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Senna birostris previously included seven varieties distributed mostly above 2000 m, in the Andes, between the equator and 33°S. According to Irwin & Barneby,Senna birostris var.hookeriana was the only variety in Argentina, distributed from the Jujuy province to the San Luis province. New observations led us to identify two distinct entities that have gone under this taxon. The new variety,Senna birostris var.jallaguensis, is described from Argentina and illustrated herein and is compared toSenna birostris var.hookeriana s.str.  相似文献   

Lupinus elaphoglossum Barneby, related toL. crotalarioides Mart. ex Benth., but differing in leaves and stipules, is described and illustrated.  相似文献   

Rotifers from Andhra Pradesh, India   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The present communication deals with 11 species of rotifers from Andhra Pradesh, India belonging to six genera and three families (Notommatidae, Dicranophoridae and Asplanch-nidae) including a new species Asplanchnopus bhimavaramensis , together with a key for the identification of species of the genus Asplanchnopus. All the species described are new to South India, four of them being reported for the first time from India.  相似文献   

Eriocaulon raipurense (Eriocaulaceae) is described and illustrated as a new species from Madhya Pradesh, India. The species is closely allied to E. hamiltonianum but differs in the size and apex of involucral bancts, white-pilose nature of floral bracts and colour of female petals.  相似文献   

A new species of Sarcoglyphis, S. arunachalensis, from Arunachal Pradesh, India is described.  相似文献   

Two new species of Cheirostylis, C. sessanica and C. munnacampensis are described from Arunachal Pradesh, India.  相似文献   

Species of the subtribe Cassiinae present a wide diversity of floral types. Until recently it was considered that this diversity did not extend to their reproductive mechanisms. However, studies have recorded some variations in the enantiostylous pattern in this plant group. This study aims to investigate the morphological and functional variations of enantiostyly in species of the subtribe Cassiinae. Additionally, it proposes the recognition of enantiostylous types (ET) based on pollen deposition and capture mode. Morphological data were collected in fresh and fixed (alcohol 70%) buds and flowers, and also using photos and rehydrated material from herbarium sheets, for a total of 59 species. The parameters used to establish the ETs were pollination type, nature of pollen deposition on the pollinator body, deposition type, number of petals involved in pollen deposition, and pollen pathway. Morpho‐functional features allowed the recognition of seven enantiostylous types (Flexuosa, Cana, Macranthera, Martiana, Amiciella, Repens and Ramosa) that present several levels of complexity. The type Ramosa was the most common and the Cana type was the least common. The types Repens, Martiana and Flexuosa do not have reciprocal pollen deposition, thus species with these types may be considered atypical. The groups resulting from similarity analysis partially coincide with the clades proposed in phylogenetic studies of Cassiinae. The recognition of functional ETs is important for understanding the evolution of reproductive strategies of Cassiinae species, and indicates an interesting line of investigation of enantiostyly in other plant groups.  相似文献   

Chowdhery, H.J. & Pal, G.D. 1995. Pholidota pygmaea (Orchidaceae) — A new species from Arunachal Pradesh, India. — Nord. J. Bot. 15: 411–413. Copenhagen. ISSN 0107–055X.
A new species of Pholidota, P. pygmaea from Arunachal Pradesh, India is described.  相似文献   

Distinctions in floral ontogeny among three segregate genera (Cassia sensu stricto, Chamaecrista, and Senna) of Cassia L. support their separation. In all species studied, the order of floral organ initiation is: sepals, petals, antesepalous stamens plus carpel, and lastly antepetalous stamens. Sepal initiation is helical in all three genera, which however differ in whether the first sepal is initiated in median abaxial position (Senna), or abaxial and off-median (Cassia javanica), a rare character state among legumes. Order of petal initiation varies: helical in Senna vs. unidirectional in Cassia and Chamaecrista. Both stamen whorls are uniformly unidirectional. Intergeneric ontogenetic differences occur in phyllotaxy, inflorescence architecture, bracteole formation, overlap of initiation among organ whorls (calyx/corolla in Cassia; two stamen whorls in Chamaecrista), eccentric initiation on one side of a flower, anther attachment, anther pore structure, and precocious carpel initiation in Senna. The asymmetric corolla and androecium in Chamaecrista arise by precocious organ initiation on one side (left or right). The poricidal anther character can result from differing developmental pathways: lateral slits vs. sealing of lateral sutures; clasping hairs vs. sutural ridges; terminal pores (one or two) vs. none; and clamp layer formation internally that prevents lateral dehiscence. Genera differ in corolla aestivation patterns and in stigma type. Convergence is shown among the three genera, based on intergeneric dissimilarities in early floral ontogeny (floral position in the inflorescence, bracteole presence, position of the first sepal initiated, order of petal initiation, asymmetric initiation, overlap between whorls, anther morphology, and time of carpel initiation) resulting in similarities at anthesis (showy, mostly yellow salverform flowers, heteromorphic stamens, poricidal anther dehiscence, bee pollination, and chambered stigma).  相似文献   

Trichodesma mudgalii (Boraginaceae) is described and illustrated as a new species from Madhya Pradesh (Betul district), India. The species is closely allied to T. indicum var. indicum and T. stocksii but differs from the former in having epidermis (on stem) peeling off in flakes with age, leaves crowded, 2–6 mm broad, strongly revolute and covered on abaxial surface with simple, short, thin hairs intermixed with long, bulbous-based hairs and from the latter in having apices of connectives strongly spirally twisted, ovoid nutlets and emarginate.  相似文献   

Irwin, Howard S. (Clark Garden, 193 I. U. Willets Road, Albertson, NY 11507) and Rupert C. Barneby (New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, NY 10458-9980). A new species of Senna (Caesalpiniaceae) from coastal northern Bahia, Brazil. Brittonia 37: 192–194. 1985. - Senna (sect. Chamaefistula ser. Laxiflorae) phlebadenia, closely akin to S. australis, but the only known species of the genus with secondary veins of leaflets excurrent into a marginal nectary, is described and illustrated from two collections from the coastal plain of Bahia northeast of Salvador.  相似文献   

Traditionally, the distribution of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis genotypes in India has been characterized by widespread prevalence of ancestral lineages (TbD1+ strains and variants) in the south and the modern forms (TbD1(-) CAS and variants) predominating in the north of India. The pattern was, however, not clearly known in the south-central region such as Hyderabad and the rest of the state of Andhra Pradesh where the prevalence of both tuberculosis (TB) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection is one of the highest in the country; this area has been the hotspot of TB vaccine trials. Spoligotyping of 101 clinical isolates obtained from Hyderabad and rural Andhra Pradesh confirmed the occurrence of major genogroups such as the ancestral (or the TbD1+ type or the East African Indian (EAI) type), the Central Asian (CAS) or Delhi type and the Beijing lineage in Andhra Pradesh. Sixty five different spoligotype patterns were observed for the isolates included in this study; these were further analyzed based on specific genetic signatures/mutations. It was found that the major genogroups, CAS and "ancestral," were almost equally prevalent in our collection but followed a north-south compartmentalization as was also reported previously. However, we observed a significant presence of MANU lineage in south Andhra Pradesh, which was earlier reported to be overwhelmingly present in Mumbai. This study portrays genotypic diversity of M. tuberculosis from the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh and provides a much needed snapshot of the strain diversity that will be helpful in devising effective TB control programs in this part of the world.  相似文献   

The micromorphology of leaf epidermal cells and stomata of all eight species and one form (11 samples) of Cercis were observed by scanning electron microscopy and light microscopy. Both the adaxial and abaxial epidermal cells are polygonal or irregular in shape; the anticlinal walls are straight and arched or undulate. Two types of stomata, which occur only on the abaxial surface of the leaves, are found in the genus. The atypical paracytic type is present in only one species, Cercis chingii, and the anomocytic type is present in all other species. Interspecific differences are minor in the genus with regard to leaf epidermal characters, except for C. chingii, which is characterized by atypical paracytic‐type stomata, a two‐lipped outer stomatal rim, the highest stomatal density and undulate and densely pitted anticlinal walls in the adaxial epidermis. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 158 , 539–547.  相似文献   

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