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As forests undergo natural succession following artificial afforestation, their bird assemblages also change. However, interspecific avian social organization associated with forest succession has not been fully understood, particularly for mixed-species bird flocks. To disentangle how mixed-species flocks change as a function of local forest structure, we analyzed flock characteristics (particularly species richness, flocking frequency and propensity) and vegetation physiognomies along a presumed successional series (early, middle, and advanced) simultaneously in subtropical forests in southern China. As hypothesized, monthly point counts demonstrated that complexity of flocks increases with the progression of natural forest succession at a local scale. Advanced forests differed significantly from pioneering plantations with respect to vegetation structure, flock characteristics and constituents (especially for understory specialists). Importantly, forest succession affected flock patterns particularly in relation to the flocking propensity of regular species, and the frequency of nuclear species (Huet’s fulvetta Alcippe hueti), which in turn determined flocking occurrence at different successional stands. Canonical correspondence analysis indicated that understory flocking species (mainly Timaliidae babblers) were significantly associated with intact native canopy cover, complex DBH diversity, as well as high densities of dead trees and large trees, representing a maturity level of successional stands. Our study reveals that the effect of natural forest succession on mixed-species bird flocks is species-specific and guild-dependent. From a conservation perspective, despite a high proliferation of pine plantation in southern China, priority should be placed on protecting the advanced forest with a rich collection of understory flocking specialists.  相似文献   

Fire and herbivores alter vegetation structure and function. Future fire activity is predicted to increase, and quantifying changes in vegetation communities arising from post‐fire herbivory is needed to better manage natural environments. We investigated the effects of post‐fire herbivory on understory plant communities in a coastal eucalypt forest in southeastern Australia. We quantified herbivore activity, understory plant diversity, and dominant plant morphology following a wildfire in 2017 using two sizes of exclosures. Statistical analysis incorporated the effect of exclusion treatments, time since fire, and the effect of a previous prescribed burn. Exclusion treatments altered herbivore activity, but time since fire did not. Herbivory reduced plant species richness, diversity, and evenness and promoted the dominance of the most abundant plants within the understory. Increasing time since fire reduced community diversity and evenness and influenced morphological changes to the dominant understory plant species, increasing size and dead material while decreasing abundance. We found the legacy effects of a previous prescribed burn had no effect on herbivores or vegetation within our study. Foraging by large herbivores resulted in a depauperate vegetation community. As post‐fire herbivory can alter vegetation communities, we postulate that management burning practices may exacerbate herbivore impacts. Future fire management strategies to minimize herbivore‐mediated alterations to understory vegetation could include aggregating management burns into larger fire sizes or linking fire management with herbivore management. Restricting herbivore access following fire (planned or otherwise) can encourage a more diverse and species‐rich understory plant community. Future research should aim to determine how vegetation change from post‐fire herbivory contributes to future fire risk.  相似文献   

The frequency of large, high‐severity “mega‐fires” has increased in recent decades, with numerous consequences for forest ecosystems. In particular, small mammal communities are vulnerable to post‐fire shifts in resource availability and play critical roles in forest ecosystems. Inconsistencies in previous observations of small mammal community responses to fire severity underscore the importance of examining mechanisms regulating the effects of fire severity on post‐fire recovery of small mammal communities. We compared small mammal abundance, diversity, and community structure among habitats that burned at different severities, and used vegetation characteristics and small mammal functional traits to predict community responses to fire severity three years after one mega‐fire in the Sierra Nevada, California. Using a model‐based fourth‐corner analysis, we examined how interactions between vegetation variables and small mammal traits associated with their resource use were associated with post‐fire small mammal community structure among fire severity categories. Small mammal abundance was similar across fire severity categories, but diversity decreased and community structure shifted as fire severity increased. Differences in small mammal communities were large only between unburned and high‐severity sites. Three highly correlated fire‐dependent vegetation variables affected by fire and the volume of soft coarse woody debris were associated with small mammal community structures. Furthermore, we found that interactions between vegetation variables and three small mammal traits (feeding guild, primary foraging mode, and primary nesting habit) predicted community structure across fire severity categories. We concluded that resource use was important in regulating small mammal recovery after the fire because vegetation provided required resources to small mammals as determined by their functional traits. Given the mechanistic nature of our analyses, these results may be applicable to other fire‐prone forest systems, although it will be important to conduct studies across large biogeographic regions and over long post‐fire time periods to assess generality.  相似文献   

Human disturbance directly affects animal populations and communities, but indirect effects of disturbance on species behaviors are less well understood. For instance, disturbance may alter predator activity and cause knock‐on effects to predator‐sensitive foraging in prey. Camera traps provide an emerging opportunity to investigate such disturbance‐mediated impacts to animal behaviors across multiple scales. We used camera trap data to test predictions about predator‐sensitive behavior in three ungulate species (caribou Rangifer tarandus; white‐tailed deer, Odocoileus virginianus; moose, Alces alces) across two western boreal forest landscapes varying in disturbance. We quantified behavior as the number of camera trap photos per detection event and tested its relationship to inferred human‐mediated predation risk between a landscape with greater industrial disturbance and predator activity and a “control” landscape with lower human and predator activity. We also assessed the finer‐scale influence on behavior of variation in predation risk (relative to habitat variation) across camera sites within the more disturbed landscape. We predicted that animals in areas with greater predation risk (e.g., more wolf activity, less cover) would travel faster past cameras and generate fewer photos per detection event, while animals in areas with less predation risk would linger (rest, forage, investigate), generating more photos per event. Our predictions were supported at the landscape‐level, as caribou and moose had more photos per event in the control landscape where disturbance‐mediated predation risk was lower. At a finer‐scale within the disturbed landscape, no prey species showed a significant behavioral response to wolf activity, but the number of photos per event decreased for white‐tailed deer with increasing line of sight (m) along seismic lines (i.e., decreasing visual cover), consistent with a predator‐sensitive response. The presence of juveniles was associated with shorter behavioral events for caribou and moose, suggesting greater predator sensitivity for females with calves. Only moose demonstrated a positive behavioral association (i.e., longer events) with vegetation productivity (16‐day NDVI), suggesting that for other species bottom‐up influences of forage availability were generally weaker than top‐down influences from predation risk. Behavioral insights can be gleaned from camera trap surveys and provide complementary information about animal responses to predation risk, and thus about the indirect impacts of human disturbances on predator–prey interactions.  相似文献   

Multispecies agro‐forestry is generally lauded for providing ecosystem services, especially in tropical environments. Avian communities contribute to services such as biodiversity and pest management. Characterizing and evaluating avian community composition in similar cropping systems will help optimize management for ecosystem services. We examined the relationship between cropping system vegetation and avian communities in four shaded agro‐forestry systems common to the Limón province of Costa Rica: abandoned and managed systems of cacao, cacao with banana, and banana. During two field seasons, we detected 2605 birds from 106 species and identified 2791 trees and shrubs from 62 morphospecies. We compared vegetation and avian species richness across systems with mixed‐effects linear models. Canopy, understory, and groundcover vegetation differed among agro‐forestry systems. More ground‐ and understory‐foraging forest species were detected in agro‐forestry systems lacking banana, whereas richness of agricultural generalist species was highest in systems with banana. Richness of understory‐ and ground‐foraging species correlated with understory tree species richness and leaf litter. Our results indicate that shaded cacao and banana systems can have similar canopy‐foraging species richness that includes both agricultural and woodland generalist species, but that interspersing banana with cacao can adversely influence understory forest bird community composition. Agro‐forests with diverse understory vegetation support more understory‐foraging bird species that have proven valuable in pest management. Abstract in Spanish is available at http://www.blackwell‐synergy.com/loi/btp .  相似文献   

Long‐term biodiversity experiments have shown increasing strengths of biodiversity effects on plant productivity over time. However, little is known about rapid evolutionary processes in response to plant community diversity, which could contribute to explaining the strengthening positive relationship. To address this issue, we performed a transplant experiment with offspring of seeds collected from four grass species in a 14‐year‐old biodiversity experiment (Jena Experiment). We used two‐ and six‐species communities and removed the vegetation of the study plots to exclude plant–plant interactions. In a reciprocal design, we transplanted five “home” phytometers (same origin and actual environment), five “away‐same” phytometers (same species richness of origin and actual environment, but different plant composition), and five “away‐different” phytometers (different species richness of origin and actual environment) of the same species in the study plots. In the establishment year, plants transplanted in home soil produced more shoots than plants in away soil indicating that plant populations at low and high diversity developed differently over time depending on their associated soil community and/or conditions. In the second year, offspring of individuals selected at high diversity generally had a higher performance (biomass production and fitness) than offspring of individuals selected at low diversity, regardless of the transplant environment. This suggests that plants at low and high diversity showed rapid evolutionary responses measurable in their phenotype. Our findings provide first empirical evidence that loss of productivity at low diversity is not only caused by changes in abiotic and biotic conditions but also that plants respond to this by a change in their micro‐evolution. Thus, we conclude that eco‐evolutionary feedbacks of plants at low and high diversity are critical to fully understand why the positive influence of diversity on plant productivity is strengthening through time.  相似文献   

Vegetation complexity is an important predictor of animal species diversity. Specifically, taller vegetation should provide more potential ecological niches and thus harbor communities with higher species richness and functional diversity (FD). Resource use behavior is an especially important functional trait because it links species to their resource base with direct relevance to niche partitioning. However, it is unclear how exactly the diversity of resource use behavior changes with vegetation complexity. To address this question, we studied avian FD in relation to vegetation complexity along a continental‐scale vegetation gradient. We quantified foraging behavior of passerine birds in terms of foraging method and substrate use at 21 sites (63 transects) spanning 3,000 km of woodlands and forests in Australia. We also quantified vegetation structure on 630 sampling points at the same sites. Additionally, we measured morphological traits for all 111 observed species in museum collections. We calculated individual‐based, abundance‐weighted FD in morphology and foraging behavior and related it to species richness and vegetation complexity (indexed by canopy height) using structural equation modeling, rarefaction analyses, and distance‐based metrics. FD of morphology and foraging methods was best predicted by species richness. However, FD of substrate use was best predicted by canopy height (ranging 10–30 m), but only when substrates were categorized with fine resolution (17 categories), not when categorized coarsely (8 categories). These results suggest that, first, FD might increase with vegetation complexity independently of species richness, but whether it does so depends on the studied functional trait. Second, patterns found might be shaped by how finely we categorize functional traits. More complex vegetation provided larger "ecological space" with more resources, allowing the coexistence of more species with disproportionately more diverse foraging substrate use. We suggest that the latter pattern was driven by nonrandom accumulation of functionally distinct species with increasing canopy height.  相似文献   

Molecular identification of mixed‐species pollen samples has a range of applications in various fields of research. To date, such molecular identification has primarily been carried out via amplicon sequencing, but whole‐genome shotgun (WGS) sequencing of pollen DNA has potential advantages, including (1) more genetic information per sample and (2) the potential for better quantitative matching. In this study, we tested the performance of WGS sequencing methodology and publicly available reference sequences in identifying species and quantifying their relative abundance in pollen mock communities. Using mock communities previously analyzed with DNA metabarcoding, we sequenced approximately 200Mbp for each sample using Illumina HiSeq and MiSeq. Taxonomic identifications were based on the Kraken k‐mer identification method with reference libraries constructed from full‐genome and short read archive data from the NCBI database. We found WGS to be a reliable method for taxonomic identification of pollen with near 100% identification of species in mixtures but generating higher rates of false positives (reads not identified to the correct taxon at the required taxonomic level) relative to rbcL and ITS2 amplicon sequencing. For quantification of relative species abundance, WGS data provided a stronger correlation between pollen grain proportion and sequence read proportion, but diverged more from a 1:1 relationship, likely due to the higher rate of false positives. Currently, a limitation of WGS‐based pollen identification is the lack of representation of plant diversity in publicly available genome databases. As databases improve and costs drop, we expect that eventually genomics methods will become the methods of choice for species identification and quantification of mixed‐species pollen samples.  相似文献   

High Andean forests harbor a remarkably high biodiversity and play a key role in providing vital ecosystem services for neighboring cities and settlements. However, they are among the most fragmented and threatened ecosystems in the neotropics. To preserve their unique biodiversity, a deeper understanding of the effects of anthropogenic perturbations on them is urgently needed. Here, we characterized the plant communities of high Andean forest remnants in the hinterland of Bogotá in 32 0.04 ha plots. We assessed the woody vegetation and sampled the understory and epiphytic cover. We gathered data on compositional and structural parameters and compiled a broad array of variables related to anthropogenic disturbance, ranging from local to landscape‐wide metrics. We also assessed phylogenetic diversity and functional diversity. We employed nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) to select meaningful variables in a first step of the analysis. Then, we performed partial redundancy analysis (pRDA) and generalized linear models (GLMs) in order to test how selected environmental and anthropogenic variables are affecting the composition, diversity, and aboveground biomass of these forests. Identified woody vegetation and understory layer communities were characterized by differences in elevation, temperature, and relative humidity, but were also related to different levels of human influence. We found that the increase of human‐related disturbance resulted in less phylogenetic diversity and in the phylogenetic clustering of the woody vegetation and in lower aboveground biomass (AGB) values. As to the understory, disturbance was associated with a higher diversity, jointly with a higher phylogenetic dispersion. The most relevant disturbance predictors identified here were as follows: edge effect, proximity of cattle, minimum fragment age, and median patch size. Interestingly, AGB was efficiently predicted by the proportion of late successional species. We therefore recommend the use of AGB and abundance of late successional species as indicators of human disturbance on high Andean forests.  相似文献   

Understanding and preserving intraspecific diversity (ISD) is important for species conservation. However, ISD units do not have taxonomic standards and are not universally recognized. The terminology used to describe ISD is varied and often used ambiguously. We compared definitions of terms used to describe ISD with use in recent studies of three fish taxa: sticklebacks (Gasterosteidae), Pacific salmon and trout (Oncorhynchus spp., “PST”), and lampreys (Petromyzontiformes). Life history describes the phenotypic responses of organisms to environments and includes biological parameters that affect population growth or decline. Life‐history pathway(s) are the result of different organismal routes of development that can result in different life histories. These terms can be used to describe recognizable life‐history traits. Life history is generally used in organismal‐ and ecology‐based journals. The terms paired species/species pairs have been used to describe two different phenotypes, whereas in some species and situations a continuum of phenotypes may be expressed. Our review revealed overlapping definitions for race and subspecies, and subspecies and ecotypes. Ecotypes are genotypic adaptations to particular environments, and this term is often used in genetic‐ and evolution‐based journals. “Satellite species” is used for situations in which a parasitic lamprey yields two or more derived, nonparasitic lamprey species. Designatable Units, Evolutionary Significant Units (ESUs), and Distinct Population Segments (DPS) are used by some governments to classify ISD of vertebrate species within distinct and evolutionary significant criteria. In situations where the genetic or life‐history components of ISD are not well understood, a conservative approach would be to call them phenotypes.

The terminology used to describe intraspecific diversity is varied and often used ambiguously. “Ecotype” was originally used to describe patterns in genes and ecology, and recent studies employing this term tend to report a genetic basis in ISD. By contrast, “life history” describes biological parameters that affect demography, and this term tends to be used in organismal‐ and ecology‐based journals.  相似文献   

Sex is evolutionarily more costly than parthenogenesis, evolutionary ecologists therefore wonder why sex is much more frequent than parthenogenesis in the majority of animal lineages. Intriguingly, parthenogenetic individuals and species are as common as or even more common than sexuals in some major and putative ancient animal lineages such as oribatid mites and rotifers. Here, we analyzed oribatid mites (Acari: Oribatida) as a model group because these mites are ancient (early Paleozoic), widely distributed around the globe, and include a high number of parthenogenetic species, which often co‐exist with sexual oribatid mite species. There is evidence that the reproductive mode is phylogenetically conserved in oribatid mites, which makes them an ideal model to test hypotheses on the relationship between reproductive mode and species'' ecological strategies. We used oribatid mites to test the frozen niche variation hypothesis; we hypothesized that parthenogenetic oribatid mites occupy narrow specialized ecological niches. We used the geographic range of species as a proxy for specialization as specialized species typically do have narrower geographic ranges than generalistic species. After correcting for phylogenetic signal in reproductive mode and demonstrating that geographic range size has no phylogenetic signal, we found that parthenogenetic lineages have a higher probability to have broader geographic ranges than sexual species arguing against the frozen niche variation hypothesis. Rather, the results suggest that parthenogenetic oribatid mite species are more generalistic than sexual species supporting the general‐purpose genotype hypothesis. The reason why parthenogenetic oribatid mite species are generalists with wide geographic range sizes might be that they are of ancient origin reflecting that they adapted to varying environmental conditions during evolutionary history. Overall, our findings indicate that parthenogenetic oribatid mite species possess a widely adapted general‐purpose genotype and therefore might be viewed as “Jack‐of‐all‐trades.”  相似文献   

Although selectively logged tropical forests have high bird species richness, it is known that their species composition is substantially changed when compared with intact forests. Thus, we need to improve the understanding on how functional trait diversity of birds is affected in this habitat type in order to support the development of more effective conservation actions to maintain functional roles and community stability. Here, we evaluate traits responses to variations in forest vegetation integrity and how the pattern of niche occupancy is affected by this increase in species richness. We then evaluated the effects of vegetation integrity in the Atlantic rainforest on range of trait space occupied, niche packing, and trait composition in local bird communities. We also evaluate the mechanisms driving niche expansion and packing using null models. Our results show that trait composition changes in communities: (1) lower vegetation integrity increases foraging in understory and consumption of grains and ectothermic vertebrates by birds; (2) higher vegetation integrity drives higher and wider beaks and increase foraging for invertebrates in canopy. We also found that lower vegetation integrity not only is associated with the increase of species richness, but also with both expansion and packing of niche space occupied by the community. However, only niche packing had predominantly smaller values than expected by chance, indicating a strong effect of environmental filters on niche occupancy density. Although bird assemblages in more intact vegetations have lower species richness, they have greater functional distance between bird species suggesting greater stability, with a low probability of local extinctions due to a lower intensity of interspecific competition. This demonstrates that isolated assessments of species richness are potentially illusory and can lead to unsuccessful conservation measures, such as proposing selective logging in primary forests based on the supposed benefit of increased bird species richness in vegetations less intact. Furthermore, the functional composition tends to change with changes in vegetation integrity degree, thus altering the functional role provided by communities. Consequently, forests with high vegetation integrity status should be maintained, despite the lower species richness.  相似文献   

Ecosystem engineers that modify the soil and ground‐layer properties exert a strong influence on vegetation communities in ecosystems worldwide. Understanding the interactions between animal engineers and vegetation is challenging when in the presence of large herbivores, as many vegetation communities are simultaneously affected by both engineering and herbivory. The superb lyrebird Menura novaehollandiae, an ecosystem engineer in wet forests of south‐eastern Australia, extensively modifies litter and soil on the forest floor. The aim of this study was to disentangle the impacts of engineering by lyrebirds and herbivory by large mammals on the composition and structure of ground‐layer vegetation. We carried out a 2‐year, manipulative exclusion experiment in the Central Highlands of Victoria, Australia. We compared three treatments: fenced plots with simulated lyrebird foraging; fenced plots excluding herbivores and lyrebirds; and open controls. This design allowed assessment of the relative impacts of engineering and herbivory on germination rates, seedling density, vegetation cover and structure, and community composition. Engineering by lyrebirds enhanced the germination of seeds in the litter layer. After 2 years, more than double the number of germinants were present in “engineered” than “non‐engineered” plots. Engineering did not affect the density of seedlings, but herbivory had strong detrimental effects. Herbivory also reduced the floristic richness and structural complexity (<0.5 m) of forest vegetation, including the cover of herbs. Neither process altered the floristic composition of the vegetation within the 2‐year study period. Ecosystem engineering by lyrebirds and herbivory by large mammals both influence the structure of forest‐floor vegetation. The twofold increase in seeds stimulated to germinate by engineering may contribute to the evolutionary adaptation of plants by allowing greater phenotypic expression and selection than would otherwise occur. Over long timescales, engineering and herbivory likely combine to maintain a more‐open forest floor conducive to ongoing ecosystem engineering by lyrebirds.  相似文献   

We studied avian resource use in a native West Indian pine (Pinus occidentalis) forest in the Cordillera Central of the Dominican Republic during the nonbreeding season. The forest is characterized by a fairly open pine canopy and a dense mixed-broadleaf and pine understory. We used a principal components analysis of 23 foraging characters for 23 bird species, including foraging height, the proportional use of 5 different foraging methods, 3 horizontal positions and foliage densities, and 11 foraging substrates. Five principal components accounted for 74 percent of the total variance of the assemblage variables and resulted in the delineation of at least 5 foraging guilds. 78 percent of bird species had mean foraging heights of 5.0–10.0 m, corresponding to the region of overlap of pine and broadleaf vegetation. As a result, the diversity of foraging substrates and maneuvers used by birds, rather than foraging height, appears to be the primary means by which birds that exploit this habitat separate ecologically. Migrant wood warblers (Parulinae) are probably able to integrate into the community because of little diet overlap between residents and migrants, and the fairly specialized nature of their largely insectivorous foraging habits. Avian foraging in this habitat may reflect the effects of frequent disturbance such as hurricanes.  相似文献   

In agricultural landscapes, the longleaf pine initiative (LLPI) and the Bobwhite Quail Initiative (BQI) aim to restore longleaf pine forests and early successional habitats, respectively. The early stage of longleaf pine stands and grass and forb vegetation produced by a combination of both restoration programs (LLPI‐BQI) may form habitat conditions favorable to early successional bird species and other birds, increasing avian diversity. We investigated how the LLPI and BQI programs affected taxonomic and functional diversity of birds and abundance of early successional birds (grassland and scrub/shrub species), and what environmental characteristics were associated with the diversity and abundance of birds. Our study was performed at 41 fields in Georgia, United States, during 2001–2002 by considering environmental characteristics at two spatial scales: local‐scale vegetation features and restoration program type (LLPI or LLPI‐BQI) and landscape‐scale vegetation features and landscape heterogeneity. Functional evenness, species richness, and abundance of grassland and scrub/shrub species did not show a clear association with local‐ or landscape‐scale variables. Shannon‐Wiener diversity was slightly influenced by restoration program type (local‐scale variable) with higher value at LLPI‐BQI stands than at LLPI stands despite no significant differences in local vegetation features between those stands. Functional divergence was strongly positively associated with landscape‐scale variables. That is, niche differentiation increased with increasing shrub coverage within a landscape, reducing competition between abundant bird species and others. Our results suggest that although a combination of BQI and LLPI program may have a positive effect on avian taxonomic diversity, it is important to consider shrub vegetation cover within a landscape to improve functional diversity.  相似文献   

Despite a long history of disturbance–recovery research, we still lack a generalizable understanding of the attributes that drive community recovery potential in seafloor ecosystems. Marine soft‐sediment ecosystems encompass a range of heterogeneity from simple low‐diversity habitats with limited biogenic structure, to species‐rich systems with complex biogenic habitat structure. These differences in biological heterogeneity are a product of natural conditions and disturbance regimes. To search for unifying attributes, we explore whether a set of simple traits can characterize community disturbance–recovery potential using seafloor patch‐disturbance experiments conducted in two different soft‐sediment landscapes. The two landscapes represent two ends of a spectrum of landscape biotic heterogeneity in order to consider multi‐scale disturbance–recovery processes. We consider traits at different levels of biological organization, from the biological traits of individual species, to the traits of species at the landscape scale associated with their occurrence across the landscape and their ability to be dominant. We show that in a biotically heterogeneous landscape (Kawau Bay, New Zealand), seafloor community recovery is stochastic, there is high species turnover, and the landscape‐scale traits are good predictors of recovery. In contrast, in a biotically homogeneous landscape (Baltic Sea), the options for recovery are constrained, the recovery pathway is thus more deterministic and the scale of recovery traits important for determining recovery switches to the individual species biological traits within the disturbed patch. Our results imply that these simple, yet sophisticated, traits can be effectively used to characterize community recovery potential and highlight the role of landscapes in providing resilience to patch‐scale disturbances.  相似文献   

Pollinators and the pollination services they provide are critical for seed set and self‐sustainability of most flowering plants. Despite this, pollinators are rarely assessed in restored plant communities, where their services are largely assumed to re‐establish. Bird–pollinator richness, foraging, and interaction behavior were compared between natural and restored Banksia woodland sites in Western Australia to assess their re‐establishment in restored sites. These parameters were measured for natural communities of varying size and degree of fragmentation, and restored plant communities of high and low complexity for three years, in the summer and winter flowering of Banksia attenuata and B. menziesii, respectively. Bird visitor communities varied in composition, richness, foraging movement distances, and aggression among sites. Bird richness and abundance were lowest in fragmented remnants. Differences in the composition were associated with the size and degree of fragmentation in natural sites, but this did not differ between seasons. Restored sites and their adjacent natural sites had similar species composition, suggesting proximity supports pollinator re‐establishment. Pollinator foraging movements were influenced by the territorial behavior of different species. Using a network analysis approach, we found foraging behavior varied, with more frequent aggressive chases observed in restored sites, resulting in more movements out of the survey areas, than observed in natural sites. Aggressors were larger‐bodied Western Wattlebirds (Anthochaera chrysoptera) and New Holland Honeyeaters (Phylidonyris novaehollandiae) that dominated nectar resources, particularly in winter. Restored sites had re‐established pollination services, albeit with clear differences, as the degree of variability in the composition and behavior of bird pollinators for Banksias in the natural sites created a broad completion target against which restored sites were assessed. The abundance, diversity, and behavior of pollinator services to remnant and restored Banksia woodland sites were impacted by the size and degree of fragmentation, which in turn influenced bird–pollinator composition, and were further influenced by seasonal changes between summer and winter. Consideration of the spatial and temporal landscape context of restored sites, along with plant community diversity, is needed to ensure the maintenance of the effective movement of pollinators between natural remnant woodlands and restored sites.  相似文献   

Flocking bird species tolerate an approaching human up to a certain distance. We measured this distance, i.e., flight distance, to an approaching small boat for 11 waterfowl species. The flight distances correlated positively with flock size and species diversity (Shannon index H′) in species that showed relatively short flight distances when they were in a single-species flock. However, we did not observe such a correlation for single-species flocks that showed relatively long flight distances. Only pochards (Aythya ferina), a species with large individual variation in flight distances, showed a positive correlation between flight distance and flock size in both single- and multispecies flocks. Flight distance seemed to be affected by usage of the water area: flight distances tended to be longer for waterfowl species that use a water area for foraging than for those that use it primarily for resting. Thus, the behavior of actively foraging species may be more affected by human disturbances than that of resting species. Received: March 10, 2001 / Accepted: May 22, 2001  相似文献   

Forest logging has contributed to the decline of several woodland caribou populations by causing the fragmentation of mature coniferous stands. Such habitat alterations could be worsened by spruce budworm (SBW) outbreaks. Using 6201 vegetation plots from provincial inventories conducted after the last SBW outbreak (1968–1992) in boreal forests of Québec (Canada), we investigated the influence of SBW‐caused tree defoliation and mortality on understory vegetation layers relevant to woodland caribou and its main predators. We found a positive association between severe outbreaks and the cover of most groups of understory plant species, especially in stands that were dominated by balsam fir before the outbreak, where a high canopy openness particularly benefited relatively fast‐growing deciduous plants. Such increases in early successional vegetation could provide high‐quality forage for moose, which is likely to promote higher wolf densities and increase predation pressure on caribou. SBW outbreaks may thus negatively affect woodland caribou by increasing predation risk, the main factor limiting caribou populations in managed forests. For the near future, we recommend updating the criteria used to define critical caribou habitat to consider the potential impacts of spruce budworm defoliation.  相似文献   

Understory Vegetation Dynamics of North American Boreal Forests   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Understory vegetation is the most diverse and least understood component of North American boreal forests. Understory communities are important as they act as drivers of overstory succession and nutrient cycling. The objective of this review was to examine how understory vegetation abundance, composition, and diversity change with stand development after a major stand replacing disturbance. Understory vegetation abundance and diversity increase rapidly after fire, in response to abundant resources and an influx of disturbance adapted species. The highest diversity occurs within the first 40 years following fire, and declines indefinitely thereafter as a result of decreasing productivity and increased dominance of a small number of late successional feather mosses and woody plant species. Vascular plant and bryophyte/lichen communities undergo very different successional changes. Vascular plant communities are dynamic and change more dramatically with time after fire, whereas bryophyte and lichen communities are much slower to establish and change over time. Considerable variations in these processes exist depending on canopy composition, site condition, regional climate, and frequently occurring non-stand-replacing disturbances. Forest management practices represent a unique disturbance process and can result in different understory vegetation communities from those observed for natural processes, with potential implications for overstory succession and long-term productivity. Because of the importance of understory vegetation on nutrient cycling and overstory composition, post-harvest treatments emulating stand-replacing fire are required to maintain understory diversity, composition, and promote stand productivity in boreal forests.  相似文献   

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