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SgrS is a small RNA (sRNA) that requires the RNA chaperone Hfq for its function. SgrS is a unique dual-function sRNA with a base pairing function that regulates mRNA targets and an mRNA function that allows production of the 43-amino-acid protein SgrT. SgrS is expressed when non-metabolizable sugars accumulate intracellularly (glucose-phosphate stress) and is required to allow Escherichia coli cells to recover from stress. In this study, homologs of SgrS were used to complement an E. coli sgrS mutant in order elucidate the physiological relevance of differences among homologs. These analyses revealed that the base pairing function of E. coli and Yersinia pestis SgrS homologs is critical for rescue from glucose-phosphate stress. In contrast, base pairing-deficient SgrS homologs from Salmonella typhimurium, Erwinia carotovora and Klebsiella pneumoniae rescue E. coli cells from stress despite their failure to regulate target mRNAs. Compared with E. coli SgrS, S. typhimurium SgrS produces more SgrT and this rescues cell growth even when the base pairing function is inactivated. Genetic evidence suggests that a secondary structure in the E. coli SgrS 5′ region inhibits sgrT translation. This structure is not present in S. typhimurium SgrS, which explains its higher level of SgrT production.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli SgrS is an Hfq‐binding small RNA that is induced under glucose‐phosphate stress to cause translational repression and RNase E‐dependent rapid degradation of ptsG mRNA encoding the major glucose transporter. A 31‐nt‐long stretch in the 3′ region of SgrS is partially complementary to the translation initiation region of ptsG mRNA. We showed previously that SgrS alone causes translational repression when pre‐annealed with ptsG mRNA by a high‐temperature treatment in vitro. Here, we studied translational repression of ptsG mRNA in vitro by synthetic RNA oligonucleotides (oligos) to define the SgrS region required for translational repression. We first demonstrate that a 31 nt RNA oligo corresponding to the base‐pairing region is sufficient for translational inhibition of ptsG mRNA. Then, we show that RNA oligo can be shortened to 14 nt without losing its effect. Evidence shows that the 14 nt base‐pairing region is sufficient to inhibit ptsG translation in the context of full‐length SgrS in vivo. We conclude that SgrS 168–181 is a minimal base‐pairing region for translational inhibition of ptsG mRNA. Interestingly, the 14 nt oligo efficiently inhibited ptsG translation without the high‐temperature pre‐treatment, suggesting that remodelling of structured SgrS is an important mechanism by which Hfq promotes the base pairing.  相似文献   

A number of bacterial small RNAs (sRNAs) act as global regulators of stress responses by controlling expression of multiple genes. The sRNA SgrS is expressed in response to glucose-phosphate stress, a condition associated with disruption of glycolytic flux and accumulation of sugar-phosphates. SgrS has been shown to stimulate degradation of the ptsG mRNA, encoding the major glucose transporter. This study demonstrates that SgrS regulates the genes encoding the mannose and secondary glucose transporter, manXYZ. Analysis of manXYZ mRNA stability and translation in the presence and absence of SgrS indicate that manXYZ is regulated by SgrS under stress conditions and when SgrS is ectopically expressed. In vitro footprinting and in vivo mutational analyses showed that SgrS base pairs with manXYZ within the manX coding sequence to prevent manX translation. Regulation of manX did not require the RNase E degradosome complex, suggesting that the primary mechanism of regulation is translational. An Escherichia coli ptsG mutant strain that is manXYZ(+) experiences stress when exposed to the glucose analogs α-methyl glucoside or 2-deoxyglucose. A ptsG manXYZ double mutant is resistant to the stress, indicating that PTS transporters encoded by both SgrS targets are involved in taking up substrates that cause stress.  相似文献   

RNA as a target for small molecules   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Proteins are folded to form a small binding site for catalysis or ligand recognition and this small binding site is traditionally the target for drug discovery. An alternative target for potential drug candidates is the translational process, which requires a precise reading of the entire mRNA sequence and, therefore, can be interrupted with small molecules that bind to mRNA sequence-specifically. RNA thus presents itself as a new upstream target for drug discovery because of the critical role it plays in the life of pathogens and in the progression of diseases. In this post-genomic era, RNA is becoming increasingly amenable to small-molecule therapy as greater structural and functional information accumulates with regard to important RNA functional domains. The study of aminoglycoside antibiotics and their binding to 16S ribosomal RNA has been a paradigm for our understanding of the ways in which small molecules can be developed to affect the function of RNA.  相似文献   

Recently, using large-scale genomic sequencing, a great number of small noncoding RNAs (ncRNA) has been discovered. Short ncRNAs can be classified into three major classes — small interfering RNA (siRNA), microRNA (miRNA), and piwi-interacting RNA (piRNA). These short ncRNAs ranging from 20 to 300 nt in size are now recognized as a new paradigm of gene regulation for controlling many biological processes. In this paper, we review the biogenesis and recent research on the functions of small regulatory non-coding RNAs and aim at understanding their important functions in living organisms.  相似文献   

A new drug target - the 'switch region' - has been identified within bacterial RNA polymerase (RNAP), the enzyme that mediates bacterial RNA synthesis. The new target serves as the binding site for compounds that inhibit bacterial RNA synthesis and kill bacteria. Since the new target is present in most bacterial species, compounds that bind to the new target are active against a broad spectrum of bacterial species. Since the new target is different from targets of other antibacterial agents, compounds that bind to the new target are not cross-resistant with other antibacterial agents. Four antibiotics that function through the new target have been identified: myxopyronin, corallopyronin, ripostatin, and lipiarmycin. This review summarizes the switch region, switch-region inhibitors, and implications for antibacterial drug discovery.  相似文献   

Small molecule drugs have readily been developed against many proteins in the human proteome, but RNA has remained an elusive target for drug discovery. Increasingly, we see that RNA, and to a lesser extent DNA elements, show a persistent tertiary structure responsible for many diverse and complex cellular functions. In this digest, we have summarized recent advances in screening approaches for RNA targets and outlined the discovery of novel, drug-like small molecules against RNA targets from various classes and therapeutic areas. The link of structure, function, and small-molecule Druggability validates now for the first time that RNA can be the targets of therapeutic agents.  相似文献   

Many bacterial small RNAs (sRNAs) efficiently inhibit translation of target mRNAs by forming a duplex that sequesters the Shine-Dalgarno (SD) sequence or start codon and prevents formation of the translation initiation complex. There are a growing number of examples of sRNA–mRNA binding interactions distant from the SD region, but how these mediate translational regulation remains unclear. Our previous work in Escherichia coli and Salmonella identified a mechanism of translational repression of manY mRNA by the sRNA SgrS through a binding interaction upstream of the manY SD. Here, we report that SgrS forms a duplex with a uridine-rich translation-enhancing element in the manY 5ʹ untranslated region. Notably, we show that the enhancer is ribosome-dependent and that the small ribosomal subunit protein S1 interacts with the enhancer to promote translation of manY. In collaboration with the chaperone protein Hfq, SgrS interferes with the interaction between the translation enhancer and ribosomal protein S1 to repress translation of manY mRNA. Since bacterial translation is often modulated by enhancer-like elements upstream of the SD, sRNA-mediated enhancer silencing could be a common mode of gene regulation.  相似文献   

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of non-coding RNAs known to play important regulatory roles through targets, which can affect human cell proliferation, differentiation, and metabolism. Overlaps between different miRNA target prediction algorithms (MTPAs) are small, which limit the understanding of miRNA's biological functions. However, the overlaps increase on functional levels, such as Gene Ontology (GO), Protein–Protein Interaction Network (PPIN) and pathways. Here, we performed prioritization on existing predicted target sets for each miRNA by considering all the possible combinations of 7 functional levels. After analyzing the results of both single and multiple functional levels, we found that functional combination strategies including pathways and GO performed better in the prioritization of human miRNA target. The combination which performed best was “Pathway + GO BP + GO MF + GO CC + Target + PPIN”. For the prioritized result of this combination, the valid target had top ranking, and our method performed better than the MTPAs after comparison adopting the validated ranking levels. Top genes in ranking lists generated by this strategy were either validated by experiments or share same functions with the corresponding miRNA/its validated genes in disease related biological processes.  相似文献   

Small regulatory RNAs have been identified in a wide range of organisms, where they modify mRNA stability, translation or protein function. Small RNA regulators (sRNAs) either pair with mRNA targets or modify protein activities. Here we discuss current knowledge of the various proteins that interact with RNA regulators and review the physiologic implications of sRNA-protein complexes in DNA, RNA and protein metabolism, as well as in RNA and protein quality control in prokaryotes. Proteins that interact with the sRNAs can possess catalytic activity, induce conformational changes of the sRNA, or be sequestered by the sRNA to prevent the action of the protein.  相似文献   

Small RNAs (sRNAs) regulate bacterial genes involved in environmental adaptation. This RNA regulation requires Hfq, a bacterial Sm-like protein that stabilizes sRNAs and enhances RNA-RNA interactions. To understand the mechanism of target recognition by sRNAs, we investigated the interactions between Hfq, the sRNA DsrA, and its regulatory target rpoS mRNA, which encodes the stress response sigma factor. Nuclease footprinting revealed that Hfq recognized multiple sites in rpoS mRNA without significantly perturbing secondary structure in the 5' leader that inhibits translation initiation. Base-pairing with DsrA, however, made the rpoS ribosome binding site fully accessible, as predicted by genetic data. Hfq bound DsrA four times more tightly than the DsrA.rpoS RNA complex in gel mobility-shift assays. Consequently, Hfq is displaced rapidly from its high-affinity binding site on DsrA by conformational changes in DsrA, when DsrA base-pairs with rpoS mRNA. Hfq accelerated DsrA.rpoS RNA association and stabilized the RNA complex up to twofold. Hybridization of DsrA and rpoS mRNA was optimal when Hfq occupied its primary binding site on free DsrA, but was inhibited when Hfq associated with the DsrA.rpoS RNA complex. We conclude that recognition of rpoS mRNA is stimulated by binding of Hfq to free DsrA sRNA, followed by release of Hfq from the sRNA.mRNA complex.  相似文献   

Cells use complex mechanisms to regulate glucose transport and metabolism to achieve optimal energy and biomass production while avoiding accumulation of toxic metabolites. Glucose transport and glycolytic metabolism carry the risk of the buildup of phosphosugars, which can inhibit growth at high concentrations. Many enteric bacteria cope with phosphosugar accumulation and associated stress (i.e., sugar-phosphate stress) by producing a small RNA (sRNA) regulator, SgrS, which decreases phosphosugar accumulation in part by repressing translation of sugar transporter mRNAs (ptsG and manXYZ) and enhancing translation of a sugar phosphatase mRNA (yigL). Despite a molecular understanding of individual target regulation by SgrS, previously little was known about how coordinated regulation of these multiple targets contributes to the rescue of cell growth during sugar-phosphate stress. This study examines how SgrS regulation of different targets impacts growth under different nutritional conditions when sugar-phosphate stress is induced. The severity of stress-associated growth inhibition depended on nutrient availability. Stress in nutrient-rich media necessitated SgrS regulation of only sugar transporter mRNAs (ptsG or manXYZ). However, repression of transporter mRNAs was insufficient for growth rescue during stress in nutrient-poor media; here SgrS regulation of the phosphatase (yigL) and as-yet-undefined targets also contributed to growth rescue. The results of this study imply that regulation of only a subset of an sRNA''s targets may be important in a given environment. Further, the results suggest that SgrS and perhaps other sRNAs are flexible regulators that modulate expression of multigene regulons to allow cells to adapt to an array of stress conditions.  相似文献   

SgrS is an Hfq-binding small antisense RNA that is induced upon phosphosugar stress. It forms a ribonucleoprotein complex with RNase E through Hfq to mediate silencing of the target ptsG mRNA encoding the membrane component of the glucose-specific phosphoenolpyruvate phosphotransferase system. Although SgrS is believed to act on ptsG mRNA through base pairing between complementary regions, this was not previously tested experimentally. We addressed the question of whether SgrS indeed forms an RNA-RNA duplex with ptsG mRNA to exert its regulatory function. Specific single nucleotide substitutions around the Shine-Dalgarno (SD) sequence of ptsG completely eliminated SgrS action while compensatory mutations in SgrS restored it. A systematic mutational analysis of both ptsG and SgrS RNAs revealed that six base pairs around SD sequence of ptsG are particularly important for SgrS action. We also showed in vitro that SgrS forms a stable duplex with the ptsG mRNA, and that Hfq markedly facilitates the rate of duplex formation.  相似文献   

A small noncoding bacterial ribonucleic acid of 62-64 nucleotides, RydC, was identified in the genomes of Escherichia coli, Salmonella, and Shigella. In vivo, RydC binds to the RNA-binding protein Hfq, and it is unstable when Hfq is absent. Mobility assays reveal that complex formation between RydC and Hfq is specific, with an apparent binding constant of approximately 300 nm. Sequence alignments combined with structural probing demonstrate that RydC folds as a pseudoknot. Hfq binds the loops crossing the deep and shallow grooves of the pseudoknotted RNA and reorganizes its overall conformation. An interaction with a polycistronic mRNA, yejABEF, which encodes a putative ABC transporter, was detected by affinity purification of immobilized RNA-Hfq complexes. In vivo, the yejABEF operon is expressed on minimal medium. Remarkably, its expression is reduced when RydC is absent, and the operon is degraded when RydC expression is stimulated. This observation correlates with the growth defects associated with a stimulation of its expression in vivo, generating a thermosensitive phenotype that affects growth on minimal media supplemented with glycerol, maltose, or ribose. We conclude that RydC regulates the yejABEF-encoded ABC permease at the mRNA level. This small RNA may contribute to optimal adaptation of some Enterobacteria to environmental conditions.  相似文献   

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