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A.TL mice injected with (A.AL × A.TL)F1 cells within 24 hours after birth were rendered tolerant to H-2Kk antigens, as evidenced by acceptance of A.TL skin grafts. When spleen cells from these tolerant animals were cocultured with A.AL stimulator cells, no cytotoxic effector cells were generated in a cell-mediated lympholysis assay. However, when the A.AL stimulator cells were derivatized with trinitrophenol, effector cells that displayed a cytotoxic effect against trinitrophenyl-modified H-2Kk target cells were generated. These data indicate that animals tolerant to H-2 determinants but chimeric to only a minor extent possess cytotoxic precursor cells in sufficient frequency to mount a primary in vitro response against trinitrophenol in the context of an allogeneicH-2K region.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the effect of trinitrophenyl- (TNP) modified H-2Kk (TNP-Kk) antigens on the generation of anti-TNP-Dk restricted cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) responses. C3H.OH mice were primed to TNP-self by skin-painting with trinitrochlorobenzene, and spleen cells from these primed mice were subsequently stimulated in vitro with TNP-self. The effector cells generated exhibited appreciable lysis of TNP-modified C3H.OH blast target cells. Cold target inhibition studies demonstrated the generation of two effector cell populations: one that recognizes TNP in association with unique Dk self determinants, and one that recognizes TNP in association with self determinants shared between TNP-Kk and TNP-Dk. This was in contrast to primed C3H/He spleen cells, which did not generate CTL that recognized TNP in association with unique Dk self determinants. When spleen cells from (C3H/He x C3H.OH)F1 mice primed to TNP were stimulated in vitro with TNP-C3H.OH cells, unique Dk self determinants were recognized in association with TNP. However, in vitro stimulation of the same F1 responding cells with TNP-C3H/He or TNP-F1 cells failed to elicit CTL that utilized these Dk-unique self determinants. The findings of this study demonstrate that unique or shared H-2Dk determinants can be differentially utilized by CTL populations, depending on the H-2 alleles expressed by the stimulator cells.  相似文献   

The intact H-2Kk antigen has been detergent-solubilized and purified using an immunoabsorbent column prepared from the 11-4.1 monoclonal antibody described by Oi et al. (Oi, V. T., Jones, P. P., Goding, J. Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology (Melchers, F., Potter, M., and Warner, N. L., eds) Vol. 81, pp. 115-129, Springer-Verlag, New York). The mild conditions used for elution from the column, 0.5% deoxycholate in 10 mM Tris buffer, pH 8, with 0.14 M NaCl, result in recovery of 70 to 100% of the allogeneic serological activity. A murine lymphoma, RDM-4, was found to express high levels of H2-Kk; approximately 2 X 10(6) molecules/cell. Milligram quantities of H-2Kk can be purified readily using these cells.  相似文献   

We have determined the DNA sequence of the H-2Kk gene of the mouse major histocompatibility complex (MHC). Comparison on the nucleotide and protein level of three H-2K alleles (Kk, Kb and Kd) reveals a high degree of homology, in particular between the Kb and Kk alleles. Differences between the two latter antigens are almost exclusively confined to the alpha 1 and alpha 2 domains. At nine positions in the extracellular part of the molecules we have found allele-specific amino acids. Interestingly, 78% of these residues are either polar or carry hydroxyl-groups. This makes it likely that they are exposed on the surface of the molecules and might then be part of antigenic determinants. We have also identified potentially allele-specific nucleotide sequences of the K genes which might be used as specific DNA probes.  相似文献   

The in situ distribution of H-2 antigens during mouse tooth morphogenesis was investigated using monoclonal antibodies to H-2Kk and indirect immunofluorescent techniques. H-2 antigens were detected in the basement membrane region of fetal molars; they were absent from both the epithelial and dental mesenchyme. H-2 antigens were not found in newborn and 4-day-old mouse molars.  相似文献   

In an attempt to delineate spatial relationships between various allodeterminants of cell surface MHC antigens, competitive binding studies were performed using 4 different monoclonal antibodies, each of which reacted with the H-2Kk antigen but with different serologic specificities. Competition was studied by examining the effect of unlabeled antibodies on the binding of each 125I-labeled antibody to spleen cells of the H-2a haplotype. Mutual inhibition was observed between 2 of the antibodies, and a 3rd antibody of lower affinity was inhibited by the first 2 antibodies but did not itself inhibit the binding of these antibodies. The 4th antibody did not block the binding of the other 3 labeled antibodies, and binding of this 4th labeled antibody was only partially inhibitable by the other 3 antibodies. These results indicate the presence of at least 2 spatially distinct allodeterminants on H-2Kk molecules expressed on the cell surface.  相似文献   

We have studied the diffusion and aggregation of H-2Kk antigens labeled with a fluorescent anti-H-2Kk monoclonal antibody (IgG) on mouse splenic lymphocytes, employing fluorescence photobleaching recovery and fluorescence microscopy. The H-2Kk antigens were initially distributed homogeneously on all lymphocytes. Upon antibody binding, sub-micron patches were formed on 50-60% of the cells. A lateral diffusion coefficient, D, of 7.1 X 10(-10) cm2/s and a mobile fraction of 0.73 were found for H-2Kk antigens on diffusely-labeled cells, while these antigens were immobile (D less than or equal to 5 X 10(-12) cm2/s) on patched cells. The patched and nonpatched sub-populations did not correspond to B- and T-lymphocytes. Subjection to low temperature or treatment with NaN3 or cytoskeleton-disrupting drugs did not affect the diffusion or patching of H-2Kk, indicating no involvement of metabolic energy or drug-sensitive cytoskeletal components. These findings could be related to the interactions of H-2 antigens on the cell surface, and to the different susceptibilities of various cells to lysis by cytotoxic T-cells.  相似文献   

We generated nucleotide sequences for H-2Kk and H-2Dk from the C3H mouse, as well as for a genomic clone of H-2Db, in order to conduct an evolutionary analysis of the H-2 genes from three haplotypes, k, d, and b. H-2Kk from both the C3H and AKR strains, H-2Kd, H-2Kb, H-2Dk, H-2Ld, H-2Dd, H-2Db, and H-2Dp DNA sequences were aligned, and the alignments used to construct phylogenetic trees inferring the evolutionary relationships among the nine genes by two independent methods. Both approaches yielded trees with similar topologies. In addition, the sequence alignments revealed patterns of nucleotide substitutions which implicate both point mutation and recombination in the divergence of the H-2 genes. Future considerations for evolutionary analysis of class I genes are discussed.  相似文献   

H-2k mice are unable to generate cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) to vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV). This apparent unresponsiveness is found for both major serotypes of VSV, VSV-Indiana and VSV-New Jersey. CTL unresponsiveness occurs despite the ability of H-2k mice to generate a humoral immune response against VSV that is comparable to that found in responder (H-2b and H-2a) strains. All H-2k mice regardless of background genes, including various Ig allotypes, were found to be nonresponders. H-2k-linked unresponsiveness mapped to both H-2Kk and H-2Dk and occurred despite the presence of responder alleles in (responder x nonresponder)F1 mice. The unresponsiveness cannot be attributed to an inability of VSV-infected H-2k target cells to express viral surface antigens of H-2 molecules. Further, unresponsiveness cannot be overcome by using secondary stimulation in vivo or in vitro. H-2k-linked unresponsiveness does not appear to be due to suppression, and no complementation has been found in various (nonresponder x nonresponder)F1 mice. Thus unresponsiveness to VSV in association with H-2Kk or H-2Dk appears to represent an extensive defect of immune responsiveness that probably occurs because VSV is not a natural mouse pathogen.  相似文献   

Spleen cells from C3H/He mice immunized in vivo to trinitrophenyl (TNP)-self were sensitized in vitro to TNP-self. These spleen cells displayed strong lysis on TNP-modified H-2D end-matched (Kd-Dk) targets as well as enhanced cytotoxicity against H-2 matched (Kk-Dk) or H-2K end-matched (Kk-Dd) target cells. Cold target-blocking studies showed that the lysis of TNP-Kd-Dk targets could be blocked by the addition of TNP-modified Kk-Dk, Kk-Dd Kk-Db, or Kd-Dk, but not by TNP-modified Kd-Dd, Kb-Db and Kq-Kq spleen cells. These results demonstrate that the lysis of TNP-Kd-Dk targets is not due to cross-reactive clones against TNP-Kd-Dd, Kb-Db or Kq-Dq antigens. Inhibition of the TNP-Kd-Dk target lysis by TNP-Kk-matched (Kk-Dd or Kk-Db) as well as TNP-Dk-matched (Kd-Dk) blockers also reveals that this target is lysed by clones directed against shared antigens between Kk-TNP and Dk-TNP, indicating that no cytotoxic response restricted for Dk-TNP only could be detected even after in vivo priming.  相似文献   

C3H fibroblasts transformed in vitro with SV40 were adapted to in vivo growth. Several clones were isolated from a single, highly oncogenic tumor and those that displayed oncogenic potential also no longer expressed the H-2Kk molecule. Using the technique of Southern blot hybridization, the H-2 genes and integrated SV40 sequences present in the genomic DNA of several of these clones have been examined and compared with both the parent line and normal liver genomic DNA from C3H mice. All H-2Kk negative clones had altered H-2 genes that appeared as a gain and, depending on the restriction endonuclease, loss of hybridizing fragments compared to normal C3H DNA. A 5.5-kb fragment missing from the Sstl digests of the H-2Kk negative variants was mapped to the H-2Kk region of the major histocompatability complex with the use of congenic mice. This provided direct evidence that a mutation had occurred in the H-2Kk region. The integrated SV40 sequences were similar to those already seen in other SV40 transformed cells and not closely linked to any of the H-2 genes. There was no indication that the H-2 mutation was caused by integration of SV40.  相似文献   

Serological absorption analyses and immunochemical studies of the H-2 antigenic specificities on the AKR (H-2k) spontaneous leukaemia K36 have been performed. The results confirm the absence of the H-2Kk gene product from the cell surface and from detergent solubilised tumour cells. A genetic mechanism is considered for this phenotypic alteration.  相似文献   

Activation of primed pre-cytolytic T lymphocytes (pCTL) requires two signals: recognition of antigen (signal 1) and interaction with a nonspecific helper factor (signal 2). The two signals necessary for generation of a secondary allogeneic CTL response have been analyzed using H-2Kk in liposomes as the stimulating antigen. Use of the liposomes allows the alloantigen to be separated from responder cells after a brief exposure. Thus, the requirements for effective delivery of each signal could be studied independently. A 12-hr exposure of pCTL to alloantigen was sufficient for optimum signal 1 delivery. pCTL recognition of the antigen occurs during this time, and no requirement for adherent cells could be demonstrated. The structure of the antigen-containing liposomes affects the efficiency of pCTL triggering. Factor(s) necessary for signal 2 could be provided by supernatants from mitogen-stimulated lymphocytes. Alternatively, it could be generated with alloantigen, providing that adherent cells were present. Optimum interaction of factor(s) with pCTL, i.e., optimum delivery of signal 2, occurred only if factor(s) was present at 12 to 24 hr after interaction of pCTL with alloantigen. The results suggest that alloantigen recognition triggers pCTL to synthesize and/or express receptors for the factor(s).  相似文献   

Kgv cells do not constitutively express class I mRNA or protein. Interferon (IFN)-gamma, but not IFN-alpha/beta, induces H-2Dk expression. IFN does not induce H-2Kk expression. We examined constitutive and IFN-inducible class I expression on Kgv cells stably transfected with genomic clones of H-2Kk or H-2Dk and on somatic cell hybrid lines constructed between Kgv cells and constitutively class I-positive cells of a distinguishable H-2 haplotype. Our results suggest that both the lack of constitutive class I expression and the inability of IFN-alpha/beta to induce class I expression on Kgv cells are primarily due to cis-regulatory mechanisms. However, stable introduction of the H-2Dk gene into Kgv cells conferred IFN-gamma inducibility upon the silent endogenous H-2Kk gene. Therefore, the failure of IFN-gamma to induce H-2Kk expression on Kgv cells is due, at least in part, to a trans-regulatory mechanism.  相似文献   

A wealth of data has accumulated on the structure of mouse MHC class I (MHCI) molecules encoded by the H-2(b) and H-2(d) haplotypes. In contrast, there is a dearth of structural data regarding H-2(k)-encoded molecules. Therefore, the structures of H-2K(k) complexed to an octameric peptide from influenza A virus (HA(259-266)) and to a nonameric peptide from SV40 (SV40(560-568)) have been determined by x-ray crystallography at 2.5 and 3.0 A resolutions, respectively. The structure of the H-2K(k)-HA(259-266) complex reveals that residues located on the floor of the peptide-binding groove contact directly the backbone of the octameric peptide and force it to lie deep within the H-2K(k) groove. This unprecedented mode of peptide binding occurs despite the presence of bulky residues in the middle of the floor of the H-2K(k) peptide-binding groove. As a result, the Calpha atoms of peptide residues P5 and P6 are more buried than the corresponding residues of H-2K(b)-bound octapeptides, making them even less accessible to TCR contact. When bound to H-2K(k), the backbone of the SV40(560-568) nonapeptide bulges out of the peptide-binding groove and adopts a conformation reminiscent of that observed for peptides bound to H-2L(d). This structural convergence occurs despite the totally different architectures of the H-2L(d) and H-2K(k) peptide-binding grooves. Therefore, these two H-2K(k)-peptide complexes provide insights into the mechanisms through which MHC polymorphism outside primary peptide pockets influences the conformation of the bound peptides and have implications for TCR recognition and vaccine design.  相似文献   

Activation of rat liver phenylalanine hydroxylase by limited proteolysis catalyzed by chymotrypsin was investigated with the use of sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and high pressure gel filtration. Both activation and proteolysis were decreased by the addition of the natural cofactor, (6R)-tetrahydrobiopterin. From chymotryptic digests of the hydroxylase carried out in the presence and absence of (6R)-tetrahydrobiopterin, several different enzyme species were isolated by high pressure gel filtration. One species (subunit Mr = 47,000) with unchanged hydroxylase activity was isolated from the chymotryptic digest in the presence of (6R)-tetrahydrobiopterin; it was derived from the native enzyme (Mr = 52,000) by cleavage of the COOH-terminal Mr = 5,000 portion of the native enzyme. In the absence of (6R)-tetrahydrobiopterin, another species (subunit Mr = 36,000) was isolated. In addition to modification at the COOH-terminal end of the molecule, this species also had lost a Mr = 11,000 fragment from the NH2-terminal end of the hydroxylase. The Mr = 11,000 fragment was shown to include the phosphorylation site of the enzyme. This Mr = 36,000 species was 30-fold more active than the native phenylalanine hydroxylase when assayed in the presence of tetrahydrobiopterin. These results suggest that the regulatory domain that inhibits hydroxylase activity in the basal state may be located at the NH2 terminus of the phenylalanine hydroxylase subunit.  相似文献   

Observations have frequently been interpreted as showing that the helper T cells which collaborate with alloantigen-specific cytotoxic T-cell precursors can only recognize antigens encoded in the I region of the H-2 gene complex. An experimental system is described here that allows analysis of the recognition repertoire of these helper cells. CBA helper T-cell precursors can be primed in vitro to antigens encoded in the H-2 b gene complex. These helpers can then be tested for the existence of a subset of helper cells which recognize antigens encoded in the D region of H-2 b haplotype. CBA thymocytes were used as a source of cytotoxic T-cell precursors that respond poorly in the absence of exogeneous helper activity. The source of alloantigen was varied by using irradiated spleen cells from various (BALB/c × recombinant)F1 hybrid mice as stimulator cells. When the stimulator cell bears BALB/c determinants recognized by the cytotoxic T-cell precursor and also bears only the D region antigens of the H-2 b haplotype, an anti-BALB/c cytotoxic response is generated only if the anti-H-2b helper population contains cells able to recognize H-2Db. A positive cytotoxic response was obtained, indicating that helper cells are not limited to recognition of I region antigens and can efficiently recognize antigens encoded in the D region of the H-2 gene complex. This was confirmed by the demonstration of helpers specific for H-2Dd. We were unable to detect any evidence for Ia-restricted recognition of the H-2D alloantigens, suggesting that, as for cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL), helper cell recognition of class I alloantigens is an unrestricted event.  相似文献   

Teratocarcinoma transplantation antigens are encoded in the H-2 region   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Evidence is presented for the existence of teratocarcinoma transplantation antigens (Gt) encoded within the H-2 complex and present also on adult tissues. It has not been possible to separate these Gt loci from H-2 by recombination, and Gt factors map to each end of the H-2 complex. Previous reports indicating separation of all Gt loci from H-2 are reinterpreted. One class of such apparent recombinants has been shown to result from the outgrowth of tumor variants in mice of resistant genotype.Aspects of this work were presented at the 10th Cold Spring Harbor Conference on Cell Proliferation, September 1982.  相似文献   

Skin graft rejection in congenic pairs of mice differing only at theH-2 complex appears to be influenced by at least 3 genes (H-2K, H-2D, H-2I); we now describe a fourth,H- 2IC: Grafts transplanted across anIC difference are sometimes rejected. TheI-C regions of three differentH-2 haplotypes (d,k,s) were studied in different combinations, and variable patterns emerged: (a)IC d : B10.S(7R) show delayed or no rejection of first B10.S(9R) grafts, but grafts to immunized recipients were usually rejected in 20 days; (b)IC k : in two combinations (A.AL A and B10.HTT B10.S[9R]) first grafts were rejected by day 30, although grafts to immunized mice showed a different pattern. In the third combination (B10.HTTB10.S[7R]) first grafts were retained but immunized mice rejected their grafts, (c)IC s : B10.S(9R) regularly reject B10.S(7R) first grafts, but immunized mice retain their grafts. In two other combinations first grafts were retained but grafts to immunized recipients were rejected; while in a third combination rejection did not occur at all. The background of the recipient appeared to be important in determining the variable pattern of rejection, and there is evidence for a similarity of the H-genes inIC s andIC k , and inIC k andIC p . Graft rejection occurred independently of known differences in Ia specificities, indicating thatH-2IC and the genes determining Ia specificities are probably different, although when grafts were performed in the presence of known la differences, graft rejection usually occurred.  相似文献   

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