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Folding, assembly and stability of α-helical membrane proteins is still not very well understood. Several of these membrane proteins contain cofactors, which are essential for their function and which can be involved in protein assembly and/or stabilization. The effect of heme binding on the assembly and stability of the transmembrane b-type cytochrome b559 was studied by fluorescence resonance energy transfer. Cytochrome b559 consists of two monomers of a 44 amino acid long polypeptide, which contains one transmembrane domain. The synthesis of two variants of the b559 monomer, each carrying a specific fluorescent dye, allowed monitoring helix-helix interactions in micelles by resonance energy transfer. The measurements demonstrate that the transmembrane peptides dimerize in detergent in the absence and presence of the heme cofactor. Cofactor binding only marginally enhances dimerization and, apparently, the redox state of the heme group has no effect on dimerization.  相似文献   

Transmembrane b-type cytochromes, which are crucially involved in electron transfer chains, bind one or more heme (Fe-protoporphyrin IX) molecules non-covalently. Similarly, chlorophylls are typically also non-covalently bound by several membrane integral polypeptides involved in photosynthesis. While both, chlorophyll and heme, are tetrapyrrole macrocycles, they have different substituents at the tetrapyrrole ring moiety. Furthermore, the central metal ion is Mg2+ in chlorophyll and Fe2+/3+ in heme. As heme and chlorophyll a have similar structures and might both be ligated by two histidine residues of a polypeptide chain, and as the local concentration of chlorophyll a might be up to 100-times higher than the concentration of heme, the question arises, as to how an organism ensures specific binding of heme, but not of chlorophyll, to transmembrane apo-cytochromes involved in photosynthetic electron transfer reactions. As shown here, Fe-protoporphyrin IX derivatives with modified substituents at the tetrapyrrole ring moiety still bind to an apo-cytochrome; however, association appears to be reduced. This indicates that hydrophobic and polar interactions of the ring substituents with the protein moiety stabilize the protein/heme-complex but are not essential per se. However, removal or replacement of the central Fe-ion completely abolishes formation of a holo-protein complex, and thus the central iron ion appears to determine heme binding to apo-cytochrome b6.  相似文献   

Matthews EE  Zoonens M  Engelman DM 《Cell》2006,127(3):447-450
Studying how protein transmembrane domains transmit signals across membranes is beset by unique challenges. Here, we discuss the circumstances that have led to success and reflect on what has been learned from these examples. Such efforts suggest that some of the most interesting properties of transmembrane helix interactions may be the least amenable to study by current techniques.  相似文献   

The available evidence indicates that members of the neurotransmitter:sodium symporter family form constitutive oligomers. Their second transmembrane helix (TM2) contains a leucine heptad repeat proposed to be involved in oligomerization. In artificial transmembrane segments, interhelical interactions are stabilized by polar residues. We searched for these hydrogen bond donors in TM2 by mutating the five polar residues in TM2 of the gamma-aminobutyric acid transporter-1 (GAT1). We tested the ability of the resulting mutants to oligomerize by fluorescence microscopy, Foerster resonance energy transfer, and beta-lactamase fragment complementation. Of all generated mutants, only Y86A- (but not Y86F-), E101A-, E101Q-, and E101D-GAT1 were judged by these criteria to be deficient in oligomerization and were retained intracellularly. The observations are consistent with a model where the leucine heptad repeat in TM2 drives a homophilic association that is stabilized by Tyr(86) and Glu(101); Tyr(86) participates in hydrophobic stacking. Glu(101) is in the a-position of the leucine heptad repeat (where positions 1-7 are denoted a-g, and each leucine is in the central d-position). Thus, Glu(101) is in the position predicted for the hydrogen bond donor (i.e. sandwiched between Leu(97) and Leu(104), which are one helical turn above and below Glu(101)). These key residues, namely Tyr(86) and Glu(101), are conserved in related transporters from archaeae to humans; they are therefore likely to support oligomeric assembly in transporter orthologs and possibly other proteins with multiple transmembrane segments.  相似文献   

Despite some promising progress in the understanding of membrane protein folding and assembly, there is little experimental information regarding the thermodynamic stability of transmembrane helix interactions and even less on the stability of transmembrane helix-helix interactions in a biological membrane. Here we describe an approach that allows quantitative measurement of transmembrane helix interactions in a biological membrane, and calculation of changes in the interaction free energy resulting from substitution of single amino acids. Dimerization of several variants of the glycophorin A transmembrane domain are characterized and compared to the wild-type (wt) glycophorin A transmembrane helix dimerization. The calculated DeltaDeltaG(app) values are further compared with values found in the literature. In addition, we compare interactions between the wt glycophorin A transmembrane domain and helices in which critical glycine residues are replaced by alanine or serine, respectively. The data demonstrate that replacement of the glycine residues by serine is less destabilizing than replacement by alanine with a DeltaDeltaG(app) value of about 0.4 kcal/mol. Our study comprises the first measurement of a transmembrane helix interaction in a biological membrane, and we are optimistic that it can be further developed and applied.  相似文献   

The transmembrane, bacteriochlorophyll-binding region of a bacterial light-harvesting complex, (LH2-alpha from the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides) was redesigned and overexpressed in a mutant of Rb. sphaeroides lacking LH2. Bacteriochlorophyll served as internal probe for the fitness of this new region for the assembly and energy transfer function of the LH2 complex. The ability to absorb and transfer light energy is practically undisturbed by the exchange of the transmembrane segment, valine -7 to threonine +6, of LH2-alpha with a 14 residue Ala-Leu sequence. This stretch makes up the residues of the transmembrane helix that are in close contact (< or =4.5 A) with the bacteriochlorophyll molecules that are coordinated through His of both the alpha and beta-subunits. In this Ala-Leu stretch, neither alpha-His0, which binds the bacteriochlorophyll, nor the adjacent alpha-Ile-1, were replaced. Novel LH2 complexes composed of LH2-alpha with a model transmembrane sequence and a normal LH2-beta are assembled in vivo into a complex, the biochemical and spectroscopic properties of which closely resemble the native one. In contrast, the additional insertion of four residues just outside the C-terminal end of the model transmembrane helix leads to complete loss of functional antenna complex. The results suggest that light energy can be harvested and transferred efficiently by bacteriochlorophyll molecules attached to only few key residues distributed over the polypeptide, while residues at the bacteriochlorophyll-helix interface seem to be largely dispensable for the functional assembly of this membrane protein complex. This novel antenna with a simplified transmembrane domain and a built-in probe for assembly and function provides a powerful model system for investigation of the factors that contribute to the assembly of chromophores in membrane-embedded proteins.  相似文献   

Dreher C  Prodöhl A  Weber M  Schneider D 《FEBS letters》2007,581(14):2647-2651
In vivo and in vitro requirements for the formation of cytochrome b(6) were examined to analyze the mechanisms of transmembrane b-type cytochrome formation. After heterologous expression of spinach cytochrome b(6), formation of the holo-cytochrome was observed within the E. coli inner membrane. The transmembrane orientation of cytochrome b(6) appeared not to be critical for heme binding and holo-cytochrome formation. Furthermore, in vitro reconstitution of cytochrome b(6) was possible under oxidizing as well as under reducing conditions. Taken together these observations strongly indicate that transmembrane b-type cytochromes can spontaneously assemble in vitro as well as in a membrane.  相似文献   

A continuous membrane model (IMPALA) was previously developed to predict how hydrophobic spans of proteins insert in membranes (Mol. Mod. 2 (1996) 27). Using that membrane model, we looked for the interactions between several hydrophobic spans. We used the glycophorin A dimer as an archetype of polytopic protein to validate the approach. We find that the native complex do not dislocate when it is submitted to a 10(5) steps optimisation whereas separated spans converge back to a native-like complex in the same conditions. We also observe that IMPALA restraints are not strictly mandatory but do increase the efficiency of the procedure.  相似文献   

Starting from the glycophorin A dimer structure determined by NMR, we performed simulations of both dimer and monomer forms in explicit lipid bilayers with constant normal pressure, lateral area, and temperature using the CHARMM potential. Analysis of the trajectories in four different lipids reveals how lipid chain length and saturation modulate the structural and energetic properties of transmembrane helices. Helix tilt, helix-helix crossing angle, and helix accessible volume depend on lipid type in a manner consistent with hydrophobic matching concepts: the most relevant lipid property appears to be the bilayer thickness. Although the net helix-helix interaction enthalpy is strongly attractive, analysis of residue-residue interactions reveals significant unfavorable electrostatic repulsion between interfacial glycine residues previously shown to be critical for dimerization. Peptide volume is nearly conserved upon dimerization in all lipid types, indicating that the monomeric helices pack equally well with lipid as dimer helices do with one another. Enthalpy calculations indicate that the helix-environment interaction energy is lower in the dimer than in the monomer form, when solvated by unsaturated lipids. In all lipid environments there is a marked preference for lipids to interact with peptide predominantly through one rather than both acyl chains. Although our trajectories are not long enough to allow a full thermodynamic treatment, these results demonstrate that molecular dynamics simulations are a powerful method for investigating the protein-protein, protein-lipid, and lipid-lipid interactions that determine the structure, stability and dynamics of transmembrane alpha-helices in membranes.  相似文献   

Ren J  Lew S  Wang J  London E 《Biochemistry》1999,38(18):5905-5912
We examined the effect of the length of the hydrophobic core of Lys-flanked poly(Leu) peptides on their behavior when inserted into model membranes. Peptide structure and membrane location were assessed by the fluorescence emission lambdamax of a Trp residue in the center of the peptide sequence, the quenching of Trp fluorescence by nitroxide-labeled lipids (parallax analysis), and circular dichroism. Peptides in which the hydrophobic core varied in length from 11 to 23 residues were found to be largely alpha-helical when inserted into the bilayer. In dioleoylphosphatidylcholine (diC18:1PC) bilayers, a peptide with a 19-residue hydrophobic core exhibited highly blue-shifted fluorescence, an indication of Trp location in a nonpolar environment, and quenching localized the Trp to the bilayer center, an indication of transmembrane structure. A peptide with an 11-residue hydrophobic core exhibited emission that was red-shifted, suggesting a more polar Trp environment, and quenching showed the Trp was significantly displaced from the bilayer center, indicating that this peptide formed a nontransmembranous structure. A peptide with a 23-residue hydrophobic core gave somewhat red-shifted fluorescence, but quenching demonstrated the Trp was still close to the bilayer center, consistent with a transmembrane structure. Analogous behavior was observed when the behavior of individual peptides was examined in model membranes with various bilayer widths. Other experiments demonstrated that in diC18:1PC bilayers the dilution of the membrane concentration of the peptide with a 23-residue hydrophobic core resulted in a blue shift of fluorescence, suggesting the red-shifted fluorescence at higher peptide concentrations was due to helix oligomerization. The intermolecular self-quenching of rhodamine observed when the peptide was rhodamine-labeled, and the concentration dependence of self-quenching, supported this conclusion. These studies indicate that the mismatch between helix length and bilayer width can control membrane location, orientation, and helix-helix interactions, and thus may mismatch control both membrane protein folding and the interactions between membrane proteins.  相似文献   

In membrane proteins, the extent to which polarity, hydrogen bonding, and van der Waals packing interactions of the buried, internal residues direct protein folding and association of transmembrane segments is poorly understood. The energetics associated with these various interactions should differ substantially between membrane versus water-soluble proteins. To help evaluate these energetics, we have altered a water-soluble, two-stranded coiled-coil peptide to render its sequence soluble in membranes. The membrane-soluble peptide associates in a monomer-dimer-trimer equilibrium, in which the trimer predominates at the highest peptide/detergent ratios. The oligomers are stabilized by a buried Asn side chain. Mutation of this Asn to Val essentially eliminates oligomerization of the membrane-soluble peptide. Thus, within a membrane-like environment, interactions involving a polar Asn side chain provide a strong thermodynamic driving force for membrane helix association.  相似文献   

Protective antigen (PA) from anthrax toxin assembles into a homoheptamer on cell surfaces and forms complexes with the enzymatic components: lethal factor (LF) and edema factor (EF). Endocytic vesicles containing these complexes are acidified, causing the heptamer to transform into a transmembrane pore that chaperones the passage of unfolded LF and EF into the cytosol. We show in planar lipid bilayers that a physiologically relevant proton gradient (DeltapH, where the endosome is acidified relative to the cytosol) is a potent driving force for translocation of LF, EF and the LF amino-terminal domain (LFN) through the PA63 pore. DeltapH-driven translocation occurs even under a negligible membrane potential. We found that acidic endosomal conditions known to destabilize LFN correlate with an increased translocation rate. The hydrophobic heptad of lumen-facing Phe427 residues in PA (or phi clamp) drives translocation synergistically under a DeltapH. We propose that a Brownian ratchet mechanism proposed earlier for the phi clamp is cooperatively linked to a protonation-state, DeltapH-driven ratchet acting trans to the phi-clamp site. In a sense, the channel functions as a proton/protein symporter.  相似文献   

The current paradigm is that integrin is activated via inside-out signalling when its cytoplasmic tails and TMs (transmembrane helices) are separated by specific cytosolic protein(s). Perturbations of the helical interface between the alpha- and beta-TMs of an integrin, as a result of mutations, affect its function. Previous studies have shown the requirement for specific pairing between integrin subunits by ectodomain-exchange analyses. It remains unknown whether permissive alpha/beta-TM pairing of an integrin is also required for pairing specificity and the expression of a functionally regulated receptor. We performed scanning replacement of integrin beta2-TM with a TM of other integrin beta-subunits. With the exception of beta4 substitution, others presented beta2-integrins with modified phenotypes, either in their expression or ligand-binding properties. Subsequently, we adopted alphaLbeta2 for follow-on experiments because its conformation and affinity-state transitions have been well defined as compared with other members of the beta2-integrins. Replacement of beta2- with beta3-TM generated a chimaeric alphaLbeta2 of an intermediate affinity that adhered to ICAM-1 (intercellular adhesion molecule 1) but not to ICAM-3 constitutively. Replacing alphaL-TM with alphaIIb-TM, forming a natural alphaIIb/beta3-TM pair, reversed the phenotype of the chimaera to that of wild-type alphaLbeta2. Interestingly, the replacement of alphaLbeta2- with beta3-TM showed neither an extended conformation nor the separation of its cytoplasmic tails, which are well-reported hallmarks of an activated alphaLbeta2, as determined by reporter mAb (monoclonal antibody) KIM127 reactivity and FRET (fluorescence resonance energy transfer) measurements respectively. Collectively, our results suggest that TM pairing specificity is required for the expression of a functionally regulated integrin.  相似文献   

A new type of cytochrome b was isolated from the cytoplasmatic fraction of the archaeon Acidianus ambivalens, which is the first soluble cytochrome found in this member of the thermoacidophilic order of the Sulfolobales. The protein is a monomeric and monohemic cytochrome b with a molecular mass of 22 kDa. Visible spectroscopy of the as-purified protein shows a Soret peak at 405 nm and a broad band at 625 nm, indicating the presence of a high-spin ferric heme. Upon reduction, the Soret band shifts to 422 nm and a broad band at 560 nm develops, again characteristic of high-spin ferrous heme. The reduced form can bind carbon monoxide, with visible absorption bands arising at 411 and 566 nm. EPR spectroscopy of the oxidized protein shows a spectrum typical of a high-spin heme, with major g values at 6.56 and 5.85. The reduction potential of the heme cofactor was determined to be -16+/-10 mV, at pH 6.5. Analysis of the protein amino acid sequence shows that it consists of a novel arrangement of domains. The first domain, at the N-terminus, has a remarkable similarity towards beta class carbonic anhydrases, whereas the second region comprises a putative cytochrome domain. The latter presumably consists of a novel fold, as it bears no sequence similarities towards other known cytochromes, or towards known domains. Strikingly, the first module contains the C-X (n)-H-X(2)-C motif that accounts for the binding of the catalytic zinc in carbonic anhydrases, but lacks several other critical residues required for substrate binding and proper active site geometry. In agreement with this finding, the isolated cytochrome contains one bound zinc atom, but has no carbonic anhydrase activity. Inspection of the sequences available from the genomic sequencing project of the close relative archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus shows the presence of an identical protein, suggesting its dissemination among the Sulfolobales. The role of zinc as a key element for the intrinsic thermal stability of these proteins is discussed.  相似文献   

In this study, we introduced structure-based rational mutations in the guinea pig leukotriene B4 receptor (gpBLT1) in order to enhance the stabilization of the protein. Elements thought to be unfavorable for the stability of gpBLT1 were extracted based on the stabilization elements established in soluble proteins, determined crystal structures of G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), and multiple sequence alignment. The two unfavorable residues His832.67 and Lys883.21, located at helix capping sites, were replaced with Gly (His83Gly2.67 and Lys88Gly3.21). The modified protein containing His83Gly2.67/Lys88Gly3.21 was highly expressed, solubilized, and purified and exhibited improved thermal stability by 4 °C in comparison with that of the original gpBLT1 construct. Owing to the double mutation, the expression level increased by 6-fold (Bmax=311 pmol/mg) in the membrane fraction of Pichia pastoris. The ligand binding affinity was similar to that of the original gpBLT1 without the mutations. Similar unfavorable residues have been observed at helix capping sites in many other GPCRs; therefore, the replacement of such residues with more favorable residues will improve stabilization of the GPCR structure for the crystallization.  相似文献   

The folding and stabilization of α-helical transmembrane proteins are still not well understood. Following cofactor binding to a membrane protein provides a convenient method to monitor the formation of appropriate native structures. We have analyzed the assembly and stability of the transmembrane cytochrome b559′, which can be efficiently assembled in vitro from a heme-binding PsbF homo-dimer by combining free heme with the apo-cytochrome b559′. Unfolding of the protein dissolved in the mild detergent dodecyl maltoside may be induced by addition of SDS, which at high concentrations leads to dimer dissociation. Surprisingly, absorption spectroscopy reveals that heme binding and cytochrome formation at pH 8.0 are optimal at intermediate SDS concentrations. Stopped-flow kinetics revealed that genuine conformational changes are involved in heme binding at these SDS concentrations. GPS (Global Protein folding State mapping) NMR measurements showed that optimal heme binding is intimately related to a change in the degree of histidine protonation. In the absence of SDS, the pH curve for heme binding is bell-shaped with an optimum at around pH 6-7. At alkaline pH values, the negative electrostatic potential of SDS lowers the local pH sufficiently to restore efficient heme binding, provided the amount of SDS needed for this does not denature the protein. Accordingly, the higher the pH value above 6-7, the more SDS is needed to improve heme binding, and this competes with the inherent tendency of SDS to dissociate cytochrome b559′. Our work highlights that, in addition to its denaturing properties, SDS can affect protein functions by lowering the local pH.  相似文献   

The transmembrane domains of membrane fusogenic proteins are known to contribute to lipid bilayer mixing as indicated by mutational studies and functional reconstitution of peptide mimics. Here, we demonstrate that mutations of a GxxxG motif or of Ile residues, that were previously shown to compromise the fusogenicity of the Vesicular Stomatitis virus G-protein transmembrane helix, reduce its backbone dynamics as determined by deuterium/hydrogen-exchange kinetics. Thus, the backbone dynamics of these helices may be linked to their fusogenicity which is consistent with the known over-representation of Gly and Ile in viral fusogen transmembrane helices. The transmembrane domains of membrane fusogenic proteins are known to contribute to lipid bilayer mixing. Our present results demonstrate that mutations of certain residues, that were previously shown to compromise the fusogenicity of the Vesicular Stomatitis virus G-protein transmembrane helix, reduce its backbone dynamics. Thus, the data suggest a relationship between sequence, backbone dynamics, and fusogenicity of transmembrane segments of viral fusogenic proteins.  相似文献   

The b-type cytochrome in porcine neutrophils in situ was studied by the low temperature absorption spectroscopy at 77 K. Absolute spectra of the dithionite-reduced cell suspension revealed the existence of a b-type cytochrome with alpha, beta, and Soret absorption maxima at 558, 528, and 426 nm, respectively. The alpha band was unsymmetrical and showed a main peak at 558 nm with a shoulder at around 556 nm. When the cells were anaerobically stimulated either by phorbol myristate acetate or arachidonate followed by reduction by dithionite, the alpha band split clearly into double peaks at 555.5 and 558 nm, suggesting the presence of at least two states or species of the b-type cytochrome(s) in the cell. By monitoring absolute spectra of neutrophils at 77 K, we examined the possibility of CO binding to the b-type cytochrome. The absorption spectra of reduced b-type cytochrome in the presence and absence of CO, however, were not distinguishable under various conditions including equilibration with CO under high pressure or CO treatments in a dark room or at pH 8.5, 7.0, or 5.5. In contrast, the spectra of the reduced cytochrome disappeared immediately after exposure to O2, whether or not the cells had been treated with CO. The results indicate that the cytochrome does not form a CO complex in situ but reacts with O2, either directly or indirectly.  相似文献   

Machine learning-based classification approaches are widely used to predict host phenotypes from microbiome data. Classifiers are typically employed by considering operational taxonomic units or relative abundance profiles as input features. Such types of data are intrinsically sparse, which opens the opportunity to make predictions from the presence/absence rather than the relative abundance of microbial taxa. This also poses the question whether it is the presence rather than the abundance of particular taxa to be relevant for discrimination purposes, an aspect that has been so far overlooked in the literature. In this paper, we aim at filling this gap by performing a meta-analysis on 4,128 publicly available metagenomes associated with multiple case-control studies. At species-level taxonomic resolution, we show that it is the presence rather than the relative abundance of specific microbial taxa to be important when building classification models. Such findings are robust to the choice of the classifier and confirmed by statistical tests applied to identifying differentially abundant/present taxa. Results are further confirmed at coarser taxonomic resolutions and validated on 4,026 additional 16S rRNA samples coming from 30 public case-control studies.  相似文献   

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