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Adaptive mutation is a generic term for processes that allow individual cells of nonproliferating cell populations to acquire advantageous mutations and thereby to overcome the strong selective pressure of proliferation-limiting environmental conditions. Prerequisites for an occurrence of adaptive mutation are that the selective conditions are nonlethal and that a restart of proliferation may be accomplished by some genetic change in principle. The importance of adaptive mutation is derived from the assumption that it may, on the one hand, result in an accelerated evolution of microorganisms and, on the other, in multicellular organisms may contribute to a breakout of somatic cells from negative growth regulation, i.e., to cancerogenesis. Most information on adaptive mutation in eukaryotes has been gained with the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This review focuses comprehensively on adaptive mutation in this organism and summarizes our current understanding of this issue.  相似文献   

The conditional ero1-1 mutant, deficient in the ER-localized PDI oxidase Ero1p, is blocked in disulfide bond formation under restrictive conditions, such as high temperature, lack of oxygen, or high concentrations of membrane-permeant thiols. Previous studies of the physiological consequences of the ero1-1 mutation were carried out in a leu2 mutant. The ero1-1 leu2 strain does not grow in standard synthetic complete medium at 30 degrees C, a defect that can be remedied by increasing the L-leucine concentration in the medium or by transforming the ero1-1 leu2 strain with the LEU2 wild-type allele. In addition, the LEU2 gene can partially complement the growth impairment at 37 degrees C of the ero1-1 leu2 mutant. The leucine transporter Bap2p exhibits a dramatic decrease in stability in an ero1-1 strain, which may account for the pronounced leucine demand observed in the ero1-1 leu2 mutant.  相似文献   

The conditional ero1-1 mutant, deficient in the ER-localized PDI oxidase Ero1p, is blocked in disulfide bond formation under restrictive conditions, such as high temperature, lack of oxygen, or high concentrations of membrane-permeant thiols. Previous studies of the physiological consequences of the ero1-1 mutation were carried out in a leu2 mutant. The ero1-1 leu2 strain does not grow in standard synthetic complete medium at 30 °C, a defect that can be remedied by increasing the L-leucine concentration in the medium or by transforming the ero1-1 leu2 strain with the LEU2 wild-type allele. In addition, the LEU2 gene can partially complement the growth impairment at 37 °C of the ero1-1 leu2 mutant. The leucine transporter Bap2p exhibits a dramatic decrease in stability in an ero1-1 strain, which may account for the pronounced leucine demand observed in the ero1-1 leu2 mutant.  相似文献   

The promoter and translation initiation region of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae leu2 gene was fused to the Escherichia coli beta-galactosidase gene. This fusion located the control region of the leu gene and orientated its direction of expression. When the fusion was placed into yeast cells, beta-galactosidase was expressed under the same regulatory pattern as the original leu2 gene product: its synthesis was repressed in the presence of leucine and threonine. Sensitive chromogenic substrates for beta-galactosidase were used to detect expression in isolated colonies growing on agar medium. Mutant yeast cells with increased beta-galactosidase activity were identified by the color of the colonies they formed. One class of mutants obtained appeared to affect ars1 plasmid maintenance, and another class appeared to affect beta-galactoside uptake.  相似文献   

The leucine operon of Escherichia coli was cloned on a plasmid possessing both E. coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae replication origins. This plasmid, pEH25, transformed leuA, leuB, and leuD auxotrophs of E. coli to prototrophy; it also transformed leu2 auxotrophs of S. cerevisiae to prototrophy. beta-Isopropylmalate dehydrogenase was encoded by the leuB gene of E. coli and the leu2 gene of yeast. Verification that the leuB gene present on pEH26 was responsible for complementing yeast leu2 was obtained by isolating in E. coli several leuB mutations that resided on the plasmid. These mutant leuB- plasmids were no longer capable of complementing leu2 in S. cerevisiae. We conclude that S. cerevisiae is capable of transcribing at least a portion of the polycistronic leu operon of E. coli and can translate a functional protein from at least the second gene of this operon. The yeast Leu+ transformants obtained with pEH25, when cultured in minimal medium lacking leucine, grew with a doubling time three to four times longer than when cultured in medium supplemented with leucine.  相似文献   

The duplication of DNA sequences is a powerful determinant of genomic plasticity and is known to be one of the key factors responsible for evolution. Recent genomic sequence data demonstrate the abundance of duplicated genes in all surveyed organisms. Over the past years, experimental systems were adequately designed to explore the molecular mechanisms involved in their formation in haploid Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains. To obtain a more global and accurate view of the events leading to DNA sequence duplications, we have selected and characterized duplication occurrences in diploid S. cerevisiae cells. The molecular analysis showed that two other predominant ways lead to duplication in this context: formation of extra chimeric chromosomes and non-reciprocal translocation events. Moreover, we demonstrated that these two types of rearrangements are RAD52 independent and therefore that homologous recombination plays no part in their formation. Finally, our results show the multiplicity of mechanisms involved in duplication events and provide the first experimental evidence that these mechanisms might be ploidy dependent.  相似文献   

Clinical preparations of bleomycins (BM) were tested for their recombinogenicity and mutagenicity at relatively high survival levels in the simple eucaryote, Saccharomyces cerevisiae. More than a dozen test loci or genetic intervals were assayed for bleomycin-induced mutation or recombination. Treatments of stationary phase diploid yeast routinely resulted in 25–75% inactivation. The antibiotic was mildly to very highly recombinogenic and mutagenic, with one exception. The amount of bleomycin-induced mutation, gene conversion or crossing-over depended upon the particular genetic markers assayed. The drug was also potently recombinogenic in yeast cells growing in the presence of BM. These results contrast with the finding that this antitumor agent was not mutagenic in the Salmonella/mammalian microsome mutagenicity test; possible explanations of this difference are given.  相似文献   

To obtain insights into the mechanisms of spontaneous mutations in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, we have characterized the genetic alterations that inactivate either the CAN1 gene in haploid cells or heterozygously situated in diploid cells. The mutation rate in haploid cells was 9.08 x 10(-7), 100-fold lower than that in diploid cells (1.03 x 10(-4)). In haploid cells, among 69 independent CAN1 mutations, 75% were base substitutions and 22% frameshifts. The base substitutions were both transitions (33%) and transversions (42%), with G:C-->A:T and G:C-->T:A dominating. Minus frameshifts (12%) and plus frameshifts (10%) were also observed at run and non-run bases, and at A:T and G:C pairs with almost equal efficiency. An analysis of chromosome structure in diploid yeast cells indicated that allelic crossover was the predominant event followed by gene conversion and chromosome loss. We argued that genetic alterations leading to spontaneous phenotypic changes in wild-type diploid yeast cells occurred through two steps; replication-dependent alterations of bases in either allele then recombination-dependent transfer of the mutated allele to the intact one.  相似文献   

Long-term storage at +4°C and cultivation at +30°C changes the spontaneous mutation rate of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae double mutants rad52hsm3Δ and rad52hsm6-1. Combinations of hsm3 and hsm6 mutations with rad52 mutation lead to a decrease of the spontaneous mutation rate mediated by DNA repair synthesis in multiply replanted strains in comparison with the same strains investigated right after RAD52 gene decay. Combinations of hsm3 and hsm6 mutations with mutations in other genes of the RAD52 epistatic group did not provide a spontaneous mutation rate decrease.  相似文献   

Hiraoka M  Watanabe K  Umezu K  Maki H 《Genetics》2000,156(4):1531-1548
To obtain a broad perspective of the events leading to spontaneous loss of heterozygosity (LOH), we have characterized the genetic alterations that functionally inactivated the URA3 marker hemizygously or heterozygously situated either on chromosome III or chromosome V in diploid Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells. Analysis of chromosome structure in a large number of LOH clones by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and PCR showed that chromosome loss, allelic recombination, and chromosome aberration were the major classes of genetic alterations leading to LOH. The frequencies of chromosome loss and chromosome aberration were significantly affected when the marker was located in different chromosomes, suggesting that chromosome-specific elements may affect the processes that led to these alterations. Aberrant-sized chromosomes were detected readily in approximately 8% of LOH events when the URA3 marker was placed in chromosome III. Molecular mechanisms underlying the chromosome aberrations were further investigated by studying the fate of two other genetic markers on chromosome III. Chromosome aberration caused by intrachromosomal rearrangements was predominantly due to a deletion between the MAT and HMR loci that occurred at a frequency of 3.1 x 10(-6). Another type of chromosome aberration, which occurred at a frequency slightly higher than that of the intrachromosomal deletion, appeared to be caused by interchromosomal rearrangement, including unequal crossing over between homologous chromatids and translocation with another chromosome.  相似文献   

Clinical preparations of bleomycins (BM) were tested for their recombinogenicity and mutagenicity at relatively high survival levels in the simple eucaryote, Saccharomyces cerevisiae. More than a dozen test loci or genetic intervals were assayed for bleomycin-induced mutation or recombination. Treatments of stationary phase diploid yeast routinely results in 25--75% inactivation. The antibiotic was mildly to very highly recombinogenic and mutagenic, with one exception. The amount of bleomycin-induced mutation, gene conversion or crossing-over depended upon the particular genetic markers assayed. The drug was also potently recombinogenic in yeast cells growing in the presence of BM. These results contrast with the finding that this antitumor agent was not mutagenic in the Salmonella/mammalian microsome mutagenicity test; possible explanation of this difference are given.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase mutants were isolated through systematic screening of tight Gln- derivatives of a leaky glutamine auxotroph. These mutations define a single nuclear gene, GLN4. The gln4-1 mutation is specific for Gln-tRNA synthetase and shows a dosage effect in heterozygous diploids. The wild-type Gln-tRNA synthetase exhibits a Km for glutamine of 25 microM; the gln4-1 mutation increases this value 20-fold. These observations strongly suggest that GLN4 encodes the Gln-tRNA synthetase.  相似文献   

Nitrous acid, diepoxybutane and methyl methane sulfonate induce effectively non-mitochondrial chloramphenicol-resistant mutants cross-resistant to other drugs. HNO2 induces also unstable erythromycin resistant mutants. The ability of the mutants to grow on antibiotic media can be modified by detergents, guanidine hydrochloride or increased osmotic pressure of the medium. This suggests that the resistance is due to changes in cell membrane permeability similar to those described by Rank, Robertson and Philips (1975b). Multiple drug-resistant mutants selected for chloramphenicol resistance show an increased sensitivity to ethidium bromide in glucose medium. Therefore the mutations involved increase probably nuclear envelope permeability to the latter drug. Results of genetic analyses of non-mitochondrial capr and eryr mutants suggest strongly that in most, if not all, cases the resistance is determined by interaction between nuclear and extranuclear factors.  相似文献   

Despite the fundamental importance of mutation rate as a driving force in evolution and disease risk, common methods to assay mutation rate are time-consuming and tedious. Established methods such as fluctuation tests and mutation accumulation experiments are low-throughput and often require significant optimization to ensure accuracy. We established a new method to determine the mutation rate of many strains simultaneously by tracking mutation events in a chemostat continuous culture device and applying deep sequencing to link mutations to alleles of a DNA-repair gene. We applied this method to assay the mutation rate of hundreds of Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains carrying mutations in the gene encoding Msh2, a DNA repair enzyme in the mismatch repair pathway. Loss-of-function mutations in MSH2 are associated with hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer, an inherited disorder that increases risk for many different cancers. However, the vast majority of MSH2 variants found in human populations have insufficient evidence to be classified as either pathogenic or benign. We first benchmarked our method against Luria–Delbrück fluctuation tests using a collection of published MSH2 missense variants. Our pooled screen successfully identified previously characterized nonfunctional alleles as high mutators. We then created an additional 185 human missense variants in the yeast ortholog, including both characterized and uncharacterized alleles curated from ClinVar and other clinical testing data. In a set of alleles of known pathogenicity, our assay recapitulated ClinVar’s classification; we then estimated pathogenicity for 157 variants classified as uncertain or conflicting reports of significance. This method is capable of studying the mutation rate of many microbial species and can be applied to problems ranging from the generation of high-fidelity polymerases to measuring the frequency of antibiotic resistance emergence.  相似文献   

A mutant allele of RAS1 that dominantly interferes with the wild-type Ras function in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae was discovered during screening of mutants that suppress an ira2 disruption mutation. A single amino acid substitution, serine for glycine at position 22, was found to cause the mutant phenotype. The inhibitory effect of the RAS1 Ser22 gene could be overcome either by overexpression of CDC25 or by the ira2 disruption mutation. These results suggest that the RAS1Ser22 gene product interferes with the normal interaction of Ras with Cdc25 by forming a dead-end complex between Ras1Ser22 and Cdc25 proteins.  相似文献   

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