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Dioecy, a character common to all cycads, requires obligatory outcrossing. The absence of potential reproductive mates of the opposite sex renders individuals effectively sterile. Therefore, reproductive synchrony is essential for the reproductive success of cycads. Here, we describe the reproductive phenology, morphology, and lifespan of strobili of Zamia boliviana (Cycadales, Zamiaceae), an endemic cycad in South America. We examined the variation in timing of maturation between polliniferous and ovuliferous individuals in two Z. boliviana populations. Lifespan of polliniferous and ovuliferous strobili was based on direct observations and systematic measurements of strobili development. Phenological study covered three reproductive cohorts in two distinct cycad populations. Lifespan of polliniferous strobili was comprised of four phases and lasted 50 days until the cycle's completion, while ovuliferous strobili underwent seven phases that extended over 330 days until seed dehiscence. Both sexes produced strobili during the dry season. We identified a seasonally synchronous pattern in the reproductive phenology of Z. boliviana, with a major overlap in the phases of emergence, pollen release, and strobili receptivity between sexes, populations, and subsequent years. Reproductive events of Z. boliviana followed the seasonality of the Cerrado vegetation and climate. Synchrony between the period of strobili production and reproductive activity peaks was found in both sexes, but seed dehiscence occurred in the dry season. Our study provides relevant and new biological data for Z. boliviana in its natural habitat, demonstrating a temporal distinction between the lifespan of polliniferous and ovuliferous strobili and the necessary overlap between the release and receptivity of pollen.  相似文献   

Croton balsensis (Euphorbiaceae), a new species endemic to the Balsas Depression of southern Mexico, is described and illustrated. It occurs in the states of Guerrero, Morelos, and Puebla, growing in tropical deciduous forest at elevations from 450 to 1850m. It is best accommodated inCroton sect.Cascarilla. The Mexican species of this section are often quite similar, butC. balsensis is readily separated from related species by the possession of echinate ovaries and fruits.
Resumen  Se describe e ilustraCroton balsensis. Es endémica de la cuenca del río Balsas en el sur de México. Crece en los estados de Guerrero, Morelos y Puebla a altitudes de 450 a 1850 m en bosque tropical caducifolio. Pertenece aCroton sect.Cascarilla. Las especies mexicanas de esta sección por lo general son parecidas yC. balsensis se distingue por tener ovarios y frutos equinados.

The Indo‐African species of the genus Pachycerus (Curculionidae: Lixinae: Cleonini) are revised. The identification of Cleonus senegalensis Gyllenhal, 1834 is discussed, its holotype rediscovered and the synonymy between C. senegalensis and Ammocleonus hieroglyphicus (Olivier, 1807) is confirmed. A neotype is established for Pachycerus opimus (Gyllenhal, 1834). Lectotypes for Pachycerus vestitus (Fåhraeus, 1834), Pachycerus badeni (Faust, 1888), and Pachycerus sellatus Faust, 1904 are designated. Pachycerus sahelicus sp. nov. (type locality: Senegal, Bambey), Pachycerus hippali sp. nov. (type locality: Saudi Arabia: Jeddah, Taif), Pachycerus barclayi sp. nov. (type locality: southern India: Manapparai), and Pachycerus simonae sp. nov. (type locality: Morocco, Western Sahara, Cap Boujdour) are described. Some remarks on taxonomy and biogeography of the species are added.  相似文献   

Alyssum ovirense (Brassicaceae) is disjunctly distributed in the eastern Alps, predominantly occurring in the southern limestone Alps, but with one isolated population on the Hochschwab massif in the northern limestone Alps. The closely related rare and narrow endemic A. wulfenianum is restricted to gravel beds in a few rivers in the southern Alps draining the distribution area of A. ovirense. Applying molecular (amplified fragment length polymorphism fingerprinting and sequencing of plastid and nuclear DNA), karyological (flow cytometry and chromosome counts) and morphometric methods to a set of populations sampled throughout the distribution range, we evaluated the status of the population on the Hochschwab massif and the relationship between high‐elevation A. ovirense and low‐elevation A. wulfenianum. The population on Hochschwab massif is hexaploid, morphologically clearly divergent and grows in vegetation patches and dense alpine grasslands, whereas southern Alpine A. ovirense inhabits sparsely vegetated limestone screes. Molecular data show that the former represents a genetically isolated lineage which is formally described as A . neglectum sp. nov. All populations from the southern limestone Alps, including A. wulfenianum, are diploid. Although A. wulfenianum is genetically nested in A. ovirense, its morphological and ecological differentiation justifies recognition at the subspecific level. As A. wulfenianum has priority over A. ovirense, the correct names are A. wulfenianum subsp. wulfenianum and A. wulfenianum subsp. ovirense. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 176 , 486–505.  相似文献   

The occurrence of acanthocephalans of the genus Neoechinorhynchus Stiles and Hassall, 1905 in Vietnamese waters is reported for the first time. Six new species are described from seven species of marine fish of the families Belonidae, Clupeidae, Megalopidae, Mugilidae, and Sciaenidae, collected in Halong Bay of the eastern seaboard of Vietnam in 2008 and 2009. These are Neoechinorhynchus (Neoechinorhynchus) plaquensis n. sp. characterized by dermal plaques covering the entire trunk; Neoechinorhynchus manubriensis n. sp. with very long anterior proboscis hooks having roots with prominent anterior manubria and very small and equal middle and posterior hooks, two pseudo-retractors in the receptacle, simple vagina, and terminal gonopore; Neoechinorhynchus pennahia n. sp. with equal anterior and middle proboscis and somewhat smaller posterior hooks, and terminal female gonopore; Neoechinorhynchus ampullata with many giant nuclei in the body wall and lemnisci and a parareceptacle structure complex which includes pumping ampullas reported for the first time; Neoechinorhynchus (Neoechinorhynchus) longinucleatus n. sp. with very long giant nuclei in the Lemnisci, anteriorly twisted vagina, and subterminal female gonopore. Neoechinorhynchus (Neoechinorhynchus) ascus n. sp. is the second species of Neoechinorhynchus found with the parareceptacle structure/ampulla complex. Neoechinorhynchus (Neoechinorhynchus) johnii Yamaguti, 1929 of Bilqees, 1972 is not N. johnii because of proboscis armature and other discrepancies with the Yamaguti material. Notes on host distribution and feeding habits are also included.  相似文献   

Four myzostomidan species were collected during a survey of echinoderms made on the Great Reef of Toliara, southwest Madagascar. The four species were associated with comatulid crinoids. Notopharyngoides aruensis infested the anterior part of the digestive lumen of Stephanometra indica. Comanthussp. aff.wahlbergiiwere infested by three myzostomidan species, two of them are new to science. Myzostoma polycyclus and Myzostoma pseudocuniculus n. sp. lived at the surface of crinoids. Myzostoma toliarense n. sp. live in soft cysts induced on crinoid arms. Cysts are always located close to the ambulacral grooves. They are each infested by one myzostomid.  相似文献   

A new species Lepidocephalichthys manipurensis , is described, confined to the Chandel district of Manipur near the adjoining borderland areas of Manipur, India and Burma (Myanmar). It is distinguished by the following combination of characters: a sharp small black dot just above the upper base of the caudal fin; 8–9 dorsal short dark ashy brown bars from occiput to the base of the caudal fin; absence of scales on the vertex of head; caudal fin fork, pectoral, ventral and anal fins are non-immaculate; least depth of caudal peduncle 50·00–60·24% (mean 54·09) of its length and 7·69–8·11% L , S (mean 8·22); caudal fin with 4–5 W-shaped bands: a single dark black stripe from tip of snout to eye; 8–11 spots on the mid lateral line; and 30–31 vertebrae. A key to the identification of lepidocephalid loaches of Manipur is provided.  相似文献   

The new genus Mexicaphorura, and its type species Mexicaphorura guerrerensis sp. n. are described from marine littoral sand. The new genus is similar to Sensilatullbergia Thibaud & Ndiaye, 2006 in having very big sensilla on sensorial organ of antennal segment III, but of different shape, the kind of postantennal organ, with simple vesicles in Mexicaphorura versus composed vesicles in Sensilatullbergia and formulae of the pseudocelli.  相似文献   

Santa Cruz and El Gambute, two mangrove systems with associated tidal flats, were sampled in Coiba National Park, Coiba Island, Pacific of Panama. At each site, two samplings were done at low, middle and high intertidal levels in February and November of 1997. A new orbiniid species were found: Orbinia oligopapillata n. sp. is characterized by having 15-16 thoracic chaetigers with four or five rows of uncini and up to three papilliform postchaetal processes on neuropodial lobes by the abdominal parapodia bearing flail-tipped neurochaetae, and by the presence on anterior-most abdominal chaetigers of interramal cirri and a low number of subpodial and stomach papillae. A specimen belonging to genus Leitoscoloplos Day, 1977 is described as "Leitoscoloplos sp.", characterized by the lateral pouches on its abdominal chaetigers, a unique case for the family because these brooding structures have only been previously cited in two species of Scoloplos. Naineris sp. is characterized by the number of its thoracic chaetigers, branchiae, uncini and bilobed abdominal neuropodia with protruding aciculae.  相似文献   

Gobulus birdsongi is described as a new species from the Pacific coast of Panama. The two other known species of Gobulus from the eastern Pacific, Gobulus crescentalis and G. hancocki are redescribed. Gobulus birdsongi differs from other species in the genus in having more numerous second dorsal and anal rays. Gobulus hancocki differs from G. crescentalis in having a much smaller eye. The genus is distinctive in having reversed countershading, with the ventral surface of the body darker than the dorsal surface.  相似文献   

A progeny of the native Florida cycad Zamia integrifolia grown from seeds planted in 1986 was monitored until 1995 to record mortality and the nature and time of expression of primary and secondary sex characters. In addition to gender-specific cone morphologies, males and females differed in secondary sex characters such as age at first cone production, frequency of cone production, mean cone numbers in second and later coning episodes, and, in older plants, mean leaf and branch numbers. Gender differences expressed themselves at different stages in the life history: their nature and extent varied during the years following sexual maturation. By 1995, 46% of the plants in the progeny had died, most of them before producing cones. Prior to 1988 the mean leaf number of plants that died did not differ from that of survivors, but the mean leaf number of plants dying between 1988 and 1989 was 0.4 times that of the survivors during that period, suggesting reduced vigor prior to death. Mean age at first cone production was 5.8 yr for males and 6.6 yr for females. Mean dry masses of individual male cones increased between the first and second coning episodes, but not between the second and third coning episodes. Mean dry masses of the entire cone crop of individual males increased through the third coning episode due to an increase in mean cone number per episode, but mean cone number was unchanged between the third and fourth coning episodes. Mean dry mass of unpollinated female cones did not change between the first and second coning episodes; mean cone numbers did not change between the first and third coning episodes. After the first coning episode, males produced higher mean cone numbers than females. By 1995, the mean dry mass of an individual male's cone crop was greater than that of a female. Coning frequency of males was 1.7 times greater than that of unpollinated females, suggesting a gender difference in the genetic control of coning frequency. Coning frequency of females pollinated 1 or 2 yr previously was reduced compared with that of unpollinated females. Cone production did not affect subsequent leaf production by either gender. Mean leaf numbers increased in some years and not in others. Mean leaf numbers of males and females did not differ prior to cone production. After cone production mean leaf numbers of males were greater than of females. Mean age of males producing first branches was 6.3 yr, with a mean of 2.5 first branches per plant. Mean age of females producing first branches was 7.7 yr, with a mean of 2.5 first branches per plant. By 1995 the mean branch number of males was 5.7 per plant and of females was 2.7 per plant. Between 1993 and 1995 the mean branch number of males and females increased incrementally, but mean leaf numbers did not change. In early years of branching, leaf number increased with branch number; higher mean leaf numbers of males of an age class thus reflected their earlier branching. Males produced first cones earlier than females. Since branch production was associated with cone production, higher branch numbers of males in an age class reflected their earlier first cone production. In 1995 the sex ratio of known males and females in the progeny was 1:1, with a few individuals not having produced cones by that year.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2023,26(1):102015
Two new species of Onthophagus Latreille, 1802 from the Pacific Slope of Mexico are described and illustrated: Onthophagus gonzaloi Moctezuma, Hernández & Sánchez-Huerta, sp. nov., and Onthophagus yescaensis Moctezuma, Hernández & Sánchez-Huerta, sp. nov. New records for Onthophagus browni Howden & Cartwright, 1963 from the Mexican states of Jalisco (the southernmost locality known to date) and Zacatecas are provided.urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:51AA52C6-41BF-4A8B-9BC9-D78600EDB32E.  相似文献   

A study was performed on freshwater gastrotrichs living in the interstitial habitat of some lakes in Latium and of Lake Garda (Italy). Thirty-two chetonotids were collected, twenty-five of which could be identified. Four are new to science (Chaetonotus (Hystricochaetonotus) benacensis, Heterolepidoderma lamellatum, Ichthydium plicatum, I. squamigerum), and two are new to the Italian fauna (Heterolepidoderma macrops, H. majus). The faunistic composition of the lakes is compared with previous data. Interstitial gastrotrichs are less varied and abundant than those of epibenthos and periphyton, but often are of taxonomical and zoogeographical interest. The presence in the interstitial of some epibenthic and periphytic species demonstrates their capacity to colonize ecologically different habitats. The grain size of the substrate was not clearly correlated with faunal richness, but there was a possible influence of the amount of the organic detritus in the sediment. Morphological analysis showed a prevalence of small sized animals, with poorly ornamentated cuticular covering and well developed locomotory ciliature, as probable adaptations to interstitial life.  相似文献   

Two species of melitid amphipod were collected from the Gulf of Thailand. Dulichiella pattaniensis is new to science, and Melitalati latiflagella Ren & Andres, 2012 has not been previously reported from Thai Waters. Dulichiella pattaniensis is characterized by male gnathopod 2 distolateral crown with 4 spines; pleonite/urosomite formula 7-7-7-5-6-2; pereopod 5-7 dactylus with 2 accessory spines. This combination of characters has not been recorded previously in the Dulichiella. The characters of the specimens are described and illustrated. All specimens are deposited in the Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Natural History Museum, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand.  相似文献   

Zhang L  Scarbrough A  Yang D 《ZooKeys》2012,(184):47-55
Three species of Michotamia are recorded from China. Of these Michotamia aurata (Fabricius, 1794) was previously reported from Hainan and Taiwan. Michotamia assamensis Joseph & Parui, 1995 is recorded from China and Laos for the first time, and Michotamia yunnanensissp. n., is described and figured. A key to the known species from China is provided. A new name, Michotamia subnigra, is given to Michotamia nigra Scarbrough & Hill, 2000, which is preoccupied by Michotamia nigra (Meijere, 1911).  相似文献   

Yang D  Zhu Y 《ZooKeys》2011,(159):11-18
Sinosciapus liuaesp. n. is newly described from Taiwan. The genus Sinosciapus is discussed and a key to the three known Oriental species is provided.  相似文献   

The bathyal genus Bassogigas (Teleostei: Ophidiidae) is revised based on 25 specimens, 18 from the west Atlantic Ocean and seven from the Indo-west Pacific Ocean. One specimen, from off Guam, west Pacific Ocean, represents a new species, Walker's cusk eel Bassogigas walkeri. The other 24 specimens all belong to the type species, Gills cusk eel Bassogigas gillii. A comparison between the Atlantic and the Indo-west Pacific Ocean specimens of B. gillii showed no differences in meristic and morphometric characters, but in two of the Indo-west Pacific Ocean specimens the sagittal otolith varied somewhat from the remaining specimens. The two Bassogigas species differ in the length of the lateral line, the number of scales in the midline of the body, the form of the median basibranchial tooth patches and in the thickness of the otolith.  相似文献   

A new species in the Sarcoscyphaceae from the Samoan Islands, Cookeina cremeirosea, is described and illustrated. This species is morphologically and phylogenetically distinct from the other eight species that are currently accepted for the genus. It is closely related to the Asian species Cookeina indica from which it can be separated by color and spore morphology.  相似文献   

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