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The study is aimed at investigating the fine structure of the plasma current sheath (PCS) in the PF-3 plasma focus facility. The PCS dynamics in a deuterium discharge was studied. The PCS parameters were measured using absolutely calibrated magnetic probes installed at different positions with respect to the facility axis and the anode surface. A magneto-optical probe recording both the magnetic signal and the PCS optical luminosity was first applied to analyze the PCS structure. This made it possible to spatially resolve the current and shock-wave regions. It is demonstrated that the current distribution is different in different discharge stages. It is shown that the neutron yield is determined by the value of the current compressed toward the axis, rather then the amplitude of the total discharge current.  相似文献   

The dynamics of the cumulative jet formed in the course of plasma compression in a plasma focus discharge is investigated by the method of differential optical interferometry. The jet propagation velocity is found to be V = (2.3?C3) × 107 cm/s, which coincides with the results of calculations performed in a 2D ideal MHD model. Ejection of matter from the anode in the late stage of the discharge due to the interaction of the cumulative jet and the electron beam with the anode surface is observed.  相似文献   

The effect of an external magnetic field on the dynamics of shock waves generated in an argon plasma due to both explosive processes on the cathode and expansion of the spark channel has been studied experimentally. It is shown that the expanding plasma of the cathode spot forms a shock wave and that the application of a longitudinal magnetic field decelerates the radial expansion of the cathode plasma. It is found that the intensities of some argon spectral lines increase in the presence of a magnetic field.  相似文献   

The anisotropy of the yield and energy of neutrons generated in a small-size plasma focus chamber with a total neutron yield of about 4 × 109 DD neutrons per shot was investigated experimentally. The neutrons were recorded using scintillation detectors on a 3-m-long flight base. The measurements were performed at the angles 0° and 90° with respect to the chamber axis. The maximum neutron energy measured by the time-of-flight method at the angles 0° and 90° was found to be 2.8 and 2.5 MeV, respectively. The measured anisotropy of the neutron yield was in the range 1.15–1.88. The integral DD neutron yield of the source was measured using the activation method (by activating silver isotopes). It is found that the neutron yield and the yield anisotropy depend linearly on the discharge current jump ΔI at the instant of neutron generation.  相似文献   

The correlation between the neutron yield Y from a plasma focus device and the jump in the discharge current ??I has been studied experimentally. The total yield of the DD neutron source was measured by the method of activation of silver isotopes. The time dependences of the neutron and ??-radiation yields were recorded using scintillation detectors. It is found that, for the given experimental device, the neutron yield depends linearly on the jump in the discharge current ??I at the instant of neutron generation. The influence of the initial deuterium pressure in the discharge chamber on this dependence is examined.  相似文献   

The spectroscopic technique used to measure the parameters of the plasma jets generated in the plasma focus discharge and those of the plasma of the immobile gas through which these jets propagate is described. The time evolution of the intensities and shapes of spectral lines in experiments carried out with helium at the PF-3 facility was studied by means of electron-optical streak cameras. The plasma electron temperature, T ≈ 4–5 eV, was determined from the intensity ratio of two spectral lines, one of which (λ1 = 5876 Å) belongs to neutral helium, while the other (λ2 = 4686 Å), to hydrogen-like helium ions. The plasma density at different time instants was determined from the Stark broadening of these lines in the electric fields of different nature. The plasma density is found to vary from 4 × 1014 to 2 × 1017 cm?3.  相似文献   

The role of different ionization mechanisms in penning-type gas discharges used to generate an emitting plasma in plasma electron sources is considered. It is shown that, under certain conditions, a substantial contribution to the process of gas ionization is provided by plasma electrons.  相似文献   

A study is made of the relation between the kinetic processes involving carbon-containing species and the intensity ratios of different emission lines in synthesizing diamond films in a microwave discharge plasma. The intensity ratios of the emission lines are measured as functions of the pressure, composition, and flow rate of the gas mixture. The kinetic processes involving carbon-containing components are simulated under conditions close to the experimental ones. It is shown that the intensity ratios of different pairs of lines can be used to control diamond film deposition.  相似文献   

The resonant excitation of plasma (Langmuir) oscillations during the microwave breakdown of a low-pressure gas is studied both analytically and numerically using the simplest uniform model. It is shown that, because of a significant delay in electron heating and cooling, this effect ensures that the plasma density increases at a high (resonant) rate, even after exceeding a critical value, and can reach a very high (overcritical) level.  相似文献   

Results of an experimental study of the helicon discharge plasma parameters in a prototype of a hybrid RF plasma system equipped with a solenoidal antenna are described. It is shown that an increase in the external magnetic field leads to the formation of a plasma column and a shift of the maximum ion current along the discharge axis toward the bottom flange of the system. The shape of the plasma column can be controlled via varying the configuration of the magnetic field.  相似文献   

In this article, design of a 500-kJ Mather-type plasma focus device to achieve 1011 neutrons/shot is reported. One of its important characteristics is the triple-part anode design. The anode is surrounded by an alumina insulator. The second part of the anode is changeable in order to locate cylindrical, conical, or other shapes of pieces mounted on it. This geometry leads to the easier investigation of the neutron and X-ray emissions of the device. The third part of the anode is for changing the materials exposed to different kinds of radiations. The design parameters are considered by semiempirical and empirical formulas and are sketched by Solidworks software. Also, the peak current and neutron yield are estimated.  相似文献   

The work is devoted to designing a compact pulsed neutron source on the basis of a plasma focus (PF) discharge. The main task was to study the physical processes accompanying a sub-kilojoule repetitive PF discharge. A device with a power supply energy of up to 600 J and pulse repetition rate of up to 10 Hz has been developed and put into operation. The dependence of the neutron yield as a function of the pulse repetition rate has been studied experimentally. A neutron flux of ~108 neutrons/s has been obtained in the 3-s-long packet mode with a repetition rate of 10 Hz and discharge current of 80–90 kA.  相似文献   

Results are presented for experimental studies of the plasma glow in a high-current pulsed magnetron discharge by using a high-speed optical frame camera. It is found that the discharge plasma is inhomogeneous in the azimuthal direction. The plasma bunches rotate with a linear velocity of ∼1 cm/μs in the direction of electron Hall drift, and their number is proportional to the discharge current. Plasma inhomogeneities in the form of plasma jets propagate in the form of plasma jets from the cathode region toward the anode. It is shown analytically that the formation of inhomogeneities is caused by the necessity to transfer high-density electron current across the magnetic field.  相似文献   

High-density (n > 1012 cm?3) argon-mercury plasma produced by a short (t ~ 20 μs) high-power pulsed discharge in argon with an admixture of mercury vapor at a discharge current of ~50 A, an argon pressure of ~4 mm Hg, and a mercury vapor pressure of ~10?3 mm Hg was studied using optical spectroscopy and radio physics methods. It is found that the lifetime of this plasma after the end of the discharge pulse is up to 10?2 s. It is shown that such an abnormally long lifetime of such an afterglow plasma, as compared to the plasma of an argon discharge without an admixture of mercury vapor, is related to the long residence time of atoms and ions of both argon and mercury in highly excited states due to chemi-ionization processes involving long-lived metastable argon ions. It is suggested that dissociative recombination of highly excited molecular ions of argon play an important role in the transfer of excitation to argon atoms and ions that are close to autoionization states.  相似文献   

A theoretical model is presented that describes the charging of dust grains in the positive plasma column of a stratified glow dc discharge in argon. A one-dimensional self-consistent model is used to obtain axial profiles of the electric field, as well as the electron energy distribution function along the axis of the discharge tube. Radial profiles of the electric field are determined in the ambipolar diffusion approximation. It is assumed that, in the radial direction, the electron distribution function depends only on the total electron energy. Two-dimensional distributions of the discharge plasma parameters are calculated and used to determine the potential and charge of a test dust grain at a certain point within the discharge and the electrostatic forces acting on it. It is shown that the grain charge distribution depends strongly on the nonequilibrium electron distribution function and on the nonuniform distribution of the electric field in a stratified glow discharge. A discussion is presented on the suspension of dust grains, the separation of grains by size in the discharge striations, and a possible mechanism for the onset of vortex dust motion at the edge of a dust cloud.  相似文献   

The results of the experimental investigations of the spectral composition of plasma focus X-ray radiation in the photon energy range of 1.5 keV-400 keV are presented. Three regions in the radiation spectrum where the latter is of a quasi-thermal nature with a corresponding effective temperature are distinguished.  相似文献   

Analysis of the results of polarimetric measurements of X-ray line radiation of multicharged ions in a Z-pinch discharge indicates that the formation of an anisotropic electron velocity distribution in the neck of the current channel and the generation of highly charged ions are separated in time. The generation of a fast electron beam in the longitudinal ohmic electric field in the stage of plasma compression in the neck results in the polarization of X-ray bremsstrahlung continuum. In the stage of expansion of the hot dense micropinch plasma, the radial electric field prevails, due to which X-ray line radiation of multicharged ions becomes linearly polarized.  相似文献   

A new type of plasma electron-emitting source capable of increasing the temperature of plasma electrons behind the edge of a stationary plasma thruster (SPT) to 7–15 eV has been developed and investigated experimentally. For the same parameters of the main discharge, the thrust, the thrust efficiency, the mass use factor, and the lifetime of the “SPT anode unit-plasma electron-emitting source” assembly are found to increase substantially as compared to a thruster equipped with a conventional cathode compensator. Simultaneously, the neutral particle pressure required for the existence of self-consistent distributions of the electric field and charged particle density in the drift space of the neutralized ion beam decreases appreciably. It is shown that the volume of the region in which primary slow ions are produced increases with increasing ionization frequency. Three additional channels for discharge control are implemented. The ranges in which the discharge parameters can be controlled are extended.  相似文献   

A steady-state distribution of the concentration of two ion species in a capillary discharge plasma is studied using MHD equations for a plasma with a spatially nonuniform, time-dependent chemical composition. In our case, the set of equations is significantly simplified because of the steady-state character and symmetry of the problem. Even with such simplification, however, some results could be obtained only by numerical integration. The factors affecting the distribution of heavy ions are studied. It is shown that the distribution of the heavy impurity over the discharge cross section can be much more nonuniform than the distribution of the main component (hydrogen). A simple criterion for such a nonuniformity is obtained.  相似文献   

The parameters of a dense (1013–1014 cm−3) plasma produced by ionization of a H2 + Ti mixture in a moderate-power (W ≤ 10 MW) pulsed reflective discharge are investigated. The dynamics of the plasma density, the elemental composition of the generated plasma, the radial distribution of the electron density, the rotation velocity and frequency of the plasma layer with n p n cr, the radial electric field, the coefficient of plasma particle separation, and the coefficient of plasma recombination in the stage of plasma decay are determined.  相似文献   

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