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Seagrass are under great stress in the tropical coast of Asia, where Enhalus acoroides is frequently the dominant species with a large food web. Here, we investigate the question of the fine‐scale genetic structure of this ecologically important foundation species, subject to severe anthropogenic disturbance in China. The genetic structure will illuminate potential mechanisms for population dynamics and sustainability, which are critical for preservation of biodiversity and for decision‐making in management and restoration. We evaluated the fine‐scale spatial genetic structure (SGS) and flowering output of E. acoroides, and indirectly estimated the relative importance of sexual versus asexual reproduction for population persistence using spatial autocorrelation analysis. Results reveal high clonal diversity for this species, as predicted from its high sexual reproduction output. The stronger Sp statistic at the ramet‐level compared with genet‐level indicates that clonality increases the SGS pattern for E. acoroides. Significant SGS at the genet‐level may be explained by the aggregated dispersal of seed/pollen cohorts. The estimated gene dispersal variance suggests that dispersal mediated by sexual reproduction is more important than clonal growth in this study area. The ongoing anthropogenic disturbance will negatively affect the mating pattern and the SGS patterns in the future due to massive death of shoots, and less frequency of sexual reproduction.  相似文献   

As the dominant seed dispersal agents in many ecosystems, frugivorous animals profoundly impact gene movement and fine‐scale genetic structure of plants. Most frugivores engage in some form of destination‐based dispersal, in that they move seeds towards specific destinations, resulting in clumped distributions of seeds away from the source tree. Molecular analyses of dispersed seeds and seedlings suggest that destination‐based dispersal may often yield clusters of maternal genotypes and lead to pronounced local genetic structure. The long‐wattled umbrellabird Cephalopterus penduliger is a frugivorous bird whose lek mating system creates a species‐specific pattern of seed dispersal that can potentially be distinguished from background dispersal processes. We used this system to test how destination‐based dispersal by umbrellabirds into the lek affects gene movement and genetic structure of one of their preferred food sources Oenocarpus bataua, a canopy palm tree. Relative to background dispersal processes, umbrellabird mating behaviour yielded more diverse seed pools in leks that included on average five times more seed sources and a higher incidence of long‐distance dispersal events. This resulted in markedly lower fine‐scale spatial genetic structure among established seedlings in leks than background areas. These species‐specific impacts of destination‐based dispersal illustrate how detailed knowledge of disperser behaviour can elucidate the mechanistic link driving observed patterns of seed movement and genetic structure.  相似文献   

Gene flow strongly influences the regional genetic structuring of plant populations. Seed and pollen dispersal patterns can respond differently to the increased isolation resulting from habitat fragmentation, with unpredictable consequences for gene flow and population structuring. In a recently fragmented landscape we compared the pre‐ and post‐fragmentation genetic structure of populations of a tree species where pollen and seed dispersal respond differentially to forest fragmentation generated by flooding. Castanopsis sclerophylla is wind‐pollinated, with seeds that are dispersed by gravity and rodents. Using microsatellites, we found no significant difference in genetic diversity between pre‐ and post‐fragmentation cohorts. Significant genetic structure was observed in pre‐fragmentation cohorts, due to an unknown genetic barrier that had isolated one small population. Among post‐fragmentation cohorts this genetic barrier had disappeared and genetic structure was significantly weakened. The strengths of genetic structuring were at a similar level in both cohorts, suggesting that overall gene flow of C. sclerophylla has been unchanged by fragmentation at the regional scale. Fragmentation has blocked seed dispersal among habitats, but this appears to have been compensated for by enhanced pollen dispersal, as indicated by the disappearance of a genetic barrier, probably as a result of increased wind speeds and easier pollen movement over water. Extensive pollen flow can counteract some negative effects of fragmentation and assist the long‐term persistence of small remnant populations.  相似文献   

Frugivores exhibit considerable variation in the seed dispersal services they provide. Understanding what drives these differences is a key goal for ecologists because of the central role seed dispersal plays in shaping ecological and genetic diversity in plant populations. The lek‐mating system of the Long‐wattled Umbrellabird (Cephalopterus penduliger) provides a powerful lens to examine how mating behavior may impact seed dispersal outcomes. As in all lek‐breeding species, male Umbrellabirds congregate in traditional sites (leks) to display, whereas females are solitary and visit leks only rarely. This study demonstrates how differences in mating behavior between the sexes drive distinctive seed movement and deposition patterns by male vs. female Umbrellabirds. Using radio tracking and gut retention trials, we documented divergent movement patterns between the sexes that are directly attributable to mating behavior differences. These movement differences led males to disperse seeds long distances from source trees and to deposit the majority of seeds they ingested within the lek; females dispersed seeds shorter distances and more evenly across the landscape. We empirically confirmed that the density of dispersed seeds was higher in leks than in control areas outside the lek, yet found no evidence that this higher density of seeds in leks reduced probability of seedling establishment. This research not only provides a mechanistic explanation for long dispersal distances and high levels of genetic diversity previously reported for seeds in Umbrellabird leks, but also highlights the importance of explicitly considering behavior in studies of animal‐mediated seed dispersal.  相似文献   

The impact of emergent macrophyte species and crepuscular sprinkler disturbance on mosquito abundance over a 2‐year period was measured in wetland mesocosms. Mosquito oviposition and abundance of immature mosquitoes and aquatic invertebrates were monitored in monotypic plots of small‐stature (height of mature stands <1.5 m) alkali bulrush (Schoenoplectus maritimus) and large‐stature (height of mature stands > 2 m) California bulrush (Schoenoplectus californicus) without or with daily sprinkler showers to deter mosquito egg laying. Relative to wetlands without operational sprinklers, oviposition by culicine mosquitoes was reduced by > 99% and immature mosquito abundance was reduced by > 90% by crepuscular sprinkler applications. Mosquito abundance or distribution in wetlands did not differ between the two bulrush species subjected to the sprinkler treatment. Alkali bulrush wetlands without daily sprinkler treatments contained more egg rafts but significantly fewer mosquito larvae than did California bulrush wetlands. Predaceous damselfly naiads were 3–5 times more abundant in alkali bulrush than in California bulrush. Stem density, rate of spread, and autumnal mortality of alkali bulrush were higher than for California bulrush. Replacement of large emergent macrophytes by smaller species may enhance the efficacy of integrated mosquito management programs to reduce mosquito‐transmitted disease cycles associated with multipurpose constructed wetlands used worldwide for water reclamation and habitat restoration.  相似文献   

This paper presents a standardized protocol for the non‐lethal capture of fishes, sampling of stomach contents and quantification of seed dispersal efficiency by frugivorous fishes. Neotropical pacu Piaractus mesopotamicus individuals were collected with fruit‐baited hooks. The diets of 110 fish were sampled using a lavage method, which retrieved >90% of stomach contents of both juveniles and adults and allowed individuals to recover within 5 min of treatment. The proportional volume of six food categories was similar for stomachs and whole digestive tracts retrieved by dissection. Fruit pulp was proportionally lower in the stomach. The abundance and species richness of intact seeds increased with fish size independent of whether only stomachs or whole digestive tracts were analysed. The analysis of stomach contents accounted for 62·5% of the total species richness of seeds dispersed by P. mesopotamicus and 96% of common seeds (seed species retrieved from more than one fish). Germination trials revealed that seed viability was similar for seeds collected from the stomach via lavage and seeds that passed through the entire digestive tract. Therefore, stomach contents provide an unbiased representation of the dietary patterns and seed dispersal of frugivorous fishes.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic habitat disturbance has potential consequences for ant communities. However, there is limited information on the effects of ant responses on associated ecological processes such as seed dispersal. We investigated the effect of disturbance on the abundance, richness, and composition of ant communities and the resulting seed‐dispersal services for a herbaceous myrmecochore, Corydalis giraldii (Papaveraceae), in an undisturbed habitat (forest understory), moderately disturbed habitat (abandoned arable field), and highly disturbed habitat (road verge) on Qinling Mountains, China. In total, we recorded 13 ant species, and five out of these were observed to transport seeds. The community composition of dispersers was significantly different amongst habitats. The richness of the dispersers did not differ among the habitats, but their total abundance varied significantly across habitats and was 21% lower in the road verge than in the abandoned arable fields. The major seed‐dispersing ant species in both the forest understory and the abandoned arable field were large‐bodied (Myrmica sp. and Formica fusca, respectively), whereas the major seed‐dispersing ants found in the road verge were the small‐bodied Lasius alienus. This difference resulted in lower seed removal rates and dispersal distances in the road verge than in the other two habitats. The different dispersal patterns were attributed primarily to differences in dispersing ant abundance and identity, most likely in response to habitats with different degree of anthropogenic disturbance. The possible influence of disturbance on the ecological specialization of ant‐seed dispersal interaction is also discussed.  相似文献   

Paddock‐scale Acacia nilotica L. Willd. ex Del. (prickly acacia) spatial distribution, seed production and dispersal patterns were investigated in the Astrebla (Mitchell) grasslands of northern Australia as a step toward predicting future patterns of invasion. A number of hypotheses were tested based on what we know of this species in both Australia and regions where it is native, for example South Africa. It was hypothesized that most A. nilotica seeds would be produced by trees in riparian habitats with access to permanent water. In addition, we predicted that seeds would be dispersed throughout the Astrebla grassland landscape by cattle, following observations that cattle readily ingest and pass seeds and that cattle have access to all areas within paddock boundary fences. Tree density, seed production and seed dispersal by cattle were measured along a series of transects from permanent watering points to paddock boundary fences. Trees associated with permanent watering points produced more seeds per unit area and occurred at higher density than their non‐riparian counterparts. The importance of riparian trees decreased in years with high rainfall and in paddocks with only small areas of riparian habitat. Cattle spread dung and seeds throughout paddocks, with peaks of deposition adjacent to permanent watering points. These results suggest that invasion patterns are likely to be uneven across the landscape and may be reactive to climate. High seedling recruitment and possible thicket formation is expected adjacent to permanent watering points and wherever cattle congregate. Patterns of recruitment in non‐riparian areas are likely to be relatively sparse. The importance of post‐dispersal factors in determining recruitment patterns is discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract. Secondary succession and seed bank formation was studied in a formerly grazed, abandoned, eastern Hungarian sandy steppe‐meadow (Pulsatillo‐Festucetum). The vegetation was sampled at different elevations of a sand dune which became partly invaded by the tree Robinia pseudo‐acacia ca. 10 yr ago. Pre‐abandonment vegetation records were used as historic references. Though composition of the non‐invaded grassland only changed moderately, dominance of tall grasses (Elymus hispidus, Poa angustifolia) increased significantly at the cost of annuals and low stature perennials. In the stand invaded by Robinia most grassland species were lost and replaced by nitrophytes. Vertical position influenced species abundance, but affected the composition only moderately. Fine‐scale zonation of the vegetation also changed with time. Species richness of the above‐ground vegetation and the seed density of soil samples at the lower elevation were slightly greater than at the higher sites. Seed banks of sensitive grassland specialists (e.g. Pulsatilla pratensis subsp. hungarica) disappeared during grass encroachment. Following extinction from above‐ground vegetation, restoration must rely on dispersal from adjacent areas. In contrast, several annuals and perennials, which survived this degradation stage in the above‐ground vegetation, possessed seed banks. Many of these species became extinct from the vegetation during the Robinia invasion but left viable persistent seeds. This fact is promising for restoration of the Potentillo‐Festucetum sandy pasture. Competitive weedy species and sprouting Robinia can, however, limit seedling establishment.  相似文献   

The use of Zostera marina (eelgrass) seeds for seagrass restoration is increasingly recognized as an alternative to transplanting shoots as losses of seagrass habitat generate interest in large‐scale restoration. We explored new techniques for efficient large‐scale restoration of Z. marina using seeds by addressing the factors limiting seed collection, processing, survival, and distribution. We tested an existing mechanical harvesting system for expanding the scale of seed collections, and developed and evaluated two new experimental systems. A seeding technique using buoys holding reproductive shoots at restoration sites to eliminate seed storage was tested along with new techniques for reducing seed‐processing labor. A series of experiments evaluated storage conditions that maintain viability of seeds during summer storage for fall planting. Finally, a new mechanical seed‐planting technique appropriate for large scales was developed and tested. Mechanical harvesting was an effective approach for collecting seeds, and impacts on donor beds were low. Deploying seed‐bearing shoots in buoys produced fewer seedlings and required more effort than isolating, storing, and hand‐broadcasting seeds in the fall. We show that viable seeds can be separated from grass wrack based on seed fall velocity and that seed survival during storage can be high (92–95% survival over 3 months). Mechanical seed‐planting did not enhance seedling establishment at our sites, but may be a useful tool for evaluating restoration sites. Our work demonstrates the potential for expanding the scale of seed‐based Z. marina restoration but the limiting factor remains the low rate of initial seedling establishment from broadcast seeds.  相似文献   

1. Dispersal of propagules by waterbirds is thought to be important for wetland plants because of the abundance of birds and their frequent movements among aquatic habitats. Differences in bird characteristics (size, movement, feeding ecology) were expected to lead to different outcomes for plant dispersal. 2. We investigated heterogeneity in plant dispersal by ducks (Anas superciliosa, Anas gracilis, Anas castanea). We calculated the probability of transport of viable seeds by germinating propagules retrieved from feathers and feet (epizoochory) and the contents of the oesophagus, gizzard and lower gut (endozoochory). 3. The abundance and richness of seeds carried internally and externally did not differ among sympatric bird species. We used estimates from the literature of movements of Anas species to approximate dispersal kernels for the transport of plant propagules. 4. Heterogeneity in the abundance and movement ecology of disperser species will result in differing patterns and degrees of connectivity for wetland plant metacommunities. Sedentary waterfowl are likely to have an important role in replenishing propagules and connecting aquatic metacommunities over small distances. Nomadic waterfowl may facilitate long‐distance dispersal. We discuss the implications of differences between duck species in movement patterns for connectivity of aquatic plant metacommunities across landscapes.  相似文献   

Aim The role of dispersal in structuring biodiversity across spatial scales is controversial. If dispersal controls regional and local community assembly, it should also affect the degree of spatial species turnover as well as the extent to which regional communities are represented in local communities. Here we provide the first integrated assessment of relationships between dispersal ability and local‐to‐regional spatial aspects of species diversity across a large geographical area. Location Northern Eurasia. Methods Using a cross‐scale analysis covering local (0.64 m2) to continental (the Eurasian Arctic biome) scales, we compared slope parameters of the dissimilarity‐to‐distance relationship in species composition and the local‐to‐regional relationship in species richness among three plant‐like groups that differ in dispersal ability: lichens with the highest dispersal ability; mosses and moss allies with intermediate dispersal ability; and seed plants with the lowest dispersal ability. Results Diversity patterns generally differed between the three groups according to their dispersal ability, even after controlling for niche‐based processes. Increasing dispersal ability is linked to decreasing spatial species turnover and an increasing ratio of local to regional species richness. All comparisons supported our expectations, except for the slope of the local‐to‐regional relationship in species richness for mosses and moss allies which was not significantly steeper than that of seed plants. Main conclusions The negative link between dispersal ability and spatial species turnover and the corresponding positive link between dispersal ability and the ratio of local‐to‐regional species richness support the idea that dispersal affects community structure and diversity patterns across spatial scales.  相似文献   

Aims Our study aimed to characterize the dispersal dynamics and population genetic structure of the introduced golden mussel Limnoperna fortunei throughout its invaded range in South America and to determine how different dispersal methods, that is, human‐mediated dispersal and downstream natural dispersal, contribute to genetic variation among populations. Location Paraná–Uruguay–Río de la Plata watershed in Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay. Methods We performed genetic analyses based on a comprehensive sampling strategy encompassing 22 populations (N = 712) throughout the invaded range in South America, using the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene and eight polymorphic nuclear microsatellites. We employed both population genetics and phylogenetic analyses to clarify the dispersal dynamics and population genetic structure. Results We detected relatively high genetic differentiation between populations (FST = ?0.041 to 0.111 for COI, ?0.060 to 0.108 for microsatellites) at both fine and large geographical scales. Bayesian clustering and three‐dimensional factorial correspondence analyses consistently revealed two genetically distinct clusters, highlighting genetic discontinuities in the invaded range. Results of all genetic analyses suggest ship‐mediated ‘jump’ dispersal as the dominant mode of spread of golden mussels in South America, while downstream natural dispersal has had limited effects on contemporary genetic patterns. Main conclusions Our study provides new evidence that post‐establishment dispersal dynamics and genetic patterns vary across geographical scales. While ship‐mediated ‘jump’ dispersal dominates post‐establishment spread of golden mussels in South America, once colonies become established in upstream locations, larvae produced may be advected downstream to infill patchy distributions. Moreover, genetic structuring at fine geographical scales, especially within the same drainages, suggests a further detailed understanding of dynamics of larval dispersal and settlement in different water systems. Knowledge of the mechanisms by which post‐establishment spread occurs can, in some cases, be used to limit dispersal of golden mussels and other introduced species.  相似文献   

Seed and pollen dispersal shape patterns of gene flow and genetic diversity in plants. Pollen is generally thought to travel longer distances than seeds, but seeds determine the ultimate location of gametes. Resolving how interactions between these two dispersal processes shape microevolutionary processes is a long‐standing research priority. We unambiguously isolated the separate and combined contributions of these two dispersal processes in seedlings of the animal‐dispersed palm Oenocarpus bataua to address two questions. First, what is the spatial extent of pollen versus seed movement in a system characterized by long‐distance seed dispersal? Second, how does seed dispersal mediate seedling genetic diversity? Despite evidence of frequent long‐distance seed dispersal, we found that pollen moves much further than seeds. Nonetheless, seed dispersal ultimately mediates genetic diversity and fine‐scale spatial genetic structure. Compared to undispersed seedlings, seedlings dispersed by vertebrates were characterized by higher female gametic and diploid seedling diversity and weaker fine‐scale spatial genetic structure for female gametes, male gametes and diploid seedlings. Interestingly, the diversity of maternal seed sources at seed deposition sites (N em) was associated with higher effective number of pollen sources (N ep), higher effective number of parents (N e) and weaker spatial genetic structure, whereas seed dispersal distance had little impact on these or other parameters we measured. These findings highlight the importance maternal seed source diversity (N em) at frugivore seed deposition sites in driving emergent patterns of fine‐scale genetic diversity and structure.  相似文献   

Abstract: Understanding the true metabolizable energy (TME) value of food is important for constructing bioenergetic models. We estimated gross energy, nutrient composition, and TME values for the seeds of 3 native and 1 invasive exotic wetland plant that occur in the diet of waterfowl. True metabolizable energy values were 0.50 ± 0.080 kcal/g for spike rush (Eleocharis palustris), 0.65 ± 0.080 kcal/g for alkali bulrush (Schoenoplectus maritimus), 1.31 ± 0.090 kcal/g for perennial pepperweed (Lepidium latifolium), and 2.52 ± 0.080 kcal/g for lamb's quarters (Chenopodium album). The TME value for 3 of 4 species, including the invasive species, was low relative to the TME value of other seeds consumed by waterfowl.  相似文献   

High‐diversity reforestation can help jumpstart tropical forest restoration, but obtaining viable seedlings is a major constraint: if nurseries do not offer them, it is hard to plant all the species one would like. From 2007 to 2009, we investigated five different seed acquisition strategies employed by a well‐established tree nursery in southeastern Brazil, namely (1) in‐house seed harvesters; (2) hiring a professional harvester; (3) amateur seed harvesters; or (4) a seed production cooperative, as well as (5) participating in a seed exchange program. In addition, we evaluated two strategies not dependent on seeds: harvesting seedlings from native tree species found regenerating under Eucalyptus plantations, and in a native forest remnant. A total of 344 native tree and shrub species were collected as seeds or seedlings, including 2,465 seed lots. Among these, a subset of 120 species was obtained through seed harvesting in each year. Overall, combining several strategies for obtaining planting stocks was an effective way to increase species richness, representation of some functional groups (dispersal syndromes, planting group, and shade tolerance), and genetic diversity of seedlings produced in forest tree nurseries. Such outcomes are greatly desirable to support high‐diversity reforestation as part of tropical forest restoration. In addition, community‐based seed harvesting strategies fostered greater socioeconomic integration of traditional communities in restoration projects and programs, which is an important bottleneck for the advance of ecological restoration, especially in developing countries. Finally, we discuss some of the limitations of the various strategies for obtaining planting stocks and the way forward for their improvement.  相似文献   

In order to conserve forest plant species under the particularly high constraints that represent urban surroundings, it is necessary to identify the key factors for population persistence. This study examined within‐ and between‐population pollen dispersal using fluorescent dye as pollen analogue, and genetic variation and structure using 15 allozyme loci in Centaurium erythraea, an insect‐pollinated, early‐successional forest biennial herb occurring in a peri‐urban forest (Brussels urban zone, Belgium). Dye dispersal showed an exponential decay distribution, with most dye transfers occurring at short distances (<15 m), and only a few long‐distance events (up to 743 m). Flowers of C. erythraea are mainly visited by Syrphids (Diptera) and small bees, which are usually considered as short‐distance pollen dispersers, and occasionally by bumblebees, which are usually longer‐distance pollen dispersers. Small and large dye source populations differed in dye deposition patterns. The populations showed low genetic diversity, high inbreeding coefficients (FIS) and high genetic differentiation (FST), suggesting restricted gene flow, which can be expected for an early‐successional biennial species with a predominantly selfing breeding system and fluctuating population sizes. The positive relationship between recruitment rate and allelic richness and expected heterozygosity, and the absence of significant correlations between genetic variation and population size suggest seedling recruitment from the seed bank, contributing to maintain genetic diversity. Long‐distance dye dispersal events indicate pollinator movements along urban forest path and road verges. These landscape elements might therefore have a potential conservation value by contributing to connectivity of early‐successional species populations located in patchy open habitats.  相似文献   

Seed dispersal is a key ecological process in tropical forests, with effects on various levels ranging from plant reproductive success to the carbon storage potential of tropical rainforests. On a local and landscape scale, spatial patterns of seed dispersal create the template for the recruitment process and thus influence the population dynamics of plant species. The strength of this influence will depend on the long‐term consistency of spatial patterns of seed dispersal. We examined the long‐term consistency of spatial patterns of seed dispersal with spatially explicit data on seed dispersal by two neotropical primate species, Leontocebus nigrifrons and Saguinus mystax (Callitrichidae), collected during four independent studies between 1994 and 2013. Using distributions of dispersal probability over distances independent of plant species, cumulative dispersal distances, and kernel density estimates, we show that spatial patterns of seed dispersal are highly consistent over time. For a specific plant species, the legume Parkia panurensis, the convergence of cumulative distributions at a distance of 300 m, and the high probability of dispersal within 100 m from source trees coincide with the dimension of the spatial–genetic structure on the embryo/juvenile (300 m) and adult stage (100 m), respectively, of this plant species. Our results are the first demonstration of long‐term consistency of spatial patterns of seed dispersal created by tropical frugivores. Such consistency may translate into idiosyncratic patterns of regeneration.  相似文献   

Many species of Dipterocarpaceae and other plant families reproduce synchronously at irregular, multi‐year intervals in Southeast Asian forests. These community‐wide general flowering events are thought to facilitate seed survival through satiation of generalist seed predators. During a general flowering event, closely related Shorea species (Dipterocarpaceae) stagger their flowering times by several weeks, which may minimize cross pollination and interspecific competition for pollinators. Generalist, pre‐dispersal seed predators might also track flowering hosts and influence predator satiation. We addressed the question of whether pre‐dispersal seed predation differed between early and late flowering Shorea species by monitoring flowering, fruiting and seed predation intensity over two general flowering events at the Pasoh Research Forest, Malaysia. Pre‐dispersal insect seed predators killed up to 63 percent of developing seeds, with Nanophyes shoreae, a weevil that feeds on immature seeds being the most important predator for all Shorea species. This weevil caused significantly greater pre‐dispersal seed predation in earlier flowering species. Long larval development time precluded oviposition by adults that emerged from the earliest flowering Shorea on the final flowering Shorea. In contrast, larvae of weevils that feed on mature seeds before seed dispersal (Alcidodes spp.), appeared in seeds of all Shorea species almost simultaneously. We conclude that general flowering events have the potential to satiate post‐dispersal seed predators and pre‐dispersal seed predators of mature fruit, but are less effective at satiating pre‐dispersal predators of immature fruit attacking early flowering species.  相似文献   

Clonal propagation becomes more abundant with increasing altitudes as environmental conditions worsen. To date, little attention has been paid to the way in which clonal propagation affects genetic diversity and the fine‐scale spatial genetic structure (FSGS) of clonal alpine trees. An AFLP study was undertaken to quantify the clonal and genetic diversity and FSGS of the vulnerable treeline species Polylepis reticulata in Ecuador. We successfully genotyped 32 and 75 ramets within 4 m × 100 m (coarse scale) and 4 m × 4 m (fine scale) transects of one population, respectively. Higher genotypic diversity was detected at the coarse scale than at the fine scale, while lower genetic diversity was detected for P. reticulata than other Polylepis spp. at both scales. Significantly stronger FSGS was detected at the ramet level than the genet level for P. reticulata within a spatial distance of 3 m. The studied P. reticulata population showed pronounced FSGS (Sp = 0.012 at the genet level, a statistic reflecting declining pairwise kinship with distance) revealed restricted gene dispersal, which implies restricted seed dispersal for this population, assuming pollen flow is as extensive as that described for other wind‐pollinated tree species. Our results revealed that clonal diversity is a function of both sample size and the spatial scale of the sampling area. The findings highlights that clonal propagation has affected FSGS within a spatial distance of 3 m for this species.  相似文献   

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