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Fusarium oxysporum var. lini (ATCC 10960) formed a facilitated diffusion system for glucose (Ks, about 10 mM) when grown under repressed conditions. Under conditions of derepression, the same system was present together with a high-affinity (Ks, about 40 μM) active system. The maximum velocity of the latter was about 5% of that of the facilitated diffusion system. The high-affinity system was under the control of glucose repression and glucose inactivation. When lactose was the only carbon source in the medium, a facilitated diffusion system for lactose was found (Ks, about 30 mM). 相似文献
Utilization of Lactic Acid by Fusarium oxysporum var. lini: Regulation of Transport and Metabolism

Lactic acid was transported in Fusarium oxysporum var. lini ATCC 10960 by a saturable transport system that had a half-saturation constant of 56.6 ± 7.5 μM and a maximum velocity of 0.61 ± 0.10 mmol h-1 g-1 (dry weight) at 26°C and pH 5.0. This transport system was inducible and was not expressed in the presence of a repressing substrate. Evidence is presented that the anionic form lactate- was taken up by the cells. Propionic, acetic, pyruvic, and bromoacetic acids but not succinic acid competitively inhibited the transport of lactic acid. Bromoacetic acid, which was not metabolized, was taken up to a steady-state level when intracellular and extracellular concentrations were identical, indicating that the transport system was not accumulative. The enzymatic activity that was physiologically more relevant in the metabolism of lactic acid was lactate: ferricytochrome c oxidase. This enzyme did not exhibit stereospecifity and was induced by lactic acid. 相似文献
R. Kishore U.K. Tripathi J. Singh 《Archives Of Phytopathology And Plant Protection》2013,46(8):881-885
Screening of germplasm/varieties was made to find out the sources of resistance against F. oxysporum f. sp. lini. Screening was conducted on 78 available germplasm/varieties during 2003–2004 and 2004–2005 in rabi season of linseed under natural conditions. Out of total 78 entries, 27 cultures were found to be resistant to disease as the disease incidence in these cultivars were between 0 and 10%. Twenty-three cultivars fell in moderately resistant category with 10.1–25% wilt incidence. Nine genotypes were found moderately susceptible sho'wing 25.1–50% disease incidence, 14 genotypes were found susceptible showing 50.1–75% and 6 genotypes were found highly susceptible to disease (above 75%). 相似文献
Comparison of Fusarium oxysporum and Fusarium oxysporum var. redolens by Analyzing the Isozyme and Serological Patterns 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Extracts from Fusarium oxysporum (F.o.) and F. oxysporum var. redolens (F.o.r.) isolates were compared by means of electrophoresis and crossed immunoelectrophoresis. The polymorphism of five isozyme systems allowed a distinction between F.o. and F.o.r. isolates. The isozyme patterns of three other isozyme systems did not allow this distinction between F.o. and F.o.r. to be made. Both fungi appeared almost identical serologically. Relative amounts of their corresponding proteins differed but the qualitative patterns of the proteins were nearly the same with the anti-F.o.r. serum, only one specific antigen was detected in the extracts from F.o.r., isolates. Although the results obtained indicate a strong similarity between F.o. and F.o.r., they are not sufficient for an unequivocal statement that the fungi belong to the same species. 相似文献
Survival and inoculum potential of conidia and chlamydospores of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lini in soil 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The kinetics of survival and inoculum potential of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lini were studied in soil. Two types of inoculum were compared: microconidia freshly harvested from a laboratory-grown culture and microchlamydospores produced in sterilized soil. Introduced at the same inoculum densities into a natural soil, the two types of inoculum showed similar behavior; the inoculum densities changed little with time, at least during 100 days. However, the two types of inoculum did differ in disease potential. A higher percentage of microchlamydospores than microconidia germinated in the rhizosphere of flax seedlings, and the heterotrophic fluorescein diacetate hydrolysing activity of the microchlamydospores was 100 times higher than that of microconidia. Moreover, the microchlamydospores produced more disease on flax than the microconidia even at a much lower inoculum density. 相似文献
The utility of two locally isolated fungi, pathogenic to banana, for steroid biotransformation has been studied. The deuteromycetes Fusarium oxysporum var. cubense (IMI 326069, UAMH 9013) and Colletotrichum musae (IMI 374528, UAMH 8929) had not been examined previously for this potential. In general, F. oxysporum var. cubense effected 7alpha hydroxylation on 3beta-hydroxy-delta5-steroids, 6beta, 12beta, and 15alpha hydroxylation on steroidal-4-ene-3-ones, side-chain degradation on 17alpha,21-dihydroxypregnene-3,20-diones, and 15alpha hydroxylation on estrone. Both strains were shown to perform redox reactions on alcohols and ketones. 相似文献
Shoot-Dependent Regulation of Sodium and Potassium Fluxes in Roots of Whole Barley Seedlings 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
Unidirectional fluxes and the cytoplasmic and vacuolar contentsof potassium and sodium in root cells of intact barley seedlings(Hordeum vulgare L., cv. Villa) were determined by use of compartmentalanalysis. In addition, the net vacuolar accumulation Jcv andthe xylem transport øcx of K+ and Na+ were measured.Both of these data were needed for the evaluation of the effluxdata. Fluxes and compartmental contents of K+ and Na+ were comparableto data obtained with excised roots. The effect of the shoot-to-rootratioas varied by partial excision of the seedlings seminalrootson the fluxes and contents was investigated. Highershoot-to-root ratios induced an increase in xylem transport,in plasmalemma influx, and also in the cytoplasmic content ofK+ and Na+. With potassium the plasmalemma efflux was almostunaltered while the tonoplast fluxes and vacuolar content weredecreased (in presence of Na+). With sodium, on the other hand,the plasmalemma efflux and the tonoplast fluxes were also increasedin the plants having one root and a high shoot-to-root ratio.These changes occurred even under conditions of low humidity,when transpiration was low and guttation occurred. The latterwas also increased at the high shoot-to-root ratio. The observedchanges could be due to a relieved feedback control of ion fluxesby the shoot and mediated in part by a relatively higher supplyof photosynthates in the plants having one root In addition,hormonal signals were suggested to participate. In particulara possibly decreased level of cytokinins in the plants havingonly one root could contribute to the signal. The observed changesappear to be responses of the plant to an alteration that canoccur under natural conditions when the root system is damaged. 相似文献
Protein and esterase patterns of eleven isolates of F. oxysporum f. sp. elaeidis, one isolate of F. oxysporum var. redolens pathogenic to oil palm from Africa and six non-pathogenic isolates of F. oxysporum from oil palm soils in Malaysia were studied by vertical disc-electrophoresis and isoelectric focusing, to determine whether the pathogenic and saprophytic forms of F. oxysporum could be distinguished using these two methods. The protein patterns of all the isolates studied by the two methods were almost identical qualitatively and it was impossible to distinguish between the pathogenic isolates of F. oxysporum f. sp. elaeidis and F. oxysporum var. redolens from Africa and saprophytic isolates of F. oxysporum from Malaysia. Esterase zymograms of the isolates produced by the two methods were different. Esterase zymograms produced by vertical disc-electrophoresis showed great variations between and within the African and Malaysian isolates, but the esterase patterns produced by isoelectric focusing were almost identical qualitatively. 相似文献
Washed carrot slices take up more K than Na during accumulationof C1 salts from a mixed salt solution. Ouabain does not affectthe overall influx of labelled K or Na to the vacuole, but inhibitsthe efflux of labelled Na from the vacuole. The simplest hypothesisis the ouabain inhibits a Na efflux pump at the plasmalemma.Some suggestions to explain the transient changes in Na effluxafter the addition of ouabain are put forward. 相似文献
E A Schoffelmeer F M Klis J H Sietsma B J Cornelissen 《Fungal genetics and biology : FG & B》1999,27(2-3):275-282
Sugar analysis of isolated cell walls from three formae speciales of Fusarium oxysporum showed that they contained not only glucose and (N-acetyl)-glucosamine, but also mannose, galactose, and uronic acids, presumably originating from cell wall glycoproteins. Cell wall glycoproteins accounted for 50-60% of the total mass of the wall. X-ray diffraction studies showed the presence of alpha-1, 3-glucan in the alkali-soluble cell wall fraction and of beta-1, 3-glucan and chitin in the alkali-insoluble fraction. Electron microscopy and lectin binding studies indicated that glycoproteins form an external layer covering an inner layer composed of chitin and glucan. 相似文献
Ido Vlaardingerbroek Bas Beerens Sarah M. Schmidt Ben J. C. Cornelissen Martijn Rep 《Molecular Plant Pathology》2016,17(9):1455-1466
The genomes of many filamentous fungi consist of a ‘core’ part containing conserved genes essential for normal development as well as conditionally dispensable (CD) or lineage‐specific (LS) chromosomes. In the plant‐pathogenic fungus Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici, one LS chromosome harbours effector genes that contribute to pathogenicity. We employed flow cytometry to select for events of spontaneous (partial) loss of either the two smallest LS chromosomes or two different core chromosomes. We determined the rate of spontaneous loss of the ‘effector’ LS chromosome in vitro at around 1 in 35 000 spores. In addition, a viable strain was obtained lacking chromosome 12, which is considered to be a part of the core genome. We also isolated strains carrying approximately 1‐Mb deletions in the LS chromosomes and in the dispensable core chromosome. The large core chromosome 1 was never observed to sustain deletions over 200 kb. Whole‐genome sequencing revealed that some of the sites at which the deletions occurred were the same in several independent strains obtained for the two chromosomes tested, indicating the existence of deletion hotspots. For the core chromosome, this deletion hotspot was the site of insertion of the marker used to select for loss events. Loss of the core chromosome did not affect pathogenicity, whereas loss of the effector chromosome led to a complete loss of pathogenicity. 相似文献
C. Madhosingh 《Journal of Phytopathology》1994,142(3):301-309
The fusion of protoplasts from the cycloheximide-resistant mutant FOL(C) of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici (FOL) and the mycostatin-resistant mutant FORL(M) of F. oxysporum f. sp. radicis-lycopersici (FORL), produced hybrids which expressed significant differences from the parents in their pathogenicity and growth and in the electrophoretic separation patterns of their proteins, enzymes and isoenzymes. The results suggest a transformed genetic basis for these altered expressions and the feasibility of using protoplast fusion technology for examining the biology of pathogenicity genes and for elucidating the disease and virulence potential for new races from within hybridisable taxa of Fusarium spp. Such information would be useful for the design and development of long-term control systems for Fusarium diseases, particularly in breeding programs for disease resistance in crops. 相似文献
A method for growing Fusarium oxysporum, a mycelial fungus, and a technique for its use in mineral uptake studies have been described. Some general characteristics of the uptake process were determined. The fungus, grown for 54 hours, was found to take up as much K as 15 to 20 meq/100 g dry weight in 2 to 4 hours from a solution of 5 meq/l KCl. Approximately 3 to 5 meq of this uptake was readily removed by a CaCl2 rinse. The uptake was only slightly sensitive to pH over the range of 4 to 9. Below pH 4 uptake dropped rapidly. The age of the culture appeared to be the dominant factor in determining the rate of uptake. In contrast to other fungi, the presence of glucose during uptake was detrimental to K uptake. Conditions unfavorable for metabolic activity as low temperature, anaerobiosis, or the presence of DNP markedly reduced the uptake rate. Although the fungus took up Na from single salt solutions nearly as well as K, the latter ion was much preferred in mixtures of the two ions. The organism showed no significant metabolic uptake of Ca or Cl. During uptake from KCl solutions, the organic acid content increased. The increase, chiefly in succinic acid and to a lesser extent in acetic and citric acids, amounted to about half the K uptake. The remainder of the K taken up was correlated with a roughly equivalent efflux of cellular Mg. 相似文献
Potassium Fluxes in Excised Barley Roots 总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2
The method of the modified compartmental analysis for excisedroots has been adopted for measuring K+-fluxes and compartmentationin barley (Hordeum distichon) roots. Efflux of 42K and 86Rbindicated that more than two intracellular compartments wereinvolved in the tracer exchange; the 42K data clearly showedthe components. On the basis of the efflux behaviour of theapical and more basal tissues of the roots, the three componentsof efflux were attributed to the cytoplasm of differentiated(fast) and meristematic tissues (intermediate) and to the vacuoles(slow exchange) of the roots. A model is proposed on the basisof which, the fluxes corresponding to the meristematic and differentiatedtissues of the root can be estimated. Additionally, fluxes ofthe differentiated root tissues were determined by using effluxdata obtained with root segments without apical tissues. Thedata obtained in both ways compare reasonably well and agreeto independent chemical measurements. Comparison of the 42K and 86Rb efflux data show strong discriminationof K in favour of Rb+ and indicate that 86Rb is not suitableas a tracer for K+ in efflux measurements, at least with barleyroots. 相似文献
M W Zink 《Canadian journal of microbiology》1977,23(10):1346-1359
Two types of pyruvate kinases were found in Fusarium oxysporum. One type (inducible) was present mainly during the early stages of growth on glucose or sucrose and displayed Michaelis-Menten kinetics with respect to phosphoenolpyruvate and adenosine diphosphate. The major type (constitutive) was present under all conditions of growth and displayed in the absence of potassium ions, a sigmoidal substrate saturation curve when phosphoenolpyruvate was used as the variable substrate. In the presence of potassium ions the saturation curve for phosphoenolpyruvate exhibits a plateau at half-maximal velocity. The effects of various metabolites on the activity of the inducible and constitutive kinases were also studied. Fructose-1,6-diphosphate, cyclic AMP, acetyl CoA, tryptophan, and phenylalanine had no effect on the activity of the enzymes. Citrate was a potent inhibitor of the constitutive pyruvate kinase activity and increased the sigmoidicity of the saturation curve for phosphoenolpyruvic acid. In the presence of K+, the bimodal plot observed in the absence of citrate gradually changed to a hyperbolic shape as the concentration of citric acid was increased. In the presence of K+ and ADP as the variable substrate citric acid converted the hyperbolic plot to a sigmoidal one. Citrate had no effect on the inducible enzyme. 相似文献
西瓜枯萎病是一种世界范围的西瓜毁灭性病害,其病原菌为尖孢镰刀菌西瓜专化型(Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.niveum,FON)。研究病原菌生长发育和侵染的机制是解决病害的根本途径。利用荧光蛋白对细胞或细胞器进行标记,是病原菌研究中的重要方法。该研究利用绿色荧光蛋白和红色荧光蛋白对FON的细胞核和过氧化物酶体进行了荧光标记。通过农杆菌介导转化(Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation,AtMT),该文将3种不同的荧光定位载体分别导入FON,获得了细胞核红色荧光标记的转化子(潮霉素抗性,含mCherry-H2B融合蛋白),以及过氧化物酶体绿色(潮霉素抗性,含GFP-PTS1融合蛋白)和红色(潮霉素抗性,含DsRED-PTS1融合蛋白)荧光标记的转化子各1种。在标记细胞核的菌株中,菌丝、孢子都可见明亮、圆形的红色荧光点,荧光点与DAPI染色标记的细胞核区域完全重合。在过氧化物酶体标记的菌株中,菌丝、孢子中可见明亮的红色或绿色荧光成小点状分布,符合过氧化物酶体的分布特征,而且在脂类物质诱导的条件下,荧光点的数量明显增加。此外,该文还利用细胞壁荧光染色剂卡氏白对3种荧光蛋白标记菌株进行染色。结果显示,卡氏白染色产生的蓝色荧光与红、绿荧光蛋白的荧光在FON中互不干扰。转化子继代培养和初步分析表明,其表型与野生型无差异,菌株继代后荧光表达稳定、定位明显。该结果为进一步研究FON细胞器动态、生长发育与致病分子机制提供了方法和工具。 相似文献
T Fukamizo T Ohkawa K Sonoda H Toyoda T Nishiguchi S Ouchi S Goto 《Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry》1992,56(10):1632-1636
The cell wall of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici was digested with chitinase to analyze the structure of its chitinous components. In spite of a similar acetylation degree of the cell wall components to that of 25-35% acetylated chitosan, only N-acetylglucosamine disaccharide [(GlcNAc)2] was obtained from chitinase hydrolyzate of the fungal cell wall by CM-Sephadex C-25 column chromatography, while (GlcNAc)2 and several types of deacetylated chitooligosaccharides were separated from that of 25-35% acetylated chitosan. The results indicate that N-acetylglucosamine residues in the polysaccharide chains of the fungal cell wall are most likely condensed into some region, while acetylated residues are more scattered in 25-35% acetylated chitosan. 相似文献
A nitroalkane-oxidizing enzyme, which was inducibly formed by addition of nitroethane to the medium was purified to homogeneity from an extract of Fusarium oxysporum (IFO 5942) with an overall yield of about 20%. The enzyme catalyzed the oxidative denitrification of 1-nitropropane as follows: CH2(NO2)CH2CH3 + O2 + H2O leads to OHCCH2CH3 + HNO2 + H2O2. In addition to 1-nitropropane, 3-nitro-2-pentanol, 2-nitropropane, and nitrocyclohexane are good substrates; the enzyme is designated "nitroalkane oxidase" (EC class 1.7.3). The enzyme has a molecular weight of approximately 185,000 and consists of four subunits identical in molecular weight (47,000). Flavin adenine dinucleotide was required for the enzyme activity and could be replaced in part by riboflavin 5'-phosphate. The maximum reactivity was found at about pH 8.0. The enzyme was inhibited significantly by HgCl2, KCN, p-chloromercuribenzoate, and N-ethylmaleimide. The Michaelis constants are as follows: 1-nitropropane, 1.54 mM; 2-nitropropane, 7.40 mM; nitroethane, 1.00 mM; 3-nitro-2-pentanol, 3.08 mM; nitrocyclohexane, 0.90 mM; and flavin adenine dinucleotide, 1.33 micrometer. 相似文献