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Summary 1. In shore crabsCarcinus maenas, which had been maintained for one month in 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 salinity, the extracellular space was estimated by means of the dilution of the food dye amaranth and the polyglycan14C-inulin.2. The extracellular space does not differ significantly in response to the external salinity. It varies between 29.2 and 36.0% (with a mean of 33.1%) of body weight when estimated by dilution of amaranth and between 16.7 and 18.5% (with a mean of 17.9%) of body weight when estimated by14C-inulin dilution. Differences of values in regard to the substances used for estimation are discussed.3. The results confirm that the magnitude of the extracellular space is not involved in phenomena of osmoregulation.4. The rapid reduction in the concentration of haemolymph proteins after transfer of freshwater and marine decapods from lower to higher salinities (Drilhon-Courtois 1934,Siebers et al. 1972) implies, on the basis of the present results, also a reduction in the total amount of haemolymph protein in the crab, since the protein-distribution volume remains unchanged within a wide variety of salinities. The assumption that haemolymph proteins participate in the increase of intracellular free amino acids during isosmotic intracellular regulation is confirmed.
Mechanismen der intrazellulären isosmotischen Regulation: Der extrazelluläre Raum der StrandkrabbeCarcinus maenas in Abhängigkeit vom Salzgehalt
Kurzfassung Durch Verdünnungsanalyse des markierten Polysaccharids14C-Inulin und des Nahrungsmittelfarbstoffes Amaranth nach Injektion ins Hämocoel wurde der extrazelluläre Raum vonCarcinus maenas bestimmt. Die Strandkrabben waren einen Monat lang in Salinitäten von 10–15 gehalten worden. Die Größe des extrazellulären Raumes, die sich als weitgehend unabhängig vom Salzgehalt erwies, betrug 29,2 bis 36,0% des Körpergewichts (mit einem Mittel von 33,1%) bei Verdünnungsanalyse von Amaranth bzw. 16,7 bis 18,5% des Körpergewichts (mit einem Mittel von 17,9%) bei Verdünnungsanalyse von14C-Inulin. Die unterschiedlichen Ergebnisse, die bei den Bestimmungen mit den beiden Substanzen erhalten worden sind, werden diskutiert. Die weitgehende Konstanz des extrazellulären Raumes trotz beträchtlicher Unterschiede im Salzgehalt zeigt, daß der extrazelluläre Raum kaum einen Einfluß auf die osmoregulatorischen Vorgänge hat. Die rasche Abnahme der Hämolymphproteinkonzentration nach Überführung verschiedener Süßwasser- und Meereskrebse (Drilhon-Courtois 1934,Siebers et al. 1972) in höhere Salinitäten stellt sich somit als eine Verminderung des gesamten Hämolymphproteins im Tier dar, da die Verteilungsräume für das Protein konstant bleiben. Es ist daher wahrscheinlich, daß nach einem Salinitätsanstieg Hämolymphproteine bei der Erhöhung der Konzentration intrazellulärer freier Aminosäuren beteiligt sind.

When isolated gills of the shore crabCarcinus maenas were bathed and perfused with identical solutions on both sides (50 % sea water), a spontaneous transepithelial potential difference (PD) of some millivolts (hemolymph side negative) was established. This PD is of active nature and requires the metabolism of the living cell, since it uses its own sources of energy in addition to organic nutrients offered in the flow of artificial hemolymph. Addition of sodium cyanide and dinitrophenole to bathing and perfusion medium resulted in reversible breakdown of PDs in a concentration-dependent mode. In posterior gills ofC. maenas, the potential differences were more negative compared to data measured in anterior gills of the same individuals. These results are correlated with higher specific activities of Na-K-ATPase in posterior gills. Experiments with triamterene indicate that sodium uptake inC. maenas is sensitive to this diuretic drug, when applied on the apical side of the epithelial cell. The results obtained show that active uptake of sodium from medium to blood across the gills is performed by a complex mechanism including participation of several basal and apical transport steps.  相似文献   

Posterior gills (No. 7 and 8) of shore crabsCarcinus maenas were homogenized and fractionated by means of differential and density gradient centrifugation. Employment of marker enzymes Na-K-ATPase and carbonic anhydrase for plasma membranes and cytochrome oxidase for mitochondria showed that these structural elements were separated. Ultramicroscopic investigations of combined fractions confirmed the presence of the respective mitochondrial and vesicular plasma membrane structures. An ATPase which did not depend on the presence of sodium (20 mM) ions in the incubation medium but on the presence of potassium (20 mM) ions only was found in the mitochondrial fractions. The mitochondrial ATPase was tightly bound to cellular particulates and activated approximately threefold by bicarbonate (20 mM) ions. The activity of this ATPase was nearly completely inhibited by oligomycin (1 μg ml−1) and greatly inhibited by low levels (5 mM) of thiocyanate and calcium ions, the Ki for Ca2+ being ca 4 mM. The results obtained confirm literature data on high mitochondrial densities in crab gills and allow the assumption of significant rates of energy metabolism in these organs. Considering its properties the mitochondrial ATPase is clearly distinct from crab gill Na-K-ATPase and can be measured specifically in samples containing Na-K-ATPase. Mitochondrial ATPase is therefore considered a suitable and reliable marker enzyme for mitochondria.  相似文献   

Isolated posterior gills (no. 7) of shore crabsCarcinus maenas acclimated to brackish water of a salinity of 10 S were bathed and perfused with 50% sea water (200 mmol·l-1 Na+), and the internal perfusate collected during subsequent periods of 5 min. During a single passage through the gill the pH of the perfusion medium decreased from ca. 8.1 to ca. 7.7, a result implying that the gill possesses structures which recognize unphysiologically high pH values in the haemolymph and regulates them down to physiological values of ca. 7.7. The calculated apparent proton fluxes from the epithelial cells into the haemolymph space amounted to 17.9 mol·g fw-1·h-1, a value of only 3.8% of net Na+ fluxes observed under comparable conditions. When 0.1 mmol·l-1 KCN, an inhibitor of mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase, or 5 mmol·l-1 ouabain, a specific inhibitor of Na+/K+-ATPase were applied in the internal perfusate, down-regulation of pH was no longer observed and the gill was completely depolarized, i.e. transepithelial potential differences dropped from-7.8 to 0 mV (haemolymph space negative to bath). Regulation of pH was completely inhibited by antagonists of carbonic anhydrase (0.1 mmol·l-1 acetazolamide or 0.01 mmol·l-1 ethoxyzolamide) applied in the perfusate. Inhibitors of Na+/H+ exchange, 0.1 mmol·l-1 amiloride applied in the external bathing medium or in the internal perfusate, and symmetrical 0.01 mmol·l-1 5-(N-ethyl-N-isopropyl)amiloride, as well as inhibitors of Cl-/HCO3 - exchange and Na+/HCO3 - cotransport, 0.5 mmol·l-1 4,4-diisothiocyanatostilbene-2,2-disulphonate or 0.3 mmol·l-1 4-acetamido-4-isothiocyanatostilbene 2,2-disulphonate applied on both sides of the gill, and inhibitors of H+-ATPase, 0.05 mmol·l-1 N-ethylmaleimide and 0.1 mmol·l-1 N,N-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide —applied on both sides of the gill — did not alter the acidification of the perfusate observed in controls. Using artificial salines buffered to pH 8.1 with 0.75 mmol·l-1 tris (hydroxymethyl) aminomethane instead of 2 mmol·l-1 HCO3 -, apparent proton fluxes were reduced to 11% of controls, a result suggesting that pH regulation by crab gills needs the presence of HCO3 -. The findings obtained suggest that pH regulation by crab gills depends on the oxidative metabolism of the intact branchial epithelium and that carbonic anhydrase plays a central role in this process. Na+/H+ exchange, anion exchange or cotransport and active proton secretion seem not to be involved. While unimpaired active ion uptake is a prerequisite for pH regulation, ion transport itself is independent of it.Abbreviations acetazolamide (N-[sulphamoyl-1, 3, 4-thiadiazol-2-yl]-acetamide) - amiloride 3,5-diamino-6-chloropyrazinoyl-guanidine - CA carbonic anhydrase - DBI dextrane-bound inhibitor thiadiazolesulphonamide - DCCD N N dicyclohexylcarbodiimide - DIDS 4,4-diisothiocyanato-stilbene-2,2-disulphonate - EIPA 5-(N-ethyl-N-isopropyl) amiloride - ethoxyzolamide 6-ethoxy-2-benzothiazole-sulphonamide - fw fresh weight - J H + apparent proton flux - NEM N-ethylmaleimide - PD transepithelial potential difference - PEG-STZ polyethylene-glycol-thiadiazolesulphonamide - STTS 4-acetamido-4-isothiocyanatostibene 2,2-disulphonate - SW sea water - TRIS tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane  相似文献   

Isolated posterior gills of shore crabs,Carcinus maenas, previously acclimated for at least 1 month to brackish water of 10 S, were connected with an artificial hemolymph circulation by means of thin polyethylene tubings. Gills were symmetrically perfused and bathed with 50 % sea water. Transepithelial potential differences (PDs) and fluxes of sodium between medium and blood were measured under control conditions and following reductions of PDs by means of 5 mM internal (blood side) ouabain, 0.5 mM internal and external (bathing medium) NaCN or by exhaustion of energy reserves along with a prolonged perfusion period of more than 9 h. In these experiments22Na was used as tracer. Each of the three modes of reducing transepithelial potential differences resulted in a decrease in sodium influxes from 500–1000 µmoles g–1 h–1 to 250–400 µmoles g–1 h–1. The findings suggest that sodium influx, which normally greatly exceeds efflux, was diminished by its active component. The remaining non-inhibitable influx equals efflux values. Our findings thus indicate that efflux is completely passive, while influx has — beside a passive component of efflux magnitudes — an additional active portion which is much larger than the passive component. Since ouabain is a specific inhibitor of the Na-K-ATPase, our results confirm previous findings (Siebers et al., 1985) that the basolaterally located Na-K-ATPase generates the transepithelial potential difference in the gills, which is inside negative by about 6–12 mV. Inhibition of the active portion of sodium influx by internal ouabain along with reduced PDs suggests that transepithelial PDs generated by the branchial sodium pump are the driving force for active sodium uptake in hyperregulating brackish water crabs.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes investigations on the enzyme carbonic anhydrase (CA) in the gills of the osmoregulating shore crabCarcinus maenas. Carbonic anhydrase, an enzyme catalyzing the reversible hydration of CO2 to HCO3 and H+, is localized with highest activities in the posterior salt-transporting gills of the shore crab- and here CA activity is strongly dependent on salinity. Contrary to the earlier hypothesis established for the blue crabCallinectes sapidus that cytoplasmic branchial CA provides the counter ions HCO3 and H+ for apical exchange against Na+ and Cl, the involvement of CA in NaCl uptake mechanisms can be excluded inCarcinus. Differential and density gradient centrifugations indicate that branchial CA is a predominantly membrane-associated protein. Branchial CA was greatly inhibited by the sulfonamide acetazolamide (AZ) Ki=2.4·10−8 mol/l). Using the preparation of the isolated perfused gill, application of 10−4 mol/l AZ resulted in an 80% decrease of CO2/HCO3 excretion. Thus we conclude that CA is localized in plasma membranes, maintaining the CO2 gradient by accelerating adjustment of the pH-dependent CO2/HCO3 equilibrium.  相似文献   

The activity of Na-K-ATPase was determined in the posterior gills of the shore crabCarcinus maenas during a period following transfer from 35 to 10 ‰ salinity and vice versa at 15 °C. After transfer from high to low salinity, Na-K-ATPase activity increased from 3.2 to 7.0 μmoles Pi mg protein?1 h?1 within a period of 2 to 3 weeks. Transfer of crabs from low to high salinity resulted in reduction of activity from 7.4 to 4.5 μmoles Pi mg protein?1 h?1 within about the same period. The relatively slow response following salinity change indicates that the amounts of Na-K-ATPase in the gills may play a role in hyperionic Na regulation in relatively constant brackish-water environments. Instant responses to salinity result from activation and inhibition of Na-K-ATPase activity by Na. Gill Na-K-ATPase is activated by the Na concentration of the incubation medium to attain a steep maximum at about 75 mM Na, which corresponds to the lowest environmental Na levels tolerated byC. maenas equivalent to a salinity of ca 6 ‰. Activity greatly decreased towards higher Na levels, equivalent to the salinity of normal sea water, at which hyperregulation no longer occurs. Selective addition of either Na or Cl to brackish water of 9 ‰ S resulted in effective hyperregulation of the non-increased ion, and passive distribution between medium and blood of the increased ion. These data indicate that under appropriate conditions the normally coupled transport of Na and Cl may be uncoupled and take place independently of each other.  相似文献   

Intracellular free amino acids were measured in the abdominal muscle of the three larval instars, postlarvae, and juveniles of the lobster Homarus gammarus, acclimated to seawater (35 per thousand) and to a dilute medium (22 per thousand), to study intracellular isosmotic regulation throughout the development of this species. Transfer to low salinity was followed by a highly significant drop of free amino acids level in all developmental stages. The main regulated amino acids were glycine, proline, and alanine. The level of regulation of total free amino acids changed at metamorphosis: the decrease in total free amino acids at low salinity was 46% in the three larval instars, but it was only 29% in postlarvae and 20% in juveniles. These results suggest that free amino acids, mainly glycine, proline, and alanine, are involved in intracellular isosmotic regulation in the lobster, with different levels of involvement in pre- and postmetamorphic stages. The ontogenetic changes in intracellular isosmotic regulation are discussed in relation to the changes in extracellular regulation (osmoregulation) in the lobster.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Respiratory trees of Holothuria glaberrima exposed to solutions in which sodium has been replaced by choline, Tris pH 6.1, Tris pH 8.0 or lithium show a net loss of intracellular water, potassium, sodium and chloride. Intracellular content of neutral orgainc osmotic effectors remains unmodified.
  • 2.2. Extracellular lithium and Tris pH 8.0 decrease intracellular potassium concentration to half that in sodium, choline and Tris pH 6.1. Intracellular sodium concentration falls markedly while that of chloride falls moderately in sodium-free solutions. Sodium substitutes appear to enter the cells.
  • 3.3. A model based on Donnan considerations accounts for the patterns of ion and water distribution.

  • 1.1. The oxygen consumption of red and green Carcinus in normoxic and hypoxic sea water was determined, using an oxygen electrode in a sealed respirometer.
  • 2.2. The red crabs had significantly higher “excited” oxygen uptake rates and a lower ability to compensate for hypoxia than the green crabs.
  • 3.3. Red Carcinus display an emersion response to declining oxygen at lower oxygen tensions than the green crabs.
  • 4.4. Mortality of red crabs exposed to prolonged anoxia was much greater.
  • 5.5. The relationship of these findings to the zonation of the two colour forms on the shore is discussed.

This paper discusses the way in which serum deprivation affects the turnover of nascent or newly synthesised proteins in mammalian cells. A theoretical treatment of their turnover relative to changes in rate of protein synthesis and the turnover of existing or "resident" proteins is presented. Previous experimental work has not seriously addressed this question because the pulses of radiolabelling of proteins have been too long to identify the very-fast turnover population (Wheatley et al., 1980; Bohley, 1987). Logically one would expect cell growth rate to be regulated by the rate at which new proteins become incorporated into the cell within the first 30 min of their existence. This requires their successful integration at what we will refer to as the "growing point", recognizing that at any time there may be thousands of such sites. Growth is a simple term betraying the complexity of the processes involved--synthesis, processing, sorting, targeting, and stabilization of macromolecules, and their successful integration into functional assemblies at appropriate locations. Turnover of the truly short-lived, very-fast turnover proteins at the "growing point" is affected by serum adjustment, but it is not the only change since synthetic rate quickly responds, as also does the turnover rate of long-lived proteins. Our theoretical discussion will relate to recent findings in 3T3 and HeLa cell cultures after serum modulation, lines with quite different dependencies on serum growth factors.  相似文献   

The vagina provides a characteristic low-Na+ and low-pH fluid microenvironment that is considered generally protective. Previous studies have shown that various types of epithelial cells harbor the capacity of intracellular pH (pHi) regulation. However, it remains elusive whether vaginal epithelium could actively regulate pHi by transporting acid–base ions. In this study, we verified that after transient exposure to NH4Cl, the pHi values could rapidly recover from acidification via Na+-H+ exchanger (NHE), Na+-HCO3 cotransporter (NBC), and carbonic anhydrase in human vaginal epithelial cell line VK2/E6E7. Positive expression of the main acid–base transporters including NHE1-2, NBCe1-2, and NBCn1 mRNA was also detected in VK2/E6E7 cells. Moreover, the in vivo study further showed that interfering with the function of V-type H+-ATPase, NHE or NBC expressed in vagina impaired vaginal luminal pH homeostasis in rats. Taken together, our study reveals the property of pH regulation in vaginal epithelial cells, which might provide novel insights into the potential role of vaginal epithelium in the formation of the vaginal acidic microenvironment.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P450 enzymes (CYP enzymes) catalyse important metabolic reactions of exogenous and endogenous substrates, including steroid hormones. Here, we report the first two CYP sequences from the shore crab, Carcinus maenas. Two complete cDNAs isolated from crab hepatopancreas encode CYP enzymes named CYP330A1, the first member of a new family, and CYP4C39. CYP330A1 is closest related to members of the CYP2 family (37.3% identical to mouse CYP2J6) and CYP4C39 is most identical to crayfish CYP4C15 (59.5%). CYP330A1 gene expression was induced in hepatopancreas of male green intermoult crabs by ecdysone and ponasterone A, but also by benzo(a)pyrene and phenobarbital. CYP330A1 induction was not observed in red crabs. The present results indicate that the CYP330A1 enzyme may be involved in ecdysteroid metabolism, presumably catabolism, and in the detoxification of environmental pollutants. Ecdysteroids or xenobiotics did not affect CYP4C39 gene expression. The fact that both ecdysteroids and xenobiotics affect CYP330A1 gene expression indicates that mutual interactions between chemical exposures and endocrine functions may exist in the shore crab.  相似文献   

A large sample ofadult male Carcinus maenas was 79% right-handed and 21% left-handed. A separate sample of 207 intact adult males was divided into left-handed and right-handed crabs and four measurements were taken from all major and minor chelae. Correlation and regression analyses against carapace width on log-transformed data showed that major chelae of right-handed crabs grow proportionately higher with increasing size and the ideal mechanical advantage increases; concurrently, the fingers of the minor chelae grow proportionately longer. The data for left-handed crabs showed greater variability, especially for minor chelae, providing evidence for the concept that left-handedness arises by reversal of handedness following loss of the major chela from the right-hand side. Records of handedness in large samples of non-ocypodid heterochelous brachyuran crabs show a preponderance of right-handedness.  相似文献   

The suitability of fluorography for the detection of 3H- and 14C-labeled proteins on polyacrylamide gradient gels has been investigated. It was found that the absorbance of the fluorographic film image produced by a given level of radioactivity decreased as the acrylamide concentration in the gel increased. The use of Coomassie brilliant blue protein dyes to stain the gel prior to fluorography reduced the absorbance of the fluorographic image. It is concluded that quantitative fluorography can only be applied to unstained gels of a uniform acrylamide concentration.  相似文献   

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