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Increased perception of predation risk can cause changes in activity, feeding and reproductive behavior in a wide range of taxa. Many small mammals in the temperate zone exhibit fluctuations in body mass in response to changing photoperiod. Bank voles lose body mass in winter which they regain when photoperiod increases in the spring. To determine if predation risk affects seasonal changes in body mass (BM), bank voles were exposed to two concentrations (low: LC and high: HC) of weasel feces. Food intake (FI) and daily energy expenditure (DEE) were measured to establish if differences in body mass were due to adjustment in energy intake or expenditure. Fecal corticosterone (CORT) was measured to assess whether the voles had detected and responded to predator feces as a physiological stressor. Voles of both sexes had higher levels of fecal CORT in the groups exposed to weasel feces compared to controls. Voles responded to the predator feces in a sex- and concentration-dependent manner. Males responded to LC feces by gaining less mass following the change in photoperiod. This was mediated by reduced FI and higher DEE. Female voles also gained less BM in response to HC feces, but increased both FI and DEE. We hypothesize that males may gain a short-term advantage by lowering BM in response to predation risk, which may be regained without affecting reproductive success. The consequences of mass loss in females may be more significant as this may delay the onset of breeding or reduce the size or number of young, thereby negatively affecting breeding success.  相似文献   

The adaptive significance of polyandry is an intensely debated subject in sexual selection. For species with male infanticidal behaviour, it has been hypothesized that polyandry evolved as female counterstrategy to offspring loss: by mating with multiple males, females may conceal paternity and so prevent males from killing putative offspring. Here we present, to our knowledge, the first empirical test of this hypothesis in a combined laboratory and field study, and show that multiple mating seems to reduce the risk of infanticide in female bank voles Myodes glareolus. Our findings thus indicate that females of species with non-resource based mating systems, in which males provide nothing but sperm, but commit infanticide, can gain non-genetic fitness benefits from polyandry.  相似文献   

Despite numerous and diverse theoretical models for the indirect benefits of polyandry, empirical support is mixed. One reason for the difficulty in detecting indirect benefits of polyandry may be that these are subtle and are mediated by environmental effects, such as maternal effects. Maternal effects may be especially important if females allocate resources to their offspring depending on the characteristics of their mating partners. We test this hypothesis in the burying beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides, a species that provides extensive and direct parental care to offspring. We used a fully factorial design and mated females to one, two, three, four or five different males and manipulated conditions so that their offspring received reduced (12 h) or full (ca 72 h) maternal care. We found that average offspring fitness increased with full maternal care but there was no significant effect of polyandry or the interaction between the duration of maternal care and the level of polyandry on offspring fitness. Thus, although polyandry could provide a mechanism for biasing paternity towards high quality or compatible males, and variation in parental care matters, we found no evidence that female N. vespilloides gain indirect benefits by using parental care to bias the allocation of resources under different mating conditions.  相似文献   

Recent genetic studies have challenged the traditional view that the ancestors of British Celtic people spread from central Europe during the Iron Age and have suggested a much earlier origin for them as part of the human recolonization of Britain at the end of the last glaciation. Here we propose that small mammals provide an analogue to help resolve this controversy. Previous studies have shown that common shrews (Sorex araneus) with particular chromosomal characteristics and water voles (Arvicola terrestris) of a specific mitochondrial (mt) DNA lineage have peripheral western/northern distributions with striking similarities to that of Celtic people. We show that mtDNA lineages of three other small mammal species (bank vole Myodes glareolus, field vole Microtus agrestis and pygmy shrew Sorex minutus) also form a ‘Celtic fringe’. We argue that these small mammals most reasonably colonized Britain in a two-phase process following the last glacial maximum (LGM), with climatically driven partial replacement of the first colonists by the second colonists, leaving a peripheral geographical distribution for the first colonists. We suggest that these natural Celtic fringes provide insight into the same phenomenon in humans and support its origin in processes following the end of the LGM.  相似文献   

This study details the phylogeographic pattern of the bank vole, Clethrionomys glareolus, a European rodent species strongly associated with forest habitat. We used sequences of 1011 base pairs of the mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b gene from 207 bank voles collected in 62 localities spread throughout its distribution area. Our results reveal the presence of three Mediterranean (Spanish, Italian and Balkan) and three continental (western, eastern and 'Ural') phylogroups. The endemic Mediterranean phylogroups did not contribute to the post-glacial recolonization of much of the Palaearctic range of species. Instead, the major part of this region was apparently recolonized by bank voles that survived in glacial refugia in central Europe. Moreover, our phylogeographic analyses also reveal differentiated populations of bank voles in the Ural mountains and elsewhere, which carry the mitochondrial DNA of another related vole species, the ruddy vole (Clethrionomys rutilus). In conclusion, this study demonstrates a complex phylogeographic history for a forest species in Europe which is sufficiently adaptable that, facing climate change, survives in relict southern and northern habitats. The high level of genetic diversity characterizing vole populations from parts of central Europe also highlights the importance of such regions as a source of intraspecific genetic biodiversity.  相似文献   

Heterogeneity in environmental conditions helps to maintain genetic and phenotypicdiversity in ecosystems. As such, it may explain why the capacity of animals to mountimmune responses is highly variable. The quality of habitat patches, in terms ofresources, parasitism, predation and habitat fragmentation may, for example, triggertrade-offs ultimately affecting the investment of individuals in various immunologicalpathways. We described spatial immunoheterogeneity in bank vole populations with respectto landscape features and co-infection. We focused on the consequences of thisheterogeneity for the risk of Puumala hantavirus (PUUV) infection. We assessed theexpression of the Tnf-α and Mx2 genes and demonstrated a negativecorrelation between PUUV load and the expression of these immune genes in bank voles.Habitat heterogeneity was partly associated with differences in the expression of thesegenes. Levels of Mx2 were lower in large forests than in fragmented forests,possibly due to differences in parasite communities. We previously highlighted thepositive association between infection with Heligmosomum mixtum and infectionwith PUUV. We found that Tnf-α was more strongly expressed in volesinfected with PUUV than in uninfected voles or in voles co-infected with thenematode H. mixtum and PUUV. H. mixtum may limit the capacity of thevole to develop proinflammatory responses. This effect may increase the risk of PUUVinfection and replication in host cells. Overall, our results suggest that closeinteractions between landscape features, co-infection and immune gene expression may shapePUUV epidemiology.  相似文献   

Summary In northern Fennoscandia, microtine rodent populations fluctuate cyclically. The environment of an individual vole can be considered to be predictable when the risks of predation and intra- and interspecific competition change with the cycle, such that both are high during the population highs of voles. The risk of predation is also high during the vole crash. After the crash, the vole population is characterized by low intra- and interspecific competition and low predation pressure. The main predators affecting voles during the crash are the small mustelids, least weasel and stoat. The density of these specialist predators declines drastically during the winter after the vole crash. We studied experimentally the impact of the perceived presence of stoats on the breeding and mating behaviour of voles. In a series of breeding experiments with bank voles,Clethrionomys glareolus, both old and young females suppressed breeding when exposed to the odour of stoats,Mustela erminea. The weights of females decreased in both experimental and control groups, but more among the voles under odour exposition. It seems that females actively avoided copulations under high predation risk and that breeding suppression is mediated by a change in female mating behaviour. There was no change in male behaviour or physical condition between the experimental and control treatments. An alternative mechanism for the observed breeding suppression could be the one caused by decreased feeding in females mediated with low energy intake which does not allow breeding. Regardless of its mechanism, delay of breeding should increase the probability of non-breeding females to survive to the next breeding season. The females surviving the crash should gain a strong selective advantage in a predator-free environment of the subsequent breeding season, which could explain the adaptive function of this antipredatory strategy.  相似文献   

Genetic benefits can enhance the fitness of polyandrous females through the high intrinsic genetic quality of females' mates or through the interaction between female and male genes. I used a full diallel cross, a quantitative genetics design that involves all possible crosses among a set of genetically homogeneous lines, to determine the mechanism through which polyandrous female decorated crickets (Gryllodes sigillatus) obtain genetic benefits. I measured several traits related to fitness and partitioned the phenotypic variance into components representing the contribution of additive genetic variance ('good genes'), nonadditive genetic variance (genetic compatibility), as well as maternal and paternal effects. The results reveal a significant variance attributable to both nonadditive and additive sources in the measured traits, and their influence depended on which trait was considered. The lack of congruence in sources of phenotypic variance among these fitness-related traits suggests that the evolution and maintenance of polyandry are unlikely to have resulted from one selective influence, but rather are the result of the collective effects of a number of factors.  相似文献   

Females typically mate with more than one male despite the costs incurred, thus questioning Bateman's principle. A series of genetic benefits have been proposed to account for the evolution of polyandry, including the acquisition of viability genes for offspring. The 'intrinsic male quality' hypothesis suggests that polyandry increases the probability that females produce offspring sired by males that bestow high viability on their offspring. Heritable variation in viability is the basic requirement for the occurrence of this genetic benefit. By using a half-sib breeding design with a species of cricket in which polyandry is known to increase hatching success, we present clear experimental evidence that intrinsic male quality contributes to embryo viability. Despite recent support for the evolution of polyandry based on compatibility of genotypes between males and females, we show that hatching success is not determined by an interaction between paternal and maternal genotypes but rather that sons inherit paternal genes that influence the viability of eggs laid by their mates. Moreover, our data implicate a potential role for indirect genetic effects of male accessory gland products on embryo viability. Additive genetic contributions to embryo viability may be an important factor underlying the frequently observed benefits of polyandrous behaviour.  相似文献   

Supergenes are clusters of tightly linked loci maintained in specific allelic combinations to facilitate co-segregation of genes governing adaptive phenotypes. In species where strong selection potentially operates at different levels (e.g. eusocial Hymenoptera), positive selection acting within a population to maintain specific allelic combinations in supergenes may have unexpected consequences for some individuals, including the preservation of disadvantageous traits. The nuclear gene Gp-9 in the invasive fire ant Solenopsis invicta is part of a non-recombining, polymorphic supergene region associated with polymorphism in social organization as well as traits affecting physiology, fecundity and behaviour. We show that both male reproductive success and facultative polyandry in queens have a simple genetic basis and are dependent on male Gp-9 genotype. Gp-9(b) males are unable to maintain exclusive reproductive control over their mates such that queens mated to Gp-9(b) males remain highly receptive to remating. Queens mated to multiple Gp-9(B) males are rare. This difference appears to be independent of mating plug production in fertile males of each Gp-9 genotype. However, Gp-9(b) males have significantly lower sperm counts than Gp-9(B) males, which could be a cue to females to seek additional mates. Despite the reduced fitness of Gp-9(b) males, polygyne worker-induced selective mortality of sexuals lacking b-like alleles coupled with the overall success of the polygyne social form act to maintain the Gp-9(b) allele within nature. Our findings highlight how strong worker-induced selection acting to maintain the Gp-9(b) allele in the polygyne social form may simultaneously result in reduced reproductive fitness for individual sexual offspring.  相似文献   

Determination of the cellular distribution of the androgen receptors within the testis is of great importance for an understanding of their essential role in mediating of androgen action in the male gonad. In bank voles, which are seasonally breeding rodents, photoperiod is one of the most important factors inducing profound changes in the morphology and hormonal activity of the testes. Immunolocalization of androgen receptors was found in all somatic cells such as Sertoli cells, Leydig cells, and peritubular-myoid cells, however, distribution of the androgen receptors in various cell types depended on age of animals. Intensity of immunoreactivity was noticed as age and photoperiod-dependent. Males reared under different light regimes showed a significant correlation between the length of light and sexual maturation. Therefore, morphology of the testis from young and adult bank voles was also presented.  相似文献   

It is now well established that Southern European peninsulas have been major glacial refugia for temperate species during Pleistocene climatic oscillations. However, substantial environmental changes occurred also within these peninsulas throughout the Pleistocene, raising questions about the role and interplay of various microevolutionary processes in shaping patterns of intraspecific diversity within these areas. Here, we investigate the patterns of genetic variation in the bank vole Myodes glareolus within the Italian peninsula. By using a panel of 13 microsatellite loci, we found more intraspecific variation than expected based on previous assessments. Indeed, both Bayesian and ordination‐based clustering analyses of variation recovered five main geographic/genetic clusters along the peninsula, with three clusters geographically restricted to the southern portion of the peninsula. This clustering is supported by previous evidences of some morphological distinctiveness among these populations. This pattern can be explained by a refugia‐within‐refugia scenario, with the occurrence of multiple sub‐refugia for the bank vole within the Italian peninsula, likely promoted by the major palaeo‐environmental changes which affected forested habitats within this area during the Pleistocene. Moreover, our results support a scenario whereby the high levels of intraspecific diversity observed within major Pleistocene refugia are better explained by dynamic microevolutionary processes occurred within these areas, rather than by long‐term demographic stability of refugial population. Finally, the narrow and isolated distribution of some of the identified lineages suggests the need for future assessments of their conservation and taxonomic status.  相似文献   

Female multiple mating (polyandry) is widespread across many animal taxa and indirect genetic benefits are a major evolutionary force favouring polyandry. An incentive for polyandry arises when multiple mating leads to sperm competition that disadvantages sperm from genetically inferior mates. A reduction in genetic quality is associated with costly selfish genetic elements (SGEs), and studies in invertebrates have shown that males bearing sex ratio distorting SGEs are worse sperm competitors than wild-type males. We used a vertebrate model species to test whether females can avoid an autosomal SGE, the t haplotype, through polyandry. The t haplotype in house mice exhibits strong drive in t heterozygous males by affecting spermatogenesis and is associated with homozygous in utero lethality. We used controlled matings to test the effect of the t haplotype on sperm competitiveness. Regardless of mating order, t heterozygous males sired only 11% of zygotes when competing against wild-type males, suggesting a very strong effect of the t haplotype on sperm quality. We provide, to our knowledge, the first substantial evidence that polyandry ameliorates the harmful effects of an autosomal SGE arising through genetic incompatibility. We discuss potential mechanisms in our study species and the broader implications for the benefits of polyandry.  相似文献   

Axtner J  Sommer S 《Immunogenetics》2007,59(5):417-426
The generation and maintenance of allelic polymorphism in genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is a central issue in evolutionary genetics. Recently, the focus has changed from ex situ to in situ populations to understand the mechanisms that determine adaptive MHC polymorphism under natural selection. Birth-and-death evolution and gene conversion events are considered to generate sequence diversity in MHC genes, which subsequently is maintained by balancing selection through parasites. The ongoing arms race between the host and parasites leads to an adaptive selection pressure upon the MHC, evident in high rates of non-synonymous vs synonymous substitution rates. We characterised the MHC class II DRB exon 2 of free living bank voles, Clethrionomys glareolus by single-strand conformation polymorphism and direct sequencing. Unlike other arvicolid species, the DRB locus of the bank vole is at least quadruplicated. No evidence for gene conversion events in the Clgl-DRB sequences was observed. We found not only high allelic polymorphism with 26 alleles in 36 individuals but also high rates of silent polymorphism. Exceptional for MHC class II genes is a purifying selection pressure upon the majority of MHC-DRB sequences. Further, we analysed the association between certain DRB alleles and the parasite burden with gastrointestinal trichostrongyle nematodes Heligmosomum mixtum and Heligmosomoides glareoli and found significant quality differences between specific alleles with respect to infection intensity. Our findings suggest a snapshot in an evolutionary process of ongoing birth-and-death evolution. One allele cluster has lost its function and is already silenced, another is loosing its adaptive value in terms of gastrointestinal nematode resistance, while a third group of alleles indicates all signs of classical functional MHC alleles.  相似文献   

The goal of this study is to determine whether a parasitic nematode may regulate, or destabilise by inducing demographic cycles, its host populations. We explore three host–parasite systems through population dynamic models. The hosts considered are the fossorial water vole, Arvicola terrestris, the common vole Microtus arvalis and the bank vole Myodes (Clethrionomys) glareolus and the parasitic nematode is Trichuris arvicolae. Three differential equation-based mathematical models are developed including host immunity and the existence of trade-off between immunity and host survival. Using parameters estimated from field data and laboratory observations, all these models show that T. arvicolae can induce host population regulation but not demographic cycles. The regulation effect of the nematode is un-ambiguous for the water vole (reduction of 50.2% of the host population size), but less obvious for the common vole (5.9%) and even less for the bank vole (1.4%). Important biological parameters to be taken into account in such models are discussed. Experimental confirmation of the regulatory potential of the nematode and of the costs of mounting an immune response against this nematode are now required. Communicated by W. Lutz  相似文献   

Summary A unified model of social organization, spatial distribution, and demographic parameters in the bank vole was developed. It is based on social relations among females, among males and also between reproductive females and males. In the model, social status and reproductive condition of an individual depend exclusively on interactions with its nearest neighbours. A result of interactions between two neighbours remains local, i.e., it cannot affect other, more distant individuals. The simulated variables show similar trend and scatter as those found in a growing real population of the bank vole. The relevance of the model for theories of population dynamics is discussed.  相似文献   

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