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Gray whale calf abundance was estimated from shore‐based surveys near Ensenada, Baja California, during their northbound migration. Over the course of 129 effort‐days (756.5 observation hours), 162 calves were counted, comprising 42, 41, and 79 calves in 2004, 2005, and 2006, respectively. To estimate the number of undetected calves during the observation periods in 2006, detection probabilities were estimated by simultaneous and independent counts using a Huggins model. The detection probabilities ranged from 0.655 to 0.997. The number of calves estimated during effort periods were divided by their estimated detection probabilities, while the total number of calves were estimated by fitting a generalized additive model (GAM) to the passage rate (whales/h) and effort (time) data. The final gray whale calf abundance estimates were 451 (95% CI = 430, 513), 253 (95% CI= 245, 308), and 442 (95% CI = 396, 510) calves for 2004, 2005, and 2006, respectively. The estimates were lower than those reported for Piedras Blancas, California, during the same years, with one possible reason being that an important number of cow/calf pairs migrate too far from shore (>10 km) to be detected from the observation site used in this research.  相似文献   

Southern right whales (SRW), Eubalaena australis, have reoccupied historically important winter habitat ranges (calving grounds) in recent years along the southern Australian coast. Here we present findings of increased abundance of SRW at Fowlers Bay, South Australia, a previous shore‐based whaling station. This study investigates: SRW inter‐ and intraseasonal trends in relative abundance; changes to the relative proportion of the southwestern subpopulation represented by SRW at Fowlers Bay; distribution; and occupancy. Sighting and photo identification data were collected during annual aerial (1993–2016) and vessel surveys (2014–2016). The total number of female and calf pairs was 3 during 1993–2003 and 63 during 2004–2014. Despite high variability in annual relative abundance, the rate of mean increase from 1993 to 2016 (29.0%/yr, 95% CI = 0, 54.2) exceeded the maximum biological rate for the species (6%–7%/yr). Peak relative abundance was recorded in July and August. SRW at Fowlers Bay represent an increasing proportion of the southwestern subpopulation (range = 0.9%–7.4%). Mean occupancy was 23 d (range = 1–75) for female and calf pairs and 2 d (range = 1–15) for unaccompanied adults. Reduced sightings in 2015 and 2016 demonstrate plasticity in SRW abundance at Fowlers Bay. Research into the movement and connectivity of SRW is needed to understand drivers of habitat dispersal in Australia.  相似文献   

Estimates of abundance and survivorship provide quantifiable measures to monitor populations and to define and understand their conservation status. This study investigated changes in abundance and survival rates of fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) in the northern Gulf of St. Lawrence in the context of anthropogenic pressures and changing environmental conditions. A long‐term data set, consisting of 35 years of photo‐identification surveys and comprising more than 5,000 identifications of 507 individuals, formed the basis of this mark–recapture study. Based on model selection using corrected Akaike Information Criterion, the most parsimonious Cormack–Jolly–Seber model included a linear temporal trend in noncalf apparent survival rates with a sharp decline in the last 5 years of the study and a median survival rate of 0.946 (95% confidence interval (CI) 0.910–0.967). To account for capture heterogeneity due to divergent patterns of site fidelity, agglomerative hierarchical cluster analysis was employed to categorize individuals based on their annual and survey site fidelity indices. However, the negative trend in survivorship remained and was corroborated by a significant decline in the estimated super‐population size from 335 (95% CI 321–348) individuals in 2004–2010 to 291 (95% CI 270–312) individuals in 2010–2016. Concurrently, a negative trend was estimated in recruitment to the population, supported by a sharp decrease in the number of observed calves. Ship strikes and changes in prey availability are potential drivers of the observed decline in fin whale abundance. The combination of clustering methods with mark–recapture represents a flexible way to investigate the effects of site fidelity on demographic variables and is broadly applicable to other individual‐based studies.  相似文献   

From 2003 to 2009, we surveyed Las Perlas Archipelago off the Pacific coast of Panama 53 times between the months of August and October to estimate abundance of humpback whales and to test for a migratory connection with populations from the southern hemisphere. We identified 295 individuals using photo‐identification of dorsal fins, including 58 calves, and the population estimate for a single season was 100–300 solitary adults plus 25–50 mothers with calves; the estimated population of animals across all seasons using a mark and recapture model was over 1,000. Eight of the 139 fluke identifications were matched to whales in photograph catalogues from the Antarctic Peninsula and a ninth was matched to a whale sighted in Chilean waters; four of these nine individuals have also been sighted in Colombia. We conclude that Panama (Las Perlas Archipelago in particular) is an important calving area for humpback whales in the Southern Hemisphere. These data should provide a foundation for monitoring of population change and to increase awareness in Panama about the need to manage vessel traffic and tourism related to the whales at Las Perlas.  相似文献   

In 2003 a feeding aggregation of southeastern Pacific humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) was reported in the Magellan Strait. While Chile established its first marine national park in the Strait to protect humpback whale habitat, fatal ship strikes remain a concern because of overlap with a busy shipping lane. To better understand population risk, we estimated abundance and survival for this population using Bayesian robust‐design mark‐recapture models fit to photographic data from 2004 to 2016. Overall, the model estimated a total of 204 whales (95% CI: 199–210) during the last 12 yr, and 93 (95% CI: 86–100) in the 2016/2017 austral summer. The population grew at 2.3% (CI: 2.1%–3.1%), an annual increase of two whales. Annual survival (including calves) was estimated at 0.892 (CI: 0.871–0.910). Our results corroborate a persistent feeding population, but one that is increasing relatively slowly. Owing to its vulnerability stemming from its small size, coupled with significant overlap with a busy shipping lane, we argue this subpopulation is at significant risk from ship strikes and may be one of the few populations where anthropogenic mortalities could regulate population dynamics. We therefore encourage continued monitoring via photographic mark‐resighting surveys, and analyses explicitly investigating potential population‐level ship strike effects.  相似文献   

The 2001 survey of western Arctic (Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort seas) bowhead whales was conducted from 5 April to 7 June near Barrow, Alaska. Visual observers recorded a total of 3,295 “new” (not seen before) and 532 “conditional” (possibly seen before) whales in 1,130 h of watch effort, including 121 new calves (3.7% of the new whales). Concurrent with the visual survey, passive acoustic surveillance was conducted almost continuously from 16 April to 31 May, resulting in 27,023 locations of vocalizing bowhead whales. The estimated number of whales within 4 km of the perch (N4) was 7,025 (SE = 1,068). The estimated proportion of the whales within 4 km of the perch (P4) was 0.862 (SE = 0.044, computed by a moving blocks bootstrap). Combining these, the abundance estimate (N4/P4) for 2001 is 10,470 (SE = 1, 351) with a 95% confidence interval of 8, 100–13, 500. The estimated annual rate of increase (ROI) of the population from 1978 to 2001 is 3.4% (95% CI 1.7%‐5%). Reports from hunters and results of an aerial survey in June 2001 indicate whales continued to pass Barrow after the survey had ended. In 2001 51% (572 h) of the watch was scored as occurring during “fair‐excellent” visibility conditions, somewhat lower than the average for all surveys since 1978. Sea ice in the leads and fog were the principle environmental factors affecting visibility for all years. The estimated rate of increase and the fact that the number of calves counted in 2001 is the highest ever recorded suggest a steady recovery of this population. Other populations of large balaenids, notably the North Atlantic right whale, have failed to recover despite 70 yr of protection. The recovery of the howhead whale is likely attributable to low anthropogenic mortality, a relatively pristine habitat, and a well‐managed subsistence hunt. Nonetheless, offshore oil development, increasing shipping traffic, changes in the Bering Sea ecosystem, sea ice retreat, and possibly killer whale predation within its range could impact this bowhead population and should be carefully monitored.  相似文献   

Although the distribution and relative abundance of bowhead whales varied annually within the fall whaling area near Barrow, Alaska, the distance of whales from shore was not significantly different among years 1982-1989 (ANOVA, F = 0.5, P > 0.5). The minimum detectable distance for the ANOVA was 12 km (α= 0.05, β= 0.1). Annual median distance of random bowhead sightings from shore ranged from 23 to 39 km, with an eight-year median of 32 km. Highest annual bowhead sighting rates were positively associated with the proportion of feeding whales, indicating that whale feeding opportunities may affect the availability of whales within hunting range each fall.  相似文献   

Estimations of gray whale abundance have generally assumed that shore-based observers record all whales migrating through the viewing area during periods uncompromised by visibility. We tested the repeatability of data collected at the standard gray whale census site at Granite Canyon Marine Laboratory in central California by using pairs of observers maintaining independent sighting records. Proximal shore sites were occupied 6 d (60 h) in January 1986 where one team counted 845 whales in 427 groups while the other team counted 990 whales in 477 groups. A comparison of the records showed that the first team missed 290 whales seen by the second team, and the second team missed 204 whales seen by the first team. The total number of whales in the viewing area was calculated for each team by the Petersen estimate, using mutually sighted whale groups as "recaptures". On average, observers recorded only 79% of the whales. More whales (68%) were missed when entire groups of whales were not seen rather than when groups were undercounted (32%). Visibility did not appear to affect observed rates of missed whales. Whales migrating at intermediate distances from the shore were less often missed than were those > 6 km or < 1 km offshore. This count discrepancy test confirms that an uncorrected calculation of population size for gray whales based on sighting records from solitary observers will be underestimated.  相似文献   

We examined the trend in residence patterns and abundance of male sperm whales in Nemuro Strait, Japan, based on long-term photo-identification (1,513 survey days, total 2,969 photos) between 2006 and 2017. A total of 225 unique individuals were identified during this study, with an average of 36 (SE = 2.55) new individuals identified in each season. The model chosen by maximum likelihood suggests that residence time around Nemuro Strait is 769 (SE = 372.4) days, with individuals staying in the strait about 48 days (SE = 8.36) per year. While the migration patterns of male sperm whales visiting this area are still unclear, these findings along with previous studies suggest that males move from one breeding area to another neighboring area every several weeks, shifting their home ranges gradually over a period of a few years. The abundance of sperm whales in Nemuro Strait varied greatly from year to year; from 28 (95%CI: 24–44) in 2015 and (95%CI: 22–48) in 2016 to 66 (95%CI: 57–84) in 2011. This study provides important knowledge of abundance and residency for Nemuro Strait, information which will contribute to further research on the social structure and movement pattern of male sperm whales.  相似文献   

The subtropical and temperate coastal waters of the western South Atlantic are an important calving ground for southern right whales, Eubalaena australis. From 2002 to 2008, data on right whale distribution and habitat characteristics were collected in 14 bays along the coastline of Santa Catarina State, Brazil. Generalized linear models with a negative binomial error distribution were used to determine which environmental (beach morphotype, bay mouth width, bay inclination angle, north‐south and east‐west wind components), and temporal (month and year) variables best explained the aggregation pattern of individuals. Our results suggested that both cow‐calf pairs and adults unaccompanied by calves prefer bays with dissipative beaches, and that cow‐calf pairs apparently avoid bays facing southeast during days of strong east‐west winds. The number of sightings peaked in September and tended to increase over the study period. One particular embayment (Ribanceira beach) had considerably higher numbers of animals and may be considered a preferred spot in this calving ground. Our findings contribute to a better understanding of the species' habitat use and ecological requirements and should be taken into account if new management measures are implemented to further increase protection of southern right whales in the region.  相似文献   

Bayesian mark-recapture estimates of survival, abundance, and trend are reported for Cuvier's beaked whales (Ziphius cavirostris) using a Navy training range off southern California. The deep-diving beaked whale family is exceptionally vulnerable to mid-frequency active sonar (MFAS), which has been implicated in mass strandings and altered foraging behavior. Extremely low sighting probabilities impede studies of population-level impacts of MFAS on beaked whales. The San Nicolas Basin hosts a Navy training range subject to frequent MFAS use and attracts high densities of Z. cavirostris. An 11-year (2007–2018) photo-identification program leveraged automated acoustic detection and location capabilities on the range's 1,800-km2 hydrophone array to enhance capture probability. Estimated population parameters for Z. cavirostris using the range included mean (90% credibility intervals) apparent annual survival of 0.950 (0.899–0.986), annual number of individuals as 121 (71–219), and annual rate of change of −0.8% (−5.6%–4.1%). Simulations show the probability of detecting abundance changes is currently low, but can be greatly improved through continued monitoring and increased effort. Complementary data collection on habitat use and demographic rates in San Nicolas and surrounding basins is also essential to relating direct effects of MFAS use to changes in vital rates and broader population outcomes.  相似文献   

Eastern Pacific gray whales were monitored off Ensenada, Mexico, during the southbound migration. The objectives were to determine southbound migration timing and width of the migration corridor during three seasons (2003–2006). Migration timing was determined by fitting a generalized additive model to the shore counts for each season and estimating the 10, 50, and 90 percentiles of the fitted curves. To estimate abundance from shore‐based counts, a probability density function for the shore based distances was estimated by a product of a gamma distribution fit to the boat survey distance data for 2006/2007 and a half‐normal detection function using combined data of the three seasons. The parameters of the gamma distribution were corrected to account for less boat survey effort carried out 20–40 km than 0–20 km from shore. The onset of the migration off Ensenada was in late December/early January and ended around 13 February. The median date was 23–26 January for the first and third season and a week early for the second season. Boat surveys indicated a wide (20 km) migration corridor but most gray whales traveled within 9.9 km from shore. The estimated total number of whales during watch hours was 2,298 (95% CI = 1,536–4,447).  相似文献   

The relationship between blue whale ( Balaenoptera musculus ) visual and acoustic encounter rates was quantitatively evaluated using hourly counts of detected whales during shipboard surveys off southern California. Encounter rates were estimated using temporal, geographic, and weather variables within a generalized additive model framework. Visual encounters (2.06 animals/h, CV = 0.10) varied with subregion, Julian day, time of day, and year. Acoustic encounters of whales producing pulsed A and tonal B call sequences (song; 0.65 animals/h, CV = 0.06) varied by Julian day, survey mode (transit or stationary), and subregion, and encounters of whales producing downswept (D) calls (0.41 animals/h, CV = 0.09) varied by Julian day and the number of animals seen. Inclusion of Julian day in all models reflects the seasonal occurrence of blue whales off southern California; however, the seasonal peak in visual encounters and acoustic encounters of D calling whales (July–August) was offset from the peak in acoustic encounters of singing whales (August–September). The relationship between visual and acoustic encounter rates varied regionally, with significant differences in several northern regions. The number of whales heard D calling was positively related to the number of animals seen, whereas the number of singing whales was not related to visual encounter rate.  相似文献   

Knowledge of cetacean species composition and their distribution in the south-east Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean is scarce. During a survey in February–March 2008, systematic whale sightings were carried out along transect lines following the 5° and 15° E meridians between 35° and 67° S. In total, 67 toothed whales and 126 baleen whales were observed. Both fin whales (four animals) and Antarctic minke whales Balaenoptera bonaerenses (three animals) in addition to 16 individuals of unidentified species were among the observed baleen whales. The dominating baleen whale species in our study was humpback whales Megaptera novaeangliae with 108 individuals observed. They occurred single or in groups up to seven individuals (N mean = 2.5 ind) and eight of the counts were of calves. The relationship between humpback whale occurrence and environmental variables including Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) abundance from acoustic recordings, hydrography, bathymetry and production was tested using general additive models. Only temperature increased the predictive power of the model with whale occurrence increasing with the decreasing temperature in more southern areas.  相似文献   

Group hunting by killer whales for walruses was observed in August 18, 2008, in the littoral area (3 km from the haulout of walruses, Retkyn Spit, Chukotka). The group of killer whales consisted of seven adults (one adult male did not participate in attacks) and two calves. Based on prey type, these killer whales were mammal-eating. The total duration of their hunt activity was not less than 95 min. The hunt consisted of three phases. The first phase was an attack on the group of walruses and choice of individual prey; the second phase was attacks on the chosen walrus; and the third (final) phase was a decrease in activity of killer whales and leaving group with walrus from sea shore. The main behavioral patterns of killer whales during the hunt were discerned. Two killer whales tried to kill walruses by chasing them and jumping out of the water on the shore. The video analysis of the ??attack phase?? showed that killer whales made 55 attacks on the walrus during 17.3 min. On average, each killer whale attacked the walrus seven times. The attack tactics of killer whales, the number of movements, and the location of killer whales (adults and calves) relative to each other and to the walrus were described. Well coordination of their movements and group actions was observed.  相似文献   

The coastal waters off the southeastern United States (SEUS) are a primary wintering ground for the endangered North Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis), used by calving females along with other adult and juvenile whales. Management actions implemented in this area for the recovery of the right whale population rely on accurate habitat characterization and the ability to predict whale distribution over time. We developed a temporally dynamic habitat model to predict wintering right whale distribution in the SEUS using a generalized additive model framework and aerial survey data from 2003/2004 through 2012/2013. We built upon previous habitat models for right whales in the SEUS and include data from new aerial surveys that extend the spatial coverage of the analysis, particularly in the northern portion of this wintering ground. We summarized whale sightings, survey effort corrected for probability of whale detection, and environmental data at a semimonthly resolution. Consistent with previous studies, sea surface temperature (SST), water depth, and survey year were significant predictors of right whale relative abundance. Additionally, distance to shore, distance to the 22°C SST isotherm, and an interaction between time of year and latitude (to account for the latitudinal migration of whales) were also selected in the analysis presented here. Predictions from the model revealed that the location of preferred habitat differs within and between years in correspondence with variation in environmental conditions. Although cow-calf pairs were rarely sighted in the company of other whales, there was minimal evidence that the preferred habitat of cow-calf pairs was different than that of whale groups without calves at the scale of this study. The results of this updated habitat model can be used to inform management decisions for a migratory species in a dynamic oceanic environment.  相似文献   

The behaviors of breeding Steller sea lions in response to encounters with killer whales near the shore were observed on Brat Chirpoev Island, Kuril Islands between May and July 2002–2007. Approaches by killer whales and sea lion behavior was observed visually and recorded. Killer whales approached the rookery 104 times during the entire period of observations (289 days). In most cases (n = 95), beached sea lions did not show any apparent reactions to the presence of killer whales, and there were no observed interactions. Sea lions showed agitation during nine of the approaches; five of these events were considered to be predation attempts. The killer whales attacked the sea lions three times, however all the attacks were unsuccessful. We recorded two different types of responses towards the killer whales: (1) beaching on the shore (three times) and (2) mass exodus from the rookery with subsequent formation of a tight, actively swimming and vocalizing group (six times). The latter is the first recorded observation of this behavior for Steller sea lions. The observation suggests a low degree of interactions between these two species near the studied rookery. Despite the numerous observations of killer whales near the rookery, there were no observations of direct predation on sea lions. It is likely the killer whale predation has little or no direct impact on the Steller sea lion population on Brat Chirpoev Islands during the breeding period.  相似文献   

The onset of spring, noted by the timing of wildlife migratory and breeding behaviors, has been occurring earlier over the past few decades. Here, we examine 15 years of loggerhead sea turtle, Caretta caretta, nesting patterns along a 40.5 km beach on Florida's Atlantic coast. This small section of beach is considered to be the most important nesting area for this threatened species in the western hemisphere. From 1989 to 2003, the annual number of nests fluctuated between 13 000 and 25 000 without a conspicuous trend; however, based on a regression analysis, the median nesting date became earlier by roughly 10 days. The Julian day of median nesting was significantly correlated with near‐shore, May sea surface temperatures that warmed an average of 0.8°C over this period. This marine example from warm temperate/subtropical waters represents another response of nature to recent climate trends.  相似文献   

We estimated the abundance of humpback whales in the North Pacific by capture‐recapture methods using over 18,000 fluke identification photographs collected in 2004–2006. Our best estimate of abundance was 21,808 (CV = 0.04). We estimated the biases in this value using a simulation model. Births and deaths, which violate the assumption of a closed population, resulted in a bias of +5.2%, exclusion of calves in samples resulted in a bias of ?10.5%, failure to achieve random geographic sampling resulted in a bias of ?0.4%, and missed matches resulted in a bias of +9.3%. Known sex‐biased sampling favoring males in breeding areas did not add significant bias if both sexes are proportionately sampled in the feeding areas. Our best estimate of abundance was 21,063 after accounting for a net bias of +3.5%. This estimate is likely to be lower than the true abundance due to two additional sources of bias: individual heterogeneity in the probability of being sampled (unquantified) and the likely existence of an unknown and unsampled breeding area (?8.7%). Results confirm that the overall humpback whale population in the North Pacific has continued to increase and is now greater than some prior estimates of prewhaling abundance.  相似文献   

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