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Re‐attaching or out‐planting coral as fragments, colonies, and on larval settlement devices to substrates is a major bottleneck limiting scalabilty and viability of reef restoration practices. Many attachment approaches are in use, but none that are low‐cost, opportunistic, rapid but effective, for integration into existing tour operations on the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) where staff and boat time is a major cost and chemical fixatives cannot be easily used. We describe a novel attachment device—Coralclip®—developed to meet this need and so aid maintenance and restoration of GBR tourism sites. Coralclip® is a stainless steel springclip attached by a nail integrated through the spring coil, and can be deployed with a coral fragment in as fast as 15 seconds. Initial laboratory tests demonstrated that Coralclip® secured coral fragments or larval settlement tiles under dynamic flow regimes characteristic of exposed reefs. Coral out‐planting from fragments of opportunity and from nurseries (n = 4,580; 0.3–1.9 coral/minute; US$0.6–3.0/coral deployed) or larval settlement tiles (n = 400; 2.5 tiles/minute; US$0.5 tile deployed?1) when deployed by divers from routine boat operations at Opal Reef confirmed highly effective attachment, with ≤15% failure of clips found after 3–7 months. We discuss how Coralclip® is a cost‐effective means to support reef maintenance and restoration practices.  相似文献   

For over 40 years, management of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park (GBRMP) in Australia has focused on limiting human‐use impacts to facilitate natural resilience and recovery. Compounding acute disturbances and chronic stressors have resulted in degradation of coral reef habitats in many areas of the Marine Park. Given current trends and predictions of escalating climate‐driven disturbances, it is increasingly evident that effective management of the GBRMP requires adaptive and novel approaches to protect and restore coral reef health. Here, we provide an overview of the logistical requirements and early‐stage ecological benefits of repositioning 400 tonnes of moderately sized (1–3 m diameter) Porites spp. coral colonies (bommies) that were displaced by cyclone‐generated swells that impacted reefs in the Whitsunday Islands during March 2017. An ecological survey conducted 16 months after the bommie repositioning revealed that several genera of hard coral had settled onto the bommies and that a range of reef fish species were associating with the restored habitat. Early findings suggest that the repositioning of the displaced bommies has assisted in restoring reef habitat structure and settlement habitat for juvenile corals, while improving natural aesthetics, vessel access and tourist experiences at Manta Ray Bay.  相似文献   

Temporal and spatial variation in the growth parameters skeletal density, linear extension and calcification rate in massive Porites from two nearshore regions of the northern Great Barrier Reef (GBR) were examined over a 16‐year study period. Calcification rates in massive Porites have declined by approximately 21% in two regions on the GBR ~450 km apart. This is a function primarily of a decrease in linear extension (~16%) with a smaller decline in skeletal density (~6%) and contrasts with previous studies on the environmental controls on growth of massive Porites on the GBR. Changes in the growth parameters were linear over time. Averaged across colonies, skeletal density declined over time from 1.32 g cm?3 (SE = 0.017) in 1988 to 1.25 g cm?3 (0.013) in 2003, equivalent to 0.36% yr?1 (0.13). Annual extension declined from 1.52 cm yr?1 (0.035) to 1.28 cm yr?1 (0.026), equivalent to 1.02% yr?1 (0.39). Calcification rates (the product of skeletal density and annual extension) declined from 1.96 g cm?2 yr?1 (0.049) to 1.59 g cm?2 yr?1 (0.041), equivalent to 1.29% yr?1 (0.30). Mean annual seawater temperatures had no effect on skeletal density, but a modal effect on annual extension and calcification with maxima at ~26.7 °C. There were minor differences in the growth parameters between regions. A decline in coral calcification of this magnitude with increasing seawater temperatures is unprecedented in recent centuries based on analysis of growth records from long cores of massive Porites. We discuss the decline in calcification within the context of known environmental controls on coral growth. Although our findings are consistent with studies of the synergistic effect of elevated seawater temperatures and pCO2 on coral calcification, we conclude that further data on seawater chemistry of the GBR are required to better understand the links between environmental change and effects on coral growth.  相似文献   

Larval dispersal is the key process by which populations of most marine fishes and invertebrates are connected and replenished. Advances in larval tagging and genetics have enhanced our capacity to track larval dispersal, assess scales of population connectivity, and quantify larval exchange among no‐take marine reserves and fished areas. Recent studies have found that reserves can be a significant source of recruits for populations up to 40 km away, but the scale and direction of larval connectivity across larger seascapes remain unknown. Here, we apply genetic parentage analysis to investigate larval dispersal patterns for two exploited coral reef groupers (Plectropomus maculatus and Plectropomus leopardus) within and among three clusters of reefs separated by 60–220 km within the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, Australia. A total of 69 juvenile P. maculatus and 17 juvenile P. leopardus (representing 6% and 9% of the total juveniles sampled, respectively) were genetically assigned to parent individuals on reefs within the study area. We identified both short‐distance larval dispersal within regions (200 m to 50 km) and long‐distance, multidirectional dispersal of up to ~250 km among regions. Dispersal strength declined significantly with distance, with best‐fit dispersal kernels estimating median dispersal distances of ~110 km for P. maculatus and ~190 km for P. leopardus. Larval exchange among reefs demonstrates that established reserves form a highly connected network and contribute larvae for the replenishment of fished reefs at multiple spatial scales. Our findings highlight the potential for long‐distance dispersal in an important group of reef fishes, and provide further evidence that effectively protected reserves can yield recruitment and sustainability benefits for exploited fish populations.  相似文献   

Adaptation to localised thermal regimes is facilitated by restricted gene flow, ultimately leading to genetic divergence among populations and differences in their physiological tolerances. Allozyme analysis of six polymorphic loci was used to assess genetic differentiation between nine populations of the reef-building coral Acropora millepora over a latitudinal temperature gradient on the inshore regions of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR). Small but significant genetic differentiation indicative of moderate levels of gene flow (pairwise F ST 0.023 to 0.077) was found between southern populations of A. millepora in cooler regions of the GBR and the warmer, central or northern GBR populations. Patterns of genetic differentiation at these putatively neutral allozyme loci broadly matched experimental variation in thermal tolerance and were consistent with local thermal regimes (warmest monthly-averages) for the A. millepora populations examined. It is therefore hypothesized that natural selection has influenced the thermal tolerance of the A. millepora populations examined and greater genetic divergence is likely to be revealed by examination of genetic markers under the direct effects of natural selection.  相似文献   

Seawater acidification from increasing CO2 is often enhanced in coastal waters due to elevated nutrients and sedimentation. Our understanding of the effects of ocean and coastal acidification on present‐day ecosystems is limited. Here we use data from three independent large‐scale reef monitoring programs to assess coral reef responses associated with changes in mean aragonite saturation state (Ωar) in the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area (GBR). Spatial declines in mean Ωar are associated with monotonic declines in crustose coralline algae (up to 3.1‐fold) and coral juvenile densities (1.3‐fold), while non‐calcifying macroalgae greatly increase (up to 3.2‐fold), additionally to their natural changes across and along the GBR. These three key groups of organisms are important proxies for coral reef health. Our data suggest a tipping point at Ωar 3.5–3.6 for these coral reef health indicators. Suspended sediments acted as an additive stressor. The latter suggests that effective water quality management to reduce suspended sediments might locally and temporarily reduce the pressure from ocean acidification on these organisms.  相似文献   

Over the last 20 years, coral sexual propagation techniques for reef restoration have been steadily developed and improved. However, these techniques involve considerable time and costs to grow coral propagules. There is a need to examine the optimal size of juvenile corals for outplantation. Here, we outplanted sexually propagated small (3–5 mm diameter) and large (10–15 mm diameter) Acropora verweyi corals at 4 months after fertilization at two sites in northwestern Philippines, and compared their survival and radial growth rate after a year. A. verweyi coral juveniles (n = 240) exhibited an overall mean survival of 29.5% and growth rate of 11.12 ± 6.2 mm/year (mean ± SD). Large colonies had a significantly higher growth rate than smaller colonies. Although survivorship of large juveniles was significantly better than that of the smaller ones at one site, it did not differ significantly at the other. Each 4‐month‐old coral cost US$1.52 to produce, while the cost of each of the outplanted juveniles (n = 240) was about US$2.67, whereas the cost of each survivor about a year after outplantation was US$11.47. Results suggest that A. verweyi reared in ex situ nurseries for only 4 months can survive reasonably well when outplanted onto coral reefs.  相似文献   

Recurring summer outbreaks of black band disease (BBD) on an inshore reef in the central Great Barrier Reef (GBR) constitute the first recorded BBD epizootic in the region. In a 2.7 year study of 485 colonies of Montipora species, BBD affected up to 10 per cent of colonies in the assemblage. Mean maximum abundance of BBD reached 16±6 colonies per 100 m2 (n=3 quadrats, each 100 m2) in summer, and decreased to 0–1 colony per 100 m2 in winter. On average, BBD lesions caused 40 per cent tissue loss and 5 per cent of infections led to whole colony mortality. BBD reappearance on previously infected colonies and continuous tissue loss after the BBD signs had disappeared suggest that the disease impacts are of longer duration than indicated by the presence of characteristic signs. Rates of new infections and linear progression of lesions were both positively correlated with seasonal fluctuations in sea water temperatures and light, suggesting that seasonal increases in these environmental parameters promote virulence of the disease. Overall, the impacts of BBD are greater than previously reported on the GBR and likely to escalate with ocean warming.  相似文献   

Three coral reef fish species, Zanclus cornutus, Chaetodon vagabundus and Naso lituratus, were collected in French Polynesia and on the Great Barrier Reef, Queensland. These fish species were each infected by one morphologically similar digenean species in both localities; Schistorchis zancli Hanson, 1953 was found in Zanclus cornutus, Preptetos laguncula Bray and Cribb, 1996 in Naso lituratus and Neohypocreadium dorsoporum Machida and Uchida, 1987 in Chaetodon vagabundus. In addition, on the Great Barrier Reef P. laguncula was also found in Naso unicornis and N. dorsoporum in Chaetodon ephippium and Chaetodon flavirostris. Morphometric differences between the species from the two sites were only slight. Sequences from the second internal transcribed spacer of the ribosomal DNA of each worm revealed total homology or negligible divergence between samples from hosts caught in French Polynesia and on the Great Barrier Reef. These results show that across more than 6000 km these digeneans are similar in morphology and genotype. Some species of fishes and molluscs are considered to have distributions that encompass the entire tropical Indo-West Pacific. These findings suggest that at least some of their parasites have similarly broad distributions.  相似文献   

Radiocarbon dating of seven drill cores from both the windward Lizard Island fringing reef and the windward and leeward margins of MacGillivray platform reef, Northern Great Barrier Reef Province, reveal the Holocene evolution of these two mid shelf coral reefs. The windward margin at Lizard Island started growing approximately 6,700 calendar years before present (cal yr BP) directly on an assumed granite basement and approached present day sea level approximately 4,000 cal yr BP. Growth of the windward margin at MacGillivray Reef was initiated by 7,600 cal yr BP and approached present day sea level by approximately 5,600 cal yr BP. The leeward margin at MacGillivray was initiated by 8,200 cal yr BP also directly on an assumed granite basement, but only approached sea level relatively recently, between 260 and 80 cal yr BP. None of the cores penetrated the Holocene-Pleistocene unconformity. The absence of Pleistocene reefal deposits, at 15 m depth in the cores from MacGillivray Reef, raises the possibility that the shelf in this region has subsided relative to modern day sea level by at least 15 m since the last interglacial [125,000 years ago (ka)].  相似文献   

The Great Barrier Reef holds the richest array of marine life found anywhere in Australia, including a diverse and fascinating parasite fauna. Members of one group, the trematodes, occur as sexually mature adult worms in almost all Great Barrier Reef bony fish species. Although the first reports of these parasites were made 100 years ago, the fauna has been studied systematically for only the last 25 years. When the fauna was last reviewed in 1994 there were 94 species known from the Great Barrier Reef and it was predicted that there might be 2,270 in total. There are now 326 species reported for the region, suggesting that we are in a much improved position to make an accurate prediction of true trematode richness. Here we review the current state of knowledge of the fauna and the ways in which our understanding of this fascinating group is changing. Our best estimate of the true richness is now a range, 1,100–1,800 species. However there remains considerable scope for even these figures to be incorrect given that fewer than one-third of the fish species of the region have been examined for trematodes. Our goal is a comprehensive characterisation of this fauna, and we outline what work needs to be done to achieve this and discuss whether this goal is practically achievable or philosophically justifiable.  相似文献   

 The rate of terrigenous sediment supply to the central Great Barrier Reef (GBR) coastline has probably increased in the last 200 years due to human impact on the catchments of central Queensland. This has led some researchers and environmental managers to conclude that corals within the GBR are under threat from increased turbidity and sedimentation. Using geological data and information on sedimentary processes, we show that turbidity levels and sediment accumulation rates at most coral reefs will not be increased, because these factors are not currently limited by sediment supply. Accepted: 15 January 1999  相似文献   

Despite extensive work on the genetic diversity of reef invertebrate‐dinoflagellate symbioses on the Great Barrier Reef (GBR; Australia), large information gaps exist from northern and inshore regions. Therefore, a broad survey was done comparing the community of inshore, mid‐shelf and outer reefs at the latitude of Lizard Island. Symbiodinium (Freudenthal) diversity was characterized using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis fingerprinting and sequencing of the ITS2 region of the ribosomal DNA. Thirty‐nine distinct Symbiodinium types were identified from four subgeneric clades (B, C, D, and G). Several Symbiodinium types originally characterized from the Indian Ocean were discovered as well as eight novel types (C1kk, C1LL, C3nn, C26b, C161a, C162, C165, C166). Multivariate analyses on the Symbiodinium species diversity data showed a strong link with host identity, consistent with previous findings. Of the four environmental variables tested, mean austral winter sea surface temperature (SST) influenced Symbiodinium distribution across shelves most significantly. A similar result was found when the analysis was performed on Symbiodinium diversity data of genera with an open symbiont transmission mode separately with chl a and PAR explaining additional variation. This study underscores the importance of SST and water quality related variables as factors driving Symbiodinium distribution on cross‐shelf scales. Furthermore, this study expands our knowledge on Symbiodinium species diversity, ecological partitioning (including host‐specificity) and geographic ranges across the GBR. The accelerating rate of environmental change experienced by coral reef ecosystems emphasizes the need to comprehend the full complexity of cnidarian symbioses, including the biotic and abiotic factors that shape their current distributions.  相似文献   

The deposition and cycling of carbon and nitrogen in carbonate sediments located between coral reefs on the northern and central sections of the Great Barrier Reef were examined. Rates of mass sediment accumulation ranged from 1.9 kg m−2 year−1 (inshore reefs) to 2.1–4.9 kg m−2 year−1 (between mid-shelf reefs); sedimentation was minimal off outer-shelf reefs. Rates of total organic carbon decomposition ranged from 1.7 to 11.4 mol C m−2 year−1 and total nitrogen mineralization ranged from 77 to 438 mmol N m−2 year−1, declining significantly with distance from land. Sediment organic matter was highly reactive, with mineralization efficiencies ranging from 81 to 99% for organic carbon and 64–100% for nitrogen, with little C and N burial. There was no evidence of carbonate dissolution/precipitation in short-term incubation experiments. Rates of sulfate reduction (range 0–3.4 mmol S m−2 day−1) and methane release (range 0–12.8 μmol CH4 m−2 day−1) were minor or modest pathways of carbon decomposition. Aerobic respiration, estimated by difference between total O2 consumption and the sum of the other pathways, accounted for 55–98% of total carbon mineralization. Rates of ammonification ranged from 150 to 1,725 μmol NH4 m−2 day−1, sufficient to support high rates of denitrification (range 30–2,235 μmol N2 m−2 day−1). N2O release was not detected and rates of NH4 + and NO2 + NO3 efflux were low, indicating that most mineralized N was denitrified. The percentage of total N input removed via denitrification averaged ≈75% (range 28–100%) with little regenerated N available for primary producers. Inter-reef environments are therefore significant sites of energy and nutrient flow, especially in spatially complex reef matrices such as the Great Barrier Reef.  相似文献   

Detailed mapping of coral bleaching events provides an opportunity to examine spatial patterns in bleaching over scales of 10 s to 1,000 s of km and the spatial correlation between sea surface temperature (SST) and bleaching. We present data for two large-scale (2,000 km) bleaching events on the Great Barrier Reef (GBR): one from 1998 and another from 2002, both mapped by aerial survey methods. We examined a wide range of satellite-derived SST variables to determine which one best correlated with the observed bleaching patterns. We found that the maximum SST occurring over any 3-day period (max3d) during the bleaching season predicted bleaching better than anomaly-based SST variables and that short averaging periods (3–6 days) predicted bleaching better than longer averaging periods. Short periods of high temperature are therefore highly stressful to corals and result in highly predictable bleaching patterns. Max3d SST predicted the presence/absence of bleaching with an accuracy of 73.2%. Large-scale (GBR-wide) spatial patterns of bleaching were similar between 1998 and 2002 with more inshore reefs bleached compared to offshore reefs. Spatial change in patterns of bleaching occurred at scales of ~10 s km, indicating that reefs bleach (or not) in spatial clusters, possibly due to local weather patterns, oceanographic conditions, or both. Approximately 42% of reefs bleached to some extent in 1998 with ~18% strongly bleached, while in 2002, ~54% of reefs bleached to some extent with ~18% strongly bleached. These statistics and the fact that nearly twice as many offshore reefs bleached in 2002 compared to 1998 (41 vs. 21%, respectively) makes the 2002 event the worst bleaching event on record for the GBR. Modeling of the relationship between bleaching and max3d SST indicates that a 1 °C increase would increase the bleaching occurrence of reefs from 50% (approximate occurrence in 1998 and 2002) to 82%, while a 2 °C increase would increase the occurrence to 97% and a 3 °C increase to 100%. These results suggest that coral reefs are profoundly sensitive to even modest increases in temperature and, in the absence of acclimatization/adaptation, are likely to suffer large declines under mid-range International Panel for Climate Change predictions by 2050.
Ray BerkelmansEmail: Phone: +61-7-47534268Fax: +61-7-47534429

The visual pigments in the retinal photoreceptors of 12 species of snappers of the genus Lutjanus (Teleostei; Perciformes; Lutjanidae) were measured by microspectrophotometry. All the species were caught on the Great Barrier Reef (Australia) but differ in the colour of the water in which they live. Some live in the clear blue water of the outer reef, some in the greener water of the middle and inshore reefs and some in the more heavily stained mangrove and estuarine water. All the species had double cones, each member of the pair containing a different visual pigment. Using Baker's and Smith's (1982) model to predict the spectral distribution of ambient light from chlorophyll and dissolved organic matter it was found that the absorption spectra of the visual pigments in the double cones were close to those that confer the maximum sensitivity in the different water types. Single cones contained a blue or violet-sensitive visual pigment. The visual pigments in the rods showed little variation, their wavelength of maximum absorption always being in the region 489–502 nm.Abbreviations DOC dissolved organic carbon - DOM dissolved organic material - MSP microspectrophotometry deceased  相似文献   

 Significant coral reef ecosystems occur along the northwest (NW) coast of Australia in an oceanographic setting somewhat similar to that of the Great Barrier Reef off the northeast (NE) Australian coast. Seasonal and inter-annual variations of several surface climate variables are described for the NW coastal region of Australia from 10°–30°S over the period 1960 to 1992. Average climatic conditions in this region are compared with those for similar latitudes on the Great Barrier Reef. On average, sea surface temperatures (SSTs) along the NW Australian coast are warmer than at similar latitudes along the NE coast north of ∼20°S and cooler than the NE coast at higher latitudes. The annual range of SSTs along the NW coast is lower than found along the NE coast. There is also lower average cloud amount (and greater incoming solar radiation) along the NW coast compared with the NE coast. Corals reefs off the NW Australian coast are less likely to be influenced by freshwater and associated terrestrial impacts than nearshore reefs of the GBR. Although the latitudinal distribution of tropical cyclone activity is similar along the NW and NE Australian coasts, the total number of tropical cyclones and tropical cyclone days is substantially higher on the NW coast compared with the NE coast. Accepted: 22 June 1998  相似文献   

Here we present nine novel, polymorphic microsatellite loci developed for the scleractinian coral Acropora millepora (Acroporidae) from the Great Barrier Reef. In addition, we have assessed the specificity and polymorphism of five microsatellite loci previously developed for a Caribbean congener and one locus developed for an Indo‐Pacific congener. Only one of the latter six loci produced reliable results, yielding a total of 10 polymorphic microsatellite loci for A. millepora. Variability was tested on 20–23 individuals from a single population, plus another ~10 individuals from each of three different populations, resulting in five to 20 alleles per locus.  相似文献   

We evaluated the spatial and temporal scales over which otolith signatures varied in a reef fish on the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) using the non-dispersing damselfish Acanthochromis polyacanthus. We found a robust multi-element separation in otolith signatures from reef clusters in the northern and southern GBR. Variance components indicated that this spatial scale accounted for the majority of the variation in two elemental ratios (Ba/Ca and Sr/Ca) over the 2 years of the study. There was also significant variation in elemental signatures between otoliths collected over two consecutive years, as well as within a season. Individual reefs within clusters were less distinguishable based on otolith chemistry and were probably observed by differences within reefs (among sites and broods within sites). These results indicate that it may be difficult to determine the reef of origin for individual fish using otolith chemistry, while determining natal region seems a realistic goal.  相似文献   

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