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Summary Antidiuretic hormone increases the water permeability of the cortical collecting tubule and causes the appearance of intramembrane particle aggregates in the apical plasma membrane of principal cells. Particle aggregates are located in apical membrane coated pits during stimulation of collecting ducts with ADHin situ. Removal of ADH causes a rapid decline in water permeability. We evaluated apical membrane retrieval associated with removal of ADH by studying the endocytosis of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) from an isotonic solution in the lumen. HRP uptake was quantified enzymatically and its intracellular distribution examined by electron microscopy. When tubules were perfused with HRP for 20 min in the absence of ADH, HRP uptake was 0.5±0.3 pg/min/m tubule length (n=6). The uptake of HRP in tubules exposed continuously to ADH during the 20-min HRP perfusion period was 1.3±0.8 pg/min/m (n=8). HPR uptake increased markedly to 3.2±1.1 pg/min/m (n=14), when the 20-min period of perfusion with HRP began immediately after removal of ADH from the peritubular bath. Endocytosis of HRP occurred in both principal and intercalated cells via apical membrane coated pits. We suggest that the rapid decline in cortical collecting duct water permeability which occurs following removal of ADH is mediated by retrieval of water permeable membrane via coated pits.  相似文献   

The localization of thrombin receptors on mouse embryo (ME) cells was examined using electron microscope (EM) immunocytological techniques. ME cells were fixed with formaldehyde, prior to thrombin binding, and thrombin visualized on cell surfaces using affinity-purified antithrombin rabbit antibody and colloidal gold labeled anti-rabbit IgG. Colloidal gold particles were found in clusters on the surface of cells incubated with thrombin. There were approximately seven particles per cluster observed in thin sections with cluster diameters ranging from 70 to 200 nm. These clusters were not observed on cells incubated without thrombin. The total number of particles present on cells incubated with and without thrombin indicate that the colloidal gold labeling is approximately 98% specific for thrombin. Only four colloidal gold particles out of approximately 1,200 were associated with coated pits. Thus the thrombin receptor clusters do not appear to associate with coated membrane regions. To determine whether receptor-bound thrombin was internalized by receptor-mediated endocytosis, ME cells were incubated with 125I-thrombin and examined using EM autoradiography and the trypsin sensitivity of 125I-thrombin which was associated with the cells. In two types of experiments, where thrombin was incubated with cells at 4 degrees C and the temperature increased to 37 degrees C and where initial incubation was at 37 degrees C, the receptor-directed specific internalization proceeded at approximately the same rate as nonspecific internalization. These studies indicate that thrombin that binds to its receptors on ME cells is not rapidly internalized by receptor-mediated endocytosis.  相似文献   

Acidification of the cytosol inhibits endocytosis from coated pits   总被引:57,自引:25,他引:32       下载免费PDF全文
Acidification of the cytosol of a number of different cell lines strongly reduced the endocytic uptake of transferrin and epidermal growth factor. The number of transferrin binding sites at the cell surface was increased in acidified cells. Electron microscopic studies showed that the number of coated pits at the cell surface was not reduced in cells with acidified cytosol. Experiments with transferrin-horseradish peroxidase conjugates and a monoclonal anti-transferrin receptor antibody demonstrated that transferrin receptors were present in approximately 75% of the coated pits both in control cells and in cells with acidified cytosol. The data therefore indicate that the reason for the reduced endocytic uptake of transferrin at internal pH less than 6.5 is an inhibition of the pinching off of coated vesicles. In contrast, acidification of the cytosol had only little effect on the uptake of ricin and the fluid phase marker lucifer yellow. Ricin endocytosed by cells with acidified cytosol exhibited full toxic effect on the cells. Although the pathway of this uptake in acidified cells remains uncertain, some coated pits may still be involved. However, the data are also consistent with the possibility that an alternative endocytic pathway involving smooth (uncoated) pits exists.  相似文献   

Membrane receptors are internalized either constitutively or upon ligand engagement. Whereas there is evidence for differential regulation of the two processes, little is known about the molecular machinery involved. Previous studies have shown that an unidentified kinase substrate is required for endocytosis of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), the prototypical ligand-inducible receptor, but not of the transferrin receptor (TfR), the prototypical constitutively internalized receptor. Eps15, an endocytic protein that is tyrosine phosphorylated by EGFR, is a candidate for such a function. Here, we show that tyrosine phosphorylation of Eps15 is necessary for internalization of the EGFR, but not of the TfR. We mapped Tyr 850 as the major in vivo tyrosine phosphorylation site of Eps15. A phosphorylation-negative mutant of Eps15 acted as a dominant negative on the internalization of the EGFR, but not of the TfR. A phosphopeptide, corresponding to the phosphorylated sequence of Eps15, inhibited EGFR endocytosis, suggesting that phosphotyrosine in Eps15 serves as a docking site for a phosphotyrosine binding protein. Thus, tyrosine phosphorylation of Eps15 represents the first molecular determinant, other than those contained in the receptors themselves, which is involved in the differential regulation of constitutive vs. regulated endocytosis.  相似文献   

Recent experiments suggest that low density lipoprotein (LDL) receptors on human fibroblasts are not inserted into the plasma membrane uniformly, as earlier experiments indicated, but are inserted into specialized regions, called plaques, where coated pits form. If the consequent reduction in the time required for LDL receptors to diffuse to coated pits were significant, this could alter conclusions drawn from previous calculations based on the assumption that LDL receptors are inserted uniformly. In particular, the conclusion could be wrong that diffusion of LDL receptors to coated pits is the rate limiting step in the interaction of cell surface LDL receptors with coated pits. Here we calculate the extent of the reduction in mean travel time of an LDL receptor to a coated pit, as a function of the plaque radius. We find that only if LDL receptor insertion is limited to a very small portion of the plasma membrane near coated pit sites is there a substantial decrease in the average time it would take an LDL receptor to diffuse to a coated pit. In order for preferential insertion of LDL receptors into plaques to cut the mean receptor travel time in half, plaques would have to take up no more than 10% of the cell surface area; to reduce the travel time by a factor of 10 plaques would have to cover only 2% of the cell surface, approximately twice the area covered by coated pits at 37°C.  相似文献   

Endocytic cargo such as the transferrin receptor is incorporated into clathrin-coated pits by associating, via tyrosine-based motifs, with the AP2 complex. Cargo-AP2 interactions occur via the mu2 subunit of AP2, which needs to be phosphorylated for endocytosis to occur. The most likely role for mu2 phosphorylation is in cargo recruitment because mu2 phosphorylation enhances its binding to internalization motifs. Here, we investigate the control of mu2 phosphorylation. We identify clathrin as a specific activator of the mu2 kinase and, in permeabilized cells, we show that ligand sequestration, driven by exogenous clathrin, results in elevated levels of mu2 phosphorylation. Furthermore, we show that AP2 containing phospho-mu2 is mainly associated with assembled clathrin in vivo, and that the level of phospho-mu2 is strongly reduced in a chicken B cell line depleted of clathrin heavy chain. Our results imply a central role for clathrin in the regulation of cargo selection via the modulation of phospho-mu2 levels.  相似文献   

The GTPase dynamin is essential for receptor-mediated endocytosis, but its function remains controversial. A domain of dynamin, termed the GTPase effector domain (GED), controls dynamin's high stimulated rates of GTP hydrolysis by functioning as an assembly-dependent GAP. Dyn(K694A) and dyn(R725A) carry point mutations within GED resulting in reduced assembly stimulated GTPase activity. Biotinylated transferrin is more rapidly sequestered from avidin in cells transiently overexpressing either of these two activating mutants (Sever, S., A.B. Muhlberg, and S.L. Schmid. 1999. Nature. 398:481-486), suggesting that early events in receptor-mediated endocytosis are accelerated. Using stage-specific assays and morphological analyses of stably transformed cells, we have identified which events in clathrin-coated vesicle formation are accelerated by the overexpression of dyn(K694A) and dyn(R725A). Both mutants accelerate the formation of constricted coated pits, which we identify as the rate limiting step in endocytosis. Surprisingly, overexpression of dyn(R725A), whose primary defect is in stimulated GTP hydrolysis, but not dyn(K694A), whose primary defect is in self-assembly, inhibited membrane fission leading to coated vesicle release. Together, our data support a model in which dynamin functions like a classical GTPase as a key regulator of clathrin-mediated endocytosis.  相似文献   

Cbl proteins have been implicated in the regulation of endocytic trafficking of epidermal growth factor receptor. However, the precise role of Cbl in epidermal growth factor receptor endocytosis is not defined. To directly visualize Cbl in cells and perform structure-function analysis of Cbl's role in epidermal growth factor receptor internalization, a yellow fluorescent protein-fusion of c-Cbl was constructed. Upon epidermal growth factor receptor activation, Cbl-yellow fluorescent protein moved with epidermal growth factor receptor to clathrin-coated pits and endosomes. Localization of Cbl-yellow fluorescent protein to these endocytic organelles was dependent on a proline-rich domain of c-Cbl that interacts with Grb2 as shown by fluorescence resonance energy transfer microscopy. In contrast, direct binding of Cbl to phosphotyrosine 1045 of the epidermal growth factor receptor was required for epidermal growth factor receptor polyubiquitination, but was not essential for Cbl-yellow fluorescent protein localization in epidermal growth factor receptor-containing compartments. These data suggest that the binding of Cbl to epidermal growth factor receptor through Grb2 is necessary and sufficient for Cbl function during clathrin-mediated endocytosis. Overexpression of c-Cbl mutants that are capable of Grb2 binding but defective in linker/RING finger domain function severely inhibited epidermal growth factor receptor internalization. The same dominant-negative mutants of Cbl did not block epidermal growth factor receptor recruitment into coated pits but retained receptors in coated pits, thus preventing receptor endocytosis and transport to endosomes. These data suggest that the linker and RING finger domain of Cbl may function during late steps of coated vesicle formation. We propose that the RING domain of Cbl facilitates endocytosis either by epidermal growth factor receptor monoubiquitylation or by ubiquitylation of proteins associated with the receptor.  相似文献   

Summary Immunocytochemistry has been used to study distribution of cell surface transferrin receptors in erythroid, leukemic (K562) cells. The cells were fixed and labelled with monoclonal (OKT-9) anti-transferrin receptor antibodies; the antibody-labelled receptors were then detected by either immunofluoresceinor immunoferritin-antimouse-antibody conjugates. Typically, the immunoferritin labels were distributed diffusely at the non-coated regions of the cell surface as well as concentrated in the clathrincoated pits. To examine further this pattern of distribution, cells were labelled at 0° C and then warmed to 37° C for zero to 30 min prior to fixation. The majority of the immunoferritin labels were initially dispersed in small groups at the non-coated regions of the cell surface (mean = 6 immunoferritin labels/cluster), but larger groups were common subsequent to incubation at 37° C (mean = 13 immunoferritin labels/cluster). However, the size of immunoferritin labels in the coated pits was unchanged (mean = 12 immunoferritin labels/pit). Immunoferritin labels were typical in coated and uncoated vesicles l min after warming to 37° C, but common in endosomes, multivesicular bodies and lysosomes by 30 min. It appears that single cell-surface receptors form large aggregates prior to their concentration in coated pits. Coated vesicles, uncoated vesicles, and endosomal vacuoles may together form the non-lysosomal compartment where the internalized receptors might be dissociated from the ligands (antibodies).  相似文献   

We have investigated the stimulation of fluid phase endocytosis by epidermal growth factor (EGF) in normal human fibroblasts using 125I-labeled polyvinylpyrrolidone (125I-PVP) as a fluid phase marker. We found that EGF initially induced a thereefold increase in the rate of 125I-PVP uptake. This initial burst of fluid uptake terminated within 10 min. Thereafter, the rate of fluie uptake in EGF-treated cells was approximately 40% higher than in control cells. To identify the cellular site of EGF action in stimulating fluid phase endocytosis, we examined the kinetics of the induction of this response as well as the kinetics of cell surface binding and internalization of 125I-EGF. Although there was no detectable lag between binding of EGF to the cell surface and its internalization, the kinetics of the two processes were quite different. Significantly, the kinetics of induction of 125I-PVP uptake matched the kinetics of binding of 125I-EGF to its cell surface receptors, indicating that the signal for the increase in fluid phase endocytosis is generated at the cell surface. To determine if EGF-stimulated fluid phase endocytosis was related to EGF-stimulated endocytosis of its own receptor, we compared the EGF dose dependency and time course of the two processes. Although the stimulated endocytosis of the EGF receptor was not saturable with respect to the concentration of EGF used, the stimulation of fluid phase endocytosis was half maximal at an EGF concentration of 1 ng/ml and saturated at a concentration of 5 ng/ml. Also, the stimulation of fluid phase endocytosis was sevenfold greater initially after adding EGF than after a 30-min continuous incubation with the hormone, whereas the enhanced clearance of the EGF receptor did not change during this time period. We conclude that the EGF-stimulated increase in fluid phase endocytosis is not directly coupled to EGF-stimulated endocytosis of its own receptor but instead to a separate signal generated at the cell surface.  相似文献   

A macrophage-like cell line (P388D1) has been used to demonstrate that glucocorticoids inhibit the fluid-phase endocytosis of fluorescein-labeled dextran (FITC-dextran). Initial experiments demonstrated that the interaction of FITC-dextran with cells had all the features of fluid-phase uptake, ie, the amount taken up was proportional to the concentration in the medium, the uptake proceeded continuously with time and was blocked at 4 degrees C. Dexamethasone (10(-7) M) had no effect on endocytosis until 11 hours after addition of the steroid, when it inhibited the uptake of FITC-dextran by 35%. The amount of inhibition increased with longer exposure times to the hormone up to 50% after 22 hours. Although this effect on endocytosis was observed prior to any effect on growth of the cells, endocytosis as well as cell proliferation were inhibited in a dose dependent fashion. A preliminary survey of selected steroids has established that the inhibition of endocytosis was restricted to steroids of the glucocorticoid class. The key experiments were also performed using horseradish peroxidase instead of FITC-dextran with, essentially, identical results.  相似文献   

The recycling to the cell surface of previously internalized coated pits has been proposed as a likely mechanism for the rapid regeneration of coated pits on human fibroblast surfaces at 37°C (1). We present a general mathematical model of coated pit recycling for the case when the coat cycles as a single unit, and use it to analyze certain time and temperature dependent data obtained by Anderson et al. (1) and Vermeer et al. (2). We show how recycling can account for these data and how this type of data can be used to distinguish between different possible recycling mechanisms. We show that these data are inconsistent with a two compartment model where coat material simply shuttles back and forth between coated pits and short-lived coated vesicles. From these data we estimate for human fibroblasts at 37°C: that the time for a coated pit to be replenished through recycling after it is lost through internalization is greater than 3.5 min; and that at any moment 53% or less of the cell’s clathrin that is involved in coated pit recycling is on the cell surface.  相似文献   

The internalization of proteins plays a key role in cell development, cell signaling and immunity. We have previously developed a specific hybridization internalization probe (SHIP) to quantitate the internalization of proteins and particles into cells. Herein, we extend the utility of SHIP to examine both the endocytosis and recycling of surface receptors using flow cytometry. SHIP was used to monitor endocytosis of membrane‐bound transferrin receptor (TFR) and its soluble ligand transferrin (TF). SHIP enabled measurements of the proportion of surface molecules internalized, the internalization kinetics and the proportion and rate of internalized molecules that recycle to the cell surface with time. Using this method, we have demonstrated the internalization and recycling of holo‐TF and an antibody against the TFR behave differently. This assay therefore highlights the implications of receptor internalization and recycling, where the internalization of the receptor‐antibody complex behaves differently to the receptor‐ligand complex. In addition, we observe distinct internalization patterns for these molecules expressed by different subpopulations of primary cells. SHIP provides a convenient and high throughput technique for analysis of trafficking parameters for both cell surface receptors and their ligands.   相似文献   

J. A. Traas 《Protoplasma》1984,119(3):212-218
Summary A technique allowing the visualization of the membrane bound cytoskeleton of differentiating cells in root tips is described. The technique, called dry cleaving, consists in cleaving critical point dried cells on grids by means of adhesive tape. The preparations show a three-dimensional cytoskeletal network of 5–10nm filaments and microtubules resembling the membrane bound cytoskeleton of animal cells. In addition, many coated pits and vesicles can be observed on the membrane.Abbreviations EM electron microscope/electron microscopy - GA glutaraldehyde - PBS phosphate buffer saline - PFA paraformaldehyde  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1985,101(5):1713-1723
AtT20 cells support the replication of two endogenous retroviruses, a murine leukemia virus and a mouse mammary tumor virus. On glass or plastic substrates, AtT20 cells grow in clumps. In this situation, retroviruses budding from the plasma membrane of one cell can, on rare occasions, be invested by coated pits in the plasma membranes of contiguous cells. These pits can invaginate to depths of 2,000-4,000 A within the cytoplasm drawing with them the viral buds which remain connected to their parental cells by tubular stalks, some of which are only 225 +/- 15 A in diameter. These stalks run down the straight necks of the pits from the buds to the parental cell surfaces. Several lines of evidence indicate that these unique structures are blocked such that neither endocytosis nor budding can go to completion, and that they persist for several hours. The properties of these blocked coated pits are relevant to models of both endocytosis and viral budding. First, they indicate that the invagination of a coated pit is not absolutely dependent on its pinching off to form a coated vesicle, but that uncoating appears to be dependent upon the generation of a free vesicle. Secondly, they suggest that the final stages in the maturation of a retroviral core into a mature nucleoid are dependent on the detachment of the bud from its parental cell and that the driving force of budding is the association of viral transmembrane proteins with viral core proteins. An explanation is offered to account for the formation of these structures despite the phenomenon of viral interference.  相似文献   

Summary Using a new albumin prefixation technique, microtubules have been observed in close association with the nuclear pores of neurons and glia. Thus, microtubules may be involved in such phenomena as anchoring, migration or rotation of the nucleus or in chemical messenger transport between nucleus and cytoplasm. Microtubules are also seen running close to the coated pits of dendrites. The implications are discussed.The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of grants from the British Medical Research Council (E.G.G.) and USPHS grants NS 09678 and NS 04053; National Institutes of Neurological and Communicative Disorders and Stroke (L.E.W.). We thank Hilary Samson for excellent technical collaboration, Julie Barron and Trevor King for technical assistance and Ann Harris for secretarial help  相似文献   

We describe a novel syntaxin family member, syntaxin 9 (Syn 9), which does not possess a typical C-terminal hydrophobic tail anchor. Syn 9 has, however, a Q-SNARE domain and an overall homology to syntaxins (with the highest overall homology with mammalian syntaxin 11). Syn 9 is enriched in some epithelial cells, particularly that of the stomach lining and the skin. At the skin, it is found in the epidermal layers as well as structures associated with hair follicles. A biochemical interaction screen revealed that Syn 9 interacts specifically with the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor. Overexpression of Syn 9 perturbed EGF receptor endocytosis but does not appear to affect the internalization of the transferrin receptor. Syn 9 may therefore have a role in EGF receptor transport and signaling in certain epithelial cell types.  相似文献   

We have developed a new rapid cell-free assay for endocytic clathrin-coated vesicle formation using highly purified rat liver plasma membrane sheets. After incubation in the presence of cytosol and nucleotides, released vesicles were collected by high-speed centrifugation and incorporated cargo receptors were detected by Western blotting. Three different cargo receptors were internalized into vesicles while a receptor, known to be excluded from coated pits, was not. The recruitment of cargo receptors into the vesicle fraction was cytosol, ATP and temperature-dependent and was enhanced by addition of GTP. Vesicle formation in this assay was confirmed by subcellular fractionation and EM analysis. Plasma membranes stripped of their endogenous coat proteins with 0.5  m Tris retained vesicle formation activity, which was highly dependent on clathrin and dynamin. Coat proteins and dynamin were not sufficient for clathrin-coated vesicle formation, and other peripheral membrane proteins recruited from the cytosol are required. The nonhydrolyzable ATP analogue, AMPPNP did not support clathrin-coated vesicle formation; however, surprisingly, GTPγS was as effective as GTP. This assay will provide a powerful tool to dissect the minimum machinery and to probe the hierarchy of events involved in cargo selection and endocytic clathrin-coated vesicle formation .  相似文献   

The role of calcium in exocytosis and endocytosis in plant cells   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The role of calcium in the individual cellular events leading to exocytosis is considered. Both vesicle movement processes and vesicle fusion at the cell surface require calcium for completion of specific events in this pathway. Our knowledge of these events is incomplete. In particular the movement of secretory vesicles by the cytoskeleton in response to added calcium is a key event that is beyond our comprehension at present. At the whole cell level, it is shown that external calcium, at the appropriate concentration, is required to elicit secretion at optimal rates. In both plant and animal cells secretion appears to be dependent on, or is triggered by, a rise in the level of internal free calcium ions from about 10-7 to 10-6M or even higher. In these eukaryotes internal organelles take up calcium and maintain a low level of calcium in the cell, offsetting the inflow of calcium from the plasma membrane. In some systems the inflow is restricted to a certain part of the plasma membrane, which then acts as a focus for exocytosis and, thereby, establishes a cellular polarity. In plant tissues there appears to be a requirement for some circulation of calcium within the apoplast, to sustain secretion. Recent papers on endocytosis have confirmed its occurrence in plant cells and made significant advances in isolating and characterising the clathrin coats of the coated vesicles involved in the uptake. There is no evidence, at present, for a direct role for calcium in these events. Indirectly, calcium stimulates exocytosis, and hence the delivery of excess membrane to the cell surface, which may be retrieved by an increase in the rate of endocytosis. Quantitative comparisons of the membrane flow occurring in these pathways are not available. Several plant cellular systems have been employed to study secretion and some of these may prove to be superior model systems for the investigation of certain aspects of the control of exocytosis and endocytosis by calcium ions.  相似文献   

Expansion above a certain threshold in the polyglutamine (polyQ) tract of ataxin‐3 is the main cause of neurodegeneration in Machado–Joseph disease. Ataxin‐3 contains an N‐terminal catalytic domain, called Josephin domain, and a highly aggregation‐prone C‐terminal domain containing the polyQ tract. Recent work has shown that protein aggregation inhibits clathrin‐mediated endocytosis (CME). However, the effects of polyQ expansion in ataxin‐3 on CME have not been investigated. We hypothesize that the expansion of the polyQ tract in ataxin‐3 could impact CME. Here, we report that both the wild‐type and the expanded ataxin‐3 reduce transferrin internalization and expanded ataxin‐3 impacts dynamics of clathrin‐coated pits (CCPs) by reducing CCP nucleation and increasing short‐lived abortive CCPs. Since endocytosis plays a central role in regulating receptor uptake and cargo release, our work highlights a potential mechanism linking protein aggregation to cellular dysregulation.  相似文献   

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