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Chitin‐binding lysin motif (LysM) effectors contribute to the virulence of various plant‐pathogenic fungi that are causal agents of foliar diseases. Here, we report the LysM effectors of the soil‐borne fungal vascular wilt pathogen Verticillium dahliae. Comparative genomics revealed three core LysM effectors that are conserved in a collection of V. dahliae strains. Remarkably, and in contrast with the previously studied LysM effectors of other plant pathogens, no expression of core LysM effectors was monitored in planta in a taxonomically diverse panel of host plants. Moreover, targeted deletion of the individual LysM effector genes in V. dahliae strain JR2 did not compromise virulence in infections on Arabidopsis, tomato or Nicotiana benthamiana. Interestingly, an additional lineage‐specific LysM effector is encoded in the genome of V. dahliae strain VdLs17, but not in any other V. dahliae strain sequenced to date. Remarkably, this lineage‐specific effector is expressed in planta and contributes to the virulence of V. dahliae strain VdLs17 on tomato, but not on Arabidopsis or N. benthamiana. Functional analysis revealed that this LysM effector binds chitin, is able to suppress chitin‐induced immune responses and protects fungal hyphae against hydrolysis by plant hydrolytic enzymes. Thus, in contrast with the core LysM effectors of V. dahliae, this lineage‐specific LysM effector of strain VdLs17 contributes to virulence in planta.  相似文献   

Verticillium wilt of potato is caused by the fungus pathogen Verticillium dahliae. Present sRNA sequencing data revealed that miR482 was in response to V. dahliae infection, but the function in potato is elusive. Here, we characterized potato miR482 family and its putative role resistance to Verticillium wilt. Members of the potato miR482 superfamily are variable in sequence, but all variants target a class of disease‐resistance proteins with nucleotide binding site (NBS) and leucine‐rich repeat (LRR) motifs. When potato plantlets were infected with V. dahliae, the expression level of miR482e was downregulated, and that of several NBS‐LRR targets of miR482e were upregulated. Transgenic potato plantlets overexpressing miR482e showed hypersensitivity to V. dahliae infection. Using sRNA and degradome datasets, we validated that miR482e targets mRNAs of NBS‐LRR disease‐resistance proteins and triggers the production of trans‐acting (ta)‐siRNAs, most of which target mRNAs of defense‐related proteins. Thus, the hypersensitivity of transgenic potato could be explained by enhanced miR482e and miR482e‐derived ta‐siRNA‐mediated silencing on NBS‐LRR‐disease‐resistance proteins. It is speculated that a miR482‐mediated silencing cascade mechanism is involved in regulating potato resistance against V. dahliae infection and could be a counter defense action of plant in response to pathogen infection.  相似文献   

Wilt caused by Verticillium dahliae significantly reduces cotton yields, as host resistance in commercially cultivated Gossypium species is lacking. Understanding the molecular basis of disease resistance in non‐commercial Gossypium species could galvanize the development of Verticillium wilt resistance in cultivated species. Nucleotide‐binding site leucine‐rich repeat (NBS‐LRR) proteins play a central role in plant defence against pathogens. In this study, we focused on the relationship between a locus enriched with eight NBS‐LRR genes and Verticillium wilt resistance in G. barbadense. Independent virus‐induced gene silencing of each of the eight NBS‐LRR genes in G. barbadense cultivar Hai 7124 revealed that silencing of GbaNA1 alone compromised the resistance of G. barbadense to V. dahliae isolate Vd991. In cultivar Hai 7124, GbaNA1 could be induced by V. dahliae isolate Vd991 and by ethylene, jasmonic acid and salicylic acid. Nuclear protein localization of GbaNA1 was demonstrated by transient expression. Sequencing of the GbaNA1 orthologue in nine G. hirsutum accessions revealed that all carried a non‐functional allele, caused by a premature peptide truncation. In addition, all 10 G. barbadense and nine G. hirsutum accessions tested carried a full‐length (~1140 amino acids) homologue of the V. dahliae race 1 resistance gene Gbve1, although some sequence polymorphisms were observed. Verticillium dahliae Vd991 is a non‐race 1 isolate that lacks the Ave1 gene. Thus, the resistance imparted by GbaNA1 appears to be mediated by a mechanism distinct from recognition of the fungal effector Ave1.  相似文献   

The availability of complete or nearly complete genome sequences from several plant species permits detailed discovery and cross‐species comparison of transposable elements (TEs) at the whole genome level. We initially investigated 510 long terminal repeat‐retrotransposon (LTR‐RT) families comprising 32 370 elements in soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.). Approximately 87% of these elements were located in recombination‐suppressed pericentromeric regions, where the ratio (1.26) of solo LTRs to intact elements (S/I) is significantly lower than that of chromosome arms (1.62). Further analysis revealed a significant positive correlation between S/I and LTR sizes, indicating that larger LTRs facilitate solo LTR formation. Phylogenetic analysis revealed seven Copia and five Gypsy evolutionary lineages that were present before the divergence of eudicot and monocot species, but the scales and timeframes within which they proliferated vary dramatically across families, lineages and species, and notably, a Copia lineage has been lost in soybean. Analysis of the physical association of LTR‐RTs with centromere satellite repeats identified two putative centromere retrotransposon (CR) families of soybean, which were grouped into the CR (e.g. CRR and CRM) lineage found in grasses, indicating that the ‘functional specification’ of CR pre‐dates the bifurcation of eudicots and monocots. However, a number of families of the CR lineage are not concentrated in centromeres, suggesting that their CR roles may now be defunct. Our data also suggest that the envelope‐like genes in the putative Copia retrovirus‐like family are probably derived from the Gypsy retrovirus‐like lineage, and thus we propose the hypothesis of a single ancient origin of envelope‐like genes in flowering plants.  相似文献   

T. Fahima  Y. Henis 《Plant and Soil》1995,176(1):129-137
Quantitative aspects of the interaction between the antagonist Talaromyces flavus, the pathogen Verticillium dahliae and eggplant roots, were studied. When eggplant roots were inoculated with T. flavus, prior to the infection with the pathogen, the population density of T. flavus on V. dahliae-infected roots was at least 3 times higher than on healthy uninfected roots, and the proliferation of T. flavus on diseased eggplant roots was related to the severity of wilt symptoms, in the two levels of application of T. flavus studied. However, in all classes of disease severity tested (disease index, 0–3), the population density of T. Flavus on eggplant roots treated with 106 ascospores g–1 rooting mixture was significantly (p=0.05) higher than with 105 ascospores g–1. In roots treated with 105 and 106 T. flavus ascospores g–1 rooting mixture, the population density of V. dahliae was reduced by 51% and 69%, respectively. When testing the relationships between the population density of V. dahliae in the roots and disease severity, no significant (p=0.05) difference was found between disease indexes 2 and 3. However, the density of V. dahliae on roots of plants with disease index 1 was significantly (p=0.05) lower than disease indexes 2 and 3. The positive relationship between the inoculum concentration of V. dahliae and the population density of T. flavus developed on eggplant roots was significant (p=0.001), linear, and highly correlated (r=0.945) on a logarithmic scale. In addition, the analysis of these data revealed a significant (p=0.05), high, negative and linear correlation (r=–0.985) between the log concentration of V. dahliae inoculum and the disease reduction achieved by T. flavus.  相似文献   

There are a large number of ‘non‐family’ (NF) genes that do not cluster into families with three or more members per genome. While gene families have been extensively studied, a systematic analysis of NF genes has not been reported. We performed comparative studies on NF genes in 14 plant species. Based on the clustering of protein sequences, we identified ~94 000 NF genes across these species that were divided into five evolutionary groups: Viridiplantae wide, angiosperm specific, monocot specific, dicot specific, and those that were species specific. Our analysis revealed that the NF genes resulted largely from less frequent gene duplications and/or a higher rate of gene loss after segmental duplication relative to genes in both low‐copy‐number families (LF; 3–10 copies per genome) and high‐copy‐number families (HF; >10 copies). Furthermore, we identified functions enriched in the NF gene set as compared with the HF genes. We found that NF genes were involved in essential biological processes shared by all plant lineages (e.g. photosynthesis and translation), as well as gene regulation and stress responses associated with phylogenetic diversification. In particular, our analysis of an Arabidopsis protein–protein interaction network revealed that hub proteins with the top 10% most connections were over‐represented in the NF set relative to the HF set. This research highlights the roles that NF genes may play in evolutionary and functional genomics research.  相似文献   

Ten microsatellite markers have been isolated from an amphihaploid isolate of Verticillium dahliae using genomic libraries enriched for (AGT), (GAC), (GCC), (TAC) and (TTA) repetitive elements. These were characterized on four amphihaploid isolates and two haploid isolates each of V. dahliae and Verticillium albo‐atrum. Nine were polymorphic, with between two and five alleles, and the tenth was polymorphic when tested on a further 20 haploid V. dahliae isolates (three alleles). Only one primer pair gave the expected double bands from the amphihaploid isolates, supporting the view that V. albo‐atrum is not one of the parents of the interspecific hybrid amphihaploid isolates.  相似文献   

The initial interaction of a pathogenic fungus with its host is complex and involves numerous metabolic pathways and regulatory proteins. Considerable attention has been devoted to proteins that play a crucial role in these interactions, with an emphasis on so‐called effector molecules that are secreted by the invading microbe to establish the symbiosis. However, the contribution of other types of molecules, such as glycans, is less well appreciated. Here, we present a random genetic screen that enabled us to identify 58 novel candidate genes that are involved in the pathogenic potential of the fungal pathogen Verticillium dahliae, which causes vascular wilt diseases in over 200 dicotyledonous plant species, including economically important crops. One of the candidate genes that was identified concerns a putative biosynthetic gene involved in nucleotide sugar precursor formation, as it encodes a putative nucleotide‐rhamnose synthase/epimerase‐reductase (NRS/ER). This enzyme has homology to bacterial enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of the nucleotide sugar deoxy‐thymidine diphosphate (dTDP)‐rhamnose, a precursor of L‐rhamnose, which has been shown to be required for virulence in several human pathogenic bacteria. Rhamnose is known to be a minor cell wall glycan in fungi and has therefore not been suspected as a crucial molecule in fungal–host interactions. Nevertheless, our study shows that deletion of the VdNRS/ER gene from the V. dahliae genome results in complete loss of pathogenicity on tomato and Nicotiana benthamiana plants, whereas vegetative growth and sporulation are not affected. We demonstrate that VdNRS/ER is a functional enzyme in the biosynthesis of uridine diphosphate (UDP)‐rhamnose, and further analysis has revealed that VdNRS/ER deletion strains are impaired in the colonization of tomato roots. Collectively, our results demonstrate that rhamnose, although only a minor cell wall component, is essential for the pathogenicity of V. dahliae.  相似文献   

Fungal pathogens secrete effector proteins that regulate host immunity and can suppress basal defence mechanisms against colonization in plants. Verticillium dahliae is a widespread and destructive soilborne fungus that can cause vascular wilt disease and reduces plant yields. However, little is currently known about how the effectors secreted by Vdahliae function. In this study, we analysed and identified 34 candidate effectors in the Vdahliae secretome and found that Vd424Y, a glycoside hydrolase family 11 protein, was highly upregulated during the early stages of Vdahliae infection in cotton plants. This protein was located in the nucleus and its deletion compromised the virulence of the fungus. The transient expression of Vd424Y in Nicotiana benthamiana induced BAK1- and SOBIR1-dependent cell death and activated both salicylic acid and jasmonic acid signalling. This enhanced its resistance to the oomycetes Phytophthora capsici in a way that depended on its nuclear localization signal and signal peptides. Our results demonstrate that Vd424Y is an important effector protein targeting the host nucleus to regulate and activate effector-triggered immunity in plants.  相似文献   

Verticillium wilt (VW), caused by infection by Verticillium dahliae, is considered one of the most yield‐limiting diseases in cotton. To examine the genetic architecture of cotton VW resistance, we performed a genome‐wide association study (GWAS) using a panel of 299 accessions and 85 630 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) detected using the specific‐locus amplified fragment sequencing (SLAF‐seq) approach. Trait–SNP association analysis detected a total of 17 significant SNPs at P < 1.17 × 10–5 (P = 1/85 630, –log10P = 4.93); the peaks of SNPs associated with VW resistance on A10 were continuous and common in three environments (RDIG2015, RDIF2015 and RDIF2016). Haplotype block structure analysis predicted 22 candidate genes for VW resistance based on A10_99672586 with a minimum P‐value (–log10P = 6.21). One of these genes (CG02) was near the significant SNP A10_99672586 (0.26 Mb), located in a 372‐kb haplotype block, and its Arabidopsis AT3G25510 homologues contain TIR‐NBS‐LRR domains that may be involved in disease resistance response. Real‐time quantitative PCR and virus‐induced gene silencing (VIGS) analysis showed that CG02 was specific to up‐regulation in the resistant (R) genotype Zhongzhimian2 (ZZM2) and that silenced plants were more susceptible to V. dahliae. These results indicate that CG02 is likely the candidate gene for resistance against V. dahliae in cotton. The identified locus or gene may serve as a promising target for genetic engineering and selection for improving resistance to VW in cotton.  相似文献   

Despite knowledge that polyploidy is widespread and a major evolutionary force in flowering plant diversification, detailed comparative molecular studies on polyploidy have been confined to only a few species and families. The genus Oryza is composed of 23 species that are classified into ten distinct ‘genome types’ (six diploid and four polyploid), and is emerging as a powerful new model system to study polyploidy. Here we report the identification, sequence and comprehensive comparative annotation of eight homoeologous genomes from a single orthologous region (Adh1–Adh2) from four allopolyploid species representing each of the known Oryza genome types (BC, CD, HJ and KL). Detailed comparative phylogenomic analyses of these regions within and across species and ploidy levels provided several insights into the spatio‐temporal dynamics of genome organization and evolution of this region in ‘natural’ polyploids of Oryza. The major findings of this study are that: (i) homoeologous genomic regions within the same nucleus experience both independent and parallel evolution, (ii) differential lineage‐specific selection pressures do not occur between polyploids and their diploid progenitors, (iii) there have been no dramatic structural changes relative to the diploid ancestors, (iv) a variation in the molecular evolutionary rate exists between the two genomes in the BC complex species even though the BC and CD polyploid species appear to have arisen <2 million years ago, and (v) there are no clear distinctions in the patterns of genome evolution in the diploid versus polyploid species.  相似文献   

Many plant genomes display high levels of repetitive sequences. The assembly of these complex genomes using short high‐throughput sequence reads is still a challenging task. Underestimation or disregard of repeat complexity in these datasets can easily misguide downstream analysis. Detection of repetitive regions by k‐mer counting methods has proved to be reliable. Easy‐to‐use applications utilizing k‐mer counting are in high demand, especially in the domain of plants. We present Kmasker plants, a tool that uses k‐mer count information as an assistant throughout the analytical workflow of genome data that is provided as a command‐line and web‐based solution. Beside its core competence to screen and mask repetitive sequences, we have integrated features that enable comparative studies between different cultivars or closely related species and methods that estimate target specificity of guide RNAs for application of site‐directed mutagenesis using Cas9 endonuclease. In addition, we have set up a web service for Kmasker plants that maintains pre‐computed indices for 10 of the economically most important cultivated plants. Source code for Kmasker plants has been made publically available at https://github.com/tschmutzer/kmasker . The web service is accessible at https://kmasker.ipk-gatersleben.de .  相似文献   

Sedentary plant‐parasitic nematodes (PPNs) induce and maintain an intimate relationship with their host, stimulating cells adjacent to root vascular tissue to re‐differentiate into unique and metabolically active ‘feeding sites’. The interaction between PPNs and their host is mediated by nematode effectors. We describe the discovery of a large and diverse family of effector genes, encoding C‐TERMINALLY ENCODED PEPTIDE (CEP) plant hormone mimics (RrCEPs), in the syncytia‐forming plant parasite Rotylenchulus reniformis. The particular attributes of RrCEPs distinguish them from all other CEPs, regardless of origin. Together with the distant phylogenetic relationship of R. reniformis to the only other CEP‐encoding nematode genus identified to date (Meloidogyne), this suggests that CEPs probably evolved de novo in R. reniformis. We have characterized the first member of this large gene family (RrCEP1), demonstrating its significant up‐regulation during the plant–nematode interaction and expression in the effector‐producing pharyngeal gland cell. All internal CEP domains of multi‐domain RrCEPs are followed by di‐basic residues, suggesting a mechanism for cleavage. A synthetic peptide corresponding to RrCEP1 domain 1 is biologically active and capable of up‐regulating plant nitrate transporter (AtNRT2.1) expression, whilst simultaneously reducing primary root elongation. When a non‐CEP‐containing, syncytia‐forming PPN species (Heterodera schachtii) infects Arabidopsis in a CEP‐rich environment, a smaller feeding site is produced. We hypothesize that CEPs of R. reniformis represent a two‐fold adaptation to sustained biotrophy in this species: (i) increasing host nitrate uptake, whilst (ii) limiting the size of the syncytial feeding site produced.  相似文献   

Intergenic sequences evolve rapidly in plant genomes through a process known as genomic turnover. To investigate the influence of DNA transposons on genomic turnover, we compared 1 Mbp of orthologous genomic sequences from Brachypodium distachyon and Brachypodium sylvaticum. We found that B. distachyon and B. sylvaticum diverged approximately 1.7-2.0 million years ago. Of a total of 219 genes identified on the analyzed sequences, 211 were colinear. However, only 24 transposable elements of a total of 451 were orthologous (i.e. inserted in the common ancestor). We characterized in detail 59 insertions and 60 excisions of DNA transposons in one or other species, which altered 17% of the intergenic space. The DNA transposon excision sites showed complex and highly diagnostic sequence motifs for double-strand break (DSB) repair. DNA transposon excisions can lead to extensive deletions of hundreds of base pairs of flanking sequence if the DSB is repaired by 'single-strand annealing', or insertions of up to several hundred base pairs of 'filler DNA' if the DSB is repaired by 'synthesis-dependent strand annealing'. In some cases, DSBs were repaired by a combination of both methods. We present a model for the evolution of intergenic sequences in which repair of DSBs upon DNA transposon excision is a major factor in the rapid turnover and erosion of intergenic sequences.  相似文献   

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