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An unappreciated facet of biodiversity is that rich communities and high abundance may foster parasitism. For parasites that sequentially use different host species throughout complex life cycles, parasite diversity and abundance in 'downstream' hosts should logically increase with the diversity and abundance of 'upstream' hosts (which carry the preceding stages of parasites). Surprisingly, this logical assumption has little empirical support, especially regarding metazoan parasites. Few studies have attempted direct tests of this idea and most have lacked the appropriate scale of investigation. In two different studies, we used time-lapse videography to quantify birds at fine spatial scales, and then related bird communities to larval trematode communities in snail populations sampled at the same small spatial scales. Species richness, species heterogeneity and abundance of final host birds were positively correlated with species richness, species heterogeneity and abundance of trematodes in host snails. Such community-level interactions have rarely been demonstrated and have implications for community theory, epidemiological theory and ecosystem management.  相似文献   

Aim We used published inventories of trematodes in Littorina littorea (L.) and Hydrobia ulvae (Pennant) in European seas to search for two basic biogeographical patterns in the spatial occurrence of various trematode species: (1) do parasite distribution and richness patterns in the two host snails overlap with known ecoregions of free‐living organisms; and (2) does trematode species richness in the snails follow latitudinal or longitudinal gradients? Location North East Atlantic. Methods We used multidimensional scaling (MDS), analysis of similarity (ANOSIM) and analysis of variance (ANOVA) to test whether there were overlaps of parasite distribution and richness with known ecoregions of free‐living organisms. In addition, we used linear regression analyses to test whether trematode richness in snails (corrected for sampling effort) was correlated with the latitude or longitude of the sampling sites. Results When corrected for sampling effort, mean trematode species richness per site did not differ among the different ecoregions in L. littorea. In contrast, in H. ulvae, mean species richness was much lower for sites from the Celtic Sea compared with sites from the Baltic Sea and the North Sea. Based on the results of MDS analyses, trematode species composition was distinct among ecoregions; in particular, communities from the Baltic Sea differed markedly from communities in the Celtic Sea, for both snail species. Latitude and longitude were not significantly correlated with parasite species richness in either snail species. Most trematode species had restricted distributions, and only three species in L. littorea and five species in H. ulvae occurred at more than 50% of the sites. Main conclusions There is more structure in the large‐scale distribution of trematodes in gastropods than one would expect from the large‐scale dispersal capabilities of their bird and fish final hosts. We propose mechanisms based both on limited dispersal via fish and bird final hosts and on gradients in environmental factors to explain the observed patterns.  相似文献   

Factors that affected the component community structure of larval trematodes in the pulmonate snail Helisoma anceps in Charlie's Pond, North Carolina, were studied over a 15-mo period using a multiple mark-recapture protocol. Patent infections of 8 species were observed in 1,485 of 4,899 snails examined. Reproductive activity, population size, and survival rate of the snail population were estimated to evaluate the extent of resource availability for the parasites. Antagonistic interactions between trematode species that occurred at the infracommunity level had a neglible effect on the composition and structure of the component community. The patterns observed at this level were related to temporal heterogeneity in the abundance of infective stages (mostly miracidia), differential responses of trematode species to the diverse and constantly changing distribution of snail size and abundance, differential mortality of snails infected with certain trematode species, constant recruitment of 1 trematode species over time, and the existence of predictable disturbances such as the complete mortality of the host population and recruitment of a replacement population during a 6-8 wk period. The last factor operated as a reset mechanism for this snail-trematode system once each year. A model of patch dynamics, with snails as patch resources, best explains the organization and dynamics of this system.  相似文献   

The ability to culture parasites outside their host (i.e. in vitro) is essential for several aspects of parasitological research. Here, a culture medium for marine trematode parthenitae was optimized using Philophthalmus sp. rediae from the intermediate snail host, Zeacumantus subcarinatus. The medium was optimized by sequentially testing the suitability of different levels of osmolality, different commercially available media, and different concentrations of supplemented chicken serum, while controlling for genetic variation among cultures. Philophthalmus sp. rediae survived up to 56 days in cultures of the best tested medium, remaining active and continuously shedding cercariae. The broader suitability of the culture medium was tested using five other trematode species from different families (using either the same or other marine snails as first intermediate hosts): Galactosomum sp., Acanthoparyphium sp., Maritrema novaezealandensis, Curtuteria australis, and an undescribed species of the family Opecoelidae. Survivorship of rediae and sporocysts from these species ranged from eight days to 42 days. The culture procedures developed here can therefore be used in the future as a system under which to culture marine trematode parthenitae for experimental studies.  相似文献   

The data on species composition, ecology and distribution of snails of the subfamily Planorbinae (tribes Planorbini, Segmentinini) in water basis of Tsentral'noye Polesye are given. In 13 species belonging to the genera Planorbis, Anisius, Choanomphalus, Segmentina, Hippeutis, the parthenitae and larvae of Paramphistomum ichikawai Jamaguti has been recorded. Infection rate varies from 0.5 to 18.5%.  相似文献   

We consider optimal growth of larval stages in complex parasite life cycles where there is no constraint because of host immune responses. Our model predicts an individual's asymptotic size in its intermediate host, with and without competition from conspecific larvae. We match observed variations in larval growth patterns in pseudophyllid cestodes with theoretical predictions of our model. If survival of the host is vital for transmission, larvae should reduce asymptotic size as intensity increases, to avoid killing the host. The life history strategy (LHS) model predicts a size reduction <1/intensity, thus increasing the parasite burden on the host. We discuss whether body size of competing parasites is an evolved LHS or simply reflects resource constraints (RC) on growth fixed by the host, leading to a constant total burden with intensity. Growth under competition appears comparable with "the tragedy of the commons", much analysed in social sciences. Our LHS prediction suggests that evolution generates a solution that seems cooperative but is actually selfish.  相似文献   

The ability of free-swimming larval parasites to control emergence from their hosts can be critical in increasing the chances of successful infection transmission. For a group of estuarine trematodes, emergence of cercariae from their snail hosts is known to match favorable temperature, tidal activity, and light intensity. How the larvae time this behavior is not well understood, but the pathway that the larvae take through their host may play a role. Through video and histological analysis, we were able to identify the snail's anus as the emergence point and the peri-intestinal sinus dorsal to the intestines as the route by which they reach that point. By moving through this open sinus, the larvae have an energetically efficient pathway to reach their emergence point while minimizing damage to the host. Most importantly, it allows control over emergence to be maintained by the parasite, not the host, thus increasing the chances of the larva successfully reaching its intended destination.  相似文献   

Summary The use of molluscivorous fish for biological control of snail intermediate hosts of schistosomiasis is a regularly reappearing theme in the literature on schistosomiasis control. The effectiveness of this control method has not yet been demonstrated, and conclusive field evidence is lacking. In this article the literature on snail control by fish is critically reviewed. Special attention is paid to the cichlid fish Astatoreochromis alluaudi that has been used in well-documented field trials in Kenya and Cameroon. After some small initial success, after a longer period the fish appeared to be ineffective in snail control. Moreover, the fish reproduces at a pace too slow to be of use in large-scale biocontrol trials. Laboratory observations on foraging behaviour and anatomy of the fish give essential cues to explain the failure of the fish in snail control. An observed reduction in the fishes' pharyngeal jaw apparatus, used to crush snails shells, results in a lower profitability of snails. As predicted by a simple foraging model, the prey preference of the fish shifts towards other more profitable prey items, such as benthic and pelagic macrofauna. Although eradication of snails by fish will not be feasible in most cases, the role of natural predators of snails cannot be neglected, and may still be of importance in integrated control efforts.  相似文献   

There is a need for recent information on intermediate snail hosts of schistosomes in The Gambia; the previous studies were conducted over three decades ago. This study assessed the incidence, species diversity, distribution and infection status of schistosome intermediate snail hosts in the country. Malacological surveys were conducted in all 5 regions of The Gambia: Central River Region (CRR), Upper River Region (URR), Western Region (WR), Lower River Region (LRR) and North Bank Region (NBR). Sampling of snails was undertaken at 114 sites that included permanent water bodies such as streams (bolongs), rice fields, irrigation canals and swamps; and temporal (seasonal) laterite pools. Ecological and physicochemical factors of sites were recorded. Snails were identified morphologically and screened for schistosome infections using molecular techniques. Freshwater snails were found at more than 50% (60/114) of sites sampled. While three species of Bulinus were collected, no Biomphalaria snails were found in any of the sites sampled. Of the total 2877 Bulinus snails collected, 75.9% were identified as Bulinus senegalensis, 20.9% as Bulinus forskalii and 3.2% as Bulinus truncatus. Seasonal pools produced the largest number of snails, and CRR was the region with the largest number of snails. Bulinus senegalensis was found more in seasonal pools as opposed to permanent sites, where B. forskalii and B. truncatus were observed to thrive. Bulinus snails were more common in seasonal sites where aquatic vegetation was present. In permanent sites, the abundance of snails increased with increase in water temperature and decrease in water pH. Bulinus senegalensis was found infected with both S. haematobium and S. bovis, while B. forskalii and B. truncatus had only S. bovis infection. While the human parasite S. haematobium was restricted to just four sites, the livestock parasite S. bovis had a much more widespread geographical distribution across both CRR and URR. This new information on the distribution of intermediate snail hosts of schistosomes in The Gambia will be vital for the national schistosomiasis control initiative.  相似文献   

Body fluid was analyzed for nitrogenous compounds in four selected fresh water gastropods. Striking differences were noted in the levels of total nitrogen (TN), protein nitrogen (PN), and nonprotein nitrogen (NPN) among the four snails studied.  相似文献   

Aelurostrongylus abstrusus and Troglostrongylus brevior are snail-transmitted helminths causing respiratory diseases in infected cats. The shedding of feline lungworm L1s and their infectivity to the snail intermediate host, after administration of anthelminthic products to cats, are poorly documented. To assess the efficacy of 8.3% fipronil, 10% (S)-methoprene, 0.4% eprinomectin and 8.3% praziquantel (i.e. eprinomectin formulation) and 10% imidacloprid/1% moxidectin (i.e. moxidectin formulation) against these nematodes and to determine the number of days post-treatment until viable L1s are released in the faeces, 384 animals were screened by faecal examination. Of the 54 positive animals (i.e., 14.1%; 7.3% A. abstrusus, 6.2% T. brevior and 0.5% coinfected), 36 were randomly allocated to four groups. Groups A and B were composed of cats positive for T. brevior and treated with the eprinomectin and with the moxidectin formulations, respectively, whereas cats in groups C and D were positive to A. abstrusus and treated with the eprinomectin and the moxidectin formulations, respectively. Prior to and every day after treatment, faecal samples were analysed by the Baermann technique and the number of larvae per gram of faeces determined, and again four weeks after treatment, to assess the efficacy of a single administration of the products. In addition, to evaluate the pre- and post-treatment infectivity of L1s to snail intermediate hosts, one/two snails per cat were infected with 100 L1s collected from the faeces of enrolled animals and then digested 28 days p.i. Based on L1s faecal counts, the efficacy of the eprinomectin and the moxidectin formulations at 28 days was 100% for both A. abstrusus and T. brevior, with a mean number of days of 7.9 ± 1.2 in group A, 7.8 ± 1.9 in B, 6.9 ± 1.6 in C and 8.9 ± 2.0 in D to become negative. Following the artificial digestion, active L3s of T. brevior and A. abstrusus were found in 160 (87.4%) experimentally infected snails. The results of this study demonstrate that a single administration of the two formulations is effective in the treatment of A. abstrusus and T. brevior infections and that during the post-treatment period live L1s are shed for up to 8.9 ± 2.0 days. L1s of both lungworm species released in the faeces after drug administration are still able to reach the infective larval stage in the infected snails. Hence, preventative measures after the treatment of infected animals should include keeping cats indoors and disposal of their faeces for approximately 10 days to avoid environmental contamination and infection of gastropod intermediate hosts.  相似文献   

Desautels  Daniel J.  Wang  Yebin  Ripp  Asher  Beaman  Amber  Andea  Sena  Hartman  Rachel B.  Civitello  David J. 《Hydrobiologia》2022,849(16):3607-3616
Hydrobiologia - Schistosomes are parasitic flatworms that cycle between humans and freshwater snails, infecting more than 200 million humans. Many schistosome-endemic sites are invaded by...  相似文献   

Summary The fine structure of photoreceptors is described in miracidia of Fasciola hepatica, Heronimus chelydrae, Allocreadium lobatum, and Spirorchis sp., and in a spirorchiid cercaria. All have in common eyespots consisting of pigment cells with chambers occupied by rhabdomeres consisting of retinular cell dendrites with numerous microvilli. Photoreceptors of the miracidia show a bilateral asymmetry which is most pronounced in H. chelydrae with a pair of well separated eyespots unequal in size. The smaller right one consists of a pigment cell and two rhabdomeres; the larger left eyespot has an anterior pigment cell with two rhabdomeres and a posterior cell containing one rhabdomere. Photoreceptors in the other species of miracidia also have five rhabdomeres but contain only two pigment cells which are closely apposed. Each contains a pair of lateral rhabdomeres and a fifth one occupies a posteromedian extension of the left pigment cell. In the number of rhabdomeres, their relationship to pigment cells and the resulting asymmetry, photoreceptors are more alike in the distantly related species of miracidia studied than they are in ocellate cercariae or even in the miracidium and cercaria of the same species or two closely related ones. From the asymmetry of photoreceptors in larvae of certain flatworms other than digenetic trematodes, it seems that eyespots of miracidia have retained an ancestral pattern whereas the diversity of photoreceptors in cercariae reflects the varied phototactic behavior of those larvae which complete their life cycles by all the means known for cercariae with a free-swimming period. In both miracidia and cercariae, photoreceptors show an anterior-posterior organization that would seem to be concerned with orientation of the larvae with respect to light.Supported in part by a David Ross Fellowship of the Purdue Research Foundation and in part by U.S.P.H.S. Grants 1T1 GM 1392 01 and 2T1 Al 106 07. We express thanks to Dr. Keith Dixon for aid in obtaining and processing miracidia of Fasciola hepatica; to Prof. Clark P. Read for his valuable comments and suggestions; and to Profs. Charles W. Philpott and Richard H. White for advice concerning electron microscopy.  相似文献   

DNA analysis by molecular techniques has significantly expanded the perspectives of the study and understanding of genetic variability in molluscs that are vectors of schistosomiasis. In the present study, the genetic variability of susceptible and resistant B. lenagophila strains to S. mansoni infection was investigated using amplification of their genomic DNA by RAPD-PCR. The products were analyzed by PAGE and stained with silver. The results showed polymorphism between tested strains with four different primers. We found two bands of 1,900 and 3,420 bp that were characteristic of the susceptible strains with primer 2. The primers 9 and 10 identified a single polymorphic band that was also characteristic of (3,136 and 5,041 bp, respectively) susceptible snails. Two polymorphic bands were detected by primer 15: one with 1,800 bp was characteristic of the resistant strain and the other with approximately equal to 1,700 bp in the susceptible one. These results provide additional evidence showing that the RAPD-PCR technique is adequate for the study of polymorphisms in intermediate hosts snails of S. mansoni. The obtained results are expected to expand the knowledge about the genetic variability of the snails and to permit the future identification of genomic sequences specifically related to the resistance/susceptibility of Biomphalaria to the larval forms of S. mansoni.  相似文献   

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