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A substance resembling somatomedin C in the American cockroach   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Material antigenically resembling somatomedin C (type I insulin-like growth factor, IGF-I) is demonstrated in the American cockroach Periplaneta americana by means of a monoclonal antibody immunoperoxidase technique. It was localized histochemically in neuronal cell somata and axonal fibers (probably interneurons) of the central nervous/neuroendocrine system and in 'endocrine-type' cells lining the midgut epithelium. The IGF-I-like substance is different from vertebrate insulin and also distinct from materials immunostained by different insulin antibodies in the brain and neurohaemal complex of this insect species. These findings are viewed in the light of recent reports on the presence and action of insulin-like chemicals in insects, and with respect to the existence of an insect brain-midgut system similar to the mammalian brain-gastroenteropancreatic system.  相似文献   

Summary Specimens of mouse cerebral cortex were preserved by freezing and drying and treated in vacuo with osmium tetroxide vapors. In the neuropil of the molecular layer dense, osmiophilic laminae, presumably plasma membranes of immediately adjacent cell processes, were found to be separated by an intercellular space, which appeared relatively electron lucent in unstained sections. In sections stained with uranyl acetate an intercellular substance was demonstrated, the visualized density of which was reduced when staining was accomplished at low pH. These reactions suggest the presence of a non-lipid, anionic intercellular substance which may contain acid mucopolysaccharide.This work was supported by U.S.P.H.S. Research Grants NB 05175, NB 07044 and Career Development Award 1K3 NB 4929.  相似文献   

After gel chromatography of human and rat serum at pH 7.4, all endogenous somatomedin A was recovered in the high molecular weight range. The largest peak was found in the gamma-globulin (II) region and the next largest peak found in the albumin region (III). The amounts of somatomedin A in the peak II region increased in serum from acromegalies and decreased in serum from growth hormone deficient patients. Four radioactive peaks were observed after gel chromatography of serum incubated with 125I-somatomedin A. Only the two peaks corresponding to peaks II and III out of the four peaks were displaced by adding 50 microgram of partially purified cold somatomedin A. The radioactivity of peak II decreased in sera from growth hormone deficient patients and increased after growth hormone administration. These observations support the hypothesis that the growth hormone regulates not only somatomedin A but also its carrier protein.  相似文献   

Somatomedin in rat serum has been measured by a sensitive radioreceptor assay using 125I-labelled human somatomedin and human placental membrane. In rats made diabetic with strepotzotocin, receptor-reactive somatomedin levels were decrease by up to 75%. The decrease followed the time course of increasing serum glucose and occurred to the same extent in rats aged between 4 and 40 weeks. Endogenous serum receptor-reactive somatomedin appeared exclusively in high molecular weight fractions on gel chromatography. In diabetes the decreased somatomedin was due to a fall in this high molecular weight activity, but was not accompanied by a fall in somatomedin binding protein. These results suggest a role for insulin in maintaining serum somatomedin levels.  相似文献   

Streptozotocin-induced diabetes in the female rat caused a decrease in the serum level of somatomedin (Sm), measured by radioreceptor assay. The decrease was reversed by insulin therapy. In diabetes of varying severity, serum insulin and Sm levels showed highly significant association up to the insulin concentration (18 microU/ml) corresponding to normal serum Sm (1 U/ml). Similarly, the hepatic binding of human growth hormone (hGH) showed highly significant association with serum Sm levels up to the degree of binding (7% of tracer) corresponding to normal serum Sm. Binding of hGH to normal liver was about 12% of tracer. These results suggest that insulin might regulate serum Sm via its effect on liver lactogenic receptors, and that about half of these receptors are "spare", or in excess of those required to maintain normal serum Sm levels.  相似文献   

Comparative role of proteins of the human blood plasma in luminol-dependent induction of chemiluminescence in the presence of hydrogen peroxide was studied. It was found that the largest contribution into chemiluminescence was made by the plasma fraction with the molecular mass 250 kD. Besides the intensity of chemiluminescence proves to be proportional to hemoglobin concentration, which when added to the blood plasma entered the fractions with the molecular mass about 250 kD. It is suggested that hemoglobin producing luminescence in the blood plasma is related to haptoglobin.  相似文献   

Summary Two rabbits and two guinea pigs were immunized with arginine vasotocin (AVT) conjugated to bovine albumin with glutaraldehyde. Only one preparation of antiserum (anti-G 7) was of value. Anti-G 7 immunochemically defined the same rat pineal cells previously reported as presumptive AVT cells. However, absorption of anti-G 7 with bovine albumin inhibited the staining of the pineal cells demonstrating that they contained an albumin-like substance. Positive immunochemical staining of the rat pars nervosa suggested that anti-G 7 contained antibodies able to react with arginine vasopressin (AVP). Loss of a positive reaction in the posterior lobe on absorption of anti-G 7 with AVT or AVP confirmed this. However, the addition of AVT to anti-G 7 failed to inhibit the immunochemical staining of the pineal cells. This study reports the presence of an albumin-like substance in pineal cells previously described as presumptive AVT cells, and discusses possible explanations for the inability of anti-G 7 to recognize immunocytochemically the native AVT molecule. Confirmation of AVT in the pineal gland by immunocytochemistry must await the availability of more specific antisera.  相似文献   

Summary An alcohol-chloroform insoluble, periodic acid-Schiff reactive substance associated with the ependymal lining of the supraoptic and infundibular recesses was demonstrated in the hypothalamus of the white rat. Although the ependyma is stratified and contains cells with long processes throughout the extent of the recesses, the PAS reactive substance is present in very circumscribed areas within the recesses. It was also shown that this PAS reactive substance is not related to neurosecretory material which has an affinity for chrome-alum hematoxylin and aldehyde fuchsin. The regularity of appearance and location of the substance may be taken as evidence in favor of its being a specific material elaborated in the regions mentioned.The possibility of the reactive material in each site representing different compounds, each of which is associated with a substance possessing 1,2-glycol groups, is discussed.This project supported by Research Grant B-1013 from National Institutes of Health.Macy Foundation Summer Research Fellow.  相似文献   

A procedure is described for the assay of bovine testicular hyaluronidase in human blood following intravenous administration of the enzyme. Inhibition of hyaluronidase by the reported nonspecific serum inhibitor is minimal. However, the presence of human serum does alter the pH profile of hyaluronidase and enhances the activity of the enzyme at low pH values. Preliminary data indicates that the effects caused by serum on the pH optimum and activity of the enzyme are largely associated with the albumin fraction and are not due to the presence of endogenous serum hyaluronidase. The activation effect is not specific for any particular blood type and is independent of whether serum or citrated plasma is used. A similar effect to that of serum on hyaluronidase activity is produced by different buffer mixtures or increased NaCl concentration. It is recommended that bovine testicular hyaluronidase be measured at pH 4.0 in 0.1 m sodium citrate buffer containing 0.15 m NaCl as under these conditions the addition of human serum or citrated plasma does not alter the pH optimum of the enzyme. These recommendations necessitate certain modifications of the reducing N-acetylhexosamine assay method of Reissig et al. (J. L. Reissig, J. L. Strominger, and L. F. Leloir, 1955, J. Biol. Chem.217, 959–966).  相似文献   

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