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Specifying the relationship between pests and their host plants in terms of damage is one of the basic concepts of integrated pest management (IPM) programmes. The crop loss and economic injury level (EIL) of Tuta absoluta (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) were determined on different tomato cultivars using gain threshold (field experiment) and regression (semi‐field experiment) methods. By assessing the crop loss in 2015 and 2016, four out of seven infested tomato cultivars had a significant yield loss in terms of weight of total fruits versus the control under the open‐field conditions. However, the total number of tomato cultivars had no significant difference to control treatment. The semi‐field experiment included six treatments (0, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 gravid females/plant) and examined two tomato cultivars. The tomato cages with between 6 and 10 gravid females/plant showed the highest number and weight of damaged fruits. Based on pesticide control costs, the market value of tomato and the control efficacy, we determined the EIL for T. absoluta. In the field experiment, the EIL value for T. absoluta on “Petomech,” “Cal JN3,” “Rio Grande” and “Early Urbana Y” cultivars was 4.15, 4.47, 4.70 and 5.04 larvae per plant, respectively. Based on regression equations, we calculated the EIL values for T. absoluta on “Cal JN3” and “Early Urbana Y” to be 4.75 and 5.44 larvae/plant, respectively. Crop loss assessment and EIL are necessary components of cost‐effective IPM programs and can be effective tools for making decisions about the application of pesticides against T. absoluta.  相似文献   

Plant age‐ and plant stage‐related changes in the resistance of rice, Oryza sativa, to its most important insect pest in the US, the rice water weevil (Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus), were investigated in a series of field and greenhouse choice and no‐choice studies. Rice plants were susceptible to infestation by rice water weevils over a broad range of plant ontogenetic stages, from at least the early vegetative stage to well into the reproductive stage. There was, however, a clear preference expressed by rice water weevils in both choice and no‐choice experiments for plants in (or nearly in) the tillering stage of development, with pre‐tillering and reproductive stage plants less preferred. The relationship between rice plant age and susceptibility to weevils is thus nonlinear. This study constitutes one of the most thorough studies to date of the relationship in a grass species between plant age and susceptibility to herbivores. The results provide a biological explanation for observed patterns of weevil infestations and a rationale for the cultural practice of delayed flooding.  相似文献   

Drosophila suzukii Matsumara (Diptera: Drosophilidae) is an invasive vinegar fly that infests ripe and ripening soft skinned fruits. In the south‐eastern United States, blackberry (Rubus spp.) crops are heavily impacted by D. suzukii, and current management tactics rely on the use of broad‐spectrum insecticides targeted to adult populations. An improved understanding of D. suzukii biology and ecology are necessary to create sustainable management options. Knowledge of how D. suzukii interacts with resources will enable targeted management actions in the future. In this present study, we monitored larval infestation throughout the blackberry canopy and found that infestation was highest in the inner portion of the canopy and lower in more exposed locations. We also documented higher humidity within the cane canopy relative to the edge of the field. A difference in abiotic conditions may create within‐crop microhabitats that D. suzukii is able to exploit. Future research will explore how to take advantage of these microhabitats in pest management programs.  相似文献   

The antifungal activity for several medicinal plants against the early blight fungus (Alternaria solani) has been investigated. These plants were Syrian marjoram (Majorana syriaca), rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis), Greek sage (Salvia fruticosa), roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa) and cotton lavender (Santolina chamaecyparissus). The inhibitory effect of these extracts on the radial mycelial growth as well as on spore germination was measured in vitro at various concentrations of crude extract (0.5 g dry plant powder/ml medium). Extracts of M. syriaca and H. sabdariffa were most effective causing total inhibition of mycelial growth and spore germination at 8–10% concentration. Extract of R. officinalis also caused total inhibition of the above two parameters but at double the concentration (20%). Extracts of S. fructicosa and S. chamaecyparissus produced relatively moderate antifungal activity. At 25% concentration, these extracts showed an incomplete inhibition in mycelial growth being around 75–85% and 70–90%, respectively. However, at this same concentration both plant extracts produced total inhibition of spore germination. Results of this study indicated that both extracts of M. syriaca and H. sabdariffa were strong inhibitors of this fungus and to levels comparable to standard fungicides. Further studies are required to determine the effect of these extracts in vivo to evaluate their potential as natural treatments for this disease.  相似文献   

A standardized sampling plan is the starting point for developing a decision‐making system for pest control. Aphis gossypii (Hemiptera: Aphididae) is a destructive sap‐feeding pest on cotton worldwide. However, research addressing cotton cultivar, plant phenology and field size with the aim of developing a sampling plan for A. gossypii has not been done. Therefore, in this study, we developed a standardized sampling for A. gossypii as a function of these factors. To accomplish this, A. gossypii densities in four experimental cotton cultivars were sampled weekly during year one to determine the ideal aphid characteristic to sample (by individual or colony). During year one and two, A. gossypii densities were sampled weekly in the same cultivars to determine sampling unit, sampling technique and the number of samples for an A. gossypii sampling plan. Using the sample number determined, the sampling time was recorded for cotton field size of 1, 5, 10, 50, 100 and 150 ha in order to estimate the sampling cost. In cotton, the count of individuals was the best characteristic for the assessment of A. gossypii. Leaves of the most apical branches for the vegetative and reproductive cotton plant stage were the best sampling units. The best sampling technique was direct counting. The cotton cultivar did not affect the development of the sampling plan. The A. gossypii sampling plan involved the evaluation of 58 samples per zone and required 20 min (<0.35 min/sample) for the evaluation of these samples. However, the walking time between samples was the main factor responsible for the total sampling time and cost in cotton fields, and this factor strongly depends on the size of the cotton field.  相似文献   

The role of wildland weeds that serve as alternate hosts for insect pests has not been directly examined for the potential to sustain pest populations or facilitate pest outbreaks. The development of weed biological control programmes is also complicated by weed species that are closely related to economically important or native plants, especially rare or special status species. In recent surveys in southern California, USA, we found a newly introduced insect pest of cole crops, Bagrada hilaris Burmeister (Bagrada bug), feeding on Brassicaceae weeds in riparian areas adjacent to agricultural fields where cole crops are routinely grown. Insect populations grew to levels well over action thresholds and caused severe damage to populations of the invasive weed, Lepidium latifolium (perennial pepperweed). The numerical response of B. hilaris on L. latifolium and other Brassicaceae weeds in natural areas may pose a significant challenge to effectively managing pest populations in crops. However, the accidental introduction of this insect provides the opportunity to examine plant–insect interactions with important implications for development of biologically based control methods for weeds.  相似文献   

Onion thrips, Thrips tabaci Lindeman, colonization of onion fields may be influenced by bordering crop and non‐crop habitats. Identifying habitats adjacent to onion fields associated with high T. tabaci infestations would be valuable for improving scouting efforts and management decisions. A 3‐year study examined adult T. tabaci colonization patterns within onion fields early (June through early July) and late in the season (August) in three muck regions in New York (USA). We hypothesized that early‐season adult densities would be greater in onion fields bordering other crops (e.g. carrot, corn and potato) and non‐crops (e.g. woods) than those bordering other onion fields and that more adults would occur along onion field edges than field centres. Results indicated similar adult densities in onion fields regardless of bordering crop and non‐crop habitats in seven of nine muck region × year data sets; exceptions were more adults in onion fields bordering potato (Elba region only) and corn (Potter region only) than those bordering other onion fields. Adult densities decreased as distance into onion fields increased in only four of nine muck region × year data sets; in these cases only 38% more adults were found along field edges than field centres. Later in the season, we hypothesized that adult densities would be greater in non‐mature onion fields bordering mature onion fields, and densities would be greater along field edges than field centres. Results indicated that adult densities in non‐mature onion fields bordering mature onion fields were 54 times greater than those bordering other non‐mature onion fields, and four times more adults occurred along field edges than field centres; adult densities were similar along field edges and centres in non‐mature onion fields bordering other non‐mature onion fields. Implications for T. tabaci management in onion based on these colonization patterns are discussed.  相似文献   

Forty‐seven genotypes and one wild relative of soybean, Glycine soja, were screened for resistance against aerial blight under epiphytotic conditions in the field during the Kharif season of two consecutive years viz., 2016 and 2017. Out of the 48 genotypes screened, only 18 genotypes exhibited a moderately resistant response to aerial blight during both the years of study. In order to perform molecular screening of the genotypes for aerial blight resistance, the genomic DNA obtained from the seedlings of the forty‐eight soybean genotypes was subjected to PCR amplification with 12 SSR markers. The SSR markers Satt 119, Sat_076, Satt 433, Satt 281, Satt 277, Satt 245 and Satt 520 were able to clearly amplify different banding pattern for resistant and susceptible genotypes, out of which Satt 433 and Satt 520 were found to exhibit a pattern, highly similar to the results of field screening of the genotypes with respect to resistant and susceptible reaction to the disease. The eighteen soybean genotypes that exhibited moderately resistant reaction to RAB under field conditions during both the years showed a banding pattern similar to resistant check PS‐1583 in the amplification profile produced by the SSR markers. The polymorphism information content (PIC) from the analysis of amplification profile of the SSR markers used in the study, ranged from 0.58 to 0.95. The dendrogram constructed using UPGMA cluster analysis clearly differentiated the resistant and susceptible genotypes of soybean into two separate groups.  相似文献   

Plants are exposed to microbial pathogens as well as herbivorous insects and their natural enemies. Here, we examined the effects of inoculation of potato plants, Solanum tuberosum L. (Solanaceae), with the late blight pathogen Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary (Peronosporales: Pythiaceae) on an aphid species commonly infesting potato crops and one of the aphid's major parasitoids. We observed the peach‐potato aphid, Myzus persicae Sulzer (Hemiptera: Aphididae), and its natural enemy, the biocontrol agent Aphidius colemani Viereck (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), on potato either inoculated with water or P. infestans. Population growth of the aphid, parasitism rate of its natural enemy, and other insect life‐history traits were compared on several potato genotypes, the susceptible cultivar Désirée and genetically modified (GM) isogenic lines carrying genes conferring resistance to P. infestans. Effects of P. infestans inoculation on the intrinsic rate of aphid population increase and the performance of the parasitoid were only found on the susceptible cultivar. Insect traits were similar when comparing inoculated with non‐inoculated resistant GM genotypes. We also tested how GM‐plant characteristics such as location of gene insertion and number of R genes could influence non‐target insects by comparing insect performance among GM events. Different transformation events leading to different positions of R‐gene insertion in the genome influenced aphids either with or without P. infestans infection, whereas effects of position of R‐gene insertion on the parasitoid A. colemani were evident only in the presence of inoculation with P. infestans. We conclude that it is important to study different transformation events before continuing with further stages of risk assessment of this GM crop. This provides important information on the effects of plant resistance to a phytopathogen on non‐target insects at various trophic levels.  相似文献   

During 2010–2011, a severe leaf spot disease of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) was found in Haikou City, Hainan province of China. The disease is characterized with large, irregular, brown, necrotic lesions on the margin or in the centre of leaves. A species of Stemphylium was consistently recovered from pieces of symptomatic tissues on PDA. Based on morphological characteristics and molecular identification by rDNA‐ITS gene analysis, the fungal species was identified as Stemphylium solani Weber, and its pathogenicity was confirmed by Koch's postulates. This is the first report of leaf spot on sweet potato caused by Ssolani in China.  相似文献   

Alternaria leaf spot caused by Alternaria alternata (Fries.) Kiessler was found on sow thistle (Sonchus oleraceus L.) and field bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis L.) in the experimental station of ENSA (Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Agronomie) in Algiers, Algeria, during the winter of 2016. Necrotic spots in the form of concentric circles were observed on the leaves of both weeds with disease incidence of approximately 70% and disease severity ranging from 50% to 70%. Fungi were isolated from the infected leaves and identified as A. alternata, based on morphological and molecular analyses (using genetic marker internal transcribed spacer, ITS of rDNA). Pathogenicity tests confirmed that A. alternata is the causing agent of leaf spot disease of sow thistle and field bindweed in accordance with the original symptoms. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of sow thistle and field bindweed naturally infected by A. alternata in Algeria.  相似文献   

The intensification of agriculture and the development of synthetic insecticides enabled worldwide grain production to more than double in the last third of the 20th century. However, the heavy dependence and, in some cases, overuse of insecticides has been responsible for negative environmental and ecological impacts across the globe, such as a reduction in biodiversity, insect resistance to insecticides, negative effects on nontarget species (e.g. natural enemies) and the development of secondary pests. The use of recombinant DNA technology to develop genetically engineered insect‐resistant crops could mitigate many of the negative side effects of insecticides. One such genetic alteration enables crops to express toxic crystalline (Cry) proteins from the soil bacteria Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt). Despite the widespread adoption of Bt crops, there are still a range of unanswered questions concerning longer term agro‐ecosystem interactions. For instance, insect species that are not susceptible to the expressed toxin can develop into secondary pests and cause significant damage to the crop. Here, we review the main causes surrounding secondary pest dynamics in Bt crops and the impact of such outbreaks. Regardless of the causes, if nonsusceptible secondary pest populations exceed economic thresholds, insecticide spraying could become the immediate solution at farmers’ disposal, and the sustainable use of this genetic modification technology may be in jeopardy. Based on the literature, recommendations for future research are outlined that will help to improve the knowledge of the possible long‐term ecological trophic interactions of employing this technology.  相似文献   

Controlled glasshouse experiments were conducted to investigate the temporal progress of powdery mildew and its effects on host dynamics of tomato, without and with one fungicide application. Healthy tomato transplants (5‐ to 6‐week old) were artificially inoculated with powdery mildew, and disease progress as well as host growth were monitored in both fungicide sprayed and unsprayed treatments and compared with non‐inoculated plants. Actual disease severity on a plant basis increased in unsprayed plants reaching maximum severity in the proportionate range of 0.53–0.83. One fungicide spray significantly reduced the maximum disease severity by two‐ to fourfolds. Despite adjustments for defoliation, declines in the proportion of disease severity between successive assessments were evident. Whereas the estimated growth rates of diseased plants were significantly lower than that of healthy plants, no significant differences were observed in the maximum leaf area formed of inoculated and non‐inoculated plants. A considerable effect of the powdery mildew epidemics was manifested through hastened shrivelling and defoliation of diseased leaves within the tomato canopy. An average of 18–29% and 40–52% of leaves had abscised from the plant canopy at the last date of assessment in sprayed and non‐sprayed plants, respectively. Accordingly, defoliation accounted for 14–33.3% and 58.3–63.1% losses in leaf area of sprayed and non‐sprayed plants, respectively. Duration of healthy leaf area and yield of inoculated plants were also significantly reduced by powdery mildew epidemics.  相似文献   

Essential oils (EOs) from Schinus molle, Helichrysum gymnocephalum, Cedrelopsis grevei and Melaleuca viridiflora, four aromatic and medicinal plants, are commonly used in folk medicine. EOs were characterized by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) and quantified by gas chromatography‐flame ionization detection (GC‐FID); then evaluated for their behavioral effects on adults of the green pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris ) using a Perspex four‐armed olfactometer in order to test the compatibility of their use as phytoinsecticides to control this insect pest. Our results showed that the EOs from the leaves of Smolle, Mviridiflora and Cgrevei did not change aphids’ behavior. However, Smolle fruits EO seemed to be attractive while Hgymnocephalum leaves EO exhibited repellency towards aphids at a dose of 10 μl. The major compounds in Smolle fruits EO were 6‐epi‐shyobunol (16.22%) and d ‐limonene (15.35%). While, in Hgymnocephalum leaves EO, 1,8‐cineole was the main compound (47.4%). The difference in aphids’ responses to these two EOs could be attributed to the differences in their compositions. Our findings suggest that these two EOs have potential applications for the integrated pest management of Apisum (Harris ).  相似文献   

Late blight of potato is considered to be the most devastating problem causing severe yield losses in potato worldwide. Among the different management strategies, the use of resistant cultivars is the most viable option, but the non‐availability of enough quantity of quality seed materials of resistant cultivars forces the farmers to grow susceptible cultivars with proper fungicide scheduling. Therefore, in the present study, chemical control using fungicide has been attempted with newer molecules in the susceptible cultivar along with a resistant cultivar as a positive control. All the tested fungicides were found safe, and no phytotoxicity was observed with any chemical at the applied rate. In resistant cultivar, no late blight was appeared in both the years, whereas maximum AUDPC was observed in the untreated control (276.3) and minimum (41.7) in mancozeb‐cymoxanil + mancozeb based scheduling which was found on par with chlorothalonil‐famoxadone + cymoxanil (51.3) and chlorothalonil‐ametoctradin + dimethomorph (53.5) based scheduling. Among the treatments, resistant cultivar, Kufri Girdhari followed by chlorothalonil‐ametoctradin + dimethomorph and mancozeb‐cymoxanil + mancozeb based fungicidal scheduling were proven as the best treatments for both the crop seasons resulting in the highest yield parameters. The disease severity showed a strong negative correlation with the tuber yield of potatoes in both the years. Based on overall observations including BC ratio, it can be concluded that, wherever seed material of resistant cultivar is available farmers should grow the same or else with susceptible cultivars the fungicidal scheduling based on mancozeb‐cymoxanil + mancozeb or chlorothalonil‐ametoctradin + dimethomorph can be followed to obtain the maximum returns with effective management of late blight at the southern hills of India.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of magnesium (Mg) on sheath blight, caused by Rhizoctonia solani, development on rice plants from cultivars BR‐IRGA 409 and Labelle grown in nutrient solution containing 0.062, 0.125, 0.25 and 0.50 mm of Mg. Sheath blight progress on inoculated sheaths was evaluated by measuring lesions expansion (mm) at 24, 48, 72 and 96 h after inoculation. Data were used to calculate the area under lesion expansion progress curve (AULEPC). The relationship between the foliar Mg concentration and the Mg rates was quadratic. The Mg concentration on leaf sheaths tissue was highest at the Mg rates of 0.389 and 0.400 mm , respectively, for cultivars BR‐IRGA 409 and Labelle. A linear model best described the relationship between the AULEPC and the Mg rates. The AULEPC decreased by 48.7 and 26.2% for plants of cultivars BR‐IRGA 409 and Labelle, respectively, as the Mg rates in the nutrient solution increased. The results permitted to conclude that high foliar Mg concentration played a pivotal role to decrease sheath blight lesions expansion.  相似文献   

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