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The transport of thymidine has been characterized kinetically and thermodynamically in Novikoff rat hepatoma cells grown in culture and, less extensively, in mouse L cells, Chinese hamster ovary cells, P388 murine leukemia cells and HeLa cells. That the characterizations pertained to the transport system per se was ensured, (i) by employing recently developed methods for rapid sampling of cell/substrate mixtures in order to follow isotope movements within a few seconds after initial exposure of cells to substrate; (ii) by utilizing cells rendered, by genetic or chemical means, incapable of metabolizing thymidine; and, (iii) by demonstrating conformity of the transport data to an integrated rate equation derived for a simple, carrier-mediated system. The results indicate that thymidine is transported into mammalian cells by a functionally symmetrical, non-concentrative system for which the carrier : substrate dissociation constant ranges from about 100 μM in Chinese hamster ovary cells, to 230 μM in Novikoff hepatoma cells. In all cell lines investigated, the velocity of transport was sufficient to nearly completely equilibrate low concentrations of thymidine across the membrane within 15 s. Temperature dependence of transport velocity and substrate : carrier dissociation were continuous (EA = 18.3 kcal/mol, ΔH0′ = 9.3 kcal/mol, respectively), and showed no evidence of abrupt transitions. Several natural and artificial nucleosides and nucleic acid based inhibited influx of radiolabeled thymidine, apparently by competing with thymidine for the transport carrier.  相似文献   

Rapid kinetic techniques were employed to measure the transport of adenine in adenine phosphoribosyltransferase-deficient L929 and Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells in zero-trans entry and exit and equilibrium exchange procedures. The kinetic parameters of transport were computed by fitting appropriate integrated rate equations to time courses of transmembrane equilibration of radiolabeled adenine. Adenine transport conformed to the simple carrier model with directional symmetry and equal mobility of loaded and empty carrier. The Michaelis-Menten constants and maximum velocities for various strains of L929 cells fell between 2.3 and 3.5 mM and 90 and 150 pmol/microliters of cell water per s, respectively, values similar to those previously reported for CHO and Novikoff hepatoma cells. The corresponding values for hypoxanthine transport in L929 cells were 413 microM and 16 pmol/microliters of cell water per s. Adenine transport velocities were directly proportional to adenine concentrations between 0.03 and 50 microM in both CHO and Novikoff cells. The results indicate that adenine is transported in these cells by a single, low-affinity, high-capacity transporter. Adenine transport was inhibited by hypoxanthine in some cell strains, but not in others. Adenine also rapidly bound to L929 cells in a saturable manner (KD = 18 microM), presumably to the cell surface (about 3 X 10(7) sites per cell).  相似文献   

Theophylline (theobromine, caffeine) reversibly inhibits the incorporation of labeled RNA precursors both in confluent 37 RC and in exponentially growing HeLa cells. As measured in 37 RC after 2 h labeling, 20 mM theophylline reduces the incorporation of [3H]UTP and [14C]uridine into acid-precipitable material to 5% and 9% of the control, respectively. This reduction is paralleled by a comparably lowered incorporation of the same precursors into the acid-soluble pool. The initial rate of incorporation into total cell material is similarly affected by theophylline, the inhibition being of a simple competitive type. Theophylline does not alter the turnover rate of pulse labeled RNA during actinomycin D chase nor does it preclude the utilization of the endogenous pool of nucleoside phosphates. Upto a concentration of 10 mM, it does not inhibit uridine kinase neither in 37 RC nor in HeLa cells. The mentioned inhibitory effects of theophylline cannot be mimicked by exogenously added cyclic AMP. All the data support the conclusion that theophylline inhibits the transport of uridine into the cell.  相似文献   

Polyamine transport system mediates agmatine transport in mammalian cells   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Agmatine is a biogenic amine with the capacity toregulate a number of nonreceptor-mediated functions in mammalian cells, including intracellular polyamine content and nitric oxide generation. We observed avid incorporation of agmatine into several mammalian celllines and herein characterize agmatine transport in mammalian cells. Intransformed NIH/3T3 cells, agmatine uptake is energy dependent with asaturable component indicative of carrier-mediated transport. Transportdisplays an apparent Michaelis-Menten constant of 2.5 µM and amaximal velocity of 280 pmol · min1 · mg1 proteinand requires a membrane potential across the plasma membrane foruptake. Competition with polyamines, but not cationic molecules thatutilize the y+ system transporter, suppresses agmatineuptake. Altering polyamine transporter activity results in parallelchanges in polyamine and agmatine uptake. Furthermore, agmatine uptakeis abrogated in a polyamine transport-deficient human carcinoma cellline. These lines of evidence demonstrate that agmatine utilizes, and is dependent on, the polyamine transporter for cellular uptake. Thefact that this transport system is associated with proliferation couldbe of consequence to the antiproliferative effects of agmatine.


E Gebhart 《Mutation research》1992,267(2):211-220
Basic and applied research on anticlastogenicity has not only revealed valuable evidence on the mechanisms governing the induction of chromosomal aberrations by environmental mutagens, but also contributed effective ideas on a practical employment of this knowledge for the protection of individuals at risk. Considering the basic role played by chromosomal anomalies in oncogenesis, additional weight must be attributed to studies on anticlastogenicity. The employment of human cells in this kind of study dates back to 1969/70, while classical mammalian cell systems were used only later on. Various modes of application of both clastogens and anticlastogens (AC) were examined, but simultaneous addition to the cultures of both reagents was the most favored way. A wide spectrum of cytogenetic endpoints can be studied, but differences can be demonstrated with regard to efficacy of inhibitors on different types of cytogenetic changes, e.g., open breaks vs. rearrangements, but also vs. SCEs. Depending on their mode of influence on this spectrum, ACs can be arranged in various categories which are of practical importance, for instance, with regard to their oncogenic potential. A wide variety of factors was shown to influence AC action, e.g., time and mode of application of the test substances, physiologic and metabolic features of the cell types studied, type and mechanism of the clastogen used, etc. The addition of S9 mix can drastically change the patterns of efficacy of the ACs. The combined application of two or more ACs, as far as investigated, apparently neither potentiates nor even merely adds their effects.  相似文献   

Incubation of Novikoff rat hepatoma cells; mouse L929, P388 and L1210 cells; and Chinese hamster ovary cells with sulfhydryl reagents, such as p-hydroxymercuribenzoate or p-hydroxymercuribenzenesulfonate, reduced the zero-trans influx of uridine in a concentration-dependent manner. The sensitivity of uridine transport to inhibition varied somewhat for the cell lines, Chinese hamster ovary cells being the most sensitive. Maximum inhibition by p-hydroxymercuribenzoate occurred in 10–20 min of incubation at 37 °C, and was associated with a decrease in maximum transport velocity without significant change in substrate affinity of the carrier. The development of inhibition of uridine influx correlated with binding of [14C]p-hydroxymercuribenzoate to the cells. Inhibition of transport also roughly correlated with a decreased binding of 6-nitrobenzylthioinosine to high-affinity binding sites on the cells (presumably representing the nucleoside transporter) without affecting binding affinity. Treatment of cells with p-hydroxymercuribenzenesulfonate reduced uridine influx and efflux to a similar extent. Inhibition of uridine transport and binding of [14C]p-hydroxymercuribenzoate were readily reversed by incubation of the cells with dithiothreitol. The results indicate that sulfhydryl groups are essential for the functioning of the nucleoside transporter, perhaps for the binding of substrate. Blockage of the sulfhydryl groups results in a reversible inactivation of the carrier. Treatment of the cells with the sulfhydryl reagents also caused a concentration-dependent increase in cell volume, which was readily reversed by incubation of the cells with dithiothreitol but seemed unrelated to the inhibition of nucleoside transport.  相似文献   

It was known that polycationic polymers enhance the entry of macromolecules into cells. We now show that polynucleotides may have similar effects, when used as large aggregates. Poly(1-vinylcytosine):polyinosinic acid, an inducer of interferon production in human cells, can cause at 40 mug/ml a 75-fold enhancement of albumin uptake by sarcoma cells in culture. Most of this activity (85%) is related to the presence of aggregates retained by 0.65 mu millipore membranes. The prior finding that enhancers of albumin transport have increasing effects with increasing molecular sizes may thus extend to complexes of supramolecular sizes.  相似文献   

Mammalian cells accumulate iron via the binding of transferrin to high affinity surface receptors, or through a transferrin-independent pathway which involves the uptake of iron-organic anion chelates by a membrane-based transport system. Previously we determined that the transferrin-independent transport system was present on a wide variety of cultured cells (Sturrock, A., Alexander, J., Lamb, J., Craven, C. M., and Kaplan, J. (1990) J. Biol. Chem. 265, 3139-3145). In this communication we demonstrate that the transferrin-independent iron uptake system is regulated differently than the transferrin-mediated pathway. The activity of the transferrin-independent system was unaffected by changes in cellular growth rate, induction of DNA synthesis and cell division, or depletion of cellular iron. Exposure of cells to ferric or ferrous iron, however, resulted in a time-dependent increase in transport activity, due to a change in Vmax with no change in Km. Increased transport activity was seen in a variety of cultured cell types, occurred in the presence of cycloheximide, and persisted for hours after removal of iron. The ability of other transition metals to induce changes in transport, or to compete with iron for accumulation by the transferrin-independent uptake system, was critically dependent on the composition of the media in which the cells were incubated. Metals such as Cu2+ or Zn2+, but not Cd2+ or Mn2+, when dissolved in a balanced salt solution buffered with 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid, induced changes in the transferrin-independent iron transport system. The same metals which induced changes in transport were ineffective in media containing amino acids, ascorbate, or N-[2-hydroxy-1,1-bis(hydroxymethyl)ethyl]glycine. The Vmax of the transferrin-independent iron transport system was also elevated by increases in intracellular Ca2+. The effect of iron on transport activity, however, did not result from an iron-induced release of intracellular Ca2+. These results suggest a novel form of regulation in which the presence of extracellular iron induces the appearance of previously cryptic transporters and thus accelerates the clearance of potentially toxic molecules.  相似文献   

Transport of the nucleoside analog cytosine-arabinoside (CAR) in transformed hamster cells in culture has been studied in conditions of minimal metabolic conversion. Uptake (zero-trans in) properties at 20 degrees C over a limited range of CAR concentrations were characterized by a Km of 350 micrometer and a maximal velocity (V) of 780 micrometer.min-1 (V/Km = 2.28 min-1). Equilibrium exhcange at 20 degrees C over a wider range of concentrations was best described by a saturable component with a Km of 500 micrometer and a v of 1230 micrometer.min-1 (V/Km = 2.26 min-1) and either a saturable component of high Km or a nonsaturable component of k = 0.3 min-1. For the saturable component, the v/Km values were similar in both procedures. CAR transport was inhibited by various metabolizable nucleosides. Uptake of some of these nucleosides was inhibited by CAR. CAR transport and uridine uptake were inhibited in a reversible but partially competitive fashion by high affinity probes like S-(p-nitrobenzyl-6-mercaptoinosine (NBMI) (Ki less than 0.5 nM) and in an irreversible fashion by SH reagents such as N-ethylmaleiimide (NEM). The organomercurial p-hydroxymercuribenzene sulfonate (pMBS) markedly stimulated transport of these nucleosides, but also markedly potentiated the inhibitory effects of either NBMI or NEM. The effects are interpreted either in terms of models which invoke allosteric properties or in terms of two transport systems which display distinct chemical susceptibilities to externally added probes.  相似文献   

The autofluorescence other than intrinsic protein emission of viable cultured mammalian cells has been investigated. The fluorescence was found to originate in discrete cytoplasmic vesicle-like regions and to be absent from the nucleus. Excitation and emission spectra of viable cells revealed at least two distinct fluorescent species. Comparison of cell spectra with spectra of known cellular metabolites suggested that most, if not all, of the fluorescence arises from intracellular nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) and riboflavin and flavin coenzymes. Various changes in culture conditions did not affect the observed autofluorescence intensity. A multiparameter flow system (MACCS) was used to compare the fluorescence intensities of numerous cultured mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Conditions for labeling the dATP pool of V79 and 3T3 cells from [3H]deoxyadenosine (salvage) or [3H]adenine (via ribonucleotide reduction) were established. With deoxyadenosine the specific radioactivity of dATP reached a constant value after 60 min. In resting 3T3 cells this value was 30 times higher than in S-phase cells. Turnover of dATP and absolute rates of DNA synthesis and excretion of breakdown products of dATP were determined from the accumulation of isotope in various compartments and the specific activity of dATP. In S-phase cells the dATP pool had a half-life of 4 min, identical to that of dTTP determined earlier. Deoxyadenosine was the major breakdown product of dATP in the presence of an inhibitor of adenosine deaminase. The rate of deoxyadenosine excretion of V79 cells amounted to 4% of the rate of dATP incorporation into DNA. Inhibition of DNA replication increased deoxyadenosine excretion 5- to 10-fold, demonstrating a continued de novo synthesis of dATP, albeit at a slightly reduced rate. Our results fit a model involving a substrate cycle between dAMP and deoxyadenosine regulating the dATP pool, similar to the model of substrate cycles involved in the regulation of pyrimidine deoxyribonucleotide pools developed earlier.  相似文献   

It was known that polycationic polymers enhance the entry of macromolecules into cells. We now show that polynucleotides may have similar effects, when used as large aggregates. Poly(1-vinylcytosine):polyinosinic acid, an inducer of interferon production in human cells, can cause at 40 μg/ml a 75-fold enhancement of albumin uptake by sarcoma cells in culture. Most of this activity (85%) is related to the presence of aggregates retained by 0.65 μ millipore membranes. The prior finding that enhancers of albumin transport have increasing effects with increasing molecular sizes may thus extend to complexes of supramolecular sizes.  相似文献   

We report the kinetic characteristics for D-galactose, 2-deoxy-D-glucose and 3-O-methyl-D-glucose transport in a galactokinase null-allele mutant of a Chinese hamster V79 cell line. GalKl cells exhibited a Km and Vmax for D-galactose, 2-deoxy-D-glucose, and 3-O-methyl-D-glucose transport of 8.6 +/- 2.6 mM and 26.1 +/- 7.2 nmol/mg p/min, 4.1 +/- 1.2 mM and 40.3 +/- 9.5 nmol/mg p/min, and 7.01 +/- .85 mM and 11.6 +/- 4.8 nmol/mg p/30 s, respectively. Nonsaturable hexose uptake was determined using cytochalasin B inhibition of galactose uptake (89.6 +/- 3.7% of galactose uptake was cytochalasin B inhibitable) and L-glucose uptake (7.5% of the galactose uptake). D-Galactose was not metabolized and effluxed rapidly from preloaded cells. The Kls for the inhibition of D-galactose transport were 4.5 +/- 2.5 mM for D-glucose, 7.0 +/- 2.0 mM for 2-deoxy-D-glucose, 6 mM for 2-deoxy-D-galactose and 6.0 +/- 0.6 mM for 3-O-methyl-D-glucose. This indicates the operation of a single common carrier. The hexose transport rate decreased 50-60% after 24 h serum deprivation. Addition of insulin was shown to increase hexose transport (more than twofold) in serum-deprived cells. Hexose transport rates increased substantially in glucose-deprived, D-fructose- or D-galactose-fed cells as compared to glucose-fed cells. Since GalKl does not metabolize galactose, the hexose transport increases induced by feeding cells galactose suggest that carrier interaction with ligand is not a significant factor in transport regulation in GalKl. The kinetic and regulatory characteristics of D-galactose transport in the GalKl cell line indicate that this system is a good model to study sugar transport from a mechanistic and regulatory point of view.  相似文献   

The mode of permeation of uracil, 5–fluorouracil, and orotic acid into cells has been investigated in four established cell lines (Novikoff rat hepatoma, P388 mouse leukemia, mouse L, and Chinese hamster ovary cells) in attempts to assess the rate-determining step(s) in their incorporation into the nucleotide pool and nucleic acids. Uracil and 5–fluorouracil shared a saturable transport system (Km = 5 to 15 mM) capable of rapid equilibration of these substrates across the cell membrane (t1/2 at 25 in first-order range of concentration = 25 to 58 sec). Thus it seems unlikely that transport is limiting the incorporation hypoxanthine. Only the non-ionized form of fluorouracil was a substrate for the transporter; exclusion of charged pyrimidines may explain why orotate was not a substrate at physiological pH. Orotate permeated the cell membrane much more slowly (t1/2 = 2890 to 6930 sec); its permeation was apparently non-mediated and rate-determining in the conversion of extracellular orotate to intracellular nucleotides.  相似文献   

The similarity of the Arrhenius plots relating temperature to messenger RNA (mRNA) transport from intact and membrane-denuded rat liver nuclei demonstrates that the ATP and cytosol-dependent transport is independent of the lipid phase of the nuclear membrane. This temperature dependence of RNA release was confirmed for alpha 2u-globulin mRNA by use of a recombinant DNA probe. Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) release showed a similar temperature dependence, suggesting that both mRNA and rRNA share a common temperature-sensitive step. The kinetics of RNA release at different temperatures suggest that RNA transport from mammalian cell nuclei is a rate-controlled rather than a graded unlocking phenomenon. The processing of mRNA precursors also exhibits a temperature dependence as shown by the linear increase in the ratio of total alpha 2u-globulin RNA to alpha 2u-globulin precursor as a function of time at 30 degrees C but not at 14 degrees C in spite of residual transport at the lower temperature. This temperature dependence of mRNA processing was confirmed by Northern blot analysis of the nuclear RNA following a 45 min incubation. Thus, both the processing and transport of RNA show temperature-sensitive steps when analyzed in cell-free systems derived from mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Flow cytometry provides a rapid, sensitive and accurate analytical means to monitor hybridoma cell cultures. The use of flow cytometry has enabled us to study the changes in DNA, RNA, protein, IgG, mitochondrial activity and cell size that take place during the growth cycle of batch culture. The temporal changes in the levels of these analytes and their heterogeneity have been related to the growth/death kinetics. The maximum proportion of S-cells was reached early in the growth phase while a population of low fluorescence cells with lower polidy than G1, dead cells and fragmented nuclei emerged during the death phase. Supplementation with amino acids during the exponential phase prolonged the growth cycle by enhancing cell proliferation. The fraction of S/G2 cells was much reduced by a reduction in serum concentration but was maintained during the prolonged non-proliferating "stationary" phase. The magnitude of Rhodamine 123 staining showed a consistent and general decrease during late exponential and decline phases. This trend was accompanied by an increase in the fraction of the Propidium Iodide-stained population which reflected the deteriorating metabolic and membrane integrity. Decrease in mean fluorescence intensity for DNA, RNA, protein and intracellular IgG was noted at the decline phase. Intracellular immunofluorescence was a more reliable indicator of antibody productivity than surface immunofluorescence.  相似文献   

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