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The base excision repair (BER) pathway is mainly responsible for the repair of a vast number of non-bulky lesions produced by alkylation, oxidation or deamination of bases. DNA glycosylases are the key enzymes that recognize damaged bases and initiate BER by catalyzing the cleavage of the N-glycosylic bond between the base and the sugar. Many of the mammalian DNA glycosylases have been identified by a combination of biochemical and bioinformatics analysis. Thus, a mammalian family of three proteins (NEIL1, NEIL2 and NEIL3) that showed homology to the Escherichia coli Fpg/Nei DNA glycosylases was identified. Two of the proteins, NEIL1 and NEIL2 have been thoroughly characterized and shown to initiate BER of a diverse number of oxidized lesions. However, much less is known about NEIL3. The biochemical properties of NEIL3 have not been elucidated. This is mainly due to the difficulty in the expression and purification of NEIL3. Here, we describe the expression and partial purification of full-length human NEIL3 and the expression, purification and characterization of a truncated human core-NEIL3 (amino acids 1–301) that contains the complete E. coli Fpg/Nei-like domain but lacks the C-terminal region.  相似文献   

【目的】在大肠杆菌中表达火球菌8-氧鸟嘌呤DNA糖苷酶,纯化得到重组火球菌8-氧鸟嘌呤DNA糖苷酶,在此基础上系统研究火球菌8-氧鸟嘌呤DNA糖苷酶的酶学特征。【方法】构建8-氧鸟嘌呤DNA糖苷酶重组表达质粒,将重组质粒转化Escherichia coli Rosetta(DE3),利用IPTG诱导表达重组蛋白,通过Ni2+亲和层析柱纯化重组蛋白;最后利用含8-氧鸟嘌呤损伤的寡核苷酸作为底物,测定8-氧鸟嘌呤DNA糖苷酶的酶学性质。【结果】在大肠杆菌中成功诱导表达了重组火球菌8-氧鸟嘌呤DNA糖苷酶,经Ni2+亲和纯化后蛋白纯度大于95%。在体外鉴定了重组火球菌8-氧鸟嘌呤DNA糖苷酶的酶学性质。结果表明重组火球菌8-氧鸟嘌呤DNA糖苷酶可以切除DNA中的8-氧鸟嘌呤(8-Oxo-G,GO)损伤碱基,并且具有AP裂解酶活性。重组火球菌8-氧鸟嘌呤DNA糖苷酶催化反应的最适pH值和温度分别是pH 8.5和55°C。除Zn2+对火球菌8-氧鸟嘌呤DNA糖苷酶的酶促反应有明显的抑制作用外,实验中测定的其它二价离子(Mn2+,Mg2+,Ca2+,Ni2+,Co2+,Cu2+)对其没有明显的影响。离子强度在50-100 mmol/L范围内对其酶促反应影响不大,超过100 mmol/L时有明显的抑制作用。与8-氧鸟嘌呤互补的碱基差异对火球菌8-氧鸟嘌呤DNA糖苷酶切除8-氧鸟嘌呤损伤的效率影响不大;但与单链DNA相比,双链DNA是优选底物,切割效率如下:GO/C≈GO/G≈GO/T≈GO/AGO/-。【结论】在大肠杆菌中成功表达,并Ni2+亲和纯化了火球菌8-氧鸟嘌呤DNA糖苷酶,生化研究表明制备的重组蛋白具有8-氧鸟嘌呤DNA糖苷酶活性,可能负责切除火球菌基因组DNA中的8-氧鸟嘌呤损伤。  相似文献   

The repair of free-radical oxidative DNA damage is carried out by lesion-specific DNA glycosylases as the first step of the highly conserved base excision repair (BER) pathway. In humans, three orthologs of the prototypical endonuclease VIII (Nei), the Nei-like NEIL1-3 enzymes are involved in the repair of oxidized DNA lesions. In recent years, several genome and cancer single-nucleotide polymorphic variants of the NEIL1 glycosylase have been identified. In this study we characterized four variants of human NEIL1: S82C, G83D, P208S, and ΔE28, and tested their ability to excise pyrimidine-derived lesions such as thymine glycol (Tg), 5-hydroxyuracil (5-OHU), and dihydrouracil (DHU) and the purine-derived guanidinohydantoin (Gh), spiroiminodihydantoin 1 (Sp1), and methylated 2,6-diamino-4-hydroxy-5-formamidopyrimidine (MeFapyG). The P208S variant has near wild-type activity on all substrates tested. The S82C and ΔE28 variants exhibit decreased Tg excision compared to wild-type. G83D displays little to no activity with any of the substrates tested, with the exception of Gh and Sp1. Human NEIL1 is known to undergo editing whereby the lysine at position 242 is recoded into an arginine. The non-edited form of NEIL1 is more efficient at cleaving Tg than the R242 form, but the G83D variant does not cleave Tg regardless of the edited status of NEIL1. The corresponding G86D variant in Mimivirus Nei1 similarly lacks glycosylase activity. A structure of a G86D–DNA complex reveals a rearrangement in the β4/5 loop comprising Leu84, the highly-conserved void-filling residue, thereby providing a structural rationale for the decreased glycosylase activity of the glycine to aspartate variant.  相似文献   

Uracil-DNA glycosylase (Ung) can quickly locate uracil bases in an excess of undamaged DNA. DNA glycosylases may use diffusion along DNA to facilitate lesion search, resulting in processivity, the ability of glycosylases to excise closely spaced lesions without dissociating from DNA. We propose a new assay for correlated cleavage and analyze the processivity of Ung. Ung conducted correlated cleavage on double- and single-stranded substrates; the correlation declined with increasing salt concentration. Proteins in cell extracts also decreased Ung processivity. The correlated cleavage was reduced by nicks in DNA, suggesting the intact phosphodiester backbone is important for Ung processivity.  相似文献   

高温会加快碱基脱氨基反应形成损伤碱基的速率,进一步对脱氨基的碱基进行复制会导致突变。因此,极端嗜热古菌基因组的稳定性面临着其生存高温环境的挑战。胞嘧啶脱氨基形成尿嘧啶,是常见的脱碱基类型,复制DNA中尿嘧啶会造成GC→AT的突变。尿嘧啶DNA糖苷酶(Uracil DNA glycosylase,UDG)是修复DNA中尿嘧啶的关键酶。基于识别底物的特异性,UDG分为6个家族,广泛分布在细菌、古菌、真核生物以及一些病毒中。基因组序列显示,极端嗜热古菌至少编码一种UDG。目前,对于细菌和真核生物的UDG已进行了大量的研究,但是关于极端嗜热古菌UDG的研究相对较少,尚处于初期阶段。本文综述了极端嗜热古菌UDG的研究进展,并对今后的研究提出了展望。  相似文献   

The base-excision repair process protects genomes by removing and replacing altered bases in DNA. Two analogous glycosylases, oxoguanine glycosylase (OGG) and formamidopyrimidine glycosylase (FPG), can start the process by removing oxidized guanine, the most common modification that leads to misreading of DNA. Plants possess genes for both types of glycosylases. We have tested the hypothesis that the two enzymes in plants have diverged in their specificities by inserting the genes for each enzyme from Arabidopsis thaliana L. into Escherichia coli strains designed to indicate the frequencies of the six possible single-base changes. Both enzymes retain the ability to reduce the rate of GC → TA transversion mutations. Both enzymes also reduce the frequency of two other base-change mutations, GC → AT and AT → TA. We do not find a divergence in the repair capabilities of the two enzymes, as measured in E. coli, although surprisingly FPG appears to increase the rate of mutations in one particular strain.  相似文献   

Most DNA glycosylases including N-methylpurine-DNA glycosylase (MPG), which initiate DNA base excision repair, have a wide substrate range of damaged or altered bases in duplex DNA. In contrast, uracil-DNA glycosylase (UDG) is specific for uracil and excises it from both single-stranded and duplex DNAs. Here we show by DNA footprinting analysis that MPG, but not UDG, bound to base-pair mismatches especially to less stable pyrimidine-pyrimidine pairs, without catalyzing detectable base cleavage. Thermal denaturation studies of these normal and damaged (e.g. 1,N(6)-ethenoadenine, varepsilonA) base mispairs indicate that duplex instability rather than exact fit of the flipped out damaged base in the catalytic pocket is a major determinant in the initial recognition of damage by MPG. Finally, based on our determination of binding affinity and catalytic efficiency we conclude that the initial recognition of substrate base lesions by MPG is dependent on the ease of flipping of the base from unstable pairs to a flexible catalytic pocket.  相似文献   

Trypanothione reductase (TR) is an NADPH-dependent flavoprotein oxidoreductase central to thiol metabolism in all the trypanosomatids including Leishmania. The unique presence of this enzyme in trypanosomatids and absence in mammalian host make this enzyme an attractive target for the development of the antileishmanials. Complete open reading frame encoding trypanothione reductase from Leishmania donovani (Dd8 strain, causative agent of Indian visceral leishmaniasis) was cloned, sequenced, and expressed in Escherichia coli strain BL21 (DE3) as glutathione S-transferase fusion protein. The conditions were developed for overexpression of fusion protein in soluble form and purification of the recombinant protein to homogeneity. The recombinant LdTR was 54.68 kDa in size, dimeric in nature, and reduces oxidized trypanothione to reduced form. The kinetic parameters for trypanothione disulfide are K(m), 50 microM; k(cat), 18,181 min(-1); and k(cat)/K(m), 6.06x10(6) M(-1) s(-1). The yield of recombinant LdTR was approximately 16 mg/L bacterial culture and accounted for 6% of the total soluble proteins. The expressed protein was inhibited by known TR inhibitors as well as by SbIII, the known antileishmanial compound. This is the first report of large-scale production of any leishmanial TR in E. coli.  相似文献   

Enteroaggregative Escherichia coli (EAEC) heat-stable enterotoxin 1 (EAST1) is a 4.1k Da protein originally discovered in EAEC but known to be scattered in other diarrheagenic E. coli as well, possibly causing diarrhea in humans and animals. We report for the first time a method to express and purify EAST1 using the Glutathione S-transferase (GST) fusion system. The gst and astA genes were fused together on a pGEX-2T plasmid vector to produce a GST-EAST1 fusion protein. Using Glutathione Sepharose affinity chromatography and C(8) reverse phase high pressure liquid chromatography, EAST1 was purified to homogeneity with a yield of 0.29 mg/L of culture. The protein purified by this method was confirmed to be EAST1 by NH(2)-terminal sequencing and mass spectrometry. The molecular weight of EAST1 is 4104.0 Da, confirming a 38 amino acid peptide as predicted by the astA gene sequence. Mass spectrometry analysis of EAST1 and of two generated peptides established the presence and suggested the position of two disulfide bridges of EAST1 in the conformations C1-C2 and C3-C4. Polyclonal antibodies were raised against EAST1 in New Zealand white rabbits to a titer of 1:8000 using affinity-purified GST-EAST1 fusion protein and to a titer of 1:100 using HPLC-purified EAST1. The biological activity of various EAST1 preparations was tested using the suckling mouse assay with CD-1 and CFW mice strains, but failed to produce fluid accumulation in the intestine.  相似文献   

The DNA repair enzyme AAG has been shown in mice to promote tissue necrosis in response to ischaemic reperfusion or treatment with alkylating agents. A chemical probe inhibitor is required for investigations of the biological mechanism causing this phenomenon and as a lead for drugs that are potentially protective against tissue damage from organ failure and transplantation, and alkylative chemotherapy. Herein, we describe the rationale behind the choice of arylmethylpyrrolidines as appropriate aza-nucleoside mimics for an inhibitor followed by their synthesis and the first use of a microplate-based assay for quantification of their inhibition of AAG. We finally report the discovery of an imidazol-4-ylmethylpyrrolidine as a fragment-sized, weak inhibitor of AAG.  相似文献   

Tumstatin is a M(r) 28,000 C-terminal NC1 fragment of type alpha3 (IV) collagen that inhibits pathological angiogenesis and suppresses proliferation of endothelial cells and growth of tumors. We report here high cytoplasmic expression of recombinant human tumstatin in Escherichia coli and its purification, in vitro refolding, and inhibitory activity analysis. Human tumstatin was expressed in the bacterial cytoplasm as an insoluble N-terminal polyhistidine tagged protein, which accounted for more than 30% of total bacterial protein in BL21 (DE3) cells. After extraction and solubilization in guanidine-HCl, recombinant protein was purified to homogeneity using a simple one-step Ni(2+)-chelate affinity chromatography and then refolded by dialysis against acidic pH buffers with gradually decreasing concentrations of denaturant. The renatured recombinant tumstatin could specifically inhibit endothelial cell proliferation in a dose-dependent manner, and suppress bFGF-induced angiogenesis in chick embryo chorioallantoic membrane and tumor growth in mouse B16 melanoma xenograft models.  相似文献   

Methyl-CpG-binding domain 4 (MBD4) DNA glycosylase is involved in excision of spontaneous deamination products of cytosine and 5-methylcytosine in animals, but it is unknown whether related proteins perform similar functions in plants. We report here the isolation and biochemical characterization of a putative MBD4 homolog from Arabidopsis thaliana, designated as MBD4L (MBD4-like). The plant enzyme lacks the MBD domain present in mammalian MBD4 proteins, but conserves a DNA glycosylase domain with critical residues for substrate recognition and catalysis, and it is more closely related to MBD4 homologs than to other members of the HhH-GPD superfamily. Arabidopsis MBD4L excises uracil and thymine opposite G, and the presence of halogen substituents at C5 of the target base greatly increases its excision efficiency. No significant activity is detected on cytosine derivatives such as 5-methylcytosine or 5-hydroxymethylcytosine. The enzyme binds to the abasic site product generated after excision, which decreases its catalytic turnover in vitro. Both the full-length protein and a N-terminal truncated version retaining the catalytic domain exhibit a preference for a CpG sequence context, where most plant DNA methylation is found. Our results suggest that an important function of Arabidopsis MBD4L is to protect the plant genome from the mutagenic consequences of cytosine and 5-methylcytosine deamination.  相似文献   

MutY homologue (MYH) is a DNA glycosylase which excises adenine paired with the oxidative lesion 7,8-dihydro-8-oxoguanine (8-oxoG, or Go) during base excision repair (BER). Base excision by MYH results in an apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) site in the DNA where the DNA sugar–phosphate backbone remains intact. A key feature of MYH activity is its physical interaction and coordination with AP endonuclease I (APE1), which subsequently nicks DNA 5′ to the AP site. Because AP sites are mutagenic and cytotoxic, they must be processed by APE1 immediately after the action of MYH glycosylase. Our recent reports show that the interdomain connector (IDC) of human MYH (hMYH) maintains interactions with hAPE1 and the human checkpoint clamp Rad9–Rad1–Hus1 (9–1–1) complex. In this study, we used NMR chemical shift perturbation experiments to determine hMYH-binding site on hAPE1. Chemical shift perturbations indicate that the hMYH IDC peptide binds to the DNA-binding site of hAPE1 and an additional site which is distal to the APE1 DNA-binding interface. In these two binding sites, N212 and Q137 of hAPE1 are key mediators of the MYH/APE1 interaction. Intriguingly, despite the fact that hHus1 and hAPE1 both interact with the MYH IDC, hHus1 does not compete with hAPE1 for binding to hMYH. Rather, hHus1 stabilizes the hMYH/hAPE1 complex both in vitro and in cells. This is consistent with a common theme in BER, namely that the assembly of protein–DNA complexes enhances repair by efficiently coordinating multiple enzymatic steps while simultaneously minimizing the release of harmful repair intermediates.  相似文献   

Human 3-methyladenine-DNA glycosylase (MPG protein) is involved in the base excision repair (BER) pathway responsible mainly for the repair of small DNA base modifications. It initiates BER by recognizing DNA adducts and cleaving the glycosylic bond leaving an abasic site. Here, we explore several of the factors that could influence excision of adducts recognized by MPG, including sequence context, effect of APE1, and interaction with other proteins. To investigate sequence context, we used 13 different 25 bp oligodeoxyribonucleotides containing a unique hypoxanthine residue (Hx) and show that the steady-state specificity of Hx excision by MPG varied by 17-fold. If APE1 protein is used in the reaction for Hx removal by MPG, the steady-state kinetic parameters increase by between fivefold and 27-fold, depending on the oligodeoxyribonucleotide. Since MPG has a role in removing adducts such as 3-methyladenine that block DNA synthesis and there is a potential sequence for proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) interaction, we hypothesized that MPG protein could interact with PCNA, a protein involved in repair and replication. We demonstrate that PCNA associates with MPG using immunoprecipitation with either purified proteins or whole cell extracts. Moreover, PCNA binds to both APE1 and MPG at different sites, and loading PCNA onto a nicked, closed circular substrate with a unique Hx residue enhances MPG catalyzed excision. These data are consistent with an interaction that facilitates repair by MPG or APE1 by association with PCNA. Thus, PCNA could have a role in short-patch BER as well as in long-patch BER. Overall, the data reported here show how multiple factors contribute to the activity of MPG in cells.  相似文献   

Tryptophan hydroxylase (TPH) from several mammalian species has previously been cloned and expressed in bacteria. However, due to the instability of wild type TPH, most successful attempts have been limited to the truncated forms of this enzyme. We have expressed full-length human TPH in large amounts in Escherichia coli and Pichia pastoris and purified the enzyme using new purification protocols. When expressed as a fusion protein in E. coli, the maltose-binding protein-TPH (MBP-TPH) fusion protein was more soluble than native TPH and the other fusion proteins and had a 3-fold higher specific activity than the His-Patch-thioredoxin-TPH and 6xHis-TPH fusion proteins. The purified MBP-TPH had a V(max) of 296 nmol/min/mg and a K(m) for L-tryptophan of 7.5+/-0.7 microM, compared to 18+/-5 microM for the partially purified enzyme from P. pastoris. To overcome the unfavorable properties of TPH, the stabilizing effect of different agents was investigated. Both tryptophan and glycerol had a stabilizing effect, whereas dithiothreitol, (6R)-5,6,7,8,-tetrahydrobiopterin, and Fe(2+) inactivated the enzyme. Irrespective of expression conditions, both native TPH expressed in bacteria or yeast, or TPH fusion proteins expressed in bacteria exhibited a strong tendency to aggregate and precipitate during purification, indicating that this is an intrinsic property of this enzyme. This supports previous observations that the enzyme in vivo may be stabilized by additional interactions.  相似文献   

The 3,N(4)-ethenocytosine (epsilon C) residue might have biological role in vivo since it is recognized and efficiently excised in vitro by the E. coli mismatch-specific uracil-DNA glycosylase (MUG) and the human thymine-DNA glycosylase (hTDG). In the present work we have generated mug defective mutant of E. coli by insertion of a kanamycin cassette to assess the role of MUG in vivo. We show that human TDG complements the enzymatic activity of MUG when expressed in a mug mutant. The epsilon C-DNA glycosylase defective strain did not exhibit spontaneous mutator phenotype and did not show unusual sensitivity to any of the following DNA damaging treatments: methylmethanesulfonate, N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine, ultraviolet light, H(2)O(2), paraquat. However, plasmid DNA damaged by 2-chloroacetaldehyde treatment in vitro was inactivated at a greater rate in a mug mutant than in wild-type host, suggesting that MUG is required for the in vivo processing of the ethenobases. In addition, 2-chloroacetaldehyde treatment induces preferentially G.C --> C.G and A.T --> T.A transversions in mug mutant. Comparison of the mutation frequencies induced by the site-specifically incorporated epsilon C residue in E. coli wild-type versus mug indicates that MUG repairs more than 80% of epsilon C residues in vivo. Furthermore, the results show that nucleotide excision repair and recombination are not involved in the processing of epsilon C in E. coli. Based on the mutagenesis data we suggest that epsilon C may be less toxic and less mutagenic than expected. The increased spontaneous mutation rate for G.C --> A.T transition in the ung mug double mutant as compared to the single ung mutant suggest that MUG may be a back-up repair enzyme to the classic uracil-DNA glycosylase.  相似文献   

O-Acetylserine sulfhydrylase-B (OASS-B, EC is one of the two isozymes produced by Escherichia coli that catalyze the synthesis of L-cysteine from O-acetyl-L-serine and sulfide. The cysM gene encoding OASS-B was cloned and the enzyme was overexpressed in E. coli using pUC19 with a lacUV5 promoter. The enzyme was purified to homogeneity, as evidenced by SDS-PAGE. Approximately 300 mg of purified OASS-B was obtained from 1600 mL of culture broth with a purification yield of 60% or higher. The purified OASS-B was characterized and its properties compared with OASS-A. OASS-B did not form a complex with E. coli serine acetyltransferase (SAT, EC and showed a wide range of substrate specificity in nonproteinaceous amino acid synthesis.  相似文献   

A significant problem in production of fruit juices for human consumption is auto-clarification, where enzyme catalyzes pectin demethylation resulting in loss of the ‘‘natural” cloudy appearance of juices. To overcome this problem, a plant inhibitor protein which blocks the action of pectin methylesterase has been used. In this paper, expression of recombinant kiwi pectin methylesterase inhibitor (PMEI) was carried out in Escherichia coli, and the target protein was expressed in the form of inclusion bodies. The expression level reached 46% of total cell protein. Then the fusion protein was purified by nickel ion metal affinity chromatography, and the purity was finally up to 98%. After refolding in GSH/GSSG redox system, recombinant PMEI not only could efficiently inhibit PMEs from eight different plants, but could remain effective inhibitor activity in the pH 3.0–10.0 and 20–40 °C. Thus, recombinant PMEI has potential application in the production of fruit juices product industry.  相似文献   

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