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Prey availability is known to limit reproduction of some species of nesting birds, but identifying the primary prey types of a species with a flexible diet can be challenging. For the White Ibis Eudocimus albus, a tactile feeding, medium‐sized wading bird, nestling prey composition is suggested to depend on landscape water depths/availability of foraging habitat at the time of nesting and on historical drying events affecting prey production. We collected and compared inter‐ and intra‐annual diet variation of White Ibis chicks reared in the Everglades over two years that were independently identified as being relatively good (2006) and poor (2007) nesting seasons. We collected 127 nestling boluses and analysed the temporal variation in biomass of eight functional prey groups using multivariate techniques. The boluses from 2006 in the central Everglades were dominated by fish, but in 2007, after fish had been reduced by the previous year of drying, the boluses from the same region were more variable and dominated by garbage (i.e. scavenging). Analysis of five different collections taken from a different colony in the northern Everglades indicated that boluses were characterized by crayfish and had fewer fish or less garbage when landscape water depths were relatively higher and more preferred habitat was available. At lower landscape water depths in 2007 the bolus composition shifted away from crayfish towards small fish and urban food (terrestrial insects and garbage). Our results support the suggestion of depth‐dependent diets; prey composition depends on the current landscape water levels around the colonies, and also suggests that previous drying events can lead to increased reliance on alternative food sources. White Ibis partially compensated for unavailable aquatic prey with alternative urban foods, but their nesting success appears to have suffered.  相似文献   

Aquatic macrophyte patches are natural features of wetland ecosystems that serve as habitat for aquatic animals. Previous studies suggest animal densities in Everglades, USA, wetlands are generally less numerous in sawgrass ridges than in deeper lily sloughs. We studied the density distribution of a population of Procambarus fallax in ridge and slough habitat types over a 2-year period, spanning two wet–dry cycles and estimated growth and survival rates under flooded conditions to understand comparative value of each to the crayfish population. Procambarus fallax individuals inhabited and recruited in both marsh habitats. During periods of high water, crayfish densities were similar in both habitats; however, densities in both habitats varied seasonally, leading us to postulate some degree of population redistribution in response to fluctuating water depths. Analysis of size distributions over time revealed juveniles in both habitats and two major recruitment periods each year; distinct juvenile cohorts were present in early winter (Nov–Dec) and mid-summer (July–Aug). An in situ experiment of juvenile growth demonstrated that slough habitat type supported faster growth over ridge habitat. To understand habitat-specific mortality risk, a tethering study during flooded conditions indicated that relative predation risk by aquatic predators was greater in sloughs for all sizes and higher for smaller individuals in both habitats. The comparative importance of ridge and slough balances growth potential and survival probability during flooded conditions. This is the first study through time and across both habitat types analyzing the distribution and size structure of P. fallax population in the Everglades.  相似文献   

The Everglades of south Florida is a patterned peatland that has undergone major hydrologic modification over the last century, including both drainage and impoundment. The Everglades ridge and slough patterns were originally characterized by regularly spaced elevated ridges and tree islands oriented parallel to water flow through interconnected sloughs. Many areas of the remaining Everglades have lost this patterning over time. Historical aerial photography for the years 1940, 1953, 1972, 1984, and 2004 provides source data to measure these changes over six decades. Maps were created by digitizing the ridges, tree islands, and sloughs in fifteen 24 km2 study plots located in the remaining Everglades, and metrics were developed to quantify the extent and types of changes in the patterns. Pattern metrics of length/width ratios, number of ridges, and perimeter/area ratios were used to define the details and trajectories of pattern changes in the study plots from 1940 through 2004. These metrics characterized elongation, smoothness, and abundance of ridges and tree islands. Hierarchical agglomerative cluster analysis was used to categorize these 75 maps (15 plots by 5 years) into five categories based on a suite of metrics of pattern quality. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling, an ordination technique, confirmed that these categories were distinct with the primary axis distinguished primarily by the abundance of elongated ridges in each study plot. Strong patterns like those described historically were characterized by numerous, long ridges while degraded patterns contained few large, irregularly shaped patches. Pattern degradation usually occurred with ridges fusing into fewer, less linear patches of emergent vegetation. Patterning improved in some plots, probably through wetter conditions facilitating expression of the underlying microtopography. Trajectories showing responses of individual study plots over the six decades indicated that ridge and slough patterns can degrade or improve over time scales of a decade or less. Changes in ridge and slough patterns indicate that (1) patterns can be lost quickly following severe peat dryout, yet (2) patterns appear resilient at least over multi-decadal time periods; (3) patterns can be maintained and possibly strengthened with deeper water depths, and (4) the sub-decadal response time of pattern changes visible in aerial imagery is highly useful for change detection within the landscape. This analysis suggests that restoration of some aspects of these unique peatland patterns may be possible within relatively short planning time frames. Use of aerial photography in future Everglades restoration efforts can facilitate restoration and adaptive management by documenting sub-decadal pattern changes in response to altered hydrology and water management.  相似文献   

Over the last one hundred years, compartmentalization and water management activities have reduced water flow to the ridge and slough landscape of the Everglades. As a result, the once corrugated landscape has become topographically and vegetationally uniform. The focus of this study was to quantify variation in surface flow in the ridge and slough landscape and to relate flow conditions to particulate transport and deposition. Over the 2002–2003 and 2003–2004 wet seasons, surface velocities and particulate accumulation were measured in upper Shark River Slough in Everglades National Park. Landscape characteristics such as elevation, plant density and biomass also were examined to determine their impact on flow characteristics and material transport. The results of this study demonstrate that the release of water during the wet season not only increases water levels, but also increased flow speeds and particulate transport and availability. Further, flow speeds were positively and significantly correlated with water level thereby enhancing particulate transport in sloughs relative to ridges especially during peak flow periods. Our results also indicate that the distribution of biomass in the water column, including floating plants and periphyton, affects velocity magnitude and shape of vertical profiles, especially in the sloughs where Utricularia spp. and periphyton mats are more abundant. Plot clearing experiments suggest that the presence of surface periphyton and Utricularia exert greater control over flow characteristics than the identity (i.e., sawgrass or spike rush) or density of emergent macrophytes, two parameters frequently incorporated into models describing flow through vegetated canopies. Based on these results, we suggest that future modeling efforts must take the presence of floating biomass, such as Utricularia, and presence of periphyton into consideration when describing particulate transport.  相似文献   

Entrainment of sediment by flowing water affects topography, habitat suitability, and nutrient cycling in vegetated floodplains and wetlands, impacting ecosystem evolution and the success of restoration projects. Nonetheless, restoration managers lack simple decision-support tools for predicting shear stresses and sediment redistribution potential in different vegetation communities. Using a field-validated numerical model, we developed state-space diagrams that provide these predictions over a range of water-surface slopes, depths, and associated velocities in Everglades ridge and slough vegetation communities. Diminished bed shear stresses and a consequent decrease in bed sediment redistribution are hypothesized causes of a recent reduction in the topographic and vegetation heterogeneity of this ecosystem. Results confirmed the inability of present-day flows to entrain bed sediment. Further, our diagrams showed bed shear stresses to be highly sensitive to emergent vegetation density and water-surface slope but less sensitive to water depth and periphyton or floating vegetation abundance. These findings suggested that instituting a pulsing flow regime could be the most effective means to restore sediment redistribution to the Everglades. However, pulsing flows will not be sufficient to erode sediment from sloughs with abundant spikerush, unless spikerush density first decreases by natural or managed processes. Our methods provide a novel tool for identifying restoration parameters and performance measures in many types of vegetated aquatic environments where sediment erosion and deposition are involved.  相似文献   

To preserve biodiversity, identifying at‐risk populations and developing conservation plans to mitigate the effects of human‐induced rapid environmental change (HIREC) are essential. Changes in diet, especially for food‐limited species, can aid in detecting populations being impacted by HIREC, and characterizing the quality, abundance, and temporal and spatial consistency of newly consumed food items may provide insight concerning the likelihood of a species persisting in a changing environment. We used Wood Storks (Mycteria americana) nesting in the Florida Everglades as a model system to study the possible effects of HIREC on a food‐limited population. We compared the diets of Wood Storks in 2013 and 2014 with those reported during the 1970s before major anthropogenic activities affected the Everglades system and prey availability. Wood Storks in our study consumed more large‐bodied sunfish species (Lepomis spp.), fewer native marsh fishes, and more non‐native fish species than during the 1970s. Large sunfish and non‐native fish are relatively rare in the drying pools of Everglades marshes where storks traditionally forage, suggesting that Wood Storks may be using novel foraging habitats such as created wetlands (i.e., canals and stormwater ponds). Although created wetlands have long hydroperiods conducive to maintaining large‐bodied fishes and could provide alternative foraging habitat when prey availability is reduced in natural marshes, additional studies are needed to determine the extent to which these wetlands are used by Wood Storks and, importantly, the quality of prey items potentially available to foraging Wood Storks in created wetlands.  相似文献   

Much of the historical Everglades has been either lost or degraded as a result of human activities. Among the aquatic habitats that comprise the Everglades landscape mosaic, open-water sloughs support critical ecological functions and appear especially sensitive to both hydrologic and water-quality perturbations. We used a combination of remote sensing and on-the-ground sampling to document spatial changes in the extent and vegetative composition of sloughs along a phosphorus (P) gradient in the northern Everglades. Increasing levels of water and soil P were associated with a decline in slough coverage, loss of the abundant native periphyton community, and a shift in dominant macrophyte species. The characteristic slough macrophyte species Eleocharis cellulosa and Nymphaea odorata exhibited different sensitivities to P enrichment, but both species declined with enrichment as slough habitats were invaded by Typha domingensis, a species that is known to expand aggressively in response to enrichment. A limited amount of open-water habitat occurred in highly enriched areas, but these habitats were maintained largely as a result of airboat disturbance and did not contain characteristic slough vegetation. Many changes in slough coverage and composition occurred in areas where water and soil P concentrations were only marginally higher than background levels. Our findings support the need for Everglades hydrologic restoration efforts to adhere to strict water-quality standards for P to avoid further degradation of this key landscape feature. Handling editor: L. M. Bini  相似文献   

Habitat restoration is an integral feature of wildlife conservation. However, funding and opportunities for habitat restoration are limited, and therefore, it is useful for targeted restoration to provide positive outcomes for non‐target species. Here, we investigate the possibility of habitat creation and management benefitting two threatened wetland specialists: the Green and Golden Bell Frog (Litoria aurea) and the Large‐footed Myotis (Myotis macropus). This study involved two components: (i) assessing co‐occurrence patterns of these species in a wetland complex created for the Green and Golden Bell Frog (n = 9) using counts, and (ii) comparing foraging activity of Large‐footed Myotis in wetlands with low and high aquatic vegetation (n = 6 and 7, respectively) using echolocation metres. Since Large‐footed Myotis possesses a unique foraging behaviour of trawling for aquatic prey, we hypothesised that foraging activity of this species would be higher in wetlands with low aquatic vegetation coverage. Additionally, we provide observations of its potential prey items. We identified one created wetland where both species were found in relatively high numbers, and this wetland had a permanent hydrology, was free of the introduced fish Gambusia (Gambusia holbrooki) and had low aquatic vegetation coverage. We also found that Myotis feeding activity was significantly higher in low aquatic vegetation coverage wetlands (x? = 65.72 ± 27.56 SE) compared to high (x? = 0.33 ± 0.33 SE, P = 0.0000). Although this is a preliminary study, it seems likely that Green and Golden Bell Frog and Large‐footed Myotis would gain mutual benefit from wetlands that are constructed to be permanent, that are Gambusia free, low in aquatic vegetation coverage, and are located in close to suitable roosting habitat for Large‐footed Myotis. We encourage adaptive aquatic vegetation removal for Green and Golden Bell frog as this may have benefits for Large‐footed Myotis. The evidence suggests that the former may be a suitable umbrella species for the latter.  相似文献   

Application of Landscape Allometry to Restoration of Tidal Channels   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Oligohaline tidal channels (sloughs) in the Pacific Northwest were shown to have allometric form with respect to outlet width and depth, channel length, perimeter, and surface area. In contrast, an artificial slough, excavated to mitigate port improvements, did not conform to natural slough allometry, resulting in high retention of allochthonous inputs and sediment accumulation. Additionally, intertidal sedge habitat abundance was related to slough size for smaller sloughs, but larger sloughs did not fit this allometric pattern. This suggests that sedge habitat in large sloughs has been destroyed due to extensive log storage and transportation from the 1890s to the 1970s. Finally, the abundance of salmonid prey of terrestrial origin—aphids and adult flies—in slough surface waters was correlated with slough perimeter and, for aphids, with the amount of intertidal sedge habitat. An allometric perspective on landscape form and function has several implications for habitat restoration and mitigation: (1) Size‐related constraints on replication for landscape‐scale studies are loosened (e.g., rather than requiring reference sites that are similar in size to experimental sites, analysis of covariance can be used to control size effects); (2) physical processes, such as sedimentation and erosion, affect landscape form, whereas landscape form can affect ecological processes, so design of restoration or mitigation projects should conform to allometric patterns to maximize physical and ecological predictability; (3) landscape allometry may provide insight into undocumented human disturbances; and (4) allometric patterns suggest design goals and criteria for success.  相似文献   

Foraging behaviors of the piscivorous cornetfish Fistularia commersonii were observed at shallow reefs in Kuchierabu-jima Island, southern Japan. This fish foraged on two types of prey fishes: one was reef fish that typically dwell on or near substrata (e.g., Tripterygiidae and Labridae), and the other was pelagic fish that shoal in the water column (e.g., Clupeidae and Carangidae). The prey sizes, prey types and foraging behaviors changed as the predator size increased. Prey sizes were largely limited by gape size of the cornetfish, and small predators consumed small prey. The small cornetfish (10–30 cm in total length) fed only on reef fish captured after stalking (where the fish slowly approaches the prey and then suddenly attacks). The stalking was done either solitarily or in foraging association with conspecifics. Large fish (30–120 cm) fed on both types of fishes by stalking and/or chasing (where the fish chases the prey using its high mobility and attacks), either solitarily or in foraging association with con- or heterospecifics. Thus, chasing was only performed by the large cornetfish against pelagic prey fish in associative foraging with other con- and heterospecific predators. As their body sizes increased, F. commersonii began to show a diversification of foraging behaviors, which was strongly related not only to the habitat types and anti-predatory behaviors of the prey fishes but also to associative foraging with con- or heterospecifics, which improves their foraging success.  相似文献   

Extensive portions of the southern Everglades are characterized by series of elongated, raised peat ridges and tree islands oriented parallel to the predominant flow direction, separated by intervening sloughs. Tall herbs or woody species are associated with higher elevations and shorter emergent or floating species are associated with lower elevations. The organic soils in this “Ridge-and-Slough” landscape have been stable over millennia in many locations, but degrade over decades under altered hydrologic conditions. We examined soil, pore water, and leaf phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N) distributions in six Ridge and Slough communities in Shark Slough, Everglades National Park. We found P enrichment to increase and N to decrease monotonically along a gradient from the most persistently flooded sloughs to rarely flooded ridge environments, with the most dramatic change associated with the transition from marsh to forest. Leaf N:P ratios indicated that the marsh communities were strongly P-limited, while data from several forest types suggested either N-limitation or co-limitation by N and P. Ground water stage in forests exhibited a daytime decrease and partial nighttime recovery during periods of surface exposure. The recovery phase suggested re-supply from adjacent flooded marshes or the underlying aquifer, and a strong hydrologic connection between ridge and slough. We therefore developed a simple steady-state model to explore a mechanism by which a phosphorus conveyor belt driven by both evapotranspiration and the regional flow gradient can contribute to the characteristic Ridge and Slough pattern. The model demonstrated that evapotranspiration sinks at higher elevations can draw in low concentration marsh waters, raising local soil and water P concentrations. Focusing of flow and nutrients at the evapotranspiration zone is not strong enough to overcome the regional gradient entirely, allowing the nutrient to spread downstream and creating an elongated concentration plume in the direction of flow. Our analyses suggest that autogenic processes involving the effects of initially small differences in topography, via their interactions with hydrology and nutrient availability, can produce persistent physiographic patterns in the organic sediments of the Everglades.  相似文献   

Generalist predators are capable of selective foraging, but are predicted to feed in close proportion to prey availability to maximize energetic intake especially when overall prey availability is low. By extension, they are also expected to feed in a more frequency‐dependent manner during winter compared to the more favourable foraging conditions during spring, summer and fall seasons. For 18 months, we observed the foraging patterns of forest‐dwelling wolf spiders from the genus Schizocosa (Araneae: Lycosidae) using PCR‐based gut‐content analysis and simultaneously monitored the activity densities of two common prey: springtails (Collembola) and flies (Diptera). Rates of prey detection within spider guts relative to rates of prey collected in traps were estimated using Roualdes’ cst model and compared using various linear contrasts to make inferences pertaining to seasonal prey selectivity. Results indicated spiders foraged selectively over the course of the study, contrary to predictions derived from optimal foraging theory. Even during winter, with overall low prey densities, the relative rates of predation compared to available prey differed significantly over time and by prey group. Moreover, these spiders appeared to diversify their diets; the least abundant prey group was consistently overrepresented in the diet within a given season. We suggest that foraging in generalist predators is not necessarily restricted to frequency dependency during winter. In fact, foraging motives other than energy maximization, such as a more nutrient‐focused strategy, may also be optimal for generalist predators during prey‐scarce winters.  相似文献   

Historically, the Florida Everglades was characterized by a corrugated landscape of shorter hydroperiod, elevated sawgrass (Cladium jamaicense) ridges and longer hydroperiod, deep water slough communities. Drainage and compartmentalization of the Everglades have fundamentally altered this pattern, and sawgrass ridge communities have expanded at the expense of deep water slough communities throughout much of the landscape. In this study we provide a simple isotopic and nutrient characterization of major components of the slough ecosystem to elucidate physiological and nutrient differences among species and to suggest pathways for organic matter decomposition that contribute to peat development in deep water sloughs. We examined carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) isotopes and C, N and phosphorus (P) concentrations of the floating-leaved macrophytes Nymphaea odorata and Nymphoides aquatica, the emergent macrophyte Eleocharis elongata, and the submerged species Utricularia foliosa and Utricularia purpurea, as well as soil and flocculent material from the southern Water Conservation Area 3-A. Flocculent material and soils had the highest N content (4.5 ± 0.2%) and U. foliosa and N. odorata had the highest P content (0.13 ± 0.01% to 0.12 ± 0.01%). The range for δ15N average ± SE values was 5.81 ± 0.29‰ (U. foliosa) to −1.84 ± 0.63‰ (N. odorata), while the range for δ13C values was −23.83 ± 0.12‰ (N. odorata) to −29.28 ± 0.34‰ (U. purpurea). Differences of up to 10‰ in C isotopic values of U. foliosa and N. odorata suggest fundamental physiological differences between these species. Along a degradation continuum, enrichment of 13C and 15N and extent of decomposition was negatively related to phosphorus concentrations. A two end-member 13C mixing model suggested that Utricularia species were the primary organic source for flocculent materials, whereas organic matter derived from root decomposition of N. odorata contributed to the progressively enriched δ13C values found with depth in soils. These results illustrate the fundamentally important roles of Nymphaea and Utricularia species in ecosystem dynamics of deep water sloughs.  相似文献   

Variations in visual field topography among birds have been interpreted as adaptations to the specific perceptual challenges posed by the species’ foraging ecology. To test this hypothesis we determined visual field topography in four bird species which have different foraging ecologies but are from the same family: Puna Ibis Plegadis ridgwayi (probes for prey in the soft substrates of marsh habitats), Northern Bald Ibis Geronticus eremita (surface pecks for prey in dry terrestrial habitats), African Spoonbill Platalea alba and Eurasian Spoonbill Platalea leucorodia (bill‐sweeps for prey in shallow turbid waters). All four species employ tactile cues provided by bill‐tip organs for prey detection. We predicted that the visual fields of these species would show general features similar to those found in other birds whose foraging is guided by tactile cues from the bill (i.e. bill falling outside the frontal binocular field and comprehensive visual coverage of the celestial hemisphere). However, the visual fields of all four species showed general features characteristic of birds that take food directly in the bill under visual guidance (i.e. a narrow and vertically long binocular field in which the projection of the bill tip is approximately central and with a blind area above and behind the head). Visual fields of the two spoonbills were very similar but differed from those of the ibises, which also differed between themselves. In the spoonbills, there was a blind area below the bill produced by the enlarged spatulate bill tip. We discuss how these differences in visual fields are related to the perceptual challenges of these birds’ different foraging ecologies, including the detection, identification and ingestion of prey. In particular we suggest that all species need to see binocularly around the bill and between the opened mandibles for the identification of caught prey items and its transport to the back of the mouth. Our findings support the hypothesis that sensory challenges associated with differences in foraging ecology, rather than shared ancestry or the control of locomotion, are the main determinants of variation in visual field topography in birds.  相似文献   

Foraging theory predicts that individuals should choose a prey that maximizes energy rewards relative to the energy expended to access, capture, and consume the prey. However, the relative roles of differences in the nutritive value of foods and costs associated with differences in prey accessibility are not always clear. Coral‐feeding fishes are known to be highly selective feeders on particular coral genera or species and even different parts of individual coral colonies. The absence of strong correlations between the nutritional value of corals and prey preferences suggests other factors such as polyp accessibility may be important. Here, we investigated within‐colony feeding selectivity by the corallivorous filefish, Oxymonacanthus longirostris, and if prey accessibility determines foraging patterns. After confirming that this fish primarily feeds on coral polyps, we examined whether fish show a preference for different parts of a common branching coral, Acropora nobilis, both in the field and in the laboratory experiments with simulated corals. We then experimentally tested whether nonuniform patterns of feeding on preferred coral species reflect structural differences between polyps. We found that O. longirostris exhibits nonuniform patterns of foraging in the field, selectively feeding midway along branches. On simulated corals, fish replicated this pattern when food accessibility was equal along the branch. However, when food access varied, fish consistently modified their foraging behavior, preferring to feed where food was most accessible. When foraging patterns were compared with coral morphology, fish preferred larger polyps and less skeletal protection. Our results highlight that patterns of interspecific and intraspecific selectivity can reflect coral morphology, with fish preferring corals or parts of coral colonies with structural characteristics that increase prey accessibility.  相似文献   

Prey size is an important factor for predators as it affects prey quality (energy content) and hence total energy gain. However, it remains challenging to obtain information about prey size from free‐ranging marine predators. Here, we developed a method that estimates prey size using mandible acceleration in captive northern elephant seals and then applied it to 34 free‐ranging seals. In captive seals, the number of feeding‐related acceleration signals were positively related to prey size category (<15 cm). In free‐ranging seals, smaller number of acceleration signals occurred frequently in both mesopelagic (200–1,000 m) and bathypelagic layers (>1,000 m), suggesting that seals foraged mainly on smaller prey (possibly <15 cm). However, the quantity of larger acceleration signals increased in the bathypelagic layers, suggesting that seals were more likely to forage on larger prey (>15 cm) at deeper depths. These results suggest that seals might compensate for higher energetic costs of deeper‐diving by targeting larger prey. Although our study has practical limitations (e.g., calibrating prey size in captive conditions), our method allows concurrent inference of prey size and foraging behavior, being potentially useful to investigate how predators adjust their behavior in response to the changes in the foraging environment.  相似文献   

Distributions of Daubenton's bat (Myotis daubentonii), common pipistrelle, (Pipistrellus pipistrellus), and soprano pipistrelle (Pipistrellus pygmaeus) were investigated along and altitudinal gradient of the Lledr River, Conwy, North Wales, and presence assessed in relation to the water surface condition, presence/absence of bank‐side trees, and elevation. Ultrasound recordings of bats made on timed transects in summer 1999 were used to quantify habitat usage. All species significantly preferred smooth water sections of the river with trees on either one or both banks; P. pygmaeus also preferred smooth water with no trees. Bats avoided rough and cluttered water areas, as rapids may generate high‐frequency echolocation‐interfering noise and cluttered areas present obstacles to flight. In lower river regions, detections of bats reflected the proportion of suitable habitat available. At higher elevations, sufficient habitat was available; however, bats were likely restricted due to other factors such as a less predictable food source. This study emphasizes the importance of riparian habitat, bank‐side trees, and smooth water as foraging habitat for bats in marginal upland areas until a certain elevation, beyond which bats in these areas likely cease to forage. These small‐scale altitudinal differences in habitat selection should be factored in when designing future bat distribution studies and taken into consideration by conservation planners when reviewing habitat requirements of these species in Welsh river valleys, and elsewhere within the United Kingdom.  相似文献   

Aim We present a model to account for self‐assembly of the slough–ridge–tree island patterned landscape of the central Everglades in southern Florida via feedbacks among landforms, hydrology, vegetation and biogeochemistry. We test aspects of this model by analysing vegetation composition in relation to local and landscape‐level drivers. Location We quantified vegetation composition and environmental characteristics in central Water Conservation Area (WCA) 3A, southern WCA‐3A and southern WCA‐3B in southern Florida, based on their divergence in water management and flow regimes over the past 50 years. Methods In 562 quadrats, we estimated species coverages and quantified maximum, minimum and average water depth, soil depth to bedrock, normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and proximity to the nearest tree island. We used non‐metric multi‐dimensional scaling (NMS) to relate compositional variation to local and landscape‐level factors, and evaluated environmental differences among eight a priori vegetation types via anova . Results Water depth and hydroperiod decreased from sloughs to ridges to tree islands, but regions also differed significantly in the abundance of several community types and the hydroregimes characterizing them. NMS revealed two significant axes of compositional variation, tied to local gradients of water depth and correlated factors, and to a landscape‐scale gradient of proximity to tall tree islands. Sawgrass height and soil thickness increased toward higher ridges, and NDVI was greatest on tree islands. Main conclusions This study supports four components of our model: positive feedback of local substrate height on itself, woody plant invasion and subsequent P transport and concentration by top predators nesting on taller tree islands, compositional shifts in sites close to tree islands due to nutrient leakage, and flow‐induced feedback against total raised area. Regional divergence in the relationship of community types to current hydroregimes appears to reflect a lag of a few years after shifts in water management; a longer lag would be expected for shifts in landscape patterning. Both local and landscape‐level drivers appear to shape vegetation composition and soil thickness in the central Everglades.  相似文献   

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