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40 population samples of 17 GreekFritillaria species were examined morphologically using 22 attributes carefully selected, with a high discriminating ability. Principal component analysis with a nearest neighbour directed network and cluster analysis were used to evaluate the phenetic similarities among the species. The evidence presented here suggests: (1) A close relationship betweenF. erhartii andF. obliqua and their possible origin fromF. bithynica. (2) A strong alliance betweenF. rixii, F. euboeica, F. carica, andF. drenovskii (groupF. sibthorpiana). (3) A link between theF. epirotica andF. graeca group and some affinities betweenF. pontica, F. gussichiae, andF. graeca. Finally it is proposed thatF. tuntasia be reduced to subspecific status asF. obliqua subsp.tuntasia. This study forms a part of a doctoral dissertation thesis submitted to the Department of Biology of the University of Thessaloniki.  相似文献   

Six new species are described:Gagea anonyma, G. Staintonii, G. siphonantha, G. Grey-Wilsonii, G. chloroneura. All belong to subgen.Platyspermum (Boiss.)Miscz. Florae Iranicae praecursores63–68. — Praecursores praecurrentes: Pl. Syst. Evol.151, 281–293 (1986).  相似文献   

Chromosome arrangement in interphase has been inferred from an analysis of the relative positions of the chromosomes and the chromosome arms in untreated haploid pollen grain metaphases ofUvularia grandiflora. The distances between centromeres forming the smallest possible circle were measured in 43 metaphases. The relative positions of the chromosomes did not differ significantly from randomness. Neither did similar-sized chromosome arms show any tendency to be next to each other. The results thus disagree both with the hypothesis ofComings (1968) that each chromosome occupies a definite position in the interphase nucleus and with the claim ofBennett (1982) that similar-sized chromosome arms lie next to each other.  相似文献   

Three co-existing pollination mechanisms are found inUrginea maritima: insect-, wind-, and self-pollination. The flowers exhibit a typical insect-pollination syndrome; they offer abundant exposed nectar as well as pollen. Out of the many different visitors only a few could be regarded as pollinators:Apis mellifera, Polistes gallicus, andVespa orientalis. Wind pollination also occurs and generally is responsible for self-pollination.It is argued that the development of extra wind-pollination accompanied by partial self-incompatibility is an adaptation to increase pollination in an unfavourable season (August–September), when insects are scarce.  相似文献   

C-band patterns are described for 20Lilium spp. distributed across six sections. All species have a similar basic karyotype (n = 12) but C-bands differ markedly between them. The patterns are characterized by a dispersed scattering of thin intercalary bands as well as centric and NOR bands. Only one species,L. canadense, shows a clear equilocal pattern with intercalary C-bands occurring proximally in all of the longer chromosome arms. Comparing species, similar patterns are revealed forL. regale andL. sulphureum, forL. formosanum andL. longiflorum (all in sect.Leucolirion) and to a lesser extent forL. hansonii, L. martagon, andL. tsingtauense (sect.Martagon). The pattern forL. henryi (previously classed in sect.Sinomartagon) matches those ofL. regale andL. sulphureum quite well and its transfer to sect.Leucolirion is proposed. This is consistent with results from interspecies hybrids betweenL. henryi andL. regale (and related species) which are reportedly fertile. No other clear similarities in C-band patterns were seen across species. It seems that C-band patterns change rapidly inLilium and hence their usefulness in classification will be restricted to identifying closely related species.Dedicated to Prof.D. G. Catcheside on the 80th anniversary of his birth.  相似文献   

Principal component and canonical variate analyses were used to analyse the variation of 34 morphological characters measured in 98 accessions ofTulipa subg.Tulipa, formerly known as sect.Leiostemones. In addition 43 accessions were analysed cytogenetically by means of C-banding methods. Based on the encountered variation and on geographical distribution data 30 species in five sections were recognized, of which the synonymy is stated. Seven new series in two different sections have been designated.  相似文献   

The chromosomes of several cultivatedTulipa species belonging to the subg.Eriostemones were examined using conventional staining and C-banding techniques. Most of the species have lightly banded chromosomes with heterochromatin content varying from nil to about 15%. The banding patterns of several taxa are described and discussed in regard to species relationships.  相似文献   

The chromosomes of several cultivatedTulipa species of subg.Leiostemones were examined in conventionally stained and C-banded preparations. The heterochromatin content varied from almost none to 45%. Several chromosome types were recognized with respect to chromosome morphology and heterochromatin distribution, and groups of species with common chromosome characteristics could be identified. These karyological relationships are discussed with respect to the groups formed on the basis of floral and bulb charateristics.  相似文献   

For tenBlandfordia grandiflora populations spanning about 90% of the species' range, univariate and multivariate analyses on 14 vegetative and reproductive characters separated plants into distinct coastal and tableland groups. Distinguishing characters were number of flowers and leaves, leaf length and width, and inflorescence stalk height and diameter; coastal plants were larger than tableland plants. In a transplant experiment, coastal and tableland plants retained their phenotypic distinctness, indicating that vegetative morphology was genetically determined. Coastal plants exhibited clinal variation with latitude. Compared to tableland plants, coastal plants had higher pollen: ovule ratios, and produced fewer but heavier seeds per flower. Tableland and coastal plants are phenotypically distinct, indicating that separate subspecific status is warranted.  相似文献   

In North Africa,Ornithogalum L. subg.Beryllis Baker is represented by three taxa (O. narbonense L.,O. pyrenaicum L., andO. sessiliflorum Desf.), often difficult to identify. 90 individuals from 4 localities were subjected to a biometric study based on 19 morphological characteristics. Several types of multivariate analyses allow a perfect identification of the three species. Studies on the reproductive biology, cytotaxonomy, and ecology supplement these data.  相似文献   

Scilla peruviana biotypes have different chromosome numbers due to changes in the nucleolar chromosomes and polyploidy. We have examined two diploid (2n = 15 and 2n = 16) and two tetraploid biotypes (2n = 28 and 2n = 32). From the results of rRNA/DNA filter hybridizations it appears that rDNA percentages of the diploid biotypes are, approximately, 2.2-fold higher than those of the tetraploid biotypes. To examine the rRNA gene structure we have utilizedSouthern blot hybridization after DNA digestions with three restriction enzymes: Eco RI, Hind III and Bam HI. From the band analysis of both single and double digestions it has been possible to reveal the presence, in the diploid biotypes, of three gene types, heterogeneous both for length and for nucleotide sequences in the external spacer. The three rRNA genes are 12 600, 12 700, and 12 800 base pairs long and they have a different position of the Hind III sites in the external spacer. On the other hand, a single gene type of 12 600 base pairs, identical to the first type of the diploid biotypes, surprisingly exists in the tetraploid biotypes. Considerations on the rRNA gene regulation and evolution are made.  相似文献   

The two species of the genusBrimeura (Liliaceae),B. amethystina andB. fastigiata, show a strikingly disjunct geographical distribution. Both species have a bimodal chromosome complement, 2n = 28, which includes 10 large (L) and 18 small (S) chromosomes. Most of the L-chromosomes possess heterochromatic segments which show enhanced quinacrine fluorescence. The resulting banding patterns are species-specific. Two triploid plants have been found inB. fastigiata.  相似文献   

Evolutionary relationships and infra- and interspecific variability within the species ofTulipa sect.Eriostemones Boissier were studied. Measurements of 35 morphological characters were used for principal component and canonical variate analyses. Crossing experiments and chromosome counts were carried out. Two axes of morphological variation were encountered within the principal component plot. Variation of subsect.Biflores was traced along one axis, the species of subsect.Australes as well asSaxatiles were found along the other axis. The nomenclature of names of subsect.Biflores was considered on the basis of their geography, specific morphological characteristics and polyploidy. Conspecificity of names of all species was tested based on both morphology and crossability.  相似文献   

C-banding studies support earlier evidence thatB. bulbosa, as a previously circumscribed, is heterogeneous, consisting of three distinct entities: (1) theB. bulbosa complex (B. bulbosa s. str.) at 4x (2n = 24), 8x (2n = 48) and 12x (2n = 72) ploidy levels, (2) the rock lily and (3) the Kroombit population (both 2n = 46). Each of these three main groups has a distinctive banding profile, though centromeric and telomeric dot bands, variably expressed, are common to all. In theB. bulbosa complex, substantial heterochromatin development, apart from bands associated with the NORs on chromosomes 1 L, 2 S and 3 L, occurs only at the terminal regions of the short arms of the large and middlesized acrocentric chromosomes, with considerable polymorphic and polytypic variation in the number and size of the heterochromatic blocks, especially at the 4x level. Queensland 8xB. bulbosa populations differ in having terminal heterochromatin, probably associated with NORs, on 11 S and 12 S, and in having some strong interstitial bands. The differences appear to correlate with attributes relating to flower morphology, and may have systematic significance. The karyotypes of rock lily and Kroombit are somewhat similar but the former has a characteristic C-band profile with multiple interstitial bands on chromosomes 1–5 and 7–9, whereas the latter has only one interstitial band on chromosome 9.First contribution of a series on cytoevolution in the AustralianBulbine. Two introductory papers in Austral. J. Bot.34 (2)  相似文献   

A population ofWurmbea dioica subsp.alba in Western Australia contained monoclinous and andromonoecious individuals in roughly equal proportions. The average number of flowers per inflorescence for the former was 2.6 and for the latter 2.9, with its terminal flower staminate. Ovule number and seed production per perfect flower of both morphs decreased progressively from lower to upper flowers in the inflorescence. Two-flowered monoclinous individuals had a greater percentage of ovules maturing to seed than did threeflowered ones, but seed production of the latter exceeded that of the former. No differences in percent seed set or in seed production were noted for similar individuals of andromonoecious individuals. Although monoclinous and andromonoecious plants apparently contributed equally to the pollen pool, seed production of the former exceeded that of the latter. Thus, the energetic costs of monocliny exceed those of andromonoecy in this population.  相似文献   

The vegetative and reproductive morphology, culm and rhizome anatomy and seed surface micromorphology ofRhodocoma are described. It is shown that this variation is best contained by recognizing three new species in the genus. These new taxa are described, and the phylogeny of the genus is investigated by cladistic analysis. The environmental parameters and distributions of the species are related to the cladogram. This suggests that the species are at present ecologically separated, and indicates that the speciation may have been sympatric. This is the first support for the hypothesis that sympatric speciation may have been important in the speciose Cape flora.  相似文献   

Eight species ofAllium subgen.Allium sect.Allium have been studied at the cytological level by means of karyological analyses and at the biochemical level with regard to the proportions of ribosomal DNA. All the species have a basic genome of x = 8.A. sativum, A. commutatum, A. ampeloprasum, andA. vineale possess approximately 0.050% rDNA and two nucleolus organizer regions per basic chromosome set.A. sphaerocephalon andA. arvense have two nucleolus organizers, andA. amethystinum three nucleolus organizers per haploid (n = x) genome: the three species possess approximately 0.075% rDNA.A. acutiflorum has five nucleolus organizer regions per haploid genome and 0.121% rDNA. An attempt to relate these differences with functional and ecological characteristics indicates that evolutionary variation of rDNA proportions is not casual. Such data also can help to define systematic affinities and circumscribe infrageneric taxa.  相似文献   

The biological analysis of six populations ofAsphodelus tenuifolius and 12 populations ofA. fistulosus has confirmed that they are separate species. Both their floral structures (length of the tepals, stamens, anthers and style) and also their pollen size are clearly different.A. tenuifolius has only the 2n = 28 chromosome race, whileA. fistulosus has 2n = 28 and 2n = 56.A. tenuifolius is genetically less variable thanA. fistulosus and they have different electrophoretic mobilities. Gene duplication phenomena exist in the 2n = 28 level of both species.  相似文献   

The chromosome numbers of several Greece species of the genusSilene L. from natural habitats are reported for the first time:S. sieberi, S. niederi, S. radicosa subsp.rechingeri, S. oligantha, S. skorpilii, S. schwarzenbergeri andS. fruticulosa. All species are diploid with 2n = 24 chromosomes, including 0, 2 or 4 SAT-chromosomes;S. niederi has B-chromosomes.

Chromosome C-band patterns have been studied in 34 populations of the Australian annualBulbine group, which comprises 4x (2n = 26, 28), 8x (2n = 52, 54) and 12x (2n = 78) populations. The 2n = 26B. semibarbata populations have a simple, low heterochromatin pattern with very minor polytypic variation. The 2n = 28 populations, corresponding morphologically to a group given separate status asB. alata, are similar in pattern but exhibit pronounced enhancement of telomeric and, more particularly, centromeric dot bands. NOR heterochromatin and satellites are difficult to identify inB. alata but appear to occur in different positions from the 26-chromosome karyotype. Eastern Australian 8 x patterns are consistent with a proposed hybrid ancestry,B. semibarbata ×B. alata. Annual and perennial C-band profiles in the AustralianBulbine are discussed briefly in relation to the additive and transformation models of heterochromatin evolution and to the possible adaptive significance of variation in heterochromatin content.Cytoevolution in the AustralianBulbine 2; for part 1 see Pl. Syst. Evol.157, 201–217.  相似文献   

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