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Although the capacity of food components to cause more insulin secretion when given orally than when given intravenously is related significantly to increased plasma concentration of gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP), stimulated only by the oral route, questions arise as to what extent other gastrointestinal hormones modify insulin secretion either directly or by influencing the secretion of GIP. The triacontatriapeptide form of cholecystokinin (CCK33), infused in dose gradients intravenously in dogs increases insulin secretion, and comparably to equimolar doses of the carboxy-terminal octapeptide of cholecystokin (CCK8); neither compound changes fasting plasma levels of GIP or glucose. Glucagon was increased only by the largest dose of CCK8 (0.27 ug/kg). Unlike the situation with GIP, it is not necessary to increase the plasma glucose above fasting level to obtain the insulin-releasing action of CCK. When glucose is infused intravenously (2 g in 0.5 min) at the beginning of a 15-minute infusion of CCK8 (10 ng/kg/min), the amount of insulin release is greater than is produced by CCK8 or glucose alone. In the same type of experiment, the infusion of GIP, in equimolar amounts as CCK8, plus glucose causes no more insulin secretion than is stimulated by glucose alone. Secretin has only a small stimulating action on insulin release, and pancreatic polypeptide (PP) has no effect. Neither secretin nor PP affects GIP secretion, whether either is given alone, or together, or with CCK8. Either secretin or CCK8 inhibits oral glucose-stimulated increase in plasma GIP. These inhibitory effects are probably very much related to the hormone-induced decrease in gastric emptying, but changes in somatostatin secretion and other hormones possibly exert contributory actions. In conclusion, GIP in certain dose ranges has been reported to cause major increase in insulin secretion, but we showed that the insulin-releasing action of a small dose of glucose (2 g) infused intravenously was not augmented by GIP (44.5 ng/kg/min), although it was significantly increased by an equimolar dose of CCK8. When plasma glucose was maintained at a fasting level, gradient equimolar dosages of CCK8 and CCK33 had comparable insulin-releasing action; GIP had no effect.  相似文献   

A role for beta-EP in the regulation of food intake has been suggested as a contributory factor in the obesity of some genetically obese animal models. Studies undertaken to determine whether continuous administration of beta-EP could alter food intake in normal rats are described. The present studies demonstrated that continuous subcutaneous infusion with beta-EP was ineffective in modulating food intake, but that acute intraperitoneal or intracerebroventricular administration stimulated food intake in previously food deprived or satiated animals, respectively. These results suggest that beta-EP is not involved in the long-term regulation of food intake, but under certain conditions it may play some role in the regulation of individual meals. It is speculated that the latter activity may result from the action of other appetitive regulatory hormones.  相似文献   

Four dogs with chronic gastric fistulas were give intravenous bombesin nonapeptide (B9), ranatensin, and litorin by constant infusion for 90 min at 1.2 micrograms x kg-1 on separate days. A dose response study with substance P (1.5, 3.0, 60, 18 and 54 micrograms x kg-1 x h-1) was also carried out and all tests compared to a standard protein meal (10g x kg-1). Plasma gastrin and PP were measured by radioimmunoassay and gastric acid by autobiuret titration. Substance P failed to stimulate gastric acid secretion or release either pancreatic polypeptide (PP) or gastrin. Basal gastrin levels were 8 +/-2 fmol/ml. The peak increment of gastrin released by bombesin was 95 +/- 16, ranatensin 22 +/- 6, litorin 18 +/- 4, and meal 39 +/- 5 fmol/ml. Bombesin caused significantly greater release of gastrin than a meal, litorin or ranatensin (P less than 0.01). Basal gastric secretion was 23 +/- 4 microequiv./min. B9 produced a peak acid secretion of 356 +/- 124 muequiv./min. There was no significant difference between the bombesin-like peptides (P less than 0.01). Basal plasma PP was 38 +/- 12 fmol/ml. B9 produced a peak PP increment of 600 +/- 50, litorin 137 +/- 36, ranatensin 98 +/- 11, and a meal 305 +/- 58 fmol/ml. B9 released significantly more PP than either litorin of ranatensin (P less than 0.01). The different amino acid sequences of the peptides are probably responsible for their potency. The substitution of a penultimate phenylalanine residue in litorin and ranatensin for leucine in bombesin does not prevent PP or gastrin release by bombesin-like peptides. Since bombesin-like peptides are widely distributed in the gastrointestinal tract of man and stimulate both acid and gut hormone secretion, it is possible that they might play a physiological role in the modulation of gastrointestinal function.  相似文献   

Apelin is the recently identified endogenous ligand for the G-protein-coupled receptor, APJ. Preproapelin and APJ mRNA are found in hypothalamic regions known to be important in the regulation of food and water intake, and pituitary hormone release. The effects of intracerebroventricular (ICV) administration of pyroglutamylated apelin-13 on food and water intake and pituitary hormone release in rats were investigated. Apelin-13 had little effect on food intake, but dose-dependently increased drinking behaviour and water intake at 1 h. Apelin-13 (10 nmol) increased water intake by up to sixfold compared to saline. Compared to saline control, apelin-13 (10 nmol) significantly increased plasma ACTH and corticosterone and decreased plasma prolactin, LH and FSH at 30 min. In vitro, apelin-13 stimulated the release of CRH and AVP from hypothalamic explants, but had no effect on NPY release. These results suggest that apelin may play an important role in the hypothalamic regulation of water intake and endocrine axes.  相似文献   

Calcitonin given in doses (0.2 and 1 MRC U/kg-1h-1) reproducing the levels observed in medullary carcinoma of the thyroid, induced the appearance of phase III type activity and reduced the duration of the IMC in the small intestine from 123 to 87 min with 0.2 MRC U kg-1h-1 and from 123 to 43 min with 1 MRC U kg-1h-1 but not in the stomach of young volunteers. This increase in phase III-like activity occurred despite a sharp reduction in motilin levels. Only the highest dose of calcitonin reduced significantly acid secretion (by more than 90%) while both doses reduced amylase secretion by respectively 65 and 71% when compared to the control levels. These changes in motility and secretion could partly explain the diarrhea observed in patients with the medullary carcinoma of the thyroid.  相似文献   

Spinal and peripheral modulation of pentagastrin-stimulated gastric acid secretion by the pancreatic polypeptide-fold (PP-fold) peptides, neuropeptide Y (NPY), peptide YY (PYY), and pancreatic polypeptide (PP), in urethane-anesthetized rats was evaluated. Neuropeptide Y, PYY, and PP (400 pmol) were administered via intravenous (IV) and intrathecal (IT) injections. The 2 antagonist, yohimbine, was used to evaluate the role of the 2 adrenergic receptors in the modulation of pentagastrin-stimulated gastric acid secretion by NPY, PYY, and PP. Peptide YY and PP (IV) rapidly increased pentagastrin-stimulated gastric acid secretion. Peptide YY and PP (IT) increased pentagastrin-stimulated gastric acid secretion following administration into the thoracic (T8–T10) region of the spinal cord. The 2 adrenergic receptor antagonist, yohimbine, did not modify the increases in pentagastrin-stimulated gastric acid secretion following PYY and PP (IV or IT) administration. Neuropeptide Y (IT) decreased pentagastrin-stimulated gastric acid secretion. However, in the presence of 2 adrenergic receptor blockade, pentagastrin-stimulated gastric acid secretion was potentiated by NPY (IT) administration. Therefore, the inhibitory effect of NPY (IT) on pentagastrin-stimulated gastric acid secretion required the activation of 2 adrenergic receptors in the spinal cord of rats. Mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) was increased immediately following NPY and PYY (IV) administration. During the same time period, PP (IV) decreased MAP in anesthetized rats. Mean arterial blood pressure was rapidly increased by NPY and PYY (IT) in anesthetized rats. The increase in MAP following PYY (IT) was partially attenuated in the presence of yohimbine. The modulation of MAP and gastric acid secretion by the PP-fold peptides occurred by independent mechanisms at spinal and peripheral sites in the rat. The modulation of pentagastrin-stimulated gastric acid secretion by PYY and PP in rats differed from that of the third member of the PP-fold family, NPY, following spinal and peripheral administration.  相似文献   

Intracerebroventricular administration of oxytocin (OT) and an OT agonist significantly decreased food intake in a dose-related manner in fasted rats. Central administration of an OT antagonist by itself (up to doses of 8 nmol) did not potentiate deprivation-induced food intake, but pretreatment with the OT receptor antagonist prevented the expected inhibition of food intake produced by OT and the OT agonist. Once-daily ICV injections of OT led to the development of tolerance to the inhibitory effects on food intake by the third day of treatment, but daily pretreatment with the OT antagonist prevented the development of this tolerance. In addition to causing decreased food intake, ICV administration of OT significantly increased grooming behavior but produced no dyskinesias. The inhibitory effect of OT on food intake was characterized by decreased amounts of food intake but a normal pattern of ingestion. The anorexia produced was central in nature and was not associated with altered plasma levels of hormones involved in caloric homeostasis or with changes in blood glucose. The OT agonist had relatively little effect on water intake when given in doses that significantly inhibited food intake. These results support the hypothesis that specific OT receptors within the central nervous system participate in the inhibition of feeding under certain conditions in rats.  相似文献   

Ghrelin stimulates gastric acid secretion and motility in rats   总被引:49,自引:0,他引:49  
Ghrelin, a novel growth-hormone-releasing peptide, was discovered in rat and human stomach tissues. However, its physiological and pharmacological actions in the gastric function remain to be determined. Therefore, we studied the effects of rat ghrelin on gastric functions in urethane-anesthetized rats. Intravenous administrations of rat ghrelin at 0.8 to 20 microgram/kg dose-dependently increased not only gastric acid secretion measured by a lumen-perfused method, but also gastric motility measured by a miniature balloon method. The maximum response in gastric acid secretion was almost equipotent to that of histamine (3 mg/kg, i.v.). Moreover, these actions were abolished by pretreatment with either atropine (1 mg/kg, s.c.) or bilateral cervical vagotomy, but not by a histamine H(2)-receptor antagonist (famotidine, 1 mg/kg, s.c.). These results taken together suggest that ghrelin may play a physiological role in the vagal control of gastric function in rats.  相似文献   

Enkephalins have been detected in vagal nerves and myenteric plexus neurons but no study has been performed to determine their action on vagally stimulated gastric and pancreatic secretion. In this study we infused IV methionine-enkephalin (Met-enk) alone, naloxone (a pure opiate antagonist) alone, or their combination before, during and after vagal stimulation in 4 dogs with esophageal, gastric and pancreatic fistulas. For the comparison, atropine was given before, during and after vagal stimulation in the same animals. Vagal stimulation was obtained by 15 min sham-feeding, which produced an increase in gastric H+ output to a peak of about 75% of the maximal response to pentagastrin and pancreatic protein secretion amounting to about 71% of the maximal response to caerulein. It was accompanied by a significant rise in serum gastrin and pancreatic polypeptide (PP) levels. Met-enk inhibited significantly both gastric H+ and pancreatic protein secretion and reduced plasma PP but not gastrin levels. Similar effects were obtained after the administration of atropine. The effects of Met-enk were partly reversed by the addition of naloxone. We conclude that (1) enkephalin suppresses vagally stimulated gastric and pancreatic secretion and plasma PP release; (2) these secretory effects of enkephalin seem to be mediated by opiate receptors and could be explained by its inhibitory action on acetylcholine release (“anticholinergic” action) in the stomach and the pancreas.  相似文献   

The present study was carried out to investigate the effects of Interleukin-1 (IL-1) on gastric pepsin secretion in conscious pylorus-ligated rats. The intraperitoneal (ip) injection of IL-1 resulted in a dose-related inhibition of gastric pepsin output. The intracerebroventricular (icv) injection of IL-1 similarly reduced pepsin secretion at 100 times smaller doses than ip IL-1, suggesting that this inhibitory action of IL-1 is mediated by the central nervous system (CNS). In addition, it was found that the antisecretory action of IL-1, both peripherally and centrally administered, lasted throughout the periods observed (2 hr through 8 hr after injection). These results strongly indicate that IL-1 is involved in the CNS regulation of gastric secretion, especially under certain pathophysiological conditions which activate the immune system to release various cytokines including IL-1.  相似文献   

Human interdigestive intestinal motility follows a circadian rhythm with reduced nocturnal activity, but circadian pancreatic exocrine secretion is unknown. To determine whether circadian changes in interdigestive pancreatic secretion occur and are associated with motor events, pancreatic enzyme outputs, proximal jejunal motility, and plasma pancreatic polypeptide concentrations were measured during consecutive daytime and nighttime periods (12 h each) in seven healthy volunteers using orojejunal multilumen intubation. Studies were randomly started in the morning or evening. Nocturnally, motility decreased (motor quiescence: 67 +/- 22 vs. 146 +/- 37 min; motility index: 3.59 +/- 0.33 vs. 2.78 +/- 0.40 mmHg/min; both P < 0.05) but amylase output increased (273 +/- 78 vs. 384 +/- 100 U/min; P < 0.05) and protease output remained unchanged (P > 0.05); consequently, enzyme/motility ratio increased. Amylase outputs were always lowest during phase I. Motor but not pancreatic circadian activities were associated with sleep. Pancreatic polypeptide plasma concentrations were unchanged. Consequently, intestinal motor and pancreatic exocrine functions may have different circadian rhythms, i.e., decreased motor and stable secretory activity during the night. However, the association between individual phases of interdigestive motor and secretory activity is preserved. The nocturnal increase in enzyme/motility ratio is probably not caused by increased cholinergic tone.  相似文献   

Lv SY  Yang YJ  Qin YJ  Xiong W  Chen Q 《Peptides》2011,32(5):978-982
Apelin, as the endogenous ligand for the APJ, regulates many biological functions, including blood pressure, neuroendocrine, drinking behavior, food intake and colonic motility. The present study was designed to investigate the effect of central apelin-13 on gastric emptying and gastrointestinal transit in mice. Intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) injection of apelin-13 (3 and 10 μg/mouse) decreased gastric emptying rate by 10.9% and 17.1%. This effect was significantly antagonized by the APJ receptor antagonist apelin-13(F13A) and the opioid receptor antagonist naloxone, respectively. However, intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection of apelin-13 (10-100 μg/mouse) did not affect gastric emptying. Apelin-13 (0.3, 1 and 3 μg/mouse, i.c.v.) inhibited gastrointestinal transit by 16.8%, 23.4% and 19.2%. Apelin-13(F13A) and naloxone could also reverse this antitransit effect induced by apelin-13. Taken together, these results suggest that i.c.v. injected apelin-13 inhibits gastric emptying and gastrointestinal transit and it seems that APJ receptor and opioid receptor might be involved in these processes.  相似文献   

Basal exocrine pancreatic secretion was studied in anaesthetized and conscious chickens and spontaneous secretion was studied in anaesthetized chickens. Results are compared with those of other vertebrates to estimate the specific pattern of this secretion in birds. The flow of pancreatic juice was greater in conscious chickens than when anaesthetized (Table 1). Amylase activity was greater than that of the other species and was of the same order in anaesthetized and conscious birds (Table 1). A spontaneous exocrine pancreatic secretion was seen to remain after eliminating a large part of the tonic influences (Table 2).  相似文献   

Binding isotherms were constructed for the binding of synthetic tetrapeptide and pentapeptide fragments to membranes prepared from chicken cerebellar tissue. Both the tetrapeptide (FMRFamide), which was originally isolated from ganglia of mollusks, and the pentapeptide (LPLRFamide) previously isolated from chicken brain are known to increase blood pressure and modulate brain neurons in rats. The C-terminal dipeptide sequences of the two peptides are identical and both show similarity to the dipeptide sequence established for the pancreatic polypeptide (PP) family. Specific high-affinity binding sites exist for the latter peptide, sites which are competed for (though with less affinity) by neuropeptide Y (NPY). Affinity for cerebellar membranes was virtually equivalent for the synthetic peptide LPLRFamide and FRMFamide; the binding affinities (IC50) of all fragments tested (C-terminal pentapeptides of avian PP and NPY, and FMRFamide and LPLRFamide) fell in the same approximate range. Since the N-terminal residues of FMRFamide and LPLRFamide are not homologous with equivalent residues of APP or NPY, our results indicate that only Arg-Tyr-NH2 or Arg-Phe-NH2 sequences are necessary for binding of the carboxy terminus peptides of the PP family. In this respect, these sequences are functionally equivalent.  相似文献   

The effects of glucose and GIP on glucagon secretion were studied in perifused microdissected murine pancreatic islets. Glucagon levels were determined in effluent samples collected at 1-min intervals by radioimmunoassay using the glucagon-specific antibody, 30 K. There was no significant difference in the total amount (7740 +/- 212 pg vs 8630 +/- 36 pg, n = 10) of glucagon secreted over a 20 min period when the glucose concentration was alternately shifted between 5.5 mM and 11.1 mM, respectively. However, 22.2 mM glucose profoundly suppressed glucagon secretion. The suppressive effect of high glucose on glucagon release was partially, yet significantly, reversed by the presence of GIP, as glucagon secretion increased from a non-detectable level at 22.2 mM glucose alone to 10,175 +/- 145 pg, n = 10 (P less than 0.01). The glucagonotropic effect of GIP was dose-dependent in the range of 2 x 10(-9) - 2 x 10(-7) M, at 11.1 mM glucose. Our data show that GIP is able to substantially reverse the suppressive effect of a high glucose load on glucagon secretion.  相似文献   

Asakawa A  Inui A  Ueno N  Fujimiya M  Fujino MA  Kasuga M 《Peptides》1999,20(12):1445-1448
This study was designed to investigate the effects of synthetic mouse pancreatic polypeptide (mPP) on feeding and anxiety in mice. The intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) injection of mPP (0.003-3 nmol) dose-dependently increased food intake. A significant increase was observed 20 min after i.c.v. injection and continued for 4 h. The intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection of mPP (0.03-30 nmol) dose-dependently decreased food intake. A significant decrease was observed 20 min after i.p. injection and continued for 4 h. In the elevated plus maze test, the i.c.v. injection of mPP (0.003-3 nmol) did not affect anxiety behavior. These results suggest that mPP modulates food intake and the Y4 receptor in the brain may contribute to the regulation of feeding, whereas appearing not to influence anxiety in mice.  相似文献   

Fourteen castrated male Large White pigs, weighing 42.5 +/- 1.0 kg, were fitted with pancreatic and duodenal fistulae for pancreatic secretion studies. Moreover, catheters were placed in a carotid artery for blood sampling and in a jugular vein for peptide infusion. Pancreatic juice was automatically restituted to the animals and continuously sampled for analysis on experimental days. Following an 8-day recovery period, perfusion studies were performed after an overnight fast. After a 30-min basal period, sustained pancreatic flow and protein output were obtained and maintained throughout the assay with secretin (36 pmol/kg/h) and CCK-8 (600 pmol/kg/h) infusion. Then, 200, 400, 600, 800 or 1200 pmol/kg/h of porcine pancreatic polypeptide (PP) were infused for 60 min. Secretin + CCK infusion was continued for 1 h after PP infusion was stopped. Each dose of PP was given on a separate day. Neither pancreatic flow nor bicarbonate output were affected whatever the dose of infused PP. On the contrary, protein concentration and output decreased with the lowest dose of PP (200 pmol/kg/h) and the diminution was more pronounced with the other doses. With 600 pmol/kg/h as well as with 800 and 1200 pmol/kg/h of PP, pancreatic protein output fell to about 20% of values obtained with secretin + CCK. Plasma levels of PP were below or similar to postprandial values for 200, 400 and 600 pmol/kg/h and they were significantly larger with 800 and 1200 pmol/kg/h. Protein concentration and output returned to values obtained with secretin + CCK infusion after cessation of PP infusion. In conclusion, porcine PP given in physiological doses to the pig decreases pancreatic protein output whereas pancreatic flow remains unaffected.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of the intravenous infusion of 16,16-dimethylprostaglandin E2 methyl ester (di-M-PGE2) and somatostatin on bombesin-stimulated gastric acid secretion, plasma gastrin and plasma pancreatic polypeptide in four chronic gastric fistula dogs. Bombesin-stimulated gastric acid secretion was significantly inhibited by somatostatin and virtually abolished by di-M-PGE2. Both agents caused significant, but indistinguishable inhibition of gastrin release (P less than 0.05). Bombesin-stimulated pancreatic polypeptide release was also significantly inhibited by both somatostatin and di-M-PGE2; the inhibitory effect of somatostatin was significantly greater than that of di-M-PGE2 (P less than 0.05). This study provides further evidence in support of the complex interrelationships between agents responsible for the modulation of gastrointestinal physiology.  相似文献   

Blood glucose, gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP), vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) and gastrin secretions were measured over a three-hour period following the ingestion by normal subjects of a mixed meal with two different caloric levels (1055 Kcal and 1192 Kcal). No VIP secretion was observed after either meal. Gastrin release was not modified by the increase of caloric intake (mainly carbohydrates and lipids), whereas GIP secretion was significantly more important after the meal with the highest caloric value (peak at 30 mn: 499.5±250.4 vs. 273.4±128.7 pg/ml and integrated response 53.3±20.5 vs. 28.2±9.9 ng×ml?1×180 min?1?p<0.05). This difference could not be attributed to glucose since the blood glucose levels were not significantly different. It is more probably related to the total amount of ingested food. This suggests the existence of rapid mechanisms of adaptation to the incoming load of the GIP-producing cells.  相似文献   

Johns CE  Newton JL  Westley BR  May FE 《Peptides》2006,27(6):1341-1348
Normal circadian variations in vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, somatostatin, cholecystokinin and pancreatic polypeptide were measured to determine if these alter with aging and to identify gastrointestinal regulatory hormones that might control the dramatic diurnal variation in the gastric cytoprotective trefoil protein TFF2. Plasma pancreatic polypeptide concentrations showed a marked diurnal rhythm (p < 0.0001). Basal and postprandial pancreatic polypeptide concentrations increased with age (p < 0.01). The timing of the diurnal rhythm was consistent with pancreatic polypeptide inhibiting TFF2 secretion and there was a negative association between pancreatic polypeptide and TFF2 concentrations (p < 0.002). The much higher pancreatic polypeptide concentrations in older people will induce increased satiety that may contribute to 'anorexia of ageing'. These results identify potential therapies for treatment of gastric mucosal morbidity and age-associated loss of appetite.  相似文献   

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