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Recurrent mutation in the human phenylalanine hydroxylase gene.   总被引:10,自引:6,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
We report the identification of a missense mutation of Glu280 to Lys280 in the phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH) gene of a phenylketonuria (PKU) patient in Denmark. The mutation is associated with haplotype 1 of the PAH gene in this population. This mutation has previously been found in North Africa, where it is in linkage disequilibrium with haplotype 38. While it is conceivable that this mutation could have been transferred from one haplotype background to another by a double crossover or gene conversion event, the fact that the mutation is exclusively associated with the two different haplotypes in the two distinct populations supports the hypothesis that these two PKU alleles are the result of recurrent mutations in the human PAH gene. Furthermore, since the site of mutation involves a CpG dinucleotide, they may represent hot spots for mutation in the human PAH locus.  相似文献   

Summary A new mutation (CGA to TGA) in codon 261 of exon 7 of the phenylalanine hydroxylase gene transforms Arg261 to a stop codon in two unrelated patients of German and Turkish origin. The different ethnic backgrounds and the different polymorphic characteristics of the two mutant alleles suggest an independent origin of the mutation. This is the second defect detected in codon 261 of the phenylalanine hydroxylase gene, a codon that thus appears to be a mutation hot spot.  相似文献   

Summary A new mutation has been identified in exon 12 of the gene encoding phenylalanine hydroxylase at codon 408. The single base change from guanine to adenine changes the amino acid arginine to glutamine; thus, the mutation is defined as R408Q. This codon is the site of a mutation known to causes phenylketonuria. Both these mutations are located at the same CpG site.  相似文献   

Restriction fragment length polymorphism haplotyping of mutated and normal phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH) alleles in 49 Dutch phenylketonuria (PKU) families was performed. All mutant PAH chromosomes identified by haplotyping (n = 98) were screened for eight of the most predominant mutations. Compound heterozygosity was proven in 40 kindreds. Homozygosity was found for the IVS12nt1 mutation in 5 families, and for the R158Q and IVS10nt546 mutations in one family each. All patients from these families suffer from severe PKU, providing additional proof that these mutations are deleterious for the PAH gene. Genotypical heterogeneity was evident for mutant haplotype 1 (n = 27) carrying the mutations R261Q (n = 12), E280K (n = 4), P281L (n = 1) and unknown (n = 10), and likewise for mutant haplotype 4 (n = 30) carrying the mutations R158Q (n = 13), Y414C (n = 1) and unknown (n = 16). Mutant haplotype 3 (n = 20), in tight association with mutation IVS12nt1, appeared to be in strong linkage disequilibrium (LDE) with its normal counterpart allele (n = 4). Mutant haplotype 6 (n = 4), in tight association with the IVS10nt546 mutation, showed moderate LDE with its counterpart allele (n = I). The distribution of the mutant PAH haplotypes 1, 3 and 4 among the Dutch PKU population resembles that in other Northern and Western European countries, but it is striking that mutant haplotype 2 and its associated mutation R408W is nearly absent in The Netherlands, in strong contrast to its neighbouring countries.  相似文献   

Mutations were studied in phenylalanine hydroxylase gene of phenylketonuria patients from Kemerovo oblast and Altaiskii krai (15 and 2 families, respectively). The following mutations were identified in exons of this gene: R408W, R261Q, R243Q, Y414C, Y386C, P281L, Y168H, R68S (lead to amino acid substitutions), R243X (leads to stop codon formation), and three splice site mutations (IVS12nt 1g-->a, IVS2nt-13t-->g, IVS7nt 1g-->a).  相似文献   

Human phenylalanine hydroxylase is a liver-specific enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of phenylalanine to tyrosine. Absence of enzymatic activity results in phenylketonuria, a genetic disorder that causes development of severe mental retardation in untreated children. In this paper we report the cloning and structure of the normal human phenylalanine hydroxylase gene, which was isolated in four overlapping cosmid clones that span more than 125 kilobases (kb) of the genetic locus. The peptide coding region of the gene is about 90 kb in length and contains 13 exons, with intron sizes ranging from 1 to 23 kb. Exons at the 3' half of the gene are compact, whereas those at the 5' half are separated by large introns. The human phenylalanine hydroxylase gene codes for a mature messenger RNA of approximately 2.4 kb, and its noncoding to coding DNA ratio is one of the highest among eukaryotic genes characterized to date. The map positions of nine polymorphic restriction sites identified within the locus were established by restriction enzyme mapping of the cloned gene fragments. Two clusters of polymorphic sites were demonstrated: (1) BglII, PvuII(a), and PvuII(b) at the 5' end of the gene and (2) EcoRI, XmnI, MspI(a), MspI(b), EcoRV, and HindIII at the 3' end. The polymorphic site distribution within this gene is a useful tool for prenatal diagnosis and carrier detection of the genetic disorder, while knowledge of normal gene structure is a prerequisite for future characterization of mutant alleles.  相似文献   

Smagulova FO  Morozov IV 《Genetika》2000,36(12):1716-1718
A previously unknown sequence of the human phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH) gene intron 7 (GeneBank AN AF204239) has been reported. Screening of the group of phenylketonuria patients from Nobosibirsk region for polymorphic sites within intron 7 revealed single nucleotide substitutions at intron positions 332, 451, 574 and 791. Polymorphic site at intron position 791 corresponds to one of the eight restriction sites (MspI) utilized for haplotype construction. Analysis of the MspI allele frequencies in 29 phenylketonuria patients showed that the frequency of the MspI+ allele in this group was 79.4%. Polymorphic sites at nucleotide position +97 from the beginning of intron 10, and at nucleotide position -54 from the end of intron 5, were also described. The polymorphic sites revealed can be used as markers for identification of the PAH alleles in population genetic studies, and also serve for diagnostics of phenylketonuria (PKU). The presence of numerous nucleotide substitutions within the intronic sequences confirms highly polymorphic structure of the PAH gene.  相似文献   

Human phenylalanine hydroxylase was expressed and purified from Escherichia coli as a fusion protein with maltose-binding protein. After removal of the fusion partner, the effects of increasing urea concentrations on enzyme activity, aggregation, unfolding, and refolding were examined. At pH 7.50, purified human phenylalanine hydroxylase is transiently activated in the presence of 0-4 M urea but slowly inactivated at higher denaturant concentrations. Intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence spectroscopy showed that the enzyme is denatured through at least two distinct transitions. The presence of phenylalanine (L-Phe) shifts the transition midpoint of the first transition from 1.4 to 2.7 M urea, whereas the second transition is unaffected by this substrate. Apparently the free energy of denaturation was almost identical for the free enzyme and for the enzyme-substrate complex, but significant differences in dDeltaG(D)/d[urea] (m(D) values) were observed for the first denaturation transition. In the absence of substrate, a high rate of non-covalent aggregation was observed for the enzyme in the presence of 1-4 M urea. All three tryptophan residues in the enzyme (Trp-120, Trp-187, and Trp-326) were mutated to phenylalanine, either as single mutations or in combination, in order to identify the residues involved in the spectroscopic transitions. A gradual dissociation of the native tetrameric enzyme to increasingly denatured dimeric and monomeric forms was demonstrated by size exclusion chromatography in the presence of denaturants.  相似文献   

Phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH) gene mutations were investigated in 23 (46 alleles) unrelated phenylketonuria (PKU) patients in Cukurova region. First, all exons of PAH gene were screened by denaturing high performance liquid chromatography (DHPLC), and then, the suspicious samples were analyzed by direct sequencing technique. Consequently, the following results were obtained: IVS10-11g-->a splicing mutation in 27/46 (58.7%), R261Q mutation in 7/46 (15.2%) and E178G, R243X, R243Q, P281L, Y386C, R408W mutations, each found in the frequency of 2/46 (4.3%). In many countries, Arginine mutations have the highest frequency among PAH gene mutations in PKU patients. Although, CpG dinucleotids are effective in mutations resulting in arginine changes, this finding originated from the studies on the causes of mutations rather than the studies on the importance of arginine amino acid. In our analyses, we have detected that a majority of mutations causing a change in arginine and other amino acids concentrated in exon 7 comprising the catalytic domain (residues 143-410) of PAH gene. Several studies has emphasized the role of arginine amino acid; with the following outcomes; arginine repetition is significant for RNA binding proteins, and for histon proteins in eukaryotic gene expression, and also arginine repetition occurring in the structure of signal recognition particle's (SRPs) as a consequence of post-translational processes is very important in terms of gene expression. Therefore, the role of arginine amino acid in PAH gene is rather remarkable in that it shows the role of amino acids in the protein/RNA interaction that has started in the evolutionary process and is still preserved and maintained in the motif formation of active domain structure due to its strong binding properties. Thus, such properties imply that both arginine amino acid and exon 7 is of great significance with regards to the structure and function of the PheOH enzyme.  相似文献   

The HindIII RFLP in the human phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH) gene is caused by the presence of an AT-rich (70%) minisatellite region. This region contains various multiple of 30-bp tandem repeats and is located 3 kb downstream of the final exon of the gene. PCR-mediated amplification of this region from haplotyped PAH chromosomes indicates that the previously reported 4.0-kb HindIII allele contains three of these repeats, while the 4.4-kb HindIII allele contains 12 of these repeats. The 4.2-kb HindIII fragment can contain six, seven, eight, or nine copies of this repeat. These variations permit more detailed analysis of mutant haplotypes 1, 5, 6, and, possibly, others. Kindred analysis in phenylketonuria families demonstrates Mendelian segregation of these VNTR alleles, as well as associations between these alleles and certain PAH mutations. The R261Q mutation, associated with haplotype 1, is associated almost exclusively with an allele containing eight repeats; the R408W mutation, when occurring on a haplotype 1 background, may also be associated with the eight-repeat VNTR allele. Other PAH mutations associated with haplotype 1, R252W and P281L, do not appear to segregate with specific VNTR alleles. The IVS-10 mutation, when associated with haplotype 6, is associated exclusively with an allele containing seven repeats. The combined use of this VNTR system and the existing RFLP haplotype system will increase the performance of prenatal diagnostic tests based on haplotype analysis. In addition, this VNTR may prove useful in studies concerning the origins and distributions of PAH mutations in different human populations.  相似文献   

Summary A deletion of a single base in codon 55 (exon 2) of the phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH) gene has been identified by direct DNA sequencing of 94 phenyl-ketonuria (PKU) chromosomes. This mutation alters the reading frame so that a stop signal (TAA) is generated in codon 60 of the PAH gene. Haplotype analysis revealed that all PKU alleles showing the codon 55 frameshift mutation exhibited haplotype 1. In our panel of DNA probes 13% of all mutant haplotype 1 alleles carry this particular mutation. Patients who were compound heterozygotes for this deletion and R408W in exon 12, or the splice mutation in intron 12, were affected by severe PKU. Thus, the clinical data provide additional evidence that haplotype 1 PKU alleles carry molecular defects which confer a null phenotype. In addition, we were able to show that the newly detected mutation occurs on alleles of different ethnic background.  相似文献   

A novel restriction fragment length polymorphism in the phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH) locus generated by the restriction endonuclease MspI was observed in a German phenylketonuria (PKU) patient. Molecular cloning and DNA sequence analyses revealed that the MspI polymorphism was created by a T to C transition in exon 9 of the human PAH gene, which also resulted in the conversion of a leucine codon to a proline codon. The effect of the amino acid substitution was investigated by creating a corresponding mutation in a full-length human PAH cDNA by site-directed mutagenesis followed by expression analysis in cultured mammalian cells. Results demonstrate that the mutation in the gene causes the synthesis of an unstable protein in the cell corresponding to a CRM- phenotype. Together with the other mutations recently reported in the PAH gene, the data support previous biochemical and clinical observations that PKU is a heterogeneous disorder at the gene level.  相似文献   

The data on 5 PAH gene mutations analysis are presented. The most common mutation observed in Ukrainian population was determined to be R408W (66.6%). As well two minor mutations R158Q (2.5%) and Y414C (1.25%) were identified. The allelic variation of the VNTR-polymorphism in 470 healthy volunteers and 39 PKU-patients were analysed. 7 allelic variants and 15 haplotypes were found. The linkage disequilibrium was displayed between mutation R408W and VNTR-haplotypes 03. An advantages of molecular genetic analysis of mutations and VNTR-polymorphism for diagnosis of PKU in Ukraine are discussed.  相似文献   

Upon amplification in vitro of the 12th exon area of the human phenylalanine hydroxylase gene followed by allele-specific hybridisation of the amplification product with synthetic probes and its sequencing by the Maxam-Gilbert method, a C----T transition causing phenylketonuria has been identified in Latvian patients.  相似文献   

The codon 408 mutation (CGG----TGG, Arg----Trp) in exon 12 of the phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH) gene occurs on haplotype 1 in French-Canadians; elsewhere this mutation (R408W) occurs on haplotype 2. A CpG dinucleotide is involved. The finding is compatible with a recurrent mutation, gene conversion, or a single recombination between haplotypes 2 and 1. A tabulation of 20 known mutations at the PAH locus reveals three instances of putative recurrent mutation.  相似文献   

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