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Recently, solid-state NMR spectroscopy became a viable method to investigate photosynthetic reaction centres (RCs) on the atomic level. To study the electronic structure of the radical cation state of the RC, occurring after the electron emission, solid-state NMR using an illumination set-up can be exploited. This paper describes the illumination set-up we designed for a standard Bruker wide-bore MAS NMR probe. In addition we demonstrate its application to get information from the active site in photosynthetic reaction centres of Rhodobacter sphaeroides R-26 by photochemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization (photo-CIDNP). Solid-state NMR spectra of natural abundance 13C in detergent solubilized quinone depleted photosynthetic reaction centres under continuous illumination showed exceptionally strong nuclear spin polarization in NMR lines. Both enhanced-absorptive and emissive polarization were seen in the carbon spectrum which could be assigned to a bacteriochlorophyll a (BChl a) cofactor, presumably the special pair BChl a. The sign and intensities of the 13C NMR signals provide information about the electron spin density distribution of the transiently formed radical P.+ on the atomic level.  相似文献   

The denatured states of lysozyme   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Two-dimensional (2D) proton magnetic resonance techniques used in conjunction with laser photochemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization (photo-CIDNP) spectroscopy have been applied to studying the kringle 4 domain from human plasminogen at 360 MHz. Out of 11 potential CIDNP-sensitive aromatic side chains, only 5 (His3, Tyr41, Tyr50, Trp72, and Tyr74) appear to be accessible to 3-(carboxymethyl)lumiflavin, the dye used to photogenerate spin polarization. Of these, Trp72 and Tyr74 are known to be at, or near, the lysine-binding site. The spin-spin scalar (J) and phase-sensitive dipolar (Overhauser) connectivities in the 2D experiments yield absolute assignments for the aromatic signals stemming from the exposed tyrosyl and tryptophanyl rings. Moreover, a number of side-chain H beta resonances can be identified and assigned to specific types of aromatic amino acid residues.  相似文献   

alpha-Lactalbumin (alpha-LA) is a calcium binding protein that also binds Mn(II), lanthanide ions, A1(III), Zn(II), Co(II). The structural implications of cation binding were studied by high-resolution proton (200 MHz) NMR and photochemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization (CIDNP) spectroscopy. Marked changes were observed in the NMR spectra of the apoprotein upon addition of a stoichiometric amount of calcium to yield Ca(II)-alpha-LA, manifested particularly in ring current shifted aliphatic peaks and in several shifts in the aromatic region, all of which were under slow exchange conditions. The CIDNP results showed that two surface-accessible tyrosine residues, assigned as Tyr-18 and -36, became inaccessible to the solvent upon addition of 1:1 Ca(II) to apo-alpha-lactalbumin, while Tyr-103 and Trp-104 remained completely accessible in both conformers. The proton NMR spectra of apo-alpha-LA and A1(III)-alpha-LA were extremely similar, which was also consistent with intrinsic fluorescence results [Murakami, K., & Berliner, L. J. (1983) Biochemistry 22, 3370-3374]. The paramagnetic cation Mn(II) bound to the strong calcium binding site on apo-alpha-LA but also to the weak secondary Ca(II) binding site(s) on Ca(II)-alpha-LA. It was also found that Co(II) bound to some secondary sites on Ca(II)-alpha-LA that overlapped the weak calcium site. All of the lanthanide shift reagents [Pr(III), Eu(III), Tb(III), Dy(III), Tm(III), Yb(III)] bound under slow exchange conditions; their relative affinities for apo-alpha-lactalbumin from competitive binding experiments were Dy(III), Tb(III), and Pr(III) greater than Ca(II) greater than Yb(III).  相似文献   

We have carried out a study of the denaturation of bovine α-lactalbumin by LiClO4, LiCl, GuCl and urea, using difference spectroscopy, viscometry, polarimetry, and optical rotatory dispersion. These denaturants give rise to three different denatured states (GuCl and urea give the same state), which cannot be related to each other as members of a simple linear progression from the native state to the completely disordered state. The data require that LiClO4 unfolds one part of the molecule, LiCl another, and GuCl or urea the whole molecule. There are striking parallels between the denaturation behaviour of lactalbumin and earlier observations on hen egg-white lysozyme, a protein with which it is about 40% homologous, and we believe the mass of the data supports the hypothesis, advanced by Browne et al. (1969), that the two proteins have similar backbone conformations.  相似文献   

Sedimentation equilibrium experiments with NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase showed that increasing 1-O-n-octyl-beta-D-glucopyranoside levels promoted disaggregation of the flavoprotein. The reductase was monomeric at a molar ratio of detergent to protein above 10(3). Addition of N3-carboxymethyllumiflavin to the flavoprotein in the presence of 1-O-n-octyl-beta-D-glucopyranoside results in photochemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization (CIDNP) signals in the aromatic region. The CIDNP spectrum of the holoprotein shows sharp resonances due to histidine residues. On removal of FMN from the protein, CIDNP signals originating from a tyrosine residue appeared, suggesting that the tyrosine residue is exposed to solvent after the depletion of FMN. However, this tyrosine residue appears to become inaccessible to the external dye after full incubation of FMN-depleted reductase with FMN. This suggests that the tyrosine residue could be located in the vicinity of the FMN-binding domain which constitutes the active center of the reductase.  相似文献   

Controlled proteolysis of epidermal growth factor from the mouse leads to fragments of mouse epidermal growth factor containing residues 1-48 and 1-45. The COOH-terminal pentapeptide appears to play a crucial role in determining the hydrophobic interactions between the hormone and the stationary phase during gel chromatography on TSK-125 gel. Proton NMR studies indicate that the overall structure of mouse epidermal growth factor is retained in the protein devoid of the COOH-terminal pentapeptide, while subsequent cleavage of the peptide bond between Arg-45 and Asp-46 starts to perturb the proton resonances most characteristic of the tertiary structure of the hormone, especially those from the aromatic ring protons of Tyr-37. Consequently, photochemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization experiments show an increased exposure of Tyr-37 in the fragment of mouse epidermal growth factor containing residues 1-48. Nuclear Overhauser data suggest that structural changes do occur on fragmentation but seem to be localized in the tiered-beta-sheet domain which contains Tyr-37.  相似文献   

Although it has been indicated that proteins with chromophoric groups are not suitable for photo-chemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization (photo-CIDNP) measurements, we have successfully obtained these spectra for a heme protein, cytochrome b5. The characteristics of the spectra differed in some points from those so far reported. The intensities of the signals in the aromatic region were very weak, while those of the beta-methylene protons of one histidine and one tryptophan were extremely strong in comparison with the aromatic protons. It was demonstrated, on the basis of the photo-CIDNP spectrum, that one of seven histidines, all three tyrosines and a single tryptophan of the rabbit soluble cytochrome b5 are exposed on the surface of the protein. The results of comparison of the photo-CIDNP spectra for the rabbit soluble and intact, and bovine intact, cytochrome b5 led us to the conclusion that the conformation of the hydrophilic, catalytic part of cytochrome b5 is quite similar among these three proteins. In the presence of Chaps micelles, bovine intact cytochrome b5 was in monomeric form and the histidine signals disappeared from its photo-CIDNP spectrum. When bovine intact cytochrome b5 was reconstituted into egg yolk phosphatidylcholine liposomes, although separate signals due to the protein part were observed in the normal 1H-NMR spectrum, no photo-CIDNP signal could be detected. The normal spectrum suggests that the conformation of the protein embedded in liposomes is similar to that of the oligomeric form without lipids or a detergent.  相似文献   

J E Scheffler  M Cohn 《Biochemistry》1986,25(13):3788-3796
A photochemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization (photo-CIDNP) study of yeast and horse muscle phosphoglycerate kinase with flavin dyes was undertaken to identify the histidine, tryptophan, and tyrosine resonances in the aromatic region of the simplified 1H NMR spectra of these enzymes and to investigate the effect of substrates on the resonances observable by CIDNP. Identification of the CIDNP-enhanced resonances with respect to the type of amino acid residue has been achieved since only tyrosine yields emission peaks and the dye 8-aminoriboflavin enhances tryptophan but not histidine. By use of the known amino acid sequences and structures derived from X-ray crystallographic studies of the enzymes from the two species, assignment of the specific residues in the protein sequences giving rise to the CIDNP spectra was partially achieved. In addition, flavin dye accessibility was used to probe any changes in enzyme structure induced by substrate binding. The nine resonance peaks observed in the CIDNP spectrum of yeast phosphoglycerate kinase have been assigned tentatively to five residues: histidines-53 and -151, tryptophan-310, and tyrosines-48 and -195. The accessibility of a tyrosine to photoexcited flavin is reduced in the presence of MgATP. Since the tyrosine residues are located some distance from the MgATP binding site of the catalytic center, it is proposed either that this change is due to a distant conformational change or that a second metal-ATP site inferred from other studies lies close to one of the tyrosines. Horse muscle phosphoglycerate kinase exhibits seven resonances by CIDNP NMR.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Human endothelin-1 (ET-1) is a potent cardiovascular bioactive peptide. Its activity is based on the C-terminal residues, e.g., Trp 21 in particular. Recently, we reported an NMR solution structure of ET-1, which has a C-terminal hydrophobic core around Tyr 13. This C-terminal conformation does not agree with a previously reported X-ray crystal structure. To clarify the discrepancy, we performed photo-CIDNP NMR in combination with MALDI-TOF MS. The photo-CIDNP results revealed that the Tyr 13 aromatic ring is concealed in a hydrophobic interaction. MALDI-TOF MS experiments showed this is an intramolecular interaction in monomeric form, which is also supported by sedimentation analysis and two-dimensional NMR cross-peak line shapes. Thus, we confirmed the intramolecular hydrophobic core around Tyr 13 in aqueous solution, which agrees with the solution structure. The C-terminal conformational discrepancy between the solution and crystal was caused by the intermolecular hydrogen bond between Tyr 13 of one molecule and Asp 8 of the other in a dimer-like formation of crystalline ET-1. On the other hand, we indicated that endothelin-3, another isoform of the endothelin, has an apparent self-association equilibrium under the same condition in which three tyrosines participate.  相似文献   

The hydrogen exchange kinetics of 68 individual amide protons in the native state of hen lysozyme have been measured at pH 7.5 and 30 degrees C by 2D NMR methods. These constitute the most protected subset of amides, with exchange half lives some 10(5)-10(7) times longer than anticipated from studies of small model peptides. The observed distribution of rates under these conditions can be rationalized to a large extent in terms of the hydrogen bonding of individual amides and their burial from bulk solvent. Exchange rates have also been measured in a reversibly denatured state of lysozyme; this was made possible under very mild conditions, pH 2.0 35 degrees C, by lowering the stability of the native state through selective cleavage of the Cys-6-Cys-127 disulfide cross-link (CM6-127 lysozyme). In this state the exchange rates for the majority of amides approach, within a factor of 5, the values anticipated from small model peptides. For a few amides, however, there is evidence for significant retardation (up to nearly 20-fold) relative to the predicted rates. The pattern of protection observed under these conditions does not reflect the behavior of the protein under strongly native conditions, suggesting that regions of native-like structure do not persist significantly in the denatured state of CM6-127 lysozyme. The pattern of exchange rates from the native protein at high temperature, pH 3.8 69 degrees C, resembles that of the acid-denatured state, suggesting that under these conditions the exchange kinetics are dominated by transient global unfolding. The rates of folding and unfolding under these conditions were determined independently by magnetization transfer NMR methods, enabling the intrinsic exchange rates from the denatured state to be deduced on the basis of this model, under conditions where the predominant equilibrium species is the native state. Again, in the case of most amides these rates showed only limited deviation from those predicted by a simple random coil model. This reinforces the view that these denatured states of lysozyme have little persistent residual order and contrasts with the behavior found for compact partially folded states of proteins, including an intermediate detected transiently during the refolding of hen lysozyme.  相似文献   

We present the results of a comparative study of the binding of carbon monoxide to myoglobin in glycerol/buffer solution with different concentrations of guanidine hydrochloride, under extended illumination over the temperature range 30 – 80 K. The changes in the Soret band indicate that the folding state of the protein is a key parameter in determining the photodissociation process and the relaxation rate of the protein. Received: 30 January 1997 / Accepted: 14 August 1997  相似文献   

M M Snel  R Kaptein  B de Kruijff 《Biochemistry》1991,30(14):3387-3395
The topology of apocytochrome c, the heme-free precursor of the mitochondrial protein cytochrome c, was investigated in a lipid-associated form. For this purpose photochemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (CIDNP 1H NMR) spectroscopy and quenching of tryptophan and tyrosine fluorescence by acrylamide were applied to an apocytochrome c-sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) micellar system. A pH titration of the chemical shifts of the histidine C2 proton resonances of apocytochrome c, using conventional 1H NMR, yielded pK(a)'s of 5.9 +/- 0.1 and 6.2 +/- 0.1, which were assigned to histidine-18 and -33 and histidine-26, respectively. In the presence of SDS micelles an average pK(a) of 8.1 +/- 0.1 was obtained for all histidine C2 protons. Photo-CIDNP enhancements of the histidine, tryptophan, and tyrosine residues, contained in the intact apocytochrome c and in chemically and enzymatically prepared fragments of the precursor, were reduced in the presence of SDS micelles. Similarly, the quenching of the tryptophan fluorescence of the polypeptides by acrylamide was diminished in the presence of SDS. These results indicate the aromatic residues studied are localized in the interface of the SDS micelle.  相似文献   

Photochemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization (CIDNP)-1H-NMR spectroscopy has been used to study the interaction of the protein hormone epidermal growth factor (EGF) with micelles of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and dodecylphosphorylcholine (DPC). Conventional 1H-NMR spectra show that most protein resonances remain unperturbed when micelles are added to solution, which argues that the overall protein conformation is maintained in the presence of SDS or DPC at the concentrations used. Photo-CIDNP enhancements of resonances assigned to aromatic side chains of residues at the COOH terminus and beta-sheet regions of murine EGF (i.e. Trp-49, Trp-50, and Tyr-37) are considerably reduced in the presence of micelles, while resonances of aromatic side chains of residues found elsewhere on the protein surface are mostly unaffected. This suggests that the primary interaction between murine EGF and the micelle occurs at the micelle-bulk solvent interface. The overall negatively charged surface of SDS micelles tends to induce a stronger interaction with the protein compared to the zwitterionic DPC micelles, probably due to electrostatic interactions. Cleavage of the COOH-terminal pentapeptide containing both tryptophan residues enhances the already present, but weak, interaction with Tyr-10 and attenuates it with Tyr-37. A similar interaction pattern is found with rat EGF suggesting that at least concerning these two species of EGF the interaction is somewhat specific and conserved. A simple mass-action model for protein-micelle interaction is also presented.  相似文献   

The microenvironments of the histidines in three isoforms of Ca(II)-bound parvalbumin (carp, pI = 4.25; pike, pI = 5.00; rat, pI = 5.50) have been examined with 1H NMR techniques to probe their protonation characteristics and photochemically induced dynamic nuclear polarizability (photo-CIDNP). The histidine at position 26 (or 25), present in all three of these proteins, shows absolutely no photo-CIDNP enhancement of its C2H or C5H resonances. Nor does this nonpolarizable histidine possess a normal pKa: values range only from 4.20 for carp to 4.32 for pike to 4.44 for rat. The C2H and C5H resonances of the histidine in this carp isoform split into doublets as the pH is lowered. The magnitude of this splitting depends on the magnetic field strength, temperature, and pH; however, the line intensities within each doublet are temperature-independent. Although the crystal structure of carp parvalbumin indicates that His-26 is exposed to solvent [Kretsinger, R. H., & Nockolds, C. E. (1973) J. Biol. Chem. 248, 3313-3326], we conclude that in solution this residue, in its unprotonated state, is part of the hydrophobic core of the protein. In contrast, His-48 in rat parvalbumin and His-106 in pike III parvalbumin show dramatic photo-CIDNP enhancements of their C2H, C5H, and beta-CH2 1H NMR resonances. Combined with its nearly normal pKa, 6.14, and exchange-broadened C2H resonance, the photo-CIDNP enhancement results for His-48 indicate that its microenvironment differs little from random-coil exposure, consistent with its presumed position on the solvent surface of helix C.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The accessible tyrosines of bovine insulin were studied by the photochemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization (photo-CIDNP) method. Tyrosine 1H nuclear polarization is observed in acidic, neutral, and basic solutions at all concentrations studied, in the absence of added salts as well as in the presence of 0.05-0.1 M chloride or phosphate. At pH 2.1 in the presence of chloride, at concentrations of 640 microM and above, most of the nuclear polarization at delta 6.82 originates from one group of tyrosines. On the basis of the crystallographic model, these are assumed to be the A14 tyrosines. We explored the possibility of a genuine concentration dependence of the photo-CIDNP intensity of insulin due to aggregation. In order to discern between such effects and trivial kinetic effects traceable to the optical irradiation method, the effects of concentration changes on polarization were examined in three apparently nonassociating trypsin inhibitor proteins. In insulin, the intensity of Tyr-A 14 polarization changes slowly at concentrations above 1 mM, suggesting that these residues are similarly accessible in all association states. At insulin concentrations below 320 microM, additional tyrosine emission signals were observed. These signals are probably due to B16 and B26 tyrosines of monomers. Polarization transfer effects from Tyr-A14 are evident in the tetramer and hexamer. Enhanced absorption effects in the two histidines (B5 and B10) of the insulin monomer were observed at pH 10 in the presence of 0.1 M phosphate.  相似文献   

Recent work on the thermodynamics of protein denatured states is providing insight into the stability of residual structure and the conformational constraints that affect the disordered states of proteins. Current data from native state hydrogen exchange and the pH dependence of protein stability indicate that residual structure can modulate the stability of the denatured state by up to 4 kcal mol(-1). NMR structural data have emphasized the role of hydrophobic clusters in stabilizing denatured state residual structures, however recent results indicate that electrostatic interactions, both favorable and unfavorable, are also important modulators of the stability of the denatured state. Thermodynamics methods that take advantage of histidine-heme ligation chemistry have also been developed to probe the conformational constraints that act on denatured states. These methods have provided insights into the role of excluded volume, chain stiffness, and loop persistence in modulating the conformational preferences of highly disordered proteins. New insights into protein folding and novel methods to manipulate protein stability are emerging from this work.  相似文献   

Chemical shifts of resonances of specific protons in the 1H NMR spectrum of thermally denatured hen lysozyme have been determined by exchange correlation with assigned native state resonances in 2D NOESY spectra obtained under conditions where the two states are interconverting. There are subtle but widespread deviations of the measured shifts from the values which would be anticipated for a random coil; in the case of side chain protons these are virtually all net upfield shifts and it is shown that this may be the averaged effect of interactions with aromatic rings in a partially collapsed denatured state. In a very few cases, notably that of two sequential tryptophan residues, it is possible to interpret these effects in terms of specific, local interresidue interactions. Generally, however, there is no correlation with either native state shift perturbations or with sequence proximity to aromatic groups. Diminution of most of the residual shift perturbations on reduction of the disulfide cross-links confirms that they are not simply effects of residues adjacent in the sequence. Similar effects of chemical denaturants, with the disulfides intact, demonstrate that the shift perturbations reflect an enhanced tendency to side chain clustering in the thermally denatured state. The temperature dependences of the shift perturbations suggest that this clustering is noncooperative and is driven by small, favorable enthalpy changes. While the extent of conformational averaging is clearly much greater than that observed for a homologous protein, alpha-lactalbumin, in its partially folded "molten globule" state, the results clearly show that thermally denatured lysozyme differs substantially from a random coil, principally in that it is partially hydrophobically collapsed.  相似文献   

Raman scattering of native and thermally denatured lysozyme   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

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