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An oxygen-induced superoxide dismutase was purified from the halophilic bacterium, Halobacterium halobium, strain NRL. Due to the high salt requirement for enzyme stability, the purification had to be performed in the presence of 2 M NaCl. The pI of the protein was 4.95. The approximate Mr was 38,500. The subunit size as determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-electrophoresis was approximately 19,000. Metal analysis showed 1.5 atoms of manganese per dimer, 0.5 atom zinc, and 1.54 atoms copper. The N-terminal sequence of amino acids was determined, and based upon the first 26 amino acids significant homology to other manganese- and iron-containing superoxide dismutases was revealed.  相似文献   

M L Salin  M V Duke  D Oesterhelt  D P Ma 《Gene》1988,70(1):153-159
A group of synthetic 17-mer oligodeoxynucleotides (oligos) was constructed to correspond to a sequence of amino acids situated near the N terminus of the manganese-containing superoxide dismutase (Mn-SOD) purified from the halophilic bacterium, Halobacterium halobium. A cosmid library of a Sau3AI partial digest of halobium DNA, cloned into the BamHI site of pHC79, was probed with the radiolabeled oligos. Cosmid DNA was purified from the clone that showed hybridization at the highest stringency. A 1.8-kb PstI fragment of this DNA which hybridized the probes was subcloned into bacteriophage M13 and transfected into Escherichia coli JM101. The entire insert containing a 600-bp sequence coding for Mn-SOD and its 5'- and 3'-flanking regions was sequenced. The derived amino acid sequence of the structural gene showed a similarity to other manganese and iron-containing SODs in normally conserved regions.  相似文献   

The rate of halobacterial photophosphorylation was found to be a linear function of light intensity over a wide range (between 1 and 20 mW/cm2). At higher light intensities (above 25 mW/cm2) the ATP-synthesizing system itself limits the maximal rate of photophosphorylation. The optimal external pH range for this type of photophosphorylation is between pH 6.2 and 7.2 external. The photophosphorylation rate is directly proportional to the bacteriorhodopsin content of the cells. The quantum requirement for photophosphorylation was found to be 22 +/- 5 photons per ATP molecule synthesized. According to Mitchell's chemiosmotic hypothesis of energy coupling phosphorylation can be driven by a membrane potential or a pH gradient or a combination of both. From the results of experiments with drugs which abolish or reduce either one of the two components we conclude that the major driving force for photophosphorylation above an external pH value of 6.5 is the membrane potential, while at more acidic pH value the pH gradient becomes dominating. We did not observe a correlation between a transient alkalinization of the medium and ATP-synthesis upon illumination under certain conditions.  相似文献   

Genetic variability in Halobacterium halobium.   总被引:20,自引:16,他引:20       下载免费PDF全文
Halobacterium halobium exhibits an extraordinary degree of spontaneous variability. Mutants which are defective in the formation of gas vacuoles (vac) arise at a frequency of 10(-2). Other easily detectable phenotypes, like the synthesis of bacterioruberin (Rub) or the synthesis of retinal (Ret) and bacterio-opsin (Ops), the two components which form the purple membrane (Pum) of H. halobium, are lost at a frequency of about 10(-4). With the same frequency a mutant type appears which exhibits an extremely high variability in these phenotypes. With the exception of the ret mutants, all spontaneously arising mutants show alterations, i.e., insertions, rearrangements, or deletions, in the plasmid pHH1. It appears that the introduction of one insertion into pHH1 triggers further insertions, which makes the identification of relationships between phenotypic and genotypic alterations rather difficult. From the analysis of a large number of spontaneous vac mutants and their vac+ revertants it can be concluded that the formation of the gas vacuoles is determined or controlled by plasmid genes. No such conclusion is yet possible for the rub mutants, although all mutants of this type so far analyzed exhibit a defined insertion. pum mutants which have lost the capability of forming bacterio-opsin carry insertions in the plasmid which are distributed over a rather large region of the plasmid. No strains of H. halobium could be obtained which had lost plasmid pHH1 completely.  相似文献   

Chemosensory responses of Halobacterium halobium.   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
Responses of Halobacterium halobium cells to chemical stimuli have been shown by a capillary technique. Cells were attacted by D-glucose and several amino acids and repelled by phenol. Certain chemicals, such as acetate, benzoate, indole, and NiSO4, that are known to act as repellents of Escherichia coli cells served as attractants for Halobacterium. In the presence of ethionine, sensitivity to attractants was reduced. Arsenate prevented the attraction by glucose without lowering the cellular adenosine 5'-triphosphate level. The ability for chemo-accumulation toward glucose and histidine was interfered with by the formation of photosensory systems. Light-induced motor responses and chemosensory behavior toward glucose and histidine became detectable in the late stationary growth phase only. The behavior toward acetate and indole was not connected to photobehavior in that way: both substances acted as attractants already in the late log phase. Inhibition of bacteriorhodopsin synthesis by L-nicotine allowed chemo-accumulation toward glucose and histidine already in the late logarithmic phase.  相似文献   

Light energy conversion in Halobacterium halobium.   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文

Dynamic plasmid populations in Halobacterium halobium.   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Deletion events occurring in the major 150-kilobase-pair (kb) plasmid pHH1 of the archaebacterium Halobacterium halobium were investigated. We found four deletion derivatives of pHH1 in gas-vacuole-negative mutants, two of which (pHH23) [65 kb] and pHH4 [36 kb]) we analyzed. Both plasmids incurred more than one deletion, leading to the fusion of noncontiguous pHH1 sequences. pHH23 and pHH4 overlapped by only 4 kb of DNA sequence. A DNA fragment derived from this region was used to monitor the production of further deletion variants of pHH4. A total of 25 single colonies were characterized, 23 of which contained various smaller pHH4 derivatives. Of the 25 colonies investigated, 2 had lost pHH4 entirely and contained only large (greater than or equal to 100-kb) minor covalently closed circular DNAs. One colony contained the 17-kb deletion derivative pHH6 without any residual pHH4. The sizes of the pHH4 deletion derivatives, produced during the development of a single colony, ranged from 5 to 20 kb. In five colonies, pHH4 was altered by the integration of an additional insertion element. These insertions, as well as copies of the various insertion elements already present in pHH4, presumably serve as hot spots for recombination events which result in deletions. A second enrichment procedure led to the identification of colonies containing either a 16-kb (pHH7) or a 5-kb (pHH8) deletion derivative of pHH4 as the major plasmid. pHH8, the smallest plasmid found, contained the 4 kb of unique DNA sequence shared by pHH23 and pHH4, as well as some flanking pHH4 sequences. This result indicates that the 4-kb region contains the necessary sequences for plasmid maintenance and replication.  相似文献   

Integration of photosensory signals in Halobacterium halobium.   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Stimulation of Halobacterium halobium through its sensory photosystems, PS 370 and PS 565, leads either to a prolonged or to a shortened interval between two reversals of the swimming direction of the cell, the attractant or repellent response. Stimuli are integrated to yield the same response regardless through which photosystem they are given. Simultaneously elicited attractant and repellent signals cancel each other at any time during a reversal interval, even in the period of refractoriness shortly after a reversal, when the cell is insensitive to repellent stimuli. Successively applied stimuli are less completely integrated. The net response depends on the moment of stimulation during the interval, on the sequence of stimuli, and on the delay between them. Integration of successively applied effective stimuli (after refractoriness) is to a great extent explained in terms of a cellular oscillator (A. Schimz and E. Hildebrand, Nature [London] 317:641-643, 1985) which is changed in opposite directions by attractant and repellent signals. Some conclusions on the shape of the oscillator after its disturbance by a stimulus can be made. Integration of signals during refractoriness leads us to postulate an additional step before the oscillator in the sensory pathway. Cancelling of simultaneous opposite signals is thought to proceed at this integrator. It also takes part in the integration of successively evoked signals. At this step signals rapidly decline within 10 ms, and the total life time (at least of repellent signals) does not exceed 1.2 s.  相似文献   

Methyl-accepting taxis proteins in Halobacterium halobium.   总被引:23,自引:6,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
Methyl-accepting taxis proteins were identified and characterized in Halobacterium halobium, an archaebacterial species that is both chemotactic and phototactic. The data suggest direct involvement of methylation and demethylation in mechanisms of both chemotaxis and phototaxis and identify adaptation as the sensory process in which those reactions are likely to be involved. Analysis by electrophoresis and fluorography revealed methyl-accepting species, of apparent Mr between 90,000 and 135,000, that exhibited characteristics of sensory components. Those methyl-3H-labeled species were absent in a mutant blocked in taxis. Methylation of specific bands increased after positive chemostimuli and decreased after negative stimuli. Other methyl-3H-labeled bands, from 17 to 29 kd, exhibited features of biosynthetic intermediates, not of sensory components. Assay of rates of demethylation by measuring release of volatile forms of radiolabeled methyl groups revealed transient changes following chemo- or photostimuli that persisted for periods roughly equivalent to adaptation times. Negative chemostimuli induced increased rates of demethylation, as expected from fluorographic analysis, but positive chemostimuli also resulted in an increase. Photostimuli of either sign were followed by increases in rates of demethylation of shorter duration and lesser magnitude than chemostimuli-induced increases, a relationship that corresponded to differences in adaptation time.  相似文献   

The purple membrane of Halobacterium halobium acts as a light-driven proton pump, ejecting protons from the cell interior into the medium and generating electrochemical proton gradient across the cell membrane. However, the type response of cells to light as measured with a pH electrode in the medium consists of an initial net inflow of protons which subsides and is then replaced by a net outflow which exponentially approaches a new lower steady state pH level. When the light turned off a small transient acidification occurs before the pH returns to the original dark level. We present experiments suggesting that the initial inflow of protons is triggered by the beginning ejection of protons through the purple membrane and that the initial inflow rate is larger than the continuing light-driven outflow. When the initial inflow has decreased exponentially to a small value, the outflow dominates and causes the net acidification of the medium. The initial inflow is apparently driven by a pre-existing electrochemical gradient across the membrane, which the cells can maintain for extended times in the absence of light and oxygen. Treatments which collapse this gradient such as addition of small concentrations of uncouplers abolish the initial inflow. The triggered inflow occurs through the ATPase and is accompanied by ATP synthesis. Inhibitors of the ATPase such as N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD) inhibit ATP synthesis and abolish the inflow. They also abolish the transient light-off acidification, which is apparently caused by a short burst of ATP hydrolysis before the enzyme is blocked by its endogenous inhibitor. Similar transient inflows and outflows of protons are also observed when anaerobic cells are exposed to short oxygen pulses.  相似文献   

Efficient transfection of the archaebacterium Halobacterium halobium.   总被引:28,自引:14,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
We developed an efficient polyethylene glycol-mediated spheroplast transfection method for the extremely halophilic archaebacterium Halobacterium halobium. The 59-kilobase-pair linear phage phi H DNA molecule routinely produced between 5 X 10(6) and 2 X 10(7) transfectants per microgram of DNA. Between 0.5 and 1% of spheroplasts were transfected per microgram of luminal diameter H DNA. Under our conditions, survival and regeneration of H. halobium spheroplasts were also quite efficient, suggesting that this method will be useful for introducing other DNAs into these bacteria.  相似文献   

In Halobacterium halobium, nicotine is known to block the synthesis of retinal. Cells grown in the presence of nicotine do not show any photophobic response. Addition of retinal1 or retinal2 restored the photophobic responses to light-increase in the UV and to light-decrease in the green-yellow part of the spectrum. The action spectra of the two retinal2-photosystems were red-shifted by 15–20 nm, compared with the corresponding retinal1 systems. We conclude that each of the two photosystems, PS 370 and PS 565, has its own photosensory pigment with retinal as the chromophoric group.  相似文献   

Chloride uptake in intact cells of Halobacterium halobium was characterized by rates of influx and efflux of 36Cl- under conditions of light, respiration, or both. Halobacterial mutant strains with and without retinal transport proteins allowed study of the effects of halorhodopsin and bacteriorhodopsin under illumination. Two structurally independent chloride transport systems could be distinguished: halorhodopsin, the already known light-driven chloride pump, and a newly described secondary uptake system, which was energized by respiration or by light via bacteriorhodopsin.  相似文献   

Mutant derivatives of Halobacterium halobium previously isolated by using a procedure that selected for defective phototactic response to white light were examined for an array of phenotypic characteristics related to phototaxis and chemotaxis. The properties tested were unstimulated swimming behavior, behaviorial responses to temporal gradients of light and spatial gradients of chemoattractants, content of photoreceptor pigments, methylation of methyl-accepting taxis proteins, and transient increases in rate of release of volatile methyl groups induced by tactic stimulation. Several distinct phenotypes were identified, corresponding to a mutant missing photoreceptors, a mutant defective in the methyltransferase, a mutant altered in control of the methylesterase, and mutants apparently defective in intracellular signaling. All except the photoreceptor mutant were defective in both chemotaxis and phototaxis.  相似文献   

Phototaxis responses of Halobacterium halobium were monitored with a computerized cell-tracking system coupled to an electronic shutter controlling delivery of photostimuli. Automated analysis of rates of change in direction and linear speeds provided detection of swimming reversals with 67 ms resolution, permitting measurement of distinct phases of the responses to attractant and repellent stimuli. After stimulation, there was a latency period in which the population reversal frequency was unchanged, followed by an excitation phase in which reversal frequency increased, and a slower adaptation phase in which reversal frequency returned to its prestimulus value. A step-decrease in illumination of the attractant receptor slow-cycling or sensory rhodopsin (SR) (lambda max, 587 nm) was interpreted by the cells as an unfavorable stimulus and, after a minimum latency of 0.70 +/- 0.14 s, induced swimming reversals with the peak response occurring 1.34 +/- 0.07 s after onset of the stimulus. Two distinct repellent responses in the near UV/blue were observed. One was a reversal response to 400 nm light, which was dependent on orange-red background illumination as expected for the photointermediate repellent form of SR (lambda max, 373 nm). The minimum latency of this response was approximately the same as that of the SR attractant system. The second was a reversal response with shorter minimum latency (0.40 +/- 0.07 s) to light of longer wavelength (450 nm) than absorbed by the known SR repellent form. This result confirms recent findings of an additional repellent photosystem in this spectral range. Further, the longer wavelength repellent response is independent of orange-red background illumination, indicating that the photoreceptor mediating this response is not a photointermediate of SR.  相似文献   

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