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Prescribed burning is commonly used to reduce the risk of severe wildfire. However, further information about the associated environmental effects is required to help forest managers select the most appropriate treatment. To address this question, we evaluated if fire severity during spring prescribed burning significantly affects the resprouting ability of two common shrub species in shrubland under a Mediterranean climate in NW Spain. Fire behaviour and temperatures were recorded in tagged individuals of Erica australis and Pterospartum tridentatum during prescribed burning. The number and length of resprouted shoots were measured three times (6, 12 and 18 months) after the prescribed burning. The influence of a series of fire severity indicators on some plant resprouting vigour parameters was tested by canonical correlation analysis. Six months and one year after prescribed burning, soil burn severity (measured by the absolute reduction in depth of the organic soil layer, maximum temperatures in the organic soil layer and the mineral soil surface during burning and the post-fire depth of the organic soil layer) reduced the resprouting vigour of E. australis and P. tridentatum. In contrast, direct measurements of fire effects on plants (minimum branch diameter, duration of temperatures above 300 °C in the shrub crown and fireline intensity) did not affect the post-fire plant vigour.Soil burn severity during spring prescribed burning significantly affected the short-term resprouting vigour in a mixed heathland in Galicia. The lack of effects eighteen months after prescribed burning indicates the high resilience of these species and illustrates the need to conciliate fire prevention and conservation goals.  相似文献   

Tau is an intracellular protein, found mainly in neurons, but it can also be found in the extracellular space in pathological situations. Here we discuss whether intracellular tau, in aggregated form or modified by phosphorylation, could be toxic inside a neuron. On the other hand, it has been proposed that extracellular tau could be toxic. In this review, we address the question if the elimination of tau would be a possible therapeutic method to avoid tauopathy disorder and we suggest ways to eliminate intracellular and extracellular tau as treatment.  相似文献   

The selectins play a key role in the inflammatory process, that is, the recruitment of leukocytes from blood vessels into inflamed tissue. Because excessive infiltration of leukocytes can induce acute or chronic reactions, the control of leukocyte extravasation is of great pharmaceutical interest. All physiological ligands of the selectins contain the tetrasaccharide epitope sialyl Lewis(x), which therefore became the lead structure in selectin antagonist research. Previous studies indicated that an important factor for the affinity of sLe(x) is the fact that in solution its pharmacophores are already conformationally pre-organized in the bioactive orientation. In mimics where the GlcNAc- and the NeuNAc-moieties of sLe(x) were replaced by (R,R)-cyclohexane-1,2-diol and (S)-cyclohexyllactic acid, respectively, an optimized pre-organization of the pharmacophores could be realized, leading to antagonists with improved affinities. To further optimize the pre-organization of the carboxylic acid, a pharmacophore essential for binding, the replacement of NeuNAc by bulky (R)- and (S)-adamantyl-lactic acid was studied. Although antagonist (S)-7 showed a slightly reduced affinity, the expected beneficial effect of the (S)-configuration at C-2 of the lactate could be confirmed.  相似文献   

In recent years, metagenomic strategies have been widely used to isolate and identify new enzymes from uncultivable components of microbial communities. Among these enzymes, various lipases have been obtained from metagenomic libraries from different environments and characterized. Although many of these lipases have characteristics that could make them interesting for application in biocatalysis, relatively little work has been done to evaluate their potential to catalyze industrially important reactions. In the present article, we highlight the latest research on lipases obtained through metagenomic tools, focusing on studies of activity and stability and investigations of application in biocatalysis. We also discuss the challenges of metagenomic approaches for the bioprospecting of new lipases.  相似文献   

Atmospheric nitrogen deposition has been shown to affect both the structure and the function of heathland ecosystems. Heathlands are semi-natural habitats and, as such, undergo regular management by mowing or burning. Different forms of management remove more or less nutrients from the system, so habitat management has the potential to mitigate some of the effects of atmospheric deposition. Data from a dynamic vegetation model and two field experiments are presented. The first involves nitrogen addition following different forms of habitat management. The second tests the use of habitat management to promote heathland recovery after a reduction in nitrogen deposition. Both modelling and experimental approaches suggest that plant and microbial response to nitrogen is affected by management. Shoot growth and rates of decomposition were lowest in plots managed using more intensive techniques, including mowing with litter removal and a high temperature burn. Field data also indicate that ecosystem recovery from prolonged elevated inputs of nitrogen may take many years, or even decades, even after the removal of plant and litter nitrogen stores which accompanies the more intensive forms of habitat management.  相似文献   



Typha latifolia causes serious problems in wet meadows by overgrowing and suppressing other native plants. To determine suitable management for T. latifolia control, we addressed the following question: What are the effects of long-term cutting at different frequencies (once or twice per year and no management) and biomass removal on cover and other characteristics of T. latifolia, and on sward productivity and plant species composition?


Malá Strana nature reserve, Jizerské hory Mountains, Czechia.


A long-term experiment arranged in a randomised block design with three blocks was established in 2005. Data were collected from five treatments: unmanaged control; cutting once a year in June without biomass removal and with biomass removal; cutting twice per year in June and August without biomass removal and with biomass removal. Percentage cover of T. latifolia and other vascular plant species was visually estimated and T. latifolia characteristics (tiller density, height, dry-matter biomass [DMB] yield and litter), sward height and DMB yield were measured during 2005–2018 at the end of June.

Results and Discussion

Regular cutting once or twice per year regardless of cut biomass removal led to reductions in tiller density, height, litter and DMB yield of T. latifolia. Biomass removal had only a slight tendency to affect T. latifolia characteristics. The higher frequency of cutting significantly decreased the mean T. latifolia cover, litter and DMB yield. Cutting once or twice per year regardless of biomass removal led to successive changes in plant species composition but had no effect on the species richness and evenness.


Cutting at least once per year without biomass removal seems to be sufficient to achieve a decrease in DMB yield and litter of T. latifolia plants, and thereby maintain the wet-meadow vegetation without loss of species richness and also preventing the overgrowth of shrubs and trees.  相似文献   

《Acta Oecologica》2000,21(4-5):245-256
Fire is selectively shaping most of the traits of plants growing in fire-prone environments. However, seed size and other features related to seed production have not been studied in the light of the evolutionary role of fire. Our research tests the hypothesis that larger seeds have a higher chance of surviving wildfires and produce more vigorous seedlings with a lower death rate. To test this hypothesis the germination and early seedling growth of five Spanish pine species were studied. Weight, length and width of all seeds were measured. The biomass (fresh and dry weight) and length (root and total) of subsequent seedlings were also measured after 30 d from emergence. Seeds were submitted to elevated temperatures for periods in which the chance of survival was 50 % (calculated by means of a logistic model for each pine species). The differences observed among species suggests that fire may be adaptively shaping seed size in pines with larger seeds (Pinus canariensis and P. pinaster), because larger seeds are more likely to survive after heat shocks. Furthermore, in P. canariensis, seedlings after heat treatment are even larger than those submitted to control. In P. halepensis, despite being well adapted to fire, our results indicated no relationships between fire and seed characteristics. Finally, although heat treatment has a general adverse effect on seedling growth in the case of the two subalpine pines, we have detected a positive relationship between seed size and seedling growth but only in the largest seeds. This might also suggest the relevance of fire as a selective force for these pines which is outperformed by the relevance of dispersal and emergence time as adaptive traits in the post-fire scenario.  相似文献   

In general, more of the biomass of the community is preserved than is its numerical abundance. Thus, the paleontologist, on the average, works with more of the community when biomass is used. Community characteristics such as taxon dominance and habitat proportions are at least as accurately derived from biomass as numerical abundance. The use of biomass is clearly more appropriate in describing energy flow and trophic proportions. Whenever possible, biomass should be used as a complement to numerical abundance in future paleoecologic reconstructions.  相似文献   

This opinion statement points out some of the considerations and pitfalls in using virtual reality computer programs in the teaching of life sciences. Emphasis is placed on the possibility of such programs leading to reductionist thinking including how reductionist thinking could foster the formation of misconceptions. Negative feedback is used as the classic example of reductionist thinking in physiological regulation, including how classic negative feedback is inconsistent with evidence of complexity in living systems. This statement concludes that virtual reality can be a useful tool in the teaching of physiology so long as the complexity of living systems is taken into account.  相似文献   

Seedlings ofAlnus incana (nodulated and non-nodulated) andBetula papyrifera were fertilized with varying amounts (0, 10, 25, 50, 100, 250 and 500 g N g–1 soil) of labelled ammonium-N or nitrate-N ( 5.2 A% excess15N as ammonium sulphate or potassium nitrate). After 4 months in the greenhouse,15N excess in the plants were determined and an isotope dilution equation was applied to determine the percent of biomass N fixed by theA. incana/Frankia system. When ammonium was used as the sole N source and birch as the non-fixing reference, N-fixation accounted for 95%, 87% and 60% of the plant nitrogen yields with 10, 25 and 50 g N g–1 rates, additions respectively. At the 100 g N g–1 fertilization and above N-fixation accounted for less than 10% of the N yield. Similar results were obtained when non-nodulatedA. incana was used as non-fixing reference. With nitrate as the sole N source, N-fixation accounted for 98%, 97%, 97%, 86%, 56% and 12% of N yield with 10, 25, 50, 100, 250 and 500 g N g–1 additions respectively. These values were similar for both types of reference plants. The direct isotope dilution method was compared to that of the total nitrogen difference method. There was good agreement between the two methods up to 50 g N g–1 for ammonium and up to 100 g N g–1 for nitrate. The difference method produced negative values at high concentrations of nitrogen fertilization. Again similar results were obtained by the two reference plants. The results indicate that birch can be used as a non-fixing control in isotope dilution studies but that care must be exercised in selecting the type and quantity of labelled nitrogen fertilizer.  相似文献   

Mathematical modelling may serve as a rational and powerful tool in the management of complex ecosystems. However, ecosystem models are drastic simplifications of the real world. As a rule they are based on a rather incomplete and scattered knowledge of the system in question. Furthermore, ecological systems and in particular marine systems are characterised by a high degree of complexity, spatial and functional heterogeneity, nonlinearity, complex behavioural features such as adptation and self-organisation, and a considerable stochastic element. Nevertheless, if management is to be based on predictions from mathematical models — and it has to be based on some kind of model in at least a broad sense — we need an estimate of prediction accuracy in terms of the management variables and constraints. One possible approach to model uncertainty is a probabilistic interpretation of model predictions, generated by use of Monte-Carlo techniques. Fuzzy data sets and ranges are used. The resulting model response allows the derivation of measures for model credibility. Probability distributions can be computed for certain system states under (un)certain input conditions, representing the effects of insufficient data and structural uncertainty on model-based predictions. Such analysis indicates that prediction uncertainty increases, not only with the uncertainty in the data, but also with increasing distance from the empirical conditions, and with time. Present ecoystem models can be a tool for qualitative discrimination between different management alternatives, rather than a credible means for detailed quantitative predictions of system response to a wide range of input conditions.  相似文献   

Background: Translocating plants for conservation purposes can be a useful tool to enhance existing populations, restore lost populations or create new ones, but has rarely been done for bryophytes, especially liverworts.

Aims: Here, the leafy liverwort Herbertus hutchinsiae, a representative species of oceanic-montane liverwort-rich heath, was translocated to unoccupied habitat within its current range, to establish whether its restricted distribution is due to habitat or dispersal limitation.

Methods: Feasibility of establishing new populations outside the current distribution range was assessed, to test the suitability of the species for assisted colonisation. Furthermore, transplants were grown at degraded sites where the species had declined to assess potential for restoration.

Results: Although maximal growth rates occurred within-range, transplants grew at all sites, indicating that the species could be dispersal limited; a conclusion supported by distribution modelling.

Conclusions: Assisted colonisation is thus an option for this species to overcome dispersal limitation and to track future climate space. Reinforcement of populations at degraded sites is only recommended if the pressure causing the degradation has been removed. These findings provide an evidence base for practical conservation management.  相似文献   

Tourist-induced behavioural changes in large vertebrates are of concern for protected area management as they trigger a trade-off: large vertebrates attract visitors, but induced behavioral changes can reduce animal fitness and cause animals to avoid tourist-frequented zones. Behavioural response of animals to tourists is often studied to ensure informed management decision-making, a task frequently supported by flight distance analysis. In this context, guanaco (Lama guanicoe) response to tourists was studied in a protected area using two complementary methods: flight distance and sighting frequency analyses. Flight response analyses show that guanacos develop a considerable tolerance to vehicles and pedestrians in tourist areas, a reaction that extends approximately 500 m around visited areas. Such analyses thus point to (i) few areas being underused as a consequence of human presence and (ii) a low risk of tame animals being poached outside the park, all potentially leading to the conclusion that tourist visits are sustainable. However, guanaco sighting frequencies during 107 fieldwork days along 3 years show a significant reduction in sightings on days with higher Park visitor numbers. Moreover we present a formal procedure for the definition of a threshold for this to happen (247 visitors/day in our case). This suggests the potential risk of negative effects on guanaco population and a lower probability of guanaco sightings if Park visitor numbers rise beyond current figures. Results allow to conclude that assessment of human disturbance to flagship species in protected areas requires further methods in addition to flight distance.  相似文献   

In the face of ongoing atmospheric nutrient loads the employment of management measures to remove nutrients from heathland ecosystems has increased in importance. The present study is the first to analyse whether Calluna vulgaris is a suitable bio-monitor of management-mediated nutrient pools in heathland ecosystems. If Calluna vulgaris proves to be an appropriate indicator, its bio-indicative usage may prove to be a helpful tool for an assessment of management success in heathland ecosystems. In the Lüneburger Heide nature reserve (NW Germany) we analysed the impacts of grazing, mowing, prescribed burning, choppering and sod-cutting on the nutritional status of Calluna vulgaris by measuring nutrient contents (N, P, Ca, Mg, K) of current year's shoots 1 and 5 years after application of management measures. Results were related to management-induced nutrient flows and nutrient pools at the focal heath sites. Our results indicate that the less the physical environment of a heath site was affected by management measures the better the nutrient contents of current year's shoots of Calluna vulgaris mirrored changes in nutrient pools. For low-intensity measures (i.e. grazing, mowing, prescribed burning), shoot nutrient contents were a suitable indicator for changes in nutrient pools, particularly for nutrients with conservative cycles such as P. At grazed and mown sites high output rates of P caused by these measures were well reflected by decreased shoot P content. At burned sites, Calluna vulgaris proved to be a good indicator of changes in nutrient pools of the organic layer, mainly attributable to the deposition of nutrients with ash. In contrast, at sites subjected to high-intensity measures, shoot nutrient contents did not reflect management-mediated shifts in nutrient pools, despite the high nutrient losses caused by choppering and sod-cutting. At these sites, shoot nutrient contents mirrored only the effects of altered mineralisation rates attributable to changes in the physical environment following high-intensity measures. As plant growth and competition in heathlands is considered to be controlled by N or P, shoot N:P ratios are recommended as a tool to indicate whether plant growth tends to be limited by N, by P or by N and P. This, in turn, allows for an assessment of long-term effects of both atmospheric nutrient loads and management-mediated shifts in N and P pools at a focal heath site.  相似文献   

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