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Uranium as UO(2)(NO(3))(2) combines reversibly with proteins. The degree of dissociation of this combination depends, among other factors, on the H(+) concentration. At pH 7.3 the U-albumin complex was easily dissociated on addition of citrate, while at pH 3.8 it was not. Uranium inhibited reversibly a number of enzyme systems. Uranium enzyme inhibitions could be reversed on addition of certain hydroxypolycarboxylic acids (citric acid, alpha-hydroxyaspartic acid, malic acid); in no case, however, did phosphate have any effect. In cell-free yeast juice, the fermentation of glucose-hexosediphosphate was inhibited by UO(2)(NO(3))(2). Slight reactivation occurred on addition of phosphate. In living yeast cells, the fermentation and oxidation of glucose was inhibited by small amounts of UO(2)(NO(3))(2) (7,7 micrograms per mg. dry weight), while the oxidation of acetic acid, ethyl alcohol, malic and citric acids, was not affected at all. U inhibition in living yeast cells at pH 7.3 was completely released on addition of small amounts of phosphate, adenosinetriphosphate, and citrate, while at pH 3.8 U inhibition was not released by phosphate and citrate. At saturation, one yeast cell contained 7.06 x 10(6) molecules of uranium. Lactic dehydrogenase was not inhibited by U while the oxidation of lactic acid by gonococci was inhibited. Addition of phosphate released this inhibition. The U inhibition of liver succinoxidase was unaffected by phosphate, while the U inhibition of the oxidation of succinate by E. coli was released by phosphate. It has been concluded from these experiments that U inhibition of cell metabolism is due to combination of the metal with the protein portion of the cell membrane. Uranium is presented as an example of surface inhibition.  相似文献   

Soluble immune response suppressor (SIRS), a product of murine Ly-2+ T lymphocytes, is activated to SIRSox by H2O2 produced by macrophages: SIRSox directly inhibits cell division by normal and neoplastic cells and antibody secretion by B lymphocytes. To examine the mechanism of SIRSox-mediated inhibition, a variety of cellular functions were measured after treatment of cells with SIRSox. These included respiration, glucose transport, microtubule content, glutathione content, production of H2O2 or superoxide anion, and the activities of a variety of different enzymes. Several cellular activities or measurements were inhibited or lowered after SIRSox-treatment, including cell division, microtubule content, glutathione reductase activity, and thioredoxin reductase activity; inhibition was partially reversed by the sulfhydryl reducing agent dithiothreitol. Protein sulfhydryl content of P815 mastocytoma cells and several other cell types was lowered by 35 to 45% after exposure to SIRSox. Protein sulfhydryl loss was also partially restored after incubation with dithiothreitol. Sulfhydryl loss was not due to cell lysis. In addition, treatment of crude cellular particulate fractions with SIRSox resulted in protein sulfhydryl loss and formation of protein sulfenyl derivatives. A comparison of the amount of SIRS and H2O2 present to the number of protein sulfhydryls lost or sulfenyl derivatives formed suggests that SIRSox acts catalytically, serves as a co-factor in protein sulfhydryl oxidation, or that it activates a second pathway that is directly responsible for sulfhydryl oxidation.  相似文献   

Rabbit antiserum prepared against an ATPase-containing tryptic fragment of dynein by Ogawa and Mohri (J. Biol. Chem. 250: 6476-6483) specifically inhibited the ATPase activity of dynein 1 and not that of dynein 2. Varying amounts of this antidynein 1 serum were added to demembranated sperm while they were swimming in reactivating solution containing 1 mM ATP. The sperm continued to form regularly propagated flagellar bending waves, but the beat frequency decreased gradually with time, the greater part of the change occurring in the first 15 min. The beat frequency after 1 h was a function of the amount of antiserum used, and could be as low as 1 Hz. The waveforms of the treated sperm resembled those of normal reactivated sperm except that the bend angles of both the principal and reverse bends were larger in the proximal portion of flagellum. The ATPase activity and corresponding beat frequency of sperm which had been pretreated with varying amounts of antidynein 1 serum for 15 min at 0 degrees C and then diluted were both decreased as a function of the amount of antiserum added, the ATPase activity of homogenized, nonmotile sperm also decreased upon pretreatment with antiserum, but the percentage decrease was less than for motile sperm. For moderate to low concentrations of antiserum, the rates of reaction with motile and with rigor sperm were almost identical. The overall results suggest that antidynein 1 inhibits the functioning of the dynein arms, probably by blocking the ATPase sites of the dynein 1.  相似文献   

Sea urchin spermatozoa demembranated with Triton X-100 in the presence of EGTA, termed potentially asymmetric, generate asymmetric bending waves in reactivation solutions containing EGTA. After they are converted to the potentially symmetric condition by extraction with Triton and millimolar Ca++, they generate symmetric bending waves in reactivation solutions containing EGTA. In the presence of EGTA, their asymmetry can be restored by addition of brain calmodulin or the concentrated supernatant obtained from extraction with Triton and millimolar Ca++. These extracts contain calmodulin, as assayed by gel electrophoresis, radioimmunoassay, activation of brain phosphodiesterase, and Ca++-dependent binding of asymmetry-restoring activity to a trifluorophenothiazine-affinity resin. Conversion to the potentially symmetric condition can also be achieved with trifluoperazine substituted for Triton during the exposure to millimolar Ca++, which suggests that the calmodulin-binding activity of Triton is important for this conversion. These observations suggest that the conversion to the potentially symmetric condition is the result of removal of some of the axonemal calmodulin and provide additional evidence for axonemal calmodulin as a mediator of the effect of Ca++ on the asymmetry of flagellar bending.  相似文献   

Relationships between the Na+ dependent amino acid uptake displayed by fertilized sea urchin eggs and the electrochemical gradient of Na+ was investigated. The time course of Na+ content and valine or alanine uptake was simultaneously monitored in Na+ loaded eggs [by fertilization in K+-free artificial sea water (OK-ASW), or by using monensin, antimycin, cyanide, or ciguatoxin]. Our results demonstrate that the uphill amino acid uptake follows the "Na+ gradient hypothesis." Subsequent fertilization of eggs Na+ depleted by ammonia for 40 min stimulates to a great extent the development of amino acid uptake as compared with controls eggs. By using simultaneous change of external and intracellular Na+ concentration, we studied the specific role of this ion. An increase in internal Na+ inhibits the uptake through trans inhibitory action while an increase in external Na+ stimulates the efficiency of the uptake system. In eggs fertilized since 30 min, hyperpolarization obtained in K+-free ASW stimulates amino acid uptake while depolarization (transfer from K+ free ASW to ASW) inhibits it. This potential-dependent effect developed after fertilization with a time course similar to that the establishment of K+ conductance described by R. A. Steinhardt, L. Lundin, and D. Mazia (1971, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 68, 2426-2430). In conclusion, our results point out that slight modulations in the activity of the Na+ pump can widely affect the amino acid uptake, suggesting that activation of Na+/K+ ATPase has a key role in the stimulation of amino acid transport.  相似文献   

Sperm-specific histone variants in the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus are replaced early after fertilization with a specific embryonic set of histone variants. A possible in vitro model for the involvement of a degradation mechanism in the replacement of sperm-specific histones is presented. Soluble sperm histones are shown to be degraded quickly by egg cytoplasm. The proteolytic activity is maximal at pH 3.0; H1 and H2A histones are the most sensitive while H3 and H4 are the most resistant. H2B histones have an intermediate sensitivity. Histone degradation by egg cytoplasm or by purified fractions of it can be inhibited by chymostatin and leupeptin and, to a lesser degree, by pepstatin.  相似文献   

The observation that in cation transport experiments N-ethylmaleimide (NEM) behaves as uncoupler and as a respiratory inhibitor at the same time, the effect of sulfhydryl reagents on the redox state of respiratory chain, has been studied. Spectra of mitochondrial suspension in the span 300-630 nm have revealed that NEM promotes the oxidation of all the respiratory intermediates, cytochrome a included. Azide completely reverses the oxidation effect of NEM, suggesting that it cannot be ascribed to an irreversible damage of mitochondrial intactness. Mersalyl, which shares the highly sensitive SH reagent and specific inhibitor of Pi transport properties of NEM, gives completely different results. It is proposed that, besides the generally accepted inhibitory effect on primary dehydrogenases reacting with their SH groups, NEM may also behave as an oxidizing agent which can promote the release of reducing equivalents from the respiratory chain.  相似文献   

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