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Summary The method of mapping the vegetation on scale 1: 200,000 and the starting points in relation to the potential natural vegetation and ecotopes, are discussed.In view of the planological background of this study, some restrictions have been added to the concept of potential natural vegetation, concerning the period of development and the human influence.The relationship between soil, ground water and vegetation was studied, which resulted in the map of the potential natural vegetation.Each type of potential natural vegetation stands for a series of vegetation types on the same site. Seven main series, with a number of sub-series are distinguished. Within each vegetation series the plant communities have been spread over five groups, according to their structure and naturalness.Ecotopes and ecotope complexes are considered as landscape ecological units. A list of ecotopes was obtained by interpreting topographical maps and by inventory data.The actual vegetation was mapped by estimating the size of the ecotopes within the separate areas. It was expressed in a five figure code for the five groups from the vegetation and ecotopes is combined into the vegetation map of The Netherlands.Interpretation problems, some of them specific for The Netherlands, are discussed and some remarks are made on the necessity of further research.Contribution to the Symposium on Plant Species and Plant Communities, held at Nijmegen, 11–12 November 1976, on the occasion of the 60th birthday of Professor Victor Westhoff.Nomenclature follows Heukels-van Ooststroom, Flora van Nederland, 18e druk, 1975, Wolters-Noordhoff, Groningen; nomenclature of syntaxa follows Westhoff & den Held (1969)  相似文献   

Question: Is there a need for disturbance mapping integrated in the CircumBoreal Vegetation Mapping Program? Location: Eurasian boreal forest. Disturbance and mapping: The boreal zone is characterized by a multitude of natural and anthropogenic disturbance agents with importance over a wide range of spatial and temporal scales. Disturbance is a prime driver of succession in most of the boreal zone, producing landscape diversity characterized by a large‐scale vegetation mosaic of early to late succession states. When mapping the circumboreal vegetation, spatial extent, time involved from disturbance to recovered condition and likelihood of interacting disturbance types are crucial for how current vegetation is interpreted and subsequently included as map characteristics. In this paper we present examples from the boreal zone where natural and/or anthropogenic disturbance regimes dominate the state and distribution of vegetation, and possibilities for assessing the nature and extent of the disturbed regions using remotely sensed data. Conclusion: Disturbed vegetation occupies large areas in the boreal zone and related vegetation successions should be adequately represented when mapping the zone. In regions where the ‘potential natural vegetation’ is a hypothetical reconstruction from remnants of ‘natural’ vegetation it would be preferable to use the concept of ‘actual real vegetation’ for which remote sensing at coarse, medium and fine resolution is an efficient tool. The Land Cover Classification System (LCCS) may offer sufficient flexibility to incorporate information about the disturbance of circumboreal vegetation.  相似文献   

Lewis  Megan M. 《Plant Ecology》1998,136(2):133-133
This study demonstrates a vegetation mapping methodology that relates the reflectance information contained in multispectral imagery to traditionally accepted ecological classifications. Key elements of the approach used are (a) the use of cover rather than density or presence/absence to quantify the vegetation, (b) the inclusion of physical components as well as vegetation cover to describe and classify field sites, (c) development of an objective land cover classification from this quantitative data, (d) use of the field sample sites as training areas for the spectral classification, and (e) the use of a discriminant function to effectively tie the two classifications together. Land cover over 39000 ha of Australian chenopod shrubland was classified into nine groups using agglomerative hierarchical clustering, a discriminant function developed to relate cover and spectral classes, and the vegetation mapped using a maximum likelihood classification of multi-date Landsat TM imagery. The accuracy of the mapping was assessed with an independent set of field samples and by comparison with a map of land systems previously interpreted from aerial photography. Overall agreement between the digital classification and the land system map was good. The units that have been mapped are those derived from numeric vegetation classification, demonstrating that accepted ecological methods and sound image analysis can be successfully combined.  相似文献   

G. Londo 《Plant Ecology》1974,29(1):51-61
Summary The succession of the dune slack vegetation around an artificial lake was studied by means of successive mapping. A succession scheme was prepared on the basis of comparison of the maps made in various years. This scheme was discussed in terms of systems theory, with reference to a kinematic graph prepared on the basis of the transformations. The succession derived from the vegetation maps was compared with that derived from the permanent plots; the results of this comparison indicated that only a small proportion of the total number of succession lines could be detected with the aid of the permanent plots. In addition, the information that could be derived from the permanent plot analysis depended on the degree of change of the vegetation in the area; more information could be derived from drier areas which showed the least degree of change. The best method for the investigation of the succession proved to be a combination of a restricted number of permanent plots and successive mapping. Nomenclature of species follows Heukels-van Ooststroom Flora van Nederland, 16 ed. 1970. R.I.N.-Comm. nr. 107.  相似文献   

Küchler  A. W. 《Plant Ecology》1984,55(1):3-10
On ecological vegetation maps, the distribution of vegetation is related to one or more features of the environment. Tolerance, competition, map scales and the environment are discussed with regard to their bearing on the geographical distribution of phytocenoses and their portrayal on maps. There are two types of ecological vegetation maps: those relating the vegetation to one environmental quality, and those with two or more such qualities. The interpretation of ecological vegetation maps is relatively simple when plant communities are related to a single quality of the biotope and difficult but usually more useful when related to several qualities. Perfection is not possible but can be approached asymptotically.  相似文献   


The aim of this paper is to present a joint vegetation data base and GIS application to produce a model to map the potential natural vegetation (PNV) of the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region (NE Italy) and to show how the map can be used to draw a biogeographic classification of the region. All the natural arboreal coenoses growing below the timber line, as well as the dwarf shrubs and prairies developing above this limit, were considered. Some cross sections, extracted from the potential vegetation map, were tested against transects of real vegetation distribution.  相似文献   

In order to emphasize the importance of vegetation mapping for nature conservation purposes a case study in Terceira island (Azores) is presented, in which the importance of the natural vegetation of the eastern slope of Santa Bárbara volcano (which is part of the Site of Community Importance of Santa Bárbara–Pico Alto) is evaluated through the elaboration of its vegetation map. Fourteen (14) different natural vegetation types were identified: grasslands (1 type), peat bogs (2 types), scrubs (2), forests (5), successional vegetation (3) and vegetation of rocky slopes (1). All communities are protected under the Habitat and Species Directive (EC/92/43) and most of them are endemic to the Azores Islands. This fact, together with the significant number of Azorean endemic taxa (18), Macaronesian endemic taxa (5) and species protected under the Habitat and Species Directive (7), gives this area an important conservation value that justifies future protection actions. Vegetation mapping is an important tool for the characterization, evaluation and implementation of managing plans of natural areas of the Azores islands. The use of a floristic-based classification, supported by multivariate analysis and structural data, is an efficient methodology for the construction of these maps. The data collected comprise an important set of information about the distribution and abundance of natural vegetation types and endemic and rare species. This information was not available until now and is indispensable for the elaboration of management plans of Special Zones for Conservation that will be part of the NATURA 2000 network.  相似文献   

Westfall  R. H.  Theron  G. K.  Rooyen  N. 《Plant Ecology》1997,132(2):137-154
A program package is described in which vegetation data can be objectively classified and analysed. Classification is based on minimum entropy. Results show that in a comparison with TWINSPAN, improvements to the relevé sequence, in terms of community variation, can be obtained. Furthermore, TWINSPAN classifications are shown to be dependent on a particular relevé input sequence.  相似文献   

利用3S技术对梅里雪山地区植被制图的精度检验分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在野外考察的基础上,应用3S技术,完成了云南西北部梅里雪山地区的1:50000的植被图.对已完成的植被图通过野外收集的GPS点进行校正,GPS样点数的多少依据统计学抽样调查的样本大小计算而得,用这些校正样点数建立混淆矩阵进行植被图精度计算,最后利用计算成数方差进行检验.混淆矩阵计算得出植被图总的判对精度即整体精度OA为84.7%,利用计算成数方差检验,结果表明大部分类型为90%以上.基于3S技术完成的植被图精度取决于区域面积大小和植被分类等级,而利用遥感技术来划分的植被等级与传统的植被分类等级不完全一致.  相似文献   

A comparison is made between floristic and structural-physiognomic classifications of a tropical dry, semi-evergreen forest and thicket vegetation of south-eastern India. The classifications are strikingly similar in their main groupings which are ecologically meaningful; the differences between the classifications are virtually limited to allocation of some stands to different subcommunities. It is concluded that the use of structural-physiognomic criteria allows a detailed and ecologically significant classification of vegetation. Fairly advanced calculation facilities are necessary, however, to reach such a classification, since the structural-physiognomic differences between the resulting groupings are largely of a quantitative and not of a qualitative nature. This is a consequence of the general occurrence in all stands of the vegetation of the very great majority of the characters used in this study.Nomenclature follows Sprangers & Balasubramanian (1978) who give a complete list of authorities.  相似文献   

Utilitarian and fundamental, floristic and structural classifications of forest and scrub communities are compared. Their advantages and disadvantages and their interrelations are discussed. The necessity of a structural classification as complementary to a floristic classification is emphasized. It seems difficult, if not impossible, to combine the two. The existing structural classifications are reviewed. They are not very detailed and often mixed with a habitat classification. A new, detailed and purely structural system for woods and scrub in Europe is proposed in the form of an identification key. The main criteria used are — in order of diminishing importance —: (1) architecture of the dominant layer, (2) photoperiodicity (evergreen vs. deciduous) of that layer, (3) leaf size and leaf form of that layer, (4) presence/absence of thorns/spines, (5) presence of a second tree layer, shrub layer, dwarf shrub layer, herb layer and/or moss layer, (6) deciduousness of these layers, (7) main growth forms, (8) leaf size and leaf consistency, (9) leaf inclination and (10) height of these layers.In all 27 scrub types and 45 wood types are described. They have been named after a combination of two more or less characteristic and dominant genera. The system is open and hierarchical. Broader units have also been described.Comm. No. 388 of the Biological Station Wijster, Department of Silviculture and Forest Ecology, Agricultural University, Wageningen  相似文献   

Fuzzy systems vegetation theory is a comprehensive framework for the expression of vegetation theory and conceptual models, as well as the development of vegetation analyses. It is applicable to vegetation/environment relations, vegetation dynamics, and the effects of environmental dynamics on vegetation composition. Fuzzy systems vegetation theory is a fuzzy set generalization of dynamical systems theory and incorporates a formal logic and mathematics. This paper presents the elements of fuzzy systems vegetation theory and discusses the relationship of the fuzzy systems theory to the geometric concepts generally employed in vegetation theory.  相似文献   

基于可见光植被指数的面向对象湿地水生植被提取方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
井然  邓磊  赵文吉  宫兆宁 《生态学杂志》2016,27(5):1427-1436
利用ESP分割工具确定最佳分割尺度,通过多尺度分割算法创建最优分割影像,基于微型无人机影像数据生成可见光植被指数,从一系列可见光植被指数中选取一组最优植被指数,建立决策树规则,利用隶属度函数对研究区自动分类,生成水生植被分布图.结果表明: 监督分类法的总体精度为53.7%,面向对象分类法总体精度为91.7%,与基于像元的监督分类法相比,面向对象分类法显著改善了影像分类结果,并大大提高了水生植被提取精度,监督分类法的Kappa系数为0.4,而面向对象分类法的Kappa系数为0.9.这表明利用微型无人机数据生成的可见光植被指数结合面向对象分类方法提取水生植被在该研究区是可行的,并能够应用到其他类似区域.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose a method to produce maps of fire danger index (FDI). The index includes in the formula a vegetation pyrogenic potential index (VPPI) based on floristic phytosociological data. The map of FDI is produced by integrating available phytosociological maps of vegetation, geomorphology and climate, using the Geographic Information System technology. The method is applied to an area of the coastal Classical Karst (NE-Italy). While fire risk maps based on the incidence of previous fires are useful for facilitating emergency operations, e.g. the allocation of fire fighting resources, we conclude that the proposed index offers an effective tool to plan actions for fire prevention.  相似文献   

海南岛热带森林植被的类群及其特征   总被引:19,自引:3,他引:19  
王伯荪  张炜银 《广西植物》2002,22(2):107-115
对海南岛热带森林植被的历史变迁进行了回顾。讨论了海南岛热带森林植被类型的分类单位与等级 ,提出了海南岛热带森林的植被分类系统 ,海南岛热带森林植被可分为 2个植被型组 ,7个植被型 ,4个植被亚型 ,35个群系 ,2 1个亚群系 ,1 0 9个群丛组或群丛 ;并对代表类群进行了描述  相似文献   

Reconstruction mapping of the natural (primary) vegetation of intensively cultivated land is based on: (1) classification of actually existing remains of natural or near-natural plant communities as mapping units; (2) delimitation of their habitat types; (3) detection of correlations between vegetation units and habitat types. Natural plant communities thus serve as indicators of abiotic habitat conditions. Reconstruction mapping is based on the extrapolation of the potential distribution of individual vegetation units to sites of similar habitat types where the natural vegetation does not exist any more. The same procedure is used for mapping the potential natural vegetation. Both types of natural vegetation maps are identical on sites where the abiotic natural habitat conditions (relief, geological substratum, climate, water regime, soils) remain practically unchanged. On sites where the natural habitat conditions have been considerably changed by man, e.g. in areas with superficial coal mining (complete destruction of the landscape, removal of soil cover, creation of large slag heaps) or in towns, no natural (primary) vegetation exists. This causes difficulties in the hypothetical concept of the potential natural vegetation and its definition. In contrast, in such sites reconstruction vegetation mapping uses the extrapolation of mapping units of the primary vegetation to the original natural habitat conditions.  相似文献   

Abstract. Naturaland semi-natural plant communities occurring in the Nile Valley in Upper Egypt are described and their position in the zonation along the river bank interpreted. With the help of ordination and classification methods relationships among the 13 community types and their distribution along the predominating moisture gradient are elucidated. The vegetation of the Nile Valley can be described as a series of discrete plant community types on the basis of their floristic composition, structural components and habitat conditions. The communities can be grouped into four higher units, considered as formations: swamp, meadow, thorn-bush and riverain woodland.  相似文献   

J. Moravec 《Plant Ecology》1989,81(1-2):29-39
The individualistic concept of vegetation is based on three principles: (1) vegetation continuum, (2) ecological and chorological individuality of species and (3) multidimensional variability of vegetation. All principles reflect phenomena existing in nature. The conclusions arising from these principles are these: (1) plant communities (phytocoenoses) are not natural objects (wholes) as such but merely mixtures of plant individuals coexisting on the same site as the result of migration and environmental selection, (2) the classification of vegetation is quite arbitrary if not pseudoscientific, and (3) vegetation phenomena can be reduced to phenomena of plant individuals.The integrated concept of vegetation considers the phytocoenoses as real functional systems (wholes) where plant populations are integrated both by the environment and by interactions among and within plant populations. The principles of the individualistic concept, but not the above conclusions arising from them, are compatible with the integrated concept. Phytocoenoses limit the individualistic performance of species through restriction of ecological amplitudes and shifting of ecological optima (as compared with physiological amplitudes and optima). The individualistic behaviour of species does not exclude the formation of coenological groups of species which form a basis for the classification of vegetation according to floristic-coenological criteria. Under natural conditions, plant communities are usually interconnected by transition zones to form a vegetation continuum. Phenomena of the vegetation continuum do not cause greater difficulties in syntaxonomy than those of polymorphic taxonomic groups in plant taxonomy.  相似文献   

The riparian vegetation of a basin in the NW Spain was studied to establish its spatial variation pattern and to relate floristic and structural differences in the community to environmental factors. Eighty-seven sampling units in 43 sampling stations were used. Samples were classified in 5 groups using Two Way Indicator Species Analysis (TWINSPAN). Three groups represented reaches with riparian wood along their banks: Mediterranean alderwoods and shrubby willow woods. The remaining two corresponded to floodplains with vegetation colonizing moderately eutrophicated deposits of gravel. Structural characteristics of richness and diversity differentiated the alder woods. In these, the shaded environment created by the woody species limited herbaceous vegetation development. This was dominated by Carex acuta subsp. broteriana. Classification and CCA ordination results were compared. The TWINSPAN groups could be recognized in the CCA graph. The ordination was related to a pollution gradient associated with altitude. This pollution gradient involved bank ruderalization, incorporation of nitrophilous species and a decrease in the vegetation quality. The influence of the lithological features on vegetation was also evident.  相似文献   

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