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Herbivorous insects use plant metabolites to inform their host plant selection for oviposition. These host‐selection behaviours are often consistent with the preference–performance hypothesis; females oviposit on hosts that maximize the performance of their offspring. However, the metabolites used for these oviposition choices and those responsible for differences in offspring performance remain unknown for ecologically relevant interactions. Here, we examined the host‐selection behaviours of two sympatric weevils, the Datura (Trichobaris compacta) and tobacco (T. mucorea) weevils in field and glasshouse experiments with transgenic host plants specifically altered in different components of their secondary metabolism. Adult females of both species strongly preferred to feed on D. wrightii rather than on N. attenuata leaves, but T. mucorea preferred to oviposit on N. attenuata, while T. compacta oviposited only on D. wrightii. These oviposition behaviours increased offspring performance: T. compacta larvae only survived in D. wrightii stems and T. mucorea larvae survived better in N. attenuata than in D. wrightii stems. Choice assays with nicotine‐free, JA‐impaired, and sesquiterpene‐over‐produced isogenic N. attenuata plants revealed that although half of the T. compacta larvae survived in nicotine‐free N. attenuata lines, nicotine did not influence the oviposition behaviours of both the nicotine‐adapted and nicotine‐sensitive species. JA‐induced sesquiterpene volatiles are key compounds influencing T. mucorea females’ oviposition choices, but these sesquiterpenes had no effect on larval performance. We conclude that adult females are able to choose the best host plant for their offspring and use chemicals different from those that influence larval performance to inform their oviposition decisions.  相似文献   

Observations in the field indicate that monarch butterflies will oviposit on dog‐strangler vine, an invasive introduced species in the same family as milkweed (Asclepias spp.), the principal larval host of monarchs. The potential impact of this behaviour depends on the strength of the preference of monarch adults to oviposit on these two hosts and the relative ability of larvae to survive on each. We determined the preference for milkweed vs. dog‐strangler vine of ovipositing adults and first instar larvae in choice and no‐choice tests. We also compared the ability of larvae to consume, develop, and survive on either host. In the presence of both hosts, adults exhibited a strong preference to oviposit on milkweed over dog‐strangler vine (mean 80.7 eggs compared to 0.4 eggs over 48 h, respectively). In the absence of milkweed, adults ceased oviposition (mean 0.9 eggs in 48 h), but resumed oviposition when the dog‐strangler vine was replaced with milkweed (mean 99.1 eggs in 48 h). Given a choice between hosts over 24 h, 92% of larvae moved to milkweed leaves and consumed 3.94 cm2 of milkweed leaves compared to 2% of larvae that moved to dog‐strangler vine and consumed negligible amounts of leaf material (0.01 cm2). Without a choice, larvae on dog‐strangler vine never consumed more than mean 0.02 cm2 larva?1 in a 24‐h period, did not develop beyond the first instar, and died within 96 h. We obtained no data in support of an effect of the presence of dog‐strangler vine on monarch butterfly populations.  相似文献   

The colorful heliconiine butterflies are distasteful to predators due to their content of defense compounds called cyanogenic glucosides (CNglcs), which they biosynthesize from aliphatic amino acids. Heliconiine larvae feed exclusively on Passiflora plants where ~30 kinds of CNglcs have been reported. Among them, some CNglcs derived from cyclopentenyl glycine can be sequestered by some Heliconius species. In order to understand the evolution of biosynthesis and sequestration of CNglcs in these butterflies and its consequences for their arms race with Passiflora plants, we analyzed the CNglc distribution in selected heliconiine and Passiflora species. Sequestration of cyclopentenyl CNglcs is not an exclusive trait of Heliconius, since these compounds were present in other heliconiines such as Philaethria, Dryas and Agraulis, and in more distantly related genera Cethosia and Euptoieta. Thus, it is likely that the ability to sequester cyclopentenyl CNglcs arose in an ancestor of the Heliconiinae subfamily. Biosynthesis of aliphatic CNglcs is widespread in these butterflies, although some species from the sara‐sapho group seem to have lost this ability. The CNglc distribution within Passiflora suggests that they might have diversified their cyanogenic profile to escape heliconiine herbivory. This systematic analysis improves our understanding on the evolution of cyanogenesis in the heliconiine–Passiflora system.  相似文献   

Herbivores have evolved numerous behavioural and physiological adaptations to host plants; however, molecular adaptations are still poorly understood. One well‐studied case comprises the specialist insects that feed on cardenolide‐containing plants. Here, convergent molecular evolution in the Na+/K+‐ATPase results in a reduced sensitivity to cardenolides across four insect orders. Because different plant species and genotypes differ in toxicity, Na+/K+‐ATPase may be under differential selection from geographically varying host plants. We examined the α subunit of Na+/K+‐ATPase in monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) from six worldwide populations to test whether differences in their host plant chemistry result in local adaptation at the molecular level. Although our study revealed multiple synonymous changes, we did not find these to be population‐specific, nor did we identify nonsynonymous changes. Additionally, we compared the amino acid sequence of this subunit across 19 species. We identified two novel changes at sites 836 (K836N) and 840 (E840R) in the αM7‐αM8 regions in the genus Danaus. Although previous studies focused on the first two trans‐membrane domains, C‐terminal domains may also interact with cardenolides. These results reveal a lack of molecular evolution of Na+/K+‐ATPase at the population level, and call for additional attention regarding the C‐terminal regions of this important enzyme.  相似文献   

Geographic variation in parasite communities can drive evolutionary divergence in host immune genes. However, biotic and abiotic environmental variation can also induce plastic differences in immune function among populations. At present, there is little information concerning the relative magnitudes of heritable vs. induced immune divergence in natural populations. We examined immune gene expression profiles of threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) from six lakes on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Parasite community composition differs between lake types (large or small, containing limnetic‐ or benthic‐like stickleback) and between watersheds. We observed corresponding differences in immune gene expression profiles among wild‐caught stickleback, using a set of seven immune genes representing distinct branches of the immune system. To evaluate the role of environmental effects on this differentiation, we experimentally transplanted wild‐caught fish into cages in their native lake, or into a nearby foreign lake. Transplanted individuals' immune gene expression converged on patterns typical of their destination lake, deviating from their native expression profile. Transplant individuals' source population had a much smaller effect, suggesting relatively weak genetic underpinning of population differences in immunity, as viewed through gene expression. This strong environmental regulation of immune gene expression provides a counterpoint to the large emerging literature documenting microevolution and genetic diversification of immune function. Our findings illustrate the value of studying immunity in natural environmental settings where the immune system has evolved and actively functions.  相似文献   

Temporal changes in the pre‐ and post‐alighting responses of mated female diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella L. (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae), to two species of Brassica (Brassicaceae) host plants induced by larval feeding were studied using olfactometer and oviposition assays. Females displayed strong olfactory and oviposition preferences for herbivore‐induced common cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L. cv. sugarloaf) plants over intact plants; these preferences decreased with time and disappeared by the 7th day after induction. In herbivore‐induced common cabbage plants, eggs were clustered near feeding damage on the younger leaves (leaves 5–7), whereas in intact plants, eggs were clustered on the stem and lower leaves (leaves 1–4) . However, as the time interval between larval feeding and oviposition increased, more eggs were laid on the lower leaves of induced plants. This demonstrates a change in egg distribution from the pattern associated with induced plants to that associated with intact plants. In contrast, females displayed strong olfactory and oviposition preferences for intact Chinese cabbage [Brassica rapa ssp. pekinensis (Lour.) Hanelt cv. Wombok] plants over induced plants; these preferences decreased with time and disappeared by the 5th day after induction. More eggs were laid on the upper leaves (leaves 4–6) than on the lower leaves (leaves 1–3) of intact Chinese cabbage plants at first, but the distribution changed over time until there were no significant differences in the egg count between upper and lower leaves by the 4th day post induction. For both host plant species, pre‐alighting responses of moths were reliable indicators of post‐alighting responses on the first 2 days post induction. The results suggest that temporal changes in a plant's profile (chemical or otherwise) following herbivory may influence attractiveness to an insect herbivore and be accompanied by changes in olfactory and oviposition preferences.  相似文献   

Oviposition preferences of herbivorous insects affect offspring performance. Both positive and negative links between oviposition preference and offspring performance have been reported for many species. A gall‐inducing leafhopper, Cicadulina bipunctata Melichar (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), feeds on various Poaceae plants and induces galls of enhanced nutritional value for their offspring. Although gall induction by C. bipunctata improves nymphal performance, the oviposition preference of females between galled and non‐galled host plants is still unclear. In this paper, the nymphal performance and oviposition and feeding‐site preference of C. bipunctata were investigated using galled wheat, Triticum aestivum L., and non‐galled barley, Hordeum vulgare L., as host plants. The survival rate of C. bipunctata on wheat was significantly higher than on barley. In the choice test, significantly more eggs were laid into barley, whereas the number of eggs deposited on both hosts was not significantly different in the no‐choice test. The number of settling individuals per leaf area was not significantly different between wheat and barley, suggesting no clear preference for oviposition between these plants. Experience as a nymph with a growing host did not affect oviposition preference as adult female. The inconsistent correspondence between offspring performance and oviposition preference of C. bipunctata may reflect the high mobility of nymphs and/or differences in leaf area between host plants. The results indicate that the previous finding that oviposition preference and offspring performance are not always positively correlated in herbivorous insects is applicable to gall‐inducing insects.  相似文献   

The aerial epidermis of all land plants is covered with a hydrophobic cuticle that provides essential protection from desiccation, and so its evolution is believed to have been prerequisite for terrestrial colonization. A major structural component of apparently all plant cuticles is cutin, a polyester of hydroxy fatty acids; however, despite its ubiquity, the details of cutin polymeric structure and the mechanisms of its formation and remodeling are not well understood. We recently reported that cutin polymerization in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) fruit occurs via transesterification of hydroxyacylglycerol precursors, catalyzed by the GDSL‐motif lipase/hydrolase family protein (GDSL) Cutin Deficient 1 (CD1). Here, we present additional biochemical characterization of CD1 and putative orthologs from Arabidopsis thaliana and the moss Physcomitrella patens, which represent a distinct clade of cutin synthases within the large GDSL superfamily. We demonstrate that members of this ancient and conserved family of cutin synthase‐like (CUS) proteins act as polyester synthases with negligible hydrolytic activity. Moreover, solution‐state NMR analysis indicates that CD1 catalyzes the formation of primarily linear cutin oligomeric products in vitro. These results reveal a conserved mechanism of cutin polyester synthesis in land plants, and suggest that elaborations of the linear polymer, such as branching or cross‐linking, may require additional, as yet unknown, factors.  相似文献   

There is no conclusive evidence that Helicoverpa spp. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in Australia have evolved significant levels of resistance to Bollgard II® cotton (which expresses two Bt toxin genes, cry1Ac and cry2Ab). However, there is evidence of surviving larvae on Bollgard II cotton in the field. The distribution and survival of early‐instar Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) larvae were examined on whole Bollgard II and non‐Bt cotton plants in greenhouse bioassays. The expression of Cry toxins in various parts of Bollgard II plants was compared to the survival of larvae in those locations. Only 1% of larvae survived after 6 days on greenhouse‐grown Bollgard II plants compared to 31% on non‐Bt cotton plants. Overall, and across all time intervals, more larvae survived on reproductive parts (squares, flowers, and bolls) than on vegetative parts (leaves, stems, and petioles) on Bollgard II plants. The concentration of Cry1Ac toxin did not differ between plant structures, whereas Cry2Ab toxin differed significantly, but there was no relationship between the level of expression and the location of larvae. This study provides no evidence that lower expression of Cry toxins in the reproductive parts of plants explains the survival of H. armigera larvae on Bollgard II cotton.  相似文献   

Members of the morphologically unusual cyanobacterial family Gomontiellaceae were studied using a polyphasic approach. Cultured strains of Hormoscilla pringsheimii, Starria zimbabweënsis, Crinalium magnum, and Crinalium epipsammum were thoroughly examined, and the type specimen of the family, Gomontiella subtubulosa, was investigated. The results of morphological observations using both light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy were consistent with previous reports and provided evidence for the unique morphological and ultrastructural traits of this family. Analysis of the 16S rRNA gene confirmed the monophyletic origin of non‐marine repre‐sentatives of genera traditionally classified into this family. The family was phylogenetically placed among other groups of filamentous cyanobacterial taxa. The presence of cellulose in the cell wall was analyzed and confirmed in all cultured Gomontiellaceae members using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and fluorescence microscopy. Evaluation of toxins produced by the studied strains revealed the hepatotoxin cylindrospermopsin (CYN) in available strains of the genus Hormoscilla. Production of this compound in both Hormoscilla strains was detected using high‐performance liquid chromatography in tandem with high resolution mass spectrometry and confirmed by positive PCR amplification of the cyrJ gene from the CYN biosynthetic cluster. To our knowledge, this is the first report of CYN production by soil cyanobacteria, establishing a previously unreported CYN‐producing lineage. This study indicates that cyanobacteria of the family Gomontiellaceae form a separate but coherent cluster defined by numerous intriguing morphological, ultrastructural, and biochemical features, and exhibiting a toxic potential worthy of further investigation.  相似文献   

The identification of mutations in targeted genes has been significantly simplified by the advent of TILLING (Targeting Induced Local Lesions In Genomes), speeding up the functional genomic analysis of animals and plants. Next‐generation sequencing (NGS) is gradually replacing classical TILLING for mutation detection, as it allows the analysis of a large number of amplicons in short durations. The NGS approach was used to identify mutations in a population of Solanum lycopersicum (tomato) that was doubly mutagenized by ethylmethane sulphonate (EMS). Twenty‐five genes belonging to carotenoids and folate metabolism were PCR‐amplified and screened to identify potentially beneficial alleles. To augment efficiency, the 600‐bp amplicons were directly sequenced in a non‐overlapping manner in Illumina MiSeq, obviating the need for a fragmentation step before library preparation. A comparison of the different pooling depths revealed that heterozygous mutations could be identified up to 128‐fold pooling. An evaluation of six different software programs (camba , crisp , gatk unified genotyper , lofreq , snver and vipr ) revealed that no software program was robust enough to predict mutations with high fidelity. Among these, crisp and camba predicted mutations with lower false discovery rates. The false positives were largely eliminated by considering only mutations commonly predicted by two different software programs. The screening of 23.47 Mb of tomato genome yielded 75 predicted mutations, 64 of which were confirmed by Sanger sequencing with an average mutation density of 1/367 Kb. Our results indicate that NGS combined with multiple variant detection tools can reduce false positives and significantly speed up the mutation discovery rate.  相似文献   

Genome editing facilitated by Cas9‐based RNA‐guided nucleases (RGNs) is becoming an increasingly important and popular technique for reverse genetics in both model and non‐model species. So far, RGNs were mainly applied for the induction of point mutations, and one major challenge consists in the detection of genome‐edited individuals from a mutagenized population. Also, point mutations are not appropriate for functional dissection of non‐coding DNA. Here, the multiplexing capacity of a newly developed genome editing toolkit was exploited for the induction of inheritable chromosomal deletions at six different loci in Nicotiana benthamiana and Arabidopsis. In both species, the preferential formation of small deletions was observed, suggesting reduced efficiency with increasing deletion size. Importantly, small deletions (<100 bp) were detected at high frequencies in N. benthamiana T0 and Arabidopsis T2 populations. Thus, targeting of small deletions by paired nucleases represents a simple approach for the generation of mutant alleles segregating as size polymorphisms in subsequent generations. Phenotypically selected deletions of up to 120 kb occurred at low frequencies in Arabidopsis, suggesting larger population sizes for the discovery of valuable alleles from addressing gene clusters or non‐coding DNA for deletion by programmable nucleases.  相似文献   

The non‐metabolizable fluorescent glucose analogue 6‐(N‐(7‐nitrobenz‐2‐oxa‐1,3‐diazol‐4‐yl)amino)‐2‐deoxyglucose (6‐NBDG) is increasingly used to study cellular transport of glucose. Intracellular accumulation of exogenously applied 6‐NBDG is assumed to reflect concurrent gradient‐driven glucose uptake by glucose transporters (GLUTs). Here, theoretical considerations are provided that put this assumption into question. In particular, depending on the microscopic parameters of the carrier proteins, theory proves that changes in glucose transport can be accompanied by opposite changes in flow of 6‐NBDG. Simulations were carried out applying the symmetric four‐state carrier model on the GLUT1 isoform, which is the only isoform whose kinetic parameters are presently available. Results show that cellular 6‐NBDG uptake decreases with increasing rate of glucose utilization under core‐model conditions, supported by literature, namely where the transporter is assumed to work in regime of slow reorientation of the free‐carrier compared with the ligand–carrier complex. To observe an increase of 6‐NBDG uptake with increasing rate of glucose utilization, and thus interpret 6‐NBDG increase as surrogate of glucose uptake, the transporter must be assumed to operate in regime of slow ligand–carrier binding, a condition that is currently not supported by literature. Our findings suggest that the interpretation of data obtained with NBDG derivatives is presently ambiguous and should be cautious because the underlying transport kinetics are not adequately established.  相似文献   

Antheraea pernyi is a semi‐domesticated lepidopteran insect species valuable to the silk industry, human health, and ecological tourism. Owing to its economic influence and developmental properties, it serves as an ideal model for investigating divergence of the Bombycoidea super family. However, studies on the karyotype evolution and functional genomics of A. pernyi are limited by scarce genomic resource. Here, we applied PacBio sequencing and chromosome structure capture technique to assemble the first high‐quality A. pernyi genome from a single male individual. The genome is 720.67 Mb long with 49 chromosomes and a 13.77‐Mb scaffold N50. Approximately 441.75 Mb, accounting for 60.74% of the genome, was identified as repeats. The genome comprises 21,431 protein‐coding genes, 85.22% of which were functionally annotated. Comparative genomics analysis suggested that A. pernyi diverged from its common ancestor with A. yamamai ~30.3 million years ago, and that chromosome fission contributed to the increased chromosome number. The genome assembled in this work will not only facilitate future research on A. pernyi and related species but also help to progress comparative genomics analyses in Lepidoptera.  相似文献   

Varieties resistant to powdery mildew (PM; caused by Podosphaera leucotricha) are a major component of sustainable apple production. Resistance can be achieved by knocking‐out susceptibility S‐genes to be singled out among members of the MLO (Mildew Locus O) gene family. Candidates are MLO S‐genes of phylogenetic clade V up‐regulated upon PM inoculation, such as MdMLO11 and 19 (clade V) and MdMLO18 (clade VII). We report the knock‐down through RNA interference of MdMLO11 and 19, as well as the complementation of resistance with MdMLO18 in the Arabidopsis thaliana triple mlo mutant Atmlo2/6/12. The knock‐down of MdMLO19 reduced PM disease severity by 75%, whereas the knock‐down of MdMLO11, alone or in combination with MdMLO19, did not result in any reduction or additional reduction of susceptibility compared with MdMLO19 alone. The test in A. thaliana excluded a role for MdMLO18 in PM susceptibility. Cell wall appositions (papillae) were present in both PM‐resistant and PM‐susceptible plants, but were larger in resistant lines. No obvious negative phenotype was observed in plants with mlo genes knocked down. Apparently, MdMLO19 plays the pivotal role in apple PM susceptibility and its knock‐down induces a very significant level of resistance.  相似文献   

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