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Amylocystis lapponica (Romell) Singer is a widely distributed wood‐decaying polypore fungus found throughout the Northern Hemisphere. Despite its huge distribution range it occurs rather patchily and seems narrowly associated with old‐growth forest stands. Notably, it has been used as an ‘indicator species’, believed to reflect the long‐term presence of dead wood, naturalness of forest stands, and indirectly, species richness and possibly composition. In this study we focused on the last issue – whether or not there is a link between the occurrence of A. lapponica and the species richness and composition of other wood‐decaying fungi. Selecting log characteristics and microclimate as similar as possible, we compared 12 logs with and 12 logs without visible fruit bodies of A. lapponica to examine: 1) if visible fruit bodies corresponded with molecular identification of the mycelia, 2) if fungal species richness and composition of the substrate were related to A. lapponica occurrence, and 3) if A. lapponica was restricted to certain parts of the log. Fungal species were recorded by inspecting visible fruit bodies and by culture isolation and ITS sequencing from wood disc samples. Laboratory and field identification of A. lapponica had 71% correspondence, and mycelia were identified in two logs without visible fruit bodies. Twice as many fungal species were detected using ITS sequencing compared to fruit body identification. Total species richness was similar between the two log categories, but number of species per log was slightly higher in A. lapponica logs. Antrodia serialis (Fr.) Donk, and possibly also Fomitopsis pinicola (Sw.:Fr.) P. Karst. and Phellinus nigrolimitatus (Romell) Bourdot & Galzin, occurred more frequently in A. lapponica logs. Mycelia of A. lapponica were restricted to less decayed parts of the wood in the centre of the middle part of the logs.  相似文献   

In a widely cited study, Mattay et al. reported that amphetamine (0.25 mg/kg oral, or 17 mg for a 68 kg individual) impaired behavioral and brain indices of executive functioning, measured using the Wisconsin Card Sorting Task (WCST) and N‐Back working memory task, in 6 individuals homozygous for the met allele of the val158met polymorphism in the catechol‐O‐methyltransferase (COMT) gene, whereas it improved executive functioning in 10 individuals homozygous for the more active val allele. We attempted to replicate their behavioral findings in a larger sample, using similar executive functioning tasks and a broader range of amphetamine doses. Over four sessions, n = 200 healthy normal adults received oral placebo, d‐amphetamine 5, 10, and 20 mg (average of 0.07, 0.15 and 0.29 mg/kg), under counterbalanced double‐blind conditions and completed WCST and N‐back tests of executive functioning. Amphetamine had typical effects on blood pressure and processing speed but did not affect executive functioning. COMT genotype (val158met) was not related to executive functioning under placebo or amphetamine conditions, even when we compared only the homozygous val/val and met/met genotypes at the highest dose of amphetamine (20 mg). Thus, we were not able to replicate the behavioral interaction between COMT and amphetamine seen in Mattay et al. We discuss possible differences between the studies and the implications of our findings for the use of COMT genotyping to predict clinical responses to dopaminergic drugs, and the use of intermediate phenotypes in genetic research.  相似文献   

Endochondral ossification is the process of differentiation of cartilaginous into osseous tissue. Parathyroid hormone related protein (PTHrP), Indian hedgehog (Ihh) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), which are synthesized in different zones of the growth plate, were found to have crucial roles in regulating endochondral ossification. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether the three growth factors PTHrP, Ihh and VEGF, together, could regulate longitudinal growth in a normal human, fetal femur. For this purpose, a one-dimensional finite element (FE) model, incorporating growth factor signaling, was developed of the human, distal, femoral growth plate. It included growth factor synthesis in the relevant zones, their transport and degradation and their effects. Simulations ran from initial hypertrophy in the center of the bone until secondary ossification starts at approximately 3.5 months postnatal. For clarity, we emphasize that no mechanical stresses were considered. The FE model showed a stable growth plate in which the bone growth rate was constant and the number of cells per zone oscillated around an equilibrium. Simulations incorporating increased and decreased PTHrP and Ihh synthesis rates resulted, respectively, in more and less cells per zone and in increased and decreased bone growth rates. The FE model correctly reflected the development of a growth plate and the rate of bone growth in the femur. Simulations incorporating increased and decreased PTHrP and Ihh synthesis rates reflected growth plate pathologies and growth plates in PTHrP-/- and Ihh-/- mice. The three growth factors, PTHrP, Ihh and VEGF, could potentially together regulate tissue differentiation.  相似文献   

Phylogenetically unrelated parasites often increase the chances of their transmission by inducing similar phenotypic changes in their hosts. However, it is not known whether these convergent strategies rely on the same biochemical precursors. In this paper, we explored such aspects by studying two gammarid species (Gammarus insensibilis and Gammarus pulex; Crustacea: Amphipoda: Gammaridae) serving as intermediate hosts in the life cycle of two distantly related parasites: the trematode, Microphallus papillorobustus and the acanthocephalan, Polymorphus minutus. Both these parasite species are known to manipulate the behaviour of their amphipod hosts, bringing them towards the water surface, where they are preferentially eaten by aquatic birds (definitive hosts). By studying and comparing the brains of infected G. insensibilis and G. pulex with proteomics tools, we have elucidated some of the proximate causes involved in the parasite-induced alterations of host behaviour for each system. Protein identifications suggest that altered physiological compartments in hosts can be similar (e.g. immunoneural connexions) or different (e.g. vision process), and hence specific to the host-parasite association considered. Moreover, proteins required to alter the same physiological compartment can be specific or conversely common in both systems, illustrating in the latter case a molecular convergence in the proximate mechanisms of manipulation.  相似文献   

Plant-related performance may be one of the most important factors in the selection of host plants by insect herbivores. We investigated the importance of plant-related performance in host selection by the willow leaf beetle, Plagiodera versicolora (Laicharting) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), on four willow species: Salix chaenomeloides Kimura, Salix eriocarpa Fr. et Sav., Salix   integra Thunb., and Salix serissaefolia Kimura (Salicaceae). Bagging experiments in the field revealed that the performance of P. versicolora adults and larvae differed significantly among willow species under enemy-free conditions and at constant densities. Egg clutch and larval abundance were positively related to adult abundance. Plagiodera versicolora adults did not discriminate strongly among willow species for feeding and oviposition. Larval performance did not differ among willow species in the presence of natural enemies, suggesting that interspecific differences in host quality were overridden by mortality from natural enemies. Adult and egg clutch abundance of P. versicolora changed seasonally despite the temporal stability of adult and larval performance under enemy-free field conditions. Thus, plant-related performance of P. versicolora adults and larvae may contribute little to population growth and temporal dynamics of host use in P. versicolora . Potential factors that reduce discrimination of P. versicolora among host willow species are discussed.  相似文献   

Carlos M. Herrera 《Oikos》2002,97(3):426-432
The astounding morphological diversity exhibited by the fruits of vertebrate-dispersed plants has been traditionally interpreted as the adaptive outcome of divergent selective pressures exerted on plants by the broad array of frugivorous animals involved in seed dispersal. Although the selective capacity of frugivores provides support to this interpretation, recent studies have challenged it by documenting a strong phylogenetic component associated to interspecific variation in most fruit characteristics. Size-related fruit traits provide a conspicuous exception to this pattern, because they exhibit considerable variation at the between-species level which is largely independent of phylogeny and is correlated with consumption by differently-sized dispersal agents. Substantial species-level variance in size-related traits may reflect genuine disperser-driven diversification, but may also be partly influenced by correlated evolution of fruit size with the size of other plant structures. This latter possibility is tested here for bird-dispersed plants of the Iberian Peninsula using phylogenetically independent contrasts. Results demonstrate the existence of correlated evolution of fruit and leaf size at the species level. As all the plant taxa considered have their fruits eaten, and seeds dispersed, by the same relatively reduced set of frugivorous bird species, results suggest that a significant fraction of the variation in fruit size represented in the species sample may be explained as an indirect consequence of variation in leaf size, rather than being associated with adaptive divergence related to seed dispersal agents.  相似文献   

To study the genetic determinism of propagation by cutting, 2,115 individuals of 83 full-sib families of the Eucalyptus urophylla?×?Eucalyptus grandis hybrid were used as stock plants and propagated by cuttings. Shoot production (PROD) and cutting success (CUT) were measured in two periods corresponding to the dry and rainy seasons. The experiments showed a significant effect of propagation period, suggesting the combined influence of environmental conditions and physiological state of stock plants. Using the linear mixed model (LMM) and the generalized one (GLMM) to take into account the non-normal distribution, the additive and dominance variances were estimated. They were significantly different from zero for PROD and CUT, as was the interaction between genetic effects and periods. The dominance variance was equal or higher than additive variance for both traits (1?σ 2 D /σ 2 A ?h 2 ss?=?0.182 and H 2 sl?=?0.443) but high with GLMM (h 2 ss?=?0.431 and H 2 sl?=?0.891). For CUT, the same trend was observed for variances but the genetic control was weaker with heritabilities smaller than 0.3. The selection accuracy (r) was affected by the statistical model, r?=?0.94 and r?=?0.42 for PROD using LMM and GLMM, respectively. Genetic correlations between PROD, CUT, and the field growth of clones at 25 months were relatively low. These results are important elements to consider for breeding strategies that target genetic gain for both field growth and cutting success.  相似文献   

Many migratory songbirds switch from a primarily insectivorous diet during the breeding season to either a mixed diet or fruit diet during the non‐breeding season. However, for species with mixed diets, arthropods may be superior food items because of their higher protein content and easier digestibility. We tested this hypothesis by analyzing the diet and body condition of omnivorous Wood Thrushes (Hylocichla mustelina) at a non‐breeding site in tropical forest in Belize, Central America. We used analysis of stable isotopes δ15N and δ13C in the blood to measure diet. Our objective was to determine if a higher dietary proportion of arthropods relative to fruit (i.e., higher δ15N and δ13C) was associated with better body condition. We also examined the possible effect of age, sex, and habitat type on Wood Thrush diets, as well as any changes in diet through the overwintering period. We used a hierarchical Bayesian mixing model (MixSIAR) to estimate the proportion of different prey items in the diet of overwintering Wood Thrushes overall, in each habitat type, and over time during the non‐breeding period. From January to April, we found a significant decline in δ15N in forest habitats, whereas δ15N increased in scrub habitat. There was no significant seasonal change in δ13C. Birds with higher δ15N or δ13C values were not in better body condition. Females in dry‐scrub habitat consumed more fruit than males, but this did not affect body condition. Mixing model results indicated that most Wood Thrushes at our study sites consumed primarily arthropods, even during the driest times of the non‐breeding season and in the driest habitat. Overall, our results suggest that the diet of Wood Thrushes varies with habitat and during the overwintering period, but diet alone was not a predictor of body condition. Wood Thrushes, and possibly other omnivorous migratory songbirds, are apparently flexibly able to meet their wintering and pre‐migration nutritional demands with a variety of diets.  相似文献   

The decline of one farmland bird, the migratory European starling, has been attributed to both agricultural intensification and farmland abandonment and to factors operating both during the winter and during the breeding season. We analysed population data from thirty‐three Swedish nestbox colonies over more than two decades to determine if the national decline was caused by a common factor affecting all colonies or by local changes in the breeding grounds affecting starling colonies. We found that numbers of breeding starling had declined significantly, but at different rates in different colonies. The local population sizes were affected by previous years’ productivity at both national and local scales, suggesting that changes in habitat quality at both scales could affect local population trends. There were no long‐term trends in reproductive output, but fledgling production was lowest at intermediate years. The local population changes were positively related to local changes in reproductive output, but only when including complete nest‐failures. A relationship between population declines and low mean local productivity was the result of the association between population sizes and reproductive success over time, since decline rates of starlings were not related to the average success during the first part of the study, but to the average success during the later part of the study. The relationship between population change and changes in reproductive output was evident, but fledgling production showed negative density‐dependence. In conclusion this study suggests that the decline of the starling population in Sweden has been affected by processes at small spatial scales during the breeding season affecting reproductive success, but does not exclude an additional role for processes at large spatial scales or outside the breeding season.  相似文献   

Predators can shape genetic correlations in prey by altering prey perception of risk. We manipulated perceived risk to test whether such non‐consumptive effects tightened behavioural trait correlations in wild‐caught stickleback from high‐ compared to low‐risk environments due to genetic variation in plasticity. We expected tighter genetic correlations within perceived risk treatments than across them, and tighter genetic correlations in high‐risk than in low‐risk treatments. We identified genetic variation in plasticity, with genetic correlations between boldness, sociality, and antipredator morphology, as expected, being tighter within treatments than across them, for both of two populations. By contrast, genetic correlations did not tighten with exposure to risk. Tighter phenotypic correlations in wild stickleback may thus arise because predators induce correlational selection on environmental components of these traits, or because predators tighten residual correlations by causing environmental heterogeneity that is controlled in the laboratory. Our study places phenotypic integration firmly into an ecological context.  相似文献   

Meta-analysis is increasingly used in ecology and evolutionary biology. Yet, in these fields this technique has an important limitation: phylogenetic non-independence exists among taxa, violating the statistical assumptions underlying traditional meta-analytic models. Recently, meta-analytical techniques incorporating phylogenetic information have been developed to address this issue. However, no syntheses have evaluated how often including phylogenetic information changes meta-analytic results. To address this gap, we built phylogenies for and re-analysed 30 published meta-analyses, comparing results for traditional vs. phylogenetic approaches and assessing which characteristics of phylogenies best explained changes in meta-analytic results and relative model fit. Accounting for phylogeny significantly changed estimates of the overall pooled effect size in 47% of datasets for fixed-effects analyses and 7% of datasets for random-effects analyses. Accounting for phylogeny also changed whether those effect sizes were significantly different from zero in 23 and 40% of our datasets (for fixed- and random-effects models, respectively). Across datasets, decreases in pooled effect size magnitudes after incorporating phylogenetic information were associated with larger phylogenies and those with stronger phylogenetic signal. We conclude that incorporating phylogenetic information in ecological meta-analyses is important, and we provide practical recommendations for doing so.  相似文献   


The increase in the open circuit potential of passive metals in natural waters due to biofilm formation at the metal surface, termed ennoblement, has been reported for nearly 30 years. Although its occurrence is undoubtedly associated with microbial colonization, the underlying mechanism of ennoblement remains controversial. Recent work produced in the authors’ laboratory has provided convincing experimental evidence that ennoblement can be caused by deposition of biomineralized manganese produced by manganese‐oxidizing biofilms. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of environmental factors on the rate and extent of ennoblement of 316L stainless steel exposed to natural waters. This was accomplished by exposing corrosion coupons to four freshwater systems over a 4‐yearperiod. The rate and extent of ennoblement observed in these locations was correlated with dissolved manganese concentrations, the mass of accumulated manganese oxides, organic carbon concentration, dissolved oxygen concentration, flow, conditions, temperature, and pH in these environments.  相似文献   

For several decades, the origin and ecological consequences of large-scale continental and marine Latitudinal Gradients of Taxonomic Richness (LGTR) have been intensively debated. Among the various hypotheses, it has been proposed that a LGTR is the by-product of a geographic mid-domain effect, i.e. the result of a random distribution of ranges of taxa between physical hard boundaries such as the continent/ocean interface. In order to more realistically evaluate the role of the mid-domain effect on the origin and evolution of the LGTR of marine planktonic organisms, we present a 2D model based on a cellular-automaton approach in which sea surface temperatures (SST) and currents are forced in the biogeographic dispersal of a randomly generated clade (a 2D 'geophyletic' model). Sensitivity experiments allow to evaluate the effects of currents, SST and the geographical origin of a clade on the formation and shape of a LGTR for planktonic organisms when coupled with a geographic mid-domain effect. Results are discussed in the light of the empirical LGTR of extant planktonic Foraminifera in the Atlantic Ocean. Independently of any other biotic or abiotic parameter, inclusive of the surface currents and origination/extinction absolute and relative rates, our simulations show that the coupling of the mid-domain effect with two critical parameters, namely the shape and intensity of the SST gradient and the geographic origin of a clade, produces realistic patterns of diversity when compared with the observed LGTR of extant atlantic planktonic foraminifera. The results illustrate a non-linear relation between a unimodal latitudinal SST gradient and a resulting bimodal LGTR characterized by a drop in species richness near the equator. This relation indicates that the SST gradient exerts a mid-domain effect on the LGTR. The latitudinal positions of the modal values of the LGTR are also found to be influenced by the geographic origin of the simulated clade.  相似文献   

Cereal and oilseed crops possess significance in meeting global food security. China, housing the most number of people, remains the top importer of oilseed crops (i.e., soybeans) to produce energy and meet its food needs. With such significance, the present study investigates the impact of meteorological factors on soybean production in China using the annual data from 1978 to 2020. It also incorporated other essential determinants of soybean production, such as agricultural subsidy, cultivated area, and fertilizer use. For data analysis, it employed the autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) method and the Quantile Regression (QR) technique. The findings from an ARDL model unveiled meteorological factors such as the yearly average temperature and CO2 emissions declined soybean production in the long–run and short–run analysis, whereas the yearly average precipitation improved soybean production. Besides, agricultural subsidy, cultivated area, and fertilizer use also enhanced soybean production in the long–and short–run analyses. In addition, the findings from the Quantile Regression (QR) technique showed that temperature and CO2 emissions negatively affected soybean production in each quantile (i.e., 0.1–0.90), while precipitation and agricultural subsidy positively augmented soybean production across all quantiles (i.e., 0.1–0.90). Based on these results, the study provides clear policy implications, such as governments should provide crop-specific subsidies instead of input-based subsidies to embolden the impact of agricultural subsidies. Also, ecological improvement campaigns should be launched to attract farmers' attention to sustainable agriculture practices to meet meteorological challenges.  相似文献   

Abstract. Gradients in acidity‐alkalinity and nutrient availability were studied in 2 Sphagnum‐dominated peatlands on the southeastern Italian Alps. Decreasing concentrations of most mineral elements (Ca2+, Mg2+, Mn2+, Al3+ and Si4+) in pore water indicated a progressively lower influx of mineral‐soil water from the slightly minerotrophic conditions in the peatland margins to ombrogenous conditions in the central part of the peatlands. This was paralleled by decreasing concentrations of ash, bulk density, Ca, Fe and, partly, Mn in the peat. The nutrient gradient, as defined by pore water concentrations of N and P, was largely independent of the acidity‐ alkalinity gradient: NO3‐ and PO43‐ had similar concentrations throughout the gradient, whereas NH4+ concentrations increased with increasing pore‐water pH. In contrast, the peat nutrient gradient coincided with the acidity‐alkalinity gradient, with total concentrations of N and P decreasing from the margin to the centre. Bryophytes and vascular plants had different responses along the acidity‐alkalinity gradient and the nutrient gradient. Bryophyte distribution reflected the acidity‐alkalinity gradient both in pore water and in peat. Vascular plant distribution was mainly influenced by variations in nutrient availability.  相似文献   

1. The lack of consistent differences between the traits of native and non‐native plant species makes it difficult to make general predictions about the ecological impact of invasive plants; however, the increasing number of non‐native plants in many habitats makes the assessment of the impact of each individual species impracticable. General knowledge about how specific plant traits are linked to their effects on communities or ecosystems may be more useful for predicting the effect of plant invasions. Specifically, we hypothesised that higher carbon‐to‐nitrogen ratio (C:N) and percent lignin in plant detritus would reduce the rate of development and total mass at metamorphosis of tadpoles, resulting in lower metamorph production (total fresh biomass) and amphibian species richness. 2. To test these hypotheses, we raised five species of tadpoles in mesocosms containing senescent leaves of three common native and three common non‐native wetland plants that varied in C:N ratio and % lignin. 3. Leaf mass loss, total metamorph production and the number of species that metamorphosed declined as a function of increasing C:N ratio of plant leaves. Plant lignin content was not related to the production of metamorphs or the number of species that metamorphosed. The percentage of wood frog (Lithobates sylvaticus) and American toad (Anaxyrus americanus) tadpoles reaching metamorphosis declined as a function of increasing plant C:N ratio. Mean time to metamorphosis increased and mean mass at metamorphosis declined as a function of increasing plant C:N ratio. Tadpole performance and metamorph diversity and production (biomass) were similar between native and non‐native plant species with similar C:N ratio in leaves. Percent lignin was not a significant predictor of tadpole performance. 4. Our results show that the impact of a plant invasion on tadpole performance could depend on differences between the quality of the detritus produced by the invading species and that of the native species it replaces. We suggest that plant community changes that lead to dominance by more recalcitrant plant species (those with higher leaf C:N ratio) may negatively affect amphibian populations.  相似文献   

In their article “Assessing the evidence base for restoration in South Africa,” Ntshotsho et al. attempt to determine whether restoration in South Africa is evidence based by reporting on 10 projects' baseline data collection, goal setting, and monitoring. However, their contribution suffers from two major constraints. First, they confuse assessing the evidence base with assessing whether restoration is evidence based. Truly, assessing the evidence base would entail a systematic review of the quantity and quality of information available as well as the conclusions supported, perhaps in a meta‐analytical framework. Determining if restoration is evidence based would require a survey of project managers to evaluate if they take decisions based on scientific information. Second, Ntshotsho et al. do not clearly distinguish successfully achieving restoration project goals from successfully restoring ecosystems. They largely focus on projects' socioeconomic goals without emphasizing that these goals are, by definition, secondary to ecological goals in determining restoration success. Thus, Ntshotsho et al. provide neither a sound assessment of the evidence base for restoration nor whether restoration is evidence based. To evaluate and encourage evidence‐based restoration in South Africa, we recommend a simple assessment of the basis on which restoration managers make decisions, identification of factors precluding evidence‐based decision‐making, and development of platforms to evaluate the data collected in restoration programs to generate an evidence base from which to make defendable decisions.  相似文献   

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