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PDK1 (3-phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase 1) is a key mediator of signaling by phosphoinositide 3-kinase. To gain insight into the physiological importance of PDK1 in cell proliferation and cell cycle control, we established immortalized mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) from mice homozygous for a "floxed" allele of Pdk1 and from wild-type mice. Introduction of Cre recombinase by retrovirus-mediated gene transfer resulted in the depletion of PDK1 in Pdk1(lox/lox) MEFs but not in Pdk1(+/+) MEFs. The insulin-like growth factor-1-induced phosphorylation of various downstream effectors of PDK1, including Akt, glycogen synthase kinase 3, ribosomal protein S6, and p70 S6 kinase, was markedly inhibited in the PDK1-depleted (Pdk1-KO) MEFs. The rate of serum-induced cell proliferation was reduced; progression of the cell cycle from the G(0)-G(1) phase to the S phase was delayed, and cell cycle progression at G(2)-M phase was impaired in Pdk1-KO MEFs. These cells also manifested an increased level of p27(Kip1) expression and a reduced level of cyclin D1 expression during cell cycle progression. The defect in cell cycle progression from the G(0)-G(1) to the S phase in Pdk1-KO MEFs was rescued by forced expression of cyclin D1, whereas rescue of the defect in G(2)-M progression in these cells required both overexpression of cyclin D1 and depletion of p27(Kip1) by RNA interference. These data indicate that PDK1 plays an important role in cell proliferation and cell cycle progression by controlling the expression of both cyclin D1 and p27(Kip1).  相似文献   

Tissue homeostasis requires precise control of cell proliferation and arrest in response to environmental cues. In situation such as wound healing, injured cells are stimulated to divide, but as soon as confluence is reached proliferation must be blocked. Such reversible cell cycle exit occurs in G1, requires pRb family members, and is driven by p27Kip1-dependent Cdk inactivation. This implies that, while dividing, cells should simultaneously prepare the exit once mitosis is accomplished. For a long time, the decision to cycle or not was presumed to occur in G1, prior to the restriction point, beyond which the cells were bound to divide even in the absence of mitogens, before finally arresting after mitosis. However, more recent reports suggested that the commitment to cycle in response to serum occurs already in G2 phase and requires the Ras-dependent induction of cyclin D1, which promotes following G1/S transition. To test whether this hypothesis applies to arrest induced by contact inhibition, we used an in vitro wounding model where quiescent human dermal fibroblasts, stimulated to proliferate by mechanical injury, synchronously exit cell cycle after mitosis due to renewed confluence. We show that this exit is preceded by p27-dependent inhibition of cyclin A-Cdk1/2, cyclin D1 downregulation and reduced pre-mitotic pRb pocket protein phosphorylation. Over-expression of cyclin D1 but not p27 depletion reversed this phenotype and compromised confluence-driven cell cycle exit. Thus, a balance between cyclin D1 and p27 may provide sensitive responses to variations in proliferative cues operating throughout the cell cycle.  相似文献   

It is widely acknowledged that cultured myoblasts can not differentiate at very low density. Here we analyzed the mechanism through which cell density influences myogenic differentiation in vitro. By comparing the behavior of C2C12 myoblasts at opposite cell densities, we found that, when cells are sparse, failure to undergo terminal differentiation is independent from cell cycle control and reflects the lack of p27Kip1 and MyoD in proliferating myoblasts. We show that inhibition of p27Kip1 expression impairs C2C12 cell differentiation at high density, while exogenous p27Kip1 allows low-density cultured C2C12 cells to enter the differentiative program by regulating MyoD levels in undifferentiated myoblasts. We also demonstrate that the early induction of p27Kip1 is a critical step of the N-cadherin-dependent signaling involved in myogenesis. Overall, our data support an active role of p27Kip1 in the decision of myoblasts to commit to terminal differentiation, distinct from the regulation of cell proliferation, and identify a pathway that, reasonably, operates in vivo during myogenesis and might be part of the phenomenon known as "community effect".  相似文献   

The cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor, p27(Kip1), which regulates cell cycle progression, is controlled by its subcellular localization and subsequent degradation. p27(Kip1) is phosphorylated on serine 10 (S10) and threonine 187 (T187). Although the role of T187 and its phosphorylation by Cdks is well-known, the kinase that phosphorylates S10 and its effect on cell proliferation has not been defined. Here, we identify the kinase responsible for S10 phosphorylation as human kinase interacting stathmin (hKIS) and show that it regulates cell cycle progression. hKIS is a nuclear protein that binds the C-terminal domain of p27(Kip1) and phosphorylates it on S10 in vitro and in vivo, promoting its nuclear export to the cytoplasm. hKIS is activated by mitogens during G(0)/G(1), and expression of hKIS overcomes growth arrest induced by p27(Kip1). Depletion of KIS using small interfering RNA (siRNA) inhibits S10 phosphorylation and enhances growth arrest. p27(-/-) cells treated with KIS siRNA grow and progress to S/G(2 )similar to control treated cells, implicating p27(Kip1) as the critical target for KIS. Through phosphorylation of p27(Kip1) on S10, hKIS regulates cell cycle progression in response to mitogens.  相似文献   

We investigated the role of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors p21(Cip1) and p27(Kip1) in cell cycle regulation during hypoxia and reoxygenation. While moderate hypoxia (1 or 0.1% oxygen) does not significantly impair bromodeoxyuridine incorporation, at very low oxygen tensions (0.01% oxygen) DNA replication is rapidly shut down in immortalized mouse embryo fibroblasts. This S-phase arrest is intact in fibroblasts lacking the cyclin kinase inhibitors p21(Cip1) and p27(Kip1), indicating that these molecules are not essential elements of the arrest pathway. Hypoxia-induced arrest is accompanied by dephosphorylation of pRb and inhibition of cyclin-dependent kinase 2, which results in part from inhibitory phosphorylation. Interestingly, cells lacking the retinoblastoma tumor suppressor protein also display arrest under hypoxia, suggesting that pRb is not an essential mediator of this response. Upon reoxygenation, DNA synthesis resumes by 3.5 h and reaches aerobic levels by 6 h. Cells lacking p21, however, resume DNA synthesis more rapidly upon reoxygenation than wild-type cells, suggesting that this inhibitor may play a role in preventing premature reentry into the cell cycle upon cessation of the hypoxic stress. While p27 null cells did not exhibit rapid reentry into the cell cycle, cells lacking both p21 and p27 entered S phase even more aggressively than those lacking p21 alone, revealing a possible secondary role for p27 in this response. Cdk2 activity is also restored more rapidly in the double-knockout cells when returned to normoxia. These studies reveal that restoration of DNA synthesis after hypoxic stress, but not the S phase arrest itself, is regulated by p21 and p27.  相似文献   

p27 mediates Cdk2 inhibition and is also found in cyclin D1-Cdk4 complexes. The present data support a role for p27 in the assembly of D-type cyclin-Cdk complexes and indicate that both cyclin D1-Cdk4-p27 assembly and kinase activation are regulated by p27 phosphorylation. Prior work showed that p27 can be phosphorylated by protein kinase B/Akt (PKB/Akt) at T157 and T198. Here we show that PKB activation and the appearance of p27pT157 and p27pT198 precede p27-cyclin D1-Cdk4 assembly in early G1. PI3K/PKB inhibition rapidly reduced p27pT157 and p27pT198 and dissociated cellular p27-cyclin D1-Cdk4. Mutant p27 allele products lacking phosphorylation at T157 and T198 bound poorly to cellular cyclin D1 and Cdk4. Cellular p27pT157 and p27pT198 coprecipitated with Cdk4 but were not detected in Cdk2 complexes. The addition of p27 to recombinant cyclin D1 and Cdk4 led to cyclin D1-Cdk4-p27 complex formation in vitro. p27 phosphorylation by PKB increased p27-cyclin D1-Cdk4 assembly in vitro but yielded inactive Cdk4. In contrast, Src pretreatment of p27 did not affect p27-cyclin D1-Cdk4 complex formation. However, Src treatment led to tyrosine phosphorylation of p27 and catalytic activation of assembled cyclin D1-Cdk4-p27 complexes. Thus, while PKB-dependent p27 phosphorylation appears to increase cyclin D1-Cdk4-p27 assembly or stabilize these complexes in vitro, cyclin D1-Cdk4-p27 activation requires the tyrosine phosphorylation of p27. Constitutive activation of PKB and Abl or Src family kinases in cancers would drive p27 phosphorylation, increase cyclin D1-Cdk4 assembly and activation, and reduce the cyclin E-Cdk2 inhibitory function of p27. Combined therapy with both Src and PI3K/PKB inhibitors may reverse this process.  相似文献   

The transition from G1 phase to S phase of the mammalian cell cycle is controlled by many positive and negative regulators, among which cyclin E and p27Kip1, respectively, undergo the most marked changes in concentration at this transition. The abundance of both cyclin E and p27Kip1 is regulated predominantly by posttranslational mechanisms, in particular by proteolysis mediated by the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway. Cyclin E and p27Kip1 each bind to and undergo polyubiquitination by the same ubiquitin ligase, known as SCF(Skp2). The degradation of cyclin E and p27Kip1 is greatly impaired in Skp2-deficient mice, resulting in intracellular accumulation of these proteins. In this article, recent progress in characterization of the molecular mechanisms that control the proteolysis of cyclin E and p27Kip1 is reviewed.  相似文献   

To investigate the potential functional cooperation between p27Kip1 and p130 in vivo, we generated mice deficient for both p27Kip1 and p130. In p27Kip1-/-; p130-/- mice, the cellularity of the spleens but not the thymi is significantly increased compared with that of their p27Kip1-/- counterparts, affecting the lymphoid, erythroid, and myeloid compartments. In vivo cell proliferation is significantly augmented in the B and T cells, monocytes, macrophages, and erythroid progenitors in the spleens of p27Kip1-/-; p130-/- animals. Immunoprecipitation and immunodepletion studies indicate that p130 can compensate for the absence of p27Kip1 in binding to and repressing CDK2 and is the predominant CDK-inhibitor associated with the inactive CDK2 in the p27Kip1-/- splenocytes. The finding that the p27Kip1-/-; p130-/- splenic B cells are hypersensitive to mitogenic stimulations in vitro lends support to the concept that the hyperproliferation of splenocytes is not a result of the influence of their microenvironment. In summary, our findings provide genetic and molecular evidence to show that p130 is a bona fide cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor and cooperates with p27Kip1 to regulate hematopoietic cell proliferation in vivo.  相似文献   

The cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk) inhibitors p21(Cip1) and p27(Kip1) have been proposed to exert redundant functions in cell cycle progression and differentiation programs, although nonoverlapping functions have also been described. To gain further insights into the relevant mechanisms and to detect possible functional differences between both proteins, we conditionally expressed p21(Cip1) and p27(Kip1) in K562, a multipotent human leukemia cell line. Temporal ectopic expression of either p21(Cip1) or p27(Kip1) arrested proliferation, inhibited Cdk2 and Cdk4 activities, and suppressed retinoblastoma phosphorylation. However, whereas p21(Cip1) arrested cells in both G(1) and G(2) cell cycle phases, p27(Kip1) blocked the G(1)/S-phase transition. Furthermore, although both p21(Cip1) and p27(Kip1) associated with Cdk6, only p27(Kip1) significantly inhibited its activity. Most importantly, each protein promoted differentiation along a distinct pathway; p21(Cip1) triggered megakaryocytic maturation, whereas p27(Kip1) resulted in the expression of erythroid markers. Consistently, p21(Cip1) and p27(Kip1) were rapid and transiently up-regulated when K562 cells are differentiated into megakaryocytic and erythroid lineages, respectively. These findings demonstrate distinct functions of p21(Cip1) and p27(Kip1) in cell cycle regulation and differentiation and indicate that these two highly related proteins possess unique biological activities and are not functionally interchangeable.  相似文献   

A fundamental question in neurobiology is how the balance between proliferation and differentiation of neuronal precursors is maintained to ensure that the proper number of brain neurons is generated. Substantial evidence implicates DYRK1A (dual specificity tyrosine-phosphorylation-regulated kinase 1A) as a candidate gene responsible for altered neuronal development and brain abnormalities in Down syndrome. Recent findings support the hypothesis that DYRK1A is involved in cell cycle control. Nonetheless, how DYRK1A contributes to neuronal cell cycle regulation and thereby affects neurogenesis remains poorly understood. In the present study we have investigated the mechanisms by which DYRK1A affects cell cycle regulation and neuronal differentiation in a human cell model, mouse neurons, and mouse brain. Dependent on its kinase activity and correlated with the dosage of overexpression, DYRK1A blocked proliferation of SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells within 24 h and arrested the cells in G1 phase. Sustained overexpression of DYRK1A induced G0 cell cycle exit and neuronal differentiation. Furthermore, we provide evidence that DYRK1A modulated protein stability of cell cycle-regulatory proteins. DYRK1A reduced cellular Cyclin D1 levels by phosphorylation on Thr286, which is known to induce proteasomal degradation. In addition, DYRK1A phosphorylated p27Kip1 on Ser10, resulting in protein stabilization. Inhibition of DYRK1A kinase activity reduced p27Kip1 Ser10 phosphorylation in cultured hippocampal neurons and in embryonic mouse brain. In aggregate, these results suggest a novel mechanism by which overexpression of DYRK1A may promote premature neuronal differentiation and contribute to altered brain development in Down syndrome.  相似文献   

The HBx (X protein of hepatitis B virus) is a promiscuous transactivator implicated to play a key role in hepatocellular carcinoma. However, HBx-regulated molecular events leading to deregulation of cell cycle or establishment of a permissive environment for hepatocarcinogenesis are not fully understood. Our cell culture-based studies suggested that HBx had a profound effect on cell cycle progression even in the absence of serum. HBx presence led to an early and sustained level of cyclin-cdk2 complex during the cell cycle combined with increased protein kinase activity of cdk2 heralding an early proliferative signal. The increased cdk2 activity also led to an early proteasomal degradation of p27(Kip1) that could be reversed by HBx-specific RNA interference and blocked by a chemical inhibitor of cdk2 or the T187A mutant of p27. Further, our co-immunoprecipitation and in vitro binding studies with recombinant proteins suggested a direct interaction between HBx and the cyclin E/A-cdk2 complex. Interference with different signalling cascades known to be activated by HBx suggested a constitutive requirement of Src kinases for the association of HBx with these complexes. Notably, the HBx mutant that did not interact with cyclin E/A failed to destabilize p27(Kip1) or deregulate the cell cycle. Thus HBx appears to deregulate the cell cycle by interacting with the key cell cycle regulators independent of its well-established role in transactivation.  相似文献   

Ectopic expression of Myc induces Cdk2 kinase activity in quiescent cells and antagonizes association of p27(kip1) with Cdk2. The target gene(s) by which Myc mediates this effect is largely unknown. We now show that p27 is rapidly and transiently sequestered by cyclin D2-Cdk4 complexes upon activation of Myc and that cyclin D2 is a direct target gene of Myc. The cyclin D2 promoter is repressed by Mad-Max complexes and de-repressed by Myc via a single highly conserved E-box element. Addition of trichostatin A to quiescent cells mimics activation of Myc and induces cyclin D2 expression, suggesting that cyclin D2 is repressed in a histone deacetylase-dependent manner in quiescent cells. Inhibition of cyclin D2 function in established cell lines, either by ectopic expression of p16 or by antibody injection, inhibits Myc-dependent dissociation of p27 from Cdk2 and Myc-induced cell cycle entry. Primary mouse fibroblasts that are cyclin D2-deficient undergo accelerated senescence in culture and are not immortalized by Myc; induction of apoptosis by Myc is unimpaired in such cells. Our data identify a downstream effector pathway that links Myc directly to cell cycle progression.  相似文献   

The cell cycle of cultured cells appears to be regulated by opposing actions of the cyclins together with their partners, the cyclin-dependent kinases (Cdk), and their inhibitors (Cki). Consistent with this situation null mutations in the genes for cyclin D1 and Cki p27(Kip1) in mice give opposite phenotypes of dwarfism and gigantism. To test their genetic interactions, we generated mice nullizygous for both genes. Correction of cyclin D1 or p27 null to wild-type phenotypes was observed for many but not all traits. These included, for cyclin D1(-/-) mice, body weight, early lethality, retinal hypoplasia, and male aggressiveness and, for p27(-/-) mice, body weight, retinal hyperplasia, and embryo implantation. p27(-/-) traits that were not corrected were the aberrant estrus cycles, luteal cell proliferation, and susceptibility to pituitary tumors. This mutual correction of these phenotypes is the first genetic demonstration of the interaction of these inhibitory and stimulatory cell cycle-regulatory molecules in vivo. The molecular basis for the correction was analyzed in the neonatal retina. Retinal cellularity was rescued in the cyclin D1 null mouse by loss of p27 with only a partial restoration of phosphorylation of retinoblastoma protein (Rb) and Cdk4 activity but with a dramatic elevation of Cdk2 activity. Our data provide in vivo genetic validation of cell culture experiments that indicated that p27 acts as a negative regulator of cyclin E-Cdk2 activity and that it can be titrated away by cyclin D-Cdk4 complexes. It also supports the suggestion that the cyclin E/Cdk2 pathway can largely bypass Rb in regulating the cell cycle in vivo.  相似文献   

The cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors, p21(Cip1) and p27(Kip1), play an important role in the regulation of progression through G(1) to S phase in mammalian cells. Here we report that confluent 3T3 cells expressed p21(Cip1) and p27(Kip1) predominantly in the nucleus, and the level of both proteins declined as the cells entered the cell cycle and progressed through G(1) in response to serum growth factors. However, when confluent cells were serum starved prior to treatment, no downregulation of p21(Cip1) or p27(Kip1) expression was observed. Notably, serum starvation did not significantly influence the capacity of the cells to progress to the S phase. It was observed that serum starvation reduced cell density. Further, when cells were plated at a range of different densities, starved of serum to render them quiescent and then subsequently treated with serum, a reduction in p21(Cip1) and p27(Kip1) expression was observed in cells plated at high density but not in those at low density. Again, the extent and timing of progression to S phase was not influenced by cell density. To establish the potential role of cell:cell contact in the observed density-dependent regulation of p21(Cip1) and p27(Kip1) expression, cells were plated onto micorarrays of adhesive islands that prevented individual cells from making any contact with other cells. Under these conditions serum growth factors induced p21(Cip1) and p27(Kip1) downregulation, and hence, there is no requirement for cell:cell contact. Together, these data indicate that there are conditions under which 3T3 cells can progress to the S phase without downregulation of p21(Cip1) and p27(Kip1). The significance of these observations and mechanisms by which density-dependent regulation of p21(Cip1) and p27(Kip1) expression may occur are discussed.  相似文献   

The members of the Rho GTPase family are well known for their regulation of actin cytoskeletal structures. In addition, they influence progression through the cell cycle. The RhoA and RhoC proteins regulate numerous effector proteins, with a central and vital signaling role mediated by the ROCK I and ROCK II serine/threonine kinases. The requirement for ROCK function in the proliferation of numerous cell types has been revealed by studies utilizing ROCK-selective inhibitors such as Y-27632. However, the mechanisms by which ROCK signaling promotes cell cycle progression have not been thoroughly characterized. Using a conditionally activated ROCK-estrogen receptor fusion protein, we found that ROCK activation is sufficient to stimulate G1/S cell cycle progression in NIH 3T3 mouse fibroblasts. Further analysis revealed that ROCK acts via independent pathways to alter the levels of cell cycle regulatory proteins: cyclin D1 and p21(Cip1) elevation via Ras and the mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway, increased cyclin A via LIM kinase 2, and reduction of p27(Kip1) protein levels. Therefore, the influence of ROCK on cell cycle regulatory proteins occurs by multiple independent mechanisms.  相似文献   

Neutrophil elastase (NE), a serine protease present in high concentrations in the airways of cystic fibrosis patients, injures the airway epithelium. We examined the epithelial response to NE-mediated proteolytic injury. We have previously reported that NE treatment of airway epithelial cells causes a marked decrease in epithelial DNA synthesis and proliferation. We hypothesized that NE inhibits DNA synthesis by arresting cell cycle progression. Progression through the cell cycle is positively regulated by cyclin complexes and negatively regulated by cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors (CKI). To test whether NE arrests cell cycle progression, we treated normal human bronchial epithelial (NHBE) cells with NE (50 nM) or control vehicle for 24 h and assessed the effect of treatment on the cell cycle by flow cytometry. NE treatment resulted in G(1) arrest. Arrest in G(1) phase may be the result of CKI inhibition of the cyclin E complex; therefore, we evaluated whether NE upregulated CKI expression and/or affected the interaction of CKIs with the cyclin E complex. Following NE or control vehicle treatment, expression of p27(Kip1), a member of the Cip/Kip family, was evaluated. NE increased p27(Kip1) gene and protein expression. NE increased the coimmunoprecipitation of p27(Kip1) with cyclin E complex, suggesting that p27(Kip1) inhibited cyclin E complex activity. Our results demonstrate that p27 is regulated by NE and is critical for NE-induced cell cycle arrest.  相似文献   



The expression level of cyclin D1 plays a vital role in the control of proliferation. This protein is reported to be degraded following phosphorylation by glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK3) on Thr-286. We recently showed that phosphorylation of Thr-286 is responsible for a decline in cyclin D1 levels during S phase, an event required for efficient DNA synthesis. These studies were undertaken to test the possibility that phosphorylation by GSK3 is responsible for the S phase specific decline in cyclin D1 levels, and that this event is regulated by the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)/AKT signaling pathway which controls GSK3.  相似文献   

Although it is evident that BCR-ABL can rescue cytokine-deprived hematopoietic progenitor cells from cell cycle arrest and apoptosis, the exact mechanism of action of BCR/ABL and interleukin (IL)-3 to promote proliferation and survival has not been established. Using the pro-B cell line BaF3 and a BaF3 cell line stably overexpressing BCR-ABL (BaF3-p210), we investigated the proliferative signals derived from BCR-ABL and IL-3. The results indicate that both IL-3 and BCR-ABL target the expression of cyclin Ds and down-regulation of p27(Kip1) to mediate pRB-related pocket protein phosphorylation, E2F activation, and thus S phase progression. These findings were further confirmed in a BaF3 cell line (TonB.210) where the BCR-ABL expression is inducible by doxycyclin and by using the drug STI571 to inactivate BCR-ABL activity in BaF3-p210. To establish the functional significance of cyclin D2 and p27(Kip1) expression in response to IL-3 and BCR-ABL expression, we studied the effects of ectopic expression of cyclin D2 and p27(Kip1) on cell proliferation and survival. Our results demonstrate that both cyclin D2 and p27(Kip1) have a role in BaF3 cell proliferation and survival, as ectopic expression of cyclin D2 is sufficient to abolish the cell cycle arrest and apoptosis induced by IL-3 withdrawal or by BCR-ABL inactivation, while overexpression of p27(Kip1) can cause cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in the BaF3 cells. Furthermore, our data also suggest that cyclin D2 functions upstream of p27(Kip1), cyclin E, and cyclin D3, and therefore, plays an essential part in integrating the signals from IL-3 and BCR-ABL with the pRB/E2F pathway.  相似文献   

p27(Kip1) associates with cyclin/cdk complexes and inhibiting cdk activity, and overexpression of p27(Kip1) induces G1 arrest. We found that p27(Kip1) overexpression inhibits cdk2 kinase activity, but not cdk6 kinase activity in HeLa cells. The amount of p27(Kip1) associated with cdk2 was significantly higher than that associated with cdk6. cdk6 complexes contained detectable amounts of p27(Kip1) in all human cell lines examined, except in HeLa cells where p27(Kip1) preferentially associated with cdk2. It appears that in HeLa cells overexpressed p27(Kip1) fails to inhibit cdk6 kinase activity because of low binding affinity of cdk6 to p27(Kip1). The low binding affinity is due to a low level of the cdk6/cyclin D complexes. Functional inactivation of pRb has an effect on p27(Kip1) association with cdk6/cyclin D complexes.  相似文献   

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