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Next‐generation technologies generate an overwhelming amount of gene sequence data. Efficient annotation tools are required to make these data amenable to functional genomics analyses. The Mercator pipeline automatically assigns functional terms to protein or nucleotide sequences. It uses the MapMan ‘BIN’ ontology, which is tailored for functional annotation of plant ‘omics’ data. The classification procedure performs parallel sequence searches against reference databases, compiles the results and computes the most likely MapMan BINs for each query. In the current version, the pipeline relies on manually curated reference classifications originating from the three reference organisms (Arabidopsis, Chlamydomonas, rice), various other plant species that have a reviewed SwissProt annotation, and more than 2000 protein domain and family profiles at InterPro, CDD and KOG. Functional annotations predicted by Mercator achieve accuracies above 90% when benchmarked against manual annotation. In addition to mapping files for direct use in the visualization software MapMan, Mercator provides graphical overview charts, detailed annotation information in a convenient web browser interface and a MapMan‐to‐GO translation table to export results as GO terms. Mercator is available free of charge via http://mapman.gabipd.org/web/guest/app/Mercator .  相似文献   

Restriction site‐associated DNA sequencing (RAD‐Seq), a next‐generation sequencing‐based genome ‘complexity reduction’ protocol, has been useful in population genomics in species with a reference genome. However, the application of this protocol to natural populations of genomically underinvestigated species, particularly under low‐to‐medium sequencing depth, has not been well justified. In this study, a Bayesian method was developed for calling genotypes from an F2 population of bottle gourd [Lagenaria siceraria (Mol.) Standl.] to construct a high‐density genetic map. Low‐depth genome shotgun sequencing allowed the assembly of scaffolds/contigs comprising approximately 50% of the estimated genome, of which 922 were anchored for identifying syntenic regions between species. RAD‐Seq genotyping of a natural population comprising 80 accessions identified 3226 single nuclear polymorphisms (SNPs), based on which two sub‐gene pools were suggested for association with fruit shape. The two sub‐gene pools were moderately differentiated, as reflected by the Hudson's FST value of 0.14, and they represent regions on LG7 with strikingly elevated FST values. Seven‐fold reduction in heterozygosity and two times increase in LD (r2) were observed in the same region for the round‐fruited sub‐gene pool. Outlier test suggested the locus LX3405 on LG7 to be a candidate site under selection. Comparative genomic analysis revealed that the cucumber genome region syntenic to the high FST island on LG7 harbors an ortholog of the tomato fruit shape gene OVATE. Our results point to a bright future of applying RAD‐Seq to population genomic studies for non‐model species even under low‐to‐medium sequencing efforts. The genomic resources provide valuable information for cucurbit genome research.  相似文献   

Whole‐genome resequencing (WGR) is a powerful method for addressing fundamental evolutionary biology questions that have not been fully resolved using traditional methods. WGR includes four approaches: the sequencing of individuals to a high depth of coverage with either unresolved or resolved haplotypes, the sequencing of population genomes to a high depth by mixing equimolar amounts of unlabelled‐individual DNA (Pool‐seq) and the sequencing of multiple individuals from a population to a low depth (lcWGR). These techniques require the availability of a reference genome. This, along with the still high cost of shotgun sequencing and the large demand for computing resources and storage, has limited their implementation in nonmodel species with scarce genomic resources and in fields such as conservation biology. Our goal here is to describe the various WGR methods, their pros and cons and potential applications in conservation biology. WGR offers an unprecedented marker density and surveys a wide diversity of genetic variations not limited to single nucleotide polymorphisms (e.g., structural variants and mutations in regulatory elements), increasing their power for the detection of signatures of selection and local adaptation as well as for the identification of the genetic basis of phenotypic traits and diseases. Currently, though, no single WGR approach fulfils all requirements of conservation genetics, and each method has its own limitations and sources of potential bias. We discuss proposed ways to minimize such biases. We envision a not distant future where the analysis of whole genomes becomes a routine task in many nonmodel species and fields including conservation biology.  相似文献   

The molecular mechanisms and genetic architecture that facilitate adaptive radiation of lineages remain elusive. Polymorphic chromosomal inversions, due to their recombination‐reducing effect, are proposed instruments of ecotypic differentiation. Here, we study an ecologically diversifying lineage of Anopheles gambiae, known as the Bamako chromosomal form based on its unique complement of three chromosomal inversions, to explore the impact of these inversions on ecotypic differentiation. We used pooled and individual genome sequencing of Bamako, typical (non‐Bamako) An. gambiae and the sister species Anopheles coluzzii to investigate evolutionary relationships and genomewide patterns of nucleotide diversity and differentiation among lineages. Despite extensive shared polymorphism and limited differentiation from the other taxa, Bamako clusters apart from the other taxa, and forms a maximally supported clade in neighbour‐joining trees based on whole‐genome data (including inversions) or solely on collinear regions. Nevertheless, FST outlier analysis reveals that the majority of differentiated regions between Bamako and typical An. gambiae are located inside chromosomal inversions, consistent with their role in the ecological isolation of Bamako. Exceptionally differentiated genomic regions were enriched for genes implicated in nervous system development and signalling. Candidate genes associated with a selective sweep unique to Bamako contain substitutions not observed in sympatric samples of the other taxa, and several insecticide resistance gene alleles shared between Bamako and other taxa segregate at sharply different frequencies in these samples. Bamako represents a useful window into the initial stages of ecological and genomic differentiation from sympatric populations in this important group of malaria vectors.  相似文献   

Clostridium cellulolyticum is a model mesophilic anaerobic bacterium that efficiently degrades plant cell walls. The recent genome release offers the opportunity to analyse its complete degradation system. A total of 148 putative carbohydrate‐active enzymes were identified, and their modular structures and activities were predicted. Among them, 62 dockerin‐containing proteins bear catalytic modules from numerous carbohydrate‐active enzymes' families and whose diversity reflects the chemical and structural complexity of the plant carbohydrate. The composition of the cellulosomes produced by C. cellulolyticum upon growth on different substrates (cellulose, xylan, and wheat straw) was investigated by LC MS/MS. The majority of the proteins encoded by the cip‐cel operon, essential for cellulose degradation, were detected in all cellulosome preparations. In the presence of wheat straw, the natural and most complex of the substrates studied, additional proteins predicted to be involved in hemicellulose degradation were produced. A 32‐kb gene cluster encodes the majority of these proteins, all harbouring carbohydrate‐binding module 6 or carbohydrate‐binding module 22 xylan‐binding modules along dockerins. This newly identified xyl‐doc gene cluster, specialised in hemicellulose degradation, comes in addition of the cip‐cel operon for plant cell wall degradation. Hydrolysis efficiencies determined on the different substrates corroborates the finding that cellulosome composition is adapted to the growth substrate.  相似文献   

Pigs have experienced dramatic selection due to domestication, which has led to many different phenotypes when compared to their wild counterparts, especially in the last several decades. Currently, genome‐wide scans in both cattle and humans showing positive selection footprints have been investigated. However, few studies have focused on porcine selection footprints, particularly on a genome‐wide scale. Surveying for selection footprints across porcine genomes can be quite valuable for revealing the genetic mechanisms of phenotypic diversity. Here, we employed a medium sequencing depth (5–20x/site per individual, on average) approach called genotyping by genome reducing and sequencing (GGRS) to detect genome‐wide selection signatures of two domestic pig breeds (Yorkshire and Landrace) that have been under intensive selection for traits of muscle development, growth and behavior. The relative extended haplotype homozygosity test, which identifies selection signatures by measuring the characteristics of haplotypes’ frequency distribution within a single population, was also applied to identify potential positively selected regions. As a result, signatures of positive selection were found in each breed. However, most selection signatures were population specific and related to genomic regions containing genes for biological categories including brain development, metabolism, growth and olfaction. Furthermore, the result of the gene set enrichment analysis indicated that selected regions of the two breeds presented a different over‐representation of genes in the Gene Ontology annotations and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes pathways. Our results revealed a genome‐wide map of selection footprints in pigs and may help us better understand the mechanisms of selection in pig breeding.  相似文献   

Genotyping‐by‐sequencing (GBS) and related methods are increasingly used for studies of non‐model organisms from population genetic to phylogenetic scales. We present GIbPSs, a new genotyping toolkit for the analysis of data from various protocols such as RAD, double‐digest RAD, GBS, and two‐enzyme GBS without a reference genome. GIbPSs can handle paired‐end GBS data and is able to assign reads from both strands of a restriction fragment to the same locus. GIbPSs is most suitable for population genetic and phylogeographic analyses. It avoids genotyping errors due to indel variation by identifying and discarding affected loci. GIbPSs creates a genotype database that offers rich functionality for data filtering and export in numerous formats. We performed comparative analyses of simulated and real GBS data with GIbPSs and another program, pyRAD. This program accounts for indel variation by aligning homologous sequences. GIbPSs performed better than pyRAD in several aspects. It required much less computation time and displayed higher genotyping accuracy. GIbPSs retained smaller numbers of loci overall in analyses of real GBS data. It nevertheless delivered more complete genotype matrices with greater locus overlap between individuals and greater numbers of loci sampled in all individuals.  相似文献   

Many plant viruses with monopartite or bipartite genomes have been developed as efficient expression vectors of foreign recombinant proteins. Nonetheless, due to lack of multiple insertion sites in these plant viruses, it is still a big challenge to simultaneously express multiple foreign proteins in single cells. The genome of Beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV) offers an attractive system for expression of multiple foreign proteins owning to a multipartite genome composed of five positive‐stranded RNAs. Here, we have established a BNYVV full‐length infectious cDNA clone under the control of the Cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter. We further developed a set of BNYVV‐based vectors that permit efficient expression of four recombinant proteins, including some large proteins with lengths up to 880 amino acids in the model plant Nicotiana benthamiana and native host sugar beet plants. These vectors can be used to investigate the subcellular co‐localization of multiple proteins in leaf, root and stem tissues of systemically infected plants. Moreover, the BNYVV‐based vectors were used to deliver NbPDS guide RNAs for genome editing in transgenic plants expressing Cas9, which induced a photobleached phenotype in systemically infected leaves. Collectively, the BNYVV‐based vectors will facilitate genomic research and expression of multiple proteins, in sugar beet and related crop plants.  相似文献   



Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection is associated with the development of gastric cancer, although the mechanism is unclear. Herein, this study aimed to clarify the key genes and signaling pathways involved in H. pylori pathogenesis based on The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) database and RNA sequencing analysis.

Materials and Methods

Forty‐nine gastric cancer samples (16 with H. pylori and 33 without H. pylori) and 35 cancer‐adjacent normal samples from TCGA database were analyzed by bioinformatics. The differentially expressed genes between H. pylori‐positive and H. pylori‐negative patients were verified in 18 gastric cancer (GC) samples (9 with H. pylori and 9 without H. pylori), which were analyzed using RNA sequencing. Survival analysis was carried out to explore associations between the differentially expressed genes and prognosis. Bioinformatics analysis was performed to determine the signaling pathways associated with H. pylori.


The baseline level of clinical features from TCGA database and RNA sequencing showed no differences between the H. pylori‐positive and H. pylori‐negative GC groups (> 0.05). TP53 was shown to be upregulated in the H. pylori‐positive group in both TCGA database and RNA sequencing data, which also showed higher expression in the GC tissues than in adjacent normal tissues (< 0.05). CCDC151, CHRNB2, GMPR2, HDGFRP2, and VSTM2L were shown to be downregulated in the H. pylori‐positive group by both TCGA database and RNA sequencing, which also showed lower expression in the GC tissues than in adjacent normal tissues (< 0.05). GC patients with low expression levels of HDGFRP2 had a poor prognosis (< 0.05). Thirty‐three signaling pathways and 10 biological processes were found to be positively associated with H. pylori infection (< 0.05, FDR < 0.05).


These results indicate that some genes (TP53, CCDC151, CHRNB2, GMPR2, HDGFRP2, VSTM2L) and previously unidentified signaling pathways (eg, the Hippo signaling pathway) might play an important role in H. pylori‐associated GC.  相似文献   

By combining next‐generation sequencing technology (454) and reduced representation library (RRL) construction, the rapid and economical isolation of over 25 000 potential single‐nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) and >6000 putative microsatellite loci from c. 2% of the genome of the non‐model teleost, Atlantic cod Gadus morhua from the Celtic Sea, south of Ireland, was demonstrated. A small‐scale validation of markers indicated that 80% (11 of 14) of SNP loci and 40% (6 of 15) of the microsatellite loci could be amplified and showed variability. The results clearly show that small‐scale next‐generation sequencing of RRL genomes is an economical and rapid approach for simultaneous SNP and microsatellite discovery that is applicable to any species. The low cost and relatively small investment in time allows for positive exploitation of ascertainment bias to design markers applicable to specific populations and study questions.  相似文献   

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