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AIMS: Carbon source utilization profiles as a phenotypic fingerprinting methodology for determining sources of faecal pollution in water were evaluated. METHODS AND RESULTS: Three hundred and sixty-five Enterococcus isolates were collected from known faecal sources in four different geographical regions and were identified to species with the commercial Biolog system. Discriminant analysis (DA) was used to identify the substrate-containing wells that best classified the 365 isolates by source. By using 30 of the 95 wells for the analysis, the average rate of correct classification (ARCC) by source was 92.7% for a human vs non-human two-way classification when isolates from all regions were combined into one library. Corresponding ARCCs for other classification schemes were 81.9% for a four-way classification of human vs livestock vs wildlife vs domestic pets, and 85.7% for a three-way classification without human isolates. When three individual libraries were made based on classification of sources within Enterococcus species, the ARCC was 95.3% for the Ent. faecalis library, 95.8% for the Ent. gallinarum library and 94.7% for the Ent. mundtii library. Thirty Enterococcus isolates (unknown sources) were obtained from each of three stream sites where a specific source of pollution was apparent; 90.0% of the isolates from a human-suspected source were classified as human, 86.6% were classified as livestock from a livestock-suspected site, and 93.3% were classified as wildlife from a wildlife-suspected site. CONCLUSIONS: Phenotypic fingerprinting with carbon source utilization profiles provided levels of correct classification by sources from an Enterococcus library that were in the upper range of those reported in the literature. ARCCs for three Enterococcus species-specific libraries were very high and may be the best approach for further developing this concept and methodology. SIGNIFICANCE ANC IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The results, based on a modest Enterococcus library and a preliminary field validation test, demonstrated the potential for carbon source utilization profiles to be employed as a phenotypic method for determining sources of faecal pollution in water.  相似文献   

AIMS: An assessment of microbial densities in an urbanized Florida watershed was performed during a period of changing rainfall patterns to investigate the role of climate coupled with urbanization in declining water quality. METHODS AND RESULTS: Concentrations of traditional and alternative faecal indicators were assessed by standard methods over 24 months. Sources of faecal contamination were determined by antibiotic resistance analysis (ARA) of faecal coliform (FC) bacteria. Composite indices of indicator organisms based on a suite of microbial measurements were used to quantify pollution impacts in the river. ARA results found that FC from wild animal sources dominated during the drought, and the relative frequency of FC from human sources increased after cumulative rainfall increased to near-normal levels. CONCLUSIONS: Changes observed in faecal indicator densities and in FC sources during changing rainfall patterns strongly suggest a role of precipitation on the sources and extent of microbial pollution in urbanized coastal watersheds. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Bacterial source tracking coupled with a composite index of microbial contamination resulted in a more complete picture of microbial pollution within the river, as opposed to the general practice of reliance on one indicator organism. Improved land use decisions in urban areas are necessary to insure maintenance of coastal environmental health under changing climate patterns and population density.  相似文献   

The incidence of serotypes of Salmonella in three types of environmental water (sea, river and fresh reservoirs) from north-east Spain was investigated. The study was performed at specific sampling locations during the summer for a period of five years (1992–1996). A total of 823 strains were isolated and 55 different serotypes were identified, 42 were recovered from sea water, 32 from river water and 12 from freshwater reservoirs. The most frequently isolated serotypes coincided with those involved in clinical cases in the area studied. Salmonella enteritidis was the most common (111 isolates), it was found in all types of water, although most predominantly in sea water (16.1% of the isolates). This serotype, together with S. hadar, significantly increased in frequency during the five year study period. The most frequent serotypes in river water and freshwater reservoirs were S. virchow (9.5%) and S. mikawasima (23.8%) respectively. Significant differences were assessed in the indicator organism densities between the samples with serotypes of clinical significance (S. enteritidis, S. infantis, S. typhimurium, S. virchow and S. paratyphi B) and those without clinical significance. Therefore their presence in all environmental waters may be of epidemiological significance.  相似文献   

Cryptosporidium and Salmonella are pathogenic microorganisms that can cause severe gastrointestinal illness in humans. Because these organisms are potentially transmitted through natural waters, this study was carried out to estimate the concentrations of both pathogens in a French coastal watershed and to determine the relationships with fecal indicators. Water samples from nine wastewater treatment plants and eight rivers were analyzed. Although both pathogens and indicators are released from sewage effluents, no clear correlation was found between the two enteric pathogens nor between a given pathogen and fecal indicators. These results suggest that fecal indicators do not adequately indicate the presence of Cryptosporidium and Salmonella in natural waters and that pathogens and indicators may have different behaviors in the aquatic environment.  相似文献   

Aim: This study investigated the growth potential of Salmonella serotype Typhimurium and faecal indicator organisms in compost materials and the correlation between bacterial growth potential and the physico‐chemical composition of the compost substrate and temperature. Methods and Results: Survival of Salm. Typhimurium, Enterococcus spp. and total coliforms at 14, 24 and 37°C was determined in material of different degrees of maturity collected from composting plants for household waste and manure. All three micro‐organisms showed the potential for growth in the material from active composts (Solvita index 4) but inactivation generally occurred over time in mature compost material (Solvita index 7–8). Conclusions: Salm. Typhimurium had the potential for growth in psychrophilic/mesophilic (P/M) zones of immature compost material and its growth potential correlated negatively with the maturity of the compost and the temperature within the simulated P/M zone. Significance and Impact of the Study: The risk of pathogen regrowth in P/M zones during organic waste composting further emphasizes the importance of good management practices and of avoiding P/M zones in combination with low compost maturity.  相似文献   

流域地表特征与土地利用结构同流域水环境质量关系密切。流域空间结构指标能够表征流域空间结构特征和生态功能,主要包括流域特征指标和景观格局指数等。为探讨海湾流域生态系统结构与药物污染特征之间的关系,以浙江象山湾为研究区域,采用固相萃取、超高效液相色谱质谱联用等分析手段,研究流域水环境中药物的污染水平、分析其分布特征与流域特征指标和景观结构的关系。结果表明,象山湾22个流域共有22种药物检出,总检出浓度范围为n.d.—220.2 ng/L,主要包括林可霉素、大环内酯类、喹诺酮类、抗癫痫药物、β受体阻滞剂、抗抑郁药物,其中林可霉素、大环内酯类和抗癫痫药物的检出率高达100%,检出浓度分别为2.36—29.1 ng/L、n.d.—35.8 ng/L和n.d.—37.5 ng/L。流域地貌结构指标与水环境药物污染关系密切,其中平均坡度(MS)与药物总浓度、面积高程曲线斜率(SAEC)与β受体阻滞剂都呈显著负相关关系(P<0.01);流域景观结构也与水环境药物污染紧密相关,其中景观蔓延度指数(CONTAG)、城镇用地面积加权平均形状因子(IsSHAPE-AM)、林地最大斑块景观面积比(fLPI...  相似文献   

AIMS: The aim of this study was to determine the effect of oxygen on the survival of faecal pollution indicators including Escherichia coli in nondisinfected drinking water. METHODS AND RESULTS: Aerobic and anaerobic drinking water microcosms were inoculated with E. coli ATCC 25922 or raw sewage. Survival of E. coli was monitored by membrane filtration combined with cultivation on standard media, and by in situ hybridization with 16S rRNA-targeted fluorescent oligonucleotide probes. Anaerobic conditions significantly increased the survival of E. coli in drinking water compared with aerobic conditions. Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 showed a biphasic decrease in survival under aerobic conditions with an initial first-order decay rate of -0.11 day(-1) followed by a more rapid rate of -0.35 day(-1). In contrast, the first-order decay rate under anaerobic conditions was only -0.02 day(-1). After 35 days, <0.01% of the initial E. coli ATCC 25922 population remained detectable in aerobic microcosms compared with 48% in anaerobic microcosms. A poor survival was observed under aerobic conditions regardless of whether E. coli ATCC 25922 or sewage-derived E. coli was examined, and regardless of the detection method used (CFU or fluorescent in situ hybridization). Aerobic conditions in drinking water also appeared to decrease the survival of faecal enterococci, somatic coliphages and coliforms other than E. coli. CONCLUSIONS: The results indicate that oxygen is a major regulator of the survival of E. coli in nondisinfected drinking water. The results also suggest that faecal pollution indicators other than E. coli may persist longer in drinking water under anaerobic conditions. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The effect of oxygen should be considered when evaluating the survival potential of enteric pathogens in oligotrophic environments.  相似文献   

Aims:  The study aim was to determine the presence of total and faecal coliforms on kitchen surfaces, in tap water and on the hands of caregivers in households on both sides of the US–Mexico border.
Methods and Results:  Samples were collected in 135 randomly selected households in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, and El Paso, Texas. Different surfaces throughout the kitchen and head of households' hands were sampled using sterile cotton swabs moistened in D/E neutralizing solution. Sponge/dishcloth and drinking water samples were also obtained. Total and faecal coliforms were enumerated on m-Endo LES and mFC respectively. Total coliforms and Escherichia coli in drinking water samples were enumerated in accordance with the Quanti-TrayTM method. Sponge/dishcloth samples were the most commonly contaminated kitchen sites, followed by countertops and cutting boards. We recovered faecal coliforms from 14% of the hands of child caregivers, and this indicator was moderately associated with self-reported failure to wash hands after using the toilet (OR = 3·2; 95% CI: 0·9, 11·1).
Conclusions:  Hand washing should continue to be emphasized, and additional interventions should be directed to specific kitchen areas, such as sponges/dishcloths, tables/countertops and cutting boards.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  There is a need for additional interventions regarding kitchen sanitation.  相似文献   

我校采用模块化教学形式开展水质微生物学检验实验教学。该模块由菌落总数测定、总大肠菌群测定及生理生化反应测试以及大肠菌群的血清学测试3个单元实验组成。实验内容以国家标准《生活饮用水标准检验方法——微生物指标(GB/T 5750.12-2006)》规定的程序进行编排。在教学过程中,注重模块实验的标准化操作,让学生树立标准化意识;通过连贯的模块化实验将卫生学检验实验转换为带有基础性的细菌分类学实验,在培养学生微生物学检验操作能力的同时,让学生系统地学习大肠杆菌的各种分类学鉴定方法。该模块的考核形式是学生参照专业机构的检验报告出具校园湖水的水质检验报告以及提交研究论文。水质微生物学检验实验模块的教学改革提高了学生的微生物数量研究能力和细菌分类研究能力,有利于学生开展创新型研究。  相似文献   

《临床微生物学检验》是医学检验技术专业的专业课之一,其中的实验教学学时占总学时的50%。由于学生实验室生物安全的要求,限制了一些临床常见致病菌种鉴定的教学内容。为保证微生物鉴定菌种的临床实战性,同时又降低学生实验室感染的风险,在肠杆菌科的实验教学中,我们探索采用对人无感染性的鼠伤寒沙门菌种替代相对高感染风险的伤寒沙门菌种,利用两种菌在生物学特性上极为相似甚至相同的特点,既完成了大纲要求的伤寒沙门菌全部实验教学内容,同时又极大地降低了伤寒沙门菌感染的风险,达到教学效果。  相似文献   

Aims: This study evaluated the applicability of standard faecal indicator bacteria (SFIB) for alpine mountainous water resources monitoring. Methods and Results: Escherichia coli, enterococci (ENTC) and Clostridium perfringens were investigated by standard or frequently applied phenotypic and genotypic methods in a broad range of animal and human faecal sources in a large alpine mountainous area. Clostridium perfringens occurred only in human, livestock and carnivorous source groups in relevant average concentrations (log 4·7–7·0 CFU g?1) but not in herbivorous wildlife sources. Escherichia coli proved to be distributed in all faecal source groups with remarkably balanced average concentrations (log 7·0–8·4 CFU g?1). Except for single faecal samples from the cattle source group, prevalence rates for ENTC source groups were generally >87% with average concentrations of log 5·3–7·7 CFU g?1. To test the faecal indication capacity in the environment, faecal prevalence data were comparatively analysed with results from the concurrently performed multi‐parametric microbial source tracking effort on karst spring water quality from the investigated alpine mountainous catchment ( Reischer et al. 2008 ; Environ Microbiol 10:2598–2608). Conclusion: Escherichia coli and enterococci are reliable faecal indicators for alpine mountainous water resources monitoring, although E. coli is the more sensitive one. Clostridium perfringens did not prove to be an indicator of general faecal pollution but is suggested a conservative microbial source tracking marker for anthropogenic faecal influence. Significance and Impact of the Study: Applicability of SFIB is currently hotly debated. This is the first study providing comprehensive information on the applicability of SFIB at alpine mountainous habitats.  相似文献   

Three hundred and thirty‐nine water samples obtained from 90 locations in Korea from 2007 to 2011 were tested for the presence of enteric viruses (EV), total coliforms (TC), and fecal coliforms (FC). A total culturable virus assay revealed that 89 samples (26.3%) were positive for EVs, the average concentration being 5.8 most probable number (MPN)/100 L. The Han river basin exhibited the highest contamination by EVs (occurrence, 41.3%; average concentration, 24.0 MPN/100 L). EV contamination was found more frequently in river water (occurrence, 33.6%; concentration, 8.4 MPN/100 L) than in lake water or groundwater. The concentration of EVs was highest in spring (7.7 MPN/100 L), whereas it was found most frequently in winter (36.1%). The number of TCs ranged from 0 – 1.2 × 105 colony forming units (CFU)/100 mL and that of FCs from 0–6.2 × 103 CFU/100 mL per sample. Statistical analyses showed that the presence of EVs, TCs and FCs did not correlate significantly with temperature or turbidity. In addition, presence of TCs and FCs was not significantly correlated with presence of EVs. In conclusion, TCs and FCs may not be accurate microbial indicators of waterborne EVs in Korean aquatic environments.  相似文献   

The recent revision of the taxonomy of 'faecal streptococci' prompted us to verify the importance of identifying the species of this group of cocci. During a study carried out to assess the hygienic quality of environmental samples from a variety of sources, we isolated 198 strains named faecal streptococci on the basis of conventional international tests (EVA broth multiple tube test) used for Public Health purposes. The predominant species were Enterococcus faecalis (39%) and Ent. faecium (29%), followed by Ent. durans/hirae, Ent. casseliflavus/gallinarum, Ent. raffinosus, with a different prevalence of the species depending on the source. Eighty-four per cent of isolates were true faecal species. Only one isolate was identified as belonging to the Streptococcus genus. The authors stress the opportunity to identify the species. This may help to clarify the ecological and epidemiological characteristics of intestinal enterococci and streptococci in the environment, in drinking and recreational waters and their meaning as indicators of faecal pollution. All isolates were tested for their susceptibility to some antimicrobial agents widely used in medical therapy and the pattern was compared with the pattern of isolates from clinical specimens.  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine the prevalence, serotype and antibiotic resistance profile of Salmonella isolates in cattle and on carcasses at a commercial Irish abattoir. METHODS AND RESULTS: Faecal, rumen and carcass samples were collected from a beef abattoir over a 12-month period and examined for the presence of Salmonella spp. Isolates were serotyped, phage typed (when serotype was found to be S. Typhimurium) and tested for susceptibility to a panel of antibiotics. Salmonella was isolated from 2% of faecal, 2% of rumen and 7.6% of carcass samples. Salmonella was most frequently isolated from samples taken during the period August to October. S. Dublin was isolated from 72% of positive samples. S. Agona and S. Typhimurium definitive type (DT)104 were each isolated from 14% of positive samples. All S. Typhimurium DT104 isolates were resistant to ampicillin, chloramphenicol, streptomycin, sulphafurazole and tetracycline (ACSSuT). On occasion, from a single animal, the same serotype was isolated from more than one sample (i.e. faeces and rumen; faeces and carcass; rumen and carcass; faeces, rumen and carcass). CONCLUSIONS: Salmonella is present in cattle at slaughter and on beef carcasses at an Irish abattoir, with a higher frequency of occurrence during the period August to October. Most isolates from the study are not commonly associated with human clinical infection, with the exception of S. Typhimurium DT104 (R-type ACSSuT). SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This study provides epidemiological data that is necessary for the understanding of beef as a source of human Salmonella infection.  相似文献   

Bacteriological analysis of the water samples collected from upstream, midstream and downstream points along the bank of the river revealed high populations of Escherichia coli, Citrobacter freundii, Citrobacter diversus, Enterobacter aerogens and Klebsiella species. All these isolates were screened against eight antibiotics to determine the prevalence of multiple antibiotic resistance among isolates at different sites of the river. The study revealed that multiple antibiotic resistance was prominently seen in coliforms at downstream sites (Average multiple antibiotic resistance index, MAR Index = 0.43) while it was low in coliforms at upstream sites (MAR Index = 0.15). These differences in MAR indices provide a method for distinguishing high risk contamination sites in aquatic environment.  相似文献   

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