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Desert ants, Cataglyphis fortis, associate nestward-directed vector memories (local vectors) with the sight of landmarks along a familiar route. This view-based navigational strategy works in parallel to the self-centred path integration system. In the present study we ask at what temporal stage during a foraging journey does the ant acquire nestward-directed local vector information from feeder-associated landmarks: during its outbound run to a feeding site or during its homebound run to the nest. Tests performed after two reversed-image training paradigms revealed that the ants associated such vectors exclusively with landmarks present during their homebound runs.  相似文献   

We investigated how the formicine ant Gigantiops destructor can use vector information to navigate within the cluttered environment of the rain forest. Displaced foragers use skylight information to move in the theoretical feeder-to-nest direction, whether they are prevented from updating their path-integrator during foraging or captured at the departure from their nest, i.e. with a current accumulator state very close to zero. Only ants that have collected food are able to download a long-term stored reference vector pointing in the nest direction, irrespective of the current accumulator state of their path-integrator stored in a working memory and independent of familiar landmarks. Depending on the release sites, ants that became lost at a maximum distance of 50 cm could still hit and recognize their familiar route, or they engaged in a systematic search for it centered on the release sites. In contrast to Cataglyphis desert ants, Gigantiops ants do not rely primarily on the current accumulator state of their egocentric path integrator. Such a long-term vector-based navigation primed by food capture is well adapted for a tropical ant foraging during periods spanning several hours. This could prevent the numerous cumulative errors in the evaluation of the angles steered that might result from a continuously running path-integrator operating during complex foraging patterns performed at ground or arboreal levels and during passive displacement in response to heavy rain.  相似文献   

Desert ants of the genus Cataglyphis rely on path integration vectors to return to the nest (inbound runs) and back to frequently visited feeding sites (outbound runs). If disturbed, e.g., experimentally displaced on their inbound runs, they continue to run off their home-bound vector, but if disturbed in the same way on their outbound runs, they do not continue their feeder-based vector, but immediately switch on the home-bound state of their path integration vector and return to the nest. Here we show that familiar landmarks encountered by the ants during their run towards the feeder can change the ants’ motivational state insofar that the ants even if disturbed continue to run in the nest-to-feeder direction rather than reverse their courses, as they do in landmark-free situations. Hence, landmark cues can cause the ants to change their motivational state from homing to foraging.  相似文献   

Visual landmarks and route following in desert ants   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Summary Little is known about the way in which animals far from home use familiar landmarks to guide their homeward path. Desert ants, Cataglyphis spp., which forage individually over long distances are beginning to provide some answers. We find that ants running 30 m from a feeding place to their nest memorise the visual characteristics of prominent landmarks which lie close to their path. Although remembered visual features are used for identifying a landmark and for deciding whether to go to its left or right, they are not responsible for the detailed steering of an ant's path. The form of the trajectory as an ant approaches and detours around a landmark seems to be controlled by the latter's immediate retinal size; the larger it is, the greater the ant's turning velocity away from the landmark.  相似文献   



Insects are known to rely on terrestrial landmarks for navigation. Landmarks are used to chart a route or pinpoint a goal. The distant panorama, however, is often thought not to guide navigation directly during a familiar journey, but to act as a contextual cue that primes the correct memory of the landmarks.


We provided Melophorus bagoti ants with a huge artificial landmark located right near the nest entrance to find out whether navigating ants focus on such a prominent visual landmark for homing guidance. When the landmark was displaced by small or large distances, ant routes were affected differently. Certain behaviours appeared inconsistent with the hypothesis that guidance was based on the landmark only. Instead, comparisons of panoramic images recorded on the field, encompassing both landmark and distal panorama, could explain most aspects of the ant behaviours.


Ants navigating along a familiar route do not focus on obvious landmarks or filter out distal panoramic cues, but appear to be guided by cues covering a large area of their panoramic visual field, including both landmarks and distal panorama. Using panoramic views seems an appropriate strategy to cope with the complexity of natural scenes and the poor resolution of insects' eyes. The ability to isolate landmarks from the rest of a scene may be beyond the capacity of animals that do not possess a dedicated object-perception visual stream like primates.  相似文献   

Ants are efficient navigators, guided by path integration and visual landmarks. Path integration is the primary strategy in landmark-poor habitats, but landmarks are readily used when available. The landmark panorama provides reliable information about heading direction, routes and specific location. Visual memories for guidance are often acquired along routes or near to significant places. Over what area can such locally acquired memories provide information for reaching a place? This question is unusually approachable in the solitary foraging Australian jack jumper ant, since individual foragers typically travel to one or two nest-specific foraging trees. We find that within 10 m from the nest, ants both with and without home vector information available from path integration return directly to the nest from all compass directions, after briefly scanning the panorama. By reconstructing panoramic views within the successful homing range, we show that in the open woodland habitat of these ants, snapshot memories acquired close to the nest provide sufficient navigational information to determine nest-directed heading direction over a surprisingly large area, including areas that animals may have not visited previously.  相似文献   

We argue here that ants and bees have a piecemeal representation of familiar terrain. These insects remember no more than what is needed to sustain the separate and parallel strategies that they employ when travelling between their nest and foraging sites. One major strategy is path integration. The insect keeps a running tally of its distance and direction from the nest and so can always return home. This global path integration is enhanced by long-term memories of significant sites that insects store in terms of the coordinates (direction and distance) of these sites relative to the nest. With these memories insects can plan routes that are steered by path integration to such sites. Quite distinct from global path integration are memories associated with familiar routes. Route memories include stored views of landmarks along the route with, in some cases, local vectors linked to them. Local vectors by encoding the direction and/or distance from one landmark to the next, or from one landmark to a goal, help an insect keep to a defined route. We review experiments showing that although local vectors can be recalled by recognising landmarks, the global path integration system is independent of landmark information and that landmarks do not have positional coordinates associated with them. The major function of route landmarks is thus procedural, telling an insect what action to perform next, rather than its location relative to the nest.  相似文献   

Summary We investigated individual foraging components of the western harvester ant,Pogonomyrmex occidentalis, in the native seed background of a shrub-steppe environment. Our study identified factors affecting foraging movements and seed selection by individual ants. Some assumptions and predictions of central-place foraging theory and a correlated random walk were evaluated for individual foragers. Results showed that ant size was only weakly correlated with the seed sizes harvested; seed size was a more important constraint than a predictor of seed selection. Individual ants spent more time in localized search behavior than traveling between search areas and nests.P. occidentalis foragers encountered seeds randomly with respect to time, and handled a mean of 1.7 seeds/trip. A correlation of increased search effort with greater travel distances was consistent with central-place foraging theory but, contrary to it, search and travel effort were not associated with energetic reward.Individual ants exhibited fidelity in both search site and native seed species. Spatial analyses of foraging movements showed a highly oriented travel path while running, and an area-restricted path while searching. Searching ants moved in a manner consistent with a correlated random walk. The deterministic component of patch fidelity and the stochastic component of search may override energetic foraging decisions in individualP. occidentalis ants.  相似文献   

Meat ants (Iridomyrmex purpureus and allies) are perceived to be dominant members of Australian ant communities because of their great abundance, high rates of activity, and extreme aggressiveness. Here we describe the first experimental test of their influence on other ant species, and one of the first experimental studies of the influence of a dominant species on any diverse ant community. The study was conducted at a 0.4 ha savanna woodland site in the seasonal tropics of northern Australia, where the northern meat ant (I. sanguineus) represented 41% of pitfall catches and 73% of all ants at tuna baits, despite a total of 74 species being recorded. Meat ants were fenced out of experimental plots in order to test their influence on the foraging success of other species, as measured by access to tuna baits. The numbers of all other ants and ant species at baits in exclusion plots were approximately double those in controls (controlling for both the fences and for meat ant abundance), and returned rapidly to control levels when fences were removed after 7 weeks. Individual species differend markedly in their response to the fencing treatment, with species of Camponotus and Monomorium showing the strongest responses. Fencing had no effect on pitfall catches of species other than the meat ant, indicating that the effect of meat ants at baits was directly due to interference with foraging workers, and not regulation of general forager abundance. Such interference by meat ants has important implications for the sizes and densities of colonies of other ant species, and ultimately on overall ant community structure.  相似文献   

The Australian desert ant Melophorus bagoti often follows stereotypical routes through a cluttered landscape containing both distant panoramic views and obstacles (plants) to navigate around. We created an artificial obstacle course for the ants between a feeder and their nest. Landmarks comprised natural objects in the landscape such as logs, branches, and tussocks. Many ants travelled stereotypical routes home through the obstacle course in training, threading repeatedly the same gaps in the landmarks. Manipulations altering the relations between the landmarks and the surrounding panorama, however, affected the routes in two major ways. Both interchanging the positions of landmarks (transpositions) and displacing the entire landmark set along with the starting position of the ants (translations) (1) reduced the stereotypicality of the route, and (2) increased turns and meanders during travel. The ants might have used the entire panorama in view-based travel, or the distal panorama might prime the identification and use of landmarks en route. Despite the large data set, both options (not mutually exclusive) remain viable.  相似文献   

Summary The black carpenter antCamponotus pennsylvanicus (DeGeer), a predominantly nocturnal Formicine ant, responds to a hierarchy of visual and tactile cues when orienting along odor trails at night. Under illumination from moonlight or artificial light, workers rely upon these beacons to mediate phototactic orientation. In the absence of moonlight or artificial lights, ants were able to orient visually to terrestrial landmarks. In the absence of all landmarks, save for overhanging tree branches, ants could negotiate shortcuts or make directional changes in response to visual landmarks presented within the tree canopy on a moonless night. When experimental manipulations placed the ants in total darkness, they could no longer negotiate shortcuts and would resort to thigmotactic orientation along structural guidelines to reach a food source. The hierachical organization of these diverse cues in a foraging strategy is discussed, as well as their adaptive significance toC. pennsyhanicus.  相似文献   

1. Ants using trails to forage have to select between two alternative routes at bifurcations, using two, potentially conflicting, sources of information to make their decision: individual experience to return to a previous successful foraging site (i.e. fidelity) and ant traffic. In the field, we investigated which of these two types of information individuals of the leaf‐cutting ant Acromyrmex lobicornis Emery use to decide which foraging route to take. 2. We measured the proportion of foraging ants returning to each trail of bifurcations the following day, and for 4–7 consecutive days. We then experimentally increased ant traffic on one trail of the bifurcation by adding additional food sources to examine the effect of increased ant traffic on the decision that ants make. 3. Binomial tests showed that for 62% of the trails, ant fidelity was relatively more important than ant traffic in deciding which bifurcation to follow, suggesting the importance of previous experience. 4. When information conflict was generated by experimentally increasing ant traffic along the trail with less foraging activity, most ants relied on ant traffic to decide. However, in 33% of these bifurcations, ants were still faithful to their trail. Thus, there is some degree of flexibility in the decisions that A. lobicornis make to access food resources. 5. This flexible fidelity results in individual variation in the response of workers to different levels of ant traffic, and allows the colony to simultaneously exploit both established and recently discovered food patches, aiding efficient food gathering.  相似文献   

Use of leaf resources by a troop of howling monkeys and two colonies of leaf cutting ants was studied for an annual cycle in the rain forest of Los Tuxtlas, Mexico. Howling monkeys spent half their annual foraging time feeding on leaves; leaf-cutting ants spent at least 80% of their recorded foraging time harvesting leaves. Both herbivores preferred young leaves over nature ones, and chemical analysis showed that the protein: fibre ratio of the leaves used was correlated with these preferences. Howling monkeys used 34 tree species as leaf sources. Leaf-cutting ants used 40 plant species of which 38 were trees. Eighteen species used by Alouatta were also used by Atta; species of Moraceae and Lauraceae were among the most important in their foraging preferences. The plant species used by monkeys and ants occurred at low densities (? 4.0 ind/ha). The seasonal production of leaves, the high density of leaf-cutting ant colonies at the study site, and the high amounts of young foliage harvested by the ants from tree species, and individual trees used by howling monkeys as sources of young leaves suggest that the foraging activities of Atta may represent a significant pressure upon leaf resources available to Alouatta.  相似文献   

Foraging desert ants, Cataglyphis fortis, monitor their position relative to the nest by path integration. They continually update the direction and distance to the nest by employing a celestial compass and an odometer. In the present account we addressed the question of how the precision of the ants estimate of its homing distance depends on the distance travelled. We trained ants to forage at different distances in linear channels comprising a nest entrance and a feeder. For testing we caught ants at the feeder and released them in a parallel channel. The results show that ants tend to underestimate their distances travelled. This underestimation is the more pronounced, the larger the foraging distance gets. The quantitative relationship between training distance and the ants estimate of this distance can be described by a logarithmic and an exponential model. The ants odometric undershooting could be adaptive during natural foraging trips insofar as it leads the homing ant to concentrate the major part of its nest-search behaviour on the base of its individual foraging sector, i.e. on its familiar landmark corridor.  相似文献   

Ants that forage in visually rich environments often develop idiosyncratic routes between their nest and a profitable foraging ground. Such route knowledge is underpinned by an ability to use visual landmarks for guidance and place recognition. Here we ask which portions of natural visual scenes are essential for visually guided navigation in the Australian desert ant Melophorus bagoti whose foragers navigate through a habitat containing grass tussocks, shrubs and trees. We captured M. bagoti foragers after they had returned to their nest from a feeder, but before they had entered their nest, and tested their ability to home accurately from a series of release locations. We used this simple release paradigm to investigate visually guided navigation by monitoring the accuracy of nestwards orientation when parts of the ants’ visual field were obscured. Results show that the lower portion of the visual panorama is more important for visually guided homing than upper portions. Analysis of panoramic images captured from the release and nest locations support the hypothesis that the important visual information is provided by the panoramic contour, where terrestrial objects contrast against sky, rather than by a limited number of salient landmarks such as tall trees.  相似文献   

Summary Workers of the giant tropical ant,Paraponera clavata, use trail pheromones for orientation and recruitment of nestmates. However, chemical markings may not always be sufficient for successful navigation in complex three-dimensional terrain, and additional orientation cues may be required. Behavioral field experiments were performed to investigate the significance of visual landmarks for homing foragers. Animals which were prevented from seeing the canopy were unable to navigate back to the nest, even though trail pheromones were still present. In contrast, foragers found their way back to the nest after their trail pheromones had been abolished but their visual scenes remained unchanged. This emphasizes the important role of visual landmarks during spatial orientation in homingP. clavata foragers. Individually foraging scouts were discovered in the understory of the forest floor up to 30 m away from their nest. They were rewarded, and displaced between 0.8 m and 13.6 m. Fifteen out of 16 animals had no difficulties in finding the nest entrance despite the altered appearance of local and distant landmarks at the release site. Apparently the scouts were able to recognize the visual scenes at the release site, and used them for reference to locate the nest entrance. In contrast, ants displaced from their nest to sites around 4 m away had more difficulties to re-find the nest.  相似文献   

Summary We studied disturbance patterns in groups of feeding Argentine ants, Linepithema humile. All disturbances were caused by the ants themselves, without application of exogenous disturbances. The overall pattern, which consisted of a power law distribution of disturbance avalanche sizes, each of which was initiated by a single wandering ant, is similar to patterns characteristic of self-organized critical systems. In addition, we observed variation among individuals in response to disturbance according to their level of satiation. Ants with distended gasters (indicative of volume of food uptake) resumed feeding less rapidly than their thinner counterparts, and were more likely to leave food sources altogether. Although these disturbances reduce food collection because feeding ants are interrupted, they are minimal and may enable ant groups to balance collectively the advantage of rapid alarm communication with the costs of interrupted foraging from trivial disturbances.Received 18 September 2003; revised 21 November 2003; accepted 4 December 2003.  相似文献   

The Australian desert ant Melophorus bagoti shows remarkable visual navigational skills relying on visual rather than on chemical cues during their foraging trips. M. bagoti ants travel individually through a visually cluttered environment guided by landmarks as well as by path integration. An examination of their visual system is hence of special interest and we address this here. Workers exhibit distinct size polymorphism and their eye and ocelli size increases with head size. The ants possess typical apposition eyes with about 420-590 ommatidia per eye, a horizontal visual field of approximately 150° and facet lens diameters between 8 and 19?μm, depending on body size, with frontal facets being largest. The average interommatidial angle Δ? is 3.7°, the average acceptance angle of the rhabdom Δρ(rh) is 2.9°, with average rhabdom diameter of 1.6?μm and the average lens blur at half-width Δρ(l) is 2.3°. With a Δρ(rh)/Δ? ratio of much less than 2, the eyes undersample the visual scene but provide high contrast, and surprising detail of the landmark panorama that has been shown to be used for navigation.  相似文献   

The antCataglyphis cursor was tested for its landmark-based homing in a laboratory setting. Workers were induced to go down a tube at the center of an arena to forage. On the periphery of the arena were four different black shapes serving as the only distinguishing visual landmarks, i.e., a cross, a circle, a triangle, and a square. The purpose was to show that the spatial memory of ants represents something of the overall arrangement of landmarks. When first released into the arena, the ants were not oriented toward home in their navigation. After 2 days of free access in the usual landmark setup, the ants learned to orient rapidly significantly goalward. When landmarks were all removed, they did not orient in any direction significantly. When the landmarks were rotated by 90°, their compass positions were changed but their relative positions maintained, and the ants rotated their heading by a similar amount. This rotated homing direction implies that the array of landmarks was used as the only source of directional determination. When the landmark nearest their home was absent, but the other three were in their usual places, the ants were slightly homeward oriented at one-quarter of the way, but not at one-half of the way when the other landmarks were behind them. When the landmarks were randomly permuted, both their compass positions and their overall spatial relationships were altered, and the ants were not significantly oriented in any direction. These results indicate that spatial memory in the antC. cursor encodes global landmark-landmark relations. Thus, ants can abstract certain topological properties of their environment.  相似文献   

Summary A field study of the foraging strategy used by the ponerine ant,Hagensia havilandi is reported. They have permanent nests in the leaf litter of coastal forests.H. havilandi is a diurnal forager and collects a variety of live and dead arthropods. These predatory ants exhibit individual foraging with no cooperation in the search for or retrieval of food items. Three colonies were observed and showed similar temporal and spatial foraging patterns. The paths of individual ants were followed and the results showed that the foragers exhibit area fidelity, and return to the nest via a direct route on finding on prey item. Several foragers did not return to the nest at dusk but returned the following morning. Occasionally a limited amount of tandem recruitment was displayed.  相似文献   

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