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In the rutaceous subtribe Cuspariinae, species with relatively large, valvate, colored calyces have been assigned to Erythrochiton, but differences in arrangement of leaves, type of inflorescence, union of petals, of filaments, and of carpels, indument of corolla and testa, appendages of anthers, height of the intrastaminal disc, and exine of the pollen argue for the recognition of three genera. Erythrochiton s. str., characterized by often perennating inflorescences, connate, usually glabrous petals, free carpels, tomentulose seeds, and spinulose exine, consists of seven species of which four are new: E. fallax from the eastern flanks of the Andes from Colombia to Bolivia, E. odontoglossus from western Ecuador and adjacent Peru, E. trichanthus from eastern Peru, and E. gymnanthus from Costa Rica. The assignment to Toxosiphon of four species with woolly, coherent petals, connate carpels, glabrous seeds, and reticulate exine necessitates three new combinations: T. carinatus, T. macropodus, and T. trifoliatus. Recognition of a third unispecific genus with opposite simple leaves, sparsely pubescent, coherent, clawed petals, and spinulose exine requires a new genus name, Desmotes, and a new combination, D. incomparabilis.  相似文献   

The neotropical subtribe Cuspariinae (Rutaceae) comprises as many as 26 genera and over 125 species. Pollen grains from 111 collections representing 71 species and 24 genera were examined by LM, SEM, and TEM. The pollen morphology of this subtribe is very diverse. Grains are mostly 3–6-aperturate and colporate, rarely porate (Spiranthera) or pantocolporate (Almeidea). Exine sculpturing is most commonly reticulate, sometimes perforate, foveolate-perforate, foveolate, foveolate-reticulate, reticulate, striate-reticulate, echinate, clavate, or baculate. The exine structure is columellate and tectate-perforate, columellate and semitectate, or intectate and is stratified into ektexine and endexine. The exine ofLeptothyrsa is distinctive in that the ektexine of the mesocolpium is longitudinally deeply ridged. The pollen ofHortia, characterized by a psilate exine with rare perforations, a very thick foot-layer, and reduced columellae, is unlike that of any member of the Cuspariinae and offers no support for the transfer of this genus from the Toddalioideae. The pollen data correlate with macromorphological characters and are taxonomically useful.  相似文献   

Andreadoxa flava is distinguished from all other genera of the neotropical subtribe Cuspariinae by the combination of a cupular calyx, yellow, free petals narrowed at base, two glandular-punctate anthers joined by their based appendages, five apically subglobose and glandular staminodes, a smooth papery testa, and conduplicate, plicate cotyledons. It is one of 10 monospecific genera of the subtribe and one of 17 species of this subtribe endemic to the coastal forests of Bahia.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2020,23(4):1208-1221
Prior to this study, only 8 species of oak gall-forming wasps were known from Korea. After material examination and an exhaustive bibliographic revision, a total of 17 oak gall wasps species have been reported. The following species correspond to new records: Andricus hakonensis (Ahmead); A. pseudocurvator Tang & Melika; A. songshui Tang & Melika; Cerroneuroterus folimargo (Monzen); C. monzeni (Dettmer); C. vonkuenburgi (Dettmer); Neuroterus hakonensis Ashmead, Trichagalma acutissimae (Monzen), T. formosana Melika & Tang. It was impossible to obtain adult specimens for all the species, and and the following species are recorded only based on galls: Andricus kashiwaphilus Abe; A. mukaigawae (Mukaigawa); A. pseudoflos (Monzen); A. targionii Kieffer; Cerroneuroterus folimargo (Monzen); C. monzeni (Dettmer); Neuroterus hakonensis Ashmead; Trichagalma acutissimae (Monzen). The species Dryocosmus kunugiphagus Ide & Abe, 2015 is transferred to the genus Plagiotrochus: Plagiotrochus kunugiphagus (Ide & Abe, 2015) n. comb. Additionally a new subspecies of Trichagalma formosana is described to include the material from Korea and Mainland China, closely related but morphologically different to the Taiwan populations. For each species live cycle, morphology of galls, hosts, phenology, and distribution are commented. In some of them taxonomic or morphological comments are mentioned and a key of agamic Trichagalma with dark smoky pigmented spots in the forewing is added. All galls are illustrated. An up-to-date checklist of the Korean Cynipini is provided. The previously reported species from Korea (Andricus noliquercicola Shinji, 1938; Aphelonyx crispulae Mukaigawae, 1920; Neuroterus narae Shinji, 1941 and Neuroterus nawai Ashmead, 1904) are here excluded from the Korean species list.  相似文献   

Three new species of Galipea (Rutaceae, Galipeinae) are described and illustrated. Galipea carinata Pirani sp. nov. is known from the pluvial tropical forest in southern Espírito Santo State, eastern Brazil, and its main diagnostic features are the urceolate and conspicuously keeled calyx, the relatively short (14–16 mm) corolla tube, the long pedunculate, divaricate and loosely branched inflorescence, with few flowers crowded on tip of side branchlets, and the chartaceous leaflets, with lateral veins very prominent on both sides of the blade. Galipea revoluta Pirani sp. nov. is probably endemic to the coastal hygrophyllous Atlantic Forest in southern Bahia, eastern Brazil, and is very distinct by its mostly unifoliolate leaves, with a leathery, shiny lamina that is thickened and usually revolute at margin, by its calyx with large glands only at the base, and median nerve on each sepal. Galipea congestiflora Pirani sp. nov. is from forests on terra firme (non-inundated vegetation) of eastern Amazonia, most of them from the State of Pará, some others from eastern Maranhão and north of Tocantins. It is characterized mainly by 3-foliolate, chartaceous and dull leaves; a dense, corymbiform thyrsoid (partial inflorescences very short, crowded on top of the peduncle), which is smaller than the leaves; relatively large capsules (the largest in the genus) with an acute rim at the tip of each valve, and by the marmorate surface of the seeds. A brief discussion on the relationships of the new taxa to other species of Galipea is provided.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 144, 365–373.  相似文献   

A new species,Zanthoxylum hamadryadicum, is described, illustrated and compared to its closest relatives. It is unique in its small leaves and leaflets, which are densely stellate-pilose, and its short racemes crowded on new shoots with 4-merous flowers. A new combination,Zanthoxylum hasslerianum (Chodat) Pirani, and some new synonyms among Brazilian species are proposed.  相似文献   

Two new species of Esenbeckia (Rutaceae, Pilocarpinae) are described and illustrated. Esenbeckia decidua Pirani sp. nov. is probably endemic to deciduous forests of northern Minas Gerais, southeastern Brazil, and is distinct from other unifoliolate species in the genus because of its narrowly winged petiole, glabrous, not connate carpels that protrude beyond the annular disc, and its relatively elongated style. Esenbeckia kallunkiae Pirani sp. nov. is known from a few collections from Rondonia, the Brazilian Amazon and adjacent Bolivia. It is a species with trifoliolate, glabrous leaves, an elongate, narrowly paniculate inflorescence, relatively small flowers with cup-shaped discs, short styles, and capsules densely muricate with hooked spines. New couplets to Kaastra's available key to species are provided.  相似文献   

Raveniopsis breweri, from the summit of Auyan-tepui, a table mountain of the Venezuelan Guayana Highland, is described. It is the fifteenth species now known in the genus, wholly restricted to the Venezuelan Guayana Highland. A key to all the species described up to the present time is included.  相似文献   

Two new species ofGalipea are described and illustrated:Galipea maxima, which is known from the wet forests of Ecuador, and Peru, andGalipea ramiflora, from Bolivia and Peru. Their main diagnostic features are pointed out, and a brief discussion on the relationships of the new taxa to other species ofGalipea is provided.  相似文献   

An azole, an amide and a limonoid from Vepris uguenensis (Rutaceae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The limonoid derivative, methyl uguenenoate, the azole, uguenenazole, and the amide, uguenenonamide, together with the known furoquinoline alkaloids flindersiamine and maculosidine, and syringaldehyde have been isolated from the root of the East African Rutaceae Vepris uguenensis. While methyl uguenenoate and the furoquinoline alkaloids displayed mild antimalarial activity, the azole and amide were completely inactive.  相似文献   

Cells of a taxon similar to the type species of Amphidiniopsis, Amphidiniopsis kofoidii, were found during the course of a study of marine sand-dwelling dinoflagellates in Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan, Russia. These specimens were examined in detail using light and scanning electron microscopy and were identified as Amphidiniopsis arenaria, a species known so far only from the North Sea, Germany. Morphological variability within the species and details of its sulcal construction are described here for the first time.  相似文献   

George M. Diggs 《Brittonia》1986,38(4):344-351
Comarostaphylis spinulosa subsp.glandulifera is described from the mountains of Oaxaca and Puebla, Mexico. Four new combinations inComarostaphylis are also made:C. arbutoides subsp.costaricensis, C. discolor subsp.rupestris, C. polifolia subsp.minor, andC. spinulosa.Arctostaphylos glabrata, A. rupestris, andA. spinulosa are lectotypified and the status ofC. polifolia is discussed.  相似文献   

杜蕊  戴玉成 《菌物学报》2020,39(4):637-644
本文报道了产自斯里兰卡的干皮孔菌属一个新种,该种的主要特征是具有平伏反卷或具菌盖的子实体,很小的孔口(每毫米8-10个),菌丝系统二系,生殖菌丝覆盖有刺状结晶,骨架菌丝橙棕色,细腊肠状担孢子(2.7-3.4×0.5-0.8μm)。基于ITS和nLSU序列的系统发育分析表明该新种属于干皮孔菌属的一个明确的分支。此外,将毛孔菌属组合到干皮孔菌属中,并报道了3个组合种,白边干皮孔菌、印度干皮孔菌和萨彦干皮孔菌。  相似文献   

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