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Phylogenetic footprinting is a method for the discovery of regulatory elements in a set of homologous regulatory regions, usually collected from multiple species. It does so by identifying the best conserved motifs in those homologous regions. This note describes web software that has been designed specifically for this purpose, making use of the phylogenetic relationships among the homologous sequences in order to make more accurate predictions. The software is called FootPrinter and is available at http://bio.cs.washington.edu/software.html.  相似文献   

Ligation-mediated PCR for quantitative in vivo footprinting   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

CGH-Explorer: a program for analysis of array-CGH data   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
SUMMARY: CGH-Explorer is a program for visualization and statistical analysis of microarray-based comparative genomic hybridization (array-CGH) data. The program has preprocessing facilities, tools for graphical exploration of individual arrays or groups of arrays, and tools for statistical identification of regions of amplification and deletion.  相似文献   

Irigoien I  Fernandez E  Vives S  Arenas C 《Genetika》2008,44(8):1137-1140
Microarray technology is increasingly being applied in biological and medical research to address a wide range of problems. Cluster analysis has proven to be a very useful tool for investigating the structure of microarray data. This paper presents a program for clustering microarray data, which is based on the so call path-distance. The algorithm gives in each step a partition in two clusters and no prior assumptions on the structure of clusters are required. It assigns each object (gene or sample) to only one cluster and gives the global optimum for the function that quantifies the adequacy of a given partition of the sample into k clusters. The program was tested on experimental data sets, showing the robustness of the algorithm.  相似文献   

AUTOTET: a program for analysis of autotetraploid genotypic data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Microsatellite markers are quite popular due to their degree of polymorphism and efficiency; however, the utility of such markers for analysing allotetraploid species is often hampered by an inability to determine allele copy number for partial heterozygotes. tetrasat is a program that uses an iterative substitution process to account for all probable combinations of allele copy numbers in populations with partial heterozygote samples. The program subsequently calculates allele frequencies, and mean Hardy–Weinberg expected heterozygosity (HE), Shannon–Weiner Diversity Index (H′) and Nei's measure of population differentiation (GST) are reported for each locus and population. Of equal importance is the calculation of statistical variability generated by the missing data and allele substitution process, which allows for assessment of the strength of conclusions drawn from the statistics.  相似文献   

Determination of netropsin-DNA binding constants from footprinting data   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
A theory for deriving drug-DNA site binding constants from footprinting data is presented. Plots of oligonucleotide concentration, as a function of drug concentration, for various cutting positions on DNA are required. It is assumed that the rate of cleavage at each nucleotide position is proportional to the concentration of enzyme at that nucleotide and to the probability that the nucleotide is not blocked by drug. The probability of a nucleotide position not being blocked is calculated by assuming a conventional binding equilibrium for each binding site with exclusions for overlapping sites. The theory has been used to evaluate individual site binding constants for the antiviral agent netropsin toward a 139 base pair restriction fragment of pBR-322 DNA. Drug binding constants, evaluated from footprinting data in the presence of calf thymus DNA and poly(dGdC) as carrier and in the absence of carrier DNA, were determined by obtaining the best fit between calculated and experimental footprinting data. Although the strong sites on the fragment were all of the type (T.A)4, the value of the binding constant was strongly sequence dependent. Sites containing the dinucleotide sequence 5'-TA-3' were found to have significantly lower binding constants than those without this sequence, suggesting that an adenine-adenine clash produces a DNA structural alteration in the minor groove which discourages netropsin binding to DNA. The errors, scope, and limitations associated with the method are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

Journal of Molecular Modeling - Soft spot analysis helps evaluate the site of the metabolic lability that impacts the bio-availability of the drug. However, given its laborious and time consuming...  相似文献   

Katara P  Grover A  Sharma V 《Protoplasma》2012,249(4):901-907
Phylogenetic footprinting is a method for the discovery of regulatory elements in a set of homologous regulatory regions, usually collected from multiple species. It does so by identifying the best conserved motifs in those homologous regions. There are two popular sets of methods-alignment-based and motif-based, which are generally employed for phylogenetic methods. However, serious efforts have lacked to develop a tool exclusively for phylogenetic footprinting, based on either of these methods. Nevertheless, a number of software and tools exist that can be applied for prediction of phylogenetic footprinting with variable degree of success. The output from these tools may get affected by a number of factors associated with current state of knowledge, techniques and other resources available. We here present a critical apprehension of various phylogenetic approaches with reference to prokaryotes outlining the available resources and also discussing various factors affecting footprinting in order to make a clear idea about the proper use of this approach on prokaryotes.  相似文献   

Data Analysis Tool Extension (DAnTE) is a statistical tool designed to address challenges associated with quantitative bottom-up, shotgun proteomics data. This tool has also been demonstrated for microarray data and can easily be extended to other high-throughput data types. DAnTE features selected normalization methods, missing value imputation algorithms, peptide-to-protein rollup methods, an extensive array of plotting functions and a comprehensive hypothesis-testing scheme that can handle unbalanced data and random effects. The graphical user interface (GUI) is designed to be very intuitive and user friendly. AVAILABILITY: DAnTE may be downloaded free of charge at http://omics.pnl.gov/software/. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: An example dataset with instructions on how to perform a series of analysis steps is available at http://omics.pnl.gov/software/  相似文献   

Analytical ultracentrifugation is commonly used for the determinationof molecular weights (sedimentation equilibrium) and sedimentationcoefficients (sedimentation rate) of biological macromoleculesin solution. A Turbo Pascal program for the analysis of sedimentationequilibrium centrifugation data produced by absorbance opticalsystems is described. The user may enter data from a scan ofabsorbance versus distance from the centre of rotation, viaa graphics tablet (or ASCII file). This is subsequently manipulatedto yield an apparent weight average molecular weight for thegiven sample. Plots of In (absorbance) versus (radius2) mayalso be produced. The method described uses readily availablecomputational equipment requiring only a graphics tablet inaddition to an IBM PC compatible computer. This technique andthe software developed have been used to investigate the molecularweight range of two International Humic Substances Society (IHSS)reference samples from the Suwannee River. Received on October 7, 1988; accepted on December 12, 1988  相似文献   

JenPep: a database of quantitative functional peptide data for immunology   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
MOTIVATION: The compilation of quantitative binding data underlies attempts to derive tools for the accurate prediction of epitopes in cellular immunology and is part of our concerted goal to develop practical computational vaccinology. RESULTS: JenPep is a family of relational databases supporting the growing community of immunoinformaticians. It contains quantitative data on peptide binding to Major Histocompatibility Complexes (MHCs) and to Transmembrane Peptide Transporter (TAP), as well as an annotated list of T-cell epitopes. AVAILABILITY: The database is available via the Internet. An HTML interface allowing searching of the database can be found at the following address: http://www.jenner.ac.uk/JenPep.  相似文献   

We have developed a package program for the estimation of Michaelis-Menten parameters for enzymes that conform to different kinetic mechanisms. Data from different experimental schemes can be fitted with appropriate weighing factors to any of 6 mathematical models, corresponding to 5 kinetic mechanisms: ordered bi-bi, Theorell-Chance, rapid equilibrium random bi-bi, rapid equilibrium ordered bi-bi and ping pong bi-bi. The program also performs a significance test to discriminate between different candidate models. To illustrate the performance of the program, real data from kinetic experiments with glucose 6-phosphate from Leuconostoc mesenteroides have been fitted to different mathematical models, and the results are discussed. The program can be easily implemented for the fitting of kinetic data to any other model.  相似文献   

EXCAVATOR: a computer program for efficiently mining gene expression data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Xu D  Olman V  Wang L  Xu Y 《Nucleic acids research》2003,31(19):5582-5589
Massive amounts of gene expression data are generated using microarrays for functional studies of genes and gene expression data clustering is a useful tool for studying the functional relationship among genes in a biological process. We have developed a computer package EXCAVATOR for clustering gene expression profiles based on our new framework for representing gene expression data as a minimum spanning tree. EXCAVATOR uses a number of rigorous and efficient clustering algorithms. This program has a number of unique features, including capabilities for: (i) data- constrained clustering; (ii) identification of genes with similar expression profiles to pre-specified seed genes; (iii) cluster identification from a noisy background; (iv) computational comparison between different clustering results of the same data set. EXCAVATOR can be run from a Unix/Linux/DOS shell, from a Java interface or from a Web server. The clustering results can be visualized as colored figures and 2-dimensional plots. Moreover, EXCAVATOR provides a wide range of options for data formats, distance measures, objective functions, clustering algorithms, methods to choose number of clusters, etc. The effectiveness of EXCAVATOR has been demonstrated on several experimental data sets. Its performance compares favorably against the popular K-means clustering method in terms of clustering quality and computing time.  相似文献   

Growing interest in microsatellite genotyping, combined with noninvasive genetic sampling has led to the increased production of data. New tools to analyse these data are required. gimlet is a user‐friendly software package designed to perform several simple tasks: (i) construction of consensus genotypes from repeated genotyping; (ii) estimation of genotyping error rates; (iii) identification of identical genotypes; (iv) comparison of new genotypes to a set of reference genotypes; (v) determination of the kinship; and (vi) estimation of several population parameters such as allele frequencies, heterozygosity, probability of identity, and population size.  相似文献   

Footprinting is a powerful and widely used tool for characterizing the structure, thermodynamics, and kinetics of nucleic acid folding and ligand binding reactions. However, quantitative analysis of the gel images produced by footprinting experiments is tedious and time-consuming, due to the absence of informatics tools specifically designed for footprinting analysis. We have developed SAFA, a semi-automated footprinting analysis software package that achieves accurate gel quantification while reducing the time to analyze a gel from several hours to 15 min or less. The increase in analysis speed is achieved through a graphical user interface that implements a novel methodology for lane and band assignment, called "gel rectification," and an optimized band deconvolution algorithm. The SAFA software yields results that are consistent with published methodologies and reduces the investigator-dependent variability compared to less automated methods. These software developments simplify the analysis procedure for a footprinting gel and can therefore facilitate the use of quantitative footprinting techniques in nucleic acid laboratories that otherwise might not have considered their use. Further, the increased throughput provided by SAFA may allow a more comprehensive understanding of molecular interactions. The software and documentation are freely available for download at http://safa.stanford.edu.  相似文献   

A digital anatomy construction (DANCER) program was developed for gene expression data. DANCER can be used to reconstruct anatomical images from in situ hybridization images, microarray or other gene expression data. The program fills regions of a drawn figure with the corresponding values from a gene expression data set. The output of the program presents the expression levels of a particular gene in a particular region relative to other regions. The program was tested with values from experimental in situ hybridization autoradiographs and from a microarray experiment. Reconstruction of in situ hybridization data from adult rat brain made by DANCER corresponded well with the original autoradiograph. Reconstruction of microarray data from adult mouse brains provided images that reflect actual expression levels. This program should help to provide visualization and interpretation of data derived from gene expression experiments. DANCER may be freely downloaded.  相似文献   

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