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In order to detect sex-biased dispersal in the red-billed quelea Quelea quelea in southern Africa, we used the assignment index technique to determine the probability that individuals originated from the population in which they were sampled. This is the first time that this multilocus genetic test has been used in a bird species and is informative despite evidence that the population under study exhibits little genetic structure. There was a pattern of male-biased dispersal, the first example in a passerine, and the first time that evidence of a sex-biased pattern of dispersal has been shown for queleas.  相似文献   

I examine the relationship between reproductive success and marker-based relatedness (MBR; inferred from variation at 21 microsatellite loci) of pair-mates in a semi-isolated population of great reed warblers (Acrocephalus arundinaceus) over a 12 year period. There was a negative relationship between egg-hatching success and MBR, but no association between MBR and three other components of fitness (clutch size, proportion of fledglings and recruits). The relationship between hatchability and MBR was non-linear, with high hatching rates at low and intermediate levels of MBR and a sudden decline in hatching success among the small number of pairs with high MBR (<4% of the sample). It is likely that the decrease in fitness at high MBR was due to effects of homozygosity at genome-wide distributed loci, as opposed to effects of fitness loci in the local chromosomal vicinity of particular markers. This conclusion relies on the fact that similar results were found in another study of the same population that was based on DNA-fingerprinting band-sharing, and that there was a strong correlation between MBR and pedigree-based relatedness. The negative relationship between MBR and hatchability was especially pronounced in the first study years and levelled off in later years. This time-dependent effect of MBR on hatchability was not caused by a simultaneous temporal decrease in MBR, and may instead reflect the importance of other processes such as genotype × environment interactions or purging of deleterious recessive alleles.  相似文献   

大苇莺种群繁殖生态初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
卢欣  郭东龙 《生态学报》1990,10(2):150-154

Geographic variation in microsatellite allele frequencies was assessed at nine sites in two regional vocal dialects of the parrot Amazona auropalliata (yellow-naped amazon) to test for correspondence between dialects and population structure. There was no relationship between the genetic distances between individuals and their dialect membership. High rates of gene flow were estimated between vocal dialects based on genetic differentiation. In addition, 5.5% of pairs of individuals compared across the dialect boundary were estimated to be related at the level of half siblings, indicating that dispersal is ongoing. The number of effective migrants per generation between dialects estimated with the microsatellite data was roughly one-seventh the number estimated with mitochondrial control region sequence data from the same individuals, suggesting that gene flow may be female-biased. Together, these results suggest that the observed mosaic pattern of geographic variation in vocalizations is maintained by learning of local call types by immigrant birds after dispersal. We found no evidence that ongoing habitat fragmentation has contributed to cryptic population structure.  相似文献   

By using both mitochondrial and nuclear multiloci markers, we explored population genetic structure, gene flow and sex-specific dispersal of frillneck lizards ( Chlamydosaurus kingii ) sampled at three locations, separated by 10 to 50 km, in a homogenous savannah woodland in tropical Australia. Apart from a recombinant lizard, the mitochondrial analyses revealed two nonoverlapping haplotypes/populations, while the nuclear markers showed that the frillneck lizards represented three separate clusters/populations. Due to the small population size of the mtDNA, fixation may occur via founder effects and/or drift. We therefore suggest that either of these two processes, or a combination of the two, are the most likely causes of the discordant results obtained from the mitochondrial and the nuclear markers. In contrast to the nonoverlapping mitochondrial haplotypes, in 12 out of 74 lizards, mixed nuclear genotypes were observed, hence revealing a limited nuclear gene flow. Although gene flow should ultimately result in a blending of the populations, we propose that the distinct nuclear population structure is maintained by frequent fires resulting in local bottlenecks, and concomitant spatial separation of the frillneck lizard populations. Limited mark–recapture data and the difference in distribution of the mitochondrial and nuclear markers suggest that the mixed nuclear genotypes were caused by juvenile male-biased dispersal.  相似文献   

The genetic structure of a group or population of organisms can profoundly influence the potential for inbreeding and, through this, can affect both dispersal strategies and mating systems. We used estimates of genetic relatedness as well as likelihood-based methods to reconstruct social group composition and examine sex biases in dispersal in a Costa Rican population of white-throated magpie-jays ( Calocitta formosa , Swainson 1827), one of the few birds suggested to have female-biased natal philopatry. We found that females within groups were more closely related than males, which is consistent with observational data indicating that males disperse upon maturity, whereas females tend to remain in their natal territories and act as helpers. In addition, males were generally unrelated to one another within groups, suggesting that males do not disperse with or towards relatives. Finally, within social groups, female helpers were less related to male than female breeders, suggesting greater male turnover within groups. This last result indicates that within the natal group, female offspring have more opportunities than males to mate with nonrelatives, which might help to explain the unusual pattern of female-biased philopatry and male-biased dispersal in this system. We suggest that the novel approach adopted here is likely to be particularly useful for short-term studies or those conducted on rare or difficult-to-observe species, as it allows one to establish general patterns of philopatry and genetic structure without the need for long-term monitoring of identifiable individuals.  相似文献   

Limited data pertaining to life history and population connectivity of the data-deficient southern stingray (Hypanus americanus) are available. To determine potential vulnerabilities of their populations, this study aimed to analyse their movement patterns and genetic variability. A population of southern stingrays encompassing nine sites around Cape Eleuthera, the Bahamas, has been monitored using mark-recapture, spanning a 2.5 year period. Out of 200 individual stingrays, more than a third were encountered again. The home range of the females appears to be restricted, which supports the notion of high site residency. As resident populations of stingrays could suffer from a lack of population connectivity and be predestined for genetic isolation and local extirpation, this study further investigated the genetic connectivity of four sample sites in the central and western Bahamas. A haplotype analysis from the mitochondrial D-loop region showed that no distinct population structure strictly correlated with the sample site. These findings were complemented by five microsatellite loci that revealed high degrees in genotypic variability and little population differentiation. The results suggest gene flow mediated by both males and females.  相似文献   

Interspecific brood parasitism represents a prime example of the coevolutionary arms race where each party has evolved strategies in response to the other. Here, we investigated whether common cuckoos (Cuculus canorus) actively select nests within a host population to match the egg appearance of a particular host clutch. To achieve this goal, we quantified the degree of egg matching using the avian vision modelling approach. Randomization tests revealed that cuckoo eggs in naturally parasitized nests showed lower chromatic contrast to host eggs than those assigned randomly to other nests with egg-laying date similar to naturally parasitized clutches. Moreover, egg matching in terms of chromaticity was better in naturally parasitized nests than it would be in the nests of the nearest active non-parasitized neighbour. However, there was no indication of matching in achromatic spectral characteristics whatsoever. Thus, our results clearly indicate that cuckoos select certain host nests to increase matching of their own eggs with host clutches, but only in chromatic characteristics. Our results suggest that the ability of cuckoos to actively choose host nests based on the eggshell appearance imposes a strong selection pressure on host egg recognition.  相似文献   

The male dispersal patterns of western lowland gorillas (WLGs, Gorilla gorilla gorilla) are not well understood. To determine whether most silverbacks stay close to their relatives, we analyzed autosomal and Y‐chromosomal microsatellites (STRs) in wild WLGs at Moukalaba, Gabon. We obtained STR genotypes for 38 individuals, including eight silverbacks and 12 adult females in an approximately 40 km2 area. Among them, 20 individuals were members of one identified group (Group Gentil; GG), including one silverback and six adult females. The silverback sired all 13 of the offspring in GG and no Y‐STR polymorphism within GG was found, as expected in a one‐male group structure. Over all silverbacks sampled, Y‐STR diversity was high considering the limited sampling area, and silverbacks with similar Y‐STR haplotypes were not always located in nearby areas. Although the misclassification rate of kinship estimates in this study was not negligible, there were no kin dyads among all silverbacks sampled. These results suggest that silverbacks born in the same group do not stay close to each other after maturation. The Y‐STR diversity in this study was similar to that of a previous study conducted in an area that was approximately 150 times larger than our study area. Similarity of WLG Y‐STR diversity between studies at different sampling scales suggests that male gene flow may not be geographically limited. These results suggest that WLG males normally disperse from their natal areas after maturation, at least, in Moukalaba. Am J Phys Anthropol 151:583–588, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Egg discrimination by hosts is an antiparasitic defence to reject foreign eggs from the nest. Even when mimetic, the presence of brood parasitic egg(s) typically alters the overall similarity of all eggs in a clutch, producing a discordant clutch compared to more homogenous clutches of composed only of hosts’ own eggs. In multiple parasitism, the more foreign eggs are laid in the nest, the more heterogeneous the overall clutch appears. Perceptual filters and recognition templates cannot explain the known pattern of lower rejection rates of foreign eggs in multiple vs. single parasitism. We therefore assessed the role of clutch homogeneity and manipulated the colour of one or more eggs in the clutches of great reed warbler (Acrocephalus arundinaceus) hosts of common cuckoos (Cuculus canorus). Varying the colours of both the majority and the minority eggs caused predictable shifts in the rejection of the focal egg(s), and ejection rates of the minority egg colour consistently increased but only when it belonged to a more mimetic egg colour, relative to the less mimetic colour of majority eggs. The results imply that in addition to sensory filters, and template‐based cognitive decision rules, discordancy‐based rejection is affected by the overall clutch appearance and interacts with specific colours varying in the extent of mimicry, to contribute to the recognition decisions of hosts to reject parasitic eggs.  相似文献   

Tracing maternal and paternal lineages independently to explore breeding systems and dispersal strategies in natural populations has been high on the wish-list of evolutionary biologists. As males are the heterogametic sex in mammals, such sex-specific patterns can be indirectly observed when Y chromosome polymorphism is combined with mitochondrial sequence information. Over the past decade, Y-chromosomal markers applied to human populations have revealed remarkable differences in the demographic history and behaviour between the sexes. However, with a few exceptions, genetic data tracing the paternal line are lacking in most other mammalian species. This deficit can be attributed to the difficulty of developing Y-specific genetic markers in non-model organisms and the general low levels of polymorphisms observed on the Y chromosome. Here, we present an overview of the currently employed strategies for developing paternal markers in mammals. Moreover, we review the practical feasibility and requirements of various methodological strategies and highlight their future prospects when combined with new molecular techniques such as next generation sequencing.  相似文献   

The study of sex-biased dispersal has attracted considerable attention in birds and mammals, but less in other taxa, including fishes. We analysed sex-specific dispersal in historical (1910s and 1950s) and contemporary (1990s) samples of anadromous brown trout Salmo trutta. We tested the hypothesis that dispersal is unbiased using information from microsatellite DNA and applying an assignment index for 11 temporally and spatially separated samples. Our results are most consistent with brown trout dispersal being male biased, and provide no evidence of female bias. We found no evidence that dispersal patterns changed over time, indicating that stocking with hatchery strains did not affect sex-specific dispersal.  相似文献   

Genetic structure and phylogeographic patterns of natural populations are of great importance in assessing the conservation status of species. These population properties can be estimated using molecular markers of either mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) or nuclear DNA (nDNA) to understand the historical, ecological and dispersal patterns that influence genetic exchange within and between populations. Basilinna xantusii is a sexually dimorphic hummingbird endemic to the Baja California Peninsula (BCP). It comprises three ancestral mitochondrial lineages linked to vicariant events, late Pleistocene climate changes and the geographical distribution of oases. This study aimed to determine and understand the current population genetic structure of this hummingbird. The genotypes of 16 microsatellite loci from 100 individuals collected across the geographical range of this species were compared with mtDNA sequences previously published. Cluster analyses identified five populations, two with almost no genetic admixture in the northern part of the BCP and three others with varying levels of admixed ancestry across the BCP. In San José de Magdalena, at the northernmost end of the range of Xantus's Hummingbird, 40% of individuals collected belong to one genetic cluster and the remaining 60% to another, both genetic clusters showing very little admixed ancestry. We hypothesize that, despite being in sympatry, these individuals do not interbreed, unlike the other populations where individuals showed ancestry coefficients of the other genetic groups. The philopatric behaviour of males and the long-range dispersal capacity of females probably determine the observed genetic differentiation pattern. The mito-nuclear discordance detected could be due to the molecular markers used and to female-biased dispersal. Gene flow is asymmetric in this species, being greater from north to south than vice versa, which is probably related to differences in the seasonality of precipitation across the BCP and to urbanization of the oases.  相似文献   

The environmental and/or life history factors affecting genetic exchange in marine species with potential for high dispersal are of great interest, not only from an evolutionary standpoint but also with regard to effective management. Previous genetic studies have demonstrated substantial differentiation among populations of the Patagonian toothfish around the Southern Ocean, indicating breakdown of gene flow across large distances between inhabited shelf areas. The present study examined genetic structuring through analysis of microsatellite loci and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) of the mitochondrial ND2 gene and control region of the toothfish population in the SW Atlantic, allowing examination of the relative effects of the Antarctic Polar Front (APF), deep-water troughs and distance between sites. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) data indicated a sharp genetic division between the Patagonian Shelf/North Scotia Ridge and the Shag Rocks/South Georgia samples, whereas microsatellite data showed much less distinct structuring and an intermediate position of the North Scotia Ridge samples. We suggest these data indicate that the APF, as a barrier to larval dispersal, is the major inhibitor of genetic exchange between toothfish populations, with deep-water troughs and distance between sites contributing to genetic differentiation by inhibiting migration of relatively sedentary adults. We also suggest that differences between mtDNA and nuclear DNA population patterns may reflect either genome population size effects or (putative) male-biased dispersal.  相似文献   

Daubenton's bat ( Myotis daubentonii ) is a known reservoir for European bat lyssavirus type 2 (EBLV-2). An appreciation of the potential for epidemiological spread and disease risk requires an understanding of the dispersal of the primary host, and any large-scale geographical barriers that may impede gene flow. The spatial pattern of microsatellite and mitochondrial DNA variation was examined to infer patterns of dispersal of bats among 35 populations across Scotland. DNA sequence variation at the mitochondrial control region and ND1 genes revealed two distinct phylogeographical clades, with generally nonoverlapping geographical distributions except for a small number of populations where both matrilines were found in sympatry. Such discontinuity suggests that Scotland was recolonised twice following the retreat of the Pleistocene ice sheet with little subsequent matrilineal introgression. However, eight microsatellite loci showed low levels of genetic divergence among populations, even between populations from the two distinct mitochondrial DNA clades. An overall, macrogeographical genetic isolation-by-distance pattern was observed, with high levels of gene flow among local populations. Apparently contrasting patterns of mitochondrial and microsatellite divergence at different scales could be explained by sex-specific differences in gene flow at large scales.  相似文献   

To counter losses of genetic diversity in reintroduced populations, species sometimes are reintroduced into networks of populations with the potential to exchange individuals. In reintroduced populations connected by gene flow, patterns of genetic structure initiated by the founding event may become obscured, and populations may eventually follow an isolation-by-distance model of genetic differentiation. Taking advantage of well-documented reintroduction histories of wild turkey populations in Indiana, we assessed the degree to which gene flow among reintroduced populations has obscured genetic signatures left by the founding events. Using a suite of nuclear microsatellite loci and sequence data from the mitochondrial control region, we characterized the level of genetic diversity and degree of genetic structure within and among: (1) reintroduced populations in isolated northern Indiana Fish and Wildlife Areas, (2) reintroduced populations in southern Indiana Fish and Wildlife Areas, where the distribution of populations is more continuous, and (3) source populations used for these reintroductions. We also utilized individual-based assignment tests to determine the relative contribution of source populations to the current distribution of alleles in reintroduced populations. Our results indicate that wild turkey reintroductions in Indiana have left distinct genetic signatures on populations that are detectable even after several decades. Although we found some case-specific evidence for gene flow, particularly in regions where populations are in close proximity, our data indicate on overall paucity of gene flow at a regional scale. Such post-reintroduction genetic monitoring has immediate implications for the design of optimal strategies to reintroduce wildlife for conservation and management.  相似文献   

Summary Genetic analysis of individual origins works best with populations that are genetically distinct but which exchange a high rate of immigrants, conditions that don’t normally coexist since immigration acts to prevent the accumulation of genetic differences. We provide empirical results from a newly constructed habitat linkage to illustrate the unique suitability of such analysis to monitoring the re‐establishment of connections between previously isolated populations. Donaghy’s Corridor links a previously isolated 498 ha fragment of rainforest to an adjacent 80 000 ha of intact forest. Starting in the final year of the planting programme that established the corridor, we trapped two species of native small mammals, the Bush Rat (Rattus fuscipes) and the Cape York Rat (Rattus leucopus), within and nearby the linkage. We used genetic data from ear clippings to determine which side of the corridor individual animals originated from, and by comparing this information to trap locations, we identified 16 long‐distance movements through the corridor. As genetic analysis of origins allowed movements to be detected from a single capture event and as it reflected movement since birth, this approach yielded considerably more data than capture records alone. The combination of movement and capture records allowed species‐specific assessment of corridor function, revealing that the use and occupation of the corridor was higher for Bush Rat than for Cape York Rat and was neither symmetrical nor uniform. Long‐distance movements through the corridor were most common immediately after habitat restoration, dropping off as the reconstructed habitat was colonized.  相似文献   

Acoustic interactions are important for understanding intra‐ and interspecific communication in songbird communities from the viewpoint of soundscape ecology. It has been suggested that birds may divide up sound space to increase communication efficiency in such a manner that they tend to avoid overlap with other birds when they sing. We are interested in clarifying the dynamics underlying the process as an example of complex systems based on short‐term behavioral plasticity. However, it is very problematic to manually collect spatiotemporal patterns of acoustic events in natural habitats using data derived from a standard single‐channel recording of several species singing simultaneously. Our purpose here was to investigate fine‐scale spatiotemporal acoustic interactions of the great reed warbler. We surveyed spatial and temporal patterns of several vocalizing color‐banded great reed warblers (Acrocephalus arundinaceus) using an open‐source software for robot audition HARK (Honda Research Institute Japan Audition for Robots with Kyoto University) and three new 16‐channel, stand‐alone, and water‐resistant microphone arrays, named DACHO spread out in the bird's habitat. We first show that our system estimated the location of two color‐banded individuals’ song posts with mean error distance of 5.5 ± 4.5 m from the location of observed song posts. We then evaluated the temporal localization accuracy of the songs by comparing the duration of localized songs around the song posts with those annotated by human observers, with an accuracy score of average 0.89 for one bird that stayed at one song post. We further found significant temporal overlap avoidance and an asymmetric relationship between songs of the two singing individuals, using transfer entropy. We believe that our system and analytical approach contribute to a better understanding of fine‐scale acoustic interactions in time and space in bird communities.  相似文献   

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