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《Biophysical journal》2022,121(9):1675-1690
Although it is now recognized that specific RNAs and protein families are critical for the biogenesis of ribonucleoprotein (RNP) condensates, how these molecular constituents determine condensate size and morphology is unknown. To circumvent the biochemical complexity of endogenous RNP condensates, the use of programmable tools to reconstitute condensate formation with minimal constituents can be instrumental. Here we report a methodology to form RNA-containing condensates in living cells programmed to specifically recruit a single RNA species. Our bioengineered condensates are made of ArtiGranule scaffolds composed of an orthogonal protein that can bind to a specific heterologously expressed RNA. These scaffolds undergo liquid-liquid phase separation in cells and can be chemically controlled to prevent condensation or to trigger condensate dissolution. We found that the targeted RNAs localize at the condensate surface, either as isolated RNA molecules or as a homogenous corona of RNA molecules around the condensate. The recruitment of RNA changes the material properties of condensates by hardening the condensate body. Moreover, the condensate size scales with RNA surface density; the higher the RNA density is, the smaller and more frequent the condensates are. These results suggest a mechanism based on physical constraints, provided by RNAs at the condensate surface, that limit condensate growth and coalescence.  相似文献   

Cells contain a myriad of membraneless ribonucleoprotein (RNP) condensates with distinct compositions of proteins and RNAs. RNP condensates participate in different cellular activities, including RNA storage, mRNA translation or decay, stress response, etc. RNP condensates are assembled via liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS) driven by multivalent interactions. Transition of RNP condensates into bodies with abnormal material properties, such as solid-like amyloid structures, is associated with the pathogenesis of various diseases. In this review, we focus on how RNAs regulate multiple aspects of RNP condensates, such as dynamic assembly and/or disassembly and biophysical properties. RNA properties – including concentration, sequence, length and structure – also determine the phase behaviors of RNP condensates. RNA is also involved in specifying autophagic degradation of RNP condensates. Unraveling the role of RNA in RNPs provides novel insights into pathological accumulation of RNPs in various diseases. This new understanding can potentially be harnessed to develop therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   

The parameters of Taylor''s Power Law (s² = amb) relating variance (s²) to mean population level (m) were acceptably stable in different fields with similar cropping systems. Values of both a and b parameters varied with nematode species. The value of a was a function of sample size (number of cores) and was characterized for each species. The value of b was stable across sample size and reflective of the life history strategy of the species. The relationship between the economic threshold and sampling intensity required to allow management decisions, with specified levels of risk, indicated the need for improved sampling technology.  相似文献   

Quantitative techniques were used to analyze and determine optimal potential profitability of 3-year rotations of cotton, Gossypium hirsutum cv. Coker 315, and soybean, Glycine max cv. Centennial, with increasing population densities of Hoplolaimus columbus. Data collected from naturally infested on-farm research plots were combined with economic information to construct a microcomputer spreadsheet analysis of the cropping system. Nonlinear mathematical functions were fitted to field data to represent damage functions and population dynamic curves. Maximum yield losses due to H. columbus were estimated to be 20% on cotton and 42% on soybean. Maximum at-harvest population densities were calculated to be 182/100 cm³ soil for cotton and 149/100 cm³ soil for soybean. Projected net incomes ranged from a $17.74/ha net loss for the soybean-cotton-soybean sequence to a net profit of $46.80/ha for the cotton-soybean-cotton sequence. The relative profitability of various rotations changed as nematode densities increased, indicating economic thresholds for recommending alternative crop sequences. The utility and power of quantitative optimization was demonstrated for comparisons of rotations under different economic assumptions and with other management alternatives.  相似文献   

Designing effective antisense sequences is a formidable problem. A method for predicting efficacious antisense holds the potential to provide fundamental insight into this biophysical process. More practically, such an understanding increases the chance of successful antisense design as well as saving considerable time, money and labor. The secondary structure of an mRNA molecule is believed to be in a constant state of flux, sampling several different suboptimal states. We hypothesized that particularly volatile regions might provide better accessibility for antisense targeting. A computational framework, GenAVERT was developed to evaluate this hypothesis. GenAVERT used UNAFold and RNAforester to generate and compare the predicted suboptimal structures of mRNA sequences. Subsequent analysis revealed regions that were particularly volatile in terms of intramolecular hydrogen bonding, and thus potentially superior antisense targets due to their high accessibility. Several mRNA sequences with known natural antisense target sites as well as artificial antisense target sites were evaluated. Upon comparison, antisense sequences predicted based upon the volatility hypothesis closely matched those of the naturally occurring antisense, as well as those artificial target sites that provided efficient down-regulation. These results suggest that this strategy may provide a powerful new approach to antisense design.  相似文献   

PsbS plays a major role in activating the photoprotection mechanism known as “non-photochemical quenching,” which dissipates chlorophyll excited states exceeding the capacity for photosynthetic electron transport. PsbS activity is known to be triggered by low lumenal pH. However, the molecular mechanism by which this subunit regulates light harvesting efficiency is still unknown. Here we show that PsbS controls the association/dissociation of a five-subunit membrane complex, composed of two monomeric Lhcb proteins (CP29 and CP24) and the trimeric LHCII-M. Dissociation of this supercomplex is indispensable for the onset of non-photochemical fluorescence quenching in high light, strongly suggesting that protein subunits catalyzing the reaction of heat dissipation are buried into the complex and thus not available for interaction with PsbS. Consistently, we showed that knock-out mutants on two subunits participating to the B4C complex were strongly affected in heat dissipation. Direct observation by electron microscopy and image analysis showed that B4C dissociation leads to the redistribution of PSII within grana membranes. We interpreted these results to mean that the dissociation of B4C makes quenching sites, possibly CP29 and CP24, available for the switch to an energy-quenching conformation. These changes are reversible and do not require protein synthesis/degradation, thus allowing for changes in PSII antenna size and adaptation to rapidly changing environmental conditions.Photosynthetic reaction centers exploit solar energy to drive electrons from water to NADP+. This transport is coupled to H+ transfer from chloroplast stroma to thylakoids lumen, building a proton gradient for ATP synthesis (1). The capacity for light absorption is increased by pigment-binding proteins that compose the antenna system. In higher plants, the antenna is composed of the nuclear-encoded Chl4 a/b-binding light-harvesting complexes (Lhc). The major constituent of the photosystem II (PSII) outer antenna is LHCII, a heterotrimer composed by different combinations of Lhcb1, Lhcb2, and Lhcb3 gene products (2). Three additional monomeric antenna complexes (CP29, CP26, and CP24) encoded by the lhcb4, lhcb5, and lhcb6 genes, respectively, are localized in between the core complex and LHCII (3). Similarly, PSI has four Lhca antenna proteins, yielding a total of 10 distinct Lhc isoforms (2). Differences between the mentioned isoforms have been largely conserved in all higher plants during at the last 350 million years of evolution, strongly indicating that each pigment-protein complex has a specific function (4), although the specific role of each gene product in light harvesting and/or photoprotection is still under debate (5). Their topological organization into the supercomplex has been analyzed by electron microscopy and biochemical methods (3, 6-8) showing that Lhcb subunits are organized into two layers around the PSII core. The inner layer is composed of CP29, CP26, and the S-type LHCII trimer, forming, together with the PSII core, the so-called C2S2 particle (9, 10). The outer layer is made of LHCII trimers and CP24, to build up the larger C2S2M2Lx complexes (9) in which the number of LHCII-L trimers depends on the light intensity during growth (11, 12).This structural organization responds to the requirements of light harvesting regulation; in high light, when absorbed energy does not limit growth, the PSII antenna loses the components of the external antenna layer, namely CP24, LHCII-M, and LHCII-L (12), whereas the internal antenna components, CP26, CP29, and LHCII-S, are always retained in a 1:1 stoichiometry with the PSII core complex. This is consistent with the composition of a mutant exhibiting chronic plastoquinone reduction, mimicking overexcitation (10). Such an acclimation to contrasting light conditions, however, requires days to weeks (12, 13), whereas plants are often exposed to rapid changes in light intensity, temperature, and water availability. In these conditions, incomplete photochemical quenching leads to an increased Chl excited state (1Chl*) lifetime and increased probability of Chl a triplet formation (3Chl*) by intersystem crossing. Chl triplets react with oxygen (3O2) and form harmful reactive oxygen species, responsible for photoinhibition and oxidative stress (14). These harmful events are counteracted by photoprotection mechanisms consisting either in the scavenging of generated reactive oxygen species (15) or in prevention of their production through dissipation of the 1Chl* in excess (16, 17). This latter process is known as non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) and is observed as light-dependent quenching of Chl fluorescence. NPQ has been shown to be composed by at least two components with different activation time scales. The first, feedback de-excitation quenching (qE), is rapidly activated upon increasing light intensity, whereas a second component (qI) is slower. Full NPQ activation requires zeaxanthin synthesis (18, 19) and the PsbS protein (20) that senses low lumenal pH through two lumen-exposed protonatable residues (21, 22). Mutants lacking Chl b, and thus lacking Lhc proteins, or exhibiting alterations in the topological organization of PSII antenna also undergo a strong reduction in NPQ, demonstrating the involvement of antenna proteins in its activation (23-25).In this work we analyzed the changes in the organization of the PSII antenna during exposure to strong light and NPQ development. We found that a supramolecular complex, named B4C, composed of CP29, CP24, and LHCII-M, connects the inner and outer antenna moieties, dissociates during light exposure, and reassociates during subsequent dark recovery. Dissociation of the B4C complex appears necessary for the establishment of non-photochemical fluorescence quenching. Upon illumination, PSII distribution within grana membranes was also affected, and we observed a shorter distance between PSII reaction centers, implying enrichment in C2S2 complexes and depletion in the outer LHCII components. These results suggest that the NPQ process includes a rapid and reversible change in the organization of grana membranes with disconnection of a subset of Lhcb proteins from the PSII reaction center.  相似文献   

Methods were developed for screening Prunus selections for host suitability to Criconemella xenoplax. The relative host suitability of selections was based upon a doubling accumulation value (β) that was defined as the number of degree-days (base 9 C) required for doubling of an increment of the initial nematode population. The β value characteristic for C. xenoplax (139 ± 8 degree-days) on suitable hosts was similar to the average β value determined for several peach rootstocks known to be suitable hosts. The β values were 144 ± 21 for Halford, 141 ± 16 for Lovell, and 138 ± 10 for Nemaguard. A higher value for β could indicate poorer host suitability or resistance of a selection to C. xenoplax. All of 369 Prunus accessions tested, including eight accessions that had survived well on a field site infested with C. xenoplax, were suitable hosts. Apparently, resistance to C. xenoplax was not a factor in survival of the accessions planted in the field. Seedlings from P. besseyi, P. pumila ''Mando'', and two interspecific hybrids, Redcoat and Sapalta IR 549-1, failed to support nematode population increase in 44-81% of tests conducted, but all selections supported population increase in some tests. These accessions may have resistance mechanisms that are active only under specific conditions.  相似文献   

Understanding the origins of biodiversity has been an aspiration since the days of early naturalists. The immense complexity of ecological, evolutionary, and spatial processes, however, has made this goal elusive to this day. Computer models serve progress in many scientific fields, but in the fields of macroecology and macroevolution, eco-evolutionary models are comparatively less developed. We present a general, spatially explicit, eco-evolutionary engine with a modular implementation that enables the modeling of multiple macroecological and macroevolutionary processes and feedbacks across representative spatiotemporally dynamic landscapes. Modeled processes can include species’ abiotic tolerances, biotic interactions, dispersal, speciation, and evolution of ecological traits. Commonly observed biodiversity patterns, such as α, β, and γ diversity, species ranges, ecological traits, and phylogenies, emerge as simulations proceed. As an illustration, we examine alternative hypotheses expected to have shaped the latitudinal diversity gradient (LDG) during the Earth’s Cenozoic era. Our exploratory simulations simultaneously produce multiple realistic biodiversity patterns, such as the LDG, current species richness, and range size frequencies, as well as phylogenetic metrics. The model engine is open source and available as an R package, enabling future exploration of various landscapes and biological processes, while outputs can be linked with a variety of empirical biodiversity patterns. This work represents a key toward a numeric, interdisciplinary, and mechanistic understanding of the physical and biological processes that shape Earth’s biodiversity.

This study describes a novel mechanistic engine that predicts a realistic global latitudinal diversity gradient, species richness distribution and phylogenies. This approach is a step towards the interdisciplinary numeric understanding of the physical and biological processes that have shaped Earth’s biodiversity.  相似文献   

Teleost fishes are the most species-rich clade of vertebrates and feature an overwhelming diversity of sex-determining mechanisms, classically grouped into environmental and genetic systems. Here, we review the recent findings in the field of sex determination in fish. In the past few years, several new master regulators of sex determination and other factors involved in sexual development have been discovered in teleosts. These data point toward a greater genetic plasticity in generating the male and female sex than previously appreciated and implicate novel gene pathways in the initial regulation of the sexual fate. Overall, it seems that sex determination in fish does not resort to a single genetic cascade but is rather regulated along a continuum of environmental and heritable factors.IN contrast to mammals and birds, cold-blooded vertebrates, and among them teleost fishes in particular, show a variety of strategies for sexual reproduction (Figure 1), ranging from unisexuality (all-female species) to hermaphroditism (sequential, serial, and simultaneous, including outcrossing and selfing species) to gonochorism (two separate sexes at all life stages). The underlying phenotypes are regulated by a variety of sex determination (SD) mechanisms that have classically been divided into two main categories: genetic sex determination (GSD) and environmental sex determination (ESD) (Figure 2).Open in a separate windowFigure 1Reproductive strategies in fish. Fish can be grouped according to their reproductive strategy into unisexuals, hermaphrodites, and gonochorists. Further subdivisions of these three categories are shown with pictures of species exemplifying the strategies. Fish images: Amphiprion clarkii courtesy of Sara Mae Stieb; Hypoplectrus nigricans courtesy of Oscar Puebla; Scarus ferrugineus courtesy of Moritz Muschick; Astatotilapia burtoni courtesy of Anya Theis; Poecilia formosa and Kryptolebias marmoratus courtesy of Manfred Schartl; Trimma sp. courtesy of Rick Winterbottom [serial hermaphroditism has been described in several species of the genus Trimma (Kuwamura and Nakashima 1998; Sakurai et al. 2009; and references therein)].Open in a separate windowFigure 2Sex-determining mechanisms in fish. Sex-determining systems in fish have been broadly classified into environmental and genetic sex determination. For both classes, the currently described subsystems are shown.Environmental factors impacting sex determination in fish are water pH, oxygen concentration, growth rate, density, social state, and, most commonly, temperature (for a detailed review on ESD see, e.g., Baroiller et al. 2009b and Stelkens and Wedekind 2010). As indicated in Figure 2, GSD systems in fish compose a variety of different mechanisms and have been reviewed in detail elsewhere (e.g., Devlin and Nagahama 2002; Volff et al. 2007).The GSD systems that have received the most scientific attention so far are those involving sex chromosomes, which either may be distinguishable cytologically (heteromorphic) or appear identical (homomorphic). In both cases, one sex is heterogametic (possessing two different sex chromosomes and hence producing two types of gametes) and the other one homogametic (a genotype with two copies of the same sex chromosome, producing only one type of gamete). A male-heterogametic system is called an XX-XY system, and female-heterogametic systems are denoted as ZZ-ZW. Both types of heterogamety exist in teleosts and are even found side by side in closely related species [e.g., tilapias (Cnaani et al. 2008), ricefishes (Takehana et al. 2008), or sticklebacks (Ross et al. 2009)]; for more details on the phylogenetic distribution of GSD mechanisms in teleost fish, see Mank et al. (2006). Note that sex chromosomes in fish are mostly homomorphic and not differentiated (Ohno 1974), which is in contrast to the degenerated Y and W chromosomes in mammals (Graves 2006) and birds (Takagi and Sasaki 1974), respectively. This is one possible explanation for the viable combination of different sex chromosomal systems within a single species or population of fish (Parnell and Streelman 2013) and could be a mechanistic reason why sex chromosome turnovers occur easily and frequently in this group (Mank and Avise 2009). Additionally, fish can have more complex sex chromosomal systems involving more than one chromosome pair (see Figure 2). Even within a single fish species, more than two sex chromosomes may occur at the same time, or more than two types of sex chromosomes may co-exist in the same species (Schultheis et al. 2006; Cioffi et al. 2013), which can sometimes be due to chromosome fusions (Kitano and Peichel 2012).Detailed insights on the gene level for GSD/sex chromosomal systems are currently available for only a limited number of fish species, and all but one of these cases involve a rather simple genetic system with male heterogamety and one major sex determiner (see below). The only exception is the widely used model species zebrafish (Danio rerio), which has a polyfactorial SD system implicating four different chromosomes (chromosomes 3, 4, 5, and 16) (Bradley et al. 2011; Anderson et al. 2012) and also environmental cues (Shang et al. 2006).In this review, we focus on newly described genetic sex-determining systems and possible mechanisms allowing their emergence in fishes, which are the most successful group of vertebrates with ∼30,000 species.  相似文献   

The rate of hatching of Heterodera schachtii larvae was greatly increased by placing cysts in sieves enclosed by small disposable cups. An apparatus that permitted rapid storage of second-stage larvae at 10 C prolonged the viability of the larvae.  相似文献   

Phosphoribosyl-ATP pyrophosphohydrolase (PRA-PH) and phosphoribosyl-AMP cyclohydrolase (PRA-CH) are encoded by HIS4 in yeast and by hisIE in bacteria and catalyze the second and the third step, respectively, in the histidine biosynthetic pathway. By complementing a hisI mutation of Escherichia coli with an Arabidopsis cDNA library, we isolated an Arabidopsis cDNA (At-IE) that possesses these two enzyme activities. The At-IE cDNA encodes a bifunctional protein of 281 amino acids with a calculated molecular mass of 31,666 D. Genomic DNA-blot analysis with the At-IE cDNA as a probe revealed a single-copy gene in Arabidopsis, and RNA-blot analysis showed that the At-IE gene was expressed ubiquitously throughout development. Sequence comparison suggested that the At-IE protein has an N-terminal extension of about 50 amino acids with the properties of a chloroplast transit peptide. We demonstrated through heterologous expression studies in E. coli that the functional domains for the PRA-CH (hisI) and PRA-PH (hisE) resided in the N-terminal and the C-terminal halves, respectively, of the At-IE protein.  相似文献   

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