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1. Aerobic respiration, productivity and the carbon turnover rate of microbial biofilms were determined at hyporheic and phreatic sites in the Kalispell Valley alluvial aquifer along a transect extending 3.9 km laterally from the main channel of the Flathead River, a sixth order river in Montana (U.S.A.). The effect of experimentally increasing bioavailable organic carbon (acetate) on the respiration rate of biofilms in this carbon‐poor [dissolved organic carbon (DOC) < 2 mg L?1] aquifer was also measured. 2. Chambers containing natural substratum were placed in‐situ and allowed to colonise for 20 weeks. After 4, 12 and 20 weeks, they were taken to the laboratory where oxygen flux was measured in a computer‐controlled, flow‐through respirometry system. 3. Respiration ranged from 0.01 to 0.33 mg O2 dm?3 h?1 across sites, with means ranging from 0.10 to 0.17 mg O2 dm?3 h?1. Productivity estimates ranged from 0.18 to 0.32 mg C dm?3 day?1 (mean 0.25, SE 0.03). The total organic carbon (TOC) of the microbial biofilms ranged from 18.2 to 29.7 mg C dm?3. Turnover rate ranged from 3.2 to 5.6 year?1 with a mean of 4.2 year?1. 4. At the hyporheic site very close to the river, respiration did not significantly increase when samples were supplemented with labile carbon. Respiration increased with increasing DOC addition at hyporheic sites more distant from the river, suggesting a carbon‐limitation gradient within the hyporheic zone. Microbes at the phreatic site did not respond to increasing DOC addition, suggesting that the phreatic biofilm is adapted to low carbon availability. 5. Comparing the volume of the alluvial aquifer (about 0.7 km3) to that of the river benthic sediments (to 0.25 m depth, which amounts to about 1.6 × 10?4 km3) within the Flathead Valley, leads to the conclusion that interstitial microbial productivity is orders of magnitude greater than benthic productivity. Alluvial aquifers are often voluminous and microbial production is an enormous component of ecosystem production in rivers such as the Flathead.  相似文献   


Our understanding of ecosystem responses to exceedingly large rare flood events is currently limited. We report the resilience of aquatic community to a 100-year record-high flood, and how it varies depending on levels of water pollution, in a fourth-order gravel-bed river in northern Japan. We used data on riparian landscape structure, channel morphology, and community structure of aquatic fauna, which were collected in sites with and without effluent before (1 month–3 years) and after (10 months) the flood. Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios of consumers and basal resources were measured only before (1 year) the flood. We observed aquatic food web with introduced rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) as the top predator, with variable relative contributions of basal resources and their pathways to the rainbow trout, under the effects of water pollution. Biofilm-originating dietary carbon became the more dominant resource, with a slightly shorter food-chain length in the polluted sites. The flood led to a loss of riparian forest and a substantial increase in the proportion of exposed gravel bars (5–24%). While the average river-bed elevation changed a little, the localized scours of river bed down to?>?2 m were observed with lateral shifts of channel thalweg. Despite the landscape-level physical and structural changes of ecosystem, aquatic community showed a remarkably high resilience exhibiting negligible changes in abundance, except in the polluted site where only fish abundance showed a slight decrease. This study suggests that the abundance of aquatic organisms in gravel-bed rivers is resilient to a flood of unprecedented magnitude in recent history.


1. Floods and low flows are hydrological events that influence river ecosystems, but few studies have compared their relative importance in structuring invertebrate communities. Invertebrates were sampled in riffles and runs at eight sites along 40 km of a New Zealand gravel‐bed river every 1–3 months over 2.5 years, during which time a number of large flood and low flow events occurred. Flows were high in winter and spring, and low in summer and autumn. Four flow‐related variables were calculated from hydrological data: flow on the day of sampling (Qsample), maximum and minimum flow between successive samples (Qmax and Qmin, respectively), and the number of days since the last bed‐moving flood (Ndays). 2. The invertebrate community was summarised by relative densities of the 19 most abundant taxa and four biotic metrics [total abundance, taxon richness, the number of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera taxa (i.e. EPT richness), and per cent EPT]. Invertebrate density fluctuated greatly, and was high in summer and autumn, and low during winter and spring. Stepwise multiple regression (SMR) analysis was used to investigate relationships between the invertebrate community and season, flow, habitat and water temperature. 3. Seasonal variables were included in almost 50% of the SMR models, while flow‐related variables were included in >75% of models. Densities of many taxa were negatively correlated to Qmin and Qmax, and positively correlated to Ndays, suggesting that while high flows reduced invertebrate densities, densities recovered with increasing time following a flood. Although season and flow were confounded in this study, many of the taxa analysed display little seasonal variation in abundance, suggesting that flow‐related variables were more important in structuring communities than seasonal changes in density associated with life‐cycles. 4. Five discrete flood and low flow events were identified and changes to invertebrate communities before and after these events examined. Invertebrate densities decreased more commonly after floods than after low flows, and there was a significant positive relationship between the number of taxa showing reductions in density and flood magnitude. Densities of most invertebrates either remained unchanged, or increased after low flow events, except for four taxa whose densities declined after a very long period (up to 9 months) of low flow. This decline was attributed to autogenic sloughing of thick periphyton communities and subsequent loss of habitat for these taxa. 5. Invertebrate communities changed more after floods and the degree of change was proportional to flood magnitude. Community similarity increased with increasing time since the last disturbance, suggesting that the longer stable flows lasted, the less the community changed. These results suggest that invertebrate communities in the Waipara River were controlled by both floods and low flows, but that the relative effects of floods were greater than even extended periods of extreme low flow. 6. Hydraulic conditions in riffles and runs were measured throughout the study. Riffles had consistently faster velocities, but were shallower and narrower than runs at all measured flows. Invertebrate density in riffles was expressed as a percentage of total density and regressed against the flow‐related variables to see whether invertebrate locations changed according to flow. Significant negative relationships were observed between the per cent density of common taxa in riffles and Qsample, Qmax and Qmin. This result suggests either that these animals actively drifted into areas of faster velocity during low flows, or that their densities within riffles increased as the width of these habitats declined.  相似文献   

1. The spatial distribution of macroinvertebrate species was examined in relation to hydraulic and sedimentary conditions in a large gravel‐bed river, the Fraser River, Canada. Mean annual discharge in the Fraser River is 2900 m3 s?1 and annual flood discharge, due to snowmelt in May and June, averages 8760 m3 s?1.
2. Invertebrates were sampled from four water depths (0.2, 0.5, 1.5, 3.0 m) at various levels of discharge that together captured the spatial and temporal variability of the physical habitat. Several hydraulic (near‐bed shear velocity, Boundary Reynolds number, turbulence intensity, depth‐averaged velocity, Froude number, Reynolds number) and substratum variables (mean grain size, Trask's sorting coefficient, Nikuradse's roughness, percentage of fine sediment, and Shields entrainment function) were measured for each sample of macroinvertebrates. Concentrations of fine and coarse particulate organic matter were also assessed.
3. The physical habitat was characterized by a major gradient of hydraulic conditions that corresponded positively with increasing water depth and accounted for 52% of the total variation in the habitat data. Substratum conditions and the concentration of organic matter explained 24% of the total variation in the habitat data.
4. The distribution of invertebrates was correlated significantly with hydraulic variables and suggests that hydraulic conditions represent a major physical gradient along which the benthic community is organized. The distribution of organic matter and substratum texture were also important for some species. The spatial distribution of most species reflected morphological and trophic suitability to particular habitat conditions.
5. Hydraulic stress associated with foraging and maintaining position, as well as organic matter retention in coarse substrata, are probable mechanisms affecting the spatial distribution of macroinvertebrates.  相似文献   

This study analyses the rhodolith-bearing deposits in the largest and most rhodolith-rich outcrop of the Polish Outer Carpathian flysch, located in the Silesian Nappe, at the village of Melsztyn. The rhodoliths and sparse associated biota occur as resedimented components in a deep-marine succession of siliciclastic conglomerates and coarse-grained sandstones, deposited by high-density turbidity currents and debris flows. The sediment was derived from a fan-delta system located at the southern margin of the Silesian flysch basin. Stratigraphic data indicate that the succession represents the Upper Istebna Sandstone deposited during the Late Paleocene. The rhodoliths are composed mostly of coralline red algae with seven genera and eight species representing the family Sporolithaceae and the subfamilies Mastophoroideae and Melobesioideae. Rhodoliths show sub-spheroidal and sub-ellipsoidal shapes with encrusting, warty and lumpy growth forms. Lumpy growth forms show massive inner arrangements, whereas the encrusting growth forms are usually made of thin thalli and show more loosely packed inner arrangements. The rhodoliths grew on a moderately mobile siliciclastic substrate in a shallow-marine environment with a low net sedimentation rate. It is inferred that the growth of rhodoliths was favored during a relative sea-level rise. During the subsequent sea-level fall, the rhodoliths and associated siliciclastic deposits were resedimented by gravity flows into the deep-sea setting. The analyzed deposits, like other Paleocene–Eocene deposits of the Polish Outer Carpathians, provide no evidence of coeval widespread shallow-marine carbonate sedimentation along the margins of the Outer Carpathian flysch basins.  相似文献   

Duľa  Martin  Nicol  Chloé  Bojda  Michaj  Labuda  Jiří  Slamka  Marián  Kutal  Miroslav 《Acta theriologica》2023,68(2):237-242
Mammal Research - In Europe, the Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) has suffered from intensive persecution due to competition with hunters, resulting in its extermination in the late 19th–early 20th...  相似文献   

Six species and subspecies of theS. nemorensis group from the Carpathians are recognized here, based on morphometric analyses (cluster and discriminant analyses). A new speciesS. ucranicus Hodálová and a new hybridS. ×dominii Hodálová=S. germanicus WallrS. ucranicus Hodálová, occurring in the East Carpathians and the eastern part of the South Carpathians, are described. The vicarious nature ofS. hercynicus Herborg subsp.hercynicus, S. dacicus Hodálová etMarhold andS. ucranicus Hodálová in the Carpathians is documented. A key to theS. nemorensis group in the Carpathians as well as toS. nemorensis L. s. str. is presented.  相似文献   

To understand the extent of changes in the habitat structure of macroinvertebrates due to channel degradation, the amount of pools and riffles and bed materials were determined in upper and lower reaches of a fully sedimented dam in a mountain gravel-bed river. Pools occurred more frequently and individual pools were longer in the lower reach than in the upper reaches; the total length of pools in the former was four times than in the latter. In contrast, individual riffles in the upper reaches were longer than and the total length double that in the lower reach. The main bed materials in the upper reaches were moderate-sized cobbles and boulders (diameter 10–40 cm), which generated moderately steep and long riffles. In the lower reach, these materials were scarce and the main bed materials were large boulders (>50 cm) and bedrock, which generated steep and short riffles; finer materials (<10 cm) dominated in pools and runs. The reduced total length of riffles in the lower reach was partly associated with the steepening of individual riffles, which may be due to the shortage of moderate-sized cobbles and boulders. Macroinvertebrate biomass at reach scale, which was estimated based on the total lengths of pools and riffles, was more than two to four times in the upper reaches than in the lower reach.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Als neue Art der GattungAlchemilla L. Subser.Hirsutae H.Lindb. wirdA. suavis A.Plocek aus den West-Karpaten beschrieben. Sie wird mit ähnlichen Arten verglichen.  相似文献   

A heterokaryon is a tissue type composed of cells containing genetically different nuclei. Although heterokaryosis is commonly found in nature, an understanding of the evolutionary implications of this phenomenon is largely lacking. Here, we use the filamentous ascomycete Neurospora tetrasperma to study the interplay between nuclei in heterokaryons across vegetative and sexual developmental stages. This fungus harbours nuclei of two opposite mating types (mat A and mat a) in the same cell and is thereby self-fertile. We used pyrosequencing of mat-linked SNPs of three heterokaryons to demonstrate that the nuclear ratio is consistently biased for mat A-nuclei during mycelial growth (mean mat A/mat a ratio 87%), but evens out during sexual development (ratio ranging from 40 to 57%). Furthermore, we investigated the association between nuclear ratio and expression of alleles of mat-linked genes and found that expression is coregulated to obtain a tissue-specific bias in expression ratio: during mycelial extension, we found a strong bias in expression for mat A-linked genes, that was independent of nuclear ratio, whereas at the sexual stage we found an expression bias for genes of the mat a nuclei. Taken together, our data indicate that nuclei cooperate to optimize the fitness of the heterokaryon, via both altering their nuclear ratios and coregulation genes expressed in the different nuclei.  相似文献   

用河流生物指数评价秦淮河上游水质的研究   总被引:16,自引:7,他引:16  
王备新  杨莲芳 《生态学报》2003,23(10):2082-2091
1999~2001年用D-形网半定量法采集了南京秦淮河上游21个样点的大型底栖无脊椎动物。12个底栖生物指数值的频数分布分析、Pearson相关分析和敏感性检测表明,总分类单元数、ET分类单元数、香农多样性指数、水生昆虫分类单元数和优势分类单元%最适合于秦淮河上游水质生物评价。采用5、3、1生物指数记分法统一量纲。提出了河流生物指数(RBI)概念,其值即为累加上述5个指数后的总分值,建立了河流生物指数评价秦淮河水质的标准,并对21个样点的水质进行重新评价,效果较单项生物指数如香农多样性指数评价结果更接近实际情况。  相似文献   

Changes in composition and structure of plant communities in relation tothe soil and snow cover variation were analyzed along an altitudinal transect(1150–1750 m) from the mountain-temperate forests to a woodyshrub community and alpine meadows on Mt Velký Gápel', Slovakia.The soils below the treeline (1510 m) had a more developedorganic layer above the mineral substratum. Generally, soil depth decreased asthe altitude increased, although the maximum values were recognized at a middlealtitude in a beech stand. Snow was redistributed by westerly winds from theridgeline down to the upper forest margin. Mean snow depth decreased withaltitude up to almost snow-free sites around the summit. In the 48 plots at 16sites we recorded 118 taxa including 6 tree, 7 shrub, 18 grass, 42 herb, 5fern,25 moss and 15 lichen species. The species diversity showed no distinctrelationship to altitude but declined with canopy consolidation. The TWINSPANfloristic classification distinguished five groups of community typescharacterised by different dominants, and a further three clusters of samplesfrom transition zones. Horizontal compositional heterogeneity increased inareaswhere trees were aggregated and tree basal area was smaller. Vegetationcomposition became more patchy at open-canopy Acerpseudoplatanus–Abies alba mixed forest at 1150 m,in Picea abies forest limit 1470 m, andin Pinus mugo krummholz at 1590 m. Speciesturnover of the entire transect was 6.1 half-changes as estimated by DCA.Despite this heterogeneity, none of the 15 elevational bands had significantaggregation of species' limits. Vegetation varied continuously, with individualspecies overlapping in transition zones delimited by dominant taxa. Thecoincident aggregation of up-slope and down-slope boundaries was found at abelt1430–1510 m. This discrete ecotone corresponds to a shiftfrom the closed coniferous forest to P. mugo krummholz.Thesecond inherent up-slope boundary aggregation indicated the P.mugo krummholz – alpine meadow vegetation transition at1700 m. Spatial analysis (K-function) of eight forest plots(0.12 ha each) showed that at lower elevation, adult trees of thebroad-leaf forest were closer to a random arrangement while at higherelevation,trees of evergreen coniferous stands became aggregated toward the forest limitwith the highest intensity from 2 to 4 m. Altitudinal gradient andrelated factors explained 35% of the variance in vegetation data.Canonical correspondence analysis also showed that main vegetation changesabovethe treeline area were associated with the topographic pattern of pine shrubsand snow cover.  相似文献   

Large river bioassessment protocols lag far behind those of wadeable streams and often rely on fish assemblages of individual rivers. We developed a regional macroinvertebrate index and assessed relative condition of six large river tributaries to the upper Mississippi and Ohio rivers, Midwest USA. In 2004 and 2005, benthic macroinvertebrates, water chemistry, and habitat data were collected from randomly selected sites on each of the St. Croix, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Scioto, Wabash, and Illinois rivers. We first identified the human disturbance gradient using principal components analysis (PCA) of abiotic data. From the PCA, least disturbed sites showed strong separation from stressed sites along a gradient contrasting high water clarity, canopy cover, habitat scores, and plant-based substrates at one end and higher conductivity and nutrient concentrations at the other. Evaluation of 97 benthic metrics identified those with good range, responsiveness, and relative scope of impairment, as well as redundancies with other metrics. The final index was composed of Diptera taxa richness, EPT taxa richness, Coleoptera taxa richness, percent oligochaete and leech taxa, percent collector-filterer individuals, predator taxa richness, percent burrower taxa, tolerant taxa richness, and percent facultative individuals. Each of the selected metrics was scored using upper and lower thresholds based on all sites, and averaging across the nine metric scores, we obtained the Non-wadeable Macroinvertebrate Assemblage Condition Index (NMACI). The NMACI showed a strong response to disturbance using a validation data set and was highly correlated with non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) ordination axes of benthic taxa. The cumulative distribution function of index scores for each river showed qualitative differences in condition among rivers. NMACI scores were highest for the federally protected St. Croix River and lowest for the Illinois River. Other rivers were intermediate and generally reflected the mixture of land use types within individual basins. Use of regional reference sites, though setting a high level of expectation, provides a valuable frame of reference for the potential of large river benthic communities that will aid management and restoration efforts.  相似文献   

Two mass-balance trophic models are constructed to describe the Gulf of Thailand ecosystem (10–50 m depth): one model pertains to the initial phase of fisheries development, and the other to when the resources were severely depleted. The two phases are compared, and changes brought about by fishing discussed. A dynamic simulation model, Ecosim, is then used successfully to reproduce the 1980 state of the fishery based on the 1963 model and the development in catches. In addition the 1980 model is used to predict how the ecosystem groups may bounce back following marked reduction in fishing pressure. Finally, the 1963 model is used to study alternative scenarios for how the fisheries development could take place, notably the effect of exploiting only the resources of larger species. The study validates that the Ecosim model can be used to predict ecosystem level changes following changes in fishing pressure, therefore fishing induced changes can to a large extent explain the changes in ecosystem pools and fluxes observed over time.  相似文献   

The expected behaviour of the “difference index” (Metzger, Shapiro, Mosimann & Vinton, 1968) has been examined under simple assumptions. Provided that it is only used to compare the compositions of proteins of equal or near-equal length, it can be interpreted to provide an estimate of the number of differences between the two sequences. Results with several pairs of proteins are in good agreement with estimates obtained by an alternative approach described previously (Cornish-Bowden, 1977).  相似文献   

Species composition and seasonal succession of phytoplankton were analyzed in a lowland river located in South Banat (Ponjavica, Serbia). As a result of human activity, a network of irrigation channels was built on the Ponjavica River’s upper and lower courses. These channels reduce the water level in the river and help to create favorable conditions for accelerated eutrophication processes. Eight phytoplankton divisions with 444 taxa were present. Physical and chemical testing of water, phytoplankton abundance and biomass, as well as chlorophyll a concentration showed a high level of eutrophication. Cyanobacterial biomass developed in 2002 with dominance of Microcystis aeruginosa and Aphanizomenon flos-aquae. Changes in phytoplankton composition were observed during 2008, characterized by the appearance and dominance of Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii when this species accounted for more than 85% of the total phytoplankton biovolume. The change in dominant phytoplankton functional groups was observed: codons H1 and M characterizing summer in 2002 were replaced by codons SN and S1 in 2008. This study compares the presence of C. raciborskii with other phytoplankton species in relation to water quality parameters. High abundance of this species correlated positively with biochemical oxygen demand and turbidity, and negatively with NO3-N concentrations during the study period.  相似文献   

Neurofilaments (NFs) are important cytoskeletal filaments that consist of long flexible C-terminal tails that are abundant with charges. The tails attain additional negative charges through serine phosphorylation of Lys-Ser-Pro (KSP) repeat motifs that are particularly found in neurofilament heavy (NF-H) and neurofilament medium (NF-M) proteins. These side-arm protrusions mediate the interaction between neighboring filaments and maintain axonal diameter. However, the precise role of NF proteins and their phosphorylation in regulating interfilament distances and axonal diameter still remains unclear. In this regard, a recent gene replacement study revealed that the phosphorylation of mouse NF-M KSP repeats does not affect axonal cytoarchitecture, challenging the conventional viewpoint on the role of NF phosphorylation. To better understand the effect of phosphorylation, particularly NF-M phosphorylation, we applied a computational method to reveal phosphorylation-mediated conformational changes in mouse NF architecture. We employed a three-dimensional sequence-based coarse-grained NF brush model to perform Monte Carlo simulations of mouse NF by using the sequence and stoichiometry of mouse NF proteins. Our result shows that the phosphorylation of mouse NF-M does not change the radial extension of NF-M side arms under a salt-free condition and in ionic solution, highlighting a structural factor that supports the notion that NF-M KSP phosphorylation has no effect on the axonal diameter of mouse. On the other hand, significant phosphorylation-mediated conformational changes were found in NF-H side arms under the salt-free condition, while the changes in ionic solution are not significant. However, NF-H side arms are found at the periphery of mouse NF architecture, implying a role in linking neighboring filaments.  相似文献   

1. Large amounts of coarse particulate organic matter (CPOM) are buried in the sand and gravel beds of many rivers during spates. The effects of these patchily distributed resources on hyporheic invertebrates and water chemistry are poorly understood. Buried CPOM may provide local ‘hot-spots’ of food for hyporheic detritivores and their predators, alter nutrient supply to nearby sediment biofilms, and generate habitat for some invertebrates. 2. To examine potential short-term effects on hyporheic water chemistry, nutrient concentrations and invertebrate assemblage composition, leaf packs were buried in downwelling (surface water infiltrating the hyporheic zone) and upwelling (hyporheic water emerging to the surface) zones at two sites along a gravel-bed river in northern New South Wales. At one site, pits were excavated to simulate leaf burial (procedural control) and plastic ‘leaves’ were buried to test whether invertebrates might respond to leaves as refuges rather than food. Hyporheic CPOM, sediment size fractions, and interstitial silt content were also quantified at these sites. 3. Dry weights of naturally buried CPOM (leaf litter and wood fragments) varied substantially (0.6–71.7 g L–1 sediment). Amounts of CPOM did not differ between up- vs. downwelling zones or between sites. Hyporheic dissolved oxygen saturation was generally high (> 75%), and was lower in upwelling zones. The hyporheos was dominated taxonomically by water mites (≈ 20 species), whereas small oligochaetes were most abundant (40% of total abundance). Tiny instars of elmid beetle larvae and leptophlebiid mayfly nymphs were also common. Before experimental manipulation, faunal composition differed between up- and downwelling zones. In upwelling zones, bathynellaceans and blind peracarids were found, whereas small individuals of the surface benthos were common in samples from downwelling zones. This validated stratification of the experiment across zones of hydrologic exchange. 4. Twenty days after leaf burial, there was no effect of the treatments at either site on changes in most variables, including mean numbers of taxa and individuals per sample. Similarly, changes in faunal composition of the hyporheos in the treatments paralleled those in the controls except for a weak response in the buried leaves treatment in the upwelling zone at site 1. Artificially buried leaf litter does not seem to influence hyporheic water chemistry or fauna at these two sites. It is probable that naturally buried leaf litter is swiftly processed soon after entrainment and that repeating this experiment immediately after a flood may yield different results.  相似文献   

Bovine tuberculosis (BTB) is a multi-species infection that commonly affects cattle and badgers in Great Britain. Despite years of study, the impact of badgers on BTB incidence in cattle is poorly understood. Using a two-host transmission model of BTB in cattle and badgers, we find that published data and parameter estimates are most consistent with a system at the threshold of control. The most consistent explanation for data obtained from cattle and badger populations includes within-host reproduction numbers close to 1 and between-host reproduction numbers of approximately 0.05. In terms of controlling infection in cattle, reducing cattle-to-cattle transmission is essential. In some regions, even large reductions in badger prevalence can have a modest impact on cattle infection and a multi-stranded approach is necessary that also targets badger-to-cattle transmission directly. The new perspective highlighted by this two-host approach provides insight into the control of BTB in Great Britain.  相似文献   

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