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In favorable conditions Bacillus thuringiensis spores germinate and vegetative cells multiply, whereas in unfavorable conditions Bacillus thuringiensis sporulates and produces insecticidal crystal proteins. The development of B. thuringiensis strains was investigated in the larvae of insects belonging to the orders Lepidoptera and Diptera. Bacillus thuringiensis strains able to kill the insects did not always multiply in cadavers. Strains with no specificity to kill the insect sometimes multiplied when the insects were killed mechanically. These results indicate that some insect larvae represent an environment that favors the germination of B. thuringiensis spores and the multiplication of vegetative cells; however, there was no correlation between the toxin specificity and the specificity of the host.  相似文献   

A behavioral method applicable in biodegradation facilities for separation of house fly (Musca domestica L.) larvae from processed pig manure is presented. The method is based on placing a cover over the larval rearing tray, while escaping larvae are collected in collection trays. Separation units must be placed in a dark room to avoid negative phototactic responses of the larvae. After 24 h of separation, over 70% of the larvae escaped from processed manure and were collected in collection trays. Most of the larvae pupated within 48 h after separation. Mean weight of pupae recovered from manure residue was not significantly different from mean weight of pupae of separated individuals. Eclosion rate of pupae recovered from manure residue was significantly lower than eclosion of separated individuals, and was strongly related to separation success. Factors responsible for escape behavior of larvae are discussed.  相似文献   

A sand dilution assay was developed to study how composting affects the nutritional value of stored laying hen manure for larvae of the house fly, Musca domestica L. Equal numbers of eggs were inoculated into graded amounts of stock manure and incubated under standardized moisture conditions. Survival and mass per emerging adult diminished with progressively lower supplies of manure per larva, whether the manure was diluted into clean, white sand or placed on top of an equal volume of sand. Mass of adults per original egg was an increasing linear function of log, manure supply, with extrapolated lower supply threshold, S(L) = 0.06 g per egg. It is proposed that S(L) is a measure of a substrate's nutritional value--the greater the threshold, the lower its value. Dilution of the same stock manure in loam or sandy loam reduced the manure's apparent nutritional value, and dehydration of the stock manure to 20% water before rehydration to 70% also reduced nutritional value. Assays of bulk samples from replicated piles of laying hen manure mixed with sunflower hulls indicated the mixture was nutritionally equivalent to the stock manure, but that 3-4 wk of subsequent aerobic, thermophilic composting reduced it to approximately 10% of its initial value. These results suggest that composting may be a useful technique for reducing the fly breeding potential of laying hen manure and other substrates that must be stored before spreading and incorporation on crop land.  相似文献   

Among six strains of Bacillus thuringiensis and five other species of Bacillus, only two strains of B. thuringiensis, strains HD-1 and BA-068, were toxic to Aedes aegypti larvae within 24 hr. The LC50s were 5.6 × 104 and 2.4 × 105 spores/ml for strains HD-1 and BA-068, respectively. The toxic factor(s) was heat sensitive and γ ray resistant and preliminary evidences indicated that it was associated with the crystalline body of B. thuringiensis.  相似文献   


As a part of an ongoing nationwide programme focused on finding novel strains of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) that are toxic to some of the major pests that impact economically important crops, we initiated a search for Bt isolates native to Syria. We succeeded in assembling a collection of 40 Bt isolates recovered from infected larvae of Galleria mellonella, Helicoverpa armigera and Ephestia kuehniella. Light microscopy showed that all isolates produce bipyramidal and cuboidal crystal proteins. The 50% lethal concentration of the spore-crystal mixture of the 40 isolates against E. kuehniella larvae varied from 3 to more than 200 µg g?1. A comparison of the LC50 values of the tested isolates with the reference strain Bt kurstaki HD-1 (20.55 µg g?1), showed that some of these isolates have a similar or up to six times higher toxicity potential. PCR screening revealed that all obtained isolates contain cry1 and cry2 genes, whereas only four contain cry9. Moreover, the proteins of 130 and 65/70 Kda encoded by these genes were detected in the SDS-PAGE of the purified parasporal bodies. Flagellar serotyping classified 30 as serovar kurstaki, six isolates serovar aizawai, one isolate cross-reacted with more than one H3 antisera and three were not typeable. Assays of toxicity of the aizawai isolates against third instar of G. mellonella showed that four, which contain cry9, have almost similar toxicity to the commercial strain Bt aizawai B401. Therefore, these isolates could be adopted for future applications to control G. mellonella. Moreover, this study contributes to our knowledge of Bt diversity in Syria where to date very few collections have been described.  相似文献   

Susceptibility to Bacillus thuringiensis of mosquito and lepidopteran larvae is affected by feeding behaviour and nutritional value of the available food. Reduced mortality is attributed to feeding inhibition and dilution of the pathogen in the presence of nutritional and inert particles, which limit the amount of ingested toxin. These reasons are, however, not sufficient to explain the data presented here. Values of LC50 (the concentration that kills 50% of exposed population) of B. thuringiensis subsp. israelensis (Berliner) against Aedes aegypti (L.) larvae and of B. thuringiensis subsp. kenyae (Berliner) against Spodoptera littoralis (Boisduval) larvae were about 20–217 and 2.3–44‐fold higher, respectively, in the presence of nutritional or biologically inert (non‐nutritional) particles than without. The number of B. thuringiensis spores in carcasses of B. thuringiensis ‐killed A. aegypti and S. littoralis larvae were between 1.9 and 5.6‐fold and between 8.5 and 12‐fold higher, respectively, in the presence of particles than without. In all cases, non‐nutritional particles better protected the exposed larvae than nutritious particles. We propose that another basic mechanism exists, that ingested particles protect midgut epithelial cells by covering their surface and thus preventing availability of the toxin to the gut receptors. Understanding the defence mechanisms of insects against B. thuringiensis toxicity may lead to improved pest management methods.  相似文献   

Immunofluorescent staining was used with thin sections of paraffin-embedded specimens to detect the development of Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis and Bacillus sphaericus in the gut of mosquito larvae. The third- and fourth-instar larvae of Aedes aegypti, Anopheles maculatus, and Culex quinquefasciatus were fed either vegetative cells or spores of the bacteria. Spore germination, multiplication, and sporulation were studied in the larvae of each species. The spores of B. thuringiensis var. israelensis and B. sphaericus strain 2297 could germinate and cells could sporulate in the larval body. The vegetative cells of B. sphaericus strain 810428 were also able to produce spores in the mosquito larval gut, but the germination of spores could not be detected in the larvae. Multiplication of all bacterial species was observed after the larvae died. Growth of the bacteria in distilled water containing crude extracts of larvae made from each species was compared with that in synthetic medium (nutrient broth). They could produce spores and toxins in all the media used and the toxins had larvicidal activity against the target mosquitos Ae. aegypti, An. maculatus, and C. quinquefasciatus.  相似文献   

We present evidence that a delta-endotoxin isolated from Bacillus thuringiensis subsp.israelensis induces programmed cell death in polytene midgut cells of Culex pipiens larvae. After exposure to toxin, polytene nuclei in the anterior region of the larval midgut undergo many of the morphological and physiological changes which are characteristic of apoptosis, including the ability to stain with the vital dye, acridine orange, and fragmentation of nuclear DNA as demonstrated by agarose gel electrophoresis and in situ TUNEL labeling. The temporal sequence of toxin ingestion, acridine orange staining and larval death suggests a cause and effect relationship between programmed cell death and larval death. Amino sugars that interfere with toxicity also interfere with the time course of acridine orange staining of larval polytene nuclei. The toxin first causes programmed cell death of anterior midgut and gastric caeca cells and, subsequently, posterior midgut cells. This pattern is similar to the temporal sequence of larval polytene cell death that occurs during metamorphosis. From the size and distribution of the nuclei that are stained with acridine orange, it appears that only polytene midgut cells are affected by toxin and that the diploid regenerative cell are not affected.  相似文献   

Bacillus thuringiensis is a Gram‐positive aerobic bacterium that produces insecticidal crystalline inclusions during sporulation phases of the mother cell. The virulence factor, known as parasporal crystals, is composed of Cry and Cyt toxins. Most Cry toxins display a common 3‐domain topology. Cry toxins exert intoxication through toxin activation, receptor binding and pore formation in a suitable larval gut environment. The mosquitocidal toxins of Bt subsp. israelensis (Bti) were found to be highly active against mosquito larvae and are widely used for vector control. Bt subsp. jegathesan is another strain which possesses high potency against broad range of mosquito larvae. The present review summarizes characterized receptors for Cry toxins in mosquito larvae, and will also discuss the diversity and effects of 3‐D mosquitocidal Cry toxin and the ongoing research for Cry toxin mechanisms generated from investigations of lepidopteran and dipteran larvae.  相似文献   

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