal alae and a longer caudal appendage in A. asirensis females are distinguished by the fact that lips are less developed in the new species. The fact that two such similar species cannot be included in the same genus reflects the need for a redefinition of Alaeuris. Thelandros agama n.sp. resembles T. alatus Wedl, 1862 from Uromastix sp. in North Africa in the cephalic structure of the female and in the shape of the peduncles supporting adanal papillae in males; the new species is distinguished by its longer spicule and by the presence of caudal alae and the absence of lips in males. T. masaae n.sp. resembles T. taylori Chatterji, 1935 and T. baylisi Chatterji, 1935 from Agama sp. and Uromastix sp. in India in that the peduncles supporting the caudal papillae in the male are elongate; it differs from both and from all other members of the genus in that the vulva is located at the end of a long tube-like exvagination of the body wall and the anterior anal lip of the male is simple rather than fringed. T. petterae n.sp. resembles T. taylori and T. baylisi in having well-developed caudal alae in males and six prominent lips in females; it is distinguished from both by its flask-shaped adanal peduncles in the male. Thelandros is redefined to include only those species in which the pre- and adanal papillae are pedunculate and the opening to the spicular pouch is markedly postanal. The nine genera of the Pharyngodonidae in herbivorous and omnivorous reptiles form an evolutionary line distinct from that in insectivorous reptiles. It is suggested that this line arose in tortoises in Laurasia in the Eocene, spread with these hosts to Africa, Madagascar and South America, and subsequently underwent evolutionary radiations in each of these regions. Pharyngodonids of A. yemenensis have a double origin: the Thelandros spp. probably evolved with agamids whereas species of Tachygonetria and Alaeuris are likely captures from tortoises. ac]19831111  相似文献   

Synodontisia moraveci n. sp. (Oxyuroidea: Pharyngodonidae), described from Osteochilus melanopleurus (Bleeker) (Cyprinidae) from Malaysia, is the 20th species of oxyuroid to be described from fish. It is distinguished from S. thelastomoides Petter, Vassiliades & Troncy, 1972 of Synodontis spp. in Africa by the absence of a spicule and the presence of two separate papillae on the caudal appendage rather than a fused pair as found in S. thelastomoides. The two species of Synodontisia are similar morphologically to some species of Thelastoma Leidy, 1850 of the intestine of Diplopoda, Blattoida and larval Scarabaeidae. The various species are listed with their hosts and geographical distributions, and a key to species is provided.  相似文献   

Alaeuris rinconensis n. sp. (Oxyuroidea, Pharyngodonidae) from the large intestine of the Bonaire whiptail lizard, Cnemidophorus ruthveni, is described and illustrated. Alaeuris rinconensis n. sp. represents the 13th Neotropical species assigned to the genus. It is most similar to Alaeuris iguanae in that only these 2 Neotropical species have postbulbar excretory pores; in A. iguanae, a tail filament is absent; in A. rinconensis, a tail filament is present. Two additional helminth species were found, i.e., the cestode Oochoristica iguanae and a nematode, Ozolaimus megatyphlon. Cnemidoporus ruthveni represents a new host record for the latter 2 species.  相似文献   

Two new species of Tachygonetria, T. africana n. sp. and T. pretoriensis n. sp. are described. Both are parasites of Geochelone pardalis (Bell) from South Africa. In addition, two subspecies, T. longicollis fitzsimmonsi Petter, 1966 and T. macrolaimus macrolaimus (Linstow, 1899), also parasites of Geochelone pardalis (from Pretoria Zoo, South Africa), are redescribed and new information on their morphology is presented. On the basis of their morphology, these subspecies are raised to full specific level.  相似文献   

Icosiella turgeocauda n. sp. from the intestinal mesenteries of Rana cancrivora collected at Luzon, Republic of the Philippines, is described and illustrated. Icosiella turgeocauda n. sp. represents the ninth species to be assigned to the genus and is easily differentiated from all the previously described species by the position of the vulva and the presence of bilateral umbos on the caudal end of the male. Seuratascaris numidica also was found. The Philippines represents a new location record for S. numidica.  相似文献   

A new nematode from the stomach of the estuarine fish Sillaginopsis panijus of West Bengal, India is described. The nematodes are characterised by small body size, the structure of the male tail (the presence of two large dorso-lateral caudal lobes bearing a distinct papilla on each and a pair of large subventral adanal papillae), the structure of the spicule (wider in proximal and distal regions and with smooth surface), the non-spinous spicular sheath, the structure of the stichosome (stichocytes number 25–32 and regularly aligned throughout the length of the oesophagus), the large bell-shaped vulvar appendage, and elongate-oval eggs with a thin wall and protruding polar plugs. A diagnosis of the new genus and a key to the genera of fish capillariids are provided.  相似文献   

Syncuaria mackoi n. sp. is described, based on light and scanning electron microscopy, from the stomach of the black stork Ciconia nigra in Bulgaria. The new species is characterised by: body length 7.18–8.30 mm (males) and 10.13–11.40 mm (females); cordons anastomosing about the level of the middle of the muscular oesophagus and consisting of delicate cuticular plates; bifurcate deirids 7–9 μm long; lateral longitudinal cuticular band-like swellings; nine pairs of pedunculate caudal papillae, i.e. four precloacal and five postcloacal, the latter forming two groups (2 + 3); sixth pair of postcloacal papillae sessile; left spicule 854–907 μm long; right spicule 138–154 μm in length, with a curved distal end resembling a horn and a short lateral projection at some distance from its tip; and vagina vera provided with an anteriorly-directed blind appendix. The specimens identified as S. ciconiae (Gil’bert, 1927) by Macko (1964) from C. nigra in Slovakia are considered as belonging to S. mackoi. A pair of small cupolae situated dorsally and ventrally between bases of cordons of the new species is described for the first time in this genus; they are recognised as homologous to the pair of spines in the same position previously described in S. diacantha Petter, 1961 and S. plegadisi Digiani, 1999.  相似文献   

Hysterothylacium simile n. sp., collected from the Japanese seabass Lateolabrax japonicus (Cuvier) (Perciformes: Lateolabracidae) in the Bohai Sea off China, is described using both light and scanning electron microscopy. The new species differs from its congeners in the presence of narrow lateral alae originating a short distance posterior to the base of the ventrolateral lips, a long intestinal caecum (60.4–79.1% of oesophageal length) and a relatively short ventricular appendix (intestinal caecum to ventricular appendix ratio 1:0.58–0.85), long spicules (2.11–2.99 mm, 4.25–7.83% of body length), the number and arrangement of the caudal papillae (32–36 pairs arranged as follows: 27–31 pairs precloacal, 1 pair paracloacal, and 4–5 pairs postcloacal with the second or third pair double) and the presence of a particular midventral precloacal papilla. Specimens originally identified as Contracaecum paralichthydis Yamaguti, 1941 [now H. paralichthydis (Yamaguti, 1941)] by Xü (1957), collected from the yellow striped flounder Pseudopleuronectes herzensteini (Jordan & Snyder) (Pleuronectiformes: Pleuronectidae) in the Yellow Sea off China, were also re-examined. Their morphology clearly revealed they belong to H. aduncum (Rudolphi, 1802), which is also redescribed based on Xü’s material. In addition, the morphological variation of caudal papillae in H. aduncum from P. herzensteini was compared, using scanning electron microscopy, with specimens collected from another three fish hosts, Lophius litulon (Jordan) (Lophiiformes: Lophiidae), Scomberomorus niphonius (Cuvier) (Perciformes: Scombridae) and Cleisthenes herzensteini (Schmidt) (Pleuronectiformes: Pleuronectidae), from the Yellow Sea off China.  相似文献   

A new echinonematine nematode, Linstowinema breve sp. n., from the small intestine of the dasyurid marsupial Anthechinus agilis is described. The species is distinguished from its congeners by the possession of the following suite of characters: small size; first and third row of cephalic hooks similar in size; second row larger; 13-15 rows of body hooks without undulating edges on the dilated cuticle of the oesophageal region; oesophagus terminating at the level of the 5th-7th row of body hooks; ten pairs of caudal papillae; a large pair of lateral ad-cloacal papillae extend into small lateral alae. Linstowinema larvae previously recorded from A. agilis may be the same species. A key to species of the genus linstowinema is provided.  相似文献   

A survey of gastro-intestinal helminth communities of Gallotia stehlini (Sauria: Lacertidae) from Gran Canaria island (Canary Archipelago, Spain), was conducted to determine the prevalence, abundance and species diversity of intestinal parasites in these lizards. Pharyngodonid nematodes were the most common intestinal helminths, three species being Gallotia specialists. Helminth infracommunities of G. stehlini were rich and appear to be closer to the interactive end of the continuum isolationist-interactive helminth communities, according to the high values of helminth diversity. It is the first case of a saurian reptile showing this kind of diverse helminth infracommunity, produced by a large size, a wide-ranging plant diet and exposure to helminths with direct life-cycles.  相似文献   

Four species of the genus Mehdiella Seurat, 1918 are redescribed: M. cristata Petter, 1966 and M. stylosa dollfusi Petter, 1966, parasite of Pyxix arachnoides Bell, 1827 from Madagascar, M. s. stylosa (Thapar, 1925) and M. uncinata (Drasche, 1884), parasite of Testudo graeca Linneaus, 1758, Testudo hermanni Gmelin, 1789 and Testudo horsfieldii (Gray, 1844) from Palaearctic region. Light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) studies revealed new informations on the morphology of these species. On the basis of this morphological study, the sub-species Mehdiella stylosa dollfusi and M. s. stylosa are raised to level of species. The position of Mehdiella cristata among the species of the genus Mehdiella and the relationships among the species of the genus Mehdiella are discussed. A key to the eight valid species Mehdiella is given.  相似文献   

Falcaustra kutcheri n. sp. (Nematoda: Kathlaniidae) from feces of the turtle Geoemyda yuwonoi is described and illustrated. Falcaustra kutcheri n. sp. represents the 68th species to be assigned to this genus and is distinguished from other oriental species by the distribution pattern of caudal papillae of the male: 10 pairs of sessile caudal papillae, 4 pairs precloacal, 1 pair adcloacal, 5 pairs postcloacal.  相似文献   

Falcaustra washingtonensis n. sp. (Nematoda: Kathlaniidae) from the intestine of the salamander Ambystoma tigrinum melanostictum is described and illustrated. Falcaustra washingtonensis n. sp. represents the 14th nearctic species assigned to this genus and is distinguished from other nearctic species by the distribution pattern of caudal papillae and number of posterior muscle groups of the male: 10 pairs of sessile caudal papillae--3 pairs precloacal, 1 pair adcloacal, 6 pairs postcloacal--and 5 posterior muscle groups.  相似文献   

A new species of Capillaria is described on the basis of specimens recovered from the intestine of the swamp rat Scapteromys aquaticus (Cricetidae: Sigmodontinae) from Argentina. Capillaria alainchabaudi n. sp. and a peculiar species from Australian marsupials are the only 2 species of Capillaria sensu stricto parasitic in mammals. A comparison with the Australian species and with the 18 species of this genus described from other vertebrates from the Western Hemisphere is given. The separation of the new species is based on morphologic and morphometrical features, such as intestine ending in cloaca beside ejaculatory duct, 2 lateral nonmembranous caudal lobes, 2 pairs of caudal non-pedunculated papillae, terminal part of cylindrical cirrus ornamented with thin and thick spines, spicule with apex not well sclerotized in the males, a conspicuous vulvar appendage in the females, and 2 bacillary bands. A survey of the literature revealed that the species of Capillariinae from rodents belong to 9 genera, and the total number of species is low compared to the high diversity and abundance of the hosts, particularly if the modern Muroidea are considered.  相似文献   

A new histozoic species of myxosporean (Henneguya schizodon n. sp.) is described from the Amazon River teleost fish Schizodon fasciatus Spix & Agassiz, 1892 (Characiformes, Anostomidae). The plasmodia, which showed asynchronous development, were located in the kidney of the host. The spore body was ellipsoidal and was 13.1 (12-14) micron long by 3.3 (3-4) micron wide. The total length of the spore was 28.9 (27-30) micron, and each value had a caudal process measuring 16.3 (15-17) micron. The polar capsules were 5.4 (5-6) micron long by 1.3 (1-1.5) micron wide, and each had a polar filament with 8-10 coils. The characteristics of the species were compared with nearly all the species described so far, including all the species reported from South American fishes. This comparison allows to consider the materials as a new species, and the name Henneguya schizodon n. sp. is proposed.  相似文献   

Meglitschia mylei n. sp. found in the gall bladder of the teleostean fish Myleus rubripinnis (Serrasalmidae) from the middle Amazonian region of Brazil is described using light and transmission electron microscopy. The spores observed in the bile averaged 24.6±0.8 μm long, 8.7±0.4 μm wide and 5.1±0.3 μm thick and were strongly furcate and arcuate ∩-shaped composed of two symmetric equal-sized valves, up to ~70 nm thick. Each valve possessed one opposed tapering appendage, 20.1±0.7 μm long, oriented parallel towards the basal tip of the appendages and joined along a right suture line forming a thick strand. The strand goes around the central part of the spore, which in turn surrounds two equal and symmetric spherical polar capsules (PC), 2.1±0.3 μm in diameter, located at the same level. Each capsule contains a polar filament with five (rarely six) coils. The binucleate sporoplasm was irregular in shape, contained several sporoplasmosomes, ~175 nm in diameter and filled all the space of the two caudal appendages. Based on the arc shape of the spore with two tapering caudal appendages oriented to the basis of spores, on the number and position of the PC and of the polar filament coils and arrangements, and on the host specificity, we propose the name M. mylei n. sp. for this new myxozoan. Accordingly, this is the second described species of this genus.  相似文献   

Two new species of the freshwater cyclopoid genera Eucyclops are described, Eucyclops tziscao sp. n. and E. angeli sp. n. Both species belong to the serrulatus-group defined by morphological features such as: the presence of distal spinules or hair-like setae (groups N1 and N2) on frontal surface of antennal basis; the fourth leg coxa with a strong inner spine that bears dense setules on inner side, yet proximally naked (large gap) on outer side; and a 12-segmented antennule with smooth hyaline membrane on the three distalmost segments. Eucyclops tziscao sp. n. is morphologically similar to E. bondi and E. conrowae but differs from these species in having a unique combination of characters, including a caudal ramus 4.05±0.25 times as long as wide, lateral seta of Enp3P4 modified as a strong, sclerotized blunt seta, coxal spine of fourth leg with inner spinule-like setules distally, and sixth leg of males bearing a strong and long inner spine 2.3 times longer than median seta. Eucyclops angeli sp. n. can be distinguished by an unique combination of morphological features: the short caudal ramus; the long spine on the sixth antennular segment of A1; the presence of one additional group of spinules (N12’) on the caudal surface of A2; the presence of long setae in females, or short spinules in males on the lateral margin of fourth prosomite; the strong ornamentation of the intercoxal sclerite of P4, specially group I modified as long denticles; the distal modified setae of Exp3P3 and Exp3P4 in females and males; and the short lateral seta of P5. Finally, we report on a new record of E. festivus in México, and add data on morphology of the species.  相似文献   

A total of 8 specimens of Urophycis brasiliensis (Kaup, 1858) from waters off Mar del Plata, Argentina (38 degrees 08'S, 57 degrees 32'W), were examined for parasitic nematodes. A new nematode species, Cucullanus bonaerensis n. sp., is described (prevalence 50%, mean intensity 15.5). The new species differs from its congeners in the distribution pattern of caudal papillae (particularly fourth pair) and phasmids, length of the body and spicules, and by the position of the excretory pore (in the posterior third of esophagus). Species of Cucullanus, reported previously as C. heterochrous Rudolphi, 1812, and Cucullanus sp. from U. brasiliensis from Puerto Quequén, Argentina (38 degrees 37'S, 58 degrees 53'W), are considered as members of the new species.  相似文献   

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