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Coral bleaching involves the loss of essential photosynthetic dinoflagellates (Symbiodinium sp.) from host gastrodermal cells in response to temperature or light stress. Although numerous potential cellular bleaching mechanisms have been proposed, there remains much uncertainty regarding which cellular events occur during early breakdown of the host–dinoflagellate symbiosis. In this study, transmission electron microscopy was used to conduct a detailed examination of symbiotic tissues of the tropical anemone Aiptasia pallida during early stages of host stress. Bleaching was induced by exposing specimens to a stress treatment of 32.5±0.5°C at 140±7 μ mol photons m?2 s?1 light intensity for 12 h, followed by 12 h at 24±1°C in darkness, repeated over a 48 h period. Ultrastructural examinations revealed numerous dense autophagic structures and associated cellular degradation in tentacle tissues after ~12 h of the stress treatment. Anemones treated with rapamycin, a known autophagy inducer, exhibited the same ultrastructural characteristics as heat‐stressed tissues, confirming that the structures observed during heat stress treatment were autophagic. In addition, symbionts appeared to be expelled from host cells via an apocrine‐like detachment mechanism from the apical ends of autophagic gastrodermal cells. This study provides the first ultrastructural evidence of host autophagic degradation during thermal stress in a cnidarian system and also supports earlier suggestions that autophagy is an active cellular mechanism during early stages of bleaching.  相似文献   



In this work, phenotypic analyses of a Ensifer meliloti fixN1 mutant under free‐living and symbiotic conditions have been carried out.

Methods and Results

Ensifer meliloti fixN1 mutant showed a defect in growth as well as in TMPD‐dependent oxidase activity when cells were incubated under micro‐oxic conditions. Furthermore, haem c staining analyses of a fixN1 and a fixP1 mutant identified two membrane‐bound c‐type cytochromes of 27 and 32 kDa, present in microaerobically grown cells and in bacteroids, as the FixO and FixP components of the E. meliloti cbb3 oxidase. Under symbiotic conditions, fixN1 mutant showed a clear nitrogen fixation defect in alfalfa plants that were grown in an N‐free nutrient solution during 3 weeks. However, in plants grown for a longer period, fixNOQP1 copy was not indispensable for symbiotic nitrogen fixation.


The copy 1 of the fixNOQP operon is involved in E. meliloti respiration and growth under micro‐oxic conditions as well as in the expression of the FixO and FixP components of the cbb3 oxidase present in free‐living microaerobic cultures and in bacteroids. This copy is important for nitrogen fixation during the early steps of the symbiosis.

Significance and Impact of the Study

It is the first time that a functional analysis of the E. meliloti copy 1 of the fixNOQP operon is performed. In this work, the cytochromes c that constitute the cbb3 oxidase operating in free‐living micro‐oxic cultures and in bacteroids of E. meliloti have been identified.  相似文献   

The Coral Triangle encompasses an extensive region of coral reefs in the western tropical Pacific with marine resources that support millions of people. As in all other reef regions, coral reefs in the Coral Triangle have been impacted by anomalously high ocean temperature. The vast majority of bleaching observations to date have been associated with the 1998 La Niña phase of ENSO. To understand the significance of ENSO and other climatic oscillations to heat stress in the Coral Triangle, we use a 5‐km resolution Regional Ocean Model System for the Coral Triangle (CT‐ROMS) to study ocean temperature thresholds and variability for the 1960–2007 historical period. Heat‐stress events are more frequent during La Niña events, but occur under all climatic conditions, reflecting an overall warming trend since the 1970s. Mean sea surface temperature (SST) in the region increased an average of ~ 0.1 °C per decade over the time period, but with considerable spatial variability. The spatial patterns of SST and heat stress across the Coral Triangle reflect the complex bathymetry and oceanography. The patterns did not change significantly over time or with shifts in ENSO. Several regions experienced little to no heat stress over the entire period. Of particular interest to marine conservation are regions where there are few records of coral bleaching despite the presence of significant heat stress, such as in the Banda Sea. Although this may be due to under‐reporting of bleaching events, it may also be due to physical factors such as mixing and cloudiness, or biological factors that reduce sensitivity to heat stress.  相似文献   

Comparison of the genomes of free‐living Bodo saltans and those of parasitic trypanosomatids reveals that the transition from a free‐living to a parasitic life style has resulted in the loss of approximately 50% of protein‐coding genes. Despite this dramatic reduction in genome size, B. saltans and trypanosomatids still share a significant number of common metabolic traits: glycosomes; a unique set of the pyrimidine biosynthetic pathway genes; an ATP‐PFK which is homologous to the bacterial PPi‐PFKs rather than to the canonical eukaryotic ATP‐PFKs; an alternative oxidase; three phosphoglycerate kinases and two GAPDH isoenzymes; a pyruvate kinase regulated by fructose‐2,6‐bisphosphate; trypanothione as a substitute for glutathione; synthesis of fatty acids via a unique set of elongase enzymes; and a mitochondrial acetate:succinate coenzyme A transferase. B. saltans has lost the capacity to synthesize ubiquinone. Among genes that are present in B. saltans and lost in all trypanosomatids are those involved in the degradation of mureine, tryptophan and lysine. Novel acquisitions of trypanosomatids are components of pentose sugar metabolism, pteridine reductase and bromodomain‐factor proteins. In addition, only the subfamily Leishmaniinae has acquired a gene for catalase and the capacity to convert diaminopimelic acid to lysine.  相似文献   

Global increases in coral disease prevalence have been linked to ocean warming through changes in coral‐associated bacterial communities, pathogen virulence and immune system function. However, the interactive effects of temperature and pathogens on the coral holobiont are poorly understood. Here, we assessed three compartments of the holobiont (host, Symbiodinium and bacterial community) of the coral Montipora aequituberculata challenged with the pathogen Vibrio coralliilyticus and the commensal bacterium Oceanospirillales sp. under ambient (27°C) and elevated (29.5 and 32°C) seawater temperatures. Few visual signs of bleaching and disease development were apparent in any of the treatments, but responses were detected in the holobiont compartments. V. coralliilyticus acted synergistically and negatively impacted the photochemical efficiency of Symbiodinium at 32°C, while Oceanospirillales had no significant effect on photosynthetic efficiency. The coral, however, exhibited a minor response to the bacterial challenges, with the response towards V. coralliilyticus being significantly more pronounced, and involving the prophenoloxidase‐activating system and multiple immune system‐related genes. Elevated seawater temperatures did not induce shifts in the coral‐associated bacterial community, but caused significant gene expression modulation in both Symbiodinium and the coral host. While Symbiodinium exhibited an antiviral response and upregulated stress response genes, M. aequituberculata showed regulation of genes involved in stress and innate immune response processes, including immune and cytokine receptor signalling, the complement system, immune cell activation and phagocytosis, as well as molecular chaperones. These observations show that M. aequituberculata is capable of maintaining a stable bacterial community under elevated seawater temperatures and thereby contributes to preventing disease development.  相似文献   

The Aiptasia–Symbiodinium symbiosis is a promising model for experimental studies of cnidarian–dinoflagellate associations, yet relatively little is known regarding the genetic diversity of either symbiotic partner. To address this, we collected Aiptasia from 16 localities throughout the world and examined the genetic diversity of both anemones and their endosymbionts. Based on newly developed SCAR markers, Aiptasia consisted of two genetically distinct populations: one Aiptasia lineage from Florida and a second network of Aiptasia genotypes found at other localities. These populations did not conform to the distributions of described Aiptasia species, suggesting that taxonomic re‐evaluation is needed in the light of molecular genetics. Associations with Symbiodinium further demonstrated the distinctions among Aiptasia populations. According to 18S RFLP, ITS2‐DGGE and microsatellite flanker region sequencing, Florida anemones engaged in diverse symbioses predominantly with members of Symbiodinium Clades A and B, but also C, whereas anemones from elsewhere harboured only S. minutum within Clade B. Symbiodinium minutum apparently does not form a stable symbiosis with other hosts, which implies a highly specific symbiosis. Fine‐scale differences among S. minutum populations were quantified using six microsatellite loci. Populations of S. minutum had low genotypic diversity and high clonality (R = 0.14). Furthermore, minimal population structure was observed among regions and ocean basins, due to allele and genotype sharing. The lack of genetic structure and low genotypic diversity suggest recent vectoring of Aiptasia and S. minutum across localities. This first ever molecular‐genetic study of a globally distributed cnidarian and its Symbiodinium assemblages reveals host–symbiont specificity and widely distributed populations in an important model system.  相似文献   

Recent evidence suggests that corals can acclimatize or adapt to local stress factors through differential regulation of their gene expression. Profiling gene expression in corals from diverse environments can elucidate the physiological processes that may be responsible for maximizing coral fitness in their natural habitat and lead to a better understanding of the coral's capacity to survive the effects of global climate change. In an accompanying paper, we show that Porites astreoides from thermally different reef habitats exhibit distinct physiological responses when exposed to 6 weeks of chronic temperature stress in a common garden experiment. Here, we describe expression profiles obtained from the same corals for a panel of 9 previously reported and 10 novel candidate stress response genes identified in a pilot RNA‐Seq experiment. The strongest expression change was observed in a novel candidate gene potentially involved in calcification, SLC26, a member of the solute carrier family 26 anion exchangers, which was down‐regulated by 92‐fold in bleached corals relative to controls. The most notable signature of divergence between coral populations was constitutive up‐regulation of metabolic genes in corals from the warmer inshore location, including the gluconeogenesis enzymes pyruvate carboxylase and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase and the lipid beta‐oxidation enzyme acyl‐CoA dehydrogenase. Our observations highlight several molecular pathways that were not previously implicated in the coral stress response and suggest that host management of energy budgets might play an adaptive role in holobiont thermotolerance.  相似文献   

Various bacterial taxa have been identified both in association with animals and in the external environment, but the extent to which related bacteria from the two habitat types are ecologically and evolutionarily distinct is largely unknown. This study investigated the scale and pattern of genetic differentiation between bacteria of the family Acetobacteraceae isolated from the guts of Drosophila fruit flies, plant material and industrial fermentations. Genome‐scale analysis of the phylogenetic relationships and predicted functions was conducted on 44 Acetobacteraceae isolates, including newly sequenced genomes from 18 isolates from wild and laboratory Drosophila. Isolates from the external environment and Drosophila could not be assigned to distinct phylogenetic groups, nor are their genomes enriched for any different sets of genes or category of predicted gene functions. In contrast, analysis of bacteria from laboratory Drosophila showed they were genetically distinct in their universal capacity to degrade uric acid (a major nitrogenous waste product of Drosophila) and absence of flagellar motility, while these traits vary among wild Drosophila isolates. Analysis of the competitive fitness of Acetobacter discordant for these traits revealed a significant fitness deficit for bacteria that cannot degrade uric acid in culture with Drosophila. We propose that, for wild populations, frequent cycling of Acetobacter between Drosophila and the external environment prevents genetic differentiation by maintaining selection for traits adaptive in both the gut and external habitats. However, laboratory isolates bear the signs of adaptation to persistent association with the Drosophila host under tightly defined environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Climate change threatens organisms in a variety of interactive ways that requires simultaneous adaptation of multiple traits. Predicting evolutionary responses requires an understanding of the potential for interactions among stressors and the genetic variance and covariance among fitness‐related traits that may reinforce or constrain an adaptive response. Here we investigate the capacity of Acropora millepora, a reef‐building coral, to adapt to multiple environmental stressors: rising sea surface temperature, ocean acidification, and increased prevalence of infectious diseases. We measured growth rates (weight gain), coral color (a proxy for Symbiodiniaceae density), and survival, in addition to nine physiological indicators of coral and algal health in 40 coral genets exposed to each of these three stressors singly and combined. Individual stressors resulted in predicted responses (e.g., corals developed lesions after bacterial challenge and bleached under thermal stress). However, corals did not suffer substantially more when all three stressors were combined. Nor were trade‐offs observed between tolerances to different stressors; instead, individuals performing well under one stressor also tended to perform well under every other stressor. An analysis of genetic correlations between traits revealed positive covariances, suggesting that selection to multiple stressors will reinforce rather than constrain the simultaneous evolution of traits related to holobiont health (e.g., weight gain and algal density). These findings support the potential for rapid coral adaptation under climate change and emphasize the importance of accounting for corals’ adaptive capacity when predicting the future of coral reefs.  相似文献   

The decline of reef‐building corals in conjunction with shifts to short‐lived opportunistic species has prompted concerns that Caribbean reef framework‐building capacity has substantially diminished. Restoring herbivore populations may be a potential driver of coral recovery; however, the impact of herbivores on coral calcification has been little studied. We performed an exclusion experiment to evaluate the impact of herbivory on Orbicella faveolata coral growth over 14 months. The experiment consisted of three treatments: full exclusion cages; half cage procedural controls; and uncaged control plates, each with small O. faveolata colonies. We found that herbivorous fish exclusion had a substantial impact on both macroalgal cover and coral growth. Fleshy macroalgae reached 50% cover within some exclusion cages, but were almost absent from uncaged control plates. Critically, O. faveolata calcification rates were suppressed by almost half within exclusion cages, with monthly coral growth negatively related to overgrowth by fleshy macroalgae. These findings highlight the importance of herbivorous fishes for coral growth and the detrimental impact of macroalgal proliferation in the Caribbean. Policy makers and local managers should consider measures to protect herbivorous fishes and reduce macroalgal proliferation to enable coral communities to continue to grow and function.  相似文献   

As coral bleaching events become more frequent and intense, our ability to predict and mitigate future events depends upon our capacity to interpret patterns within previous episodes. Responses to thermal stress vary among coral species; however the diversity of coral assemblages, environmental conditions, assessment protocols, and severity criteria applied in the global effort to document bleaching patterns creates challenges for the development of a systemic metric of taxon‐specific response. Here, we describe and validate a novel framework to standardize bleaching response records and estimate their measurement uncertainties. Taxon‐specific bleaching and mortality records (2036) of 374 coral taxa (during 1982–2006) at 316 sites were standardized to average percent tissue area affected and a taxon‐specific bleaching response index (taxon‐BRI) was calculated by averaging taxon‐specific response over all sites where a taxon was present. Differential bleaching among corals was widely variable (mean taxon‐BRI = 25.06 ± 18.44%, ±SE). Coral response may differ because holobionts are biologically different (intrinsic factors), they were exposed to different environmental conditions (extrinsic factors), or inconsistencies in reporting (measurement uncertainty). We found that both extrinsic and intrinsic factors have comparable influence within a given site and event (60% and 40% of bleaching response variance of all records explained, respectively). However, when responses of individual taxa are averaged across sites to obtain taxon‐BRI, differential response was primarily driven by intrinsic differences among taxa (65% of taxon‐BRI variance explained), not conditions across sites (6% explained), nor measurement uncertainty (29% explained). Thus, taxon‐BRI is a robust metric of intrinsic susceptibility of coral taxa. Taxon‐BRI provides a broadly applicable framework for standardization and error estimation for disparate historical records and collection of novel data, allowing for unprecedented accuracy in parameterization of mechanistic and predictive models and conservation plans.  相似文献   

Detecting the phosphorylation substrates of multiple kinases in a single experiment is a challenge, and new techniques are being developed to overcome this challenge. Here, we used a multiplexed assay for kinase specificity (MAKS) to identify the substrates directly and to map the phosphorylation site(s) of plant symbiotic receptor‐like kinases. The symbiotic receptor‐like kinases nodulation receptor‐like kinase (NORK) and lysin motif domain‐containing receptor‐like kinase 3 (LYK3) are indispensable for the establishment of root nodule symbiosis. Although some interacting proteins have been identified for these symbiotic receptor‐like kinases, very little is known about their phosphorylation substrates. Using this high‐throughput approach, we identified several other potential phosphorylation targets for both these symbiotic receptor‐like kinases. In particular, we also discovered the phosphorylation of LYK3 by NORK itself, which was also confirmed by pairwise kinase assays. Motif analysis of potential targets for these kinases revealed that the acidic motif xxxsDxxx was common to both of them. In summary, this high‐throughput technique catalogs the potential phosphorylation substrates of multiple kinases in a single efficient experiment, the biological characterization of which should provide a better understanding of phosphorylation signaling cascade in symbiosis.  相似文献   

For cnidarians that can undergo shifts in algal symbiont relative abundance, the underlying algal physiological changes that accompany these shifts are not well known. The sea anemone Anthopleura elegantissima associates with the dinoflagellate Symbiodinium muscatinei and the chlorophyte Elliptochloris marina, symbionts with very different tolerances to light and temperature. We compared the performance of these symbionts in anemones maintained in an 8–11.5 month outdoor common garden experiment with simulated intertidal conditions and three levels of shading (2, 43, and 85% ambient irradiance). Symbiont densities, mitotic indices, photophysiology and pigments were assessed at three time points during the summer, a period of high irradiance and solar heating during aerial exposure. Whereas S. muscatinei was either neutrally or positively affected by higher irradiance treatments, E. marina responded mostly negatively to high irradiance. E. marina in the 85% irradiance treatment exhibited significantly reduced Pmax and chlorophyll early in the summer, but it was not until nearly 3 months later that a shift in symbiont relative abundance toward S. muscatinei occurred, coincident with bleaching. Symbiont densities and proportions remained largely stable in all other treatments over time, and displacement of S. muscatinei by E. marina was not observed in the 2% irradiance treatment despite the potentially better performance of E. marina. While our results support the view that rapid changes in symbiont relative abundance are typically associated with symbiont physiological dysfunction and bleaching, they also show that significant temporal lags may occur between the onset of symbiont stress and shifts in symbiont relative abundances.  相似文献   

The dinoflagellate photosymbiont Symbiodinium plays a fundamental role in defining the physiological tolerances of coral holobionts, but little is known about the dynamics of these endosymbiotic populations on coral reefs. Sparse data indicate that Symbiodinium populations show limited spatial connectivity; however, no studies have investigated temporal dynamics for in hospite Symbiodinium populations following significant mortality and recruitment events in coral populations. We investigated the combined influences of spatial isolation and disturbance on the population dynamics of the generalist Symbiodinium type C2 (ITS1 rDNA) hosted by the scleractinian coral Acropora millepora in the central Great Barrier Reef. Using eight microsatellite markers, we genotyped Symbiodinium in a total of 401 coral colonies, which were sampled from seven sites across a 12‐year period including during flood plume–induced coral bleaching. Genetic differentiation of Symbiodinium was greatest within sites, explaining 70–86% of the total genetic variation. An additional 9–27% of variation was explained by significant differentiation of populations among sites separated by 0.4–13 km, which is consistent with low levels of dispersal via water movement and historical disturbance regimes. Sampling year accounted for 6–7% of total genetic variation and was related to significant coral mortality following severe bleaching in 1998 and a cyclone in 2006. Only 3% of the total genetic variation was related to coral bleaching status, reflecting generally small (8%) reductions in allelic diversity within bleached corals. This reduction probably reflected a loss of genotypes in hospite during bleaching, although no site‐wide changes in genetic diversity were observed. Combined, our results indicate the importance of disturbance regimes acting together with limited oceanographic transport to determine the genetic composition of Symbiodinium types within reefs.  相似文献   

Climate warming is occurring at a rate not experienced by life on Earth for 10 s of millions of years, and it is unknown whether the coral‐dinoflagellate (Symbiodinium spp.) symbiosis can evolve fast enough to ensure coral reef persistence. Coral thermal tolerance is partly dependent on the Symbiodinium hosted. Therefore, directed laboratory evolution in Symbiodinium has been proposed as a strategy to enhance coral holobiont thermal tolerance. Using a reciprocal transplant design, we show that the upper temperature tolerance and temperature tolerance range of Symbiodinium C1 increased after ~80 asexual generations (2.5 years) of laboratory thermal selection. Relative to wild‐type cells, selected cells showed superior photophysiological performance and growth rate at 31°C in vitro, and performed no worse at 27°C; they also had lower levels of extracellular reactive oxygen species (exROS). In contrast, wild‐type cells were unable to photosynthesise or grow at 31°C and produced up to 17 times more exROS. In symbiosis, the increased thermal tolerance acquired ex hospite was less apparent. In recruits of two of three species tested, those harbouring selected cells showed no difference in growth between the 27 and 31°C treatments, and a trend of positive growth at both temperatures. Recruits that were inoculated with wild‐type cells, however, showed a significant difference in growth rates between the 27 and 31°C treatments, with a negative growth trend at 31°C. There were no significant differences in the rate and severity of bleaching in coral recruits harbouring wild‐type or selected cells. Our findings highlight the need for additional Symbiodinium genotypes to be tested with this assisted evolution approach. Deciphering the genetic basis of enhanced thermal tolerance in Symbiodinium and the cause behind its limited transference to the coral holobiont in this genotype of Symbiodinium C1 are important next steps for developing methods that aim to increase coral bleaching tolerance.  相似文献   

  • The ability of plant growth‐promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) to enhance Lathyrus sativus tolerance to lead (Pb) stress was investigated.
  • Ten consortia formed by mixing four efficient and Pb‐resistant PGPR strains were assessed for their beneficial effect in improving Pb (0.5 mM) uptake and in inducing the host defence system of L. sativus under hydroponic conditions based on various physiological and biochemical parameters.
  • Lead stress significantly decreased shoot (SDW) and root (RDW) dry weight, but PGPR inoculation improved both dry weights, with highest increases in SDW and RDW of plants inoculated with I5 (R. leguminosarum (M5) + P. fluorescens (K23) + Luteibacter sp. + Variovorax sp.) and I9 (R. leguminosarum (M5) + Variovorax sp. + Luteibacter sp. + S. meliloti) by 151% and 94%, respectively. Additionally, inoculation significantly enhanced both chlorophyll and soluble sugar content, mainly in I5 inoculated leaves by 238% and 71%, respectively, despite the fact that Pb decreased these parameters. We also found that PGPR inoculation helps to reduce oxidative damage and enhances antioxidant enzyme activity, phenolic compound biosynthesis, carotenoids and proline content. PGPR inoculation increased Pb uptake in L. sativus, with highest increase in shoots of plants inoculated with I5 and I7, and in roots and nodules of plants inoculated with I1. Moreover, PGPR inoculation enhanced mineral homeostasis for Ca, Cu and Zn under Pb stress, mainly in plants inoculated with I1, I5, I7 and I9.
  • Results of our study suggest the potential of efficient and Pb‐resistant PGPR in alleviating harmful effects of metal stress via activation of various defence mechanisms and enhancing Pb uptake that promotes tolerance of L. sativus to Pb stress.

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