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Summary The molecular characterisation of 18 new populations of Reticulitermes is here presented for COII and 16S genes; results are elaborated and compared to all available ones, at distances and gene trees (Maximum Parsimony, Maximum likelihood, Bayesian analysis) levels. Within the R. lucifugus complex, a subspecific rank of differentiation appears tenable for Italian (R. lucifugus lucifugus, R. lucifugus corsicus) and European (R. lucifugus banyulensis, R. lucifugus grassei) taxa; a subspecific differentiation emerges also for the Sicilian samples. The existence of two different entities in the area formerly defined as inhabited by R. balkanensis is demonstrated; The north-eastern Italian Reticulitermes sp. is found to be more widely distributed in northern and south-eastern Italy and shows a close relationship to the sample from Peloponnese; the GenBank sample from continental Greece, on the contrary, appears more related to other eastern taxa such as R. lucifugus from Turkey and R. clypeatus from Israel; the distribution and differentiation of eastern Reticulitermes taxa are explained through the role that southern Balkans should have played as glacial refuge. Present data also evidences instances of anthropic involvement in taxa distribution; for one of these, the importation of at least a family group is taken into account.Received 8 May 2003; revised 1 July and 28 August 2003; accepted 24 September 2003.  相似文献   

Reticulitermes urbis is a recently described termite species that has probably been introduced into Western Europe where it has been found exclusively in urban areas. However, little is known about the geographic distribution and origin of R. urbis. This study was undertaken to determine whether this species was introduced from the Balkans. A parsimony network did not show any association between mtDNA haplotypes and geographic regions suggesting that western European populations were the result of human-mediated dispersion. Variation patterns of the COI and COII regions as well as microsatellites showed that the genetic diversity of Western European colonies was lower than for colonies collected in the Balkans, suggesting that the introduced populations suffered from a founder effect. As observed in the introduced populations of R. flavipes, all colonies of R. urbis had an extended-family structure with several reproductives. These results support the scenario that this termite was introduced into Western Europe.  相似文献   

The red coral Corallium rubrum (L 1758) is a long-lived, slow-growing gorgonian, endemic to Mediterranean rocky bottoms. Because of its high economic value, red coral has long been harvested, and most populations have been depleted. In the present study, 54 marble tiles were placed in June 2003 within red coral populations over 3 different geographic areas (Calafuria–Livorno and Elba MPA in Italy and Medes Islets MPA, in Spain), on vertical cliffs between 25 and 35 m. In each area 2 different sites were randomly selected. Tiles were subsequently sampled photographically. Between July and August 2003 red coral recruits settled on tiles in all the geographic areas and sites, exhibiting wide variability in their density. On the basis of a 2-factors nested ANOVA a significant variability between different sites at a few hundred metres distance occurred, indicating high variations in the recruitment process within the same red coral population. Mortality, measured in June 2004, widely varied between different geographic areas.  相似文献   

冯莹莹  梁丹  李兴权  罗旭 《生态学报》2021,41(21):8673-8684
鸟类鸣唱存在广泛的地理变异,研究鸟类鸣唱变异的模式及其影响因素可帮助解释自然界中广泛而复杂的鸣声变异现象。灰腹地莺(Tesia cyaniventer)是在高黎贡山海拔2000-2800 m分布的小型地栖性森林鸟类。高黎贡山南北走向的山脊海拔通常在3000m以上,这导致灰腹地莺东、西坡种群被山脊所隔离。该种小鸟鸣声洪亮易于鉴别,其鸣声地理变异可揭示山地对鸟类种群产生的隔离效应。在高黎贡山片马垭口和独龙江垭口的东西坡4个地点录制了灰腹地莺的鸣声(n=58),基于声谱分析比较了种群间鸣唱的质量特征,发现种群间鸣唱型的共享程度极低,而音节型在4个种群间均有共享。进一步测量了11个鸣唱的数量特征参数,有6个参数在不同种群间有显著差异:最低频率、中心频率、频率宽度、起始音节频率、首二音节的时间间隔、句子平均音节数。种群间的两两比较表明,鸣声特征差异呈现"隔离-距离"共同作用的格局,但隔离的影响更大。研究表明山地系统中影响鸟类鸣声地理变异的因素较为复杂,山地隔离和空间距离均对灰腹地莺的鸣唱特征产生了影响。  相似文献   

Patella vulgata is a boreal cold temperate species and is the dominant limpet in northern Europe. Few works have focussed on the population genetics of this species. Therefore, the aim of this work was to assess the degree of genetic and morphological differentiation of P. vulgata on a macroscale by using 20 allozyme loci and 6 morphological variables. Samples were taken from the following locations: Dingle Peninsula (Southwest Ireland), Port Erin (Southwest Isle of Man), St. Bees Head (north Cumbria, England), St. Agnes Head (north Cornwall, England), Cellar Beach (south Devon, England), Whitley Bay (north Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, England), Sines (Portugal), and Pointe de Chanchardon, La Rochelle (Bay of Biscay, France). Morphological variables were analysed by the multivariate Canonical discriminant analysis. Genetic variation was assessed by diversity measures such as polymorphism and heterozygosity; genetic subdivision of P. vulgata population was determined by the estimator θ of F ST, and the genetic similarity between populations was measured by Nei’s genetic identity. No significant morphological differentiation was observed among samples. Moderate genetic population subdivision was observed (θ = 0.137±0.074) despite great geographic distances. The minimum genetic identity observed was between Ireland and France (I = 0.942) and maximum was observed between Portugal and north-east England (I=0.998). Two main groups were shown by UPGMA cluster analysis (I = 0.965). One formed by Irish, Manx, north Cumbria, and curiously, south Devon samples, while the second includes Portuguese, French, north-Newcastle-upon-thyne, and north Cornwall samples. No association (g = 0.956; p>0.050) was found between pair-wise genetic divergence and geographic distance separating subpopulations, mainly due to an unexpected pattern of genetic heterogeneity found in Southwest England.  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of diet, experimental design, and length of time in the laboratory on intercolonial agonism among Formosan subterranean termite, Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki, colonies. In pairings of 12 C. formosanus Shiraki colonies collected in an urban forest, there was no significant reduction in survival of termites in 30 out of 59 colony pairs compared to colony controls, but there was <50% survival in 18 colony pairs and <10% survival in six colony pairs. There was no correlation between the level of aggressive behavior and the laboratory diet of the termites. Effect of bioassay design and length of time in the laboratory was evaluated in three colony pairs where tests were first conducted on the day of field collection, then colony pairs were retested every 7 days. Aggressive behavior decreased over time in both bioassays, but it tended to decrease more rapidly in the Petri dish tests. The rapid loss of agonism in groups of termites kept in the laboratory demonstrates that changes in environmental factors affect intercolonial agonism. This article presents the results of research only. Mention of a commercial or proprietary product does not constitute endorsement or recommendation by the USDA.  相似文献   

Synopsis We analyzed variation in allozymes and mating preferences in 12 populations across much of the range of the sailfin molly, Poecilia latipinna. Sailfin mollies can be sympatric with its sexual parasite Amazon mollies, P. formosa. Amazon mollies must co-exist and mate with bisexual males of closely related species (including sailfin mollies) to induce embryogenesis but inheritance is strictly maternal. Where sailfin and Amazon mollies are sympatric there is evidence of reproductive character displacement as males show a significantly stronger mating preference for sailfin molly females over Amazon mollies compared to preferences of males from allopatric populations. From the allozyme data we found a moderate amount of genetic variation across all populations but this variation did not reveal significant partitioning between sympatric and allopatric populations. Additionally, we found no evidence for isolation by distance as genetic distance was not significantly correlated with geographic distance. While allozyme variation also did not significantly correlate with male mating preferences, there was a significant correlation between male mating preferences and geographic distance. This correlation between mating preferences and geographic distance may have arisen from coevolution with Amazon mollies resulting in reproductive character displacement. Taken together, the distribution of genetic and behavioral variation among sympatric and allopatric populations suggests that behavioral evolution has outpaced evolution at the allozyme loci we examined in P. latipinna.  相似文献   

Landscape complexity influences patterns of animal dispersal, which in turn may affect both gene flow and the spread of pathogens. White‐nose syndrome (WNS) is an introduced fungal disease that has spread rapidly throughout eastern North America, causing massive mortality in bat populations. We tested for a relationship between the population genetic structure of the most common host, the little brown myotis (Myotis lucifugus), and the geographic spread of WNS to date by evaluating logistic regression models of WNS risk among hibernating colonies in eastern North America. We hypothesized that risk of WNS to susceptible host colonies should increase with both geographic proximity and genetic similarity, reflecting historical connectivity, to infected colonies. Consistent with this hypothesis, inclusion of genetic distance between infected and susceptible colonies significantly improved models of disease spread, capturing heterogeneity in the spatial expansion of WNS despite low levels of genetic differentiation among eastern populations. Expanding our genetic analysis to the continental range of little brown myotis reveals strongly contrasting patterns of population structure between eastern and western North America. Genetic structure increases markedly moving westward into the northern Great Plains, beyond the current distribution of WNS. In western North America, genetic differentiation of geographically proximate populations often exceeds levels observed across the entire eastern region, suggesting infrequent and/or locally restricted dispersal, and thus relatively limited opportunities for pathogen introduction in western North America. Taken together, our analyses suggest a possibly slower future rate of spread of the WNS pathogen, at least as mediated by little brown myotis.  相似文献   

Seabirds are considered highly mobile, able to fly great distances with few apparent barriers to dispersal. However, it is often the case that seabird populations exhibit strong population genetic structure despite their potential vagility. Here we show that Galapagos Nazca booby (Sula granti) populations are substantially differentiated, even within the small geographic scale of this archipelago. On the other hand, Galapagos great frigatebird (Fregata minor) populations do not show any genetic structure. We characterized the genetic differentiation by sampling five colonies of both species in the Galapagos archipelago and analyzing eight microsatellite loci and three mitochondrial genes. Using an F‐statistic approach on the multilocus data, we found significant differentiation between nearly all island pairs of Nazca booby populations and a Bayesian clustering analysis provided support for three distinct genetic clusters. Mitochondrial DNA showed less differentiation of Nazca booby colonies; only Nazca boobies from the island of Darwin were significantly differentiated from individuals throughout the rest of the archipelago. Great frigatebird populations showed little to no evidence for genetic differentiation at the same scale. Only two island pairs (Darwin – Wolf, N. Seymour – Wolf) were significantly differentiated using the multilocus data, and only two island pairs had statistically significant φST values (N. Seymour – Darwin, N. Seymour – Wolf) according to the mitochondrial data. There was no significant pattern of isolation by distance for either species calculated using both markers. Seven of the ten Nazca booby migration rates calculated between island pairs were in the south or southeast to north or northwest direction. The population differentiation found among Galapagos Nazca booby colonies, but not great frigatebird colonies, is most likely due to differences in natal and breeding philopatry.  相似文献   

To examine geographic differentiation in Asarum heterotropoides var. heterotropoides in Hokkaido Is. in the northern Japan, in which two putative cryptic species have been suspected to exist, extensive and detailed morphological research on 794 individuals from 44 populations throughout Hokkaido Is. was performed. Among the characters examined, the angle between and tip shape of the calyx lobes and the supratecta of the pollen grains were significantly correlated and were found in similar geographic clines. Among them, the pollen showed two discrete states in almost distinct distribution. Multidimensional scaling analysis showed that individuals within each of the two pollen types had different trends in flower characters. Consequently, we assumed a cline from south to north on Hokkaido Is. For the causes of the cline, the two hypotheses were proposed, primary geographic differentiation or extensive introgressive hybridization between two distinct geographical species existing in the past.  相似文献   

Mangrove plants comprise plants with similar ecological features that have enabled them to adapt to life between the sea and the land. Within a geographic region, different mangrove species share not only similar adaptations but also similar genetic structure patterns. Along the eastern coast of South America, there is a subdivision between the populations north and south of the continent's northeastern extremity. Here, we aimed to test for this north‐south genetic structure in Rhizophora mangle, a dominant mangrove plant in the Western Hemisphere. Additionally, we aimed to study the relationships between R. mangle, R. racemosa, and R. × harrisonii and to test for evidence of hybridization and introgression. Our results confirmed the north‐south genetic structure pattern in R. mangle and revealed a less abrupt genetic break in the northern population than those observed in Avicennia species, another dominant and widespread mangrove genus in the Western Hemisphere. These results are consistent with the role of oceanic currents influencing sea‐dispersed plants and differences between Avicennia and Rhizophora propagules in longevity and establishment time. We also observed that introgression and hybridization are relevant biological processes in the northeastern coast of South America and that they are likely asymmetric toward R. mangle, suggesting that adaptation might be a process maintaining this hybrid zone.  相似文献   

Parabiotic ants—ants that share their nest with another ant species—need to tolerate not only conspecific nestmates, but also nestmates of a foreign species. The parabiotic ants Camponotus rufifemur and Crematogaster modiglianii display high interspecific tolerance, which exceeds their respective partner colony and extends to alien colonies of the partner species. The tolerance appears to be related to unusual cuticular substances in both species. Both species possess hydrocarbons of unusually high chain lengths. In addition, Cr. modiglianii carries high quantities of hereto unknown compounds on its cuticle. These unusual features of the cuticular profiles may affect nestmate recognition within both respective species as well. In the present study, we therefore examined inter-colony discrimination within the two parabiotic species in relation to chemical differentiation. Cr. modiglianii was highly aggressive against workers from alien conspecific colonies in experimental confrontations. In spite of high inter-colony variation in the unknown compounds, however, Cr. modiglianii failed to differentiate between intracolonial and allocolonial unknown compounds. Instead, the cuticular hydrocarbons functioned as recognition cues despite low variation across colonies. Moreover, inter-colony aggression within Cr. modiglianii was significantly influenced by the presence of two methylbranched alkenes acquired from its Ca. rufifemur partner. Ca. rufifemur occurs in two varieties (‘red’ and ‘black’) with almost no overlap in their cuticular hydrocarbons. Workers of this species showed low aggression against conspecifics from foreign colonies of the same variety, but attacked workers from the respective other variety. The low inter-colony discrimination within a variety may be related to low chemical differentiation between the colonies. Ca. rufifemur majors elicited significantly more inter-colony aggression than medium-sized workers. This may be explained by the density of recognition cues: majors carried significantly higher quantities of cuticular hydrocarbons per body surface.  相似文献   

Given the recent interest in declining amphibian populations, it is surprising that there are so few data on genetic drift and gene flow in anuran species. We used seven microsatellite loci to investigate genetic structure and diversity at both large and small geographic scales, and to estimate gene flow in the Cascades frog, Rana cascadae. We sampled 18 sites in a hierarchical design (inter-population distances ranging from 1–670 km) to test for isolation by distance and to determine the geographic scale over which substantial gene flow occurs. Eleven of these sites were sampled as three fine-scale clusters of three, three, and five sites separated by pairwise distances of 1–23 km to estimate number of migrants exchanged per generation via F ST and by a coalescent approach. We found R. cascadae exhibits a strong pattern of isolation by distance over the entire species range, and that there is a sharp drop in migrants exchanged between sites separated by greater than 10 km. These data, in conjunction with results of other recent studies, suggest that montane habitats promote unusually strong genetic isolation among frog populations. We discuss our results in light of future management and conservation of R. cascadae.  相似文献   

The vertiginid species Gyliotrachela hungerfordiana, an obligate limestone‐dwelling microsnail, is relatively widespread and is found on a large number of isolated limestone hills in Peninsular Malaysia. To elucidate the pattern of colonization of these hills, we conducted a molecular phylogenetic analysis on G. hungerfordiana subpopulations from 15 separate limestone outcrops. As outgroups, we also included five related Peninsular Malaysian Vertiginidae (Gyliotrachela frequens, Gyliotrachela transitans, Gyliotrachela salpinx, Gyliotrachela depressispira and Paraboysidia tarutao), one population each. A combined analysis of nuclear (internal transcribed spacer 1) and mitochondrial (cytochrome c oxidase 1) sequences showed that (1) G. hungerfordiana is monophyletic; (2) there is a clear geographical pattern in the phylogenetic relationships between G. hungerfordiana populations, with genetic distances increasing with geographic distance; (3) this pattern is disturbed by a few long‐distance (north‐west to south‐east and north to south) colonizations.  相似文献   

Five species of geophilomorphs, Strigamia maritima (Leach, 1817), Geophilus flavus (De Geer, 1778), Geophilus truncorum Bergsøe and Meinert, 1866, Geophilus proximus C. L. Koch, 1847, and Pachymerium ferrugineum (C. L. Koch, 1835), from various sample sites in north‐western Europe were examined for numbers of leg‐bearing segments. Where data was adequate, mean segment numbers were correlated with latitudinal gradients for each species. Solely in S. maritima and some populations of P. ferrugineum did the results show a highly significant geographic pattern towards more leg‐bearing segments in southern populations of both sexes. As concerns G. proximus, we presented for the first time a remarkable geographic shift towards an increased number of pairs of legs in northern populations. Contrary to the conventional geographic pattern, we found that G. flavus and G. truncorum did not exhibit a north–south increase or decrease in segment number. Although there was no general/universal evidence supporting the occurrence of a significant regression slope between mean segment number and latitude/temperature, more information shows that the overall region‐to‐region segment variation was highly significant in both sexes. In S. maritima and P. ferrugineum mean segment number was correlated with the north–south temperature cline. The same was not observed in G. proximus. Parthenogenesis in G. proximus, and a series of ecological characteristics such as habitat preferences, spatial distribution, and fragmented populations could explain the presence or absence of a geographic patterning of segment number variation along a latitudinal cline. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 100 , 899–909.  相似文献   

Wild populations of the pustulose ark, Anadara tuberculosa (Bivalvia), an emblematic species of the East Pacific mangrove ecosystem declined in South American countries (Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru) mainly due to overharvesting and habitat loss or degradation. Understanding the genetic aspects of geographic variations and population structure of A. tuberculosa, currently unknown, appears as a priority to fishery authorities in order to elaborate integrated and collaborative conservation policies for fishery management, aquaculture, and stock enhancement programs. We used mtDNA sequence data to investigate haplotype diversity, genetic structure, and demography of A. tuberculosa. Results indicate genetic homogeneity of populations distributed north and south of the equator, respectively. However, statistically significant differentiation emerged between northern and southern populations with pairwise фST values ranging between 0.036 and 0.092. The oceanic current system acting in the area (Panama Current and Humboldt Current) might play a role in limiting the larval dispersal of the species, still poorly understood. Demography reconstruction supported recent population expansion, possibly started after last glacial maximum. Our results would suggest separate and independent management of populations north and south of the equator.  相似文献   

Anastrepha fraterculus is an important pest of commercial fruits in South America. The variability observed for morphological and behavioural traits as well as genetic markers suggests that A. fraterculus represents a complex of synmorphic species rather than a single biological species. We studied the correlation between geographical distribution and genetic variation in natural populations from Argentina and south Brazil. Fragments of the mitochondrial gene COII were sequenced in 28 individuals. The matrix of aligned sequences was phylogenetically analysed by parsimony, yielding a cladogram of haplotypes. Based on Templeton’s nested method, no clade showed any geographic pattern for the gene COII, indicating lack of significant association between haplotypic variability and geographic distribution. The analysis of nucleotide substitution distances by Neighbour-Joining algorithm showed that geographically distant populations exhibit low genetic distances. The corresponding trees clustered the populations without showing any geographic pattern. This result suggests that the populations studied are not reproductively isolated.  相似文献   

The genus Charybdis Speta (previously Urginea maritima agg.) was investigated karyologically and genetically throughout its geographic range in the Mediterranean. The different ploidy levels show a strong geographic pattern. Diploid populations are mainly found along the northern coast of Africa with C. pancration extending northwards from Tunisia to southern Italy. Tetraploid populations are most densely distributed in the eastern Mediterranean but are also found in North Africa, on the Balearic and Canary Islands. Hexaploid populations are restricted to the Iberian Peninsula and adjacent Morocco and Algeria. Chloroplast microsatellite data suggest that determination of ploidy levels alone is insufficient to adequately describe the existing populations. Especially the tetraploid and hexaploid populations exhibit additional genetic differentiation and geographic structuring. AFLP data indicate that tetraploid populations from southern Italy are of hybrid origin. Phylogenetic analysis further revealed that the genera Urginea Steinh. and Charybdis are not directly related to each other but have strong ties to genera from southern Africa. A possible colonization scenario of the Mediterranean via NW Africa and Iberia is discussed.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to explore cytogenetic variation and the role of chromosomal change on local adaptation and genetic differentiation of Chironomus circumdatus Kieffer from Thailand. A total of 1,505 larvae from 24 populations were examined cytologically. Twelve chromosomal inversions were found and most of these (9 of 12) were rare inversions. All populations were in Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium. Significant association (P < 0.001) between the A2 and B5 inversions was detected in one population. Population genetic structure analysis indicated significant genetic differentiation between populations (F ST = 0.037, P < 0.001). Geographic distance was the principal factor limiting gene flow between populations. Nei’s modified genetic distance (D A) between populations ranged from 0.001 to 0.011 with an average of 0.003. An UPGMA population phenogram depicting relationship between populations based on D A values revealed three groups of populations, group I, II and III each characterized by different inversions/inversion frequencies. Significant correlation of inversion C3 and water temperature suggested that this inversion might have a role to play on adaptation to high temperature habitat. However, if detection of significant population subdivision and relationship between genetic and geographic distance are taken into account, relationship between C3 and water temperature will also be due to the effect of migration/drift alone without the effect of selection.  相似文献   

The role of genetic relatedness in the evolution of eusociality has been the topic of much debate, especially when contrasting eusocial insects with vertebrates displaying reproductive altruism. The naked mole‐rat, Heterocephalus glaber, was the first described eusocial mammal. Although this discovery was based on an ecological constraints model of eusocial evolution, early genetic studies reported high levels of relatedness in naked mole‐rats, providing a compelling argument that low dispersal rates and consanguineous mating (inbreeding as a mating system) are the driving forces for the evolution of this eusocial species. One caveat to accepting this long‐held view is that the original genetic studies were based on limited sampling from the species’ geographic distribution. A growing body of evidence supports a contrary view, with the original samples not representative of the species—rather reflecting a single founder event, establishing a small population south of the Athi River. Our study is the first to address these competing hypotheses by examining patterns of molecular variation in colonies sampled from north and south of the Athi and Tana rivers, which based on our results, serve to isolate genetically distinct populations of naked mole‐rats. Although colonies south of the Athi River share a single mtDNA haplotype and are fixed at most microsatellite loci, populations north of the Athi River are considerably more variable. Our findings support the position that the low variation observed in naked mole‐rat populations south of the Athi River reflects a founder event, rather than a consequence of this species’ unusual mating system.  相似文献   

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